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Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb
Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - תפילת הישועה
Israeli Prophet and beloved husband of Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
Ezra Caleb, leads Israel into true repentance and into the loving arms of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through this awesomely anointed Salvation
Prayer that is now translated into Hebrew! This Salvation Prayer was
originally given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 24 years ago and has literally led
millions of souls to the Cross of Calvary for salvation, where YAHUSHUA laid HIS life down
and died for the sins of the world – for all (both Jew and Gentile) who
would receive HIM as their LORD GOD and SAVIOUR. YAHUSHUA did not stay
in the grave but rose again on the Third Day! HE is alive and is now
calling Israel to repentance. Israel must learn to cry out “blessed is
HE WHO comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!”

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) is Israel and the rest of the World's ONE and

Israel please receive the Gift of eternal life today
through YAHUSHUA. HIS shed Blood for the forgiveness of your sins still
drenches the soil in Jerusalem, and covers Israel.

Israel come to know the ONLY ONE WHO can save your souls from hell/sheol and the
lake of fire! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is your ONLY SIN SACRIFICE perfect
and spotless, only through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA and
turning away from your sins can you come to ABBA YAHUVEH, ADONAI, your

Read Isaiah 53 oh Israel, YAHUSHUA was prophesied of in every sentence:

The Sin-Bearing Messiah – Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a
root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see
Him, There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not
esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one,
to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He
was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers
is silent, So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was
9 And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at
His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to
grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge
My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide
the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH perfectly fulfills the Prophecies contained within this chapter.

Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone
Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone Amightywind Français 156 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone

⁣"Dis-leur, MA Fille, dites-leur. La majorité de ces Eglises sont
Babylone. Ils font mourir de faim MES petits moutons et MES agneaux. Les
pasteurs sont seulement maléfiques dans ces Eglises de Babylone qui
déclarent MES Ecritures Saintes et pourtant il n'y a pas de pouvoir en
eux. Il n'y a pas de lait, pas de viande, les seuls qui sont nourris
sont les pasteurs maléfiques avec le gain de ce monde pour construire
des bâtiments pour les ajouter à leurs bâtiments déjà construits. Pour
comparer les chiffres entre eux, alors qu'ils se vantent, j'ai tant ce
nombre ci dans cette congrégation et ce nombre là dans cette autre mais
oh qu'ils sont peu remplis de MON Esprit ! Oh MON cœur est triste, MES
enfants !


Ceux qui ont un Sabbat fait par l'homme. Oh qu'ils sont peu nombreux, les
rares personnes dans MES Eglises. Ils disent qu'ils sont MES Eglises et
ils ne M'appartiennent même pas. J'ai dit à ceux qui M'appartiennent,
MES véritables guerriers puissants de fuir. MA RUACH HA KODESH n'est
elle pas capable d'entrer en eux qui sont assis dans leurs propres
maisons? En vérité JE vous dis cela: les impies sont devenus plus impies
mais MON onction est devenue plus forte dans les pieux. Car des démons
ont été relâchés et dans quels lieux vont-ils en premier ? Ils
remplissent les bancs d'Eglise et se tiennent derrière les autels,
derrière les podiums. Ils se tiennent là, gonflés d'orgueil. Ils disent
que des millions (des MIENS) les suivent. Ils se vantent sur la
télévision mais en vérité JE vous le dis MON Esprit n'est pas en eux.

Courez, enfants, courez, courez, courez car MON jugement commence à la Maison
de YAHUVEH. Pour les Eglises qui M'appartenaient dans le passé,
maintenant JE donne des instructions pour MES enfants de fuir. Oh, les
petits ils ne vont qu'à ces Eglises pour une petite gorgée du lait de
MES Ecritures Saintes. Ils ne se rendent pas compte que derrière les
chaires de tant de ces Eglises se tient un homme ou une femme remplis
par l'esprit de satan. Les jeunes pasteurs, les chefs de culte oh qu'ils
sont nombreux à être remplis de l'esprit de satan.

Oh JE suis attristé et JE pleure pour ceux qui ont commencé à ME suivre et louaient
YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH, qui ont crié vers Jésus Christ, qui ont commencé
sur le bon chemin mais lorsque les ennuis et les épreuves viennent et
ils ont besoin de plus de MON onction ils se tournent vers l'Eglise
confessionnelle où MON onction ne peut être trouvée, car c'est l'onction
qui brise les fardeaux et les attelages qui libère les captifs. Mais au
lieu de faire cela ils se tournent vers une Eglise confessionnelle, ils
se tournent vers la religion, ils ME cherchent dans un lieu mort comme
un cimetière, c'est ainsi que J'appelle ces séminaires ce sont des
cimetières. Mais MES guerriers les plus puissants ne sont pas trouvés
là-bas et J'envoie MES guerriers les plus puissants pour trouver les
petits agneaux et les mener à MOI. (...)"

Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat

⁣"Warning to ISRAEL and all those that love Israel and the Jewish People
with a love not our own but from Elohim, please do as commanded in the
scriptures and pray for Jerusalem. Please pray and agree that Father
Elohim YAHUVEH, HaShem Adonai, will spare those that cry out to HIM,
even those that don't yet know YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Please pray the
laborers will reach them very quickly that labor in Israel. Something is
so urgent in my spirit. The below word came unexpectedly as I wrote the
site manager, prophecy started flowing forth and it is not the one that
is like fire in my bones, I am waiting for the right time to release. I
do not understand something, if anyone has the answer please let me
know, but although I have the date for Pentecost, Shavot, for May 27, I
do not feel peace that May 27, or May 28, is the correct date.

Something is wrong. It should be on the Sabbath for one thing. Not on a Sunday or
Monday. No something is very wrong, and I don't know the correct date,
if anyone can confirm this please let me know. It is like I am still
waiting for Pentecost or Shavot to come and celebrate it for something
big is meant to happen on this day in the spiritual realm if not the
physical realm. I have an uneasy feeling something was changed as to the
Calendar date. Anyone else feel this way? Please drop me a line. I
don't claim to be a scholar of dates. [Note: We have learned that the
Day of Pentecost, Shavot, is June 2, 2001.]

Beloved Jewish People you need to realize I am not out to convert you to Christianity,
but rather to introduce you to YAHUSHUA! You who Love HaShem Adonai the
giver of the laws to Moses, we just want to introduce you to the Son of
HaShem Adonai HIS Name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH some call him by a Greek
name (Jesus) he redeems us when we break the laws of HaShem Adonai. He
covers our sins with the shed Blood at Calvary, he is the sacrificial
unblemished lamb, just as surely as the blood of the lamb was put over
the door posts in the time of Moses, so the angel of death would pass
over those houses and they would be spared the curses for the Egyptians
and those meant for the evil pharaoh.

This doesn't mean Egyptians are not accepting YAHUSHUA, or that all Egyptians are going to
Hell, for YAHUSHUA, saves all who will accept him as MESSIAH and turn
from their wicked ways. Loving Elohim the Father YAHUVEH, his son as
MESSIAH and Lord YAHUSHUA, (Jesus Christ) and allowing the RUACH ha
KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to lead and guide you to bring glory to YAHUVEH our
Elohim HaShem Adonai. I am sent to both the Jews and those that don't
realize when they accept YAHUSHUA, as Lord and MESSIAH, they are grafted
in the branch of the olive tree and become a Jew. The Blood line to the
King of Jews and Lord of Lords is what gets us into Heaven. There is
one intercessor before Elohim the Father and it is not Mary, nor the
saints, not Mohammed, or Buddha. None of them are the MESSIAH, only
YAHUSHUA was perfect, sinless, and laid HIS life down for us, spilling
HIS Blood to wash away our sins. Because YAHUSHUA, is HaShem ADONAI's
Son, that was with him in Heaven at the beginning of time."

Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell
Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell

⁣This video is to set the record straight with Pastorgeorgec, whom I
personally call "Pastor George Crook", and rebuke and expose his lies
and utter wickedness. I believe that this man is the biggest hypocrite
Youtube has ever seen, and is most definitely a Pastor from Hell. It
will be evident why I make these statements when you watch the video for

A multitude of this man's sins are exposed in this video, from lies, theft, foul language
and even threatening someone with a gun; and many more.
This man is also the leader of a satanic cult called "The Nehemiah Center" that
masquerades as Christians and Messianic Jews and deliberately leads them astray.
What a mockery. He claims in public to be a "Pastor" when he is no Pastor in Heaven's eyes,
but a reprobate and a devil-worshipper who has much to account for when
all will stand before YAHUVEH, God Almighty at the Great White Throne
of Judgment.

This reprobate man has been persecuting Amightywind
Ministry for more than a year with his satanic cult, the "Nehemiah
Center". He has made a counterfeit website that steals the name of
Amightywind and was designed to mock, slander and defame the character
of Elisabeth Elijah, the Pastor/Prophet of Amightywind Ministries.

This man has even said in video that if he could, he would stone Elisabeth
to death. (For video proof about that watch this video, Pastorgeorgec
the Abuser of women)

Ephesians 5:11 says "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them". (Ephesians 5:11)

We at Amightywind Ministry love enough to warn that this man is a wolf in
sheep's clothing and very dangerous. For the sake of your soul flee from
this man and his so-called Nehemiah Center.

