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New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH
New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 1,049 Views • 4 months ago

⁣New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH

Each 15 euro donation will enable us to publish this book in several different
languages to reach the world for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor and Glory. It
is our desire to eventually be in a position when we can offer these
books for free but unfortunately we are not yet in this position.

Amightywind Ministries' New Book "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT"
(RUACH ha KODESH is the Sacred Hebrew Name for Holy Spirit)!

The precious Holy Spirit have spoken through the modern Endtime Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu to reveal HER Secrets.
SHE has revealed HERSELF in the Prophecies given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.

This book, "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT" contains revelations from Heaven
about the precious HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH in Hebrew, given to
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for these end times. Learn the Sacred Names of
SPIRIT) and how the anti-christ will actually be using the Name of
"Jesus"in the Great Tribulation. Learn about YAHUVEH GOD'S warnings
regarding the Mark of the Beast in the coming Great Tribulation. YAHUVEH
told us to get the Prophecies into books and in the peoples hands for
there will come a time when freedom on the internet will be no more.
These books will be for those in the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You
Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You Amightywind Ministries 903 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 132 - Israel I Love You I Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Israel! Once again stand up for morality! The world wants to hate
you? Give them a reason: You stand up for morality! You stand up for
righteousness! You do what no other nation or country on the face of
this earth is doing! You be set apart for Holiness once again! You wash
the blood of the abortions off your hands!

Oh where is the leader whose heart belongs to ME? Who does not fear—to say,
'Oh Israel return again! To that which Moshe preached! To Holiness! To righteousness!'

There’s a NEW BLOOD COVENANT and it’s MY BLOOD shed for you, as I shed it for
all those who’d receive it. But right now Israel I’m talking to you!


Return. Return to that which the Disciples of Old, the Apostles, taught!
Return. Do not just recite the Torah Laws—obey them! Obey them.

Because I love you so much!

Again I warn you as you see what’s happening in this world, as you see even
laws being passed to label Israel 'terrorists' and the hatred that’s
coming at you and the political leaders who say they are friends and are
really enemies.

There is a man who doesn’t even follow MY Commandments, but his
name is Donald Trump and he truly does love Israel!
He would be a friend to you.

For I deal with him even now. This is why he chose the vice president
that he would want with him should he win the election,
but this cannot happen if enough people do not pray and put action
behind their prayers and get out and vote.

I’m just telling you now.

Before The Wrath
Before The Wrath Amightywind Ministries 690 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Before The Wrath

"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a
mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a
deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over
the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood?
Newly rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of
Christ finally reveals unprecedented findings that could prove the
upcoming Rapture is not only real to a skeptical world but sheds new
light on how and why this event must take place. Regardless of your
Tribulation Period views,

"Before the Wrath" will captivate believers and non-believers alike; revealing
new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to
the ancient Galileans about the end of the world in ways you could never have imagined.

The findings revealed within "Before the Wrath" resulted from 10-years of
research in Israel by leading ancient anthropological scholars which
rediscovered lost Middle-Eastern views regarding how and why the
biblical "catching away" was prophesied to occur. While everyone has
been debating "when" this event is to happen, we've forgotten to ask
"why" it does, and the answer could be the greatest theological
discovery of our time. To fully present the impact this genuine
eye-opening discovery has on the world, award-winning documentary writer
and director Brent Miller Jr, reproduces what Jesus Christ Himself
unveiled to the ancient Galileans regarding the end of the world through
emotional and beautiful cinematic reenactments with over 60 actors and
extras on a Hollywood set.

Amightywind Salvation Prayer
Amightywind Salvation Prayer Amightywind Ministries 212 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Salvation Prayer

⁣YAHUSHUA (יהושע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are
still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for
then. Salvation only comes through YAHUSHUA as HE is the only way to
Heaven. Salvation is not found in any religion, nor in any church made
by men. Only by YAHUSHUA's sacrifice on Calvary, HIS Blood atonement and
by Faith through HIM are we saved.

Say the following prayer with all your heart:

DearYAHUSHUA, I accept you now as my LORD and SAVIOR, You are the God I
love. I believe you paid the price for my sins at Calvary, you died and
arose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to come into my heart,
forgive me of my sins, wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am sorry I
have sinned, and I turn away from those sins. Thank you for filling me
with your Holy Spirit, and giving me the desire to serve you all the
days of my life, and live your life in me YAHUSHUA, so you will be
Glorified! Thank you for giving me the desire to read your Bible, and
give me the wisdom to understand it. Thank you for Loving me and Saving
my soul, causing my Faith to grow, so one day I will be with YOU in
Heaven. Fill me with your Holy Spirit now and deliver me from the evil
one in your name YAHUSHUA I pray! Help me YAHUSHUA to remember all have
sinned and fall short of the Glory of YAHUVEH, and you came to save us
sinners, that's why your called our SAVIOR. Amen.

