Amightywind Ministries

Rugăciunea Pentru Mântuire YAHUSHUA
Rugăciunea Pentru Mântuire YAHUSHUA Amightywind Ministries 150 Views • 4 months ago

⁣⁣Rugăciunea Pentru Mântuire YAHUSHUA

YAHUSHUA, un nume ebraic, este numele original al lui Isus. Suntem încă
salvati în numele Isus, dar antihristul va folosi numele lui Isus
Hristos în Necazul cel Mare pentru el însuşi, de acea învăţa NUMELE
YAHUSHUA pentru atunci.

Rugăciunea pentru mântuire Dragă YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH (Isus),

Te accept ca Domn şi Mântuitor, TU eşti Dumnezeul, pe care îl iubesc şi
cred că ai plătit preţul pentru păcatul meu pe crucea de pe Calvar.
Ai murit, şi în a treia zi ai înviat din morţi.

Te rog, vino în inima mea, iartă-mi păcatele mele, spală-mă curat de
păcatele mele. Îmi pare rău că am păcătuit, şi mă întorc de la aceste

Îţi mulţumesc, că mă umplii cu Duhul Tău cel Sfânt şi
îmi dai dorinţa să te servesc în fiecare zi din viaţa mea. Trăieste-ţi
viaţa ta în mine, YAHUSHUA, astfel încât să fii tu glorificat!

Iti multumesc, că îmi dai dorinţa să citesc în cuvântul Tău, Biblia, şi îmi
dai înţelepciunea de a înţelege Cuvântul Tău. Îţi multumesc pentru că
mă iubeşti şi salvezi sufletul meu, şi pentru provocând credinţa mea să
crească, aşa că într-o zi am să fui în Rai cu Tine.

Umple-mă acum cu Duhul Tău cel Sfânt, şi izbăveşte-mă de rău, te rog în numele Tău YAHUSHUA!

YAHUSHUA ajută-mă să-mi amintesc, căci toţi au păcătuit, şi sunt lipsiţi de
slava lui Dumnezeu." (Romani 3:23​), şi că Tu ai venit să ne salvezi pe
noi păcătoşi. De aceea eşti numit Salvatorul nostru. Amin.

AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας
AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας

⁣ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ ΧΑ ΜΑΣΙΑΧ - γνωστός στην Ελλάδα με το ελληνικό όνομα: Ιησούς
Χριστός, επειδή έτσι το επέβαλαν Έλληνες μεταφραστές της Αγίας Γραφής.

Αγαπητέ ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ XA ΜΑΣΙΑΧ, Εγώ ΣΕ δέχομαι τώρα ως ΚΥΡΙΟ μου και
ΣΩΤΗΡΑ! ΕΣΥ είσαι ο ΘΕΟΣ που αγαπάω. Πιστεύω ότι πλήρωσες το τίμημα για τις
αμαρτίες μου στο Γολγοθά. Πέθανες και Αναστήθηκες την τρίτη ημέρα. ΣΟΥ ζητάω
να έρθεις στην καρδιά μου, να συγχωρήσεις τις αμαρτίες μου, να με ξεπλύνεις από κάθε αδικία.
Μετανιώνω για τις αμαρτίες μου και απομακρύνομαι απ' αυτές.

ΣΕευχαριστώ που με γεμίζεις με το ΆΓΙΟ ΠΝΕΥΜΑ ΣΟΥ και μου δίνεις την
επιθυμία να ΣΕ υπηρετώ όλες τις ημέρες της ζωής μου. Θέλω να ζεις μέσα
μου για τη Δόξα ΣΟΥ.

ΣΕ ευχαριστώ που μου δίνεις την επιθυμία να διαβάζω τη Βίβλο ΣΟΥ. Δώσε μου τη Σοφία
για να μπορέσω να την καταλάβω. ΣΕ ευχαριστώ που μ' αγαπάς και σώζεις την ψυχή μου
προκαλώντας την ανάπτυξη της πίστης μου, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσω κάποια μέρα να είμαι μαζί
ΣΟΥ στον Ουρανό. Γέμισε με τώρα με το ΆΓΙΟ ΠΝΕΥΜΑ ΣΟΥ και σώσε με από τον πονηρό
- προσεύχομαι γι' αυτό στο Όνομά ΣΟΥ, ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ.
Βοήθησέ με να θυμάμαι ότι όλοι αμάρτησαν και στερούνται τη Δόξα του ΘΕΟΥ ΓΙΑΧΒΕ
και ότι ΕΣΥ ήρθες για να μας σώσεις, τους αμαρτωλούς! Και γι' αυτό
λέγεσαι ο ΣΩΤΗΡΑΣ μας. Αμήν.

Επικοινώνησε μαζί μας και πες μας για το δώρο της Αιώνιας Ζωής που μόλις έλαβες από τον Πολύτιμο ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ - Μεσσία μας.

JEESUS rakastaa sinua! (Pelastusrukous)
JEESUS rakastaa sinua! (Pelastusrukous) Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago

⁣JEESUS rakastaa sinua! (Pelastusrukous)

⁣Kaikki ovat syntiä tehneet ja ovat Jumalan kirkkautta vailla (Room.
3:23​), mistä johtuen ainoa tie Taivaaseen on YAHUSHUAN (JEESUS KRISTUS)
Golgatan sovintoveren kautta (Joh. 14:6). Raamattu sanoo, että "jos
sinä suullasi tunnustat YAHUSHUAN Herraksi ja uskot sydämessäsi, että
Jumala on Hänet kuolleista herättänyt, niin sinä pelastut." (Room. 10:9)

Raamatun mukaan meidän on synnyttävä uudesti ylhäältä, jotta pääsisimme
Jumalan valtakuntaan (Joh. 3:3). Kun ihminen syntyy uudesti ylhäältä, Pyhä Henki
tulee asumaan ihmiseen ja alkaa vaikuttaa tahtomista ja tekemistä (Fil.
2:13​). Tästä alkaa prosessi, joka päättyy vasta siinä vaiheessa, kun
ihminen kuolee tai kun Jumala muuttaa hänen ruumiinsa katoamattomaksi
ylösnousemusruumiiksi (1 Kor. 15:51-52, ylöstempaus).

"Kerran pelastunut, aina pelastunut" -oppi ei Raamatun mukaan pidä paikkaansa.
Pelastus on prosessi: "Veljet, minä en vielä katso sitä voittaneeni;
mutta yhden minä teen: unhottaen sen, mikä on takana, ja kurottautuen
sitä kohti, mikä on edessäpäin, minä riennän kohti päämäärää,
voittopalkintoa, johon Jumala on minut taivaallisella kutsumisella
kutsunut Messiaassa YAHUSHUASSA." (Fil. 3:13​-14)

Uuden liiton uskovina emme enää elä lain alla vaan armon alla, mikä EI kuitenkaan
anna meille lupaa tehdä syntiä (Room. 6:14​-16). Uudessa liitossa Jumala
ei enää pidä meitä vastuussa 613 Vanhan testamentin lain
noudattamisesta, MUTTA kymmenen käskyä (2 Moos. 20:1-17) ovat edelleen
voimassa eivätkä ne ole muuttuneet (Matt. 5:17​-19, Matt. 19:16-19).
Myöskään neljäs käsky: "Pyhitä lepopäivä", ei ole muuttunut. Jumalan
tarkoittama lepopäivä, viikon seitsemäs päivä, on
perjantaiauringonlaskusta lauantaiauringonlaskuun. Siitä lähtien kun
tiedämme mikä TODELLINEN lepopäivä on, meillä ei ole enää mitään
tekosyytä Jumalan edessä (Hepr. 10:26-29), vaan meidän on tehtävä
parannus ja aloitettava oikean sapatin pyhänä pitäminen. On toisaalta
syytä varoa lakihenkisyyttä; lepopäivä on tarkoitettu ihmiselle
siunaukseksi eikä taakaksi. YAHUSHUA on sapatin Herra (Luuk. 6:5).

Kaikkivaltias Jumala tiesi jo etukäteen, ennen kuin oli luonutkaan mitään,
kaikki ne sielut, jotka tulisivat rakastamaan häntä, ja toisaalta kaikki ne,
jotka tulisivat kapinoimaan Häntä vastaan. Jokainen sielu teki jo kerran
Taivaassa ennen maailman luomista oman valintansa. Jokaisen ihmisen
nimi, joka pysyi uskollisena Luojalleen eikä kapinoinut Häntä vastaan,
kirjoitettiin Karitsan elämänkirjaan. Kukaan ei voi siis vahingossa
joutua helvettiin, vaan kaikki ne, joiden nimet on kirjoitettu Karitsan
elämänkirjaan ennen maailman perustamista (Dan. 12:1, Joh. 6:39, Ilm.
13:8), tulevat tavalla tai toisella pelastumaan.

AMIGHTYWIND Doa Untuk Diselamatkan Indonesian
AMIGHTYWIND Doa Untuk Diselamatkan Indonesian Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago

⁣AMIGHTYWIND Doa Untuk Diselamatkan Indonesian

⁣Doa ini disampaikan oleh ROH KUDUS kepada Elisabeth puluhan tahun yang
lalu dan sudah menyelematkan banyak jiwa jiwa kepada YAHUSHUA. Video
ini juga memiliki terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Silahkan kunjungi situs ini untuk membaca Nubuatan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

YAHUSHUA(Jesus), aku saat ini menerima Engkau sebagai Tuhan danJuruselamatku.
Engkau lah Tuhan yang kukasihi. Aku percaya bahwaEngkau sudah membayar
dosa dosa ku di Kalvari, Engkau wafat dan bangkitdi hari yang ketiga.
Aku memohon agar Engkau masuk ke dalam hatiku,memaafkan semua dosa
dosaku dan menyucikan aku dari semua kesalahanku. Aku memohon
pengampunan karena sudah berdosa dan aku menjauh darisemua dosa dosa ku.

