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Prophetic Dream - Governments Will Shut Down All Forms Of Communication

153 Views • 06 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophetic Dream - Governments Will Shut Down All Forms Of Communication

⁣The dream starts out that the Goverments of the world told all hospitals
and doctors that anyone who came in to be treated, for even minor
treatments no matter how small, were to be reported to the Government.

Get ready to see YAHUVEH knock the dominoes down! Then I saw on TV and the
internet and heard on the radio of an alien invasion, and ufo's were
seen everywhere all over the world and people were communicating with
each other trying to figure out how to resist the aliens and protect
themselves. The people were scared and angry and demanding to know what
the Government was doing to protect them from this invasion. The
Government said they were going to take away all forms of communication
to protect the people because an alien invasion was upon earth and the
Government did not want the people fighting the aliens. The Governments
of the world said they would handle it with the alien leader. People
wanted to know what was going on and the Government said, you will know
when we turn the communications back on. The governments then started to
disable and shut down all forms of communication including satellites
which affected T.V., telephones, radios, internet and all other forms of
communication that people normally have available. They started to shut
down everything in Europe first but this was also going to happen all
over the world after Europe does it.

The Military was everywhere and they were going in peoples homes and
taking over their houses and holding them hostage to make sure they
would not retaliate against the aliens. The military was extremely evil and
cruel and they were raping woman and shooting anyone who resisted and
were shooting anyone they wanted too for no apparent reason.

I called associate Minister Kathrynyah on a satellite phone and an
operator came on the phone and she said, "How is this call going through,
this should not be possible because the satellite should have been
disabled in your area, but you might be last on the list, but your satellite
already should have been shut off.
There will be no more communication using satellites until the
Governments determine otherwise."

The operator then cut off our phone call.

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