Before The Wrath
Before The Wrath Amightywind Ministries 690 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Before The Wrath

"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a
mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a
deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over
the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood?
Newly rediscovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of
Christ finally reveals unprecedented findings that could prove the
upcoming Rapture is not only real to a skeptical world but sheds new
light on how and why this event must take place. Regardless of your
Tribulation Period views,

"Before the Wrath" will captivate believers and non-believers alike; revealing
new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to
the ancient Galileans about the end of the world in ways you could never have imagined.

The findings revealed within "Before the Wrath" resulted from 10-years of
research in Israel by leading ancient anthropological scholars which
rediscovered lost Middle-Eastern views regarding how and why the
biblical "catching away" was prophesied to occur. While everyone has
been debating "when" this event is to happen, we've forgotten to ask
"why" it does, and the answer could be the greatest theological
discovery of our time. To fully present the impact this genuine
eye-opening discovery has on the world, award-winning documentary writer
and director Brent Miller Jr, reproduces what Jesus Christ Himself
unveiled to the ancient Galileans regarding the end of the world through
emotional and beautiful cinematic reenactments with over 60 actors and
extras on a Hollywood set.

Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates Amightywind Ministries 175 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates!

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the
toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you
survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper
of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive,
you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the
spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any
carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than
you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to
escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the
man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were
YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly,
truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the
social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it.
You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have
lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think
that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a
demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing
more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year
ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a
plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and
not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is
destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself
to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all
the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to
defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines!
These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for.
The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you.
They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same
mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through
the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection
and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those
who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME
is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought
of disobeying ME, and when you do,you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell
ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away
this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020.
But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are
wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in
arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your
CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面
(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面















Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"?
Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"? Amightywind Polska 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"?

⁣Uwaga! Ostatnia kampania kłamliwych i oszczerczych ataków przeprowadzona
przez satanistów, wrogów BOGA JAHWEH, przeciwko BOŻEJ Misji Ostatniej
Szansy Amightywind – w tym ohydny, bluźnierczy i wyjątkowo mroczny film,
w którym użyto powycinanych fragmentów wypowiedzi Prorok Elisabeth (z
audycji radiowych, które można odsłuchać na stronie Misji Amightywind)
ułożonych w zdania, których Prorok nigdy nie wypowiedziała, do tego
okraszony satanistycznymi symbolami drwiącymi z BOGA, fragmentami filmów
pornograficznych [!], oraz przekazami podprogowymi ( pieniądze,
seks, okultyzm) mającymi na celu wzbudzenie odrazy do BOŻEGO Proroka
oraz Misji – ZDEMASKOWANA! W załączonym filmie ukazane i rozebrane na
części pierwsze zostało perfidne oszustwo ukazujące nienawiść szatana i
jego sług do Prorok Elisabeth Elijah i Misji Amightywind, oraz to, czego
wróg naszych dusz używa, aby zwodzić ludzi i szkalować BOŻYCH Posłańców
w XXI wieku – w tym Czasie Ostatecznym.

Drogi widzu, po obejrzeniu powyższego filmu, zadaj sobie proszę te oto pytania: Czy za
oszukańczym, kłamliwym i nienawistnym okultystycznym filmem
zdemaskowanym powyżej (jak i pozostałymi, wspomnianymi w filmie
plugawymi atakami na BOŻEGO Proroka i Misję), stał Święty BÓG JAHWEH i
JEGO Pobożne Dzieci, czy też raczej szatan i jego nikczemni poplecznicy?
Dlaczego szatan podejmowałby takie wysiłki, aby próbować zniszczyć
Prorok Elijah oraz Misję Amightywind, jeśli nie byłyby one prawdziwie od
BOGA? Czy dołączysz do tej obrzydliwej szatańskiej kampanii skierowanej
przeciwko BOŻEMU Prorokowi i Misji, których wyłącznym celem jest
prowadzenie ludzi do jedynego źródła Zbawienia – JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH
oraz JEGO Krwi przelanej na Krzyżu Kalwarii – oraz dostarczanie ludziom
Proroctw przychodzących od BOGA na Czasy Końca, czy też staniesz w
obronie Twoich Braci i Sióstr w JAHUSZUA MESJASZU, ganiąc szatańskie
sługi? Pamiętaj, że poprzez milczenie, pozostawanie z boku i nie
wspomaganie tego, co wiesz że jest prawe, jedynie wspomagasz zło i
zachęcasz je do działania!

