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Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier
Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier Amightywind Nederland 170 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 123 - Verwoesting Komt Eraan Verwoesting is Hier

⁣[...] kijk NIET naar de verwoesting. Want IK BEN in de storm, IK ben in
de orkaan. IK zal doen wat er ook voor nodig is. Want MIJN woede is meer
immens dan je je kunt voorstellen. MIJN Naam wordt gelasterd. MIJN
GELIEFDE ZOON'S Naam wordt gelasterd. De RUACH ha KODESH, MIJN lieve,
lieve Kostbare HEILIGE GEEST zoals jij zegt, wordt gelasterd.

Dit is slechts een voorbeeld [voorproefje] van MIJN Furie! DIT IS SLECHTS
waarschuw je, en IK waarschuw je dat de verwoesting eraan komt. IK geef
je Profetie na Profetie en waarschuw dat verwoesting eraan komt. Ben IK
niet een YAH die ZIJN Woord houdt? Dit is slechts een VOORBEELD
[voorproefje]! Wacht maar tot de hele wereld raast! Wacht maar tot de
vulkanen uitbarsten als een kettingreactie!

WIL JE MIJ BESPOTTEN!? Wil je dat wat een "Obama-Natie"/ gruwel is -- als
aanvaardbaar noemen, als iets om te doen! Ze werpen de Heiligheid terug
in MIJN GEZICHT! IK heb gezegd dat MIJN Woord waarschuwt. Profetie na
Profetie heb IK voortgesproken, VERNIETIGING KOMT ERAAN! Welk deel
hiervan begrijpen jullie niet?

IK BEN een GOD die Heiligheid eist. Denk NIET dat je gewoon kunt wegkomen
met een gebed. Denk NIET dat je gewoon kunt zeggen, oh maar GOD is gewoon liefde.
SNEEUWSTORMEN! Dus dit is een voorbeeld [voorproefje] van de verwoesting
die eraan komt.

Kijk NIET enkel naar de verwoesting, maar richt
je ook op de Wonderen die IK tegelijkertijd zal doen. Want voor zij die
Heilig zijn, zelfs indien ze op hetzelfde land leven, jullie zijn
verborgen onder de beschutting van MIJN Vleugels. MIJN Heilige Engelen
zullen jullie beschermen. IK zal voorzien van jullie noden.

IK gebruik deze Bediening om Azië te bereiken. Je kunt niet bevatten
hoevelen op hun knieën zijn gekomen [gevallen], en hun hoofden bogen en
YAHUSHUA als MASHIACH belijden. Je kunt niet bevatten hoe IK deze
Bediening gebruik en al de verschillende tongen [talen] en meer die op
weg zijn. Zodat wanneer verwoesting komt, ze weten naar wie ze moeten
kijken, ze weten naar wie ze moeten uitroepen. En MIJN Hand is over hen
en liefdevol houd IK hen vast. [...]

Prijs MIJ temidden van de stormen, want degenen die van MIJ zijn zijn in de Palm van MIJN Hand.
Degenen die tot YAHUSHUA behoren zijn in de Palm van ZIJN Hand.

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023! Amightywind Ministries 169 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is our Sacred Passover Lamb - Blessed Passover 2023!

⁣Happy Blessed Pesach (Passover) and Feast of Unleavened Bread from
Apostle Prophet Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, the YDS and all the Ministry

Your lamb shall be without blemish and its blood shall be
placed on the door posts of the houses (Exodus 12:5,7) so that the angel
of death could not enter into the houses. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the
new blood covenant exodus and is the fulfilment of Isaiah 53.

HIS blood protects us. HE was sinless and was crucified and died for the
forgiveness of sins to those who will confess, repent and turn from
evil. HE is the only door and way to Heaven (John 19:18, John 10:16). He
did not stay dead but was resurrected on the 3rd day and 40 days later
ascended to Heaven before witnesses (Luke 24:5-6, 51) HE is now seated
on the right-hand side of ABBA YAHUVEH! HALLELUYAH!

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH says beware of the yeast of pharisees. HE warns make sure there
is no sin. The Passover exodus with the old blood covenant was a

We all wish you a Happy Blessed Pesach/Passover and Feast of Unleavened
Bread! In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’S love, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

Please leave a comment and please leave me a rumble by pressing the plus
sign under the video. You can also watch the uncensored versions of my videos there,
so come on and join us and rumble in YAHS jungle!

Prophetic Dream - Pray You Will Be Teachers Pet To Escape Tests Of Great Tribulation
Prophetic Dream - Pray You Will Be Teachers Pet To Escape Tests Of Great Tribulation Amightywind Ministries 168 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - Pray You Will Be Teachers Pet To Escape Tests Of Great Tribulation

⁣This dream came on the 11th day of a fast, I hope it encourages the
Holy. Feel free to copy and share with others. Discernment: The test is
actually the Great Tribulation. The seats/desks rerpresent the world.
Shirley is of the world, following another master, she will be in the
Great Tribulation. She will not be spared when the hour of testing
comes. I, Elisabeth, represent all those, who love, obey, and serve
YAHUSHUA, serve and obey HIM, and that means living Holy, all who follow
the YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the only true Rabbi and the greatest Teacher.
There's no stress worrying about facing the test of the great
tribulation, for the Bride of YAHUSHUA, because the Bride follows HIM
wherever HE goes, and we will follow HIM to Heaven.

We will be called out of the seat of this world and this dream was given to me to
encourage the Holy who have been disappointed when others like Shelby
Corbitt and Choo Thomas, Kenneth Copeland among others give dates for
the rapture and it does not come to pass. Satan wants us to lose the
blessed hope that YAHUSHUA will come again, this is why the scriptures
say how few will still have faith. Watch, and wait we are commanded in
the scriptures. YAHUSHUA will come for HIS Bride and the Guests who will
be at the marriage supper of the lamb.

Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set
Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set Amightywind Ministries 168 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set

⁣YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave
Elisabeth and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on
all those that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in
HIS timing and HIS way when they least expect it.

The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those who are outwardly evil but are
those claim to be a Christian and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST! They
hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for sin or sinners,
and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away from sin,
do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been
branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10
commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that
there is a hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH!

Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have
been praying for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisabeth
prayed, "Please prove this fast has not been in vain and that ABBA
YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on the enemies." YAHUVEH answered
Elisabeth's prayers and put the sign in the sky with fireballs that are
very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an hour! Woe be unto the
enemies the YDS's fasted and prayed that Judgment from YAHUVEH would
come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false Prophets
of Baal!

Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride
Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride Amightywind Ministries 168 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride

⁣"How dare New York, after I poured forth MY mercy and MY love. I spared
untold uncounted souls from Sept. 11, 2001 from many days hence. As they
unburied those that they thought were dead. As I had MY angels chase
them out before the buildings collapsed and now they dare to defy what
is holy, they dare to profane the name 'marriage,' that which I have
given as a symbol for the Bride and the Bridegroom. It is not man-man.
It is not Adam and Steve, it is Adam and Eve. MY anger and MY rage will
burn New York if they continue on.

I have warned them and I have warned them that Sept. 11 was only a sample.
How dare them and every state including Canada and the providences that
follow who dare to do the same. I remind you what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Their fate shall be the same.

Dare not say that the hedge of protection is
around America for this is a lie straight from satan's prophets' mouths.
The hedge of protection is around MY People, those that call out in MY
Name. Those that worship YAHUSHUA and those that honor MY true Sabbaths,
those that repent and humble themselves, those that look up and know
that redemption draweth nigh.

MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, these are the ones the hedge of
protection are around. I have torn down the hedge of protection around
America and you shall see that flag burn. Be not angry at MY apostles
and prophets that I send to warn the doom will come. Instead thank
ME that I care so much to warn....

......So this is MY message this day, as you see the name 'GOD' struck out of
the Pledge of Allegiance. As you see the word 'GOD' struck off your
currency. The vision I have given MY Daughter this day, you will see the
American flag burn and the merchants shall cry from afar off and the
world shall weep and lament but will they learn a lesson from her? Oh
how few listen.

Their ears are full of wax. Their eyes are blind, they only want to see from
their own eyes and they don't want to see through MINE.

America, you will reap what you are sowing.
Again I repeat, the hedge of protection is not around America. The hedge
of protection is around MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and
Elect. Look up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the Name of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Deny not the Name of YAHUVEH. Deny not the
anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH.

Deny not MY commandments and MY laws and MY statutes, and the Word that
was made flesh. Look up MY Children, for truly your redemption draweth nigh."

YAHUVEH gave a vision of a burning american flag to His humble vessel of clay Prophet
Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) . He warns in this Prophetic Message
to anoint your homes so that the angel of death will pass over when it
comes through. He said that hedge of protection is not around america
but around His Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, & Elect.

He is coming back for a Holy & Obediant Bride without spot or wrinkle. If
you wonder if you are a part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA please read
Prophecy 82 - Last call for the Bride of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH.

Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry
Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry

⁣HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH birthed on this earth during Sukkot /
Tabernacles! Conceived at Hanukkah! Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
shows her sukkah treasured items. You’re invited inside!

3 hour video, and even more, coming with fun, laughter , joy, dancing ,
singing, original songs, celebration from some of AmightyWind
International Messianic Jewish congregation! New joyful Hanukkah
Prophecy! Serious Sukkot Prophecy! Thank you subscribers, please thumb
up. I pray blessings on each person and look forward to meeting you in

Revelations both new and old! “Every scribe instructed
concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of
his treasure things new and old” (Mt 13:52). My revelation from
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with proof in Book of Maccabees quotes below.

