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Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You
Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You Amightywind Ministries 903 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Israel! Once again stand up for morality! The world wants to hate
you? Give them a reason: You stand up for morality! You stand up for
righteousness! You do what no other nation or country on the face of
this earth is doing! You be set apart for Holiness once again! You wash
the blood of the abortions off your hands!

Oh where is the leader whose heart belongs to ME? Who does not fear—to say,
'Oh Israel return again! To that which Moshe preached! To Holiness! To righteousness!'

There’s a NEW BLOOD COVENANT and it’s MY BLOOD shed for you, as I shed it for
all those who’d receive it. But right now Israel I’m talking to you!


Return. Return to that which the Disciples of Old, the Apostles, taught!
Return. Do not just recite the Torah Laws—obey them! Obey them.

Because I love you so much!

Again I warn you as you see what’s happening in this world, as you see even
laws being passed to label Israel 'terrorists' and the hatred that’s
coming at you and the political leaders who say they are friends and are
really enemies.

There is a man who doesn’t even follow MY Commandments, but his
name is Donald Trump and he truly does love Israel!
He would be a friend to you.

For I deal with him even now. This is why he chose the vice president
that he would want with him should he win the election,
but this cannot happen if enough people do not pray and put action
behind their prayers and get out and vote.

I’m just telling you now.

New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH
New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 1,049 Views • 4 months ago

⁣New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH

Each 15 euro donation will enable us to publish this book in several different
languages to reach the world for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor and Glory. It
is our desire to eventually be in a position when we can offer these
books for free but unfortunately we are not yet in this position.

Amightywind Ministries' New Book "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT"
(RUACH ha KODESH is the Sacred Hebrew Name for Holy Spirit)!

The precious Holy Spirit have spoken through the modern Endtime Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu to reveal HER Secrets.
SHE has revealed HERSELF in the Prophecies given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.

This book, "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT" contains revelations from Heaven
about the precious HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH in Hebrew, given to
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for these end times. Learn the Sacred Names of
SPIRIT) and how the anti-christ will actually be using the Name of
"Jesus"in the Great Tribulation. Learn about YAHUVEH GOD'S warnings
regarding the Mark of the Beast in the coming Great Tribulation. YAHUVEH
told us to get the Prophecies into books and in the peoples hands for
there will come a time when freedom on the internet will be no more.
These books will be for those in the Great Tribulation.

Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell
Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell Amightywind Ministries 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell

"It's the most horrifying song you have ever heard. I literally
heard a song being sung off key in HELL right NOW by a Male pastor that
never came back to the saving grace of YAHUSHUA Messiah. You see even
someone that brings millions of souls to YAHUSHUA can still lose their
own soul. Because it's THEIR relationship with YAHUSHUA that matters,
NOT our GOOD WORKS that get US into Heaven. So NO man or woman can Boast
of their good works and think that is enough to escape HELL. God knows
your motives and if its NOT Holy motives done because you LOVE YAHUSHUA
then all these WORKS mean NOTHING. For 8 hours the LORD showed me HELL
and a vision of a Citizen in HELL! I am looking for the right person to
record what the LORD gave me and one day I believe in faith Carman will
record this song.

I have been accused of scaring people into heaven with it as the Holy Spirit
anointed my voice to sound like tormented souls screaming! The Devil mocking,
demons taunting, describing in detail what I saw. The anointing was so strong that the
cassette tape it was recorded on you can hear the echo on the other side
of the tape. You cannot get a glimpse of HELL without it making your
physical body sick. For 10 days after this song was finished I became
VERY sick but I know this Jude 1:23 says some will only come by fear.
NOT everyone comes to YAHUSHUA because HE loves them. Some will run into
the arms of the Lord YAHUSHUA Messiah running in terror when they see
the alternative which is HELL.

The name of the song is "A CITIZEN IN HELL" and if any pastor promises to
USE it to bring souls to YAHUSHUA I will give them this song. It is the UGLIEST and most
frightening song you will ever hear, for when I was the sickest is when
the Holy Spirit said NOW sing it Sherrie! There is NO beauty in HELL
even the best singer sings off KEY in HELL even the best musician plays
Off KEY in Hell. Only TORTURE, TERROR, TORMENT for all eternity! Only
entrances and NO exits. Look at a ring that represents eternity, no
beginning or no end. Where are you going to spend eternity? Heaven or

Here are a few brief lyrics to the song " A CITIZEN IN
HELL" no one may copy this without my permission and if anyone knows
Carman please tell him about this song. When the LORD gave this to me he
said Carman has the anointing to sing this song. This song is meant for
the Last Chancers one step before the flames of HELL. One step before
Jer. 6 vs. 27-30. With the LORDS help and anointing he has told me to
create a animated hell from the lyrics in this song. If anyone has the
computer tech anointing to help me do this please email me right away.
Here are a few lines of the song so you can see this is NOT a place you
want to spend eternity.

