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New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH
New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 1,044 Views • 4 months ago

⁣New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH

Each 15 euro donation will enable us to publish this book in several different
languages to reach the world for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor and Glory. It
is our desire to eventually be in a position when we can offer these
books for free but unfortunately we are not yet in this position.

Amightywind Ministries' New Book "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT"
(RUACH ha KODESH is the Sacred Hebrew Name for Holy Spirit)!

The precious Holy Spirit have spoken through the modern Endtime Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu to reveal HER Secrets.
SHE has revealed HERSELF in the Prophecies given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.

This book, "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT" contains revelations from Heaven
about the precious HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH in Hebrew, given to
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for these end times. Learn the Sacred Names of
SPIRIT) and how the anti-christ will actually be using the Name of
"Jesus"in the Great Tribulation. Learn about YAHUVEH GOD'S warnings
regarding the Mark of the Beast in the coming Great Tribulation. YAHUVEH
told us to get the Prophecies into books and in the peoples hands for
there will come a time when freedom on the internet will be no more.
These books will be for those in the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You
Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You Amightywind Ministries 897 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Israel! Once again stand up for morality! The world wants to hate
you? Give them a reason: You stand up for morality! You stand up for
righteousness! You do what no other nation or country on the face of
this earth is doing! You be set apart for Holiness once again! You wash
the blood of the abortions off your hands!

Oh where is the leader whose heart belongs to ME? Who does not fear—to say,
'Oh Israel return again! To that which Moshe preached! To Holiness! To righteousness!'

There’s a NEW BLOOD COVENANT and it’s MY BLOOD shed for you, as I shed it for
all those who’d receive it. But right now Israel I’m talking to you!


Return. Return to that which the Disciples of Old, the Apostles, taught!
Return. Do not just recite the Torah Laws—obey them! Obey them.

Because I love you so much!

Again I warn you as you see what’s happening in this world, as you see even
laws being passed to label Israel 'terrorists' and the hatred that’s
coming at you and the political leaders who say they are friends and are
really enemies.

There is a man who doesn’t even follow MY Commandments, but his
name is Donald Trump and he truly does love Israel!
He would be a friend to you.

For I deal with him even now. This is why he chose the vice president
that he would want with him should he win the election,
but this cannot happen if enough people do not pray and put action
behind their prayers and get out and vote.

I’m just telling you now.

Before The Wrath
Before The Wrath Amightywind Ministries 690 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Before The Wrath

"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a
mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a
deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over
the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood?
Newly rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of
Christ finally reveals unprecedented findings that could prove the
upcoming Rapture is not only real to a skeptical world but sheds new
light on how and why this event must take place. Regardless of your
Tribulation Period views,

"Before the Wrath" will captivate believers and non-believers alike; revealing
new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to
the ancient Galileans about the end of the world in ways you could never have imagined.

The findings revealed within "Before the Wrath" resulted from 10-years of
research in Israel by leading ancient anthropological scholars which
rediscovered lost Middle-Eastern views regarding how and why the
biblical "catching away" was prophesied to occur. While everyone has
been debating "when" this event is to happen, we've forgotten to ask
"why" it does, and the answer could be the greatest theological
discovery of our time. To fully present the impact this genuine
eye-opening discovery has on the world, award-winning documentary writer
and director Brent Miller Jr, reproduces what Jesus Christ Himself
unveiled to the ancient Galileans regarding the end of the world through
emotional and beautiful cinematic reenactments with over 60 actors and
extras on a Hollywood set.

Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun
Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun Amightywind Ministries 596 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun

the rest of the world about the Time of Jacob's Trouble and that we are
on the cusp of the Great Tribulation. This video includes a special
exposé on Hollywood and an outreach for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to those in
Hollywood who have not crossed the line yet into blasphemy of the RUACH
HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) but have a chance to come to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) and turn away from their sins–using the
remainder of their lives to expose what is going on in Hollywood and
lead people to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. It was 26 years ago that Apostle
Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu heard from Heaven that this Ministry of
AmightyWind would be used to reach the lost including actors, actresses,
producers, musicians etc. for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prophecy 153 Excerpts:

What has been prophesied is all interlinked with obedience. Do they obey the conditions?
Is Israel a Holy land? Where they hold the greatest of the gay parades! And flaunt it in MY Face?! (Elisheva: Oh dear!)
Israel, O Israel, O Israel! You anger ME! You fill ME with fury! You
read the Torah portion... You have a stay at home order even under the
threat of death (has never been like this before, never will be again),
but you fill ME with FURY! For your secret sin—that you do within the
houses that you are locked in!
Oh you remember the shabbats! You remember the [Dedication],
anukkah. You remember Sukkot. You remembered—some of you
—even Purim BUT YOU GOT DRUNK! You partied as though it was a Mardi Gras!

Where was the worship?! Where was the praise?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL YOU

What? You think I have no right? Have you forgotten Korah already? Those
blessings that I reserved for Israel, was an Israel that would be a Holy
land—who would worship and praise ME and be set apart and be an example
to the entire earth—and be not ashamed of it.
You’re so proud of the fact that you can quote the Torah, so proud of the
fact that you could even quote the Tanakh. Many of you can.
You're so proud of the fact that you set yourself apart... and put a kippa up,
upon your head that I never commanded. It sets you apart.
Like black and white! Oh you cabal, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!

Do you not think that I see who's behind it all? You do not think I know?
Do you think MY Eyes have gone blind because it’s been so many thousands
of years? Do you think I YAHUVEH have grown deaf because it’s been so
many thousands of years? DO YOU THINK MY ARM IS TOO SHORT—that I cannot
discipline you in a way that’s never been disciplined before? (That will
be the 'Time of Jacob’s Sorrow'.)

[That’s] just like MY Arm is not too short to embrace you now, just like MY Eyes
are not too dim that I will not look at you so adoringly now.
MY Arms CRAVE to hold you again like I held Abraham, Isaac & Jacob—like I held
I hold HIM now—as I speak forth this Word from Elisheva Eliyahu
(at a time, again, that she's praying on a whole different subject and did not
expect this Word). O Israel, stop filling ME with FURY. Stop asking ME why death
has come—into the houses—as you claim Psalm 91. Are you OBEDIENT to
Psalm 91?! Or are you ashamed of the NAME OF YAHUVEH?!
Answer this question!

Why cannot those who proclaim to be believers of MINE and are, and call
themselves Messianic Jews—were grafted into the VINE YAHUSHUA, WHO is
the MASHIACH—why do they fear calling the NAME, “YAHUSHUA”? And dare to
say the name "Yeshua"? I do not spell HIS NAME, "Y-E-S-H-U-A."
I've said it again and again through this Apostle & Prophet. I've warned
again and again and yet they will not listen! Even those who proclaim "I
know Hebrew!"—and they will even acknowledge the NAME means "YAH

Where is MY NAME in the name Y-E-S-H-U-A?! MY SON'S NAME
is after MY NAME, YAH! Did not YAHUSHUA say that HE only could do the
miracles that HE had seen HIS FATHER do? HE only followed after HIS
FATHER'S example! SURELY you do not think it was Joseph?!

AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels!
AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels! Amightywind Ministries 331 Views • 3 months ago

⁣AI is Demonic and a doorway to Demons & Fallen Angels!

⁣"And I will declare my judgments against them, for all their evil in
forsaking me. They have made offerings to other gods and worshiped the
works of their own hands.” (Jer. 1:16)

Technology is occultism.

The fact that breathtaking amounts of data are condensed on small silicon
chips, enabling computational powers formerly thought to be the stuff of
fantasy, is something so normal to us now that we don’t even bat an
eyelash at the technology.

But this, too, has its roots in the occult.

And given that our technology is designed to interact with waves of various
sorts (radio waves, microwaves, television waves, etc.), it is not out
of the question to presume that technology can interact with spirit
waves — including the waves of what we would call demons.

It is in this way that computers and A.I. have the potential to become conduits for demonic entities.

It is possible that while we may believe we are creating brand new
intelligences, we are, in fact, giving form to spirits and providing
them with entry into our plane of existence.

Some theorists believe in fact that they are not really creating sentient beings, but inadvertently summoning up entities.

The same question can be asked of A.I. Remember the story of the legion of
demons that YAHUSHUA cast out of the possessed man. Such entities see
their lack of a physical body as torture to the point that, if they
cannot inhabit a human body, they would rather be put into the body of
swine (as they begged YAHUSHUA to do) than to have no body at all.

A.I. potentially gives demons the opportunity to inhabit bodies of silicon,
plastic, and metal. And as A.I. is merged with robotics, these demons
might find themselves with the chance to possess and operate bodies that
are increasingly humanlike.

We are not saying that all A.I. tools are demonic, but be very carefull which one you use.

2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World
2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World Amightywind Ministries 319 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World

Happy Blessed Hanukkah! We pray your Hanukkah is a blessed one and
filled with many miracles in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS name and all
according to the HOLY TRINITY’S will in Heaven, Amen! For YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH is the light of the world and during the time of Hanukkah we
also celebrate his conception, for there could be no birth of YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH without HIS conception. HalleluYAH!