New revelation YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me, Elisheva Eliyahu, as leader of
AmightyWind Ministry 25 years and ancient Scriptures from the Second
Book of Maccabees:

Put your sukkah or symbol of it in your home
for Hanukkah to honor exalt YAHUSHUA during Festival of Lights during
the time of the rededication of Temple where the miracle of only 1 day
of anointed oil to light Menorah lasted 8 days! “And now see that ye
keep the Feast of Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot] in the month [of Kislev]”
(—A Letter to the Jews in Egypt From the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV).

2 Maccabees 10:
1 Now Maccabeus and his company, YAHUVEH guiding them, recovered
the temple and the city:
2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also
the chapels, they pulled down.
3 And having cleansed the Temple they made another altar, and striking
stones they took fire out of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and
set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread. [...]
5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned
[defiled] the Temple, on the very same day it was cleansed again, even
the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is [Kislev].
6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the Feast of the
Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], remembering that not long afore they had held
the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], when as they wandered in the
mountains and dens like beasts.
7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang
psalms unto HIM that had given them good success in cleansing his place.
8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year
those days should be kept of the whole nation of the Jews.

YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH is the ETERNAL LIGHT and the Hanukkah miracles
foreshadowed what was to be in the future as Isaiah 53 and many
Messianic Scriptures of Isaiah prophesied—what Orthodox Jews are taught
to ignore—it describes YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This Scripture describes a
Jewish Man who would be sacrificed! YAHUSHUA was birthed from the
Jewish womb of a Jewish woman, still a virgin! All in the Torah, which is the
5 Books of Moses and more, all the instruction of YAHUEVH. Torah translates in English
“instruction,” and in the KJV often as “law”. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also

YAHStube is at uncensored videos the
prophecies, warnings as Great Tribulation nears! AmightyWind has
alternative to Youtube so subscribers. When I tell you go to YAHSTUBE
and, please keep coming 1st to my Youtube channels:
YAHSladyinred, plus YAHSladynred (rebuilt 2009 channel after I proved
the reprobates serpents lied)! In Heaven, the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH EL
SHADDAI will send all evil ones to worse tortures of hell & lake of
fire we cannot comprehend, just as HE did to those who tried to
annihilate the Jewish people in the time Maccabees!

The Werewolf Reality
The Werewolf Reality Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣The Werewolf Reality

⁣Are there real werewolves? Watch this video and witness the real life
transformation of a man (sanderclarijs777) into a werewolf. This is a
revealing video, containing live footage and proof that there are real
werewolves in satanic covens today. We back this topic up with sound
Biblical teachings that will give people a greater insight on GOD's
Divine Judgment from Biblical times of old all the way to these
literally Last Days.

Enemy sanderclarijs777 who joined with the enemies of AmightyWind on
YouTube in a pursuit to pick apart the Holy Prophecies by twisting the
Holy Bible and using it as a weapon against AmightyWind, was recruited
into the occult by individuals like pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq,
Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc. These men and those associated with them
are all heavily involved in the occult. The facts and footage that will be
presented to you in this video, is another solid confirmation that these
men pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft, Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc recruited sanderclarijs777
through satanic initiation into the occult. We have letters from
Sander's ex-wife, testifying that around the very same time
sanderclarijs777 turned against AmightyWind Ministry and joined these
men, very strange, bizarre and terrible things happened including him
becoming a werewolf and an obsession with death. Please watch this video
to have a clearer understanding of what is spoken of in this limited
description bar.

May this be a WARNING to all, especially the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
and those who have believed the lies of our enemies, that GOD still Curses the
disobedient and the rebellious as HE did in times of old. This video contains some
footage that is not suitable for children to watch and at parts some graphic information.

Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself
Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself

⁣"Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in
Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom
and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted
worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for
granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out
they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is
given, much more is expected.

I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master.
As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY beloved
Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in
the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah,
Elisha are of great importance......

........Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I,
YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to
her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect
YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and
he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in
advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen
with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?

Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands
Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands

Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies
will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in
passing federally paid abortions. All those who have ears to listen --
hear, all others remain Deaf. You who would never murder your babies
will be committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to
use your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and
Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold
millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper

This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath
will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY people will have
angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a God of love, but
I am a God of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting now. Let you
voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right, now before it's
too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed services. He wants
you to support this sinful lifestyle.

You MY Children, you the
taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their salaries, and by doing
this I will no longer bless America. America will never win another
world war again, it has only been by MY grace, you have not lost this
country thus far. All those who have ears to hear, listen, all others
remain deaf.

You who are called by MY Name (Christians) have
done little to nothing, to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray
to your God to stop this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay
their reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY
Children I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven.
Does not MY Word say, greater love hath no man than one who lays their
life down for another? These are the ones who will have no abortion
blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put action behind
their protests.

"Faith without works is dead!" When MY Children
come home to heaven, do you want all the unborn babies to come to you
and ask why your money paid for their deaths? Why didn't you try harder
to stop the abortions, to tell the government no? YAHUVEH's people have
more power in YAHUSHUA (Jesus) than the heathens and their false gods!
Prove it, by rising up in MY Name. Let the government know enough is
enough. MY Children, see this vision of clean hands, now see the hands
blood soaked, now see the hands flinging the blood off.

is in the minority now but will not continue to be, if this is taught
as an acceptable lifestyle in schools, beware again. Taxpayers, you pay
for these schools and this sin will again be on your hands if you don't
rise up now and put action behind your prayers. America was given to MY
People; take back what the heathen have stolen before it's too late.
(Genesis 19:1-28) "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the

Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe

⁣During these 10 days of awe, this is a time when we reflect on our
relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and whether we have a loving and
obedient relationship with THEM. We all have sinned and fell short of
YAH’s Glory because there is no perfect person that walked the face of
this earth except for YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Even a wrong thought is a
sin. The Orthodox Jews do not believe the Messiah has come yet so they
have no blood sacrifice for the atonement of their sins. They reject
YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH as the MESSIAH and the only begotten SON of ABBA

This Holy time is not only a time of celebration but it
is a time of great fear for those who do not know if their name is
inscribed in the Lambs Book of Life. We who serve and worship our RISEN
MESSIAH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH know that there is only ONE Intercessor
before our CREATOR YAHUVEH and only ONE way to Heaven through YAHUSHUA
our MASHIACH’s name and shed Blood at Calvary. YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH is
our blood sacrifice. We Messianic Jews do not have to weep and mourn on
Yom Kippur because we have a covering for our sins, unlike those who
have rejected YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We encourage you at this Holy time
to draw closer to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH than you ever have before.

It is not compulsory for you to fast during Yom Kippur like the Orthodox
Jews do with mourning. If you wish to fast and feel led to fast then you
can fast, but you will not be fasting in mourning like the Orthodox
Jews do, you fast for the salvation of those who are lost, that they
will come to know YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if you have a need you wish to
bring to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you can lift that up in prayer to HIM
through your fasting.

Remember that you can do Communion during
this fast also, I know that traditionally the Orthodox Jews do not eat
or drink in order to punish the body, we are not punishing our bodies,
if led by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to fast and your health can handle it,
you fast to draw closer to YAHUSHUA, to intercede for those who need
salvation. Please use this time to search your hearts and draw closer to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. If you have backslidden and wish to come back to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, now is your time, today is the day of salvation,
for tomorrow may be too late.

Isaiah 53:4-12
4 Surely, HE hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem HIM stricken, smitten of GOD, and afflicted.
5 But HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our
iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with HIS
stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we haveturned everyone to his own way;
and YAHUVEH hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all.
7 HE was oppressed, and HE was afflicted, yet HE opened not HIS Mouth:
HE is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as asheep before her shearers is dumb,
so HE openeth not HIS Mouth.
8 HE was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare HIS
generation? for HE was cut off out of the land of the living: for the
transgression of my people was HE stricken.
9 And HE made HIS grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death;
because HE had done no violence, neither was any deceit in HIS Mouth.
10 Yet it pleasedYAHUVEH to bruise HIM; HE hath put HIM to grief: when thou shalt make
HIS Soul an offering for sin, HE shall see HIS seed, he shall prolong
his days, and the pleasure of YAHUVEH shall prosper in HIS Hand.
11 HE shall see of the travail of HIS Soul, and shall be satisfied: by HIS
knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for HE shall bear
their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide HIM a portion with the great, and HE shall divide
the spoil with the strong; because HE hath poured out HIS Soul unto death:
and HE was numbered with the transgressors; and HE bare the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as
your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and
pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your
Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please
write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1
Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1 Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Caleb Just Say No I Didn't Say It – Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 1

⁣From Elisheva:
Ezra Caleb you are on the Countdown of YAH'S patience
- a countdown given from Heaven to confess and repent in public
before July 1st 2019. If you do not do what YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH HA KODESH have asked you to do - all "Caleb come forth's" will be
gone and there will be no more reminder of our love.

You won't see anymore of my love and the congregation’s love. I will get back to
feeding the lambs and the sheeps and prophesying. There will be no more
mentioning of my love for you.

Confess, Repent and Run from Evil, Ezra Caleb, Before July 1st 2019!'s front page is proof that I have battled for your life and soul,
and so has all of AMIGHTYWIND congregation.


If you do not pray like this and continue thinking the words, “YAH rebukes
you satan” especially in disobedience, satan mocks and laughs at you.
Only on Shavuot I put my wedding ring back on, so you must be seeing the
light, as you see truly holy love coming from AMIGHTYWIND ministry.
Even true rebukes come from YAHUSHUA.

