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Prophecy 146 - YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us!

172 Views • 14 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 146 - YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us!

⁣Prophecy 53 Excerpt:
"For I AM YAHUVEH and I change not.
I AM YAHUVEH, and I AM the same
—today, yesterday & forever.
And through MY SON YAHUSHUA’S Blood,
you come boldly before the Throne,
you tell ME boldly
what it is you need.

I tell you this day,
I’ve given you the victory.
I tell you this day!
I tell you this day
that nothing that the enemy intended to do
would I allow to be done.
I tell you,
I’ve given you the victory
—though the fight for hours
with the sword of MY SPIRIT in hand.
Once again, MY children,
you’ve seen the victory.
It was not an easy victory.

I never promised you it would be an easy victory.
When I tell you it'll be a victory,
just remember that.
No one ever promised you it would be easy.
It is true that MY yoke is easy
and MY burden is light,
but MY children there is a price to pay
for the Anointing I have placed
on all of your lives.

So you eat this Passover feast—you eat it
and you do not
“murmur murmur” or grumble
because instead you do it
with a grateful heart
and remember what happened
with the Children of Israel.
Remember the Children of Israel
that wandered for 40 years.
It would not have been so
if they had not murmured,
complained and grumbled,
but I made them walk around and around
in, some would say, in circles.
I made them walk around and around

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