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Prophecy 94 - I YAHUVEH Say Do Not Underestimate MY Anger

146 Views • 05 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 94 - I YAHUVEH Say Do Not Underestimate MY Anger

"For know this, no man can silence you, no woman can silence you, no
devil can silence you. I, YAHUVEH, have the power to silence you and
you humbly are always at MY feet. I laugh everytime I hear you say, "I'm
just minding my own business." You never mind your own business
Elisabeth. You're always minding MINE. When you're playing a game, there
you are before MY Throne. Constantly I'm on your mind. For Elisabeth I
have raised you up and now a Word is going to come forth defending those
who are truly MINE in Israel, who feel all alone. You call them
Messianic Jews. They don't have a Prophet.

But I've raised up a Prophet and I've placed you right where you are and you shall
be used to bring them fresh manna from Heaven. You shall be used to pronounce MY
Judgment on the others. You shall be used to bring forth MY new wine.
For I have Holy that are locked in the Gaza strip. I have Holy who are
being tormented along with the enemies. I have the Bride locked in Gaza.
And I am calling you to pray them free. I have the Bride in Lebanon.
Yea, I have Bride in Iraq even. So hidden, so neglected. Needing a Word
from Heaven. I have Bride in China. They are MY Chinese Bride so satan
seeks to muzzle you, to silence you but I tell you you'll only shout

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