Terima kasih karena Engkau sudah memenuhi kudengan RUACH ha KODESH (Roh Kudus)
Mu dan memberikan ku suka cita untuk melayani Museumur hidupku, dan
Engkau hidup di dalam ku, YAHUSHUA maka Engkauakan dimuliakan! Terima
kasih karena memberiku keinginan untuk membacaKitab Suci Mu dan memberi
ku hikmat untuk memahaminya.

Terima kasihkarena Mengasihi ku dan Menyelamatkan jiwa ku, dan meningkatkan
Imanku hingga suatu hari aku akan berada bersama Mu di Surga. Mohonpenuhiku
dengan RUACH HaKODESH Mu saat ini dan lepaskan aku dari si jahatdi
dalam Nama YAHUSHUA.

Aku berdoa kepada Mu! Mohon ingatkan aku ohYAHUSHUA bahwa semua manusia
telah jatuh dalam dosa dan kehilanganKemuliaan dari YAHUVEH, dan Engkau
datang untuk menyelamatkan KAMI parapendosa, sebab itu kami memanggil Mu

Harap baca doa ini dan baca berulang ulang, dan lakukan bukan denganpengetahuan
dan pikiran mu tetapi dengan segenap hati mu, yakinidengan IMAN dan ingat bahwa
YAHUSHUA bukan hanya Tuhan, namun Dia jugaadalah kawan baik mu!
Dia sangat peduli akan dirimu. Dia mencintai muapa adanya.
Dia mengutuk dosa, namun Dia mengasihimu walau engkauberdosa!

YAHUSHUA membayar harga untukdosa dosa mu, sekarang engkau tidakperlu
merasa bersalah atau merasa dihakimi lagi! Akui semua dosa dosamu kepada
YAHUSHUA. Sebutkan semuanya, kemudian katakan kepada Nyabahwa engkau
menyesal dan memohon agar Dia mengampuni mu!

Semua dosadi masa lalu dan sekarang. Dosa adalah semua yang kau sudah
dan sedanglakukan yang tidak menyukakan YAHUVEH yang Kudus.
Tidak ada seorangpun yang sempurna. Ingat itu!

Bacalah Kitab Suci Perjanjian Baru dan cari tahu siapa YAHUSHUA itusebenarnya.
Yohanes 3: 16. Kitab Suci berkata bahwa engkau harusmengakui bahwa Dia
adalah TUHAN dan Juruselamat maka Dia akan mengakuimu di hadapan Bapa.
Jangan malu mengakui YAHUSHUA. Dia tidak pernahmalu malu akan diri MU.

Katakan pada seseorang bahwa engkau telahmenerima YAHUSHUA yang dulu ada di
Kalvari dan Nazareth, hari ini dansemua malaikat akan bersorak sorai di
surga! Kami akan bersuka citadengan mu. Jika engkau membutuhkan pastor
untuk dilayani, kamimemiliki lebih dari satu orang untuk melayanimu.

Dosa adalah sesuatu yang sudah engkau lakukan atau sedang lakukan dan
membuat sedih YAHUVEH yang Kudus. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna! Ingat

Berusaha untuk hidup kudus dan mematuhi 10 Perintah TUHAN dan meminta
kekuatan di dalam Nama YAHUSHUA dan dengan kuasa DARAH NYA (Wahyu
12:11). Sangat lah tidak mungkin untuk hidup kudus hanya mengandalkan
kekuatan mu namun andalkan kekuatan di dalam DARAH NYA, NAMA NYA dan

Bacalah Kitab Perjanjian Baru dan cari tahu siapa YAHUSHUA itu.
Bacalah Yohanes 3:16​. Kitab Suci berkata bahwa engkau harus mengakui
NYA sebagai TUHAN dan Juruselamat maka DIA akan mengakui mu di hadapan
ABBA YAHUVEH. DIA sudah bangkit dari mati dan sekarang duduk di Sebelah Kanan
YAHUVEH di Surga.

Cari tahu siapa YAHUSHUA. Baca Yohanes 17:3. Kehidupan yang Kekal itu
artinya mengenal YAHUSHUA. Mulailah sekarang juga.
Jangan lah malu akan YAHUSHUA, DIA TIDAK pernah malu akan ENGKAU.
Katakan kepada seseorang bahwa engkau sudah menerima YAHUSHUA yang
dulu ada di Kalvari dan Nazareth, katakan hari ini juga!

Semua malaikat di surga sedang bersorak sorai!

Kami juga bersuka ria bersama anda. Jika anda membutuhkan seorang
pastor, kami memiliki lebih dari satu yang dapat melayani anda.
Selamat datang ke dalam Keluarga YAHUSHUA! KAMI SANGAT MENUNGGU UNTUK

Hubungi kami dan beritahu kami mengenai pemberian akan Kehidupan yang
Kekal yang telah engkau warisi dari Mesias kita yang sangat berharga

FRELSES BØNN AMIGHTYWIND Norsk Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago



Jeg tar imot DEG nå som min Frelser,
DU er GUDEN jeg elsker. Jeg tror DU betalte prisen for mine synder på
Golgata, DU døde og stod opp på den tredje dag.

Jeg spør DEG om å komme inn i mitt hjerte, tilgi mine synder, vask meg ren fra all
urettferdighet. Jeg er lei meg for å ha syndet, og vender meg bort fra
disse synder.

Takk for at DU fyller meg med DEN HELLIGE ÅND, og
gir meg begjær til å tjene DEG alle dager av mitt liv, og leve DITT liv i
meg,YAHUSHUA, så du vil bli Æret!

Takk for at Du gir meg et begjær til å lese DIN Bibel. Gi meg visdom til å forstå det.
Takk for at DU Elsker meg, Frelset min sjel, for å få min Tro til å vokse, slik at
en dag blir Jeg tatt med DEG til Himmelen.

Fyll meg med DIN HELLIGE ÅND nå og fri meg fra den onde i DITT Navn YAHUSHUA, ber jeg!

Hjelp meg YAHUSHUA til å huske Alle har syndet står uten ÆRE av YAHUVEH, og
Du kom til å frelse oss syndere, det er fordi DU er kalt vår FRELSER.

Les denne bønnen igjen, denne gang IKKE med hode kunnskap
men med hele ditt hjerte! Tro det i TRO! Og husk YAHUSHUA er IKKE bare
Gud, men Han er din beste venn!

Han bryr seg om deg så mye, Han elsker deg så mye, akkurat som du er. Han hater synd, men Han elsker DEG, synderen!

YAHUSHUA betalte prisen for dine synder, nå trenger du ikke å føle deg skyldig
eller fordømt lenger! Bekjenn dine synder til YAHUSHUA.

Fortell dine synder, og etterpå si til HAM du er lei deg.

Be HAM om å tilgi deg fra alle tidligere og nåtidens synder.

En synd er noe du har gjort eller du gjør, som ikke behager en Hellig YAHUVEH.
Ingen er perfekt! Husk det!

Lær hvordan en lever hellig og hold alle GUDS 10 bud med Kraften i YAHUSHUA
sitt NAVN og BLOOD(Åpenbaringen 12:11).Det er ikke mulig å leve hellig
på egnenhånd uten kraften av HANS BLOOD,NAVN og HELLIGE ÅNDS SALVELSE.

Les det Nye Testamentet og bli kjent med hvem YAHUSHUA er. Les Johannes
3:16​.Bibelen sier også at du må bekjenne Ham som HERRE og FRELSER så
Han vil bekjenne deg foran Faderen YAHUVEH.

HAN er stått opp fra de døde og sitter nå ved YAHUVEH Høyre Hånd i Himmelen.

Bli kjent med YAHUSHUA. Les johannes 17:3. Evig Liv betyr å kjenne YAHUSHUA. Dette starter nå.

Ikke skam deg over YAHUSHUA, Han skammer seg IKKE over DEG. Fortell noen at
du har akseptert YAHUSHUA på Golgata og Nazareth, denne dagen.

Alle englene i himmelen gleder seg!

La oss glede oss med deg. Hvis du trenger en pastor,vi har mere enn en.
Velkommen til Familien av YAHUSHUA. VI GLEDER OSS TIL Å MØTE DEG I

No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!
No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith! Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!

⁣Please join us in prayer as we intercede for President Donald J Trump
and for the #ElectionResults to be fair and for him to once again win
this Presidential election. In 2016 I prophesied to the world 5 months
prior to him winning the Presidential election in 2016. We pray for high
and uncommon favor for Donald J Trump especially during this time where
there is alot of corruption and dishonesty in the counting of the
ballots and we pray that all those who voted for Trump will be counted
for. YAHs will be done in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen.

