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Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"?
Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"? Amightywind Polska 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Czy Misja Amightywind to naprawdę "sekta"?

⁣Uwaga! Ostatnia kampania kłamliwych i oszczerczych ataków przeprowadzona
przez satanistów, wrogów BOGA JAHWEH, przeciwko BOŻEJ Misji Ostatniej
Szansy Amightywind – w tym ohydny, bluźnierczy i wyjątkowo mroczny film,
w którym użyto powycinanych fragmentów wypowiedzi Prorok Elisabeth (z
audycji radiowych, które można odsłuchać na stronie Misji Amightywind)
ułożonych w zdania, których Prorok nigdy nie wypowiedziała, do tego
okraszony satanistycznymi symbolami drwiącymi z BOGA, fragmentami filmów
pornograficznych [!], oraz przekazami podprogowymi ( pieniądze,
seks, okultyzm) mającymi na celu wzbudzenie odrazy do BOŻEGO Proroka
oraz Misji – ZDEMASKOWANA! W załączonym filmie ukazane i rozebrane na
części pierwsze zostało perfidne oszustwo ukazujące nienawiść szatana i
jego sług do Prorok Elisabeth Elijah i Misji Amightywind, oraz to, czego
wróg naszych dusz używa, aby zwodzić ludzi i szkalować BOŻYCH Posłańców
w XXI wieku – w tym Czasie Ostatecznym.

Drogi widzu, po obejrzeniu powyższego filmu, zadaj sobie proszę te oto pytania: Czy za
oszukańczym, kłamliwym i nienawistnym okultystycznym filmem
zdemaskowanym powyżej (jak i pozostałymi, wspomnianymi w filmie
plugawymi atakami na BOŻEGO Proroka i Misję), stał Święty BÓG JAHWEH i
JEGO Pobożne Dzieci, czy też raczej szatan i jego nikczemni poplecznicy?
Dlaczego szatan podejmowałby takie wysiłki, aby próbować zniszczyć
Prorok Elijah oraz Misję Amightywind, jeśli nie byłyby one prawdziwie od
BOGA? Czy dołączysz do tej obrzydliwej szatańskiej kampanii skierowanej
przeciwko BOŻEMU Prorokowi i Misji, których wyłącznym celem jest
prowadzenie ludzi do jedynego źródła Zbawienia – JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH
oraz JEGO Krwi przelanej na Krzyżu Kalwarii – oraz dostarczanie ludziom
Proroctw przychodzących od BOGA na Czasy Końca, czy też staniesz w
obronie Twoich Braci i Sióstr w JAHUSZUA MESJASZU, ganiąc szatańskie
sługi? Pamiętaj, że poprzez milczenie, pozostawanie z boku i nie
wspomaganie tego, co wiesz że jest prawe, jedynie wspomagasz zło i
zachęcasz je do działania!

"Od początku był on (szatan) zabójcą i w prawdzie nie wytrwał, bo prawdy w nim nie ma.
Kiedy mówi kłamstwo, od siebie mówi, bo jest kłamcą i ojcem kłamstwa." - Ew. Św. Jana 8:44
„A wiedz o tym, że w dniach ostatnich nastaną chwile trudne. Ludzie bowiem
będą samolubni, chciwi, wyniośli, pyszni, bluźniący, nieposłuszni
rodzicom, niewdzięczni, niegodziwi, bez serca, bezlitośni, miotający
oszczerstwa, niepohamowani, bez uczuć ludzkich, nieprzychylni, zdrajcy,
zuchwali, nadęci, miłujący bardziej rozkosz niż BOGA. Będą okazywać
pozór Pobożności, ale wyrzekną się jej mocy. I od takich stroń. (...)
Jak Jannes i Jambres wystąpili przeciw Mojżeszowi, tak też i ci
przeciwstawiają się prawdzie, ludzie o spaczonym umyśle, którzy nie
zdali egzaminu z wiary. Ale dalszego postępu nie osiągną: bo ich
bezmyślność będzie jawna dla wszystkich, jak i tamtych jawna się stała.
(…) Tymczasem ludzie źli i zwodziciele będą się dalej posuwać ku temu,
co gorsze, błądząc i innych w błąd wprowadzając.” - 2 List do Tymoteusza

Strona internetowa Misji Amightywind, na której można
znaleźć Proroctwa na Czasy Końca od BOGA JAHWEH, JAHUSZUA i RUACH ha
KODESZ, jest dostępna pod adresem:

[polskie tłumaczenie filmu Brata 'YAHSservant777' zrobione przez Brata 'ablewaterwalker']

Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

⁣"Be of Good Cheer MY Little Ones for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the only
Good Shepherd and I am exposing the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps for
the wolves they are! I am beating the wolves away and removing their
fangs from your flesh.

Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her,
by watching her programs or buying her books she
promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's

There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an
author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the
bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name
Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it
is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes
truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns
about when she wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet."

Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to
come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become
infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had
prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do
not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books,
emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you,
into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you, if you depend on her
orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a
woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For
those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you
will see

YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this
Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and
encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva Eliyahu know they
are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them
and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the
Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks
from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle
that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself

Choo Thomas, repent now publicly! The words you have written in a book
describing your so-called trips to heaven, is a trick from satan!
Beloved Children, just because someone says they have been to heaven,
test it with MY Word and see if it lines up with MY description of
Heaven. Every Pastor that has promoted and promotes the lies that Choo
Thomas has written, you also are fit for MY fury if you do not openly
REPENT and rebuke these lies! You have helped lead the Sheep and Lambs
astray! How could you not recognize these lies she has written in her

Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and
to lead by example. These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words
to conform into their own self made comfortable image that strives to
offend no one...."

Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood.
Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood. Amightywind Afrikaans 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood.

en die hele wêreld oor die Groot Verdrukking en dat ons op die brink is
van die Groot Verdrukking. Die video sluit 'n spesiale stuk in oor
Hollywood en YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ryk uit na die wat in Hollywood is wat
nog nie punt bereik het om teen die RUACH HA KODESH (HEILIGE GEES) te
laster nie, maar 'n kans het om na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te kom en
weg te draai van hulle sonde. En dan die res van hulle lewe te gebruik
te ontbloot wat in Hollywood aangaan en om mense na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
toe te lei. Dit was 26 jaar gelede dat Apostel en Profeet Elisheva
Eliyahu vanuit die Hemel gehoor het dat hierdie Bediening van
AmightyWind gebruik sal word om die verlore siele te bereik insluitende
akteurs, aktrises, regisseurs, musikante ens. vir die Koninkryk van die

Wat geprofeteer was is alles gekoppel met gehoorsaamheid.

Gehoorsaam hulle die voorwaardes?
Is Israel ‘n Heilige land? Waar hulle die grootste van die gay optogte hou!
En dit pronk in MY Gesig?!
(Elisheva: O goeiste!) O Israel, O Israel, O Israel! Julle maak MY kwaad! Julle vul MY met
grimmigheid! Julle lees die Torah gedeelte… Julle het ‘n bly-tuis bevel,
selfs onder die bedreiging van dood (was dit nog nooit voorheen so
gewees nie, sal nooit weer wees nie), maar julle vul MY met GRIMMIGHEID!
Vir julle geheime sonde — wat julle doen in die huise waarin julle
ingegrendel is!

O julle onthou die shabbatte! Julle onthou die [Toewyding] Hanukkah.
Julle onthou Sukkot. Julle het onthou —sommige van
julle —selfs Purim MAAR JULLE HET DRONK GEWORD! Julle het partytjie
gehou asof dit ‘n Mardi Gras was! Waar was die Aanbidding?!

Wat? Julle dink EK het geen reg nie? Het julle Kora reeds vergeet? D
aardie seëninge wat EK gereserveer het vir Israel, was ‘n Israel wat ‘n
Heilige land sou wees —wat MY sou Aanbid en Loof en apart gestel sou
wees en ‘n voorbeeld sou wees vir die ganse aarde— en nie skaam kry daaroor nie.
Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle die Torah kan aanhaal, so trots op die feit
dat julle selfs die Tanak kan aanhaal. Baie van julle kan. Julle is so
trots op die feit dat julle julself apart stel… en ‘n kippa opsit, op
julle kop wat EK nooit beveel het nie. Dit stel julle apart.