I ask everyone who considers AMIGHTYWIND a blessing to please say
a prayer that this will not happen. This is pentecost and pray that he cuts
all soul ties. For thus far he has not been able to see that he is in danger.
With the danger that is surrounding him right now, a word will be coming shortly.

Caleb the only way of returning is if confession is made unto salvation in a
video posted before all the internet. You must confess and repent before
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who is the only perfect blood atonement for our
sins. I saw an animation in a vision and I had it created to make it
easier on you because I know the entire time I’ve known you, the words I
am sorry, please forgive me with a sincere heart that was humbled, was
not on your lips.

It has been more than 7 months and YAHUSHUA has
so patiently waited as you now even refuse to apologise for the lying
terrorising false prophecy on April 19 2019. Caleb you are the one who
told me Passover is only that evening.

In November 2018 you said, “Elisheva do you know there is a special place
in hell for false prophets?” Ezra/Caleb, you sent as much as 100,000 or
more people into a panic. This was your 1st prophecy and I know
those reprobates pushed you into it with their mind control and their occult powers.

Can't you see you have been set up? satan’s goal was to remove all
credibility and he used everyone who surrounded you and compared you to
YAHUSHUA and told you, you were the son of glory,” that you were
perfect, to mock you. To cause you to cross over the blasphemy line of
no return.

YAHUSHUA is so merciful and so full of love for you.
You took Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT book that I wrote, and on the
hottest days in Israel you, you gave them out to Messianic Jews and to
anyone who would receive it.

YAHUSHUA is giving you this last chance because he did not forget
you had two heat strokes that took weeks to even survive one of them.
I am not going to list all the ways that you suffered for YAHUSHUA’s
Glory and to work by my side to reach Israel.

YAHUSHUA did not forget when you ministered at the prayer
tower and was asked to speak on radio to the Indian nation, and you
spoke to millions in India as your words were translated. We have
pictures that show beautiful men and women from India, clutching their
books in their hands with a golden light reflecting off the book like
the sun.

My honey-baby, my Caleb, all you have to do is repent,
confess your sins. Go back to basics and say the salvation prayer and
with weeping and mourning face the people. Humble yourself so that the
demon of arrogance and pride, and narcissism, idolatry can easily be
cast out. My Caleb you must decrease so YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH increases. I
cannot continue this.

Amightywind Verlossings Gebed
Amightywind Verlossings Gebed Amightywind Nederland 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Verlossings Gebed

⁣YAHUSHUA (יהושוע), een Hebreeuwse Naam, is de oorspronkelijke Naam van
JEZUS. We zijn nog steeds gered in de Naam JEZUS maar de antichrist zal
de naam Jezus Christus gebruiken voor zichzelf IN DE VERDRUKKING, dus
leer YAHUSHUA's NAAM voor dan.

Kruisiging is een verschrikkelijke manier om te sterven, toch ging YAHUSHUA
naar het kruis in gehoorzaamheid aan ZIJN Vaders Wil.
HIJ wist dat dit de ENIGE MANIER was om ons te herenigen met HEM en om
onze zonden te kunnen vergeven. HIJ deed VOLLEDIGE BOETE voor onze zonden
indien we in HEM geloven. Gered door GELOOF alleen in wat HIJ deed voor ons,
en verzekerd van eeuwig leven. Wat een geweldige gave van YAHUSHUA!

Gelijk geschreven staat: Niemand is rechtvaardig, ook niet één. Romeinen 3:10

Want het loon, dat de zonde geeft, is de dood, maar de genade, die God
schenkt, is het eeuwige leven in Messias YAHUSHUA, onze Here. Romeinen

Ik sta voor de deur en klop aan. Als iemand mijn stem hoort
en de deur opent, zal ik binnenkomen, en we zullen samen eten, ik met
hem en hij met mij. Openbaring 3:20

Want alzo lief heeft God de wereld gehad, dat Hij zijn eniggeboren Zoon
gegeven heeft, opdat een ieder, die in Hem gelooft, niet verloren ga,
maar eeuwig leven hebbe. Johannes 3:16

Want door genade zijt gij behouden, door het geloof, en dat niet uit uzelf:
het is een gave van God; niet uit werken, opdat niemand roeme. Efeziërs 2:8-9

Doch allen, die Hem aangenomen hebben, hun heeft Hij macht gegeven
om kinderen Gods te worden, hun, die in zijn naam geloven; John 1:12

Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell
Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Pastorgeorgec - The Pastor From Hell

⁣This video is to set the record straight with Pastorgeorgec, whom I
personally call "Pastor George Crook", and rebuke and expose his lies
and utter wickedness. I believe that this man is the biggest hypocrite
Youtube has ever seen, and is most definitely a Pastor from Hell. It
will be evident why I make these statements when you watch the video for

A multitude of this man's sins are exposed in this video, from lies, theft, foul language
and even threatening someone with a gun; and many more.
This man is also the leader of a satanic cult called "The Nehemiah Center" that
masquerades as Christians and Messianic Jews and deliberately leads them astray.
What a mockery. He claims in public to be a "Pastor" when he is no Pastor in Heaven's eyes,
but a reprobate and a devil-worshipper who has much to account for when
all will stand before YAHUVEH, God Almighty at the Great White Throne
of Judgment.

This reprobate man has been persecuting Amightywind
Ministry for more than a year with his satanic cult, the "Nehemiah
Center". He has made a counterfeit website that steals the name of
Amightywind and was designed to mock, slander and defame the character
of Elisabeth Elijah, the Pastor/Prophet of Amightywind Ministries.

This man has even said in video that if he could, he would stone Elisabeth
to death. (For video proof about that watch this video, Pastorgeorgec
the Abuser of women)

Ephesians 5:11 says "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them". (Ephesians 5:11)

We at Amightywind Ministry love enough to warn that this man is a wolf in
sheep's clothing and very dangerous. For the sake of your soul flee from
this man and his so-called Nehemiah Center.

Profetie 74 - Ik YAHUVEH heb oorlog verklaard aan planeet Aarde vanuit de Hemel
Profetie 74 - Ik YAHUVEH heb oorlog verklaard aan planeet Aarde vanuit de Hemel Amightywind Nederland 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 74 - Ik YAHUVEH heb oorlog verklaard aan planeet Aarde vanuit de Hemel

⁣Wat zullen jullie doen om elkander uit te roeien, jullie intimideren
elkander, oorlog na oorlog om hebzucht, om macht, maar terwijl jullie
dit doen, jullie weten niet wanneer, maar IK, YAHUVEH, heb oorlog
verklaard vanuit de hemel en jullie kunnen het niet stoppen! Jullie die
de spot met MIJ drijven, jullie die de spot drijven met de ware kinderen
van YAHUVEH en YAHUSHUA, jullie die samenzweren om hun vrijheden weg te
stelen. IK, YAHUVEH, heb oorlog verklaard vanuit de Hemel op deze
planeet en de boosaardige zullen geslacht worden.(...)

Maar het is IK, YAHUVEH, het is IK, YAHUVEH, de Schepper van niet alleen deze
planeet maar alles dat ertussenin ligt, en IK zal de rotsen vanuit de
Lucht voort werpen. En net zoals in Sodom en Gomorra en de zeven steden
die ernaast lagen ben IK dezelfde YAHUVEH die Nineveh vernietigde.
Hoewel IK haar tijd gaf om uiteindelijk zich te bekeren, werd zij niet
vernietigd? IK ben dezelfde YAHUVEH, dezelfde Oude van Dagen en wat IK
ooit deed voorheen, zal IK weer opnieuw doen. Jullie zijn zo druk met
jullie oorlogen, jullie vrezen of merken MIJ niet eens op, terwijl IK
jullie opnieuw en opnieuw tekens geef in de lucht en verdoemenis dichter
tot u nadert. Maar niet voor MIJN kinderen, Oh, jullie denken dat zij
zo onwetend en naïef zijn, maar jullie vergeten oh boosaardige van
Lucifer, dat zij waarlijk tot MIJ toebehoren. Zij hebben niet het geld
om zich voor te bereiden, maar zij weten dat zij een Hemelse Vader
YAHUVEH hebben die erom geeft. Het zullen de armen van MIJN Engelen zijn
die hen beschutten voor de toorn die komt vanuit de lucht. (...)

IK, YAHUVEH, heb oorlog verklaart op deze aarde. Vuur is aan het komen
vanuit de lucht en niemand kan MIJ stoppen. Moet IK jullie herinneren
aan wat er gebeurde bij de Toren van Babylon? Zo zal het weer opnieuw
zijn en jullie torens van Babylon zullen vallen. (...)

Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH
Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH

⁣"When you read in the Word that's been translated and they dare to call
MY Son YAHUSHUA, the son of man. He was never the son of a man. HE's the
Son of YAHUVEH! The Son of YAH! When you see this in the translation,
for how long now I have caused you to grieve and you have never felt
peace in this and yet you explain all the translations do this. It was
not by MY hand! This is by satan's plan. Although HE was born in a human
frame, although HE suffered on the cross the pain HE was never, never,
never the son of a man! HE's the Son of YAH and HIS Name, even to the
world proclaimed. Why do you think satan in the translation, tried to
regulate HIM and give HIM the name of a man. I've had to allow this and
at this time before the Great Tribulation the name of Jesus will stand."

