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Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!

162 Views • 14 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!

⁣This is March 20th, 2020 – remember, the number 20 is the number of
redeemed in Hebrew [Prophecy & Bible]. Remember that’s a double
20—the last time I had the Prophecy on January 20th 2020, which is
[Prophecy] 150.

And I just want you to know, this is the Year of the Redeemed! Do not fear!

Fear is a torment which YAHUVEH has not sent. I’ve taken down the
frontpage—of the information of what’s going on around this world—and
I’ve put it up on our YAHStube [http://yahstube.com ] (that you can see where it’s at as you click on the banner or you go to the media [menu on the website]).
But I am now hearing, I have to build your faith up! There’s too much
information all over the Internet now. You don’t know what to believe.

whatever you do—if a prophet says that they’re a “Prophet” and they
claim to have Prophecies, ask them where the proof behind their
“prophecies” is because I’ll tell you this: I have proof behind the
Prophecies, and it will be 26 years on April 4th 2020.

We’re in the year 20, the number of the redeemed! Don’t you want to be in the
Redeemed? That means you’re saved by the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA OUR MASHIACH!
That means you have nothing to fear. For YAHUVEH says HE did not give
us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!

Oh my AmightyWind congregation—you who call me your Pastor, and the Apostle
and the Prophet. I am going to read to you the Prophecy 52, and you are
going to see, what’s going on right now was already prophesied."

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