Shalom. This is Elisheva Eliyahu. This is your—well, you know who I am: Apostle,
Prophet, Pastor and to some I'm so honored to be called "Momma." I have
been in deepest intercession [more] than anyone can believe. If you
think I’ve been quiet, it’s because I’ve had the ear [of HEAVEN] and
I'm—there is not one time that I am not praying for cards-trump —I’m
telling you not 75 million, not 80 million, but YAH told me there was
100 million, 100 million who wanted the cards trump to continue, our
cards trump! He confessed before the whole world the name of JESUS
CHRIST. He doesn’t know the HEBREW NAME. It’s okay. We’re only held
accountable for what we know! He told the birth [story of YAHUSHUA], and
you heard me say that this is his favorite book, that Bible. He’s
relying in faith that the ONE HE calls JESUS CHRIST will not let him
down! It’s the prayers of the righteous that avails much (Jms 5:16).
Please hear me. I’m full of emotion—what’s going on in wash. and how
they even try to stop millions from coming and protesting and standing
up for the cards trump of the United States. You’re going to have to
take interest in this! No matter where you are in this world! If you can
get there, then go there on January 6th and back our cards trump up.
Please Please help me I'm calling out to AmightyWind congregation please
help me We're in a battle in the house-white. We need the millions and
millions of people to show up in wash. on January 6th. If I could be
there I would But instead all my prayers go there nearly [Laughs] so
close to 24 hours a day. The reason he is HATED is because he truly,
truly is a last stand [against tyranny]. Don't judge him for who he used
to be. Judge him as a born again HOLY SPIRIT filled [man], doing the
best he knows how to be, for lack of better words, a Christian, for him.
For he doesn't understand a "Messianic Judaism." He confessed HIM. He
confessed JESUS CHRIST before the whole world. He's never called anyone a
boss before but he confesses WHO GOD is. And to put your faith in HIM!

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו)
Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Sukkah!

⁣Let us celebrate YAHUSHUA'S birthday together!

Do you want to see Apostle Elisheva‘s personal sukkah? (You’re invited inside!)
Ani ohevet et Asa Mikaiyah is Hebrew for... I love Asa Mikaiyah! Shalom
AmightyWind congregation! And all those who are visitors who worship
—THREE IN ONE. I want to invite you to my sukkah! All of you—these are
my own personal possessions that are used on Shabbat and on these Holy

And YAHUVEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of
Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month and for
seven days is the Feast of Booths […] On the first day shall be a solemn
rest and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. […] You shall
celebrate it as a feast to YAHUVEH […] It is a statute forever […] You
shall dwell in [sukkot] booths for seven days […] that your generations
may know that I made the people of Israel dwell in booths [temporary
shelters] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I AM YAHUVEH
your GOD.” (Lv 23:33-43)

In the Temple courts, YAHUSHUA kept both Sukkot & #Hanukkah according to the New Testament (Jn 7 & 10).

Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu's own sukkah with her own personal possessions is
publicly shown in this video since she's the leader of AmightyWind
Ministry, sharing it with all of the AmightyWind congregation and all
who are blessed by AmightyWind Ministry, by the Holy Prophecies & by
her and accept them as a blessing from the HOLY TRINITY ABBA YAHUVEH,

We wrestle not against flesh and blood - Learn YDS Amightywind March
Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun
Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun Amightywind Ministries 596 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 153 - Hear O Israel the Time of Jacob's Sorrow Has Begun

the rest of the world about the Time of Jacob's Trouble and that we are
on the cusp of the Great Tribulation. This video includes a special
exposé on Hollywood and an outreach for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to those in
Hollywood who have not crossed the line yet into blasphemy of the RUACH
HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) but have a chance to come to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) and turn away from their sins–using the
remainder of their lives to expose what is going on in Hollywood and
lead people to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. It was 26 years ago that Apostle
Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu heard from Heaven that this Ministry of
AmightyWind would be used to reach the lost including actors, actresses,
producers, musicians etc. for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prophecy 153 Excerpts:

What has been prophesied is all interlinked with obedience. Do they obey the conditions?
Is Israel a Holy land? Where they hold the greatest of the gay parades! And flaunt it in MY Face?! (Elisheva: Oh dear!)
Israel, O Israel, O Israel! You anger ME! You fill ME with fury! You
read the Torah portion... You have a stay at home order even under the
threat of death (has never been like this before, never will be again),
but you fill ME with FURY! For your secret sin—that you do within the
houses that you are locked in!
Oh you remember the shabbats! You remember the [Dedication],
anukkah. You remember Sukkot. You remembered—some of you
—even Purim BUT YOU GOT DRUNK! You partied as though it was a Mardi Gras!

Where was the worship?! Where was the praise?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL YOU

What? You think I have no right? Have you forgotten Korah already? Those
blessings that I reserved for Israel, was an Israel that would be a Holy
land—who would worship and praise ME and be set apart and be an example
to the entire earth—and be not ashamed of it.
You’re so proud of the fact that you can quote the Torah, so proud of the
fact that you could even quote the Tanakh. Many of you can.
You're so proud of the fact that you set yourself apart... and put a kippa up,
upon your head that I never commanded. It sets you apart.
Like black and white! Oh you cabal, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!

Do you not think that I see who's behind it all? You do not think I know?
Do you think MY Eyes have gone blind because it’s been so many thousands
of years? Do you think I YAHUVEH have grown deaf because it’s been so
many thousands of years? DO YOU THINK MY ARM IS TOO SHORT—that I cannot
discipline you in a way that’s never been disciplined before? (That will
be the 'Time of Jacob’s Sorrow'.)

[That’s] just like MY Arm is not too short to embrace you now, just like MY Eyes
are not too dim that I will not look at you so adoringly now.
MY Arms CRAVE to hold you again like I held Abraham, Isaac & Jacob—like I held
I hold HIM now—as I speak forth this Word from Elisheva Eliyahu
(at a time, again, that she's praying on a whole different subject and did not
expect this Word). O Israel, stop filling ME with FURY. Stop asking ME why death
has come—into the houses—as you claim Psalm 91. Are you OBEDIENT to
Psalm 91?! Or are you ashamed of the NAME OF YAHUVEH?!
Answer this question!

Why cannot those who proclaim to be believers of MINE and are, and call
themselves Messianic Jews—were grafted into the VINE YAHUSHUA, WHO is
the MASHIACH—why do they fear calling the NAME, “YAHUSHUA”? And dare to
say the name "Yeshua"? I do not spell HIS NAME, "Y-E-S-H-U-A."
I've said it again and again through this Apostle & Prophet. I've warned
again and again and yet they will not listen! Even those who proclaim "I
know Hebrew!"—and they will even acknowledge the NAME means "YAH

Where is MY NAME in the name Y-E-S-H-U-A?! MY SON'S NAME
is after MY NAME, YAH! Did not YAHUSHUA say that HE only could do the
miracles that HE had seen HIS FATHER do? HE only followed after HIS
FATHER'S example! SURELY you do not think it was Joseph?!

Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR!
Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR! Amightywind Ministries 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR! Trust ME!

Prophecy 151 (116 Anew under a New Anointing) Excerpt:

But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY hand
and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell you
this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see
what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear.

But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith
not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are
employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA
YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious
RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I
have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he
could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that
first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to
start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could
walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you.

You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in this
world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for fear.
Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith not
in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the Words I
have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not stop. I
refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.

You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call
yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no
more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest.
You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not
silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout
in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are
not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of
servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word
that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA.

How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.

Remember judgment does start at the House of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17). Why are
not all the churches protesting? How many churches are there? In every
country why are not the churches protesting against these abomination of
laws that are being passed? They just shrug their shoulders. They mind
their own business. So do not be surprised, oh organized churches, when
the government comes after you and takes away your freedom to preach and
hangs a foreclosure sign on your churches. Do not be surprised when
your land is taken. Do not be surprised you who are so smug with all
your millions.

I speak to the wealthy now – You put your faith in
your finances, do not be surprised when it’s all nothing but crumbling
dust- ashes in your hands (Matthew 19:24, Luke 16:19-31).

I will show you.

I will show this world.

Quick, Simple, Easy Passover Seder, how-to (Messianic Jewish)
Quick, Simple, Easy Passover Seder, how-to (Messianic Jewish) Amightywind Ministries 145 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Quick, Simple, Easy Passover Seder, how-to (Messianic Jewish)

Part I: Remove leaven
Part II: What you will need

1. Haggadahs, one for each person, OR (as we prefer) Bibles, one for each
person, with at least 1 Seder list (given in step 3) for whomever leads the Passover Seder.

2. Optional Dinner (preferably one that has a main course of lamb meat) with dinnerware, enough for each person.

3. Optional handwashing bowls and cloths.

4. Optional 2 candles or oil lamps to be used as Festival/Shabbat candles

5. Wine (or Grape Juice) & Glasses, 1 for each participant (wine will
be poured 4 times each) + 1 extra for "Elijah" (wine will be added once)

6. Matzot, (a stack of at least 3 Pieces of Matzah or Unleavened Bread)
wrapped in a cloth for the Seder and sometimes places on a
platter/plate, and for larger groups more matzot would be needed and
placed nearby. (Matzah is one, and matzot is plural for more than once
piece of matzah).

7. Salt Water in a small dish

8. "Seder Plate" (any clean plate can be used) on which the following is placed:
vi. Celery or Parsley*: Green Vegetable (Karpas)

vii. Romaine Lettuce & Horseradish: Bitter Herbs (Maror means bitter
herbs and may be any bitter herb & Chazeret is horseradish -- only
one or the other is absolutely necessary to counts as moror, bitter
viii. Homemade Charoset*--It is usually made of apple pieces

& wine, variations on the recipe may add honey, fruit, nuts and
spices. A basic recipe is cut an apple into chunks, mix with a
tablespoon or more of honey and dash of wine to taste.
ix. Lamb Bone* (Z'roa) -- only for display
x. Roasted egg* (may be hard boiled) - optionally eaten in step #10

*These are optional as the Bible does not command the eating of Karpas,
Charoset neither the use of the bone and egg; Karpas can generally be
any green vegetable, though celery and parsley are easy to find. The
bone generally symbolizes the Passover Offering and the egg, the
Festival Offering that were offered at Passover time while the physical
temple still stood.

