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Prophecy 93 - 2008 Will be a War Like None Other Against the False Prophets

153 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 93 - 2008 Will be a War Like None Other Against the False Prophets

You shall shout it from the housetops. You shall shout it from the
internet. First I show you and I expose the one called Sherry Shriner as
a false prophet, as an alien and now I show you Linda Newkirk who has
crossed the line and can no longer even use the excuse of insanity. She
dares call herself the Queen of Heaven? Even the spirit of insanity has
no excuse before ME! Linda Newkirk, you have committed BLASPHEMY! No
excuse for your mental health!

This Ministry. This Minister. This Prophet. This Ringmaiden of MINE has not lied!
She warned you ahead of time, do not listen to the lies of Kenneth Copeland!
Do not listen to the lies of Choo Thomas! Do not listen to the lies of Shelby Corbitt!
Do not listen to the lies of Sherry Shriner! And now she adds, do not
listen to the lies of Linda Newkirk! The false prophets are lining up
and they are doing battle with MY true Holy Prophets! And it shall be
like a war like no other!

Kim Clement, you are a liar! Rick Joyner, you are the spawn of satan!
This is only the beginning! 2008 shall be a war like none other!
As I call forth this Ringmaiden, as I called forth Elijah of Old. Fire! Fire! Fire!
Shall fall on the prophets of Baal! You False Prophets prophesy out of satan's mouth!
For YAHUVEH is not a YAHUVEH that will lie. Away from ME you date setters! Is it any
wonder when YAHUSHUA comes how few will have faith left?

Virginia Arnke, you do not speak forth MY Words! Away from ME! For you have
grieved ME! Beware, beware, beware oh Holy Little Ones. Test, test, test
the spirit that speaks for satan is out after your souls.

Orgone cannot protect you. I have spoken forth from this Ringmaiden's mouth. I
have exposed this lie. It draws the evil! It does not repel the evil.
Now they're getting tricky. Because they want to confuse the innocent so
they take this ministry of Amightywind and they twist the Words within.
I prophecied, I warned in advance, do not set your hearts on the words
that Shelby Corbitt says. What started out as innocent deception became
an outright lie now motivated by the word pride. Christmas came and
went. YAHUSHUA was not sent. Where are the Holy holding these prophets
who prophesied (accountable). Where are the Holy and calling it what it
is and it is a lie.

Oh, but the prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Your fastings combined with your support and your love,
your Jericho Marches , the sacrifice of your hour time. All of you, all
of you , all of you who have done this, great, great, great blessings
have been reserved for you. You are as a shield, a Holy golden shield
and I use you and the shield drips with the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH and the Name is inscribed in the shield of YAHUSHUA and I have
ordained you to be Demon Stompers for ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I,
the Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your MOMMA
SHKHINYAH, your MOMMA WISDOM, the ONE you call the HOLY SPIRIT, WE love
you so much. Great, great, great are your blessings not only in Heaven
but right here on earth. You shall have a protection, an orb is
literally put over you and you are protected as long as you don't allow
sin to enter in for is it not written, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy?"
Greater am I that is in you than any temptation that is in the world! It
is your choice

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