(Explanation regarding the last paragraph: Elisabeth has
been attacked severly regarding the last paragraph by those who call
themselves christian, but we know better than that. After much prayer
and guidance it is very clear what the RUACH ha KODESH is saying. She is
saying it grieves, offends and angers her that so many different Bibles
are using the inaccurate translation of 'the Son of Man' to describe
YAHUSHUA. Originally in Hebrew the scriptures said 'Ben Adam' and not
'the Son of Man'. After prayer and studying this subject it has become
clear that 'Ben Adam' literally in English means 'human being'. In
Aramaic 'Ben Adam' is translated into 'Son of Adam' and 'Son of
Humanity' because Adam is the Father of humanity and therefore the 'Son
of Adam' is translated into the 'Son of Humanity'. So then when the
Aramaic was translated into Greek it was translated from 'Son of
Humanity' into 'Son of Man'.

We can promise you this, YAHUSHUA NEVER used 'the Son of Man' to describe HIMSELF.

'Son of Man' is inaccurate and has caused much confusion and needless debate
and this is exactly what satan wanted and knew would happen. Many
believe because so many Bibles use 'the Son of Man' to describe YAHUSHUA
that it means HE is literally the son of A man. As in Joseph is the
literal biological father of YAHUSHUA. They believe YAHUSHUA was a mere
man and not the Son of YAHUVEH. Niko's biological father believed this,
he believed YAHUSHUA was just a good man with alot of wisdom, he didn't
believe YAHUSHUA was God or the Son of YAHUVEH. This is what the RUACH
ha KODESH is clarifying, YAHUSHUA is NOT the son of A man (Joseph), but
YAHUSHUA is a human being (Ben Adam) born of a virgin woman and the Son

The 'Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Bible' published by Your Arms
To Yisrael uses the original Hebrew of 'Ben Adam' and not 'the Son of Man'.

The 'Aramaic New Covenant Bible' published by exegeses Bibles uses the translation of 'the Son of Humanity'.

'The Scriptures Bible' published by the Institute For Scripture Research uses the translation 'the Son of Adam'.

As we all know most other Bibles use the translation 'the Son of man'. The
above Bibles are mentioned because we have these Bibles and read them
for ourselves.

Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord
Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord Amightywind Ministries 166 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord

⁣This is Prophecy 1 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.

Prophetic Warning Extracts:
It's a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. MY
wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this. In the
year of 1997, I will reveal MYSELF as not only a God of love, but for
those who mock and deny MY power, or refuse MY love, and seek to lead MY
sheep astray...they shall taste the days of Ananias and Sapphira once
again. Wisdom is Fear of YAHUVEH. Many of MY own sheep take ME for
granted. They do things and think it is covered by grace. They do things
knowing that it is unholy and it offends ME.

But they think I
am blind and deaf. The year of 1997, I will prove I am a God of fire and
that which stands in MY ministers' ways shall be consumed in MY anger.
They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer
the worst. I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and again I
say unto you, warn the church. The church is not the pastor, it is not
the building. The church is the people, MY sheep. I have had enough of
men naming ministries after themselves; they have no right to do this
abomination. They did not pay the ultimate price; they are not holy
enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, paid this price at Calvary.

they are sinless and perfect, they have no right to name a ministry
after themselves. I alone AM perfect and sinless, not man, "For all have
sinned and fallen short of the Glory of YAHUVEH!" You are sinless in MY
sight because MY Blood washes your sins away. It is not because you are
sinless for your perfection. You are a sinner saved by MY Grace and
mercy. The Blood of Calvary washes away your sins, true, but a ministry
represents ME and your Father YAHUVEH and the ministry must be named for
holiness, not man.

For again, I prophesy through you and say,
"Beware." Warn them, for when the imperfect man falls (and he will), the
ministry that bears his name falls and the sheep scatter to the enemy's
camp. Tell them MY Handmaiden, warn them. Do not do this abomination
before MY eyes anymore. For I said, "Be Holy as I am Holy." Even the top
prophets and ministers who carry MY anointing are in foolish pride and
they are naming that which is not theirs...the anointed ministries after
themselves. For this, they will fall but I will be there to pick them
up after they have been chastised. (...)

I am coming for a church
without spot or wrinkle. What is holding ME back is the very thing that
should be bringing ME back, MY church, MY People, MY pastors, MY
ministers. I hate pride. It's one of the 7 deadly sins, yet MY own
pastors who carry MY anointing think they build the church, they own the
church and they have to control the sheep. I alone am the only Good
Shepherd. Yours is to be the finger that points the way to ME, YAHUSHUA.

Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have
poured MY anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most
money? This sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and
covetousness are in MY own temples. This sickens ME. You say, "When is
YAHUSHUA coming again?" I say, "I have been waiting for the church, the
temples, to clean themselves up." Stop bickering amongst yourselves.
Expose the wolves that have been devouring MY sheep. They are behind the
pulpits and everyone is so concerned with their own churches, no one
cares about the sheep.

Who can build bigger temples? Who can get
the most media attention? Who is the number one evangelist, prophet,
pastor, church? I am telling you through this prophetess, listen to her.
Judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH! Then I will deal with the
heathen. (...)

You did not build these successful ministries. It
was by the power and anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that it was a
success. Stop taking MY Glory. You're not the healer, deliverer; it is
Almighty YAHUVEH alone that delivers. The message to the church of 1997
is get humble before YAHUVEH. This message is for the prophets,
evangelists and pastors. You have no power without MY anointing. I am a
jealous God. Get man's name off of MY ministries. You have been warned!
Give the praise, recognition to the only one who has a right to name a
ministry after himself, your Master and Savior, the one you proclaim to
serve and worship. I share MY glory with no man. (...)

(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面
(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面

⁣在如阿克. 哈. 古德西(聖靈)的恩膏下透過使徒以莉莎法. 以利亞呼被寫下/說出。
















יום הישועה שלכם הוא היום! מחר עלול להיות מאוחר מדי!
יום הישועה שלכם הוא היום! מחר עלול להיות מאוחר מדי! אמיטיווינד ישראל 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣יום הישועה שלכם הוא היום! מחר עלול להיות מאוחר מדי!

ישעיהו פרק נג
מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ; וּזְרוֹעַ יַהֲוֶה
עַל־מִי נִגְלָתָה׃ 2 וַיַּעַל כַּיּוֹנֵק לְפָנָיו, וְכַשּׁרֶשׁ מֵאֶרֶץ
צִיָּה, לֹא־תֹאַר לוֹ וְלֹא הָדָר; וְנִרְאֵהוּ וְלֹא־מַרְאֶה
וְנֶחְמְדֵהוּ׃ 3 נִבְזֶה וַחֲדַל אִישִׁים, אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת וִידוּעַ
חֹלִי; וּכְמַסְתֵּר פָּנִים מִמֶּנּוּ, נִבְזֶה וְלֹא חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ׃ 4
אָכֵן חֳלָיֵנוּ הוּא נָשָׂא, וּמַכְאֹבֵינוּ סְבָלָם; וַאֲנַחְנוּ
חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ, נָגוּעַ מֻכֵּה אֱלֹהִים וּמְעֻנֶּה׃ 5 וְהוּא מְחֹלָל
מִפְּשָׁעֵנוּ, מְדֻכָּא מֵעֲוֹנֹתֵינוּ; מוּסַר שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ עָלָיו,
וּבַחֲבֻרָתוֹ נִרְפָּא־לָנוּ׃ 6 כֻּלָּנוּ כַּצֹּאן תָּעִינוּ, אִישׁ
לְדַרְכּוֹ פָּנִינוּ; ויַהֲוֶה הִפְגִּיעַ בּוֹ, אֵת עֲוֹן כֻּלָּנוּ׃ 7
נִגַּשׂ וְהוּא נַעֲנֶה וְלֹא יִפְתַּח־פִּיו, כַּשּׂה לַטֶּבַח יוּבָל,
וּכְרָחֵל לִפְנֵי גֹזְזֶיהָ נֶאֱלָמָה; וְלֹא יִפְתַּח פִּיו׃ 8 מֵעֹצֶר
וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט לֻקָּח, וְאֶת־דּוֹרוֹ מִי יְשׂוֹחֵחַ; כִּי נִגְזַר
מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים, מִפֶּשַׁע עַמִּי נֶגַע לָמוֹ׃ 9 וַיִּתֵּן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים
קִבְרוֹ, וְאֶת־עָשִׁיר בְּמֹתָיו; עַל לֹא־חָמָס עָשָׂה, וְלֹא מִרְמָה
בְּפִיו׃ 10 ויַהֲוֶה חָפֵץ דַּכְּאוֹ הֶחֱלִי, אִם־תָּשִׂים אָשָׁם
נַפְשׁוֹ, יִרְאֶה זֶרַע יַאֲרִיךְ יָמִים; וְחֵפֶץ יְהוָה בְּיָדוֹ
יִצְלָח׃ 11 מֵעֲמַל נַפְשׁוֹ יִרְאֶה יִשְׂבָּע, בְּדַעְתּוֹ, יַצְדִּיק
צַדִּיק עַבְדִּי לָרַבִּים; וַעֲוֹנֹתָם הוּא יִסְבֹּל׃ 12 לָכֵן
אֲחַלֶּק־לוֹ בָרַבִּים, וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים יְחַלֵּק שָׁלָל, תַּחַת, אֲשֶׁר
הֶעֱרָה לַמָּוֶת נַפְשׁוֹ, וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִים נִמְנָה; וְהוּא
חֵטְא־רַבִּים נָשָׂא, וְלַפֹּשְׁעִים יַפְגִּיעַ׃

מַעֲשֵׂי הַשּׁלִיחִים פֶּרֶק ד פסוק 12יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח
אֵין הַיְשׁוּעָה בְּאַחֵר כִּי לֹא נִתַּן תַּחַת הַשּׁמַיִם שֵׁם אַחֵר לִבְנֵי אָדָם אֲשֶׁר־בּוֹ נִוָּשֵׁעַ⁠

THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”
THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus” Amightywind Ministries 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”

⁣China has now restricted travel for over 35 million people in 12 cities
due to the coronavirus outbreak that was said to originate in Wuhan,
China. Now, more than two thousand confirmed cases have been reported,
in countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, France, Australia,
Canada, and the U.S. Coincidentally enough, this "outbreak" coincides
with the Chinese New Year, with 2020 as the "Year Of The RAT"....

