Are you 18 years old or above?
Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again Dearest Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with wails and tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your friends, yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You come to us with tear stained faces in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA saying, "What do we do now? Where do we go?" Darlings of MINE, oh I am not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just like in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, seeking to beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win without worldly knowledge. Your Father I, YAHUVEH, is all knowledge and when you seek I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you are seeking truth and knowledge. Be assured as long as you are seeking you will find the answers when the time comes. If you do not know what to do, then be assured, it is not yet the time for you to know where to go, nor what to do. I, YAHUVEH, will not give you the ticket to ride until it is the time to leave. I, YAHUVEH, am never too early or too late, but I am always there right on time. Not a second to spare at times. But I, YAHUVEH, will never leave you nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator of all mankind. You need not fear what the evil ones will do for I, YAHUVEH, am using the simple things like your prayers to confound the so-called wise of this world. I, YAHUVEH, am even able to change your DNA. Did you know that? Yes, if I so choose. I, YAHUVEH, can even change the color of your skin and your eyes. Marvel not. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator remember? I, YAHUVEH, am able to make you invisible if I, YAHUVEH, so choose. You have no idea what standard I shall raise up against the evil ones. The very bondages, diseases, and plagues that the evil ones, who are called satan's children, seek to loose upon you, shall confound them. Multitudes of MY children will not be harmed. Instead, the evil one's own families shall come down with the diseases and the plagues, and they will have no answer as to the reason why. All they will have to admit is that I, YAHUVEH, did it. The evil ones strive to protect themselves, and they think themselves wise to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection. To the degree that the evil ones, the pretenders, seek to harm MY children, that is the degree that the harm will come back upon themselves. Start praying for this now. There is great power in prayers said to I, YAHUVEH, in the Name of your MESSIAH, MY only begotten son YAHUSHUA. Pray that I, YAHUVEH, will give you greater spiritual weapons to use against the carnal ones who raise up against MY beloved ones who seek MY face and will daily. Pray that as Elisha saw the mantle fall from Elijah of Old, so you shall behold it again, and you shall be endued with even more of the RUACH ha KODESH's anointing power. When this happens, you will not need to be concerned how you will get to a certain nation. When I, YAHUVEH, send you, you will just appear. Do you think this is strange?
Proroctwo 37 - Błogosławcie I Módlcie Się O Pokój Dla Jerozolimy
Prophétie 74 - Moi, YAHUVEH, J ai Declare Guerre a la PLANÉTE Terre du Royaume des Cieux YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX,SI PAS SUR TERRE !
151 亞呼贖阿說:我是彌賽亞!悔改並且活得聖潔!不要恐懼!要信任我! 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
My Testimony - NO A LA IGLESIA DE BABILONIA Hola a todos los seguidores de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Soy un seguidor de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH y este video hablo brevemente sobre mi testimonio y como he sido bendecido por este Santo Ministerio Judio Mesianico Pentecostal Amightywindl, la cual celebro junto con todos ustedes este gran aniversario de su nacimiento y a la vez el cumpleaño de mi pastora y mentora Rev. Elisabeth Elijah. MUCHAS FELICIDADES y que el Señor YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH y la RUACH ha KODESH los bendiga mucho en este día tan especial. Con mucho cariño y un gran abrazo en el Nombre de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Amen
Proroctví 118 - Prorocké Poselství, VELKÉ SOUŽENÍ JE TÉMĚŘ ZA DVEŘMI
Prophecy 53 - I Have Given You The Victory A Prophecy given to Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Hebrew for JESUS CHRIST) under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). In this Prophecy, GOD YAHUVEH tells HIS children to keep their eyes on HIS SON YAHUSHUA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ). HE alone is our Deliverer. HIS children must keep the Passover seder and celebrate this holy time as HE commands in the Bible.
Prophecy 105 - I YAHUVEH Say I m going to shake everything that can be shaken "I warned you along time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva )not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would of failed long ago. It is by the Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of revival, it is not by your breath or it would of failed. In 2009 I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken. If you are not built on the Solid Rock you are going to be built on sinking sand. It will be as is it is quicksand and you'll go under. I'm testing MY Bride. When I told you to go, you went, you did not say, "But why do we have to go?" you but just obeyed. I am the Commander in Chief, you are not to question MY orders. You are to go where I say go, you are to stay where I say stay, you are to walk when I say walk, you are to run when I say run, you are to speak when I say speak, you are to be silent when I say be silent, you are to war when I say war, you are to be at peace when I say peace."