"Od początku był on (szatan) zabójcą i w prawdzie nie wytrwał, bo prawdy w nim nie ma.
Kiedy mówi kłamstwo, od siebie mówi, bo jest kłamcą i ojcem kłamstwa." - Ew. Św. Jana 8:44
„A wiedz o tym, że w dniach ostatnich nastaną chwile trudne. Ludzie bowiem
będą samolubni, chciwi, wyniośli, pyszni, bluźniący, nieposłuszni
rodzicom, niewdzięczni, niegodziwi, bez serca, bezlitośni, miotający
oszczerstwa, niepohamowani, bez uczuć ludzkich, nieprzychylni, zdrajcy,
zuchwali, nadęci, miłujący bardziej rozkosz niż BOGA. Będą okazywać
pozór Pobożności, ale wyrzekną się jej mocy. I od takich stroń. (...)
Jak Jannes i Jambres wystąpili przeciw Mojżeszowi, tak też i ci
przeciwstawiają się prawdzie, ludzie o spaczonym umyśle, którzy nie
zdali egzaminu z wiary. Ale dalszego postępu nie osiągną: bo ich
bezmyślność będzie jawna dla wszystkich, jak i tamtych jawna się stała.
(…) Tymczasem ludzie źli i zwodziciele będą się dalej posuwać ku temu,
co gorsze, błądząc i innych w błąd wprowadzając.” - 2 List do Tymoteusza

Strona internetowa Misji Amightywind, na której można
znaleźć Proroctwa na Czasy Końca od BOGA JAHWEH, JAHUSZUA i RUACH ha
KODESZ, jest dostępna pod adresem:

[polskie tłumaczenie filmu Brata 'YAHSservant777' zrobione przez Brata 'ablewaterwalker']

Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away
Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away Amightywind Ministries 161 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away

⁣It is not enough to say, 'I believe in YAHUSHUA/JESUS. I believe that
there is a GOD in Heaven called YAHUVEH/YAHWEH. I believe there is a
HOLY SPIRIT, the RUACH ha KODESH.' The question is, do you follow US? It
is not enough just to believe!

On this day as it is shouted to the world when one named Elton John has raised
up and proclaimed to all, 'I think JESUS was a compassionate, super intelligent
gay man who understood human problems. On the cross HE forgave the people who
crucified HIM and JESUS wants us to be loving and forgiving. I don't
know what makes people so cruel because the Bible says JESUS was without
sin so that rules out homosexuality, so it cannot be a sin.'

World, for this abomination you shall drink of the Boiling Black Blood Plague!
Get ready world! I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, speak forth, I have had enough!!!

This disease has been incubating in those who are homosexuals and lesbians,
this disease has been waiting for MY timing to come forth. You who make
excuses for the homosexuals, I've given you time to repent...

Yes, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) paid the price for you at Calvary,
but what price have you paid for HIM? Is it too much really to ask you
to obey? When you are truly born again and filled with the RUACH ha
KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT you no longer have an excuse to sin for you have the
RUACH ha KODESH within that convicts you when you sin. You will truly
desire to obey I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, with every Word I say.

Oh so many say the Salvation Prayer boast and say, 'I believe in Jesus,' but
how few follow what they claim to believe? You hate any Ministry or any
person that convicts you of your sins.

Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit!
Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Amightywind Ministries 174 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 120 - Dont Give Up Dont Quit! Restoration Prophecy To Hebrew Translator All Believers

⁣MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to
wash the sins away. Thank you for not being ashamed of ME. Thank you for
being willing to be persecuted for ME! Thank you for accepting ME, even
though it means your own family turns away! Those of your blood family,
but not MY Blood family! MY Blood family embraces you as I have this
prophet sister of yours call you this day! MY Blood family, those that
do the will of the Heavenly FATHER, embrace you and love you, recognize
you for who you are in ME! Remember this always.

I love you! And I thank you! Yes, your LORD GOD, your SAVIOUR, your MESSIAH, loves you!
Never, never, never, never let anyone take that away! I speak to you in
the still of the night. I give you revelations. And greater revelations
you shall have! Remember MY darling one, Judases will come and Judases
will go. I had MY Judases. You have yours. Elisabeth has hers. All, all,
all who follow after ME, if they are not persecuted in MY Name, had
better ask themselves, "Why not?" for the servant is not greater than
the MASTER. It is all ... All do not love ME. [i.e. Not all love me]. Do
not expect all to love you—as I still am persecuted. In this world I am
hated more than I am loved! I am mocked more than I am accepted! But I
paid the price at Calvary and Israel, oh Israel how long, how long, how
long, how long must I wait for thee to accept ME, to love ME?

Oh I know how long it will be! And I know the price Israel shall pay! And it
will be a price that is so heavy—for they are held more accountable—for
I walked the streets of Jerusalem. MY Blood, MY Blood, MY Blood is
soaked in the land. Oh how I grieve, how I mourn! But there is a
remnant! I do have a remnant! I ALWAYS have a remnant! They are few—but
they are MINE! And just as I have you, so too there are others in
Israel. And they are spread all over the world and they are going to
stand up and they are going to defend! And they are defending that which
is Holy! And they are exposing and rebuking all that is unholy and they
are warning that the false messiah is on the way—but it shall not
happen until I take MY true Bride away.

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