Amightywind Ministries

Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch
Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch

⁣Who are Rickey & Tatiana Williams really? Why are they on the run
and what are they trying to hide. In this video you'll see what they
really all stated, falsely prophesied and threatened. They are now
filled with fallen angels and we show how they and others in Erez
Yotam's coven are shapeshifting. What does this mean for you and your
personal relationship with YAHUSHUA (JESUS) that this can happen with
people. Please watch this video to find out.

DO NOT open up your 'third eye' - it leads to insanity to the point that a reptilian/alien
fallen angel can enter in! See the proof of this in this video.

15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting! - Apostle Prophet Elisheva
Eliyahu asked a doctor who is part of this ministry if there is anything
that can cause a forehead to move like that – like a parasite or a
tumour? He said “Absolutely not, this is demonic” – Verified by doctor
who has been a partner of this Ministry for 12 years.

WARNING Do NOT go to Ezra's (Erez Yotam's) evil website or channel, this is a Thus
Saith YAH. Also if you go to their cyber space, your IP address will be
on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations they've threatened.

Cannibal Shengya Pu aka Hannah knows all about human sacrifice, in
detail describes how to do it 1:18:29. She knows how to murder a man.
This is what they plan to do to Erez Yotam.

4:53 Rickey Williams Reptilian eyes

5:50 The way Rickey Williams used to be before reprobate
8:21 The way Tatiana Harvey Williams used to be before reprobate
10:35 Tatiana Harvey Williams shapeshifting (snake on face)
11:06 Don’t open your third eye!
11:45 Erez Yotam’s coven worship at least 22 “gods”!
15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting!
15:30 Rickey Williams’ third eye manifesting!
18:56 Rickey Williams and Tatiana Williams kissed Erez Yotam’s wedding ring to be “purified”
27:25 Tatiana blackmails Erez Yotam
31:25 Tatiana Harvey Williams escort service photos still online!
39:05 Rickey Williams threatens Elisheva w/ death
42:10 Rickey calls Elisheva a jezebel & for her removal.
42:27 Rickey calls Erez Yotam a Grand MASTER (mason)
42:49 Rickey Williams makes Erez equal with YAHUSHUA.
43:35 Rickey calls Erez ancient (of days)
43:47 Rickey claims Erez is omnipresent
44:25 Rickey claims Erez is the saviour
44:46 Rickey claims Erez has a testimony like unto YAHUSHUA (GOD)
45:04 Rickey is a New Ager - "holy vibrations"
45:27 Rickey believes he is a God
45:51 Rickey claims to be a God and Elisheva had to be removed
48:26 Rickey worships the false goddess of urine
50:00 Rickey threatens Elisheva with a cold, lonely death - with destruction.

Tatiana Harvey Williams

54:13 Tatiana falsely prophesied 3 Days of Darkness Passover 2019
54:39 Tatiana says it would be better if people hadn't been born if they don't believe her false prophecy
56:15 Tatiana claims God tells them to do calf raises to stay awake
58:43 Tatiana calls Elisheva great whore of babylon Threatens w/ death
1:01:10 Tatiana calls Elisheva voodoo queen
1:01:24 Tatiana puts thigh over Erez Yotam
1:04:04 Tatiana in midst of Passover week guaranteed 3 days darkness
1:04:32 Tatiana claims Elisheva has the blood on her hands for warning people about their false prophecy
1:04:02 Tatiana claims Elisheva has to "repent" before Erez
1:10:02 Tatiana says Elisheva & all of us will die
1:12:29 Tatiana guarantees the 3 days of darkness
1:12:04 Tatiana's voodoo dance
1:12:00 Tatiana claims they "leave their minds on the shelf"
1:12:02 Tatiana predicted we would all die
1:12:03 Tatiana claims YAHUVEH has special whip for Elisheva
1:22:35 Tatiana threatens Elisheva's tongue will be torn out.
1:22:41 Tatiana's false goddess of urine guaranteeing 3 days of darkness

Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth!
Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth! Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Erez or Caleb You Choose: But We Appeal to Caleb to Come Forth!

⁣Erez Yotam calls himself Prophet Ezra from Israel, but his single
solitary prophecy did not come to pass as no 3 Days & Nights of
Darkness happened last Passover 2019. He refuses to publicly apologize
to the people whose faith was harmed, lost their jobs and locked
themselves within their houses for 7-14 days thinking that all their
loves ones were going to get killed. He has also not repented for
turning his back on his wife Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu and not having
spoken to her for 6+ months during which he has sought to destroy
AmightyWind Ministry. Erez Yotam is an unrepentant, cowardly and
egotistical maniac. Despite all of this, you will find out in this video
that there is another side to this man whom we call the anointed Caleb –
the one who was prophesied of through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
in Prophecy 94.

The anointed Caleb within this man is the one we
fight & pray for to rise up. The fallen angels surrounding him
turned this man into a golden calf; a God to be worshipped. He is under
their MK Ultra Mind Control combined with the deepest forms of the
occult. We are praying & fighting to set this man free we are
appealing to the Caleb within him. These enemies have his sins recorded
on cam & blackmail him if he would want to reunite with his wife
Elisheva Eliyahu. We assure Caleb we don’t care about the dirt they have
on him. Come out from them, repent and turn away from your wickedness,
and YAHUSHUA will forgive you & wash all your sins away with HIS
blood. Your wife Elisheva will receive you back and forgive you, we all
will receive you back and forgive you!

However Erez cannot use the excuse of mind control for everything that he
has intentionally done and allowed. He has been warned in the strongest
Prophetic Word of rebuke through Elisheva that he is one toe away from
total blasphemy and losing his soul.

