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Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael I YAHUVEH Rebuke You

149 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael I YAHUVEH Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, that which is a apple in MY eye that has a worm
in it, I rebuke you! I, YAHUVEH, the one that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
worships and they obeyed,

You say why are we forced to give up the land our forefathers gave us?
I ask you this question: Are you walking in Torah? Are you living in Torah?
As your forefathers did?

Oh, Yisrael, just as surely as MY Son YAHUSHUA had a Judas betray HIM for
30 pieces of silver, so too you have a Judas, the one who hands you the
so-called road map of peace that will only end in your destruction, to
prepare the way for that which is called the antichrist, the

People say you are the Holy Land, but I, YAHUVEH,
say there is no holiness. So few of a remnant I have that actually walk
in Torah and live in Torah. You have a Pharisee spirit. And I tell you
this: although it is not I dividing your land, but I will allow the
enemy to do so for your disobedience.

But I tell you this; I swear by this, by MY OWN Name I, YAHUVEH, swear by this.
I will take vengeance on your enemies for it is MY, and MY alone authority to punish
you in a way that I have decreed. These enemies that come against you
shall have the fate of a Judas. I, YAHUVEH, will have mercy on the
remnant that is Holy, those of you who weep and mourn and wail as you
see a Judas' betrayal, those of you who plead for the land, for
Jerusalem, those of you who despise and rebuke the man of sin. Those of
you who call upon MY Name in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name, I will have mercy
and I will bless you. You are not appointed to MY wrath.

But you
oh America and the other nations that join you, who dare to touch that
which I told you not to touch, to divide that which I told you not to
divide, you shall suffer the fate of a Judas. You will rue the day that
you threw the 30 pieces of silver Yisrael's way. For as you divide the
land, as you bribe the one to divide the land so too I shall divide you
in every way. 2005 was just an example. You know not, nor even
comprehend, the horror I have coming your way straight from Heaven no
man sent. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, how long will you fight against ME? I
know the very day when you relinquish your will to ME. Oh, but a bloody
road you have to travel until MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and you will shout,
"Blessed is he who comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.""

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