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Song 2019, Check out "YAHSladyNred" is BACK!!!

152 Views • 11 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Song 2019, Check out "YAHSladyNred" is BACK!!!

YAHUVEH EL-SHADDAI will judge quickly all who were responsible
including the ex male co- leader, the man who claimed he loved Elisheva.
What was love during 2016-2017 turned to arrogance, dictatorship,
deepest of betrayal with demon of narcissistic abuse to Apostle, Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu by December 3, 2018. It was an end that now Elisheva
looks at as a new beginning, and looks forward to YAHUSHUA’S promise HE
rewards those who diligently seek HIM (Heb 11:6).
YAH first has to get rid of the moldy fruit to bring forth the fresh fruit a male
Messianic Jew co-leader who will redeem all that was done and for
eternity stand by her side preaching YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is ONLY
MESSIAH! Reaching Israel for YAHUSHUA GLORY! What was her 2009 channel
is back being built up again now in 2019.
Lies from the betrayers Stephen, Shengya & Donovan were used and directed by Erez Yotam, who
does nothing at this time to be called “Ezra” YAH’S Helper (he has
defiled the name) nor deserves “Caleb” as he proves he hasn't repented
in public video. If he doesn't, he will become reprobate also. Woe be
unto those responsible for YAHUSHUA, the GREATEST OF INTERCESSORS before
YAHUVEH, will sentence you for eternity with great joy. And laughter I
will experience when you reprobates serpents reap what you sowed!

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