The U.S. has also enforced screenings in five airports so far, due to “confirmed cases.”

But What Is The REAL TRUTH About This “Coronavirus?”

And did it REALLY originate from China to begin with, or is there ANOTHER Origin?

are there coronavirus patents relating to the use of such a coronavirus
in a vaccine to “prevent and/or treat a disease?” Per the current
assignees belonging to the Pirbright Institute, and also the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) — The better question is, WHO Are The
Ones FUNDING Such Patents and Vaccines?

It’s also no
coincidence how in spring 2018, Bill Gates informed listeners at a
discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society
and the New England Journal of Medicine that a “new disease” could kill
30 million within 6 months, and how it could happen posthaste. And, from
a TED Talk back in 2010, Bill Gates even quoted: “The world today has
6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we
do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive
health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

But Do You Know The BIGGER Agenda?

you know that World Governments and Alphabet Soups such as the WHO,
CDC, UN, FDA, FEMA, etc. team up together and travel into what they call
“third-world countries," bringing their Killer Vaccines with them? They
then vaccinate the women and children there, when they are purposefully
causing and spreading diseases. Once these diseases have been spread,
and an "epidemic" has been declared, they then label this "epidemic"
with a creative name, such as "Ebola."

Then, mainstream medias
such as ABC, FOX, CNN, etc. report an "epidemic" initially caused by the
Government to begin with, to make you think it's a worldwide "epidemic"
when really this isn't the case at all. This thusly triggers fear and
chaos in the general sleeping public, thereby giving the Government more
tyrannical control.

In order to offer a solution to their
created problem, the Government begins to enforce the Rule of Law — such
as mandatory vaccines, mandatory healthcare, mandatory screenings and
other "security" measures leading up to martial law. When such measures
only focus on one thing and one thing only: Depopulation. So that more
people will gladly accept these Killer Vaccines.

Is This ALSO The Case With The Coronavirus? Is China Another TEST?

Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell
Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell Amightywind Ministries 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Open Vision of Hell - A Citizen In Hell

"It's the most horrifying song you have ever heard. I literally
heard a song being sung off key in HELL right NOW by a Male pastor that
never came back to the saving grace of YAHUSHUA Messiah. You see even
someone that brings millions of souls to YAHUSHUA can still lose their
own soul. Because it's THEIR relationship with YAHUSHUA that matters,
NOT our GOOD WORKS that get US into Heaven. So NO man or woman can Boast
of their good works and think that is enough to escape HELL. God knows
your motives and if its NOT Holy motives done because you LOVE YAHUSHUA
then all these WORKS mean NOTHING. For 8 hours the LORD showed me HELL
and a vision of a Citizen in HELL! I am looking for the right person to
record what the LORD gave me and one day I believe in faith Carman will
record this song.

I have been accused of scaring people into heaven with it as the Holy Spirit
anointed my voice to sound like tormented souls screaming! The Devil mocking,
demons taunting, describing in detail what I saw. The anointing was so strong that the
cassette tape it was recorded on you can hear the echo on the other side
of the tape. You cannot get a glimpse of HELL without it making your
physical body sick. For 10 days after this song was finished I became
VERY sick but I know this Jude 1:23 says some will only come by fear.
NOT everyone comes to YAHUSHUA because HE loves them. Some will run into
the arms of the Lord YAHUSHUA Messiah running in terror when they see
the alternative which is HELL.

The name of the song is "A CITIZEN IN HELL" and if any pastor promises to
USE it to bring souls to YAHUSHUA I will give them this song. It is the UGLIEST and most
frightening song you will ever hear, for when I was the sickest is when
the Holy Spirit said NOW sing it Sherrie! There is NO beauty in HELL
even the best singer sings off KEY in HELL even the best musician plays
Off KEY in Hell. Only TORTURE, TERROR, TORMENT for all eternity! Only
entrances and NO exits. Look at a ring that represents eternity, no
beginning or no end. Where are you going to spend eternity? Heaven or

Here are a few brief lyrics to the song " A CITIZEN IN
HELL" no one may copy this without my permission and if anyone knows
Carman please tell him about this song. When the LORD gave this to me he
said Carman has the anointing to sing this song. This song is meant for
the Last Chancers one step before the flames of HELL. One step before
Jer. 6 vs. 27-30. With the LORDS help and anointing he has told me to
create a animated hell from the lyrics in this song. If anyone has the
computer tech anointing to help me do this please email me right away.
Here are a few lines of the song so you can see this is NOT a place you
want to spend eternity.

"Flaming worms crawl in, flaming worms crawl out in the belly button and
out the mouth! In the front and out the rear! In the eyes and out the ears!
We scream for mercy yet NO one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood
rivers of feces, lava, vomit and blood, it looks like a flood! Flames everywhere yet
they cast NO light! All I have is every kind of pain, terror, torture, and fright! I
am a Citizen in HELL!

This is the first level of HELL the other levels there are NO words to tell. Hell is
so hot it boils the flesh off my skin how do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm
so thirsty yet I've not even urine or tears to drink and OH my GOD how this HELL
stinks! AHHHH I am a Citizen in HELL!

There's NO water of any kind not even sweat to cool my brow, I know from
HELL I will never be set free and demons curse and Mock me! I scream to God to
help me, yet he does NOT hear! Instead the voice of satan laughs and jeers! Ha Ha,
there's NO GOD and there's NO mercy here! I have torture, terror, and
Damnation and every kind of FEAR but there's NO GOD HERE! Ha Ha Ha."

I saw a naked man covered in flaming worms that cannot die. he turned to
me and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him and he sung this song
in an emotionless voice. A voice that held NO emotion only the pain and
torment he was in ...."

Prophetic Dream - Elisabeth s Dream About Hitler
Prophetic Dream - Elisabeth s Dream About Hitler Amightywind Ministries 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - Elisabeth s Dream About Hitler

⁣This is a warning to the Spiritual and Biological Jews who belong to
ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH that there is one coming
who has a spirit unto like a hitler, who is the son of perdition, the
son of satan, and also known as the Antichrist. Take heed to this
warning that all Biological and Spiritual Jews HE will seek to destroy.
You must keep your faith in ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA/JESUS CHRIST, and the
RUACH ha KODESH to be saved and live a loving and obedient relationship
with our heavenly creators. To those who refuse to accept YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH as lord as savior, they will have no protection.

Dream hitler jewish "spiritual israel" "elisabeth elijah" "amightywind
ministries" almightywind warning "prophetic dream" "end time message"

Dream hitler jewish spiritual Israel elisabeth elijah amightywind ministries almightywind
warning prophetic dream end time message holocaust GREAT TRIBULATION

Category : Dreams and Visions

הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו
הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו אמיטיווינד ישראל 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו

!הענקתי לכם את הניצחון ,היכן שאמונה שלכם שם יהיה הפסח
שלכם מדוברת תחת המשחה של רוח הקודש דרך השליחה והנביאה אלישע אליהו ניתנה
ב-28 במרץ, 2002 .בהחלט ילדיי אתם פונים לים סוף בהחלט ילדיי, פרעה הרשע
וחייליו מאחוריכם, ילדיי, כמו שסיפקתי דרך בריחה ,למשה לבני ישראל .אעשה
זאת שוב ילדיי, בימים הקרובים אתם תראו דברים שקורים בעולם הזה שיגרמו לכם
לנענע את ראשכם ,ואתם תתהו ואתם תשאלו "?איפה יהוה ויָּהוּשׁוּעַ שלנו
היום" אבל שימרו על עינייכם ועל האמונה שלכם בי ואתם תראו את ים סוף נפתח
שוב —ואתם תחצו אותו בבטחה .והאויבים יושמדו ,כל אלו שרודפים אתכם ,כל אלו
שרודפים אחריכם .יושמדו .כי אני יהוה ואני לא משתנה ,אני יהוה ואני אותו
הדבר .היום, אתמול ולתמיד- ,ודרך דמו של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ ,תבואו באומץ
בפני הכס תגידו לי באומץ .מה זה שאתם צריכים ,אומר לכם שביום הזה .הענקתי
לכם את הניצחון !אומר לכם שביום הזה —!אומר לכם שביום הזה ששום דבר מה
שהתכוון האויב לעשות .לא יורשה על ידי אני אומר לכם, הענקתי לכם את הניצחון
למרות שהקרב (נמשך) .למשך שעות עם חרב הרוח שלי בידך ,שוב, ילדיי .חזיתם
בניצחון .זה לא היה ניצחון קל מעולם לא הבטחתי לכם .זה יהיה ניצחון קל
,כשאומר לכם שיהיה ניצחון .זיכרו זאת .אף אחד מעולם לא הבטיח לכם שיהיה קל
,זה נכון שעֻלִּי נָעִים הוּא וְקַל מַשָּׂאִי (מתי 2:10​) אבל ילדיי, יש
מחיר שצריך לשלם .למשחה שהנחתי על כל חייכם אז אתם אוכלים את סעודת הפסח
הזאת אתם אוכלים אותה— ואתם לא "ממלמלים ממלמלים" או רוטנים ובמקום אתם
עושים זאת בלב מלא בתודה וזוכרים את מה שקרה .עם בני ישראל זיכרו את בני
ישראל .שנדדו במדבר למשך ארבעים שנים זה לא היה כך ,אם הם לא היו ממלמלים
,מתלוננים ורוטנים כי גרמתי להם ללכת סחור וסחור .ביש שיאמרו, מעגלים גרמתי
להם ללכת סביב סביב .ובחנתי אותם שוב ושוב .אני אומר לכם ילדיי .אני אומר
לכם את זה באמת אל תתמרמרו, אל תתלוננו, אל תתקטננו .לא משנה מה אני מאפשר
שיקרה לכם .במקום, הרימו את עייניכם אליי במקום, תנו .את התהילה ליהוה
ויָּהוּשׁוּעַ !ודעו שאני ורק אני המספק, המושיע שלכם ודעו זאת לבד דרך
שפיכת הדם של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ .שיש לכם את הניצחון דרך שמו הקדוש של
יָּהוּשׁוּעַ .רק לכם יש את הניצחון הבטחתי לכם זאת ,ואם רק תצייתו אם תטו
את אוזניכם ,לכל מה שאני אומר ,אומר לכם זאת ילדיי .הניצחון יהיה שלכם
.זכרו, לניצחון יש מחיר זכרו שאין חייל שנכנס לקרב .שלא מרגיש עייפות אין
חייל .שלא רוצה לברוח בשלב מסוים אבל זכרו ילדיי, זכרו זאת שהבטחתי לכם
הניצחון .רק אם תצייתו אם רק תטו את האוזן ,לכל מילה שאומר אם רק תשארו
בקדושה ותחיו כדוגמא כדי שכולם יראו ,אומר לכם זאת—ילדיי— אתם והמיניסטריון
הזה .תראו ניצחון מוחלט תראו את אויביכם מתים .מידי בלבד— אתם תראו את
אויביכם בורחים .מידי בלבד— אתם תראו את אויביכם משתחווים וכורעים
ומתוודעים בפני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ— .כשליט וכמושיע (פיליפים 2:10​) וזה יהיה,
רק, כפי שקבעתי הניצחון —בשמו של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ ואתם תדעו שלא משנה מה
המחיר ששילמתם .זה יהיה שווה את זה כי נתתי לכם את הפריבילגיה להעניק לי
תהילה דרך הסבל שלכם —בדיוק כמו הנביאים מן העבר— ,כשאנשים רואים אותך עומד
הם ידעו שזה מעשה ידיי שמגינות עליכם ומנחות אתכם .בכל הדרכים— ילדיי,
תהנו מסעודת הפסח הזאת .שהענקתי לכם ביום הזה .תודה שאתם מצייתים לי .תודה
על ההקשבה כי הברכה שבנבואת הפסח הזאת .שנועדה לאחרים ולא רק בשבילך את
אמרי להם שאפילו אם הם פספסו ,את סעודת הסדר —אפילו בצניעות כל עוד הם
מכירים בי שאני אותו יהוה שהוציא) את בני ישראל ממצרים ומהקללות ;(ומהמכות
שהגיעו את אמרי להם, אם ילדיי היו רק ,עושים זאת בדרך צנועה - ויכירו בי
:לא משנה באיזה יום בשנה ,איפה שהפסח שלהם שם האמונה שלהם תהיה ,ואיפה
שהאמונה שלהם- .שם יהיה הפסח שלהם עשרים ושמונה במרץ, 2002 בפסח*DATE* פוגע
בחלק, מברך רבים כך זה נאמר, כך זה נכתב תחת המשחה של רוח הקודש דרך
השליחה, הנביאה אלישבע אליהו

AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας
AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣AMIGHTYWIND Προσευχή της Σωτηρίας

⁣ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ ΧΑ ΜΑΣΙΑΧ - γνωστός στην Ελλάδα με το ελληνικό όνομα: Ιησούς
Χριστός, επειδή έτσι το επέβαλαν Έλληνες μεταφραστές της Αγίας Γραφής.

Αγαπητέ ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ XA ΜΑΣΙΑΧ, Εγώ ΣΕ δέχομαι τώρα ως ΚΥΡΙΟ μου και
ΣΩΤΗΡΑ! ΕΣΥ είσαι ο ΘΕΟΣ που αγαπάω. Πιστεύω ότι πλήρωσες το τίμημα για τις
αμαρτίες μου στο Γολγοθά. Πέθανες και Αναστήθηκες την τρίτη ημέρα. ΣΟΥ ζητάω
να έρθεις στην καρδιά μου, να συγχωρήσεις τις αμαρτίες μου, να με ξεπλύνεις από κάθε αδικία.
Μετανιώνω για τις αμαρτίες μου και απομακρύνομαι απ' αυτές.

ΣΕευχαριστώ που με γεμίζεις με το ΆΓΙΟ ΠΝΕΥΜΑ ΣΟΥ και μου δίνεις την
επιθυμία να ΣΕ υπηρετώ όλες τις ημέρες της ζωής μου. Θέλω να ζεις μέσα
μου για τη Δόξα ΣΟΥ.

ΣΕ ευχαριστώ που μου δίνεις την επιθυμία να διαβάζω τη Βίβλο ΣΟΥ. Δώσε μου τη Σοφία
για να μπορέσω να την καταλάβω. ΣΕ ευχαριστώ που μ' αγαπάς και σώζεις την ψυχή μου
προκαλώντας την ανάπτυξη της πίστης μου, έτσι ώστε να μπορέσω κάποια μέρα να είμαι μαζί
ΣΟΥ στον Ουρανό. Γέμισε με τώρα με το ΆΓΙΟ ΠΝΕΥΜΑ ΣΟΥ και σώσε με από τον πονηρό
- προσεύχομαι γι' αυτό στο Όνομά ΣΟΥ, ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ.
Βοήθησέ με να θυμάμαι ότι όλοι αμάρτησαν και στερούνται τη Δόξα του ΘΕΟΥ ΓΙΑΧΒΕ
και ότι ΕΣΥ ήρθες για να μας σώσεις, τους αμαρτωλούς! Και γι' αυτό
λέγεσαι ο ΣΩΤΗΡΑΣ μας. Αμήν.

Επικοινώνησε μαζί μας και πες μας για το δώρο της Αιώνιας Ζωής που μόλις έλαβες από τον Πολύτιμο ΓΙΑΧΟΥΣΟΥΑ - Μεσσία μας.

一個地獄裡的公民 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣ 一個地獄裡的公民

⁣這異像和這首歌是賜給 猶太使徒和先知 以莉莎法.以利亞呼
這首歌不是一首美麗的歌, 這首歌的歌詞,是你想要忘記的。
警告他們, 唯一能脫逃地獄的方法是
那裡...... 地獄那裡沒有演奏得好的音樂家。
在地獄裡, 現在他們只能演奏走調的音樂。
由一個真實的人, 一個地獄裡的公民唱著。
從來沒有返回到耶穌基督/ 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的救贖恩典。
錄音的結尾處有更多詳述 關於這首歌是怎麼來的。
如果有一天你指責我 把你嚇進了天國,
那麼我不得不說, 主亞哈威的聖名是應當稱頌的。

Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道

Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead?
Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead? Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead?

Ezra must repent and confess his sins before YAHUSHUA and me,
Elisheva, repenting with great sorrow and doing a public video repenting
before the people for the harm he has done to me and the ministry and
all those who refuse to betray me. He must have a break down of the
demonic spirits of arrogance and pride and cry out to YAHUSHUA for
forgiveness and ask him to deliver him of the demons and all the sins
he's done as those in the occult now rule him with mind control.

He stopped walking in the calling and obeying YAHUSHUA, and insisted on
dividing the ministry and saying he is the head. I urgently need holy
spiritual warriors to pray he repents and ask YAHUSHUA to deliver him,
especially from mind control of those around him.

From the video:

I come before the very courts of Heaven right now.
I come before YOUR very Throne.
I come before the Counsel of the Prophets right now
through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
I don't come in my own name Elisheva Eliyahu
for I'm nobody.
But I tell you this,
I'm blood-washed and I'm blood bought
and YOU made me somebody
the day that I accepted YAHUSHUA
and acknowledged HIM as your only begotten SON.
I became somebody in YOUR eyes.
Now YOU know every hair on my head.
Now I have HOLY legions of Angels that surround and protect me.
Now I can call YOU FATHER
and now my prayers can be heard.
And yet a man who is a husband,
who refuses to acknowledge and respect
and who mistreats a Holy wife
who is a Bride of YAHUSHUA especially.
There is a scripture that says in 1 Peter
and it warns that that husband's prayers won't even be heard.
YOU won't even hear them until he repents and accepts the Blood of YAHUSHUA
and he repents and confesses of all that he's done
not just to YAHUSHUA but to the one he's offended the worst
So ABBA YAH we bring all this to YOU right now.
All of this.

Prophetic Dream - Population control
Prophetic Dream - Population control Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - Population control

⁣So this is a new way they're going to be doing population control and I
woke up and I called YAHSLittleOne and I told her as I'm so sleep and I
said this is what my dream was and I was shocked and she said, "This
sounds like a movie I just saw about Ellis Island and it's a true story,
when the immigrants were brought over and they were tested. One of
their tests was to see if they could go up and down stairs, to see how
healthy they are to see their age. I said, "What happens to the
immigrants that didn't pass?" And she said she didn't know. I said, "No,
I never even heard of such a thing."

