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Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi
Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi Amightywind España 173 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profecía 144 - Arrepientete Vil Ezra, Estás A Un Dedo Del Pie De La Blasfemi

Shalom todos, Esta es la Apóstol, la Profeta Elisheva y ABBA YAHUVEH
me ha elegido para dar esta reprimenda a Ezra, pero esto es una
advertencia para todos. Este hombre fue una vez tan ungido y tan santo.
Cuidado con la gente, no se confíen en en su propia salvación. Todos se
ocupan en su propia salvación con temor y temblor (Flp 2, 12-13).
¿Tienes una relación amorosa y obediente con YAHUSHUA/JESUS? Ezra perdió
la suya y estamos orando para que regrese antes que cruce la línea de
blasfemia de LA RUACH HA KODESH cuando le será imposible regresar.

Judas 1:22-23 Y tened misericordia de algunos que dudan; a otros,
salvad, arrebatándolos del fuego; y de otros tened misericordia con
temor, aborreciendo aun la ropa contaminada por la carne.
Como este video fue lanzado Taiwán, donde se produjo el video, experimentó un
terremoto de 6.1, como muchas de las Profecías recién lanzadas.

(Consulte los enlaces a continuación.) Esta Profecía es la Profecía más
feroz pues ABBA YAHUVEH está muy, muy enojado con este hombre, que
necesita desesperadamente la liberación del narcisismo. No sabía que
alguien que fue traído a mi vida como la mejor bendición de mi vida
junto a mi salvación podría convertirse en alguien que ya no
reconocería. ¡Por favor oren conmigo para que se arrepienta! Hueso de
mis huesos, votos y promesas del pacto matrimonial, así como dedicación
del amor, hecha por Ezra a la Profeta Elisheva (TODO QURANTADO Y ROTO

Parodiando, burlándose y desenmascarando la falsa predicción de Ezra,
palabra del infierno de 3 Días de Oscuridad abril 2019 que todos los que no
creíamos su palabra falsa del infierno estaríamos ¡Respirando polvo nuclear!
En lugar de la falsa profecía, lo llamamos palabra del infierno porque esto fue tan
vergonzoso que no queremos profanar la palabra "Profecía".

Nephtali1981 Punched Out!
Nephtali1981 Punched Out! Amightywind Ministries 47 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Nephtali1981 Punched Out!

⁣Nephtali1981 is a deceiver who is pushing and manipulating his viewers to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and damn their souls. Nephtali1981 dares to call the Holy Spirit that is using AmightyWind Ministry to reach souls in 25 different languages with the gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ a "jezebel spirit". In order to have people believe his lies he is purposely misrepresenting what this Ministry teaches, twisting the Word of GOD (Bible) to use it as a weapon against this Ministry and he seeks to assassinate the character of my pastor Elisabeth Elijah through slander and defamation.

This video is my rebuttal to Nephtali1981's slanderous lies as he continues his assault against this Ministry and war against the One who established this Ministry; YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD Almighty and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. After viewing this video, the viewer will have no excuse to believe Nephtali1981's lies. I will show you how it is absurd and utter blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to call the Spirit in this Ministry "jezebel". I will show you how Nephtali1981 lies, slanders, defames, twists the Word of GOD to attack GOD's Children -- how he uses mind control and manipulation techniques to plant twisted and unbiblical messages in the minds of the viewers -- how he is connected to a network of satanists masquerading as Christians on YouTube to try to destroy a Ministry like AmightyWind -- how he works together with pastorgeorgec and takes orders from pastorgeorgec to attack AmightyWind Ministry and cover up the sins of George when he gets himself into trouble. Nephtali1981 is an illusion, a deception that satan has planted within this Christian community to deceive, sow confusion and doubt; to recruit people to partake in a war against a Ministry like AmightyWind Ministry. Do not believe the lies of this man. The "Jesus" he is talking about is not the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. Nephtali1981 twists the Bible and applies the Bible in a way GOD never meant it to be applied; using it as a weapon against GOD's Own Commandment keeping Children that have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ (Revelation 12:17). Nephtali1981 is representing the antichrist, preaches a lawless gospel and wages war against the genuine anointing of the Holy Spirit. Watch this video and help me get the truth out to expose this deceiver and WARN the people of what he is doing.

A future video will contain a more in depth explanation on the occult aspect of Nephtali1981 and his "ministry". Nephtali1981 is truly an antichrist agent.

Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1
Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1 Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1

⁣From Elisheva:
Ezra Caleb you are on the Countdown of YAH'S patience
- a countdown given from Heaven to confess and repent in public
before July 1st 2019. If you do not do what YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH HA KODESH have asked you to do - all "Caleb come forth's" will be
gone and there will be no more reminder of our love.

