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The 10 Days of Awe & the Rapture—Amazing Words from Heaven!

177 Views • 24 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣The 10 Days of Awe & the Rapture—Amazing Words from Heaven! L'shana Tova!

⁣Happy Rosh Ha Shanah! From Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

Excerpt from Prophecy 92
Be of Good Cheer! For I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, AM the Only GOOD SHEPHERD And I Beat the Wolves Away!
October 27, 2007

No one does know the exact time and hour I have only told her the Holy Day
will be on Rosh Ha Shanah. Since Rosh Ha Shanah is two days—and many
people have different calculations which date it falls on—it is [so]
true, she does not know the hour.

Excerpt from Prophecy 61 Where are All MY Holy Men that Lift Up Their Holy Hands to ME, YAHUVEH?
September 11, 2002

I love you MY beloved children! Those who now are not afraid to do
everything I say, those that respect the Holy Days, those who cry out
and long for YAHUSHUA to come. They are like the Five Wise Virgins. They
have the oil in their lamps and they wait and they have extra oil
beside. For they know not what hour nor what day. They know that HE will
return on a Shabbat, but what Shabbat?

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