After his false prophecy Erez has Donovan Todd, one of his cult followers publicly make
the Nineveh excuses for him saying that the world has repented like in
the times of Jonah. In this video we show how ridiculous that is and
what liars they are. They try to hide the countless false predictions
they came up with for Passover week 2019. We have everything documented
what they spoke & how they violently threatened everyone’s lives in
the name of their false goddess “Uriyah” (goddess of urine as urea is a
component of urine, and Ourea comes from Greek mythology) as they
blasphemously add a 4th person to the HOLY TRINITY.

Distinguish Erez Yotam from the anointed Caleb. This man is two in one body and
those surrounding him are seeking to kill the anointed Caleb within him.
Erez and Caleb are not the same man. However Caleb must rise up, take
control and stop the evil side of Erez.

Erez Yotam should call himself the lying narcissist from Israel – it would have prevented
Israeli government to have their eyes on this man. He brings shame to an
entire nation – proclaiming himself to be THE prophet of Israel, and
the actual King of Jerusalem. Israel will not accept this shame &
are looking to harm this man. Elisheva Eliyahu has warned him repeatedly
of this. Erez actually proclaims to be God Almighty in the flesh: equal
unto YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as revealed in the false prophecies of his
minions. They compare his birth to YAHUSHUA’S & proclaim he has the
DNA of YAHUVEH (GOD the FATHER). This man and his satanic sex cult have
openly threatened the world with nukes & that he would come back
with a sword to destroy entire nations after he would be raptured to
heaven during last Passover. They are now known as a terrorist group.

Not a single prediction of theirs came to pass on Passover, they prophesied
that Elisheva & all of us would die. 3 different counties are
investigating Erez & an order of protection was brought against them
for violently threatening AmightyWind members. They try to hide what
they have all really stated, threatened & falsely prophesied. We
have the evidence and DEMAND Erez to publicly weep & wail before the
people for his sins, just as YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & the RUACH HA
KODESH have warned him through his wife Elisheva Eliyahu he MUST do in
order to be forgiven & cleansed once again with the Blood of
YAHUSHUA. Elisheva has reached out to him with warnings & pleads for
his soul. If Caleb does not repent quickly & turn back to YAHUSHUA
he WILL lose his soul and go to hell. Come back Caleb to the truth &
humble yourself before the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA &
the RUACH HA KODESH WHOM you have greatly hurt & offended.

*Because of the spiritual danger do NOT go to Ezra's website or channel, this is
a Thus Saith YAHUSHUA. If you go to these fallen angels' cyber space
your IP address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel & other
nations they've threatened.

Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!
Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out! Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!

Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu – on the Internet for 25 years –
exposed, rebuked and warned lying prophet Ezra from Israel (Erez Yotam)
to repent. Instead his love turned into hatred. He now casts witchcraft
curses & darkest forms of Kabbalah magic, saying she would die on
Passover April 19, 2019 during his 3 days of darkness prediction. He
lied to the world and said hell would open up & demons would
physically kill people all over the world. As you will see in this video
Elisheva is not the only one whose life he threatens, but Erez Yotam
and his group have made violent predictions that many others including
us, the YDS at AmightyWind would die.

Erez and his cult worship (as they call it) the “QUAD Family”.
They blasphemously added a 4th person to the GODHEAD whom they
claim to be the ‘twin sister’ of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ).
This false goddess comes straight from Greek mythology (Ourea)
– see 5:00 – but they spell it “Uriyah” and dare to put the Holy Name
YAH at the end. Urea is also the major organic component of human
urine (yuck) hence we call it “the queen of urine”.

WARNING because of the spiritual danger to your soul, do
NOT go to Ezra's evil website or channel, this is a Thus Saith
YAHUSHUA. Also if you go to these fallen angels' cyber space, your IP
address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations
they've threatened e.g. threatening everyone who didn't believe their
false prediction so called prophecy of 3 days of darkness on April 19,
2019, they said would be breathing nuke dust! The authorities of the 3
surrounding counties where they live together, their USA ranch compound,
are also watching them because of the personal death threats they've
made and their suspicious activities. There are orders of protection
waiting to be served to this group. Erez Yotam wanted and fought to be
the head of AmightyWind Ministry and shove Elisheva out of the
leadership, so he started his own ministry & gathered with the most
wicked who are now his worshipers – he is now the head of a satanic
sexual cult. Women half his age all over him seen at 04:19, 30:03,
08:47. At 30:37 you can see Rickey Williams and his intimate kiss on Erez' cheek.

Ezra (Erez) wasn't always this way but is like this due to mind control. A
man who was so holy and full of truth is now the most unholy who now
believes he is the king of Jerusalem 39:48 and that is the antichrist.
Erez Yotam who likes to be called "the prophet from Israel" is one toe
away from complete blasphemy.

Amightywind has been in open warfare with them battling for the sanity of Erez back again.

Erez Yotam & his cult also predicted other things for Passover such as
the Yellowstone volcano blowing (19:55), 40 days & 40 nights of
earth flooding, UFO’S and mothership landing in NY, the antichrist
appearing etc. Legions of demons now fill Erez – the fallen angels that
surround him fed him lying Prophecies with visions. Fallen angels are
also called Aliens. Danger came when he opened up his 3rd eye – not
giving heed to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu’s warnings and rebukes.

2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva
2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva Amightywind Ministries 146 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva

⁣Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, wants everyone to remember during this
passover, during the time of Moses when YAHUVEH instructed the children
of Israel, before YAHUVEH spoke forth out of Moshe [Moses], he
instructed the believers in YAHUVEH to slay a lamb and put the blood on
the door posts [the entrance to the door of their home]. This blood was
just a symbol of the true pure, holy sacrificial lamb that was both GOD
in the spirit and man in the flesh.

