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Nephtali1981 Punched Out!

47 Views • 01 December 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Nephtali1981 Punched Out!

⁣Nephtali1981 is a deceiver who is pushing and manipulating his viewers to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and damn their souls. Nephtali1981 dares to call the Holy Spirit that is using AmightyWind Ministry to reach souls in 25 different languages with the gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ a "jezebel spirit". In order to have people believe his lies he is purposely misrepresenting what this Ministry teaches, twisting the Word of GOD (Bible) to use it as a weapon against this Ministry and he seeks to assassinate the character of my pastor Elisabeth Elijah through slander and defamation.

This video is my rebuttal to Nephtali1981's slanderous lies as he continues his assault against this Ministry and war against the One who established this Ministry; YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD Almighty and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. After viewing this video, the viewer will have no excuse to believe Nephtali1981's lies. I will show you how it is absurd and utter blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to call the Spirit in this Ministry "jezebel". I will show you how Nephtali1981 lies, slanders, defames, twists the Word of GOD to attack GOD's Children -- how he uses mind control and manipulation techniques to plant twisted and unbiblical messages in the minds of the viewers -- how he is connected to a network of satanists masquerading as Christians on YouTube to try to destroy a Ministry like AmightyWind -- how he works together with pastorgeorgec and takes orders from pastorgeorgec to attack AmightyWind Ministry and cover up the sins of George when he gets himself into trouble. Nephtali1981 is an illusion, a deception that satan has planted within this Christian community to deceive, sow confusion and doubt; to recruit people to partake in a war against a Ministry like AmightyWind Ministry. Do not believe the lies of this man. The "Jesus" he is talking about is not the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. Nephtali1981 twists the Bible and applies the Bible in a way GOD never meant it to be applied; using it as a weapon against GOD's Own Commandment keeping Children that have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:17). Nephtali1981 is representing the antichrist, preaches a lawless gospel and wages war against the genuine anointing of the Holy Spirit. Watch this video and help me get the truth out to expose this deceiver and WARN the people of what he is doing.

A future video will contain a more in depth explanation on the occult aspect of Nephtali1981 and his "ministry". Nephtali1981 is truly an antichrist agent.

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