Part III: The Seder's 15 Steps-- Celebrate the Passover Introduction

Seder means "order", as in the order of these steps.
Most of the elements of the Modern Seder are based on the commandments in
the Bible concerning the Passover, but the order of the Seder as we know
it today, was not set until the time after YAHUSHUA had been on earth.
The 15 steps given here are adapted from the Modern Jewish liturgy, but
have been stripped down to their basic form.

Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!
Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear! Amightywind Ministries 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!

⁣This is March 20th, 2020 – remember, the number 20 is the number of
redeemed in Hebrew [Prophecy & Bible]. Remember that’s a double
20—the last time I had the Prophecy on January 20th 2020, which is
[Prophecy] 150.

And I just want you to know, this is the Year of the Redeemed! Do not fear!

Fear is a torment which YAHUVEH has not sent. I’ve taken down the
frontpage—of the information of what’s going on around this world—and
I’ve put it up on our YAHStube [ ] (that you can see where it’s at as you click on the banner or you go to the media [menu on the website]).
But I am now hearing, I have to build your faith up! There’s too much
information all over the Internet now. You don’t know what to believe.

whatever you do—if a prophet says that they’re a “Prophet” and they
claim to have Prophecies, ask them where the proof behind their
“prophecies” is because I’ll tell you this: I have proof behind the
Prophecies, and it will be 26 years on April 4th 2020.

We’re in the year 20, the number of the redeemed! Don’t you want to be in the
Redeemed? That means you’re saved by the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA OUR MASHIACH!
That means you have nothing to fear. For YAHUVEH says HE did not give
us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!

Oh my AmightyWind congregation—you who call me your Pastor, and the Apostle
and the Prophet. I am going to read to you the Prophecy 52, and you are
going to see, what’s going on right now was already prophesied."

Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers

⁣FACE TALK Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu (Prophecy 116)

⁣"Get ready to see the dominoes fall. Remember Psalm 91, though you see
10,000 fall at your side and it will seem that they are all around you
falling, for it is I, YAHUVEH, that knock them down.

I’m shaking this world in MY wrath!

But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY
hand and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell
you this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see
what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear.

But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith
not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are
employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA
YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious
RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I
have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he
could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that
first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to
start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could
walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you.

(Matthew 14… 28: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29: And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30: But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and
said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?)

You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in
this world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for
fear. Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith
not in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the
Words I have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not
stop. I refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.

You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call
yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no
more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest.
You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not
silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout
in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are
not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of
servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word
that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA.

How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.

Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates Amightywind Ministries 175 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates!

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the
toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you
survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper
of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive,
you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the
spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any
carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than
you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to
escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the
man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were
YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly,
truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the
social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it.
You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have
lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think
that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a
demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing
more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year
ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a
plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and
not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is
destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself
to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all
the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to
defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines!
These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for.
The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you.
They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same
mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through
the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection
and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those
who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME
is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought
of disobeying ME, and when you do,you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell
ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away
this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020.
But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are
wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in
arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your
CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

Prophecy 146 - YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us!
Purim Celebration The Book of Esther
Purim Celebration The Book of Esther Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Purim Celebration The Book of Esther

⁣Esther obeyed YAHS orders spoken through Mordechai. The weapon formed
against Esther & all Jews did not succeed! Instead because of
Esther's obedience, her 3 day fast combined with her prayers she was
able to approach the King without permission. The King sign of
permission to speak to him, he had a royal scepter he held out to the
person who wanted to ask a request.

The kings heart felt love he recognized Esther he favored her because of her beauty &
personality. The King held out the Jeweled Royal scepter so she could
speak. Esther set a trap for Haman & caused the King to demand
Haman, his wife, Sons all be publicly hung strangled with a noose on
highest gallows.

All who Worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Jews
even if not biological you were adopted grafted into YAHUSHUA symbolized
as a olive vine. YAHUSHUA calls us HIS Branch grafted in to be part of
the only Vine it does not matter whether biological Jew or not! HIS
Command is if the Branch does not produce good fruit, HE will cut off
the Branch and burn with Hells fire!

You must confess you are a sinner & confess with sorrow the sins to HIM,
ask HIM to forgive your sins, to have your sins remembered no more.
You must humble yourself ask HIM become LORD means ruler of your life.
You must desire to obey HIM & hate sin, turn away from sins accept the only way,
to Heaven & live for HIM is to say please come into my soul and
fill me with the RUACH ha KODESH HOLY SPIRIT to live inside of me
teaching me how to be obedient & pleasing to YAH.

ABBA YAH is HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation with no beginning or end. YAHUVEH is CREATOR
of TIME! YAHUSHUA is only name anyone can be saved. In Hebrew name
means YAH Saves. Psalm 91 says there is protection from disease,
pestilences, to those who call upon YAHS Name ! The scepter is
YAHUSHUA! No prayers are answered before the FATHER of Creation without
praying in the Name & sins washed in the Perfect blood of YAHUSHUA
the only MESSIAH!

Ask forgiveness when you sin, run back into YAHUSHUA loving arms again!
Do not give up! The way we prove our love for YAHUSHUA is obeying HIM!
YAHUSHUA said “Why do you call HIM LORD & not obey HIM?
HE knows no one is perfect just continue to not give up & do not purposely
sin ask HIM to help you to defeat the sin where you are weak!

Humble yourself do not become like the unrepented Haman, wife, 10
sons even the youngest son so he could not become another Haman.
The King wanted to introduce at his banquet his beautiful wife, but she refused to come.
Vashti the king’s disobedient rebellious wife was cast out of his kingdom!
Vashti are selfish narcissists who refuse with great sorrow & tears they are called
repented sinners, no fear of YAH or YAHUSHUA Judgement of hell &
lake of fire! Jeremiah 6: 27-30 full of rebellion & say they will
live their lives with no respect for 10 commandments!

Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb
Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - תפילת הישועה
Israeli Prophet and beloved husband of Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
Ezra Caleb, leads Israel into true repentance and into the loving arms of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through this awesomely anointed Salvation
Prayer that is now translated into Hebrew! This Salvation Prayer was
originally given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 24 years ago and has literally led
millions of souls to the Cross of Calvary for salvation, where YAHUSHUA laid HIS life down
and died for the sins of the world – for all (both Jew and Gentile) who
would receive HIM as their LORD GOD and SAVIOUR. YAHUSHUA did not stay
in the grave but rose again on the Third Day! HE is alive and is now
calling Israel to repentance. Israel must learn to cry out “blessed is
HE WHO comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!”

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) is Israel and the rest of the World's ONE and

Israel please receive the Gift of eternal life today
through YAHUSHUA. HIS shed Blood for the forgiveness of your sins still
drenches the soil in Jerusalem, and covers Israel.

Israel come to know the ONLY ONE WHO can save your souls from hell/sheol and the
lake of fire! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is your ONLY SIN SACRIFICE perfect
and spotless, only through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA and
turning away from your sins can you come to ABBA YAHUVEH, ADONAI, your

Read Isaiah 53 oh Israel, YAHUSHUA was prophesied of in every sentence:

The Sin-Bearing Messiah – Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a
root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see
Him, There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not
esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one,
to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He
was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers
is silent, So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was
9 And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at
His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to
grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge
My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide
the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH perfectly fulfills the Prophecies contained within this chapter.

Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed!
Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed! Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed!

⁣Exposing satan's false Blue Beam Rapture through which he also seeks to
go before YAHUVEH and counterfeit YAHUSHUA's second coming.

You know Renee Moses aka Renee M. – that false rapture date setter? She
along with all the other false rapture date setters are not only seeking
to destroy your faith in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) – but they
are seeking to take your life. She is not only working together with
satan himself, to cast demons of despair, depression, hopelessness and
suicide, and apostasy to deliver to the final blow to people’s faith
when YAHUSHUA does not come on the dates that they set – but they are
preparing to take your very life.

2015 False Blue Beam Rapture Coming?
You know Renee Moses aka Renee M. – that false rapture date setter? She
along with all the other false rapture date setters are not only seeking
to destroy your faith in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) – but they
are seeking to take your life. She is not only working together with
satan himself, to cast demons of despair, depression, hopelessness and
suicide, and apostasy to deliver to the final blow to people’s faith
when YAHUSHUA does not come on the dates that they set – but they are
preparing to take your very life.

Beware the Blue Beam Rapture, which is a false rapture devised by satan to go
before YAHUSHUA WHO is also called JESUS CHRIST, and counterfeit HIS

Prophet Elisabeth Elijah has received a warning
from YAHUVEH GOD for September this year (2015). We do not know if
YAHUVEH will allow this to happen this soon, but if the enemies will
have their way – it will start this September.

Therefore, be warned and warn others also while you still have the time to do so.
Because when you hear the false rapture date setters like Renee Moses
aka Renee M. cry out their predictions for the rapture: “this date! That
date!” – and specifically their predictions for this September, now you
know the truth. Now you know why.

Because they are preparing you for an illusion!

If YAHUVEH were to allow this to happen this September, and you see the
illusion appear in the sky and people think that “Jesus is coming for
them!” – DON’T BELIEVE IT, DON’T GO – Because it is satan in disguise,
with his fallen angels and his demons.

Matthew 24:23-24
Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; BELIEVE IT NOT.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show
great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall
deceive the very elect.

THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”
THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus” Amightywind Ministries 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”

⁣China has now restricted travel for over 35 million people in 12 cities
due to the coronavirus outbreak that was said to originate in Wuhan,
China. Now, more than two thousand confirmed cases have been reported,
in countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, France, Australia,
Canada, and the U.S. Coincidentally enough, this "outbreak" coincides
with the Chinese New Year, with 2020 as the "Year Of The RAT"....

The U.S. has also enforced screenings in five airports so far, due to “confirmed cases.”

But What Is The REAL TRUTH About This “Coronavirus?”

And did it REALLY originate from China to begin with, or is there ANOTHER Origin?

are there coronavirus patents relating to the use of such a coronavirus
in a vaccine to “prevent and/or treat a disease?” Per the current
assignees belonging to the Pirbright Institute, and also the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) — The better question is, WHO Are The
Ones FUNDING Such Patents and Vaccines?

It’s also no
coincidence how in spring 2018, Bill Gates informed listeners at a
discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society
and the New England Journal of Medicine that a “new disease” could kill
30 million within 6 months, and how it could happen posthaste. And, from
a TED Talk back in 2010, Bill Gates even quoted: “The world today has
6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we
do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive
health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

But Do You Know The BIGGER Agenda?

you know that World Governments and Alphabet Soups such as the WHO,
CDC, UN, FDA, FEMA, etc. team up together and travel into what they call
“third-world countries," bringing their Killer Vaccines with them? They
then vaccinate the women and children there, when they are purposefully
causing and spreading diseases. Once these diseases have been spread,
and an "epidemic" has been declared, they then label this "epidemic"
with a creative name, such as "Ebola."

Then, mainstream medias
such as ABC, FOX, CNN, etc. report an "epidemic" initially caused by the
Government to begin with, to make you think it's a worldwide "epidemic"
when really this isn't the case at all. This thusly triggers fear and
chaos in the general sleeping public, thereby giving the Government more
tyrannical control.

In order to offer a solution to their
created problem, the Government begins to enforce the Rule of Law — such
as mandatory vaccines, mandatory healthcare, mandatory screenings and
other "security" measures leading up to martial law. When such measures
only focus on one thing and one thing only: Depopulation. So that more
people will gladly accept these Killer Vaccines.

Is This ALSO The Case With The Coronavirus? Is China Another TEST?

HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers
HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers Amightywind Ministries 171 Views • 4 months ago

⁣HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers

Happy Hanukkah! Woohoo! This is a time to celebrate Hag Sameach! Oh,
oh beloved ones! I am so excited! This is Hanukkah! And if you don't
know what that is, this is the time of the— of not only the celebration
of [how] in the Second Century BC when the temple was defiled in
Jerusalem; that there was only a group of 5 brothers who went against
the evil Antiochus who proclaimed himself as GOD and forbid any Torah
reading any, any commandment keeping and he actually not only imprisoned
but tortured and murdered the Jews who refused to stop their belief in
THE ONLY HOLY CREATOR (at that time they knew that was ABBA YAHUVEH). So
we also acknowledge as we light these candles, the miracle of the
Maccabees and you can read about it in the Book of Maccabees, which you
will not find in the KJV Bible. So, you'll have to look it up online and
on our Hanukkah page, I tell you exactly where is it written that
Sukkot and Hanukkah go together and they could not do their Sukkot at
that time so they had to wait until Hanukkah because of the desecration
of the Temple They waited until Hanukkah. Now, we know that YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah and HE is THE ONLY
ETERNAL LIGHT and that LITTLE BABY, that LITTLE FETUS was put in the
womb of a virgin, young Hebrew woman by the Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH
To see more about that read Prophecies 89 & 90 that was given to me
and the Jews know it is true [of a FEMININE RUACH HA KODESH]. . I want
to tell everyone this is a time of miracles! All you have to do is
repent! Ask YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the forgiveness of your sins! And
confess them and tell HIM you're sorry. HE paid the PRICE for you at
Calvary HE was crucified for those sins! HE said, "This BLOOD of for
you!" And that's why at the very ending I'm going to add the Salvation
Prayer that was given to me as well as the story of One Minute until
Midnight, a painting that is priceless —you will see the open vision
that I had of Heaven and [of] YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH This is a time of
miracles so when you're lighting those Hanukkah— Hanukkiah It's called a
Hanukkiah When you're lighting the Hanukkiah what you're doing is,
you're also in prayer, remembering— expect miracles! Expect miracles— of
being delivered from the hand of the reprobate enemies!

Prophecy Excerpt:
YAHUSHUA speaks: "MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu I’m giving you new instructions as
THE HEAD of AmightyWind Ministry and I want you to tell the
congregation Behold, I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH order you MY beloved
Elisheva Eliyahu to do a new thing with the HOLY TRINITY’S Ministry,
AmightyWind; and on Hanukkah, I want this celebration of the Festival of
Booths to continue. I want it to be a celebration just as you did with
the sukkah in the Festival of Booths (Sukkot) so too [such celebration],
during the time of Hanukkah. For this is the time your MESSIAH was
placed by the beautiful Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH —the Invisible Hand
into MY birth mother Miriam’s womb Should you not celebrate that? You
celebrate MY birth. And now I’m asking you to celebrate the time of
Hanukkah in the same way, with these eight days For I AM THE ETERNAL
GUIDING LIGHT; I AM THE REASON Hanukkah is named the Festival of Lights!
The building of the sukkah were instructions given (Lv 23) which
foreshadowed MY birth in a 'stable' in Bethlehem (Lk 2:1-20)."

YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25
YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25 Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25

⁣Sukkot Video made for the praise honor and glory of YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH. Amightywind made this video because so many people think we
are saying not to honor the birth of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, but this is
not true. We mearly mean to say that we do not believe YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH's birthday was on December 25. For a full explanation why we
believe YAHUSHUA's birthday was during Sukkot please visit the following

There are several clues that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot:

1. Bethleham was "booked solid." This would not have been due census which
would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Jew was
required to come to Jerusalem for Sukkot (Dt. 16:16) this would have
over run Jerusalem as well as Bethleham just five miles away.

2. YAHUSHUA was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah"
(as in Gen. 33:17) so it is likely that YAHUSHUA was born in a

3. If YAHUSHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot
then he would have been circumcised on the "eighth great day" a festival
following Sukkot. This day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing
in the Torah) which is now held the following day in Rabbinic Judaism.
So YAHUSHUA would have entered the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in
the Torah."

4. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they
made a statement which closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy
"...behold, we have come to declare to you glad tidings of great joy."
(Lk. 2:10-11)

5. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body?) with us.

Now in Mt. 2:7-8, Herod kills all the children two and under. The fact that
he killed such a wide range indicates that he did not know quite how
long ago Messiah had been born. YAHUSHUA's parents fled to Egypt until
they heard Herod was dead. They were back in Bethleham in time to
perform Miriam's (Mary's) purification and YAHUSHUA's dedication on the
40th day after YAHUSHUA's birth (as required by Torah) (Luke 2:22-38).

By this time Herod had to be dead or they could not have come to the
Temple in Jerusalem. Herod had to have died during the 40 days between
YAHUSHUA's birth, and his dedication 40 days later. Herod is known to
have died in September of 4 B.C.E. So YAHUSHUA had to have born in the
fall (this rules out that Zechariah could have been serving during
Abijah's second course of the year, since that would place YAHUSHUA's
birth in the Spring and not allow for Herod's death during the 40 days
after his birth in the fall). This also tells us that the year of
YAHUSHUA's birth was 4 B.C.E.

When YAHUSHUA was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Lk. 2:8)
which could not have been in the Winter. In fact it can be shown that
YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot (Boothes/Tabernacles) in 4 B.C.E..

The key to calculating the date of the birth of YAHUSHUA is Luke 1:5 where
we learn that Zechariah the father of Yochanan was a priest of the course of Abijah.

The priests became to numerous to all serve at the Temple all the time, so
they were divided into 24 courses (1Chron. 24). Each course served for
two weeks each year, once in the former rain (first half of the year)
and once in the latter rain (second half of the year). There were also
three weeks in which all the priests were required to serve, these were
the three pilgrimage festivals (Dt. 16:16). 24 times 2 is 48 plus three
is 51. 51 weeks is 357 days fitting nicely within the 360 day lunar

The course of Abijah is the eighth course (1Chron. 24:10)
which serves the tenth week during the former rain portion of the year
(this is because during Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost) all fo the
priests serve together Dt. 16:16). Zechariah had his vision while
serving in the course of Abijah in the tenth week (It will become
apparent that he was serving his first course not his second as the
timing will show as we progress). Thus Zechariah's vision took place
during the 10th week of the year (The religious year beginning at
Nisan/Abib around 14 days before Passover). We must add two additional
weeks before Yochanon (John) could be conceived, due to the purity laws
(Lev. 12:5; 15:19, 25).

So Yochanon was concieved in the 12th week of the year. He was born about
40 weeks later during the 52nd week of the year (12 + 40 = 52) which brings us to Passover.
Thus Yochanon was born at Passover, the very time that Elijah was, according to Jewish
tradition, supposed to appear.

YAHUSHUA was conceived 6 months (about 25 weeks) after Yochanon's conception.
This means YAHUSHUA was conceived around the 37th week around Chanukah.
This would mean the light of the world was conceived during the festival of lights.

YAHUSHUA was born 40 weeks later (around week 77 that is week 25 of the
following year) this brings us to the time of the fall feasts.

