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Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh

148 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh

⁣The job of the Two Witnesses will be unlike any other job given. I weep
for them under the anointing, for the job they will have to do is not to
be envied. They will see more horror than has ever been seen on this
earth. Please do as YAHUVEH has said and pray for the Two Witnesses.
Please pray blessings on them in all ways. While they are in this mortal
body, pray the Holy Ones will give them loving support and
encouragement. Please pray that they believe and receive the anointing
that has been given to them and obey and do all they are to do. Pray for
protection of The Holy Wall of fire that will surround them on all
sides so no man, woman, demon, devil, can harm them while in that mortal

Beware Boasting Pretenders!

Anyone who is boasting they are one of the Two Witnesses such as the one who calls
himself Elijah the Tishbite, or the man Hawkins who wrote blasphemy in
the Book of YAHWEH is not one of them even when the Two Witnesses lay in
the street he said they lay there for 3 1/2 years instead of 3 1/2
days, I read this with my own eyes, these men and others who do this in

The real Two Witnesses don't even want to acknowledge
that calling on their lives. They are humble and don't believe they are
worthy of this high of a calling and keep saying, "Surely you have
someone better." This is what YAHUVEH has shown me, that is why the
scriptures say they are dressed in sackcloth and ashes. It is symbolic
of being humble and in mourning for the horror and sin they will see and
what they see now.

I have known ever since I was given a Spiritual Rod, and my then 6-year-old-son
Jonathan, one of my identical twin sons saw it in the Spiritual realm and
described it and I felt the weight of it 19 years ago, and each time it was used in the spiritual
realm it only got heavier to where now it takes my husband to hold up my
arms when it is used under direction of YAHUVEH.

This Ministry has something to do with finding the Ark of the Covenant, the 144,000 as
in Rev. 14 and the Two Witnesses. Only as the years have progressed
have I understood and been given more revelations through the prophetic
words given to me. There is a book being written now by another member
of the Bride of YAHUSHUA [Rev:14] who is paying and donating all her
time to get all the prophecies, visions, dreams, and audible words of
YAHUVEH published. Please pray for her, for this is a huge job. Pray for
the right publisher also. We are trying to get the prophecies
translated in different languages so they can be in book form also. When
we are no longer on the internet, at least the books will still be here
during the Great Tribulation.

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