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Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells

150 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells

I have this against you America! Your leader is not only a whore
monger but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion
and enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The unborn
you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to death for
food! You take more regard and compassion on the creatures than you do
the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily.

I have this against you America. You were a nation set apart by MY divine hand
to glorify the Lord God Almighty whose Name is "I AM." You who once
stood for Godliness are nothing more than an empty shell. You pour your
wrath out on a nation you have no right to pour forth your judgments on.
"I AM" the only one that has this right for vengeance is MINE saith the
Lord. How can you pull splinters out of their eyes when you have a
plank in your own eyes? First get the plank out of your own eyes then
help someone with a splinter.

How can you cry dictator when you have your own dictators?
America I have decreed this from Heaven unless
you fall on your knees and acknowledge your sins as I have cried out the
warning before through this handmaiden I will speak it again through
her as well as through other prophets." America REPENT for you shall
never win another war again!" You shall reap what you are sowing. The
measure of destruction you are pouring out and the measure of death you
are pouring out you shall drink from MY cup of wrath until there is no
more. America, you once were a nation that was trusted and respected but
now you're a mockery of all that is Holy. Your people once stood for
morality and your leaders also, but now your people and your leaders are
known around the world as immoral and untrustworthy. You defend the
wrong and you seek to silence the right.

You bomb a country that at least worships a God.
Even a heathen God is better then none. For even a heathen nation
acknowledges they are not supreme. America I have
this against you. You serve no God! You bow your knee to no God although
your currency says, "In God we Trust" you trust in no God. You America,
have a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. America you shall
reap what you're sowing.

You who send missionaries to other countries and I bless these missionaries
with MY anointing and heathen lands come to know YAHUSHUA as Lord and Savior.
Yet your own country mocks the same message. Not all do this for I do have a people.
I have a remnant that will not be moved. They will not bow their knee to satan
and the doctrines of the anti-christ but oh so few. Oh I weep, so many
are going astray. Multitudes listening to strange fire teachings,
demonstating strange fire in their churches and even praying strange
fire prayers. Come out from among them. Listen to the voice of MY RUACH
ha KODESH you know the voice of your Good Shepherd. Test every action
with the word of YAHUVEH. Test the Spirit that speaks. In this time and
season the false prophets look so good. They speak words saying all is
well and only blessings are ahead.

Yes for MY Children I will protect. But remember Moses and learn the lesson of the children of
Israel. The plagues did not come nigh those that had their faith in ME,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But they did see the plagues that
came upon the others. I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, your MESSIAH
to come and catch MY Bride away. Didn't I give you signs in the Holy
Scriptures of what to wait and watch for? Haven't you seen these things
come to pass? Didn't I say truly this generation would not pass away
that see these things without the Son of God, YAHUSHUA coming again. Why
do you doubt ME? Why then do only 50 percent of you who claim to love
and serve ME believe I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to rescue
those who are not appointed to MY wrath that is to come? For those of
you who refuse to use your faith to believe in this Blessed Hope I have
news for you HE is not coming for you.

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