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is forgotten many times during this time when
we celebrate passover and the feast of unleavened bread.
The children of Israel were protected from all the 10 plagues because they
obeyed the instructions YAHUVEH gave through the biblical Moshe [Moses].
I have to stress the word “biblical” because Erez Yotam is now saying,
and others are claiming that he is now Moshe [of new].
I am not going to say anything more about this insanity.
What I am going to do is remind you that our beloved ABBA
YAHUVEH gave us exodus back then, and although the plagues came down on
the Egyptians, they never touched a worshiper of YAHUVEH.

YAHUVEH has given us a new blood covenant and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
is that new blood covenant. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH became that sacrificial lamb.
Scripture says, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of
sins. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, oh we PRAISE YOU! YOU became that
sacrificial lamb, so holy and perfect, and sinless in every way as YOU
became the new blood covenant. YOU gave us an exodus in a new way. YOU
gave us an exodus for the remission of our sins. YOU gave us an exodus
by being the only WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.

YOU willingly laid down YOUR life and at 33 years old, YOU were crucified
in our place. YOU paid the penalty for our sins. Oh beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,
both the bride and the guest will be at the marriage supper of the lamb as we
are united with YOU once again. All because YOU were willing to pay the
price at Calvary.

Amightywind Salvation Prayer
Amightywind Salvation Prayer Amightywind Ministries 212 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Salvation Prayer

⁣YAHUSHUA (יהושע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are
still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for
then. Salvation only comes through YAHUSHUA as HE is the only way to
Heaven. Salvation is not found in any religion, nor in any church made
by men. Only by YAHUSHUA's sacrifice on Calvary, HIS Blood atonement and
by Faith through HIM are we saved.

Say the following prayer with all your heart:

DearYAHUSHUA, I accept you now as my LORD and SAVIOR, You are the God I
love. I believe you paid the price for my sins at Calvary, you died and
arose from the dead on the third day. I ask you to come into my heart,
forgive me of my sins, wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am sorry I
have sinned, and I turn away from those sins. Thank you for filling me
with your Holy Spirit, and giving me the desire to serve you all the
days of my life, and live your life in me YAHUSHUA, so you will be
Glorified! Thank you for giving me the desire to read your Bible, and
give me the wisdom to understand it. Thank you for Loving me and Saving
my soul, causing my Faith to grow, so one day I will be with YOU in
Heaven. Fill me with your Holy Spirit now and deliver me from the evil
one in your name YAHUSHUA I pray! Help me YAHUSHUA to remember all have
sinned and fall short of the Glory of YAHUVEH, and you came to save us
sinners, that's why your called our SAVIOR. Amen.

Read this prayer and then read it again, this time NOT with head knowledge but
with all your heart, believe it in FAITH, and remember YAHUSHUA is NOT
only God, but He is your best friend! He cares so much for you, He loves
you so much, just the way you are. He hates Sin, but He loves YOU, the

Learn to live in Holiness and to obey all of the 10 Commandments,
among which the Fourth Commandment that tells us to keep
the Sabbath Day Holy, which is the Seventh Day according to the Bible,
Friday sunset until Saturday sunset, and NOT Sunday (the 1rst day). You
must obey this commandment, for the Bible also says that when you break
one Commandment you break them all. (James 2:10). The Bible also says
that your Saviour YAHUSHUA is, and always will be the Lord of the
Sabbath (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5).

The Sabbath is a perpetual Covenant between YAHUVEH God and
HIS Children as stated in Exodus 31:16. This applies to Jewish believers
in YAHUSHUA, and non-Jewish believers who are GRAFTED IN with them
(see Romans 11:11-24).

The Catholic Church claims in it's official catechism that there is no
salvation outside of the catholic church, this is a lie that contradicts
the Bible that they claim to follow. Flee and stay far away from the
this Church of Babylon, that teaches it's adepts to pray to mere men, to
Mary and the angels (the creation) and any church that does the same.
This is idolatry which is a sin in the eyes of the Creator, and for
every sin one will be punished. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation. Prayers are only due to the Holy
Trinity, the Creator, not the creation.

You must repent (turn away from this sin) if you have done this, and ask
forgiveness to the Lord and come at HIS feet. As the angel said in the Book of Revelation,
chapter 22 verse 9, worship God. You are to pray only to the Holy
Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Welcome to our Ministry website: We are a Messianic Jewish
Pentecostal Ministry, and are dedicated to reaching souls for YAHUSHUA
in over 25 languages. Our greatest desire and prayer is that you receive
the truth, that the only way to Heaven is through the Name of Shed
Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. We pray that you are blessed by the End
Time Prophetic Words that YAHUVEH GOD, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH
(HOLY SPIRIT) have spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.


We teach the truth regarding God's Sabbath Day being Friday sundown to
Saturday sundown and how the Sunday Churches will be used to establish
the Mark of the Beast 666. The new world order is approaching as well as
the coming of the antichrist, take the Prophetic Warnings issued

This Ministry preaches against sins like pornography,
abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, the occult, witchcraft,
new age and exposes false religions like Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism
and others. This Ministry also exposes many false prophets and teachers
such as the Pope, John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Paula White, Marilyn Hickey,
Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyers, Oral Roberts, Sherry Shriner, Choo Thomas,
Linda Newkirk, Zeph Daniel, Rev Moon and others.