Profecía 135 - La Circuncisión y el Pacto Abrahámico Muchas gracias por este video y que nuestro Señor YAHUVEH les bendiga con las bendiciones en Deut 28 en el Nombre de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Amen
Profetia 45 - Nouskaa MINUN poikani jotka ovat kuin kuningas Daavidin henki Otteita profetiasta: ..."Nouse ylös, sinä, jolla on Henki verrattavissa Kuningas Daavidiin." Mikä siunaus sinä olet MINULLE, voi MINUN Poikani, jolla on Henki niin kuin Kuningas Daavidilla, ja kuitenkin ilman syntiä, jonka hän teki. Sinulla on sydän YAHUVEH'n mukaan ja MINÄ olen hyvin tyytyväinen sinuun. Sinä kamppailet karjuvaa leijonaa vastaan, voittaen sen, ja kamppailet karhun kanssa, voittaen sen, laittaen vihollisen karkumatkalle. Sinä olet suuresti pelätty helvetissä. Sillä sinä et tee tätä Daavidin nimessä, vaan YAHUSHUA'n Nimessä, ja laittaen MINUN Vertani ja Sanani, aiheuttaen viholliset pakenemaan 7 eri suuntaan... ...MINUN Rakas Poikani, tiedätkö sinä, että sinulla ei koskaan ole mitään pelättävää, sillä MINÄ olen antanut sinulle Simsonin voiman. Henkisessä maailmassa sinä olet MINUN voideltu Simson. En yhtäkään hyvää asiaa MINÄ pidätä sinulta MINUN rakas poikani. Luota MINUUN ja pidä silmäsi MINUSSA... ...Puhu sinun Goljateille ja heitä ei enää tule olemaan. Puhu YAHUSHUA'n Nimessä ja vuorista tulee akanoita tuulessa... ...Eikö Daavid puhunut Goljatille ja puhui, mitä MINÄ tekisin? Eikö Daavid profetoinut ja puhunut, mikä Goljatin lopputulos olisi? Rohkeasti puhu Goljateille... ...Henkisessä maailmassa surmaa Goljatit YAHUSHUA'n Nimessä. Seiso täydessä haarniskassa ja seiso Jumalan Sanassa, joka ei voi valehdella...
Profeti 71 - Det som var forseglet er nå Blitt åpenbart!
Profeti 17 - Du er holdt ansvarlig for hva du vet!
Proroctwo 115 - Miejcie Się Na Baczności Przed Totalitarną Dyktaturą Nadchodzącą Do Ameryki!
Proroctwo 125 - Elita użyje Krwawego Księżyca z 27 września
He Wants It All - StandUpForYAH03 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
WARNING - Don t Listen to Rapture Date Setters
Prophetic Dream - The Holy Spirit Is Furious The HOLY SPIRIT has a message in this video that will give you godly fear towards the Holy Trinity, if you do not have this then you better question if you are even walking in true biblical repentance and salvation. This video expounds in secrets of the Holy Spirit, and warns with the same message that our Messiah YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) spoke in Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation"— Beware of the deceptions that the enemies of this Ministry fabricate, that the Holy Spirit we speak of is "the spirit of Jezebel" or "The Whore of Babylon". This is a lie from satan himself. The anointing/Holy Spirit that is spoken of in this Ministry is the same ONE that YAHUSHUA MASHIACH said is the Comforter, and that will convict us of sin, righteousness and Judgment (John 16:8), NOT "the spirit of Jezebel" or "the whore of Babylon". These spirits would never convict you of sin like the RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT. Beware of FALSE prophet Linda Newkirk who believes she is the "Queen of Heaven". The lies are getting more and more ridiculous in these end-times. Some believe they are Jesus Christ or GOD YAHWEH, and even the Holy Spirit. This is insane and impossible! No human being can be GOD, we are only the created, THEY are the CREATOR. Many are subtly bringing in many false doctrines and some how they are sliding through..WHY? because the so called Christians, who believe they are walking in salvation, are not doing anything to stop these New Age Doctrines of devils from coming forth. Amightywind Ministries warns the sheep and lambs where the wolves are, and expose the agenda of satan in these last days. May YAHUVEH GOD bless the truthseekers in YAHUSHUA's Holy Name!
Shema Israel - ForYAHsGlory222 This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Proroctwo 49 - Uwaga Jesteście Jak Owce Prowadzone Na Rzeż
La Marca De La Bestia Y La Adoracion Obligatoria Los Domingos ¡urgente! (mark beast)