You won't see anymore of my love and the congregation’s love. I will get back to
feeding the lambs and the sheeps and prophesying. There will be no more
mentioning of my love for you.

Confess, Repent and Run from Evil, Ezra Caleb, Before July 1st 2019!'s front page is proof that I have battled for your life and soul,
and so has all of AMIGHTYWIND congregation.


If you do not pray like this and continue thinking the words, “YAH rebukes
you satan” especially in disobedience, satan mocks and laughs at you.
Only on Shavuot I put my wedding ring back on, so you must be seeing the
light, as you see truly holy love coming from AMIGHTYWIND ministry.
Even true rebukes come from YAHUSHUA.

I ask everyone who considers AMIGHTYWIND a blessing to please say
a prayer that this will not happen. This is pentecost and pray that he cuts
all soul ties. For thus far he has not been able to see that he is in danger.
With the danger that is surrounding him right now, a word will be coming shortly.

Caleb the only way of returning is if confession is made unto salvation in a
video posted before all the internet. You must confess and repent before
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who is the only perfect blood atonement for our
sins. I saw an animation in a vision and I had it created to make it
easier on you because I know the entire time I’ve known you, the words I
am sorry, please forgive me with a sincere heart that was humbled, was
not on your lips.

It has been more than 7 months and YAHUSHUA has
so patiently waited as you now even refuse to apologise for the lying
terrorising false prophecy on April 19 2019. Caleb you are the one who
told me Passover is only that evening.

In November 2018 you said, “Elisheva do you know there is a special place
in hell for false prophets?” Ezra/Caleb, you sent as much as 100,000 or
more people into a panic. This was your 1st prophecy and I know
those reprobates pushed you into it with their mind control and their occult powers.

Can't you see you have been set up? satan’s goal was to remove all
credibility and he used everyone who surrounded you and compared you to
YAHUSHUA and told you, you were the son of glory,” that you were
perfect, to mock you. To cause you to cross over the blasphemy line of
no return.

YAHUSHUA is so merciful and so full of love for you.
You took Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT book that I wrote, and on the
hottest days in Israel you, you gave them out to Messianic Jews and to
anyone who would receive it.

YAHUSHUA is giving you this last chance because he did not forget
you had two heat strokes that took weeks to even survive one of them.
I am not going to list all the ways that you suffered for YAHUSHUA’s
Glory and to work by my side to reach Israel.

YAHUSHUA did not forget when you ministered at the prayer
tower and was asked to speak on radio to the Indian nation, and you
spoke to millions in India as your words were translated. We have
pictures that show beautiful men and women from India, clutching their
books in their hands with a golden light reflecting off the book like
the sun.

My honey-baby, my Caleb, all you have to do is repent,
confess your sins. Go back to basics and say the salvation prayer and
with weeping and mourning face the people. Humble yourself so that the
demon of arrogance and pride, and narcissism, idolatry can easily be
cast out. My Caleb you must decrease so YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH increases. I
cannot continue this.

Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself
Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself

⁣"Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in
Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom
and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted
worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for
granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out
they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is
given, much more is expected.

I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master.
As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY beloved
Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in
the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah,
Elisha are of great importance......

........Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I,
YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to
her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect
YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and
he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in
advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen
with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023! Amightywind Ministries 169 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!

⁣Happy Blessed Pesach (Passover) and Feast of Unleavened Bread from
Apostle Prophet Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, the YDS and all the Ministry

Your lamb shall be without blemish and its blood shall be
placed on the door posts of the houses (Exodus 12:5,7) so that the angel
of death could not enter into the houses. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the
new blood covenant exodus and is the fulfilment of Isaiah 53.

HIS blood protects us. HE was sinless and was crucified and died for the
forgiveness of sins to those who will confess, repent and turn from
evil. HE is the only door and way to Heaven (John 19:18, John 10:16). He
did not stay dead but was resurrected on the 3rd day and 40 days later
ascended to Heaven before witnesses (Luke 24:5-6, 51) HE is now seated
on the right-hand side of ABBA YAHUVEH! HALLELUYAH!

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH says beware of the yeast of pharisees. HE warns make sure there
is no sin. The Passover exodus with the old blood covenant was a

We all wish you a Happy Blessed Pesach/Passover and Feast of Unleavened
Bread! In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’S love, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

Please leave a comment and please leave me a rumble by pressing the plus
sign under the video. You can also watch the uncensored versions of my videos there,
so come on and join us and rumble in YAHS jungle!

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