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Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set

168 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set

⁣YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave
Elisabeth and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on
all those that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in
HIS timing and HIS way when they least expect it.

The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those who are outwardly evil but are
those claim to be a Christian and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST! They
hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for sin or sinners,
and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away from sin,
do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been
branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10
commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that
there is a hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH!

Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have
been praying for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisabeth
prayed, "Please prove this fast has not been in vain and that ABBA
YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on the enemies." YAHUVEH answered
Elisabeth's prayers and put the sign in the sky with fireballs that are
very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an hour! Woe be unto the
enemies the YDS's fasted and prayed that Judgment from YAHUVEH would
come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false Prophets
of Baal!

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