Soos swart en wit! O julle kabaal, WEET JULLE HOEVEEL HAAT EK JULLE!
Dink julle nie dat EK sien wie agter dit alles is nie? Dink julle nie EK weet nie? EK YAHUVEH, EK, DIE VADER VAN DIE SKEPPING!

Dink julle MY Oë het blind geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? Dink
julle EK YAHUVEH het doof geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was?
DINK JULLE MY ARM IS TE KORT— dat EK julle nie kan dissiplineer op ‘n
manier wat nooit voorheen gedissiplineer was nie? (Wat die tyd sal wees
van ‘Jakob se Benoudheid’.)

[Dit is] net soos MY Arm nie te kort is om julle nou te omhels nie, net soos
MY Oë nie te dof is dat EK nie nou so bewonderend na julle sal kyk nie.
MY Arms SMAG om julle weer vas te hou soos EK Abraham, Isak & Jacob
SEUN YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH vasgehou het. EK hou HOM nou vas —terwyl
EK hierdie Woord voortspreek uit Elisheva Eliyahu
(weereens op ‘n tyd wanneer sy oor ‘n heel ander onderwerp gebid het
en nie hierdie Woord verwag het nie .)

O Israel hou op om MY te vul met GRIMMIGHEID. Hou op om MY te vra hoekom
het die dood gekom— in die huise in —terwyl julle aanspraak maak op
Psalm 91. Is julle GEHOORSAAM aan Psalm 91?! Of is julle skaam vir die

Antwoord hierdie vraag!
Hoekom kan hulle nie wat beweer om gelowiges van MY te wees en is, en hulself Messiaans
Joods noem— ingeënt was op die WYNSTOK YAHUSHUA, WIE die MASHIACH
is—hoekom vrees hulle om die NAAM, “YAHUSHUA” (יהושוע) te noem? En waag
dit om die Naam “Yes-hua” (ישוע) te sê? EK spel nie SY NAAM,

EK het dit keer-op-keer gesê deur hierdie Apostel & Profeet. Ek het keer-op-keer
gewaarsku en tog sal hulle nie luister nie! Selfs diegene wat beweer “ek ken
Hebreeus!” — en hulle sal selfs erken die NAAM beteken “YAH RED” !

Waar is MY NAAM in die naam Y-E-S-H-U-A(ישוע)?!
MY SEUN se naam is volgens MY NAAM, YAH! (יה)! Het YAHUSHUA (יהושוע)
nie gesê dat HY net die wonderwerke kon doen wat HY SY VADER sien doen het nie?
HY het net SY VADER se voorbeeld nagevolg! SEKERLIK dink julle nie dit was Josef nie?!
gesê, “EK IS WIE EK IS!

Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!
Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn! Amightywind Suomeksi 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!

⁣Otteita Profetiasta:

Saatanallisella eliitillä, joka täyttää Valkoisen Talon, on niin paljon verta
käsissään (Psalmit 94:20-23)— murhaajan verta, syntymättömien verta
- mutta MINÄ olen nostanut ylös Donald Trumpin, joka arvostaa elämän pyhyyttä.
Ja on hänen toiveensa, ja MINÄ olen antanut hänelle tämän toiveen:
Pestä tuo veri pois käsistä! Muuttaa aborttilait! Antaa oikeudet takaisin osavaltioille!

Elisheva, MINÄ muutin sinun sydämesi!

Sinä ainoastaan näit hänet siinä, missä kirosanat täyttivät hänen
suunsa. Sinä näit hänet siinä, missä hän on mies, joka palvoo tämän
maailman materiaalisia asioita. Mutta sitten, niin kuin MINÄ näytin
sinulle unessa, Profetiat, joiden luokse hän tulisi ja hän lukisi - ja
MINÄ vedän häntä puoleeni jopa nyt kun sinä puhut!



Sillä vaikka muut katsovat häneen [negatiivisesti], ja ennen kuin sinä käskit
esirukoilijoita rukoilemaan hänen puolestaan, sinä myös - ainoastaan
näit saastan, joka tulee esiin hänen suustaan - mutta MINÄ nostan hänet
esille ja MINÄ käytän miestä, joka ei tunne vanhurskautta vielä. Ja
silti MINÄ olen laittanut halun häneen saadakseen vanhurskautta
(Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:6)!

