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Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise
Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise Amightywind Ministries 256 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise

⁣In this book Dr. Eby reveals the tender care of God's protective love in
three generations of his family through miracle after miracle. Your
heart will be stirred.

Dr. Richard E. Eby was a nationally recognized physician, gynecologist,
and professor with a very successful practice. In the year of 1972,
he was 60 years old. When he was coming down to the second floor
from the attic with a box of debris that he had collected. He dashed out
and leaned against the railing, which was unknown to him, had been
eaten away by termites. With his weight, and of the box, the railing gave way.
He plunged headfirst two stories down onto the edge of the concrete sidewalk.
His head hit the concrete suddenly.

Right when Dr. Eby hit the cement, with no time in
between, he was in a place he had never been before. He was in a place
saturated with love, authority, peace, goodness, and grace. He knew
instinctively that was heaven. That is all he knew the moment he
landed. He looked to see where he had landed, and it was absolutely
perfect. Not a flower with a broken petal, just perfect. He had landed
in a place that he was immediately able to name, it was paradise.
Because instantly, he felt the presence of Jesus. It was a place of
release from all the physical difficulties that the body or mind can
register. He heard himself saying, without having any ability to compose
the thought, “You are dead.” The voice seemingly came out from him and
he heard it as if he had spoken it, but it was not his voice. It was the
voice of the Lord. It is mind to mind. You can think so fast that it
cannot be computed. It is the same mind that Christ has.

Dr. Richard Eby’s spiritual body was of the same size and shape. The
difference was that he was in his spirit body. His spirit was
transparent, like clear glass. When he looked to the side his spirit
body would take on an opacity, but at the same time, he could see right
through it. It had no weight, and none of the senses that register pain,
fright or discomfort. There were no bones, ligaments, tissues or

His mind operated very different from his mind here on
Earth. When Jesus wanted to say something, he knew it immediately in his
mind. If he asked a question, it seemed as if Jesus had answered it
before he finished the question.

Dr. Eby asked Jesus, “why He would not talk to him in English.
” Jesus answered him that for two reasons. One, all languages on earth
is a result of a curse, therefore He would not speak with him in heaven in
a cursed language. And mainly, because Satan cannot tune in, in the
heavenly language. It is mind to mind and there are no errors.

They moved along in heaven as if they were flying. Because they have no
weight, they simply went as they wished, without ever touching the ground.

Dr. Eby asked, “God where am I?” God said, “Didn’t you read my book?
And God asked him that questions the entire time they were together until
Dr. Eby got irritated and he asked him why does He ask him, Why did you
not read my book? God answered him that He has put in His book everything
that anyone will ever need to know. God said It is all there, whether we found it or not.

Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!
Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 191 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!

⁣Мы прославляем ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА уже 28 лет. С Днём Рождения
Министерство AmightyWind и с Днём Рождения любимой Мамы Элишевы, и мы
продолжаем вместе распространять Евангелие, приводя души к ЯХУШУА ХА

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего
ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы
прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной молитвой спасения. Если вы решите
отдать свою жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, прошу
вас, напишите мне, чтобы я знала об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с

- 2021 Элишева Элияху ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

Полная песня гимна YDS-ЯТД, "No Sin No Compromise, 'YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers
Ни Греха ни ЯХУШУА оптуны демонов" - просим вас, посмотрите это видео,
чтобы узнать, кто такие молитвенные заступники ЯТД, и историю, стоящую
за песней -...

- Я коснулась крыла ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

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Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH
Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH Amightywind Français 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH

Ces fils vont savoir que ce n'est pas la mère qui parle. C'est MOI YAHUVEH QUI PARLE ! SOYEZ SAINTS COMME JE SUIS SAINT !

MES fils bien-aimés – je parle aux célibataires; je parle à ceux qui se
masturbent derrière le dos de leurs épouses, ceux qui ont utilisés de la
pornographie et ce sont masturbés alors qu’ils ont une charmante épouse
à la maison – marchez dans MA Sainteté !

MES fils bien-aimés, combien d'entre vous se soulagent même dans ce
que vous appelez des «rêves humides » ?2 Combien d'entre vous rêvent
d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec des femmes et se soulagent ?
Ne savez-vous pas que cela ne vient pas du Royaume des Cieux ?

Ecoutez Ezra. Il ne vous égarera pas du droit chemin. Il sait ce qui est juste de ce qui est
mauvais. Il est un homme comme vous.

Lorsque vous êtes submergés par la temptation – et vous vous réveillez
avec des érections – vous pouvez contrôler ceci avec votre pensée.
Prenez les Ecritures Saintes et lisez. Faites en sorte que votre pensée ne
soit pas fixée sur votre corps. Entraînez-la. Ceux d'entre vous qui prient
pour une âme-sœur, ne permettez jamais à ce que ceci entre dans votre pensée.
Ensuite vous vous demandez pourquoi vous luttez avec la luxure de la chair.

Lorsque vous serez unis à une épouse, ne savez-vous pas à quel point JE vais
vous bénir ? Car vous l'avez attendue. Vous avez contrôlé la luxure de
la chair.

Et lorsque vous avez ces rêves vous avez trop honte
pour le dire. Ils ne sont pas envoyés du Royaume des Cieux mais ils sont
envoyés de l'enfer. Et il y a une porte qui a été ouverte et pour
beaucoup d’entre vous c’était la pornographie, peu importe à quel âge.
Et même maintenant vous regardez des images de femmes sur une page
internet, combien d'entre vous s'imaginent avec cette femme? Une jézabel
de l’enfer.

Repentez-vous pour ceci !

(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面
(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 165 Views • 4 months ago

⁣(预言116)詩篇第91篇 順服並必須成為有信心的水面行走者,與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面

⁣在如阿克. 哈. 古德西(聖靈)的恩膏下透過使徒以莉莎法. 以利亞呼被寫下/說出。
















Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati
Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrations

⁣Woohoo! This was a time to celebrate during Sukkot, Hag Sameach! And
we're just getting started going through to Hanukkah! Don't take your
sukkah down yet!

We know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah [and born 9 months later at Sukkot]

I love you To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this
video, and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry, clips
from Sukkot 2019. I heard YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually
even spoken to me in my sleep and HE was telling me how honored HE was
during the time of Sukkot. Those who made the videos, HE was so
honored—and HE felt so much love coming from each one of them—ALL of the
KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love. HE just kept
saying how honored HE was and how 'comforted' HE was that it wasn’t just
Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot
is MY birthday on earth." And it’s the first day of Sukkot is HIS

YAH has instructed me to keep our sukkot/sukkas up and
the celebrations going throughout the season into Hanukkah, which during
the time of the Maccabees was originally a late Sukkot celebration.
Hanukkah is also the time of YAHUSHUA'S conception! Then months later,
HE was born at Sukkot.

2 Macc. 10:1-9
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned
by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is,
on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev.
They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths,
remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had
been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They
decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the
Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of
Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

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