Elisheva Eliyahu Invites U To Her Hanukkah/Sukkot Sukkah! See Treasured Items & Teaching
Elisheva Eliyahu Invites U To Her Hanukkah/Sukkot Sukkah! See Treasured Items & Teaching Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Elisheva Eliyahu Invites U To Her Hanukkah/Sukkot Sukkah! See Treasured Items & Teaching

⁣HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH birthed on this earth during Sukkot /
Tabernacles! Conceived at Hanukkah! Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
shows her sukkah treasured items. You’re invited inside!

3 hour video, and even more, coming with fun, laughter , joy, dancing ,
singing, original songs, celebration from some of AmightyWind
International Messianic Jewish congregation! New joyful Hanukkah
Prophecy! Serious Sukkot Prophecy! Thank you subscribers, please thumb
up. I pray blessings on each person and look forward to meeting you in

Revelations both new and old! “Every scribe instructed
concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of
his treasure things new and old” (Mt 13:52). My revelation from
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with proof in Book of Maccabees quotes below.

New revelation YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me, Elisheva Eliyahu, as leader of
AmightyWind Ministry 25 years and ancient Scriptures from the Second
Book of Maccabees:

Put your sukkah or symbol of it in your home
for Hanukkah to honor exalt YAHUSHUA during Festival of Lights during
the time of the rededication of Temple where the miracle of only 1 day
of anointed oil to light Menorah lasted 8 days! “And now see that ye
keep the Feast of Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot] in the month [of Kislev]”
(—A Letter to the Jews in Egypt From the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV).

2 Maccabees 10:
1 Now Maccabeus and his company, YAHUVEH guiding them, recovered
the temple and the city:
2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also
the chapels, they pulled down.
3 And having cleansed the Temple they made another altar, and striking
stones they took fire out of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and
set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread. [...]
5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned
[defiled] the Temple, on the very same day it was cleansed again, even
the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is [Kislev].
6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the Feast of the
Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], remembering that not long afore they had held
the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], when as they wandered in the
mountains and dens like beasts.
7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang
psalms unto HIM that had given them good success in cleansing his place.
8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year
those days should be kept of the whole nation of the Jews.

YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH is the ETERNAL LIGHT and the Hanukkah miracles
foreshadowed what was to be in the future as Isaiah 53 and many
Messianic Scriptures of Isaiah prophesied—what Orthodox Jews are taught
to ignore—it describes YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This Scripture describes a
Jewish Man who would be sacrificed! YAHUSHUA was birthed from the
Jewish womb of a Jewish woman, still a virgin! All in the Torah, which is the
5 Books of Moses and more, all the instruction of YAHUEVH. Torah translates in English
“instruction,” and in the KJV often as “law”. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also

YAHStube is at uncensored videos the
prophecies, warnings as Great Tribulation nears! AmightyWind has
alternative to Youtube so subscribers. When I tell you go to YAHSTUBE
and, please keep coming 1st to my Youtube channels:
YAHSladyinred, plus YAHSladynred (rebuilt 2009 channel after I proved
the reprobates serpents lied)! In Heaven, the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH EL
SHADDAI will send all evil ones to worse tortures of hell & lake of
fire we cannot comprehend, just as HE did to those who tried to
annihilate the Jewish people in the time Maccabees!

Prophecy 147 - Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019
Prophecy 147 - Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019 Amightywind Ministries 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 147 - Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019

⁣This is an emotional Prayer and a prayer that has not been redone in 25 years.
I saw an open vision of three men to start with, and I personally know
them and there was a crowd of people behind them. One of them is the
ex-co-leader (Ezra/Caleb) who is in this video and this is the way he
must pray.

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me the words to show what
repentance is. It's done with tears and with sorrow. This is your last
chance and this is a last chance Ministry. The great tribulation is
almost here, what will you do? Today is your day of salvation, tomorrow
may be too late (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Ezra, do that public video proving that you are a man that knows how to repent
and walk in humility and rebuke the reprobates that are surrounding you.
There is a beautiful video coming soon. Please look forward to it, it will also be
on YT when it’s done.

This is a last chance ministry I was a last chancer also, you will
understand when you read my testimony. Have u made your peace with the
HA KODESH? What if this is your last breath? The choice is yours.

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are
like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like
crimson, They shall be as wool.

Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?

John 14:15
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

Matthew 7:13-14
Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the
road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the
gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there
are few people who find it.

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that
you profess your faith and are saved.

Matthew 23:33
"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?”

Matthew 13:49-50
So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate
the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In
that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

James 2:19
You believe that there is one GOD. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble!

Luke 16:19-31
"Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine
linen, joyously living in splendor every day. "And a poor man named
Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, and longing to be fed
with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides,
even the dogs were coming and licking his sore.

"Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom;
and the rich man also died and was buried. "In Hades he lifted up his eyes,
being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom.
"And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send
Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off
my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.' "But Abraham said, 'Child,
remember that during your life you received your good things, and
likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you
are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great
chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will
not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.' "And he
said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house--
for I have five brothers--in order that he may warn them, so that they
will not also come to this place of torment.' "But Abraham said, 'They
have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.' "But he said, 'No,
father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will
repent!' "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the
Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the

Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry
Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry

⁣HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH birthed on this earth during Sukkot /
Tabernacles! Conceived at Hanukkah! Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
shows her sukkah treasured items. You’re invited inside!

3 hour video, and even more, coming with fun, laughter , joy, dancing ,
singing, original songs, celebration from some of AmightyWind
International Messianic Jewish congregation! New joyful Hanukkah
Prophecy! Serious Sukkot Prophecy! Thank you subscribers, please thumb
up. I pray blessings on each person and look forward to meeting you in

Revelations both new and old! “Every scribe instructed
concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of
his treasure things new and old” (Mt 13:52). My revelation from
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with proof in Book of Maccabees quotes below.

New revelation YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me, Elisheva Eliyahu, as leader of
AmightyWind Ministry 25 years and ancient Scriptures from the Second
Book of Maccabees:

Put your sukkah or symbol of it in your home
for Hanukkah to honor exalt YAHUSHUA during Festival of Lights during
the time of the rededication of Temple where the miracle of only 1 day
of anointed oil to light Menorah lasted 8 days! “And now see that ye
keep the Feast of Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot] in the month [of Kislev]”
(—A Letter to the Jews in Egypt From the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV).

2 Maccabees 10:
1 Now Maccabeus and his company, YAHUVEH guiding them, recovered
the temple and the city:
2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also
the chapels, they pulled down.
3 And having cleansed the Temple they made another altar, and striking
stones they took fire out of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and
set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread. [...]
5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned
[defiled] the Temple, on the very same day it was cleansed again, even
the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is [Kislev].
6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the Feast of the
Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], remembering that not long afore they had held
the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], when as they wandered in the
mountains and dens like beasts.
7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang
psalms unto HIM that had given them good success in cleansing his place.
8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year
those days should be kept of the whole nation of the Jews.

YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH is the ETERNAL LIGHT and the Hanukkah miracles
foreshadowed what was to be in the future as Isaiah 53 and many
Messianic Scriptures of Isaiah prophesied—what Orthodox Jews are taught
to ignore—it describes YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This Scripture describes a
Jewish Man who would be sacrificed! YAHUSHUA was birthed from the
Jewish womb of a Jewish woman, still a virgin! All in the Torah, which is the
5 Books of Moses and more, all the instruction of YAHUEVH. Torah translates in English
“instruction,” and in the KJV often as “law”. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also

YAHStube is at uncensored videos the
prophecies, warnings as Great Tribulation nears! AmightyWind has
alternative to Youtube so subscribers. When I tell you go to YAHSTUBE
and, please keep coming 1st to my Youtube channels:
YAHSladyinred, plus YAHSladynred (rebuilt 2009 channel after I proved
the reprobates serpents lied)! In Heaven, the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH EL
SHADDAI will send all evil ones to worse tortures of hell & lake of
fire we cannot comprehend, just as HE did to those who tried to
annihilate the Jewish people in the time Maccabees!

Messianic Jewish Revelations Holy Days, Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Messianic Jewish Revelations Holy Days, Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu Amightywind Ministries 148 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Messianic Jewish Revelations Holy Days, Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

⁣YAHUSHUA’S First Coming – Spring Feasts

*Leviticus 23:5-6, Last Supper, Death & Burial
(Passover, Mt 26- 28; Mk 14-16; Lk 22-24; Jn 13-21; 1 Co 5:7);
Leviticus 23:10, Resurrection (right after the start

of the harvest, Firstfruits of Barley, Wave Offering) during the Feast
of Unleavened Bread.

*Leviticus 23:10, Ascension during the counting
of the omer, on the 40th day (Acts 1:3) & Outpouring of the RUACH HA
KODESH at Pentecost/Shavu’ot (Acts 2:1-4).

YAHUSHUA’S Second Coming – Autumn Feasts

*Leviticus 23:24, Last Trump of a Rosh Ha Shanah during a Rapture in the future 1 Corinthians 15:52.
*Leviticus 23:27, Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur, a picture of judgment day - (Zc 12:10; Mt 24:30-31)
*Leviticus 23:34, Ingathering of the nations, Marriage Supper of the LAMB at Sukkot/Booths (Rv 21:3)

The Exodus -

*Passover, Nisan 14 (Ex 12) & Crossed the Red Sea on Nisan 17 or 21 during
Feast of Unleavened Bread - departed Rameses, went to Succoth and camped
there (Ex 12:37), then went and camped at Etham Ex 13:20; turned back
to encamp near Pi Hahiroth by the sea (Ex 14:2), at least a 3 day
journey (Ex 3:18, Nm 33:3-8).