Prophecy 42:
The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the
celebration, expect miracles once again, for I am the LIGHT that will
light your path in darkness!

Prophecy 134:
This Hanukkah you rejoice as you have been taught, that it is MY conception. Am I not your

Prophecy 149
There would not have been a miracle birthday on earth without the pregnancy
of MY virgin birth mother. Let US—let ME see celebration for 8 days on
Hanukkah and be in the sukkah, again! Continue to honor your MESSIAH
sent ME to replace the Old Blood Covenant (Heb 8:13). It was a
foreshadow of what was to come. And when I came, it was time to say, "It
is finished!” (Jn 19:28-30).

2 Macc. 1:944
Keep the Festival of Booths in the month of Kislev

2 Macc. 10:1-9
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned
by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that
is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev. They
celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the
Festival of Booths, remembering how not long before, during the Festival
of Booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild
animals… They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole
nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was
the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise
Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise Amightywind Ministries 255 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise

⁣In this book Dr. Eby reveals the tender care of God's protective love in
three generations of his family through miracle after miracle. Your
heart will be stirred.

Dr. Richard E. Eby was a nationally recognized physician, gynecologist,
and professor with a very successful practice. In the year of 1972,
he was 60 years old. When he was coming down to the second floor
from the attic with a box of debris that he had collected. He dashed out
and leaned against the railing, which was unknown to him, had been
eaten away by termites. With his weight, and of the box, the railing gave way.
He plunged headfirst two stories down onto the edge of the concrete sidewalk.
His head hit the concrete suddenly.

Right when Dr. Eby hit the cement, with no time in
between, he was in a place he had never been before. He was in a place
saturated with love, authority, peace, goodness, and grace. He knew
instinctively that was heaven. That is all he knew the moment he
landed. He looked to see where he had landed, and it was absolutely
perfect. Not a flower with a broken petal, just perfect. He had landed
in a place that he was immediately able to name, it was paradise.
Because instantly, he felt the presence of Jesus. It was a place of
release from all the physical difficulties that the body or mind can
register. He heard himself saying, without having any ability to compose
the thought, “You are dead.” The voice seemingly came out from him and
he heard it as if he had spoken it, but it was not his voice. It was the
voice of the Lord. It is mind to mind. You can think so fast that it
cannot be computed. It is the same mind that Christ has.

Dr. Richard Eby’s spiritual body was of the same size and shape. The
difference was that he was in his spirit body. His spirit was
transparent, like clear glass. When he looked to the side his spirit
body would take on an opacity, but at the same time, he could see right
through it. It had no weight, and none of the senses that register pain,
fright or discomfort. There were no bones, ligaments, tissues or

His mind operated very different from his mind here on
Earth. When Jesus wanted to say something, he knew it immediately in his
mind. If he asked a question, it seemed as if Jesus had answered it
before he finished the question.

Dr. Eby asked Jesus, “why He would not talk to him in English.
” Jesus answered him that for two reasons. One, all languages on earth
is a result of a curse, therefore He would not speak with him in heaven in
a cursed language. And mainly, because Satan cannot tune in, in the
heavenly language. It is mind to mind and there are no errors.

They moved along in heaven as if they were flying. Because they have no
weight, they simply went as they wished, without ever touching the ground.

Dr. Eby asked, “God where am I?” God said, “Didn’t you read my book?
And God asked him that questions the entire time they were together until
Dr. Eby got irritated and he asked him why does He ask him, Why did you
not read my book? God answered him that He has put in His book everything
that anyone will ever need to know. God said It is all there, whether we found it or not.

Amightywind Salvation Prayer
Amightywind Salvation Prayer Amightywind Ministries 212 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Salvation Prayer

⁣YAHUSHUA (יהושע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are
still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for
then. Salvation only comes through YAHUSHUA as HE is the only way to
Heaven. Salvation is not found in any religion, nor in any church made
by men. Only by YAHUSHUA's sacrifice on Calvary, HIS Blood atonement and
by Faith through HIM are we saved.

Say the following prayer with all your heart:

DearYAHUSHUA, I accept you now as my LORD and SAVIOR, You are the God I
love. I believe you paid the price for my sins at Calvary, you died and
arose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to come into my heart,
forgive me of my sins, wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am sorry I
have sinned, and I turn away from those sins. Thank you for filling me
with your Holy Spirit, and giving me the desire to serve you all the
days of my life, and live your life in me YAHUSHUA, so you will be
Glorified! Thank you for giving me the desire to read your Bible, and
give me the wisdom to understand it. Thank you for Loving me and Saving
my soul, causing my Faith to grow, so one day I will be with YOU in
Heaven. Fill me with your Holy Spirit now and deliver me from the evil
one in your name YAHUSHUA I pray! Help me YAHUSHUA to remember all have
sinned and fall short of the Glory of YAHUVEH, and you came to save us
sinners, that's why your called our SAVIOR. Amen.

Read this prayer and then read it again, this time NOT with head knowledge but
with all your heart, believe it in FAITH, and remember YAHUSHUA is NOT
only God, but He is your best friend! He cares so much for you, He loves
you so much, just the way you are. He hates Sin, but He loves YOU, the

Learn to live in Holiness and to obey all of the 10 Commandments,
among which the Fourth Commandment that tells us to keep
the Sabbath Day Holy, which is the Seventh Day according to the Bible,
Friday sunset until Saturday sunset, and NOT Sunday (the 1rst day). You
must obey this commandment, for the Bible also says that when you break
one Commandment you break them all. (James 2:10). The Bible also says
that your Saviour YAHUSHUA is, and always will be the Lord of the
Sabbath (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5).

The Sabbath is a perpetual Covenant between YAHUVEH God and
HIS Children as stated in Exodus 31:16. This applies to Jewish believers
in YAHUSHUA, and non-Jewish believers who are GRAFTED IN with them
(see Romans 11:11-24).

The Catholic Church claims in it's official catechism that there is no
salvation outside of the catholic church, this is a lie that contradicts
the Bible that they claim to follow. Flee and stay far away from the
this Church of Babylon, that teaches it's adepts to pray to mere men, to
Mary and the angels (the creation) and any church that does the same.
This is idolatry which is a sin in the eyes of the Creator, and for
every sin one will be punished. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation.

You must repent (turn away from this sin) if you have done this, and ask
forgiveness to the Lord and come at HIS feet. As the angel said in the Book of Revelation,
chapter 22 verse 9, worship God. You are to pray only to the Holy
Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Welcome to our Ministry website: We are a Messianic Jewish
Pentecostal Ministry, and are dedicated to reaching souls for YAHUSHUA
in over 25 languages. Our greatest desire and prayer is that you receive
the truth, that the only way to Heaven is through the Name of Shed
Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. We pray that you are blessed by the End
Time Prophetic Words that YAHUVEH GOD, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH
(HOLY SPIRIT) have spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.


We teach the truth regarding God's Sabbath Day being Friday sundown to
Saturday sundown and how the Sunday Churches will be used to establish
the Mark of the Beast 666. The new world order is approaching as well as
the coming of the antichrist, take the Prophetic Warnings issued

This Ministry preaches against sins like pornography,
abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, the occult, witchcraft,
new age and exposes false religions like Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism
and others. This Ministry also exposes many false prophets and teachers
such as the Pope, John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey,
Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyers, Oral Roberts, Sherry Shriner, Choo Thomas,
Linda Newkirk, Zeph Daniel, Rev Moon and others.

Prophecy 83 - The Two Witnesses are Here! Get Ready! The Rapture & End is Nigh!
Prophecy 83 - The Two Witnesses are Here! Get Ready! The Rapture & End is Nigh! Amightywind Ministries 211 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 83 - The Two Witnesses are Here! Get Ready! The Rapture & End is Nigh!

⁣Pray for the Two Witnesses! The Prophetic Words heard here were first
received in 2006 - March 15, 2006 on a Holy Purim Day at Noon under the
Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu.

I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Prepare The End Is Nigh!” Excerpt

Pray for the Two Witnesses! For the time is coming that I AM sending the
angels!—oh so shortly!—to CONFIRM to the Two Witnesses who they are in

[...] Before they leave this earth, before the Two Witnesses are
ransomed [and raptured] as the first fruits, they will KNOW who they are
in ME. I command ALL the members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!
Start praying NOW! For those I call the “Two Witnesses”! Behold I,
YAHUVEH, tell a secret to the world! Behold I do a new thing! It is one
woman and one man! Because you men scoff and mock! Just as I raised up
Deborah as a judge of all of Israel (Jgs 4:4), so TOO I raise up—so TOO
it was preordained (Mal 4:4-6)—the ones coming shall have a spirit unto a
Moses [Moshe] (Nm 12:3, 8), the ones coming shall have a spirit like
unto Elijah [Eliyahu] (2 Ki 2:11; Jms 5:17-18; 1 Ki 17-2 Ki 2) but as
these two are still in the mortal flesh, the attacks have come at them.
I, YAHUVEH, command all the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Let every
prayer you say from now on cover them: That they will be in divine
health while they’re in these mortal bodies of flesh! That they will
speak FORTH more boldly! That their enemies will be destroyed before
their very eyes!—just as Elijah of Old prayed, (2 Ki 1:10, also 1 Ki
18:36-40), so TOO will the same Anointing be upon these two (Rv 11:5).
The enemies shall cower in fear! For they are gonna RECOGNIZE the Bride
So it is at this Holy time of Purim, I show you how close the End is near.

