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Prophecy 85 - Shout It From The Housetops Shout It To The World

148 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 85 - Shout It From The Housetops Shout It To The World

International Bride Of YAHUSHUA, Come Forth in YAHUSHUA's name
introduce yourself to the ring maiden ( yahsladynred is Elisabeth Elijah
Nikomia ) and gather with the rest of the bride of YAHUSHUA around the
world. Are you one of the 144,000 of revelation 7 or 14 bride? Come
forth it's time to reunite and help bring in the harvest for YAH's
kingdom. Many more translators for the holy prophecies are needed to
reach this world for YAHUSHUA.

The more people we can reach
through this ministry of YAH, with these soul saving truths that you
will not hear or learn from the organized sunday churches, the sooner we
can all go home to be with our bridegroom King YAHUSHUA ( those of us
who are his bride ). Hebrew translators come forth introduce yourselves
to the ring maiden for there is more then one of you. Arabic translators
come forth introduce yourselves to the ring maiden.

translators come forth introduce yourselves to the ring maiden. All
other various language speakers of this world if you have been blessed
by this holy ministry of YAH and are led by YAH to translate these
prophecies from YAHUVEH into your language to reach souls in your
country then come forth and introduce yourself to this ring maiden. Each
day is one day closer to YAHUSHUA's return and time is running out to
reach souls around this world. Wake up bride of YAHUSHUA those of you
who are his bride and don't know it yet! Prepare yourself bride of
YAHUSHUA who still got wrinkles and spots in your garments! Get ready
bride of YAHUSHUA for the king is coming very very very soon. The Great
Tribulation is a breath away do all that you can do now while you still
can before it's too late. Hold on tight to YAHUSHUA's garment ( Tzitzit )
and don't let go. Look up for our redemption draweth nigh.

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