The Werewolf Reality
The Werewolf Reality Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣The Werewolf Reality

⁣Are there real werewolves? Watch this video and witness the real life
transformation of a man (sanderclarijs777) into a werewolf. This is a
revealing video, containing live footage and proof that there are real
werewolves in satanic covens today. We back this topic up with sound
Biblical teachings that will give people a greater insight on GOD's
Divine Judgment from Biblical times of old all the way to these
literally Last Days.

Enemy sanderclarijs777 who joined with the enemies of AmightyWind on
YouTube in a pursuit to pick apart the Holy Prophecies by twisting the
Holy Bible and using it as a weapon against AmightyWind, was recruited
into the occult by individuals like pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq,
Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc. These men and those associated with them
are all heavily involved in the occult. The facts and footage that will be
presented to you in this video, is another solid confirmation that these
men pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft, Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc recruited sanderclarijs777
through satanic initiation into the occult. We have letters from
Sander's ex-wife, testifying that around the very same time
sanderclarijs777 turned against AmightyWind Ministry and joined these
men, very strange, bizarre and terrible things happened including him
becoming a werewolf and an obsession with death. Please watch this video
to have a clearer understanding of what is spoken of in this limited
description bar.

May this be a WARNING to all, especially the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
and those who have believed the lies of our enemies, that GOD still Curses the
disobedient and the rebellious as HE did in times of old. This video contains some
footage that is not suitable for children to watch and at parts some graphic information.

Amightywind Welcomes You
Amightywind Welcomes You Amightywind Ministries 211 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Welcomes You

⁣Welcome To The Aleph & Tav Almightywind HOLY GHOST Wildfire Last
Chance Ministry Site. We are a Messianic Jewish Pentacostal ministry
reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles.

This is a ministry anointed by the RUACH HA KODESH (Holy Spirit) with an
anointing to reach all in America, Jerusalem (Israel), the Middle East and around the
world. No matter what religion you practice--Catholicism (following the
Pope), Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower
Society), Hinduism--we bring the message of salvation to both the Jew
and the Gentile, the only way to Life Everlasting.

We bring you good tiddings in the Sacred Names of our Creator, Almighty YAHUVEH and
His Son, our Savior, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [known to most as Jesus

We speak the truth about the horrors of abortion, cloning , gold dust fever ,
and speak about the reality of fallen angels, Satan (the devil), Hell (hades, shoal),
and the need more than ever for YAHUVEH'S people to walk in obedience
(which is greater than sacrifice), particularly in keeping the Sabbath (Shabbat)
and getting out of Sunday churches . If you want to learn more about angels, the Ark
of the Covenant, miracles, and the Torah.

The enemy has infiltrated the church, and many TV preachers and evangelists are now
teaching false doctrine. Wolves such as Angie Ray(deceased), Benny Hinn,
Oprah Winfrey, Juanita Bynum. Also those who claim to be Christian but
are hard-core and extremely evil, reprobate satanists or false
prophets... Linda Newkirk, Tari DeMario, Zeph Daniel, Frank Kime, Jr.,
and the Rev. Moon. They are the forerunners of the antichrist
(antimessiah) who is being anticipated, especially by those who follow
the teaching of the Kabala , aka Cabala or Kaballah.

FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning
FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago

⁣FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning

⁣Our food has been cloned - and without labeling, we don't know if our
meat is from YAH or man! Our food and water supply is contaminated with
gmo's, pesticides, fluoride and so many other contaminates.

GOD has instructed us to pray HIS blessing over everything we eat and drink
so HE can make what is a curse into a blessing to our body in the Name

"Learn to be grateful in small things now and take nothing I give you for granted.
Even your fruit and vegetables have not the nutrients that I created in them.
The water and air has polluted them and the soil is depleted of minerals needed.
You don't even know what a fruit or vegetable should taste like anymore. It
is rare if you do. As for meats, again I say you do not understand that
which you have eaten the unholy vultures have poisoned in so many ways.
The water you drink you don't even know why your body doesn't crave
water the way I created it to thirst. It is because even the water is
not the way I created it. That is why you must pray blessings on all you
partake in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name. Ask ME to bless the food and
beverages so it will be a blessing to your body and not a curse to it. "

Beware when you eat soulless meat; you are eating meat that I did not create.
Your bodies were not meant to be so defiled. When you see sickness and
diseases that are new and your physicians can't heal, I will say
physician heal yourself for if that physician does not stand up and say,
"No this is against the laws of creation" then I shall turn creation
against itself. You have been warned! "

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not. Remember,
satan wants to counterfeit everything I created.Pray over all your food He does it
through the name of science. But pray over that food, believe ME,
believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that
will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell you, cloned meat is a
counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create just as he can create,
eat my food it's better, I can create a chicken that will not have the
bird flu."

Who Changed the Sabbath - What is the True Sabbath
Who Changed the Sabbath - What is the True Sabbath Amightywind Ministries 150 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Who Changed the Sabbath - What is the True Sabbath

Sabbath Scriptures
Isaiah 58:13 "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing
as you please on MY Holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the
LORD'S Holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy
in the LORD YAHUVEH and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and
to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Isaiah 56: 1-7
1: Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation
is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.
2: Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it;
that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from
doing any evil.
3: Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath
joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly
separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a
dry tree.
4: For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my
sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my
5: Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my
walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will
give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
6: Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve
him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one
that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my
7: Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make
them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their
sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be
called an house of prayer for all people.

Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell
Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell

"It's the most horrifying song you have ever heard. I literally
heard a song being sung off key in HELL right NOW by a Male pastor that
never came back to the saving grace of YAHUSHUA Messiah. You see even
someone that brings millions of souls to YAHUSHUA can still lose their
own soul. Because it's THEIR relationship with YAHUSHUA that matters,
NOT our GOOD WORKS that get US into Heaven. So NO man or woman can Boast
of their good works and think that is enough to escape HELL. God knows
your motives and if its NOT Holy motives done because you LOVE YAHUSHUA
then all these WORKS mean NOTHING. For 8 hours the LORD showed me HELL
and a vision of a Citizen in HELL! I am looking for the right person to
record what the LORD gave me and one day I believe in faith Carman will
record this song.

I have been accused of scaring people into heaven with it as the Holy Spirit
anointed my voice to sound like tormented souls screaming! The Devil mocking,
demons taunting, describing in detail what I saw. The anointing was so strong that the
cassette tape it was recorded on you can hear the echo on the other side
of the tape. You cannot get a glimpse of HELL without it making your
physical body sick. For 10 days after this song was finished I became
VERY sick but I know this Jude 1:23 says some will only come by fear.
NOT everyone comes to YAHUSHUA because HE loves them. Some will run into
the arms of the Lord YAHUSHUA Messiah running in terror when they see
the alternative which is HELL.

The name of the song is "A CITIZEN IN HELL" and if any pastor promises to
USE it to bring souls to YAHUSHUA I will give them this song. It is the UGLIEST and most
frightening song you will ever hear, for when I was the sickest is when
the Holy Spirit said NOW sing it Sherrie! There is NO beauty in HELL
even the best singer sings off KEY in HELL even the best musician plays
Off KEY in Hell. Only TORTURE, TERROR, TORMENT for all eternity! Only
entrances and NO exits. Look at a ring that represents eternity, no
beginning or no end. Where are you going to spend eternity? Heaven or

Here are a few brief lyrics to the song " A CITIZEN IN
HELL" no one may copy this without my permission and if anyone knows
Carman please tell him about this song. When the LORD gave this to me he
said Carman has the anointing to sing this song. This song is meant for
the Last Chancers one step before the flames of HELL. One step before
Jer. 6 vs. 27-30. With the LORDS help and anointing he has told me to
create a animated hell from the lyrics in this song. If anyone has the
computer tech anointing to help me do this please email me right away.
Here are a few lines of the song so you can see this is NOT a place you
want to spend eternity.

"Flaming worms crawl in, flaming worms crawl out in the belly button and
out the mouth! In the front and out the rear! In the eyes and out the ears!
We scream for mercy yet NO one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood
rivers of feces, lava, vomit and blood, it looks like a flood! Flames everywhere yet
they cast NO light! All I have is every kind of pain, terror, torture, and fright! I
am a Citizen in HELL!

This is the first level of HELL the other levels there are NO words to tell. Hell is
so hot it boils the flesh off my skin how do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm
so thirsty yet I've not even urine or tears to drink and OH my GOD how this HELL
stinks! AHHHH I am a Citizen in HELL!

There's NO water of any kind not even sweat to cool my brow, I know from
HELL I will never be set free and demons curse and Mock me! I scream to God to
help me, yet he does NOT hear! Instead the voice of satan laughs and jeers! Ha Ha,
there's NO GOD and there's NO mercy here! I have torture, terror, and
Damnation and every kind of FEAR but there's NO GOD HERE! Ha Ha Ha."

I saw a naked man covered in flaming worms that cannot die. he turned to
me and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him and he sung this song
in an emotionless voice. A voice that held NO emotion only the pain and
torment he was in ...."

Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!
Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED! Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED!

⁣Prove it, or admit you LIED! -- 10 Lies about Elisabeth Elijah, spoken
by childofyahvh Barbara and fed by our enemies EXPOSED and Refuted. In
this video we show you a Textbook case of a mind programmed individual
who allowed herself to be recruited by infiltrators like pastorgeorgec
and his henchmen for youtube popularity and favour from a wolf pack out
to fulfil an evil agenda and steal souls through a false Christianity
(watch video entitled "New Age infiltration EXPOSED" on my channel to

We discuss and reprove 10 lies this mind programmed
lukewarm Christian speaks against Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.
Lies, statements and insinuations spoken by childofyahvh Barbara about
Elisabeth Elijah to which there is absolutely NO proof. This is done for
the purpose of slandering Elisabeth Elijah and assassinating her
character in an attempt to "kill" AmightyWind Ministry. For taking on
Elisabeth Elijah in videos, this Judas lying woman who helps
infiltrators masquerading as Christians to slander and hurt Elisabeth
Elijah received rewards from pastorgeorgec including a dinner with him
and a webcam. She was programmed by infiltrators to turn against
Elisabeth and assigned to continuously make slanderous lying videos
against her. Today this will NO LONGER continue without this Judas being
exposed, rebuked and reproved and all will be able to see what a
pretender and a liar she is. This woman calls herself a prophet yet is
full of gobbledygook and deceit, and is nothing more than a New Ager
just like our enemies who have infiltrated the Christian community with
New Age philosophy which they call "Christianity". BE NOT DECEIVED.

This video is also filled with Biblical teachings concerning true Biblical
Love, the Ten Commandments, Sin, Righteousness and Judgment, when to
rebuke in the Name of YAHUSHUA, why to reprove and expose evil etc

DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!
DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet! Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago

⁣DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!

BEWARE of Sherry Shriner and her ORGONE! This alien on the internet
promotes her garbage for the destruction of people's minds, bodies,
spirits and souls. This insightful video will give you a clearer
understanding of who or what Sherry Shriner is, her spiritual roots and
where her blasphemous/demonic device known as orgone originated from.