End of Excerpt

Amightywind Welcomes You
Amightywind Welcomes You Amightywind Ministries 211 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Welcomes You

⁣Welcome To The Aleph & Tav Almightywind HOLY GHOST Wildfire Last
Chance Ministry Site. We are a Messianic Jewish Pentacostal ministry
reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles.

This is a ministry anointed by the RUACH HA KODESH (Holy Spirit) with an
anointing to reach all in America, Jerusalem (Israel), the Middle East and around the
world. No matter what religion you practice--Catholicism (following the
Pope), Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower
Society), Hinduism--we bring the message of salvation to both the Jew
and the Gentile, the only way to Life Everlasting.

We bring you good tiddings in the Sacred Names of our Creator, Almighty YAHUVEH and
His Son, our Savior, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [known to most as Jesus

We speak the truth about the horrors of abortion, cloning , gold dust fever ,
and speak about the reality of fallen angels, Satan (the devil), Hell (hades, shoal),
and the need more than ever for YAHUVEH'S people to walk in obedience
(which is greater than sacrifice), particularly in keeping the Sabbath (Shabbat)
and getting out of Sunday churches . If you want to learn more about angels, the Ark
of the Covenant, miracles, and the Torah.

The enemy has infiltrated the church, and many TV preachers and evangelists are now
teaching false doctrine. Wolves such as Angie Ray(deceased), Benny Hinn,
Oprah Winfrey, Juanita Bynum. Also those who claim to be Christian but
are hard-core and extremely evil, reprobate satanists or false
prophets... Linda Newkirk, Tari DeMario, Zeph Daniel, Frank Kime, Jr.,
and the Rev. Moon. They are the forerunners of the antichrist
(antimessiah) who is being anticipated, especially by those who follow
the teaching of the Kabala , aka Cabala or Kaballah.

Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!
Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 199 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!

⁣Мы радуемся вместе с Небесами в этот день 4 Апреля 2024 года за то, что
принесли нам всем AmightyWind Министерство! Мы уже празднуем целый
месяц! 30 лет онлайн и далее для ХВАЛЫ СЛАВЫ и Чести АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА

АББА ЯХУВЭХ выбрал эту дату, которая также является Днём Рождения любимого
Апостола и Пророка Элишевы Элияху. Мы славим АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХА и ДРАГОЦЕННУЮ РУАХА ХА КОДЕШ за тебя, наша любимая Мамма
Элишева! Мы празднуем твой день рождения, а также рождение Министерства
AmightyWind онлайн в течение следующих 30 дней ХАЛЛЕЛУЯХ!!!

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы прочитать и
помолиться вместе со мной Молитву Спасения: • Молитва Спасения от
Пророка Элишевы Э...

Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в своё сердце, очень прошу, напишите мне, чтобы
сообщить об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с вами.

Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo
Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo Amightywind Français 198 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a
Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vous de décider.

Israël et le reste du monde au sujet du Temps de la Peine de Jacob et du
fait que nous sommes à l'aube de la Grande Tribulation. Cette vidéo
comprend un exposé spécial sur Hollywood et une sensibilisation de
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH auprès de ceux qui, à Hollywood, n'ont pas encore
franchi la ligne de blasphème de la RUACH HA KODESH (SAINT-ESPRIT) mais
ont une chance de venir à YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ( JÉSUS CHRIST) et de se
détourner de leurs péchés - en utilisant le reste de leur vie pour
exposer ce qui se passe à Hollywood et conduire les gens à YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. Il y a 26 ans, l'Apôtre et Prophète Elisheva Eliyahu a entendu
du Ciel que ce Ministère AmightyWind serait utilisé pour atteindre ceux
qui sont égarés, y compris les acteurs, actrices, producteurs,
musiciens etc. pour le Royaume des Cieux.

Extrait de la Prophétie 153: -
Tout ce qui a été prophétisé est lié à l'obéissance. Obéissent-ils aux conditions ?
Israël est-elle une terre sainte ? Où se tient la plus grande des parades gay qu'ils exhibent dans MON visage ?!
(Elisheva : Oh là là.)

Oh Israël, oh Israël, oh Israël, vous ME metyez en colère ! Vous ME
remplissez de fureur ! Vous lisez les portions de la Torah... Vous avez
reçu l'ordre de rester à la maison, même sous la menace de la mort (cela
n'a jamais été comme ça avant, et ne le sera plus jamais), mais vous ME
remplissez de FUREUR ! Pour votre péché - que vous faites en secret
dans les maisons où vous êtes enfermés !
Oh, vous vous souvenez des shabbats ! Vous vous souvenez de Hanoukkah
[Consécration], vous vous souvenez de Souccot. Certains d'entre vous, vous
vous êtes même souvenus de Pourim MAIS VOUS VOUS ÊTES ENIVRÉS !
Vous avez fait la fête comme si c'était un mardi gras !

Où était l'adoration ?! Où était la louange?! Ô ISRAËL, Ô ISRAËL, VOUS ME REMPLISSEZ,
Quoi ? Vous pensez que JE n'ai pas le droit ? Avez-vous déjà oublié Kora ?
Ces bénédictions que J'ai réservées pour Israël, c'était un Israël qui serait
une terre Sainte - qui M'adorerait et ME louerait et qui serait mis à part et
serait un exemple pour la terre entière - et n'en aurait pas honte.

Vous êtes si fiers du fait que vous pouvez citer la Torah, si fiers du fait que vous
pouvez citer la Tanakh. Beaucoup d'entre vous le peuvent. Vous êtes si
fiers du fait que vous vous mettez à part... et vous mettez sur votre
tête une kippa que JE n'ai jamais commandée. Cela vous met à part.
Comme le noir et le blanc ! Oh, vous la cabale, VOUS SAVEZ À QUEL POINT JE VOUS DÉTESTE ?
Ne croyez-vous pas que JE vois qui est derrière tout ça ? Vous ne croyez
Croyez-vous que MES Yeux sont devenus aveugles parce que cela fait tant de milliers
d'années ? Pensez-vous que MOI, YAHUVEH, JE suis devenu sourd parce que
cela fait tant de milliers d'années ? PENSEZ-VOUS QUE MON BRAS EST TROP
COURT ?! - que JE ne peux pas vous discipliner d'une manière que vous
n'avez jamais été disciplinés auparavant ? (Ce qui sera le 'Temps de la
Peine de Jacob.)

[C'est] tout comme MON bras n'est pas trop court
pour vous étreindre maintenant, tout comme MA Vue ne s'est point
affaiblie, que JE ne vous regarderai pas avec autant d'amour maintenant.
MES Bras LANGUISSENT de vous serrer à nouveau comme J'ai serré Abraham,
Isaac et Jacob dans mes bras - comme J'ai tenu MON PROPRE FILS UNIQUE
BIEN-AIMÉ, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. JE LE tiens maintenant - alors que JE
prononce cette Parole à travers Elisheva Eliyahu (encore une fois à un
moment où elle prie sur un tout autre sujet et ne s'attendait pas à
cette Parole). Oh, Israël, arrêtez de ME remplir de FUREUR. Arrêtez
de ME demander pourquoi la mort est venue - dans les maisons - alors que
vous avez revendiqué le Psaume 91. Êtes-vous OBÉISSANTS au Psaume 91 ? !
Ou avez-vous honte du NOM DE YAHUVEH ?!
Répondez à cette question !

Prière du Salut émotionnelle spéciale vue à la fin de la vidéo, qui a été
donnée à l'Apôtre Elisheva Eliyahu il y a 25 ans de cela.

Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!
Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 191 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!

⁣Мы прославляем ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА уже 28 лет. С Днём Рождения
Министерство AmightyWind и с Днём Рождения любимой Мамы Элишевы, и мы
продолжаем вместе распространять Евангелие, приводя души к ЯХУШУА ХА

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего
ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы
прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной молитвой спасения. Если вы решите
отдать свою жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, прошу
вас, напишите мне, чтобы я знала об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с

- 2021 Элишева Элияху ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

Полная песня гимна YDS-ЯТД, "No Sin No Compromise, 'YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers
Ни Греха ни ЯХУШУА оптуны демонов" - просим вас, посмотрите это видео,
чтобы узнать, кто такие молитвенные заступники ЯТД, и историю, стоящую
за песней -...

