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Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic
Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic

⁣Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by
witchdoctors, and shaman spirit mediums alike. Hypnosis has always been a
powerful tool of the occult. Four ways to get in touch with the
spiritual realm quickly is by hypnosis, drugs, meditation, and
visualization. Anytime we interfere and change the normal brain pattern
we bring ourselves into an altered state of consciousness, and if
radical enough in touch with the spiritual realm. A hypnotist may
encourage the participant to enter a light or medium trance, but he
cannot guarantee the hypnotized subject from spontaneously entering the
danger zone. This is where real and permanent damage can occur. One can
experience a sense of being separated from their body, hallucinate, or
go into a mystical state similar to those of mystics and meditators.

Current trends are people being hypnotized who are brought back into memories
of a few days or from the womb and prior to birth, experiencing past
lives. However this is scientifically impossible because of the
scientific fact that the myelin sheathing is too underdeveloped in the
prenatal, natal, and early postnatal brain to reserve such memories.
Some 25,000 cases have been documented by a doctor. It certainly appears
as if familiar spirits were there during these people’s lifetimes to
give a somewhat accurate reading, convincing those involved.

Past life regression is done to help subjects overcome some type of phobia
or fear such as swimming (which usually means they drowned in their past
life). Most everyone is a somebody in the past, even though they may
not be now.

The fact is no one knows exactly how hypnosis
actually “works,” and though they may have intentions of using it for
good it is still an unexplored area that affects the mind. Some use it
for self-healing. The Occultist Edgar Cayce also used self-hypnosis to
enter a trance state and diagnose disease and prescribe treatment to
patients he never saw, some from far away places. Self-hypnosis can be
occultic and just as dangerous as a trance induced by a hypnotist. This
is the same state mediums go into to contact the “dead,” or when
clairvoyants receive information of events they could not know by
natural means.

Just because hypnotists use scientific terminology
does not mean their abilities are mental or from natural phenomena.
Most hypnotists do not believe in the occult and are neither open to
considering this phenomena being from a spiritual (demonic) source. They
feel it is either latent human power or something undiscovered as yet.
As one surrenders himself to a doorway into the occult, under the
disguise of “science” or “medicine,” he has open himself to the powers
outside himself, and probable deception.

We are warned by God not to practice sorcery, divination, or enchantment. we are not to follow
after mediums, wizards, enchanters, charmers, and those who have a
familiar spirit (Deut. 18:9-14).

Prophecy 135 - Circumcision and the Abrahamic Covenant
Prophecy 135 - Circumcision and the Abrahamic Covenant Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 135 - Circumcision and the Abrahamic Covenant

⁣This leap of faith by several men of various ages in the past months has
pleased ABBA YAHUVEH GOD. This is the prophecy showing also how pleased
HE is with Beloved Prophet Ezra for leading and teaching the men about

This rite, practiced before, as some think, by divers races, was appointed
by YAHUVEH God to be the special badge of his chosen people,
an abiding sign of their consecration to him. It was
established as a national ordinance (Genesis 17:10-11).

In compliance with the divine command, Abraham, was ninety-nine years of
age. Servants were circumcised (17:12-13); and all foreigners must have
their males circumcised before they could enjoy the privileges of Jewish
citizenship (Exodus 12:48).

During the journey through the wilderness, the practice of circumcision
fell into disuse, but was resumed by the command of Joshua before
they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 5:2-9). It was observed always
afterwards among the tribes of Israel, although it is not expressly
mentioned from the time of the settlement in Canaan till the time
of the MESSIAH, about 1,450 years.

The Jews prided themselves in the possession of this covenant distinction
(Judges 14:3; 15:18; 1 Samuel 14:6; 17:26; 2 Samuel 1:20; Ezek. 31:18).

In the Old Testament, a spiritual idea is attached to circumcision. It was
the symbol of purity (Isaiah 52:1). We read of uncircumcised lips
(Exodus 6:12, 30), ears (Jeremiah 6:10), hearts (Leviticus 26:41). The
fruit of a tree that is unclean is spoken of as uncircumcised (Leviticus

It was a sign and seal of the covenant of grace, as well
as of the national covenant between YAHUVEH God and the Hebrews. It
sealed the promises made to Abraham, which related to the commonwealth
of Israel, national promises. But the promises made to Abraham included
the promise of redemption (Galatians 3:14), a promise which has come
upon us. The covenant with Abraham was a dispensation or a specific form
of the covenant of grace, and circumcision was a sign and seal of that
covenant. It had a spiritual meaning. It signified purification of the
heart, inward circumcision effected by the Spirit (Deuteronomy 10:16;
30:6; Ezek. 44:7; Acts 7:51; Romans 2:28; Col. 2:11).

7:17-20 Sha’ul states that a Jewish man who comes to know YAHUSHUA as
his Messiah is not to try to remove the marks of circumcision, because
being circumcised or uncircumcised means nothing in the one new man.
Instead each person is to remain in the condition he was in when
called by YAHUVEH. However, Sha’ul does say in verse 19b - “what does
matter is the keeping God’s mitzvot.”

Circumcision doesn't save anyone only under the NAME and Blood of
is there remission and forgiveness of sin.

Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell

⁣HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have
allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of
these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school
system. MY Name is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY
protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted?

