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Prophecy 137 - Prophecy Holy Spirit Lullaby Revelation Teaching

148 Views • 06 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 137 - Prophecy Holy Spirit Lullaby Revelation Teaching

That’s all right children! Just rejoice! This shows you how much
satan hates the love that I have given both of you! He fears the words
that you have spoken!

Ezra he knows that I have given a weapon
like none other and I’ve told you all along it was love! But when you
combined it with the words husband and wife NO WEAPON IN HELL CAN COME
AGAINST IT! For this day this has been redeemed! It doesn’t matter
whether you have internet! I just want you to see how Ezra I anointed
you even back then to even play the songs in the order I told you to and
the love Ezra as you sat there so helpless, you just wanted to hold her
in your arms and comfort her and if you can see this video you would
see it on your face and instead I just kept telling you, first is
singing that lullaby, that is a lullaby straight from Heaven.

Do you know IMMAYAH gives you each your own lullabies? You can’t always
hear it. Seldom can you hear it and seldom do you know each other’s
lullabies, but Ezra I take this opportunity since the devil has taken
the internet to speak this Word to both of you. Ezra I gave you
Elisheva’s lullaby. There’s times when you are praying and so distraught
and you may be weeping and all of a sudden a peace comes over you and
you don’t even know where it comes from – it’s just like a “Hush MY
child” and a loving peace comes over you. That is your IMMAYAH and SHE’S
singing you a lullaby and SHE’S rocking you in HER arms....

This is why I reveal these secrets to you now so others will understand.
This is why I add even now, 89 and 90, more revelations about who the
RUACH HA KODESH is for those who will receive HER, the sweet HOLY SPIRIT
as a MOTHER, this will be a blessing and now I take this opportunity, I
YAHUVEH, to give a new Prophecy, a new Revelation from Heaven for Ezra
you’re going to share that lullaby and this is what satan fears. No one
can duplicate it. This is just further proof when I call a soul mate a
soul mate, one who is Holy and I mean Holy, obedient, who have their
priorities straight of I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH. I share
secrets especially with those I call MY best friends, you and Elisheva,
know things that come straight from Heaven....

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