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Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself

167 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself

⁣"Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in
Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom
and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted
worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for
granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out
they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is
given, much more is expected.

I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master.
As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY beloved
Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in
the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah,
Elisha are of great importance......

........Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I,
YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to
her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect
YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and
he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in
advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen
with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?

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