Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!

149 Views • 09 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!

⁣Prove it, or admit you LIED! -- 10 Lies about Elisabeth Elijah, spoken
by childofyahvh Barbara and fed by our enemies EXPOSED and Refuted. In
this video we show you a Textbook case of a mind programmed individual
who allowed herself to be recruited by infiltrators like pastorgeorgec
and his henchmen for youtube popularity and favour from a wolf pack out
to fulfil an evil agenda and steal souls through a false Christianity
(watch video entitled "New Age infiltration EXPOSED" on my channel to

We discuss and reprove 10 lies this mind programmed
lukewarm Christian speaks against Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.
Lies, statements and insinuations spoken by childofyahvh Barbara about
Elisabeth Elijah to which there is absolutely NO proof. This is done for
the purpose of slandering Elisabeth Elijah and assassinating her
character in an attempt to "kill" AmightyWind Ministry. For taking on
Elisabeth Elijah in videos, this Judas lying woman who helps
infiltrators masquerading as Christians to slander and hurt Elisabeth
Elijah received rewards from pastorgeorgec including a dinner with him
and a webcam. She was programmed by infiltrators to turn against
Elisabeth and assigned to continuously make slanderous lying videos
against her. Today this will NO LONGER continue without this Judas being
exposed, rebuked and reproved and all will be able to see what a
pretender and a liar she is. This woman calls herself a prophet yet is
full of gobbledygook and deceit, and is nothing more than a New Ager
just like our enemies who have infiltrated the Christian community with
New Age philosophy which they call "Christianity". BE NOT DECEIVED.

This video is also filled with Biblical teachings concerning true Biblical
Love, the Ten Commandments, Sin, Righteousness and Judgment, when to
rebuke in the Name of YAHUSHUA, why to reprove and expose evil etc

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