Are you 18 years old or above?
The Fake Alien Invasion
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere. YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN WARNED.
Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life YAHUSHUA spoke this Word for a beloved daughter in YAHUSHUA who the devil was trying to divide from her soul mate. Because of past hurts, in the Spirit there was barbed wire around her heart that was preventing her from giving and receiving love, however, she had to be the one to ask YAHUSHUA to remove this spiritual barbed wire. No one else could do it for her. Satan fears when one of you pray, how much more when all that I have gathered there pray together --for every one is anointed. But still I must say this: no one with the spirit of rebellion can remain. For rebellion is like a form of witchcraft and if anyone says, "I demand to have it my way" then I will have to send them on their way for it is like a leprosy. So, MY darling daughter you have fought the spirit of rebellion. All of you fight the spirit of rebellion and only know through MY NAME, MY BLOOD can you win that battle against the spirit of rebellion. For satan is the first to have rebelled; lucifer said he would have it his way. Now he tries to corrupt those who are MY children with the foul stench of the spirit of rebellion wherewith that one spirit, a legion can come of demons to torment, to possess, to oppress. Test the spirit that speaks means hold every thought captive! Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would speak forth these words? Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would give you these thoughts? You will see MY treasures how many times you will have to admit it is either your flesh or it was satan. But either way if I would not speak this, do not receive it. Oh how I love you, I have given you so much and I have so much more to give you if you will but trust ME. No one is MY bride if they can't get this part right. If they cannot lay their flesh down then how can they walk in the Spirit? How can they hear the precious HOLY SPIRIT that lives within you? If you cover your ears and you cover your eyes and you say, "I don't want to hear what YOU have to say and I don't want to see what YOU want to show me. I don't want to speak what YOU want me to speak, I don't want to go where you want me to go. I don't want to do what YOU are telling me to do" ... THEN DEPART FROM ME you are NOT MY Bride! So there! I've said it! How many ways must I say, "Get away from ME you so called disobedient bride!"? The world doesn't want to hear it! The organized churches don't want to hear it! The enemies, they say, "You can't sin away grace". The enemies lie. They test ME again and again, time after time. They say, "Because we can do anything we want to do now! It's all about the cross. You're not allowed to judge me. You're not to tell me that my soul is lost" and they don't even know ME. It is the letter that killeth and the spirit that giveth life. They don't even have the Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is not within. They've read the Word. They've memorized them. They try to claim ME as a SAVIOUR but they say, "Get lost as a LORD"! They say, "I don't want no master over me, this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to! Oh but I love you Jesus. Oh but I praise you! John 3:16! See it says it right here all I have to do is just believe. I don't have to obey! AmightyWind ministry go away! I can sin all I want who are you to say? It's not about what I do - it's what Jesus did. No one can be righteous see it says it right here 'All have sinned and fell short of the righteousness of GOD.' (Rom. 3:23)" I love each of you. Those who make YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, you mean so much to ME! You were named after ME! I've given you your own theme song! ["I'm Going to the Enemy's Camp"] For you're going to the enemies' camp and you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen and this night daughter you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen because satan is UNDER YOUR FEET! And the enemies are defeated! Do not go by what your eyes see! You don't have a clue what I've done to the enemies'camp!