Read this prayer and then read it again, this time NOT with head knowledge but
with all your heart, believe it in FAITH, and remember YAHUSHUA is NOT
only God, but He is your best friend! He cares so much for you, He loves
you so much, just the way you are. He hates Sin, but He loves YOU, the

Learn to live in Holiness and to obey all of the 10 Commandments,
among which the Fourth Commandment that tells us to keep
the Sabbath Day Holy, which is the Seventh Day according to the Bible,
Friday sunset until Saturday sunset, and NOT Sunday (the 1rst day). You
must obey this commandment, for the Bible also says that when you break
one Commandment you break them all. (James 2:10). The Bible also says
that your Saviour YAHUSHUA is, and always will be the Lord of the
Sabbath (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5).

The Sabbath is a perpetual Covenant between YAHUVEH God and
HIS Children as stated in Exodus 31:16. This applies to Jewish believers
in YAHUSHUA, and non-Jewish believers who are GRAFTED IN with them
(see Romans 11:11-24).

The Catholic Church claims in it's official catechism that there is no
salvation outside of the catholic church, this is a lie that contradicts
the Bible that they claim to follow. Flee and stay far away from the
this Church of Babylon, that teaches it's adepts to pray to mere men, to
Mary and the angels (the creation) and any church that does the same.
This is idolatry which is a sin in the eyes of the Creator, and for
every sin one will be punished. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation.

You must repent (turn away from this sin) if you have done this, and ask
forgiveness to the Lord and come at HIS feet. As the angel said in the Book of Revelation,
chapter 22 verse 9, worship God. You are to pray only to the Holy
Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Welcome to our Ministry website: We are a Messianic Jewish
Pentecostal Ministry, and are dedicated to reaching souls for YAHUSHUA
in over 25 languages. Our greatest desire and prayer is that you receive
the truth, that the only way to Heaven is through the Name of Shed
Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. We pray that you are blessed by the End
Time Prophetic Words that YAHUVEH GOD, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH
(HOLY SPIRIT) have spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.


We teach the truth regarding God's Sabbath Day being Friday sundown to
Saturday sundown and how the Sunday Churches will be used to establish
the Mark of the Beast 666. The new world order is approaching as well as
the coming of the antichrist, take the Prophetic Warnings issued

This Ministry preaches against sins like pornography,
abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, the occult, witchcraft,
new age and exposes false religions like Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism
and others. This Ministry also exposes many false prophets and teachers
such as the Pope, John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey,
Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyers, Oral Roberts, Sherry Shriner, Choo Thomas,
Linda Newkirk, Zeph Daniel, Rev Moon and others.

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023! Amightywind Ministries 169 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!

⁣Happy Blessed Pesach (Passover) and Feast of Unleavened Bread from
Apostle Prophet Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, the YDS and all the Ministry

Your lamb shall be without blemish and its blood shall be
placed on the door posts of the houses (Exodus 12:5,7) so that the angel
of death could not enter into the houses. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the
new blood covenant exodus and is the fulfilment of Isaiah 53.

HIS blood protects us. HE was sinless and was crucified and died for the
forgiveness of sins to those who will confess, repent and turn from
evil. HE is the only door and way to Heaven (John 19:18, John 10:16). He
did not stay dead but was resurrected on the 3rd day and 40 days later
ascended to Heaven before witnesses (Luke 24:5-6, 51) HE is now seated
on the right-hand side of ABBA YAHUVEH! HALLELUYAH!

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH says beware of the yeast of pharisees. HE warns make sure there
is no sin. The Passover exodus with the old blood covenant was a

We all wish you a Happy Blessed Pesach/Passover and Feast of Unleavened
Bread! In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’S love, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

Please leave a comment and please leave me a rumble by pressing the plus
sign under the video. You can also watch the uncensored versions of my videos there,
so come on and join us and rumble in YAHS jungle!

Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit!
Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Amightywind Ministries 174 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Restoration Prophecy To Hebrew Translator All Believers

⁣MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to
wash the sins away. Thank you for not being ashamed of ME. Thank you for
being willing to be persecuted for ME! Thank you for accepting ME, even
though it means your own family turns away! Those of your blood family,
but not MY Blood family! MY Blood family embraces you as I have this
prophet sister of yours call you this day! MY Blood family, those that
do the will of the Heavenly FATHER, embrace you and love you, recognize
you for who you are in ME! Remember this always.

