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Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME

160 Views • 03 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME

⁣Prophecy Extract: Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to
your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim
their love for ME. But by feeding, warning MY sheep you will be proving
your love for ME. By willing to suffer persecution, hatred, rejection
for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for ME. By holding on tight
to your faith though with your eyes you can't see the answer to your
prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say, "YAHUSHUA even
if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are, for
what you did for me at Calvary."

This will prove your love for
ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down for ME and if need be
to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This will prove your
love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly confessing and
worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME.

By exposing the
wolves in the sheep's den that come to devour the sheep, by picking up
MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove
your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for
holiness and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and
not that of the world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with
one question, "Will you prove your love for ME"?

I am watching
and you're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of your
soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one
another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will
you prove your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your
hands to them in prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know
MY voice; they will come to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice
this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love
for you at Calvary. Now will you prove your love for ME?

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