Well, that a new way governments going to be ... don't have to worry
about the health care bill, they're pretty much going to do away
with anybody who isn't agile, isn't fit and they were all the same size
in this huge city surrounded, I don't know if it was like New York or
what it was. Man, there were so many people though when I was
walking through crowds so it's a huge city that I was in and they were
all the same size -- I don't want to say they were all the same size.
The women just looked alike and they
all wore very short skirts. Even though in the dream I wore a very short
skirt I wasn't going to do that other side of the stairs and I really
knew I couldn't do the other side of the stairs anymore. I could have
but I would have been pushing it and I wasn't about to.

Is that what the G.T. (Great Tribulation) is going to be like? I don't know. I
don't know what this dream was but it's not anything to look forward to
in the future.

Prophecy 75 - I YAHUVEH Will Sanctify And Meet You In Your Sukkot
Prophecy 75 - I YAHUVEH Will Sanctify And Meet You In Your Sukkot Amightywind Ministries 164 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 75 - I YAHUVEH Will Sanctify And Meet You In Your Sukkot

⁣Oh Treasure of MY heart, do you not believe that I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son
YAHUSHUA will protect you as you observe this Holy Time? Am I not able
to keep you safe? Even in Jerusalem, where the danger is great the
Hebrew people make their Sukkots as it is written for they trust I,
YAHUVEH, to protect them and I do.

Who are you afraid of offending I, YAHUVEH, or your neighbors?
Do you really care what others think of you more than what would please I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA? Do you not know that MY People are called the
peculiar people, for they walk not to the sound of this world but to the sound of Heaven.
Why would you be ashamed of this, MY little one, for this would be a witness
unto ME for YAHUVEH's Glory? Pray that your neighbors will take notice
so you can tell them the story of why you build a Sukkot in remembrance
of MY Word. This would be pleasing unto me for those who do this witness
for ME before their neighbors and I ask you to do the same. How can you
witness for ME and be an example of your faith if you hide your Leanto
in your bathroom?

The Sukkot is to be outdoors where you can
behold the Sky. The Jewish people don't even realize why the Sukkot has a
opening in the roof. It is to fulfill the scripture "Look Up your
redemption draweth nigh for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will come in the
Eastern Sky" You need not fear the enemies harming you for I, YAHUVEH,
will bless and protect those who are MINE and confound those who think
themselves wise, as they ignore the ways of this evil world and ignore
the snickers of the enemies. I shall mock those that mock you in their
time of trouble.

(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面
(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面















AmightyWind YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers Original Song
AmightyWind YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers Original Song Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣AmightyWind YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers Original Song

⁣May 24th 2005, Michael the Holy archangel came to Prophet Elisheva with two more angels, stood over her bed awakening her—and Archangel Gabriel gave her a message from YAHUSHUA. [...] She'd been in a very fierce battle for three long days, though actually it began weeks before. She had been invited as a guest to a radio show (she's been on 3 other radio shows total) but this time it turned out to be satanic plants trying to infiltrate and YAH forced them to see ALL their plans and curses backfire!

In Spring of 2005, ministry partners around the world kept writing to Prophet Elisheva that they too were under extreme spiritual warfare —but what the devil meant for evil, YAHUSHUA turned around for good and HIS glory! That is what happens when the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy—when we serve YAHUSHUA, HE gives us life abundantly instead! Little did Elisheva know at the time that this was the battle for the birth of "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," all that time, Michael warring his way through the Heavenlies. Elisheva, exhausted after the most serious attacks she had yet experienced, all of a sudden, saw Holy angels standing next to her in her bedroom!

Of course, now we all know this battle was the labor pains of a new branch of the Ministry on May 24th 2005, "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers"! And also for the prophesied 500,000 to come forth and stand on the wall in a greater way! (For in 1997 Prophet Elisheva had had a back to back, repeating dream where YAH told her, "Gather the Troops on the Wall," and she saw them all dressed in white from around the world, and the number being 500,000. The HOLY SPIRIT would gather them with this Ministry. As we unite in the Anointing, shouting together in victory, it would be as the walls of Jericho come tumbling down again—and like David slaying Goliath again! Years later, YAH also told her, "These are the partners who stand with this Ministry to help accomplish all it has been ordained to do," meaning not financial partners only, but those helpers who believe and stand with the Ministry 100% helping, however YAH leads, to take the good news of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Prophecies to the four corners of this earth! And it has already begun —with "YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers"!)

Elisheva was awakened by three Holy angels. Michael's very large wing, hanging over the bed, she reached out to touch it like a child, marveled at the softness, and beautiful, shimmering, embedded iridescent colors though she saw no gems directly. At that very moment, she immediately felt the battle and birth labor end. The three days of nonstop warfare lifted as she touched his finely jeweled wing and received a new spiritual gift of healing in his wing for all the Bride. Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our MESSIAH, LORD, GOD & SAVIOR! All the angels were so excited! Then Archangel Gabriel spoke, reading to Elisheva from a scroll, listing the names of the intercessory prayer warriors and the name of the group, "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," telling her YAHUSHUA wanted her to give birth to this new branch of the Ministry who would be "Holy prayer warriors like none other!" He also told her, "All of Heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" and that the next time he would come to her, would be as part of the announcement of YAHUSHUA'S return for HIS Bride (1 Th 4:16).

Later, everyone, including the enemies, had to hear in her voice that she was alive and thriving—every curse reversed— praising YAH with all her heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, with all her life and perfect health! They had to listen to her testify for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S glory that she had literally touched the wings of an angel and how these Holy angels had delivered a special message which she would even share later on the radio show mentioned before. All those enemies were gnashing their teeth in rage as they never really planned to have Prophet Elisheva on air since they wanted her dead, but of course she was MORE ANOINTED THAN EVER. They had to listen, more than once, to her testifying of the victory YAH had just granted us while they were pretending to wear the mask of Christian—but even that, only for as long as YAH allowed it before the masks were ripped off!

[...] As the request for prayer had gone out, Elisheva felt all of the prayers and love as people [...] began interceding for her and the fellow ministers. The YDS "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," announced to Elisheva May 24, 2005, [were] announced online to the world the next day, May 25th when YAHUSHUA spoke to her, "These are MY special elite forces who will take back what satan has stolen because in the NAME & BLOOD of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you have the authority to stomp those demons! You are going to bring ME great glory by showing the enemy and the lazy, back-slidden, lukewarm Church just what MY people can do when they walk before ME as obedient, mature warriors who love ME, who love one another, and who will do MY Will—no matter the cost"

Только одно ИМЯ может спасти нас: ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ! Йом Кипур / День Умилостивления; AmightyWind
Только одно ИМЯ может спасти нас: ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ! Йом Кипур / День Умилостивления; AmightyWind Всемогущий Ветер Россия 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Только одно ИМЯ может спасти нас: ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ! Йом Кипур / День Умилостивления; AmightyWind

⁣⁣В течение этих 10 дней благоговения, это время, когда мы размышляем о
наших отношениях с ЯХУВЭХ и ЯХУШУА и о том, есть ли у нас с НИМИ
отношения любви и послушания. Мы все согрешили и лишились Славы Яха,
потому что нет совершенного человека, который ходил бы по лицу этой
земли, кроме ЯХУШУА, нашего МАШИАХА. Даже неправильная мысль - это грех.
Ортодоксальные евреи еще не верят, что Мессия пришел, поэтому у них нет
кровавой жертвы во искупление своих грехов. Они отвергают ЯХУШУА,
нашего МАШИАХА, как МЕССИЮ и единородного СЫНА АВВЫ ЯХУВЭХ. Это Святое
время - не только время празднования, но и время великого страха для
тех, кто не знает, вписано ли их имя в Книгу Жизни Агнца. Мы, кто служит
и поклоняемся нашему ВОСКРЕСШЕМУ МЕССИИ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, знаем, что
есть только ОДИН Ходатай перед нашим СОЗДАТЕЛЕМ ЯХУВЭХ и только ОДИН
путь на Небеса через ЯХУШУА, имя нашего МАШИАХА и пролитую Кровь на
Голгофе. ЯХУШУА, наш МАШИАХ, - это наша жертва крови. Нам, Мессианским
Евреям, не нужно плакать и скорбеть в Йом Кипур, потому что у нас есть
покрытие наших грехов, в отличие от тех, кто отверг ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА.
Мы призываем вас в это Святое время стать ближе к ЯХУШУА, нашему
МАШИАХУ, чем когда-либо прежде. Для вас не обязательно поститься во
время Йом Кипура, как это делают ортодоксальные евреи во время траура.
Если вы хотите поститься и чувствуете побуждение к посту, тогда вы
можете поститься, но вы не будете поститься в трауре, как это делают
ортодоксальные евреи, вы поститесь для спасения тех, кто потерян, чтобы
они познали ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА, если у вас есть нужда, которую вы хотите
донести до ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, вы можете вознести это в молитве к НЕМУ
через свой пост. Помните, что вы также можете причащаться во время этого
поста, я знаю, что традиционно ортодоксальные евреи не едят и не пьют,
чтобы наказать тело, мы не наказываем наши тела, если ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ
побуждает вас поститься, и ваше здоровье может справиться с этим, вы
поститесь, чтобы приблизиться к ЯХУШУА, ходатайствовать за тех, кто
нуждается в спасении. Пожалуйста, используйте это время, чтобы
исследовать свои сердца и приблизиться к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ. Если вы
отступили и хотите вернуться к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, сейчас ваше время,
сегодня день спасения, потому что завтра может быть слишком поздно.