...Hänet on voideltu pitämään meteliä! Te ette voi hiljentää häntä - he ovat yrittäneet...

...He ovat yrittäneet pelotella häntä! He yrittävät tuoda hänelle häpeää! He
ovat pilkanneet häntä! He turmelivat hänen maineensa! He yrittävät saada
hänet näyttämään siltä, kuin hän olisi alempana mielipidekyselyissä.
Todellisuudessa hän on korkeammalla...

...Rukoilkaa Donald Trumpin puolesta! Että hän tekee kaiken, mitä hän voi tehdä! Pestäkseen veren pois Valkoisesta Talosta!...

...Mutta MINÄ, YAHUVEH, sanon, MINÄ olen muuttanut hänen sydäntään koko tämän
ajan - kun hän meni ihmisten eteen, samalla kun hän aidosti välittää
ihmisistä - MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, sanon, MINÄ pesen hänen sydämensä, MINÄ
puhdistan hänen sydämensä! Hän ei ole täysin antautunut MINULLE. Mutta
muistakaa toimeksianto, jonka MINÄ annan tälle Palvelutyölle:

Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates Amightywind Ministries 175 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 150 - DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates!

***Prophecy 150 excerpt***

"I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the
toughest of the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you
survived. And those of you who will be the guest at the marriage supper
of the lamb, you will find out, what you think you will never survive,
you will survive and you will grow tough. And you will realize, that the
spiritual weapons that I have given you are more powerful than any
carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more miracles than
you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you how to
escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.

I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the
man that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were
YAHS helper, one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly,
truly come back to ME with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you will not be ashamed to say it over the
social media platform of a video, and yes, every way you can shout it.
You will let Israel and you will let the world know the horrors you have
lived through. What you have seen, how you were deceived to even think
that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself to be compared

Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a
demon caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing
more than dust in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year
ago. You would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a
plan for you. And the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and
not for evil. To prove that I can restore even that which you think is
destroyed forever."


"You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself
to read the doctrines of devils including the kabbalah! I’M not naming all
the books you have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to
defile others to get them to read the devils doctrines!
These are just some of the things you must ask forgiveness for.
The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love ME will forgive you.
They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have fell for the same
mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves, come through
the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv airwaves.

Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection
and the dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those
who strive to obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH prove how much they love ME
is what I have to say.

For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought
of disobeying ME, and when you do,you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell
ABBA YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away
this sin quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020.
But woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are
wrong! Enough of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in
arrogance and pride. It’s not about who you are, it is about who your
CREATORS are and what WE have put inside of you."

Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe Amightywind Ministries 167 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe

⁣During these 10 days of awe, this is a time when we reflect on our
relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and whether we have a loving and
obedient relationship with THEM. We all have sinned and fell short of
YAH’s Glory because there is no perfect person that walked the face of
this earth except for YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Even a wrong thought is a
sin. The Orthodox Jews do not believe the Messiah has come yet so they
have no blood sacrifice for the atonement of their sins. They reject
YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH as the MESSIAH and the only begotten SON of ABBA

This Holy time is not only a time of celebration but it
is a time of great fear for those who do not know if their name is
inscribed in the Lambs Book of Life. We who serve and worship our RISEN
MESSIAH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH know that there is only ONE Intercessor
before our CREATOR YAHUVEH and only ONE way to Heaven through YAHUSHUA
our MASHIACH’s name and shed Blood at Calvary. YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH is
our blood sacrifice. We Messianic Jews do not have to weep and mourn on
Yom Kippur because we have a covering for our sins, unlike those who
have rejected YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We encourage you at this Holy time
to draw closer to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH than you ever have before.

It is not compulsory for you to fast during Yom Kippur like the Orthodox
Jews do with mourning. If you wish to fast and feel led to fast then you
can fast, but you will not be fasting in mourning like the Orthodox
Jews do, you fast for the salvation of those who are lost, that they
will come to know YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if you have a need you wish to
bring to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you can lift that up in prayer to HIM
through your fasting.

