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AmightyWind YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers Original Song

163 Views • 22 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
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⁣AmightyWind YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers Original Song

⁣May 24th 2005, Michael the Holy archangel came to Prophet Elisheva with two more angels, stood over her bed awakening her—and Archangel Gabriel gave her a message from YAHUSHUA. [...] She'd been in a very fierce battle for three long days, though actually it began weeks before. She had been invited as a guest to a radio show (she's been on 3 other radio shows total) but this time it turned out to be satanic plants trying to infiltrate and YAH forced them to see ALL their plans and curses backfire!

In Spring of 2005, ministry partners around the world kept writing to Prophet Elisheva that they too were under extreme spiritual warfare —but what the devil meant for evil, YAHUSHUA turned around for good and HIS glory! That is what happens when the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy—when we serve YAHUSHUA, HE gives us life abundantly instead! Little did Elisheva know at the time that this was the battle for the birth of "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," all that time, Michael warring his way through the Heavenlies. Elisheva, exhausted after the most serious attacks she had yet experienced, all of a sudden, saw Holy angels standing next to her in her bedroom!

Of course, now we all know this battle was the labor pains of a new branch of the Ministry on May 24th 2005, "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers"! And also for the prophesied 500,000 to come forth and stand on the wall in a greater way! (For in 1997 Prophet Elisheva had had a back to back, repeating dream where YAH told her, "Gather the Troops on the Wall," and she saw them all dressed in white from around the world, and the number being 500,000. The HOLY SPIRIT would gather them with this Ministry. As we unite in the Anointing, shouting together in victory, it would be as the walls of Jericho come tumbling down again—and like David slaying Goliath again! Years later, YAH also told her, "These are the partners who stand with this Ministry to help accomplish all it has been ordained to do," meaning not financial partners only, but those helpers who believe and stand with the Ministry 100% helping, however YAH leads, to take the good news of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Prophecies to the four corners of this earth! And it has already begun —with "YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers"!)

Elisheva was awakened by three Holy angels. Michael's very large wing, hanging over the bed, she reached out to touch it like a child, marveled at the softness, and beautiful, shimmering, embedded iridescent colors though she saw no gems directly. At that very moment, she immediately felt the battle and birth labor end. The three days of nonstop warfare lifted as she touched his finely jeweled wing and received a new spiritual gift of healing in his wing for all the Bride. Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our MESSIAH, LORD, GOD & SAVIOR! All the angels were so excited! Then Archangel Gabriel spoke, reading to Elisheva from a scroll, listing the names of the intercessory prayer warriors and the name of the group, "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," telling her YAHUSHUA wanted her to give birth to this new branch of the Ministry who would be "Holy prayer warriors like none other!" He also told her, "All of Heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" and that the next time he would come to her, would be as part of the announcement of YAHUSHUA'S return for HIS Bride (1 Th 4:16).

Later, everyone, including the enemies, had to hear in her voice that she was alive and thriving—every curse reversed— praising YAH with all her heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, with all her life and perfect health! They had to listen to her testify for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S glory that she had literally touched the wings of an angel and how these Holy angels had delivered a special message which she would even share later on the radio show mentioned before. All those enemies were gnashing their teeth in rage as they never really planned to have Prophet Elisheva on air since they wanted her dead, but of course she was MORE ANOINTED THAN EVER. They had to listen, more than once, to her testifying of the victory YAH had just granted us while they were pretending to wear the mask of Christian—but even that, only for as long as YAH allowed it before the masks were ripped off!

[...] As the request for prayer had gone out, Elisheva felt all of the prayers and love as people [...] began interceding for her and the fellow ministers. The YDS "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," announced to Elisheva May 24, 2005, [were] announced online to the world the next day, May 25th when YAHUSHUA spoke to her, "These are MY special elite forces who will take back what satan has stolen because in the NAME & BLOOD of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you have the authority to stomp those demons! You are going to bring ME great glory by showing the enemy and the lazy, back-slidden, lukewarm Church just what MY people can do when they walk before ME as obedient, mature warriors who love ME, who love one another, and who will do MY Will—no matter the cost"

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