... Games that
started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with
one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one
another. Does not MY Word say when you sin in your heart, you have
sinned against ME? Your imagination is not yours every imagination,
every thought is to be held captive for MY inspection. If it sins
against your brother it is sin. The greatest of all the Ten Commandments
is love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

That also includes
thou shalt not murder. Yet in your children they kill and they kill the
good as well as the evil in games. Beware, like I have asked before out
of this handmaiden, “What is satan feeding your children tonight through
the media, through their peers, through the games or books they read
and through their music?” Beware, satan knows I came into this world as a
innocent child and now he seeks to punish the children, to corrupt
their souls and eventually take them to hell with him.

babies are getting pregnant and told it’s alright, just get an abortion
they are told. Not one thought for the innocent child that was not
taught sexual promiscuity is SIN and leads to corruption of the soul.
Not one thought of the torture of that innocent baby as it lies in the
mother’s womb. Though the mother may be just a youngster herself, she
sins against ME, Almighty God YAHUVEH and she sins against her unborn
baby that only wanted to be born, as she has it executed. There is no
difference between a gun used for murder and a doctor used for murder.
It is all murder in MY eyes. The mother also sins against her body, soul
and Spirit. Her mind will never forget, although I can forgive if she
will ask ME and turn away from this evil.

I prophecy now
something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become
more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will
control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The
states will say ‘they own your children.’ The states will pass laws to
keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental
rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents
will have no rights. Don’t let this continue! Satan can’t take what you
don’t give him. Take back your children in MY Name! Take your children
out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense
of their souls...."

YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an!
YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an! Amightywind Deutschland 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an!

⁣Gebet um Rettung:
YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen HERRN
und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube, dass DU
den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha.
DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten.

Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich
rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe
und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden.

Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir das Verlangen gibst, DIR an
jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA,
damit DU verherrlicht wirst!

Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangen gibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel,
zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen.

Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen
Glauben wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde.
Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen,
ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA!

YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt
Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer
3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU
unser RETTER genannt. Amen.

Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem
Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen.
Glaube es und erinnere dich, dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT
sondern auch dein bester Freund ist! Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er
liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist. Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt
dich, den Sünder.

YAHUSHUA hat den Preis für deine Sünden bezahlt, so
dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder verdammt fühlen musst.
Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim Namen, dann sag IHM, dass
es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für alle deine vergangenen
und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das, was du getan hast oder
tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt. Niemand ist perfekt!
Erinnere dich daran!

Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 GebotenGOTTES zu gehorchen durch
die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off
12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft

Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die
Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird
ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den
Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im
Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben
bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht
YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du
YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast!
Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor
brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von

Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!
Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn! Amightywind Suomeksi 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!

⁣Otteita Profetiasta:

Saatanallisella eliitillä, joka täyttää Valkoisen Talon, on niin paljon verta
käsissään (Psalmit 94:20-23)— murhaajan verta, syntymättömien verta
- mutta MINÄ olen nostanut ylös Donald Trumpin, joka arvostaa elämän pyhyyttä.
Ja on hänen toiveensa, ja MINÄ olen antanut hänelle tämän toiveen:
Pestä tuo veri pois käsistä! Muuttaa aborttilait! Antaa oikeudet takaisin osavaltioille!

Elisheva, MINÄ muutin sinun sydämesi!

Sinä ainoastaan näit hänet siinä, missä kirosanat täyttivät hänen
suunsa. Sinä näit hänet siinä, missä hän on mies, joka palvoo tämän
maailman materiaalisia asioita. Mutta sitten, niin kuin MINÄ näytin
sinulle unessa, Profetiat, joiden luokse hän tulisi ja hän lukisi - ja
MINÄ vedän häntä puoleeni jopa nyt kun sinä puhut!



Sillä vaikka muut katsovat häneen [negatiivisesti], ja ennen kuin sinä käskit
esirukoilijoita rukoilemaan hänen puolestaan, sinä myös - ainoastaan
näit saastan, joka tulee esiin hänen suustaan - mutta MINÄ nostan hänet
esille ja MINÄ käytän miestä, joka ei tunne vanhurskautta vielä. Ja
silti MINÄ olen laittanut halun häneen saadakseen vanhurskautta
(Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:6)!

...Hänet on voideltu pitämään meteliä! Te ette voi hiljentää häntä - he ovat yrittäneet...

...He ovat yrittäneet pelotella häntä! He yrittävät tuoda hänelle häpeää! He
ovat pilkanneet häntä! He turmelivat hänen maineensa! He yrittävät saada
hänet näyttämään siltä, kuin hän olisi alempana mielipidekyselyissä.
Todellisuudessa hän on korkeammalla...

...Rukoilkaa Donald Trumpin puolesta! Että hän tekee kaiken, mitä hän voi tehdä! Pestäkseen veren pois Valkoisesta Talosta!...

...Mutta MINÄ, YAHUVEH, sanon, MINÄ olen muuttanut hänen sydäntään koko tämän
ajan - kun hän meni ihmisten eteen, samalla kun hän aidosti välittää
ihmisistä - MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, sanon, MINÄ pesen hänen sydämensä, MINÄ
puhdistan hänen sydämensä! Hän ei ole täysin antautunut MINULLE. Mutta
muistakaa toimeksianto, jonka MINÄ annan tälle Palvelutyölle:

Showing 26 out of 54