*Shavu’ot - Revelation/Giving of the Torah Ex 19:16-19; 20:18 & when Moses returns
40 days later on 17th Tammuz - golden calf (Ex 31:18; 32:19)

*Moses ascends Mt. Sinai a second time for 40 days (Ex 34) spanning
the month of Elul and first 10 days of Tishri, through Rosh ha Shanah to
the final day Yom Kippur; Moses’ intercedes & returns on Yom Kippur with
new set of the Two Tablets & materials are quickly gathered for the
Mishkan/Tabernacle by Tishri 15 for Sukkot (Ex 34:28-29; 35: 1, 4);

*Dedication of the Mishkan/Tabernacle in Nisan, the first month (Ex 40:1-2)

Tabernacles JESUS' birth at Sukkot, Christmas or Hanukkah?
Tabernacles JESUS' birth at Sukkot, Christmas or Hanukkah? Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Tabernacles JESUS' birth at Sukkot, Christmas or Hanukkah?

⁣Sing "Christmas Carols" on Sukkot, that is the true time of JESUS's
Birth. He was conceived at Chanukah. (December 25th is actually the
birthday of pagan king Nimrod).
how to celebrate Sukkot - what is Sukkot? What is Hanukkah - evidence Sukkot is birth of YAHUSHUA.

Sukkot is a Jewish Holiday that lasts for 7 days. It is also the time many
Messianic Jews believe YAHUSHUA was born so we say in reverence and joy

Read why YAHUSHUA was not born on Christmas and why most biblical
scholars agree that YAHUSHUA's birth, in fact, did not take place in December at all. [...]

When YAHUSHUA was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Lk. 2:8)
which could not have been in the Winter. In fact it can be shown that
YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot (Boothes/Tabernacles) in 4 B.C.E..

The key to calculating the date of the birth of YAHUSHUA is Luke 1:5 where
we learn that Zechariah the father of Yochanan was a priest of the
course of Abijah.[...]

YAHUSHUA was conceived 6 months (about 25 weeks) after Yochanon's conception.
This means YAHUSHUA was conceived around the 37th week around Chanukah.
This would mean the light of the world was conceived during the festival of lights.

YAHUSHUA was born 40 weeks later (around week 77 that is week 25 of the following
year) this brings us to the time of the fall feasts.

There are several clues that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot:

1. Bethleham was "booked solid." This would not have been due census which
would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Jew was
required to come to Jerusalem for Sukkot (Dt. 16:16) this would have
over run Jerusalem as well as Bethleham just five miles away.

2. YAHUSHUA was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah"
(as in Gen. 33:17) so it is likely that YAHUSHUA was born in a

3. If YAHUSHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot
then he would have been circumcised on the "eighth great day" a festival
following Sukkot. This day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing
in the Torah) which is now held the following day in Rabbinic Judaism.
So YAHUSHUA would have entered the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in
the Torah."

4. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they
made a statement which closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy
"...behold, we have come to declare to you glad tidings of great joy."
(Lk. 2:10-11)

5. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body?) with us. [...]

Is it really too hard for you to learn of the Hebrew Holy Days?

Rosh HaShanah Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Teaching Time of YAHUSHUA S return Messianic Jewish
Rosh HaShanah Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Teaching Time of YAHUSHUA S return Messianic Jewish Amightywind Ministries 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Rosh HaShanah Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Teaching Time of YAHUSHUA S return Messianic Jewish

⁣• Yom Teruah (the Day of Sounding [Feast of Trumpets) Numbers 29:1
• Zicaron Teruah & Yom HaZikkaron (the Day of Remembrance or memorial) Lev 23:24 -

• Teshuvah (repentance)
• Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe)
• Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year)
• Yom Harat Olam (Conception/Birthday of the World/Cosmos)

• Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgment)
• Yom HaKiseh (the Day of the Seat)
• Yom HaKeseh (the hidden day)

1 Cor 15: 51-52
51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be
changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on
incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

The "official" date for 2011 on the pre-set calendar, which most of the
Jewish World observes, is Sep 28 sundown to 30th sundown.

If you go by the NEW MOON sighting this year, 2011:
It will start on 29th sundown if the New Moon IS sighted Thursday evening.
BUT if it IS NOT seen in Israel on Thursday it will automatically start Sep 30 at sundown.

The Jewish custom is to celebrate 2 days. I personally will be celebrating
Sep 30 sundown to Oct 1st sundown. This will automatically cover the
correct day whether the moon is sighted or not!! It is like an insurance
policy ;)

As far as how to keep/celebrate Yom Teruah - the
command is that we hear the shofar! And the other traditions are to wear
white, have a nice dinner with sweet foods, like dipping apple in honey
etc. That is apart from it being a time of introspection, repentance,
prayer and worship and looking forward to YAHUSHUA's coming whether it
be now or in the future! Just keep it simple and don't get too caught up
in rituals/traditions :)

Yom Kippur, End Time Prophetic Meaning of Yom Kippurim (Messianic Jewish), Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur, End Time Prophetic Meaning of Yom Kippurim (Messianic Jewish), Day of Atonement Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Yom Kippur, End Time Prophetic Meaning of Yom Kippurim (Messianic Jewish), Day of Atonement

⁣Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year and a day
entirely devoted to GOD and prayer. It is traditionally a fast day. (See
below Lev 16:31). For Messianic Jews this can be a time of joy in the
knowledge that our sins are atoned for. Otherwise it is traditional to
wear white, as on Rosh HaShanah. For a Messianic Jew or Christian, it
can be a day of fasting and intercession for the Jewish people and
Israel in particular. For the lukewarm, Yom Kippur is a reminder that
Judgement day is near and TODAY, everyday is the day of repentance and

• Teshuvah (Repentance); Kafarah (Atonement); Tfilah (Prayer)
• Kaporet (Place of Atonement, or 'Mercy Seat')
• Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements, also "a day like Purim")
• Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe -- ends with Yom Kippur)
• Shabbat Shabbaton (Sabbath of Sabbaths i.e. Holiest Day of the Year)
• HaTsum (The Fast); HaYom (The Day)
• HaYom Gadol (The Great Day); Shofar HaGadol (The Great Shofar)
• Panim el-Panim (Face to Face); Kvod Elohim (Glory of GOD)
• Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgment); Neilah (Sealing/Closing)

When is Yom Kippur 2011?
Remember, a Jewish day is sunset to sunset, not midnight to midnight.
The "official" date for 2011 on the pre-set calendar, which most of the
Jewish World observes, is October 8th -- it begins October 7th at

YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us! – Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu's prayer for the Bride
YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us! – Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu's prayer for the Bride Amightywind Ministries 147 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA We Wait For You To Come Rapture Us! – Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu's prayer for the Bride

⁣At the time Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu prayed this intercessory prayer for
the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and received this message from
Heaven, she said this is the only message given to her, other than
"Citizen In Hell", which had her weeping and her heart beating rapidly.

Are YOU Also Waiting For YAHUSHUA To Come To Take YOU, His Bride, Home?

so, then listen to this audio prayer where the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY
SPIRIT) unexpectedly wept through me. I feel like I really stood in the
place for all of us who wait for our beloved YAHUSHUA, to come and take
HIS Bride home. IF you are not waiting, then don't even bother
listening, for you won't understand the grief we feel as we occupy until
our YAHUSHUA comes again and takes us to the Marriage Supper of the
LAMB. If you are not watching and waiting and grieving, longing to be
with YAHUSHUA (Jesus), then don't be concerned, for HE isn't coming for
you, sad to say.

But those of you who are waiting will hear the
grief in my voice, and some may even be able to interpret the RUACH HA
KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) Tongues. I share this with you to encourage you.
Make sure you are one of the 5 wise virgins with your lamp wick trimmed,
and with plenty of oil in your lamp. You will only see HIM if you have
faith to believe you will! The devil tried to stop the recording of this
prayer. Listen to how the recorder started to malfunction and change
tape speeds.

Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye
Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye Amightywind Ministries 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye

⁣The intro that is shown in this video will at this time go before every
Prophecy video that was spoken through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
so you will know that Ezra Caleb (Erez Yotam) is no longer associated
with AmightyWind Ministry and no longer the male Co-leader by Elisheva's
side. If you see him included in a Prophecy video it is for one reason
only and that is because the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY
SPIRIT) was at one time on this man when he still humbly walked by
Elisheva Eliyahu's side as male Co-leader, husband and protective prayer
covering. Certain Prophecies came forth when the two anointings were
one as YAH had ordained, and he went before her covering her in
protective prayers. However, that was a then and this is a now. Things
have changed and as Ezra Caleb (Erez Yotam) has refused to repent and
turn away from his rebellion against the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY and being
delivered from the demon of narcissism, arrogance, pride, rebellion,
pharisee, religion, kabbalah, idolatry, self-exaltation, unrepentance -
YAHUVEH GOD will no longer wait for him to come back and walk in his
calling. Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu has got many Prophecies stored up that
will be released. Another anointed male Co-leader will come forth that
will do what Ezra Caleb has refused to do, and that includes reaching
the Hebrew speaking people for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. This Ministry will
shift its focus back onto feeding YAHUSHUA'S Sheep and Lambs, leading
souls to the Kingdom of Heaven in 50 different languages around this

Prophecy 145 - War Cry: Caleb Don't Test I YAHUVEHS Patience! Repent!
Prophecy 145 - War Cry: Caleb Don't Test I YAHUVEHS Patience! Repent! Amightywind Ministries 146 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 145 - War Cry: Caleb Don't Test I YAHUVEHS Patience! Repent!

