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Prophecy 49 - Beware You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter

154 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 49 - Beware You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter

⁣YAHUVEH GOD Warning America about coming World War III

America, you are being deceived. Wake up MY People and speak up against
this, encourage your President to find more peaceful ways than war that
will even include biological, and germ warfare. This is no longer a war
with mere bullets. This will be a war of a magnitude that will shake
this world and truly the words World War III will never be forgotten,
nor will any nation remain the same. You have been warned! [...]
America, stop testing ME. Woe be unto an infant that shakes their fist
in the face of the Almighty Living GOD YAHUVEH [...] America, if you
don't stop waving that red, white, and blue flag in "I AM's" face and
start living Godly, raising up the Bible, obeying the Torah, which is a
Godly standard against the evil in this world, as well as the evil that
comes against your nation. "I AM" is going to release MY hold again on
you and allow satan to give you a beating, where the tears will not
stop, nor the wails of this nation that will be heard around the world. A
satanic nation will beat you and make your bodies look like they were
whipped red, white, and blue. [...]

If the truth be known America you have no friends.
They are all enemies in disguise and if possible would
plunder all you have. "I AM" is your only true Friend and "I AM" is
your Creator and FATHER. Why are you ashamed of who "I AM" is and what
"I AM" stands for and that is Holiness, and what "I AM" stands against
and that is all that is unholy. Repent America before it is too late.

Beware America, for the next World War III will be the
beginning of the end for you and many other nations shall fall when you
do, like dominoes in a row. Like a house of cards. Beware and think hard
on this, for how can I bless you to win a war when this nation no
longer stands for Holiness. [...]

Your White House has been defiled
and never cleansed of spirits of divination, adultery, murder, suicide,
whoredom, fornication, greed, jealousy, antichrist spirits, abortion,
homosexuality, pride, atheism, unlove, hatred, selfishness, bribery,
lying and deceiving spirits, satanism, insanity, treason, necromancy,
need I go on? What spirit is in your White House now where your leaders
make decisions? Where is the Blood of YAHUSHUA that should be used to
cleanse your houses of government? Where is the repentance like I called
for in Washington DC? From your leaders that are responsible for
passing laws of unholiness? [...]

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