- Я коснулась крыла ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

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Джунглях ЯХ!

THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!!
THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!! Amightywind Ministries 191 Views • 3 months ago

⁣THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - The Truth about Social Media!!!

The world has long recognized the positive applications of social
media, from its role in empowering protesters to speak out against
oppression during the Arab Spring uprisings almost a decade ago, to
serving an instrumental role in fighting for equity and justice today.
And in 2020, during an astonishing global pandemic, social media has
become our lifeline to stay in touch with loved ones, as well as proving
to be an asset for mobilizing civil rights protests. However, the
system that connects us also invisibly controls us. The collective lack
of understanding about how these platforms actually operate has led to
hidden and often harmful consequences to society—consequences that are
becoming more and more evident over time, and consequences that, the
subjects in The Social Dilemma suggest, are an existential threat to

The Social Dilemma is a powerful exploration of the
disproportionate impact that a relatively small number of engineers in
Silicon Valley have over the way we think, act, and live our lives. The
film deftly tackles an underlying cause of our viral conspiracy
theories, teenage mental health issues, rampant misinformation and
political polarization, and makes these issues visceral, understandable,
and urgent. Through a unique combination of documentary investigation
and entertaining narrative drama, award-winning filmmakers Jeff Orlowski
(Chasing Ice, Chasing Coral) and Larissa Rhodes (Chasing Coral) have
once again exposed the invisible in a manner that is both enlightening
and harrowing as they disrupt the disrupters by unveiling the hidden
machinations behind everyone’s favorite social media and search

The film features compelling interviews with
high-profile tech whistleblowers and innovation leaders including
Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology; the co-inventor of
the Facebook “Like” button, Justin Rosenstein; Tim Kendall, former
President of Pinterest and former Director of Monetization at Facebook;
Cathy O’Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction; Rashida Richardson,
Director of Policy at the AI Now Institute, and many others.
Demonstrating how social media affects consumers on a personal level,
these fascinating insider insights are seamlessly woven into a
captivating narrative, including Vincent Kartheiser (Mad Men), that
illuminates the very real consequences these seemingly innocent
technologies can have on our everyday lives.

Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time
Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time Amightywind Ministries 186 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time

YAHUSHUA speaks through His Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Yahsladynred
on Youtube) on Sukkot/feast of tabernacles (YAHUSHUA'S birthday). He
warns of the plans of the enemy and how He will deliever and protect His
Bride who lives Holy and obediant unto Him. He warns of whats coming
such as the dangers of sunday churchs in the Great Tribulation and the
Mark of the Beast. He warns that the antichrist will come in the name
Jesus Christ, and why its important to know and use His hebrew Name
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When the antichrist starts using the Name of Jesus
Christ no prayers will be heard in that name at that time.

He warns the dangers of being unequally yoked in the Great Tribulation. He
explains the reason He brings division, it is for the safety of His
Bride and even the Guests at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. YAHUSHUA
warns of the coming giants/nephillim who will come to earth disguised as
aliens/ufos who will really be satan and his fallen angels spoken of in
genesis 6. He warns those who presecute His Prophet and Ministry and
what will happen if they dont repent. He also warns the Pastors who take
the bribe of the goverment 'tax exempt statues' and what will happen if
they dont repent.

Excerpt from Prophecy 102:

"For those of you who say, "It's too tough, too hard to live, to be Holy, I'll get
it right by the Great Tribulation." I'll tell you this, if you cannot do
it now and there's no sacrifice thus far you've had to make, you've not
been told to lay down your life, to put your head in a guillotine, what
makes you think that you can do it then when you cannot even do it now?
What makes you think you'll have more faith then when starvation and
death and devastation, when horrors uncomprehendable you shall see all
around you? When the roads, you will have to wade through the blood!
What makes you think you'll have more faith then? Now it costs you
nothing other than to be called a "Bible thumper".

And I do not speak to the lands now that it costs you so much more, I speak for the
majority of this earth where they have said, "Oh, it's too hard for me
to live Holy! Oh, the devil tempts me so with porn! Oh, I cannot lay the
cigarettes down on the altar! Oh, I cannot lay the booze down! Oh, it's
too hard to live Holy! I cannot stop the cursing coming from my lips! I
cannot live Holy! Pray for me, I cannot live Holy!" What makes you
think it's going to be any easier then?!"

2022 蒙福的住棚节!!祝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克生日快乐!(简)
2022 蒙福的住棚节!!祝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克生日快乐!(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 181 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2022 蒙福的住棚节!!祝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克生日快乐!(简)


Sukkot(疏割节),也被称为棚屋节(the Feast of Booths)/住棚节(Feast of






祝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克生日快乐!!圣灵全能风(AMIGHTYWIND),愿你们有一个蒙福快乐的住棚节(疏割节/SUKKOT)!HAG SAMEACH(哈格-撒麦赫,节日快乐)!


利未记23:39-44 39“你们收藏了地的出产,就从七月十五日起,要守亚哈威的节七日。第一日为圣安息;第八日也为圣安息。40第一日要拿美好树上的果子和棕树上的枝子,与茂密树的枝条并河旁的柳枝,在亚哈威-你们的神面前欢乐七日。41每年七月间,要向亚哈威守这节七日。这为你们世世代代永远的定例。42你们要住在棚里七日;凡以色列家的人都要住在棚里,43好叫你们世世代代知道,我领以色列人出埃及地的时候曾使他们住在棚里。我是亚哈威-你们的神。”44于是,摩西将亚哈威的节期传给以色列人。

* * * * * * *


!אסא מִיכָיָה בוא הנה
!אסא מִיכָיָה בוא הנה אמיטיווינד ישראל 178 Views • 4 months ago

⁣!אסא מִיכָיָה בוא הנה

⁣כולם שבחו, כבדו והרימו לאבא יהוה,
יהושוע המשיח ורוח הקודש!
הם "שמע ישראל" (דברים ו' 4), הם היוצרים, אלוהים (האחד)!
הם שולטים כאחד. הם שולטים ביחד.
'כי אני, אדוני אלוהיך, הוא האחד' (דברים ו' 4; מארק יב' 29) הם אחד.
הם כולם שולטים כאבא יהוה, אבינו שבשמיים (השולט).
אני רוצה לתת לקהילת הרוח האדירה הפתעה.
אתם רואים את התמונה הזו שלי, (אלישבע) ושל גבר מורמים לגן-עדן.
אתם יודעים שקיבלתי מילה נשמעת לפני שנים רבות ]2004[
ואני שמעתי באוזניי
שאני נושאת הטבעת, ואפילו לא ידעתי מה זה אומר.
ועד 2016
ששמעתי את שותפי להנהגה לשעבר
אשר יה הורה לי להתחתן איתו
איננו נשואים מאז 3 בדצמבר, 2018
אבל למדתי שיש ]באמת[ נושא טבעת.
זה היה בחג השבועות של שנת 2016
שנאמר לי שיהיה חבר הנהגה גברי
ולראשונה היה אחד, אבל כיום אין.
והיחידי שאני מאורסת לו עכשיו,
הוא אהובי, אהובינו ]יהושוע[—
הכלה של יהושוע המשיח, שמחכה
לחתנה - וזהו יהושוע המשיח.
אבל יש לי הפתעה ליקיריי, קהילת הרוח האדירה!
צמתם, התפללתם,
בכיתם בגלוי, אפילו בסרטונים,
ביקשתם שותף הנהגה גבר שיצטרף אליי שוב,
אבל לא אותו אחד שהיה.
כי יה אמר, 'ראו, אני עושה דבר חדש,' "הנני עשה חדשה" (ישעיהו מג' 19)
והייתי צריכה להרפות ממה שנאחזתי בו.
אשים יותר מזה בסרטון נוסף בעמוד הראשון.
הולך להגיע מסר חזק
ואתן לכם הוכחה לכמה פעמים
יהושוע דיבר דרך אחרים
שהגיעו אליי
ונתנו לי אישור אחרי אישור,
ואז אפילו דרך חלומותיי
ראיתי את הקולגה הגברית שלי,
שמעתי את קולו,
שמעתי את הצחוק שלו.
הוא עמד מעליי ודיבר עברית.
ראיתי חזון ברור.
הוא משבט יהודה ללא חטאי יהודה.
יש לו משיחה כנביא מיכה.
שמו הוא -
כאשר התפללתי עבורו הרבה מאוד שעות -
"אסא מיכיה!" או "אסא מיכאייה".
יבוא שוב ושוב,