I love you! And I thank you! Yes, your LORD GOD, your SAVIOUR, your MESSIAH, loves you!
Never, never, never, never let anyone take that away! I speak to you in
the still of the night. I give you revelations. And greater revelations
you shall have! Remember MY darling one, Judases will come and Judases
will go. I had MY Judases. You have yours. Elisabeth has hers. All, all,
all who follow after ME, if they are not persecuted in MY Name, had
better ask themselves, "Why not?" for the servant is not greater than
the MASTER. It is all ... All do not love ME. [i.e. Not all love me]. Do
not expect all to love you—as I still am persecuted. In this world I am
hated more than I am loved! I am mocked more than I am accepted! But I
paid the price at Calvary and Israel, oh Israel how long, how long, how
long, how long must I wait for thee to accept ME, to love ME?

Oh I know how long it will be! And I know the price Israel shall pay! And it
will be a price that is so heavy—for they are held more accountable—for
I walked the streets of Jerusalem. MY Blood, MY Blood, MY Blood is
soaked in the land. Oh how I grieve, how I mourn! But there is a
remnant! I do have a remnant! I ALWAYS have a remnant! They are few—but
they are MINE! And just as I have you, so too there are others in
Israel. And they are spread all over the world and they are going to
stand up and they are going to defend! And they are defending that which
is Holy! And they are exposing and rebuking all that is unholy and they
are warning that the false messiah is on the way—but it shall not
happen until I take MY true Bride away.

Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH
Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH

⁣"When you read in the Word that's been translated and they dare to call
MY Son YAHUSHUA, the son of man. He was never the son of a man. HE's the
Son of YAHUVEH! The Son of YAH! When you see this in the translation,
for how long now I have caused you to grieve and you have never felt
peace in this and yet you explain all the translations do this. It was
not by MY hand! This is by satan's plan. Although HE was born in a human
frame, although HE suffered on the cross the pain HE was never, never,
never the son of a man! HE's the Son of YAH and HIS Name, even to the
world proclaimed. Why do you think satan in the translation, tried to
regulate HIM and give HIM the name of a man. I've had to allow this and
at this time before the Great Tribulation the name of Jesus will stand."

(Explanation regarding the last paragraph: Elisabeth has
been attacked severly regarding the last paragraph by those who call
themselves christian, but we know better than that. After much prayer
and guidance it is very clear what the RUACH ha KODESH is saying. She is
saying it grieves, offends and angers her that so many different Bibles
are using the inaccurate translation of 'the Son of Man' to describe
YAHUSHUA. Originally in Hebrew the scriptures said 'Ben Adam' and not
'the Son of Man'. After prayer and studying this subject it has become
clear that 'Ben Adam' literally in English means 'human being'. In
Aramaic 'Ben Adam' is translated into 'Son of Adam' and 'Son of
Humanity' because Adam is the Father of humanity and therefore the 'Son
of Adam' is translated into the 'Son of Humanity'. So then when the
Aramaic was translated into Greek it was translated from 'Son of
Humanity' into 'Son of Man'.

We can promise you this, YAHUSHUA NEVER used 'the Son of Man' to describe HIMSELF.

'Son of Man' is inaccurate and has caused much confusion and needless debate
and this is exactly what satan wanted and knew would happen. Many
believe because so many Bibles use 'the Son of Man' to describe YAHUSHUA
that it means HE is literally the son of A man. As in Joseph is the
literal biological father of YAHUSHUA. They believe YAHUSHUA was a mere
man and not the Son of YAHUVEH. Niko's biological father believed this,
he believed YAHUSHUA was just a good man with alot of wisdom, he didn't
believe YAHUSHUA was God or the Son of YAHUVEH. This is what the RUACH
ha KODESH is clarifying, YAHUSHUA is NOT the son of A man (Joseph), but
YAHUSHUA is a human being (Ben Adam) born of a virgin woman and the Son

The 'Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Bible' published by Your Arms
To Yisrael uses the original Hebrew of 'Ben Adam' and not 'the Son of Man'.

The 'Aramaic New Covenant Bible' published by exegeses Bibles uses the translation of 'the Son of Humanity'.

'The Scriptures Bible' published by the Institute For Scripture Research uses the translation 'the Son of Adam'.

As we all know most other Bibles use the translation 'the Son of man'. The
above Bibles are mentioned because we have these Bibles and read them
for ourselves.

Showing 1 out of 29