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Prophecy 62 - THE KING IS COMING

155 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 62 - THE KING IS COMING

⁣Tell the people, shout it from one end of the Earth to the other, MY Son
is coming, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Tell them MY children,
repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, fall on your faces on this Yom
Kippur day. Fall on your faces in the Spiritual realm; see yourselves
flat on your faces, for the King is coming!

Let the world mock.
Let the Pharisees mock. It will not stop for the King is coming! He's
not coming for those who think they are not sinners, who think they are
so righteous, that they do not even have to repent. HE's coming for HIS
Children, for the Bride that desires to obey. HE's coming for the
warriors who war in HIS Holy Name. He's coming for those who humbly
admit all have fallen short of MY Glory.

Just be ready MY children. It doesn't matter if you know the day or hour.
What Bride doesn't know when her Bridegroom approaches?
What Bride doesn't prepare herself in advance? MY true Bride are hearing MY voice.
They are preparing themselves. They are desiring and seeking Holiness.
They abhor the yeast of the Pharisees.

Hide yourself MY children for yet just a little while. For all of Heaven rages,
and against satan and his demons war rages. It is waged, for the King is coming!
The Earth quakes and shutters in fear in various parts of the world. You are seeing
floods, these are MY tears. Remember when the floods came in the time of
Noah. Remember how he was mocked and they mocked up until the time the
rains came. But I told MY children, Noah and his family to get in the
ark and bolt the door, and when the floods came, the ungodly ones
pounded on that door. Then they wanted in, then they believed who I am,
but it was too late for them and the floods swallowed them.

Such it will be again. Those that stand in MY Son's righteousness, those
that have anointed their homes, those that hide in MY Word, those that
strive to obey, those that love and serve and put ME first, those that
know the treasures of this earth will not be what they can take to their
Heavenly home. In this world they realize thieves break in. Moth and
rust does corrupt that which you think is a treasure on earth you cannot
take with you when you leave this earth.

Instead MY true children, instead MY true Bride build up their Heavenly treasures where
moth and rust and thieves cannot corrupt. Thieves cannot steal your
treasures in Heaven. So many go in lack, but they do it for MY sake,
forsaking luxuries so souls can be saved. These are MY beloved; these
are MY true treasures on earth. Those that cry out in MY Son's Name, in
the Name of YAHUSHUA and pray so many times a day they cannot even begin
to count, These are MY children, these are the ones the King is coming

YAHUSHUA is on the way, the King is coming! HE is your
atonement for sin. He is the perfect Lamb that was sacrificed. No spot,
no blemish, no sin was found in HIM. HE paid for this world, HE was
ransomed for this world for all those that can believe and receive the
Blood that was shed at Calvary. He paid the atonement for your sin. HE
is your High Priest. For those Jews that deny Him, for the Muslims that
deny Him. They acknowledge Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they will not
accept HIM as MESSIAH, when it comes to the Name YAHUSHUA.

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