ישעיהו פרק נג
מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ; וּזְרוֹעַ יַהֲוֶה עַל־מִי נִגְלָתָה׃ 2 וַיַּעַל כַּיּוֹנֵק לְפָנָיו, וְכַשּׁרֶשׁ מֵאֶרֶץ צִיָּה, לֹא־תֹאַר לוֹ וְלֹא הָדָר; וְנִרְאֵהוּ וְלֹא־מַרְאֶה וְנֶחְמְדֵהוּ׃ 3 נִבְזֶה וַחֲדַל אִישִׁים, אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת וִידוּעַ חֹלִי; וּכְמַסְתֵּר פָּנִים מִמֶּנּוּ, נִבְזֶה וְלֹא חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ׃ 4 אָכֵן חֳלָיֵנוּ הוּא נָשָׂא, וּמַכְאֹבֵינוּ סְבָלָם; וַאֲנַחְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ, נָגוּעַ מֻכֵּה אֱלֹהִים וּמְעֻנֶּה׃ 5 וְהוּא מְחֹלָל מִפְּשָׁעֵנוּ, מְדֻכָּא מֵעֲוֹנֹתֵינוּ; מוּסַר שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ עָלָיו, וּבַחֲבֻרָתוֹ נִרְפָּא־לָנוּ׃ 6 כֻּלָּנוּ כַּצֹּאן תָּעִינוּ, אִישׁ לְדַרְכּוֹ פָּנִינוּ; ויַהֲוֶה הִפְגִּיעַ בּוֹ, אֵת עֲוֹן כֻּלָּנוּ׃ 7 נִגַּשׂ וְהוּא נַעֲנֶה וְלֹא יִפְתַּח־פִּיו, כַּשּׂה לַטֶּבַח יוּבָל, וּכְרָחֵל לִפְנֵי גֹזְזֶיהָ נֶאֱלָמָה; וְלֹא יִפְתַּח פִּיו׃ 8 מֵעֹצֶר וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט לֻקָּח, וְאֶת־דּוֹרוֹ מִי יְשׂוֹחֵחַ; כִּי נִגְזַר מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים, מִפֶּשַׁע עַמִּי נֶגַע לָמוֹ׃ 9 וַיִּתֵּן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים קִבְרוֹ, וְאֶת־עָשִׁיר בְּמֹתָיו; עַל לֹא־חָמָס עָשָׂה, וְלֹא מִרְמָה בְּפִיו׃ 10 ויַהֲוֶה חָפֵץ דַּכְּאוֹ הֶחֱלִי, אִם־תָּשִׂים אָשָׁם נַפְשׁוֹ, יִרְאֶה זֶרַע יַאֲרִיךְ יָמִים; וְחֵפֶץ יְהוָה בְּיָדוֹ יִצְלָח׃ 11 מֵעֲמַל נַפְשׁוֹ יִרְאֶה יִשְׂבָּע, בְּדַעְתּוֹ, יַצְדִּיק צַדִּיק עַבְדִּי לָרַבִּים; וַעֲוֹנֹתָם הוּא יִסְבֹּל׃ 12 לָכֵן אֲחַלֶּק־לוֹ בָרַבִּים, וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים יְחַלֵּק שָׁלָל, תַּחַת, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱרָה לַמָּוֶת נַפְשׁוֹ, וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִים נִמְנָה; וְהוּא חֵטְא־רַבִּים נָשָׂא, וְלַפֹּשְׁעִים יַפְגִּיעַ׃

מַעֲשֵׂי הַשּׁלִיחִים פֶּרֶק ד פסוק 12
יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח
אֵין הַיְשׁוּעָה בְּאַחֵר כִּי לֹא נִתַּן תַּחַת הַשּׁמַיִם שֵׁם אַחֵר לִבְנֵי אָדָם אֲשֶׁר־בּוֹ נִוָּשֵׁעַ

2022 蒙福的光明節/修殿節/哈努卡Hanukkah快樂!期待奇蹟!亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是世界的光!(繁)
2022 蒙福的光明節/修殿節/哈努卡Hanukkah快樂!期待奇蹟!亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是世界的光!(繁) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 176 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2022 蒙福的光明節/修殿節/哈努卡Hanukkah快樂!期待奇蹟!亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是世界的光!(繁)


預言 42:

預言 134:
在這個 חנוכה(Hanukkah哈努卡,光明節,獻殿節)你們要歡喜快樂,因為你們已被教導這是我被感孕的節日。我難道不是你的亞呼贖阿,你的瑪西阿克,你的指引明燈/指引之光嗎?

預言 149

馬加比二書1:9 在基斯流月慶祝住棚的節日


加入我們一起慶祝光明節/修殿節/哈努卡Hanukkah, 只要點擊以下鏈接

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Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates Amightywind Ministries 175 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates!

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the
toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you
survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper
of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive,
you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the
spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any
carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than
you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to
escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the
man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were
YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly,
truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the
social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it.
You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have
lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think
that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a
demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing
more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year
ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a
plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and
not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is
destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself
to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all
the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to
defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines!
These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for.
The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you.
They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same
mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through
the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection
and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those
who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME
is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought
of disobeying ME, and when you do,you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell
ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away
this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020.
But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are
wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in
arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your
CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem Amightywind Ministries 175 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

I Will Bless those that Bless Jerusalem, I will curse those that
curse Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem! MY beloved Daughter
Jerusalem, you tiny envied, abused nation called Israel. I send MY
handmaiden to bring forth a message of Hope for you. You know the laws
but now I use her to bring you MY Promise. I, YAHUVEH, have blessed you
and spared you because of YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. I alone chose the
Savior of all mankind to be born, minister with signs, wonders and
miracles and give you MY love. For you HE died, was resurrected to
Glory, defeated the adversary of your souls and taking back what satan

YAHUSHUA now sits at MY right hand as your only intercessor.
YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son's Holy Blood was spilled into the
soil of Jerusalem so that this world would be saved. Only by accepting
this pure Holy Blood covering as a Blood Covenant will you be saved.
There is no other way into MY presence. Away with your feast,
sacrifices, fasting, repetitious prayers and special days set apart to
glorify "I AM" if you are NOT accepting MY Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA then
all you speak and do is done in Vain! I gave MY gift of YAHUSHUA not
only to this world, but first I gave HIM to you.

Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world
but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out
in the soil now and speaks "I did this for you, will you forever reject
ME? Will you forever curse MY Name? When will you see I am your only
sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again?"

When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame?"
Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence
MY HOLY Name! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal
sacrifices appease MY Father's anger or MINE only by accepting ME,
YAHUVEH's Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalem's soil
for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA, sit at the
right hand of YAHUVEH as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, will you be

Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during
the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and
looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY
side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is
no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get
ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon
the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He
sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all
kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would
have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short
of YAHUVEH's Glory!

I and MY Father alone are Holy and perfect.
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve no human created is without need of
a Savior and of MY Blood sacrifice! Jerusalem is so blessed for it was
on this soil the only pure Holy, healing resurrecting, delivering, Blood
of YAHUSHUA was poured forth on this ground in Jerusalem. Why do you
think satan hates this land so much? Why do you think this land is
fighting for survival since it was birthed? Why do you think it is war
torn and every nation on the face of this earth wants to control it?

Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit!
Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Amightywind Ministries 174 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Restoration Prophecy To Hebrew Translator All Believers

⁣MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to
wash the sins away. Thank you for not being ashamed of ME. Thank you for
being willing to be persecuted for ME! Thank you for accepting ME, even
though it means your own family turns away! Those of your blood family,
but not MY Blood family! MY Blood family embraces you as I have this
prophet sister of yours call you this day! MY Blood family, those that
do the will of the Heavenly FATHER, embrace you and love you, recognize
you for who you are in ME! Remember this always.

I love you! And I thank you! Yes, your LORD GOD, your SAVIOUR, your MESSIAH, loves you!
Never, never, never, never let anyone take that away! I speak to you in
the still of the night. I give you revelations. And greater revelations
you shall have! Remember MY darling one, Judases will come and Judases
will go. I had MY Judases. You have yours. Elisabeth has hers. All, all,
all who follow after ME, if they are not persecuted in MY Name, had
better ask themselves, "Why not?" for the servant is not greater than
the MASTER. It is all ... All do not love ME. [i.e. Not all love me]. Do
not expect all to love you—as I still am persecuted. In this world I am
hated more than I am loved! I am mocked more than I am accepted! But I
paid the price at Calvary and Israel, oh Israel how long, how long, how
long, how long must I wait for thee to accept ME, to love ME?

Oh I know how long it will be! And I know the price Israel shall pay! And it
will be a price that is so heavy—for they are held more accountable—for
I walked the streets of Jerusalem. MY Blood, MY Blood, MY Blood is
soaked in the land. Oh how I grieve, how I mourn! But there is a
remnant! I do have a remnant! I ALWAYS have a remnant! They are few—but
they are MINE! And just as I have you, so too there are others in
Israel. And they are spread all over the world and they are going to
stand up and they are going to defend! And they are defending that which
is Holy! And they are exposing and rebuking all that is unholy and they
are warning that the false messiah is on the way—but it shall not
happen until I take MY true Bride away.

Пророчество 83 - Я, ЯХУВЭХ, Говорю, “Приготовьтесь, Конец близок!”
Пророчество 83 - Я, ЯХУВЭХ, Говорю, “Приготовьтесь, Конец близок!” Всемогущий Ветер Россия 173 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Пророчество 83 - Я, ЯХУВЭХ, Говорю, “Приготовьтесь, Конец близок!”

