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Purim Celebration The Book of Esther

149 Views • 14 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Purim Celebration The Book of Esther

⁣Esther obeyed YAHS orders spoken through Mordechai. The weapon formed
against Esther & all Jews did not succeed! Instead because of
Esther's obedience, her 3 day fast combined with her prayers she was
able to approach the King without permission. The King sign of
permission to speak to him, he had a royal scepter he held out to the
person who wanted to ask a request.

The kings heart felt love he recognized Esther he favored her because of her beauty &
personality. The King held out the Jeweled Royal scepter so she could
speak. Esther set a trap for Haman & caused the King to demand
Haman, his wife, Sons all be publicly hung strangled with a noose on
highest gallows.

All who Worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Jews
even if not biological you were adopted grafted into YAHUSHUA symbolized
as a olive vine. YAHUSHUA calls us HIS Branch grafted in to be part of
the only Vine it does not matter whether biological Jew or not! HIS
Command is if the Branch does not produce good fruit, HE will cut off
the Branch and burn with Hells fire!

You must confess you are a sinner & confess with sorrow the sins to HIM,
ask HIM to forgive your sins, to have your sins remembered no more.
You must humble yourself ask HIM become LORD means ruler of your life.
You must desire to obey HIM & hate sin, turn away from sins accept the only way,
to Heaven & live for HIM is to say please come into my soul and
fill me with the RUACH ha KODESH HOLY SPIRIT to live inside of me
teaching me how to be obedient & pleasing to YAH.

ABBA YAH is HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation with no beginning or end. YAHUVEH is CREATOR
of TIME! YAHUSHUA is only name anyone can be saved. In Hebrew name
means YAH Saves. Psalm 91 says there is protection from disease,
pestilences, to those who call upon YAHS Name ! The scepter is
YAHUSHUA! No prayers are answered before the FATHER of Creation without
praying in the Name & sins washed in the Perfect blood of YAHUSHUA
the only MESSIAH!

Ask forgiveness when you sin, run back into YAHUSHUA loving arms again!
Do not give up! The way we prove our love for YAHUSHUA is obeying HIM!
YAHUSHUA said “Why do you call HIM LORD & not obey HIM?
HE knows no one is perfect just continue to not give up & do not purposely
sin ask HIM to help you to defeat the sin where you are weak!

Humble yourself do not become like the unrepented Haman, wife, 10
sons even the youngest son so he could not become another Haman.
The King wanted to introduce at his banquet his beautiful wife, but she refused to come.
Vashti the king’s disobedient rebellious wife was cast out of his kingdom!
Vashti are selfish narcissists who refuse with great sorrow & tears they are called
repented sinners, no fear of YAH or YAHUSHUA Judgement of hell &
lake of fire! Jeremiah 6: 27-30 full of rebellion & say they will
live their lives with no respect for 10 commandments!

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