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Prophecy 44 - Arise Watchmen on the Wall

149 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 44 - Arise Watchmen on the Wall

⁣"For I am calling many forth now, says YAHUVEH. These are MY yielded
vessels, yielded instruments in MY supernatural army that shall bring
unity to MY body. They shall bring order. For now is the time, says
YAHUVEH, now is the time for MY watchmen. Now is the time for those who
have walked the midnight hours. Arise, arise, arise, oh sleeping people.
Arise now, arise now, arise now, and proclaim the victory. An army
fearsome and strong, an army that will cause the enemy to shake and
tremble with fear and terror upon hearing the noise of your assemblage
and of your marching through the land. Continue to call out and proclaim
and preach the gospel of salvation.

Partake of your spiritual nourishment and shake the sleep from your
eyelids and hear the voices of MY watchmen.
For it is they to whom I have given this, MY Word, for you
to arise, arise, arise, says YAHUVEH do that which is precious in MY
sight. Do that which will bring ME Glory and that which will bring about
a great harvest of souls and I will know that you truly love ME. Arise,
arise, arise and awaken to the truth and gird yourselves with the truth
and walk in that truth for MY eternal plan has been manifested among
you and there is still much preparation to be made and do that which I
have created you to do."

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