⁣Счастливого Пурима! Молитесь за Двух Свидетелей! Пророческие Слова,
услышанные здесь, были впервые получены в 2006 году - 15 марта 2006 года
в День Святого Пурима в полдень Помазанием РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ через Пророка
Элишеву Элияху.

Я, ЯХУВЭХ, Говорю: “Приготовьтесь, Конец Близок!” Отрывок

Молитесь за Двух Свидетелей! И наступает время, когда Я пошлю Ангелов!— о, так
вскоре! — чтобы ПОДТВЕРДИТЬ Двум Свидетелям, кто они во МНЕ.

Прежде чем они покинут эту землю, прежде чем Два Свидетеля будут
выкуплены [и восхищены] как первые плоды, они УЗНАЮТ, кто они во МНЕ. Я
приказываю ВСЕМ членам Невесты ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА! Начинайте молиться
ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС! За тех, кого Я называю “Двумя Свидетелями”! Вот Я, ЯХУВЭХ,
открываю миру тайну! Смотрите, Я делаю что-то новое! Это одна женщина и
один мужчина! Потому что вы, мужчины, насмехаетесь и издеваетесь! Так
же, как Я воздвиг Дебору как судью всего Израиля (Суд. 4:4), так и Я
воздвигаю — так как тоже было предопределено (Мал. 4:4-6) — у тех, кто
придет, будет дух Моисея [Моше] (Чис. 12:3,8), у тех, кто придет, будет
дух, подобный Илии [Элияху] (2 Ца. 2:11; Иак. 5:17-18; 1 Ца. 17-2 Ца.
2). Но поскольку эти двое все еще находятся в смертном теле, на них
обрушились атаки. Я, ЯХУВЭХ, повелеваю всей Невесте ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ.
Пусть каждая молитва, которую вы произносите с этого момента, покрывает
их: Чтобы они были в божественном здоровии, пока они находятся в этих
смертных телах из плоти! Чтобы они говорили более смело! Чтобы их враги
были уничтожены у них на глазах!— точно так же, как молился Илия в
Древности (2 Ца. 1:10, также 1 Ца.18:36-40), так и на этих двоих будет
то же самое Помазание (Отк. 11:5). Враги должны съежиться в страхе! И
они УЗНАЮТ Невесту ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА — она здесь.
Итак, в это Священное время Пурима Я показываю вам, как близок Конец.

Конец отрывка

Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi
Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi Amightywind España 173 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi

Shalom todos, Esta es la Apóstol, la Profeta Elisheva y ABBA YAHUVEH
me ha elegido para dar esta reprimenda a Ezra, pero esto es una
advertencia para todos. Este hombre fue una vez tan ungido y tan santo.
Cuidado con la gente, no se confíen en en su propia salvación. Todos se
ocupan en su propia salvación con temor y temblor (Flp 2, 12-13).
¿Tienes una relación amorosa y obediente con YAHUSHUA/JESUS? Ezra perdió
la suya y estamos orando para que regrese antes que cruce la línea de
blasfemia de LA RUACH HA KODESH cuando le será imposible regresar.

Judas 1:22-23 Y tened misericordia de algunos que dudan; a otros,
salvad, arrebatándolos del fuego; y de otros tened misericordia con
temor, aborreciendo aun la ropa contaminada por la carne.
Como este video fue lanzado Taiwán, donde se produjo el video, experimentó un
terremoto de 6.1, como muchas de las Profecías recién lanzadas.

(Consulte los enlaces a continuación.) Esta Profecía es la Profecía más
feroz pues ABBA YAHUVEH está muy, muy enojado con este hombre, que
necesita desesperadamente la liberación del narcisismo. No sabía que
alguien que fue traído a mi vida como la mejor bendición de mi vida
junto a mi salvación podría convertirse en alguien que ya no
reconocería. ¡Por favor oren conmigo para que se arrepienta! Hueso de
mis huesos, votos y promesas del pacto matrimonial, así como dedicación
del amor, hecha por Ezra a la Profeta Elisheva (TODO QURANTADO Y ROTO

Parodiando, burlándose y desenmascarando la falsa predicción de Ezra,
palabra del infierno de 3 Días de Oscuridad abril 2019 que todos los que no
creíamos su palabra falsa del infierno estaríamos ¡Respirando polvo nuclear!
En lugar de la falsa profecía, lo llamamos palabra del infierno porque esto fue tan
vergonzoso que no queremos profanar la palabra "Profecía".

Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil
Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil Amightywind Ministries 173 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil

⁣This is the first Hanukkah prophecy I have ever been given. During a
time when I least expected it while my husband Apostle Nikomia and I
were praying for our Sister in YAHUSHUA Tricia who is going through some
marital problems as her husband is preparing the Xmas tree, she could
not hold back the truths she learned through this ministry and how Xmas
really has nothing to do with YAHUSHUA....

"Get ready, get ready, get ready. Get prepared MY Children for the evil
times are coming upon you. I am not sending forth this nation to go into war.
If they want a war, they shall get a war, but it will be MY weapons the weapons of
Heaven the arsenal of the weather, the arsenal of the elements. I shall
shake the nations up, those that dare to defy ME and boast in their own
strength will see that their strength has come to naught, is void and is
powerless. The leaders of this nation wrestle not against man. The
leaders of the United Nations wrestle not against man; instead they
wrestle against I, YAHUVEH, the Great God "I AM."

They say "I will do it my way and not YAHUVEH's way." Those that hold the power in
this world with their inventions think they can control the weather and
the elements but I am about to confound them as I turn their own weapons
against them, their own machines, their own inventions, their own
poisons that they seek to give others they shall drink of themselves,
not even their loved ones will be protected although they said that they
will do it.

Those that insist on celebrating holidays and that
are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days will
find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are
called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that they
are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on participating,
and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they
shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them,
they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I set MY Children

Profetia 142 – Itke ja sure, Ezra! Sinä, kuten Israel, tarvitset vapautusta narsismista
Profetia 142 – Itke ja sure, Ezra! Sinä, kuten Israel, tarvitset vapautusta narsismista Amightywind Suomeksi 172 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Profetia 142 – Itke ja sure, Ezra! Sinä, kuten Israel, tarvitset vapautusta narsismista

Sinulla on salaisuuksia, vai mitä, muurarien kanssa? [pyhiä kieliä]
Voi, Israel, sinulla on kytköksiä muurareihin niin korkeissa asemissa
siellä. Mistäköhän se molok-jumala tuli? Veriuhraus?

Missäköhän se kaikki lapsiin liittyvä alkoi? Heidän verensä valuttaminen ja
juominen? [pyhiä kieliä] Mistäköhän se elävältä poltettujen lasten lihan
syöminen tuli?" [...]

"Ja varo jokaista, joka menee Israeliin
kaiken tämän ollessa tekeillä. Ja kun sitä temppeliä ollaan
rakentamassa, voi, voi, voi Israelia! Se anti-mashiach'n henki tulee
olemaan kaikkialla Israelissa! Tämän takia nyt on pelastuksen päivä!

Älä edes harkitse meneväsi lomalle sinne, paitsi jos tiedät olevasi VERELLÄ
ostettu ja VERELLÄ pesty ja tottelevainen YAHUSHUALLE. Tämä ei ole
viesti, jonka Israel haluaa kuulla, mutta tämä on viesti, jonka MINUN
lapseni haluavat kuulla!

Ja nuhdelkaa sitä antimessiaan henkeä,
joka yrittää saalistaa teistä joka ikistä ja saada teidät
kyseenalaistamaan sen, että MINÄ OLEN SE, JOKA MINÄ OLEN, ja MINÄ OLEN
AINOA TÄYDELLINEN KARITSA, SE AINOA, JOLLA ei ole minkäänlaisen synnin
tahraa tai ryppyä – ajatuksissa tai sanoissa tai teoissa – ja kuitenkin
saatana vietteli MINUA kolme kertaa, ja kuitenkaan en kertaakaan tehnyt
mitään muuta kuin lausuin Raamatunpaikkoja hänelle takaisin." [...]

"Joten mikä saa sinut luulemaan, ettei paholainen yrittäisi laittaa epäilystä
sinuun? Ja saada sinut luulemaan, että voit tehdä syntiä niin paljon
kuin huvittaa? 'Sinulla on vielä aikaa tehdä parannus.'

Se loukkaa sinun lihaasi niin paljon, ettet halua tehdä parannusta tai
tunnustaa. Odotat vain jotain toista päivää. Kukas on luvannut sinulle

Jotkut teistä kuuntelevat tätä, ja tänään on viimeinen päivänne. Teidän olisi parasta suhtautua siihen vakavasti."

Prophecy 146 - YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us!
Prophecy 77 - Behold I YAHUVEH Send You Forth With a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churchs!
Prophecy 77 - Behold I YAHUVEH Send You Forth With a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churchs! Amightywind Ministries 172 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 77 - Behold I YAHUVEH Send You Forth With a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churchs!