Come back! Come back! Come back! I, YAHUVEH, I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
I, the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, WE grieve! WE grieve! Oh Erez

You are on the countdown of OUR patience now! WE love you! WE have given you time to
repent for you have sinned greatly and you took it to the public! Oh my,
oh my, oh my, oh my! What you have done! What you have done! What you
have done MY son! Why? Oh why did you even go from an orthodox Jew into a
Sunday church for even then you knew you did not honor MY Shabbat! You
knew the truth of the Shabbat!

I brought you to AMIGHTYWIND for the New Blood Covenant but you insisted
on staying in the old blood covenant when I even showed you MY SON. I,
My Name YAHUSHUA is found all over not just in the Torah but in every part,
every part of the Holy Scriptures.

Do you remember, remember, remember what satan tries
to take your mind and use an eraser and erase it!! Even the very love
that you have for your very wife and soul mate! They tried to pluck it
out! I’m calling you out!

The serpents tongues have entered into the fallen angels entered into the
reprobate souls and you with your serpent tongues, like unto MK ultra a
combination of various forms of the occult. I YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
and the RUACH HA KODESH HOLY SPIRIT call you out. Vengeance is mine saith
YAHUVEH to Christina Gunther! Shengya Pu! Tatiana Williams! Stephen William Rossi! Rickey
Williams! Jason Benn! Donovan Todd! Armadno Garcia! Darnell Clark! Scott
Cameron! Adriel Brown! Goran (from Serbia)! You claim you are all gods!

You have sent all your curses at Elisheva Eliyahu and every
form of death and dare to do it in the sacred Hebrew names YAHUVEH

Erez Yotam/Ezra Caleb when you wanted
to cover your ears and you did. You no longer wanted to hear any Words –
to come back to the HOLY TRINITY. Elisheva Eliyahu your wife saw you
slipping away. She saw you running after the lies and feeding off of the
poison for poison was given to you to poison your soul! For you were
not decreasing, you were increasing! You never gave I, YAHUSHUA the
glory anymore. Instead you wanted to steal MY glory for that’s what
these serpents of satan are telling you - who are no, no and no longer
are the spiritual children you could once know. If you could just see
and rip the mask off of them! You will see that fallen angels have
entered into each and every one of them! They enter into every reprobate
soul! Come out! Come out from among them! Rebuke these lies! Renounce
these lies! Come back! Come back! Come back!

I YAHUSHUA will leave MY 99 sheep but I’m coming for MY one little lost lamb right now!

Oh I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I plead with you! MY Blood was shed for you
Erez Yotam, MY Ezra, you are MY Caleb! Come back to the only GOOD
SHEPHERD. There is no salvation except through MY Name and MY Blood. Oh
MY son, what you have done! What you have done what the Holy TRINITY,
the one you called your Holy Heavenly family, the one that you and
Elisheva, as she taught you she mentored you, and she said as much as we
love one another in every public dedication of love we have to always
teach that our love cannot compare for one another always, always,
always it has to be ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH has
to always come before any love that we have for one another.

Elisheva taught you this. She mentored you – you did not want to learn from a
woman and the first question she asked you, “Ezra would you learn from a
woman?” You did not answer MY son. The demons inside of you would not
let you answer that question knowing that it would lead you to hell!

I’m calling you back through the same woman. Instead they mock through your
mouth and they said, “Elisheva would you learn from a man?”

Oh MY son, humble yourself, walk in the humility of your mind, your body,
your spirit and your soul! LOWER YOURSELF! When you hear this Word, you
will run! You will flee from the evil that surrounds you!

I’m getting her back to feeding the sheep and the lambs again with the new
Words from Heaven! The new revelations! Now it’s your choice how quickly
you want to come back, it’s your choice, but don’t wait too long
because now you are on the countdown of I YAHVUEH’S and the Holy
TRINITY’S patience, patience – not a good place to be! Nobody had better
ask for it! Where Erez Yotam, MY Ezra, MY Caleb (is), it’s not a good
place to be.

Does not the Word say, “Do not test the LORD thy GOD
YAHUVEH” and that means YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH! Does not the
Word, the Holy Scriptures say, “Grieve not the HOLY SPIRIT, MY RUACH HA
KODESH”?You have been grieving, grieving the RUACH HA KODESH!

You Erez Yotam/Ezra Caleb are on the countdown of the HOLY TRINITY'S
Patience! I YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA AND RUACH HA KODESH warn you! There is no
salvation without the blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST).

Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1
Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1 Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1

⁣From Elisheva:
Ezra Caleb you are on the Countdown of YAH'S patience
- a countdown given from Heaven to confess and repent in public
before July 1st 2019. If you do not do what YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH HA KODESH have asked you to do - all "Caleb come forth's" will be
gone and there will be no more reminder of our love.

You won't see anymore of my love and the congregation’s love. I will get back to
feeding the lambs and the sheeps and prophesying. There will be no more
mentioning of my love for you.

Confess, Repent and Run from Evil, Ezra Caleb, Before July 1st 2019!'s front page is proof that I have battled for your life and soul,
and so has all of AMIGHTYWIND congregation.


If you do not pray like this and continue thinking the words, “YAH rebukes
you satan” especially in disobedience, satan mocks and laughs at you.
Only on Shavuot I put my wedding ring back on, so you must be seeing the
light, as you see truly holy love coming from AMIGHTYWIND ministry.
Even true rebukes come from YAHUSHUA.

I ask everyone who considers AMIGHTYWIND a blessing to please say
a prayer that this will not happen. This is pentecost and pray that he cuts
all soul ties. For thus far he has not been able to see that he is in danger.
With the danger that is surrounding him right now, a word will be coming shortly.

Caleb the only way of returning is if confession is made unto salvation in a
video posted before all the internet. You must confess and repent before
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who is the only perfect blood atonement for our
sins. I saw an animation in a vision and I had it created to make it
easier on you because I know the entire time I’ve known you, the words I
am sorry, please forgive me with a sincere heart that was humbled, was
not on your lips.

It has been more than 7 months and YAHUSHUA has
so patiently waited as you now even refuse to apologise for the lying
terrorising false prophecy on April 19 2019. Caleb you are the one who
told me Passover is only that evening.

In November 2018 you said, “Elisheva do you know there is a special place
in hell for false prophets?” Ezra/Caleb, you sent as much as 100,000 or
more people into a panic. This was your 1st prophecy and I know
those reprobates pushed you into it with their mind control and their occult powers.

Can't you see you have been set up? satan’s goal was to remove all
credibility and he used everyone who surrounded you and compared you to
YAHUSHUA and told you, you were the son of glory,” that you were
perfect, to mock you. To cause you to cross over the blasphemy line of
no return.

YAHUSHUA is so merciful and so full of love for you.
You took Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT book that I wrote, and on the
hottest days in Israel you, you gave them out to Messianic Jews and to
anyone who would receive it.

YAHUSHUA is giving you this last chance because he did not forget
you had two heat strokes that took weeks to even survive one of them.
I am not going to list all the ways that you suffered for YAHUSHUA’s
Glory and to work by my side to reach Israel.

YAHUSHUA did not forget when you ministered at the prayer
tower and was asked to speak on radio to the Indian nation, and you
spoke to millions in India as your words were translated. We have
pictures that show beautiful men and women from India, clutching their
books in their hands with a golden light reflecting off the book like
the sun.

My honey-baby, my Caleb, all you have to do is repent,
confess your sins. Go back to basics and say the salvation prayer and
with weeping and mourning face the people. Humble yourself so that the
demon of arrogance and pride, and narcissism, idolatry can easily be
cast out. My Caleb you must decrease so YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH increases. I
cannot continue this.

Caleb CRUCIFIXION Plan Urgent Warning! Will you let it happen Ezra, Erez Yotam?
Caleb CRUCIFIXION Plan Urgent Warning! Will you let it happen Ezra, Erez Yotam? Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Caleb CRUCIFIXION Plan Urgent Warning! Will you let it happen Ezra, Erez Yotam?

⁣Urgent Warning for Ezra Caleb/Erez Yotam: The fallen
angels/shapeshifters that are surrounding you plan to crucify you.
Don't die in your sin or else you will go to hell

James 5:16 Confess ye sins one to another.

John 14:6 YAHUSHUA saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE:
No man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.

Phil 2:12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

This is how much we prove we love you. We warn you of the burning
crucifixion cross as I warned you they wanted to kill you all along, I
warned you all along do not listen to them.

My love and my desire for you is that you will live and not die. You will return to me
delivered of the legions of demons as you cry out to YAHUSHUA for
forgiveness in a public video. You will return back to your true
spiritual children, who trusted you because they could trust me. Minsitry—25 years old online, and I never led anyone to
another god and never has or will the kabbalah be taught here.

I’ve been given many Prophesies telling him to repent before he dies without
repenting, having blasphemed and he will be in hell and the lake of
fire. These illusions of people want him dead now and to mock the
testimony of YAHUSHUA in every way.

YAH is saying this is a final warning to you my beloved husband, Erez Yotam,
Ezra Caleb. Because I love you, I warn you and because YAHUSHUA has
increased my love and desire not just to save your soul but your life—to be
greater than the shame that you brought to me and this Ministry with your black forms of
magic, kabbalah, masonic god idolatry and with demons of the antichrist.

My love for you had to be greater than the hatred for the words
you spewed forth against the wife you promised to never leave or
forsake, and to always protect. My love had to be greater than my desire
to never forgive you. My love had to be greater to allow the bitterness
to be forced out of my heart by YAHUSHUA. My love had to be greater
than the ocean and river of tears I have cried remembering what it was
first like when you were brought into my life as the two Anointings
became one on March 7, 2016.

I will not have Ephesians 6:7-30 blood on my hands.

Showing 3 out of 4