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Prophecy 91 - John Hagee You Are Doomed saith I YAHUVEH

147 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 91 - John Hagee You Are Doomed saith I YAHUVEH

"John Hagee, you are fit for the fire of MY destruction! You deny MY
Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as MESSIAH! You're lining your pockets with
gold for fame and for fortune. You sold your soul for it was determined
long ago. John Hagee, I Prophesy through MY Ringmaiden now, you are
doomed! For you not only lie to the Christians, a mammoth church
worldwide, you deny MY Son YAHUSHUA to the Jews knowing not even the
children of satan could remove what was written above the stake where
YAHUSHUA was crucified, 'KING OF THE JEWS!!!'

You are so puffed up in pride. Do you think you hide your wickedness from ME?
You shall choke on your own words! For you have the spirit of the antichrist! You
tell the Jews there's another yet to come. You prepare them for the one
that comes as a counterfeit, the son of satan! You John Hagee are
doomed! For you shall not only fall into the very bowels of hell but the
Lake of Fire shall swallow you! You are a traitor! You are a Judas! As
you betrayed ME before, you betray ME again! I Prophesy you John Hagee,
are doomed!"

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