Sherry Shriner's blasphemous doctrines like the Apostle Paul "being false" and
of "serpent seedline" and "the war between the sons of light and the
sons of darkness" are based on old masonic and gnostic/occult teachings.
Be not deceived, Sherry Shriner IS the alien on the internet. satan's
elite troops of demonic aliens need that orgone of which she claims it
fends the aliens off. This is a LIE. Orgone also strengthens the strange
fire of false prophets and televangelists such as Benny Hinn. This is
why Sherry Shriner first exposes wolves like Benny Hinn, to first gain
your trust and then have you plant that orgone of which she says it's a
protection against Benny Hinn's strange fire. This in fact strengthens
his strange fire be not deceived!

Don't let Sherry Shriner take you to Hell! Sherry Shriner is mainly targeting the
Christians and the (Messianic) Jews for her deception because she knows
satan wants to destroy them the most. DO NOT go to Sherry Shriner's websites
neither buy her orgone! You will not get away unharmed spiritually if you do so.
Her websites are full of the occult, strong mind control and

If you have been deceived and bought her orgone,
BURN that garbage and demand your money back from Sherry Shriner. Repent
for believing the destructive lies of Sherry Shriner and turn away from
these sins. Rebuke her in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus
Christ. ONLY through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH do
we have the authority over satan and his aliens/demons. Only
YAHUVEH/YAHWEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can protect you in the coming
days of horror and the Great Tribulation, if you are a walking in a
loving, obedient relationship with THEM. DO NOT turn to Sherry Shriner
or orgone for your protection or you will reap the Wrath of GOD. Repent
of this today if you have done this and allow YAHUSHUA to deliver you
and set you free from Sherry Shriner's demonic bondage.

Please watch the below testimony of sister treesfourme about her experience
with Sherry Shriner and orgone, and see the pictures of demonic
manifestation and paranormal phenomena that occurred due to demonic
orgone. See the manifestation of demons as this orgone was destroyed and

Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is
Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is Amightywind Ministries 147 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Reptilian Alien on the Internet - Sherry Shriner who she really is

AmightyWind Ministry exposes Alien, Reptilian, Fallen Angel,
Neo-Nazi, Shriner Freemason, False Prophet Sherry Shriner. Please help
us by sharing this video with your friends and contacts to warn the
people against this dangerous false prophet Sherry Shriner who has now
set herself up as “saviour of the world". Shriner now claims that she is
"securing" entire states and nations around the world for the Lord's
people by being an ambassador to the devil, directly negotiating with
the devil himself. She claims "her Lord" has chosen her to
singlehandedly destroy the New World Order. All LIES from the pit of

Watch these and many other totally insane and blasphemous
claims of this "Alien on the Internet" Sherry Shriner being exposed in
this video.

Beware, Sherry Shriner and her orgone cannot save
you! Sherry Shriner is setting people up for the Blue Beam Rapture,
which is a false rapture. Only a loving, obedient, repentant
relationship with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH / JESUS CHRIST and only HIS Name
and Blood can save your soul and deliver and protect you from satan and
his demons!

Sherry Shriner through many blasphemous claims,
heresies and utterly insane teachings that go directly against the Holy
Bible, directly assaults the Precious Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH / JESUS CHRIST and is destroying the faith of those who follow
her and believe her lies. Sherry Shriner is dangerous because she mixes
Biblical truths with lies and does it to target, confuse and deceive
Christians and Messianic Jews. DON'T FALL FOR IT. Sherry Shriner will
lead you straight to the pit of hell if you believe and follow her and
her lies.

YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD uses HIS AmightyWind Ministry to expose Sherry Shriner's
lies and set the captives free in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!

Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell
Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell

⁣This video is to set the record straight with Pastorgeorgec, whom I
personally call "Pastor George Crook", and rebuke and expose his lies
and utter wickedness. I believe that this man is the biggest hypocrite
Youtube has ever seen, and is most definitely a Pastor from Hell. It
will be evident why I make these statements when you watch the video for

A multitude of this man's sins are exposed in this video, from lies, theft, foul language
and even threatening someone with a gun; and many more.
This man is also the leader of a satanic cult called "The Nehemiah Center" that
masquerades as Christians and Messianic Jews and deliberately leads them astray.
What a mockery. He claims in public to be a "Pastor" when he is no Pastor in Heaven's eyes,
but a reprobate and a devil-worshipper who has much to account for when
all will stand before YAHUVEH, God Almighty at the Great White Throne
of Judgment.

This reprobate man has been persecuting Amightywind
Ministry for more than a year with his satanic cult, the "Nehemiah
Center". He has made a counterfeit website that steals the name of
Amightywind and was designed to mock, slander and defame the character
of Elisabeth Elijah, the Pastor/Prophet of Amightywind Ministries.

This man has even said in video that if he could, he would stone Elisabeth
to death. (For video proof about that watch this video, Pastorgeorgec
the Abuser of women)

Ephesians 5:11 says "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them". (Ephesians 5:11)

We at Amightywind Ministry love enough to warn that this man is a wolf in
sheep's clothing and very dangerous. For the sake of your soul flee from
this man and his so-called Nehemiah Center.

New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH
New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 1,053 Views • 4 months ago

⁣New Book Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH ha KODESH

Each 15 euro donation will enable us to publish this book in several different
languages to reach the world for YAHUSHUA'S Praise, Honor and Glory. It
is our desire to eventually be in a position when we can offer these
books for free but unfortunately we are not yet in this position.

Amightywind Ministries' New Book "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT"
(RUACH ha KODESH is the Sacred Hebrew Name for Holy Spirit)!

The precious Holy Spirit have spoken through the modern Endtime Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu to reveal HER Secrets.
SHE has revealed HERSELF in the Prophecies given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah.