"Flaming worms crawl in, flaming worms crawl out in the belly button and
out the mouth! In the front and out the rear! In the eyes and out the ears!
We scream for mercy yet NO one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood
rivers of feces, lava, vomit and blood, it looks like a flood! Flames everywhere yet
they cast NO light! All I have is every kind of pain, terror, torture, and fright! I
am a Citizen in HELL!

This is the first level of HELL the other levels there are NO words to tell. Hell is
so hot it boils the flesh off my skin how do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm
so thirsty yet I've not even urine or tears to drink and OH my GOD how this HELL
stinks! AHHHH I am a Citizen in HELL!

There's NO water of any kind not even sweat to cool my brow, I know from
HELL I will never be set free and demons curse and Mock me! I scream to God to
help me, yet he does NOT hear! Instead the voice of satan laughs and jeers! Ha Ha,
there's NO GOD and there's NO mercy here! I have torture, terror, and
Damnation and every kind of FEAR but there's NO GOD HERE! Ha Ha Ha."

I saw a naked man covered in flaming worms that cannot die. he turned to
me and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him and he sung this song
in an emotionless voice. A voice that held NO emotion only the pain and
torment he was in ...."

Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier
Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier Amightywind Nederland 171 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier

⁣[...] kijk NIET naar de verwoesting. Want IK BEN in de storm, IK ben in
de orkaan. IK zal doen wat er ook voor nodig is. Want MIJN woede is meer
immens dan je je kunt voorstellen. MIJN Naam wordt gelasterd. MIJN
GELIEFDE ZOON'S Naam wordt gelasterd. De RUACH ha KODESH, MIJN lieve,
lieve Kostbare HEILIGE GEEST zoals jij zegt, wordt gelasterd.

Dit is slechts een voorbeeld [voorproefje] van MIJN Furie! DIT IS SLECHTS
waarschuw je, en IK waarschuw je dat de verwoesting eraan komt. IK geef
je Profetie na Profetie en waarschuw dat verwoesting eraan komt. Ben IK
niet een YAH die ZIJN Woord houdt? Dit is slechts een VOORBEELD
[voorproefje]! Wacht maar tot de hele wereld raast! Wacht maar tot de
vulkanen uitbarsten als een kettingreactie!

WIL JE MIJ BESPOTTEN!? Wil je dat wat een "Obama-Natie"/ gruwel is -- als
aanvaardbaar noemen, als iets om te doen! Ze werpen de Heiligheid terug
in MIJN GEZICHT! IK heb gezegd dat MIJN Woord waarschuwt. Profetie na
Profetie heb IK voortgesproken, VERNIETIGING KOMT ERAAN! Welk deel
hiervan begrijpen jullie niet?

IK BEN een GOD die Heiligheid eist. Denk NIET dat je gewoon kunt wegkomen
met een gebed. Denk NIET dat je gewoon kunt zeggen, oh maar GOD is gewoon liefde.
SNEEUWSTORMEN! Dus dit is een voorbeeld [voorproefje] van de verwoesting
die eraan komt.

Kijk NIET enkel naar de verwoesting, maar richt
je ook op de Wonderen die IK tegelijkertijd zal doen. Want voor zij die
Heilig zijn, zelfs indien ze op hetzelfde land leven, jullie zijn
verborgen onder de beschutting van MIJN Vleugels. MIJN Heilige Engelen
zullen jullie beschermen. IK zal voorzien van jullie noden.

IK gebruik deze Bediening om Azië te bereiken. Je kunt niet bevatten
hoevelen op hun knieën zijn gekomen [gevallen], en hun hoofden bogen en
YAHUSHUA als MASHIACH belijden. Je kunt niet bevatten hoe IK deze
Bediening gebruik en al de verschillende tongen [talen] en meer die op
weg zijn. Zodat wanneer verwoesting komt, ze weten naar wie ze moeten
kijken, ze weten naar wie ze moeten uitroepen. En MIJN Hand is over hen
en liefdevol houd IK hen vast. [...]

Prijs MIJ temidden van de stormen, want degenen die van MIJ zijn zijn in de Palm van MIJN Hand.
Degenen die tot YAHUSHUA behoren zijn in de Palm van ZIJN Hand.

(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面
(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面

⁣在如阿克. 哈. 古德西(聖靈)的恩膏下透過使徒以莉莎法. 以利亞呼被寫下/說出。
















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