Исаия 53:4-12
4 Но Он взял наши немощи и понес наши скорби. Мы же думали: разит Его Бог бьет Его — вот Он и мучается.
5 А Он был изранен за наши грехи, сокрушаем за наши беззакония; Он понес наказание, чтобы мы
получили мир, и ранами Его мы исцелились.
6 Все мы, как овцы, сбились с пути, каждый из нас пошел своей дорогой, но на Него Господь возложил все грехи наши.
7 Он был угнетаем и мучим, но уст Своих не открывал. Как ягненок, Он был
веден на заклание, и как овца перед стригущими безмолвна, так и Он не открывал уст Своих.
8 Он был схвачен и несправедливо судим. Кто может рассказать о Его потомках? Ведь Он был
отторгнут от земли живых; за преступления Моего народа был поражен.
9 Могилу Ему отвели с нечестивыми, но в Своей смерти Он был с богатым, хотя Он не совершал
преступлений, и в устах Его не было никакой лжи.
10 Но Господу было угодно сокрушить Его и предать мучению. Когда Его жизнь станет
приношением за грех, Он увидит Свое потомство и продлит Свои дни; и преуспеет через Него воля Господня.
11 После страданий Своих Он увидит свет и порадуется. Через познание Его Мой праведный Слуга многих
оправдает и понесет их грехи.
12 Поэтому Я дам Ему удел с великими, и добычу разделит Он с сильными, потому что жизнь Свою предал на смерть и
был причислен к преступникам, тогда как Он понес грех многих и за преступников ходатайствовал.
Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать Молитву Спасения и помолитесь вместе со мной. Если вы все-таки решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста, напишите мне, чтобы я знала, чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.

Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah
Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah

⁣What bride doesn't feel the excitement when her groom is getting closer?
I refuse to believe that YAHUSHUA's bride will be beaten, that her
wedding dress will be torn off and that her face will be beaten before
HE comes! What victory is there in this for YAHUSHUA?

I know this, our YAHUSHUA is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle and
there will be only ONE bride and ONE marriage supper! But there will be
guests! I believe with all my heart that the ten virgins tell us the

YAHUSHUA is not saying that HE is coming for sure on one of these two Holy Days.
I DON'T KNOW. But HE is saying, "Be ready" and think like HE is coming
at any moment no matter when the time comes. So we have this blessed
promise and Almighty YAHUVEH is not like a man who lies. We also shall
be raised from the dead and have Glorified Bodies. And we which are
alive, when YAHUSHUA comes again, will not have to die to obtain these
Glorified Bodies.

This is our promise. We don't have hell to fear, we have Heaven to look
forward to because of the price YAHUSHUA paid at Calvary.
We don't accept sickness. We accept healing. Because of
YAHUSHUA, we don't accept death, we accept Resurrection. We have bodies
made of flesh now, so weak and frail and easily tempted. Yet we, by
faith, know this is just a shell like a turtle has. Our true bodies are
our spirit bodies.

No one is guaranteed another second. Make the
most of the time you have left. Make it count for YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH,
YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT. Sitting in churches where
you just take in, and don't give out of the abundance of the teachings
that you receive, makes you nothing more than a pew warmer. How many
souls have you touched for YAHUSHUA and not for a religion?

Religion is man made. A loving relationship with YAHUSHUA is Almighty YAHUVEH
made. Oh, what an awesome Almighty YAHUSHUA, MASTER, SAVIOR and our soon
coming Groom. We do Worship, Serve, and love putting YAHUSHUA above
everything and everyone in life. Stay close to HIM, especially as these
Holy Days approach.

Hebrews 11:5
By Faith "Enoch was translated so as not to see death, and was not found,
because YAHUVEH translated him." For before his translation,
he had obtained witness to have been pleasing to YAHUVEH.

Just like a bride prepares herself well before the wedding and makes sure
that everything is in order, that her dress is fitted well and clean and ready
to meet her groom, the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH must also be sure
that they are prepared and ready with their lamps full of oil and found without spot or
wrinkle, faithfully waiting earnestly to meet our groom YAHUSHUA HA
day closer to the Kingdom of Heaven!

The harvest is great and the workers are few! Let us join hands and gather
in the harvest before our Groom comes! His NAME is YAHUSHUA, Our
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Please pray that you will be counted worthy to
be in this number of the Rapture!

In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's NAME and love, many blessings
to you all during these High Holy Days, Apostle, Prophet Elisheva

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD
and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along
with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to
let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

Prophétie 137 - La Berceuse d IMMAYAH
Prophétie 137 - La Berceuse d IMMAYAH Amightywind Français 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 137 - La Berceuse d IMMAYAH

⁣JE partage des secrets spécialement avec ceux que j'appelle MES
meilleurs amis; toi et Elisheva, savez des choses qui viennent droit du
Royaume des Cieux.

Et ainsi Ezra quand elle a eu besoin de se calmer, au moment qu'elle
pensait être le pire de sa vie (mais le 7 mars s'est avéré être le meilleur de sa
vie et cela JE te le donne en mai, alors que tu as traversé tout cela avec elle)
alors que JE mettais dehors le pire de sa vie et amenais le meilleur de sa vie,
c'est toi Ezra—et JE t'ai montré quelque chose que personne n'a jamais su et tu as
simplement commencé à la chanter: c'était la berceuse d'Elisheva. Alors
qu'elle était en pleurs, tu l'as calmée (...)

Et JE veux que tout le monde sache—ce qui va arriver dans ce monde oh
que très très bientôt. Car les États Unis ne font que supplier pour une guerre.
L'élite satanique—tout pour stopper cette élection et faire que Donald
Trump soit en défaite! Vous allez avoir besoin d'une berceuse. Vous
allez avoir besoin de savoir QUI est YAHUSHUA. vous allez avoir besoin
de faire appel à SON NOM! Faites le maintenant avant qu'il ne soit trop

Ceux qui M'appartiennent, ceux qui sont lavés dans le SANG
VERSÉ DE YAHUSHUA, ceux qui suivent et obéissent YAHUSHUA, ceux qui
adorent YAHUSHUA, ceux qui obéissent à MES lois—car ils savent ceci, les
lois ne les ont pas sauvées, LE NOM ET LE SANG DE YAHUSHUA les ont
sauvés mais ils vont quand même vouloir être des gardiens des
commandements! Vouloir être circoncis de cœur et obéir à la première loi
qui est de M'aimer de tout leur esprit, leur âme, leur corps, et leur
être ! Voici la première loi, « Aime le SEIGNEUR ton DIEU! » C’est MOI,
YAHUVEH! C’est YAHUSHUA! Et c’est IMMAYAH! Plus que n’importe quoi ou
n’importe qui sur cette terre! (...)

JE vous dis tout ceci pour vous donner une sorte de berceuse différente
car ce ne sera plus long maintenant. En réalité il y a une bataille à qui
appuiera sur ce bouton rouge en premier! JE vous préviens maintenant.

Elisheva JE t’ai donné un rêve! Tu l’as appelé « le Rêve du Bébé Affamé. » Met le en
avant à nouveau! Demande à quelqu’un d’en faire une vidéo car vous en
êtes très proche. Et tu étais dans un corps glorifié tu voyais les
radiations dissoudre le visage des gens. Et JE vous dis ceci: Il y a une
course en ce moment qui sera le premier à pousser ce bouton rouge? Qui
lancera la guerre des guerres? Est-ce que ce sera les États Unis? Est-ce
que ce sera la Russie? Est-ce que ce sera la Corée du Nord? Est-ce que
ce sera la Chine? Qui cela sera-t-il?

Il y a des choses qui se passent en coulisses et JE n’en mentionne aucunes
autres ou bien cette vidéo serait censurée—mais tout à commencé avec
une berceuse et Ezra J’ai prouvé que les berceuses sont réelles quand tu l’as chanté à
Elisheva. Lorsqu’elle était le plus abattu et tu étais là MON fils, et
tu as été là tout du long car tu auras un corps glorifié également, tout
comme Elisheva. Et JE vais vous utiliser—tous les deux—d’une façon que
ce monde n’envisage pas. Allez et lisez « le Rêve du Bébé Affamé » et
assurez-vous qu’une vidéo soit faite aussi vite que possible et priez
pour Donald Trump comme vous ne l’avez encore jamais fait auparavant car
il ne veut vraiment pas d’une guerre. Les belligérants à la Maison
Blanche en ce moment même fomentent des plans. D'autres nations,
d'autres pays en ce moment même fomentent des plans.

Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH
Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH

Proverbs 6:27
Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? (NLT)
Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? (HSCB)

Deuteronomy 23:10 (WYC)
10 If a man is among you, that is defouled in his night sleep, he shall go
out of your tents; and he shall not turn again (If there is a man among
you, who is defiled during his night’s sleep, he shall go away from
your tents; and he shall not return)

Genesis 38:8-10 (also see Dt 25:5-6)
8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy [deceased] brother's wife, and
marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the
seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his
brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should
give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased YAHUVEH:
wherefore HE slew him also.

"...Now remember MY sons before you [could] say you didn’t know but now you’ll
have no excuse. When this happens and you are at home, have that Bible
nearby when your body tries to overrule your mind and ask ME for a
Scripture. Rebuke satan!

Remember, and this is I YAHUSHUA, if you
are still on this earth at this time I have a very special woman
waiting for you. So do not succumb to the lust of the flesh now. Learn
what Dad Ezra and Elisheva is learning: I still gave them the
instructions that the body is always last. Two meetings and joining of a
body does not mean a marriage will last. So focus on that which is
spiritual for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Mt 26:14; Mk

MY sons I promise you it will get easier if you just take
the first step of obedience. And you have a Dad Ezra who will
understand and pray for you...."

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