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Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

175 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

I Will Bless those that Bless Jerusalem, I will curse those that
curse Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem! MY beloved Daughter
Jerusalem, you tiny envied, abused nation called Israel. I send MY
handmaiden to bring forth a message of Hope for you. You know the laws
but now I use her to bring you MY Promise. I, YAHUVEH, have blessed you
and spared you because of YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. I alone chose the
Savior of all mankind to be born, minister with signs, wonders and
miracles and give you MY love. For you HE died, was resurrected to
Glory, defeated the adversary of your souls and taking back what satan

YAHUSHUA now sits at MY right hand as your only intercessor.
YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son's Holy Blood was spilled into the
soil of Jerusalem so that this world would be saved. Only by accepting
this pure Holy Blood covering as a Blood Covenant will you be saved.
There is no other way into MY presence. Away with your feast,
sacrifices, fasting, repetitious prayers and special days set apart to
glorify "I AM" if you are NOT accepting MY Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA then
all you speak and do is done in Vain! I gave MY gift of YAHUSHUA not
only to this world, but first I gave HIM to you.

Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world
but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out
in the soil now and speaks "I did this for you, will you forever reject
ME? Will you forever curse MY Name? When will you see I am your only
sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again?"

When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame?"
Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence
MY HOLY Name! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal
sacrifices appease MY Father's anger or MINE only by accepting ME,
YAHUVEH's Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalem's soil
for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA, sit at the
right hand of YAHUVEH as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, will you be

Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during
the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and
looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY
side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is
no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get
ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon
the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He
sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all
kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would
have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short
of YAHUVEH's Glory!

I and MY Father alone are Holy and perfect.
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve no human created is without need of
a Savior and of MY Blood sacrifice! Jerusalem is so blessed for it was
on this soil the only pure Holy, healing resurrecting, delivering, Blood
of YAHUSHUA was poured forth on this ground in Jerusalem. Why do you
think satan hates this land so much? Why do you think this land is
fighting for survival since it was birthed? Why do you think it is war
torn and every nation on the face of this earth wants to control it?

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