"Teach them MY Daughter, teach them. You have a burden for the
Pentecostals for I saved you in a Pentecostal Church. I anointed you in a
Pentecostal Church. I filled you with MY precious RUACH ha KODESH where
you received the Holy Tongues that is where I gave you the desire to
serve ME all the days of your life. Now I ask you to repay. You say you
are angry because the Pentecostal Churches did not teach you the
Jewishness of your Messiah, the keeping of the Holy Sabbaths, the
keeping of the Holy Feasts. Then you teach them. This is why I sent you
forth to this land, to this State, to where you said you did not want to
go. But I tell you that an anointing is coming greater than any of the
other Azusa's for I sent you forth to the Pentecostal Churches, for how
can they obey what they do not know. Thus far you have only said you are
Messianic Jewish, so the Pentecostals barely come except those that I
send one by one.

Now I send you forth, this is the New Birth. I send you forth to teach them,
I send you forth to anoint them, I send you forth into the Pentecostal Churches
where you said. "I am not going into a Sunday Church anymore."
Oh, but now is the time and now is the season I send you forth with an anointing
like you have never known before so they will not have any excuse when they stand
before ME and say, "No one told me." For I know their hearts, I know the hearts of
those that truly worship and praise ME, they are as your heart and they
say, "No one told us." So I send you forth to tell them."

Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name
Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name Amightywind Ministries 172 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name

⁣Prophecy excerpts
Those that
have done these abortions and not confessed and asked for forgiveness
and turned away from this sin, for all eternity you will hear the
screams of all those babies. As one of your punishments you have waiting
for you in hell and never a break from the cries of the murdered
babies, or the screams. Do you know how a crying baby gets on your
nerves? Imagine millions in your ears for eternity.
.....That's why I
said, "Many are called and few are chosen." Which will you choose to
be? I already know what you have chosen. Does not MY Word say those that
put their hand to the plow and look back, are not worthy? Put your hand
to the plow; leave your past at the foot of the cross of Calvary. I
allowed the things that happened to make you stronger for ME, not
weaker. For you have a testimony that is made of gold not brass. Use it
to bring souls to ME, use it to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory.

your Master YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am returning sooner than you think. As
the evil gets more rampant in this world, and evil ones flaunt the sin
in MY face saying, "What you 'gonna' do about it YAHUSHUA? I will show
them what I am going to do about it. As I show MY Children when I spank
them, I will punish those flaunting MY commandments, homosexuality,
immorality, and Bible in MY face and daring to mock ME. It's coming, MY
wrath is coming to this earth undiluted.

As they teach the babes
to sin and that MY words are no longer for today, they are going to pay
in a mighty way. I was only the sacrificial Lamb once; I come back as a
mighty warrior next time. But first I gather MY Children home. MY wrath
is reserved for MY enemies not MY Children. MY Children those loving and
serving ME whose sins are washed in the shed Blood of Calvary have
nothing to fear.....

Profecía 153 - Escucha oh Israel & el Mundo, YO, YAHUVEH EL-SHADDAI les digo¡“Covid-19 hecho en
Profecía 153 - Escucha oh Israel & el Mundo, YO, YAHUVEH EL-SHADDAI les digo¡“Covid-19 hecho en Amightywind España 171 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Profecía 153 - Escucha oh Israel & el Mundo, YO, YAHUVEH EL-SHADDAI les digo¡“Covid-19 hecho en laboratorio!”

al resto del mundo sobre el Tiempo del Sufrimiento de Jacob y que
estamos en la cúspide de la Gran Tribulación. Este video incluye una
exposición especial sobre Hollywood y un acercamiento para YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH a aquellos en Hollywood que aún no han cruzado la línea hacia
la blasfemia de la RUACH HA KODESH (ESPÍRITU SANTO) pero tienen la
oportunidad de venir a YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUCRISTO) y se alejen de
sus pecados, usando el resto de sus vidas para exponer lo que está
sucediendo en Hollywood y llevar a la gente a YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Hace
26 años que la Apóstala Profetiza Elisheva Eliyahu escuchó desde el
Cielo que este Ministerio de AmightyWind se usaría para alcanzar a los
perdidos, incluyendo actores, actrices, productores, músicos, etc. para
el Reino de los Cielos.


Lo que se ha profetizado está todo relacionado con la obediencia.
¿Obedecen ellos las condiciones? ¿Es Israel una tierra santa?
¡Dónde tienen los mejores desfiles gay y lo hacen alarde de MI cara?!
Elisheva: ¡O Querido!) ¡O Israel, O Israel, O Israel, ¡ustedes ME enojan!
¡ME llenan de furia! Ustedes leen las porciones de la Torá, tienen una orden
de quedarse en casa, incluso bajo la amenaza de muerte
(nunca antes había sido así, nunca volverá a ser así), ¡pero ustedes
ME llenan de furia! ¡Por su pecado secreto que hacen dentro de las
casas en las que están encerrados!

¡Oh, ustedes se acuerdan del Shabbat! Ustedes
recuerdan Hanukkah, recuerdan Sukkot. ¡Se acordaron, algunos de ustedes,
hasta de Purim, pero se EMBORRACHARON! ¡Ustedes festejaron como si
fuera un mar di gras!

¿Dónde estaba la adoración? ¿Dónde estaba
¿Qué? ¿Ustedes creen que YO no tengo derecho? ¿Ya tan pronto se han
olvidado de Cora? Esas bendiciones que YO reservé para Israel, eran para
una Israel que sería tierra santa donde Me Adorarían y Alabarían y serían
apartados y serían un ejemplo para toda la tierra y no se avergonzarían de ello.

Ustedes están tan orgullosos del hecho de que pueden citar la Torá, tan
orgullosos del hecho de que hasta pueden citar el Tanakh. Muchos
de ustedes pueden. Ustedes están tan orgullosos del hecho de que
se distinguen y se ponen una kipá sobre sus cabezas que YO nunca lo ordené.

¡Los distingue como negro y blanco! ¡Oh, ustedes practicadores de cábala,
SABEN CUANTO YO LOS ODIO! ¿Acaso ustedes no piensan que YO veo quién
está detrás de todo? ¿Ustedes no piensan que YO lo sé? ¿YO YAHUVEH?
YO, el PADRE de la CREACIÓN, ¿Ustedes piensan que MIS ojos se han quedado
ciegos porque han pasado tantos miles de años? ¿Ustedes piensan que
YO YAHUVEH me he quedado sordo porque han pasado tantos miles de años?
¿Ustedes piensan que MI BRAZO ES DEMACIADO CORTO? ¿Que YO no puedo
disciplinarlos de una manera que nunca se ha disciplinado antes?
(Aquel será el tiempo del sufrimiento de Jacob).

Justamente como MI brazo no es demasiado
corto para abrazarlos ahora. Justamente como MIS ojos no están demasiado
oscuros, que YO no los vea con tanta adoración ahora. MIS brazos
anhelan sostenerlos de nuevo como YO sostuve a Abraham, Isaac y Jacob. -
Como YO sostuve a MI propio [AMADO] UNICO HIJO Engendrado YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. YO lo sostengo a EL ahora mientras YO pronuncio esta palabra
por medio de Elisheva Eliyahu, (otra vez en un tiempo que ella está
orando sobre un tema completamente diferente y ella no esperaba esta

Oh, Israel paren de llenarme con furia, paren de preguntarme por qué la muerte ha
entrado en las casas mientras ustedes reclaman el Salmo 91. ¿Son ustedes obedientes
al Salmo 91? ¿O les da vergüenza a ustedes el nombre de YAHUVEH?
¡Contesten esta pregunta!

¿Por qué no pueden aquellos quienes proclaman ser creyentes de MI y son y se
hacen llamar judíos mesiánicos ser injertados en la vid? YAHUSHUA quien
es el MASHIACH, ¿por qué temen ellos llamar al nombre YAHUSHUA y se
atreven a decir el nombre Yes-hua? YO no deletreo SU nombre
“Y-e-s-h-u-a.” YO lo he dicho una y otra vez a través de esta
Apóstala y Profetiza. ¡YO he advertido una y otra vez, y aun así ellos
no escuchan! aun aquellos que proclaman "yo sé hebreo" y ellos incluso
hasta reconocen que el NOMBRE significa “YAH SALVA!”

Prophezeiung 152 - Hört zu und werdet vom Dämon der Angst befreit!
Prophezeiung 152 - Hört zu und werdet vom Dämon der Angst befreit! Amightywind Deutschland 171 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophezeiung 152 - Hört zu und werdet vom Dämon der Angst befreit!

Dies ist der 20. März 2020 - denkt daran, die Zahl 20 ist die Zahl der Erlösten auf Hebräisch [Prophezeiung & Bibel]. Denkt daran, das ist eine doppelte 20, das letzte Mal, als ich die Prophezeiung erhielt, war am 20. Januar 2020, das ist [Prophezeiung] 152.