Remember that you can do Communion during
this fast also, I know that traditionally the Orthodox Jews do not eat
or drink in order to punish the body, we are not punishing our bodies,
if led by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to fast and your health can handle it,
you fast to draw closer to YAHUSHUA, to intercede for those who need
salvation. Please use this time to search your hearts and draw closer to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. If you have backslidden and wish to come back to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, now is your time, today is the day of salvation,
for tomorrow may be too late.

Isaiah 53:4-12
4 Surely, HE hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem HIM stricken, smitten of GOD, and afflicted.
5 But HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our
iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with HIS
stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we haveturned everyone to his own way;
and YAHUVEH hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all.
7 HE was oppressed, and HE was afflicted, yet HE opened not HIS Mouth:
HE is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as asheep before her shearers is dumb,
so HE openeth not HIS Mouth.
8 HE was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare HIS
generation? for HE was cut off out of the land of the living: for the
transgression of my people was HE stricken.
9 And HE made HIS grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death;
because HE had done no violence, neither was any deceit in HIS Mouth.
10 Yet it pleasedYAHUVEH to bruise HIM; HE hath put HIM to grief: when thou shalt make
HIS Soul an offering for sin, HE shall see HIS seed, he shall prolong
his days, and the pleasure of YAHUVEH shall prosper in HIS Hand.
11 HE shall see of the travail of HIS Soul, and shall be satisfied: by HIS
knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for HE shall bear
their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide HIM a portion with the great, and HE shall divide
the spoil with the strong; because HE hath poured out HIS Soul unto death:
and HE was numbered with the transgressors; and HE bare the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as
your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and
pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your
Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please
write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

Prophecy 21 - Are you ready for a SHOCK
Prophecy 21 - Are you ready for a SHOCK Amightywind Ministries 156 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 21

Are You Ready For A Shock?
Gabriel Has Blown His Horn!

eating demons that will enter and take over the corpses of the heathen.
This coming horror which will take place on this earth during the Great
Tribulation will result in these Zombies seeking to bite and eat the
flesh of human beings. Those that are not saved and covered with the
Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at that time, and have received the Mark
of the Beast and worship the Beast and his image, when they will be
bitten these demons will enter them and take them over also, thus they
will become Zombies themselves. YAHUSHUA speaks to HIS own in this
Prophecy, that those that are HIS and covered with HIS Blood CANNOT be
affected by this. HE speaks to HIS Children and speaks of the Only
Weapon we have against these Zombies, and that is the Power of the
Cross. The Cross of Calvary where YAHUSHUA shed HIS Innocent Precious
Blood for our sins. YAHUSHUA tells us in this Prophecy, that the ones
who will be on this earth to see this and to fight the kingdom of
darkness, must take a wooden stick which stands symbolic for the Cross
of Calvary, and anoint that wooden stick which represents the Anointing
of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) and the Blood of YAHUSHUA, and to
hit the Zombies with that anointed stick in their necks in the Name and
Authority of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. This is the only way to stand against
and destroy the flesh eating demons from the bottomless pit, through
the Power in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at Calvary's

Satan knows what is going to happen, and what he plans on
doing. What this earth deems mere science fiction and horror movies is
what satan really plans on doing. And all the while he mocks this
generation, for that which we were used to laughing at and being
entertained by is what satan will do for real.

If you love the
truth, please watch this video and the upcoming parts and feed yourself
on the Truth, Revelations and Knowledge that you NEED TO KNOW.

Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers Amightywind Ministries 161 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers

⁣FACE TALK Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu (Prophecy 116)

⁣"Get ready to see the dominoes fall. Remember Psalm 91, though you see
10,000 fall at your side and it will seem that they are all around you
falling, for it is I, YAHUVEH, that knock them down.

I’m shaking this world in MY wrath!

But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY
hand and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell
you this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see
what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear.

But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith
not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are
employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA
YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious
RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I
have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he
could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that
first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to
start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could
walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you.

(Matthew 14… 28: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29: And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30: But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and
said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?)

You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in
this world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for
fear. Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith
not in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the
Words I have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not
stop. I refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.

You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call
yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no
more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest.
You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not
silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout
in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are
not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of
servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word
that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA.

How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.

Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree
Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree

⁣Beloved Son (or Daughter), as I see you compare your marriage to a woman
(or man) marking off time as a prisoner in jail on death row. You
grieve me more than you know. You fear breaking your wedding vows, and
think divorce is not allowed, but this marriage was not ordained by ME,
rather it was ordained by both of thee.

You chose this woman (orman) and asked me to bless what I did not join together.
It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices and realize
this illusion of a marriage is like the fate of the titanic boat, it
turned out to be another one of satan's cruel jokes.

Rejoice MY Son (or Daughter) and this know, I AM YAHUSHUA MASHIACH,
I am your ROCK of AGES, your anchor and I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I will never let you go!

A man (or woman) on death row can be released
by the signing of a pardon, by a figure of authority. There is no higher
power than "I AM" so by the Authority of Heaven with MY Holy shed Blood
I sign this divorce decree, I,YAHUSHUA, your LORD/GOD/MASHIACH now
pardon thee! Remember, I promised you life more abundantly and full of
MY Glory and I came to set the captives free!

Now, all I ask you to do is put legal action behind MY words. Make it so in the world's
eyes legally and repent of this sin, let it not happen again. Continue
to keep your eyes on ME and be a faith water walker and remember what
happens if you keep your eyes on the troubled stormy waters in a sea of
depression, and hopelessness. It will drown thee if you don't keep your
eyes upon ME.

I have now removed the scales off of your eyes, and
undeafened your ears so you can plainly see and hear that the woman (or
man) your unhappily married to was by your own lustful hand. You are
unequally yoked spiritually in various ways. Your spirit's and
personalities do not compliment one another no matter how hard you try.
It is all a sham a lie. It is like trying to get vinegar and oil to mix,
no matter how hard you try, it always will separate in the end. Do not
look upon this as another failure, instead realize I am blessing you
with another new holy beginning.

The main thing you both have in common are broken pieces of shattered hearts,
turmoil and pain. For both of you had an illusion this would be a happy marriage
and you would never fail again. You both thought you knew one another, and now neither
of you like what spirit you behold in the other. This marriage hasn't
turned out what either thought it should be, that is because Son or
Daughter it wasn't ordained in Heaven and decreed a blessing by the HOLY
SAVIOR, I now take MY blood and apply it to that manmade marriage
certificate and say to whom I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, has set free is
free indeed. I now grant you this HOLY Divorce decree!

Amightywind Welcomes You
Amightywind Welcomes You Amightywind Ministries 211 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Amightywind Welcomes You

⁣Welcome To The Aleph & Tav Almightywind HOLY GHOST Wildfire Last
Chance Ministry Site. We are a Messianic Jewish Pentacostal ministry
reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles.

This is a ministry anointed by the RUACH HA KODESH (Holy Spirit) with an
anointing to reach all in America, Jerusalem (Israel), the Middle East and around the
world. No matter what religion you practice--Catholicism (following the
Pope), Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower
Society), Hinduism--we bring the message of salvation to both the Jew
and the Gentile, the only way to Life Everlasting.

We bring you good tiddings in the Sacred Names of our Creator, Almighty YAHUVEH and
His Son, our Savior, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [known to most as Jesus

We speak the truth about the horrors of abortion, cloning , gold dust fever ,
and speak about the reality of fallen angels, Satan (the devil), Hell (hades, shoal),
and the need more than ever for YAHUVEH'S people to walk in obedience
(which is greater than sacrifice), particularly in keeping the Sabbath (Shabbat)
and getting out of Sunday churches . If you want to learn more about angels, the Ark
of the Covenant, miracles, and the Torah.

The enemy has infiltrated the church, and many TV preachers and evangelists are now
teaching false doctrine. Wolves such as Angie Ray(deceased), Benny Hinn,
Oprah Winfrey, Juanita Bynum. Also those who claim to be Christian but
are hard-core and extremely evil, reprobate satanists or false
prophets... Linda Newkirk, Tari DeMario, Zeph Daniel, Frank Kime, Jr.,
and the Rev. Moon. They are the forerunners of the antichrist
(antimessiah) who is being anticipated, especially by those who follow
the teaching of the Kabala , aka Cabala or Kaballah.

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