This book, "Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT" contains revelations from Heaven
about the precious HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH in Hebrew, given to
Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for these end times. Learn the Sacred Names of
SPIRIT) and how the anti-christ will actually be using the Name of
"Jesus"in the Great Tribulation. Learn about YAHUVEH GOD'S warnings
regarding the Mark of the Beast in the coming Great Tribulation. YAHUVEH
told us to get the Prophecies into books and in the peoples hands for
there will come a time when freedom on the internet will be no more.
These books will be for those in the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead?
Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead? Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead?

Ezra must repent and confess his sins before YAHUSHUA and me,
Elisheva, repenting with great sorrow and doing a public video repenting
before the people for the harm he has done to me and the ministry and
all those who refuse to betray me. He must have a break down of the
demonic spirits of arrogance and pride and cry out to YAHUSHUA for
forgiveness and ask him to deliver him of the demons and all the sins
he's done as those in the occult now rule him with mind control.

He stopped walking in the calling and obeying YAHUSHUA, and insisted on
dividing the ministry and saying he is the head. I urgently need holy
spiritual warriors to pray he repents and ask YAHUSHUA to deliver him,
especially from mind control of those around him.

From the video:

I come before the very courts of Heaven right now.
I come before YOUR very Throne.
I come before the Counsel of the Prophets right now
through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
I don't come in my own name Elisheva Eliyahu
for I'm nobody.
But I tell you this,
I'm blood-washed and I'm blood bought
and YOU made me somebody
the day that I accepted YAHUSHUA
and acknowledged HIM as your only begotten SON.
I became somebody in YOUR eyes.
Now YOU know every hair on my head.
Now I have HOLY legions of Angels that surround and protect me.
Now I can call YOU FATHER
and now my prayers can be heard.
And yet a man who is a husband,
who refuses to acknowledge and respect
and who mistreats a Holy wife
who is a Bride of YAHUSHUA especially.
There is a scripture that says in 1 Peter
and it warns that that husband's prayers won't even be heard.
YOU won't even hear them until he repents and accepts the Blood of YAHUSHUA
and he repents and confesses of all that he's done
not just to YAHUSHUA but to the one he's offended the worst
So ABBA YAH we bring all this to YOU right now.
All of this.

2019 Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu - New Revelations And Teachings
2019 Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu - New Revelations And Teachings Amightywind Ministries 158 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2019 Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu - New Revelations And Teachings

"Its been the first time since I put a teaching by myself since my
beloved husband Prophet Ezra Caleb from Israel and I got married. We
have lovingly agreed to disagree and staying in the love of YAHUSHUA on
this Scripture of Genesis 18:8 or Jasher 18:8.

In Israel, separation of milk and meat is just accepted, but not even young
children are expected to do it—but I only go by the biblical proof. Two
Anointings are one—Judah & Ephraim have come together but not even
Sha’ul who was a Torah teacher insisted on this being done, especially
not to new converts. I have been very convicted as many have said this
is just too hard for them, some are underweight, history of eating
disorders, or cannot easily afford—and they think they will not go to
Heaven because of what they eat, anything with dairy and meat. And I
assure you that drinking a glass of milk with your meat dinner or
dessert that consists of dairy right after your meal, will never send
anyone to hell. There is a much greater meaning to “do not boil a kid in
it’s mother’s milk” than just milk and meat (Ex 23:19; 34:26; Dt

The sin was when it was prepared as an offering to Molech, not that milk and
meat can never be eaten. My husband born in Israel only knows what he was
taught—what he is taught in Israel. I am also a full blooded Jew and I stand
by the Words YAHUSHUA said that its not what goes in our mouth that defiles us,
its what comes out of our mouth that defiles us (Mt 15:10-11; 16-20).

I did not know that I was going to ever record this. I was having a conversation and the
Anointing just hit me. It was like a new mantle of anointing of the
RUACH HA KODESH just hit me and YAHUSHUA would no longer let me stay
silent. I have to speak up because the main focus has to be YAHUSHUA.
Moses can’t save you. In fact those that don’t receive YAHUSHUA as
MESSIAH will stand before Moses without any mercy and he will condemn
you. YAHUSHUA is the ONLY LIFE, THE TRUTH, AND THE WAY. Thank you for
listening to this teaching and new revelations from heaven, and then you
take it to prayer. The other subject I taught on was in regards to the
Scripture, “Do not cook a young goat in its mothers milk” (Dt 14:21).

This is referring to a heathen/pagan ritual done at that time and era.
According to various Bible commentaries, the pagans of that era and of
that area had a fertility rite, which involved boiling a kid in its
mother's milk and sprinkling the broth as a magic charm on their gardens
and fields. They did this in the hope of increasing the yield of their
crops. GOD was warning HIS people against following this heathen ritual
custom. It wasn't about dietary laws as much as it was about cruelty,
abominations of idolatry and strange worship (Is 66:17).

Say NO to Christmas Pagan Holiday
Say NO to Christmas Pagan Holiday Amightywind Ministries 147 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Say NO to Christmas Pagan Holiday

⁣There are several clues that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot:

1. Bethleham was "booked solid." This would not have been due census which
would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Jew was required
to come to Jerusalem for Sukkot (Dt. 16:16) this would have over run
Jerusalem as well as Bethleham just five miles away.

2. YAHUSHUA was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah" (as in
Gen. 33:17) so it is likely that YAHUSHUA was born in a Sukkah/booth.

3. If YAHUSHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot then he would have been
circumcised on the "eighth great day" a festival following Sukkot. This
day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing in the Torah) which is
now held the following day in Rabbinic Judaism. So YAHUSHUA would have
entered the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in the Torah."

4. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they made a statement which
closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy "...behold, we have come to
declare to you glad tidings of great joy." (Lk. 2:10-11)

5. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body?) with us.

Now in Mt. 2:7-8, Herod kills all the children two and under. The fact that
he killed such a wide range indicates that he did not know quite how
long ago Messiah had been born. YAHUSHUA's parents fled to Egypt until
they heard Herod was dead. They were back in Bethleham in time to
perform Miriam's (Mary's) purification and YAHUSHUA's dedication on the
40th day after YAHUSHUA's birth (as required by Torah) (Luke 2:22-38).

By this time Herod had to be dead or they could not have come to the
Temple in Jerusalem. Herod had to have died during the 40 days between
YAHUSHUA's birth, and his dedication 40 days later. Herod is known to
have died in September of 4 B.C.E. So YAHUSHUA had to have born in the
fall (this rules out that Zechariah could have been serving during
Abijah's second course of the year, since that would place YAHUSHUA's
birth in the Spring and not allow for Herod's death during the 40 days
after his birth in the fall). This also tells us that the year of
YAHUSHUA's birth was 4 B.C.E.

When YAHUSHUA was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Lk. 2:8)
which could not have been in the Winter.
In fact it can be shown that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot (Boothes/Tabernacles) in 4 B.C.E..

The Mark Of The Beast 666 - What Is It
The Mark Of The Beast 666 - What Is It Amightywind Ministries 158 Views • 4 months ago

⁣The Mark Of The Beast 666 - What Is It

In this Powerful video, we present to you an image that will never
leave your mind. You will always be able to remember it. Why? Because
you MUST know at this point in time, the answer to the question; "What
is the Mark of the Beast?" After watching this video, you WILL know what
the Mark of the Beast is and you will be prepared with this knowledge
for what is going to come. The Great Tribulation is only a breath away.
For the sake of souls, SHARE this video with all people you know, that
they might be warned also and NOT take the Mark of the Beast in the
Great Tribulation.

There is a lot of information found on the internet concerning the
Mark of the Beast, yet many of that which can be found is either not complete,
twisted or meant to subliminally control your mind to have you end up
taking the Mark of the Beast in the Great Tribulation anyway.
What they DON'T tell you, is that Sunday Worship
which will be mandatory in the Great Tribulation is CONNECTED to the
Mark of the Beast. Although there are some Sunday churches left at this
point in time that are being used for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (Jesus')
Glory still, in the Great Tribulation ALL Sunday churches will be used
for worship of the Antichrist. It is of great important right now to
understand how the devil has set you up through the world goverments and
it's religious system of iniquity, to receive the antichrist who will
claim to be "Jesus Christ" returned. The antichrist will demand that ALL
worship him, on the day he has set aside which is Sunday; the man-made
sabbath. It is there where people will receive the physical Mark of the

Learn how YAHUVEH GOD Almighty sets HIS people apart, and
how HIS people will be distinquished from those who will worship the
beast and receive his Mark. Learn about the True Sabbath Day; friday
sundown till saturday sundown and why it is so important to keep this
4th Commandment Holy now. Why it is so important to forsake man-made
doctrine and pagan holidays and Sunday, and start obeying YAHUVEH's Ten

Revelation 12 teaches us that the dragon is wroth with those who keep the
Commandments of GOD and have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Please view this video, in which we will show you Prophecy excerpts spoken
through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah who is the pastor from AmightyWind Ministry,
who takes the heat and the abuse, and persecution from the servants of satan
here on YouTube that masquerade themselves as ministers of righteousness.
The Prophets pay a great price, to be used as GOD's mouthpiece.
When you watch this video, you will understand why the devil and many
so-called christians who are no christians at all hate this woman so much and
spend their lives trying to destroy her and this Ministry.
Yet this is YAHUVEH GOD and YAHUSHUA's Ministry, this Ministry therefore cannot
be destroyed and will continue to burn like Holy Fire reaching the 4 corners of
this earth with the Gospel, and the Holy Prophecies YAHUVEH has spoken through Prophet
Elisabeth Elijah for the sake of this End Time generation.

Heaven - God s Eternal Kingdom
Heaven - God s Eternal Kingdom Amightywind Ministries 148 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Heaven - God s Eternal Kingdom

⁣Heaven is the inheritance that awaits YAHUSHUA's Faithful Followers, who
love and dilligently serve HIM with all of their hears, and who always
strive to live and abide in Holiness as HE has commanded:

"Be ye perfect as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) as
it is also written: "Be ye Holy as I am Holy" (1 Peter 1:16, Leveticus
11:44, 19:2, 20:7).

Holiness through YAHUSHUA is a condition to enter Heaven, for without
Holiness none shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
Living in Holiness implies having accepted YAHUSHUA as the Only
Saviour and HIS Blood Atonement for the remission of sins on Calvary,
having repented (turned away from, abandoned) of sin and not
compromising with the Lord's Commandments in any way.

Living in Holiness also implies separation from worldliness, as friendship with
the world is enmity with God (James 4:4); furthermore YAHUSHUA/Jesus's
true followers may be in this world but they are not part of this world
according to the Holy Bible.

YAHUSHUA said "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." (John 17:16)

"We however are Citizens in Heaven, and we eagerly wait for our Saviour the
Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to come from Heaven. He will change our weak
mortal bodies and make them like His own Glorious Body, using the power
by which He is able to bring all things under His rule". (Phillipians

We are only passing by in this world and only what we do for YAHUSHUA is going to count.

Therefore it is written: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But
store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth

Showing 4 out of 5