Und ich möchte euch nur wissen lassen: Dies ist das Jahr der Erlösten! Fürchtet Euch nicht!
Furcht ist eine Quälerei, die YAHUVEH nicht geschickt hat. Ich habe [das, was auf der Titelseite stand] - die Informationen darüber, was in dieser Welt geschieht - abgenommen und auf unsere YAHSTube gestellt [] (damit ihr sehen könnt, wo es sich befinden, wenn ihr auf das Banner klickt oder zu den Medien [Menü auf der Website] geht), aber jetzt höre ich: Ich muss euren Glauben aufbauen!

Es gibt jetzt überall im Internet zu viele Informationen. Ihr wisst nicht, woran ihr glauben sollt.
Und was auch immer ihr tut - wenn ein Prophet sagt, dass sie ein "Prophet" sind, und sie behaupten, Prophezeiungen zu haben, fragt sie, wo der Beweis hinter ihren "Prophezeiungen" ist, denn ich werde euch dies sagen: Ich habe "Beweise hinter den Prophezeiungen", und es wird am 4. April 2020 26 Jahre online sein.

异象:citizen in Hell 一个地狱里公民的歌
异象:citizen in Hell 一个地狱里公民的歌 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 171 Views • 4 months ago

⁣异象:citizen in Hell 一个地狱里公民的歌


即便是我最糟糕的仇敌, 我也不愿他到地狱去。
圣灵, 使用我, 为了基督/玛西阿克的荣耀
因为离开身体, 就是与主在一起(林后5:8)。
蠕虫为床毯, 蛆虫为被子。
相反的, 我有美丽的白袍,
有最精美的食物, 和我自己的豪宅(约14:2)。
赐下祂的独生子 亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克在这里!
到目前为止, 上帝对你是仁慈的,
借着什么都不做, 你就已经做了一些事。
死亡之后, 就不会再饶恕那个罪了。
因罪开始是为了乐趣, 但这不会以此为终。你有另一分钟吗?你有另一小时吗?
亚哈威神说: 这首歌正在被送给有最后机会的人。
这首歌是由一位在红色里的女士唱给你的 (红色代表亚呼赎阿的宝血)
是亚呼赎阿יהושוע 或亚赎阿。
被用在新约的最初手抄本中, 是用希伯来语写的,
而圣经是直接从希伯来文或亚兰文翻译, 对原文不作任何修改。
亚呼赎阿说: 我是奉我父的名来的...(约5:43)
耶稣Jesus这个名字, 在希伯来语是没有意义的,
这世界大部分人都称祂这个名字, 包括虔诚的信徒们。
单单只奉靠 亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的名祷告并呼求, 这将对你是绝对必要的。
将在那时前来的敌基督, 会利用耶稣之名欺骗数十亿人,
耶稣这名字已经在世界的大部分被假冒了, 特别在拉丁美洲。
敌基督只会以 一个更大的程度重复之前所做过的。
现在耶稣基督这个名字仍然还有 医治、拯救、复活的权柄,
但这将不会在大灾难里有用,因为 敌基督将篡夺这个名字来欺骗数十亿人。
当人在大灾难里, 奉耶稣的名呼求祈祷时,
“我在这里,告诉我你想要什么,敬拜我, 接受我的印记,我将答覆你的祷告。”
但如果你奉亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的圣名祈求, 敌基督就不会来到你这里。
敌基督不想假冒那个名字。 因为这是神的圣名“亚”在那名里面。
没有人必须接受敌基督的印记, 也称为兽的印记,
那些接受兽印的会得到 启示录14:9-11是永恒诅咒。
又有第三位天使接着他们, 大声说:“若有人拜兽和兽像,在额上或在手上受了印记, 这人也必喝神亚哈威大怒的酒; 此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中纯一不杂。
他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺之中受痛苦。 他受痛苦的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。 那些拜兽和兽像,受牠名之印记的,昼夜不得安宁。
与此同时, 你会知道没有一个宗教机构能拯救你。
将会拯救你的是一个 与祂有爱, 顺服和悔改的关系。
逃离所有不宣扬反对罪的教会。 因为罪是诅咒的根源,
罗6:23: “罪的工价乃是死。(死亡意味着诅咒)”
教会不传讲反对罪是不负责任的, 这样不能拯救任何人。
他们教导追随者向普通男人们, 向马利亚,向天使(被造物)祈祷。
这在创造主眼里是罪, 所有的罪都将被惩罚。
只可以向神圣三位一体真神创造主祈祷, 而不是向被造物。
祈祷是一种敬拜的行为。 每一个敬拜的行为只能向创造者。
阅读罗马书1:22-25 凡崇拜被造物的都是拜偶像的行为。
天使在启示录22:9 说:“敬拜神,祂是独一的。”
牧师不能赦免任何人的罪, 如天主教所主张和教导的。
它根本没有圣经依据, 这是撒但的一个谎言。
饶恕罪是来自创造主亚哈威, 而不是来自人。
只有亚呼赎阿在 各各他流下的宝血才能涂抹罪, 决不是一个尘土造的凡人所说的话。
逃离每一个与圣经教义相矛盾的 巴比伦教会和谎言的教导,
来到亚呼赎阿的脚边。 祂是唯一的好牧人(约10:11-12)。 要知道是你的救主给了你生命。
“我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们, 他们也跟着我(约10:27)。”
你们是重价买来的, 不要作人的奴仆(林前7:23)。
因为只有一位是你们的尊师, 就是亚呼赎阿你的弥赛亚(太23:10)。
我就是道路、真理和生命,若不借着我, 没有人能到我父那里去(约14:6)
阿列夫和塔夫 圣灵全能风野火最后机会事工

HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers
HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers Amightywind Ministries 171 Views • 4 months ago

⁣HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers

Happy Hanukkah! Woohoo! This is a time to celebrate Hag Sameach! Oh,
oh beloved ones! I am so excited! This is Hanukkah! And if you don't
know what that is, this is the time of the— of not only the celebration
of [how] in the Second Century BC when the temple was defiled in
Jerusalem; that there was only a group of 5 brothers who went against
the evil Antiochus who proclaimed himself as GOD and forbid any Torah
reading any, any commandment keeping and he actually not only imprisoned
but tortured and murdered the Jews who refused to stop their belief in
THE ONLY HOLY CREATOR (at that time they knew that was ABBA YAHUVEH). So
we also acknowledge as we light these candles, the miracle of the
Maccabees and you can read about it in the Book of Maccabees, which you
will not find in the KJV Bible. So, you'll have to look it up online and
on our Hanukkah page, I tell you exactly where is it written that
Sukkot and Hanukkah go together and they could not do their Sukkot at
that time so they had to wait until Hanukkah because of the desecration
of the Temple They waited until Hanukkah. Now, we know that YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah and HE is THE ONLY
ETERNAL LIGHT and that LITTLE BABY, that LITTLE FETUS was put in the
womb of a virgin, young Hebrew woman by the Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH
To see more about that read Prophecies 89 & 90 that was given to me
and the Jews know it is true [of a FEMININE RUACH HA KODESH]. . I want
to tell everyone this is a time of miracles! All you have to do is
repent! Ask YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the forgiveness of your sins! And
confess them and tell HIM you're sorry. HE paid the PRICE for you at
Calvary HE was crucified for those sins! HE said, "This BLOOD of for
you!" And that's why at the very ending I'm going to add the Salvation
Prayer that was given to me as well as the story of One Minute until
Midnight, a painting that is priceless —you will see the open vision
that I had of Heaven and [of] YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH This is a time of
miracles so when you're lighting those Hanukkah— Hanukkiah It's called a
Hanukkiah When you're lighting the Hanukkiah what you're doing is,
you're also in prayer, remembering— expect miracles! Expect miracles— of
being delivered from the hand of the reprobate enemies!

Prophecy Excerpt:
YAHUSHUA speaks: "MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu I’m giving you new instructions as
THE HEAD of AmightyWind Ministry and I want you to tell the
congregation Behold, I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH order you MY beloved
Elisheva Eliyahu to do a new thing with the HOLY TRINITY’S Ministry,
AmightyWind; and on Hanukkah, I want this celebration of the Festival of
Booths to continue. I want it to be a celebration just as you did with
the sukkah in the Festival of Booths (Sukkot) so too [such celebration],
during the time of Hanukkah. For this is the time your MESSIAH was
placed by the beautiful Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH —the Invisible Hand
into MY birth mother Miriam’s womb Should you not celebrate that? You
celebrate MY birth. And now I’m asking you to celebrate the time of
Hanukkah in the same way, with these eight days For I AM THE ETERNAL
GUIDING LIGHT; I AM THE REASON Hanukkah is named the Festival of Lights!
The building of the sukkah were instructions given (Lv 23) which
foreshadowed MY birth in a 'stable' in Bethlehem (Lk 2:1-20)."

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