Rosh HaShanah Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Teaching Time of YAHUSHUA S return Messianic Jewish • Yom Teruah (the Day of Sounding [Feast of Trumpets) Numbers 29:1 • Zicaron Teruah & Yom HaZikkaron (the Day of Remembrance or memorial) Lev 23:24 - • Teshuvah (repentance) • Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) • Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year) • Yom Harat Olam (Conception/Birthday of the World/Cosmos) • Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgment) • Yom HaKiseh (the Day of the Seat) • Yom HaKeseh (the hidden day) 1 Cor 15: 51-52 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. The "official" date for 2011 on the pre-set calendar, which most of the Jewish World observes, is Sep 28 sundown to 30th sundown. If you go by the NEW MOON sighting this year, 2011: It will start on 29th sundown if the New Moon IS sighted Thursday evening. BUT if it IS NOT seen in Israel on Thursday it will automatically start Sep 30 at sundown. The Jewish custom is to celebrate 2 days. I personally will be celebrating Sep 30 sundown to Oct 1st sundown. This will automatically cover the correct day whether the moon is sighted or not!! It is like an insurance policy ;) As far as how to keep/celebrate Yom Teruah - the command is that we hear the shofar! And the other traditions are to wear white, have a nice dinner with sweet foods, like dipping apple in honey etc. That is apart from it being a time of introspection, repentance, prayer and worship and looking forward to YAHUSHUA's coming whether it be now or in the future! Just keep it simple and don't get too caught up in rituals/traditions :)
Przyjdź, przyjdź JAHUSZUA
Amightywind Ministry - A true Blessing from Heaven
Jaké je NEBE
来自使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼的紧急讯息——2021年1月3日 加入我,使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼一起!我一直在最深的代祷中,超过任何人所能相信的。 如果你认为我,使徒以莉莎法,一直都很安静,那是因为我有着[天国的]耳朵,并且我正在用我的嘴说出话,从早上……无论是我醒着,还是我在熟睡中,没有一个时候我不在为正在发生的事祷告。 如果你愿意今天接受亚呼赎阿哈玛西阿克作为你的主和救主,请点击下面的链接或者观看本影片的后半部分,与使徒先知以莉莎法一起读出并祈祷这个救赎祷告。如果你选择把你的生命交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,并接受祂进入你的心,请给以莉莎法写信,让她知道,这样我们就能和你一起欢喜快乐了!。 奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,爱并祝平安,使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼
Song "YAHUSHUA Is Coming Soon" Polish congregation choir sings a song for the glory of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
(简 预言116)诗篇第91篇 顺服并必须成为有信心的水面行走者,与使徒以莉莎法 以利亚呼面对面 要記住詩篇第91篇[2],雖然你看見萬人仆倒在你身邊,看起來你周圍的人全都仆倒了,因為擊倒他們的是我,亞哈威! 我正在我的忿怒中搖動這世界! 但是那些屬於我的人不需要懼怕我。因為你在我的掌心裡,並且我的另一隻手覆蓋保護著你。你就像一隻雛雞一樣,我現在告訴你這事,這樣你的羽毛就不會變得凌亂,因為你將會看見你不想看見的事,你將會聽到你不願聽到的事。 但是,千萬不要讓恐懼吞沒你,要記得你的信心在哪裡。不要把你的信心放在經濟上、不要放在財務上、不要放在你被僱用的工作上,也不要放在你自己的生意上。要把你的信心單單放在我,阿爸亞哈威和我唯一的獨生子亞呼贖阿你的瑪西阿克以及寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西身上。持守你的信心,把你的眼睛定睛在我已賜給你的應許上。要成為水面行走者。彼得如果沒有離開船並踏出那第一步走向亞呼贖阿,他就不會知道他能在水面上行走。導致他開始下沉的是恐懼,但當他的雙眼再次看著亞呼贖阿時,(錄音從這裡開始)他又能在水面上行走了。這就是我對你的要求(太14:28-31[3])。 (太14:28-31彼得說:「主,如果是你,請叫我從水面上走到你那裏去。」29亞呼贖阿說:「你來吧。」彼得就從船上下去,在水面上走,要到亞呼贖阿那裏去;30只因見風甚大,就害怕,將要沉下去,便喊著說:「主啊,救我!」31亞呼贖阿趕緊伸手拉住他,說:「你這小信的人哪,為甚麼疑惑呢?」) 你必須成為有信心的水上行走者,為了你將在這世界所看到的事,尤其是在2010年,這些事將導致許多人因心生恐懼而失敗。不要把你的信心放在這世界的任何一個政府上。不要把你的信心放在任何一個政客上,因為他們的動機全都是為了他們自己。這些就是我必須要對你們說的話,因為我已經開始了我的搖動,它將不會停止。我拒絕跟所多瑪和蛾摩拉道歉。 你們那些繼續使罪合法的國家,看看我要怎麼對付你們!那些自稱為基督徒卻保持沉默的人,當你們不再擁有自由時,不要跟我抱怨,因為你們保持了沉默。你們讓少數人去抗議,你們讓其他人去說出來。你們有沒有注意到仇敵們並不沉默?你們有沒有注意到那些助長罪的人並不沉默?甚至當他們還是少數人時,他們就大聲喊叫。撒但的僕人們沒有沉默。為什麼亞呼贖阿的僕人們卻沉默呢?而當我說到「僕人」時,我對你說話並非好像你就是一個僕人──如同你們所使用的「僕人」這詞(約15:15[4])。我對那些服事亞呼贖阿的人說話。 那麼少的人大聲說出來。那麼少的人捍衛聖潔之事。 要記得:審判從主亞哈威的家開始(彼前4:17[5])。為什麼不是所有的教會在抗議呢?世上有多少教會?在每一個國家裡,為什麼不是眾教會在抗議反對這些正被通過的可憎法律呢?他們只是聳聳他們的肩。他們只在乎他們自己的事。所以,噢,組織教會,當政府來找你們,奪去你們傳道的自由,並在你們的教會掛上「喪失抵押品贖回權」的標誌時,你們別驚訝!當你們的土地被奪走時,你們別驚訝!你們那些因自己擁有數百萬財富而如此沾沾自喜的人,你們別驚訝! 我現在對富人們說——你們那些把信心放在你們財富上的人,當所有錢財只是你們手裡的一堆崩塌的塵土—灰燼時,你們別驚訝!(太19:24,路16:19-31[6]) 我會顯明給你們看! 我會顯明給這個世界看! 許多人會從2010年開始得到這則訊息,但孩子們,我現在警告你們,這樣你們到時就不能說爸爸沒有警告過你們。我現在預備你們,這樣你們就不會受到驚嚇;我現在安慰你們,因為你們的阿爸不希望讓你們的心憂愁,因為我愛你們。就跟古時的日子一樣,我提供了奇蹟,什麼都沒有改變過。所以要緊緊抓著亞呼贖阿外袍的衣角。 要繼續在祂所流的寶血裡被洗淨。 要堅立在祂公義的外袍裡,而且我向你保證,你所有的禱告都會蒙天國垂聽。 要行走在聖潔裡,這樣撒但就不能控告你。要行走在聖潔裡,這樣你就不會給亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的聖名帶來任何羞恥。
Prophetic Dream - Anointed in Hawaii Locker 827 Dream "In 1995 I ministered under the greatest Anointing of my life thus far. I was ministering to people in Hawaii under the power of the Holy Ghost. People were falling under the Holy Spirit's power. I then went and touched another prophet, I later learned his name was Mike, and I was thrown across the room, a large room! I landed on my back, no one caught me! Those there said that I laid there and prophesied and ministered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for two and a half hours! That is not counting the hour or more of ministering afterwards. The anointing literally was BURNT into my flesh! Let me explain. Although I don't claim to understand, I am going by the little I know, and what others told me that day. The Holy Spirit said to the men, Mike and John, the two prophets covering me, that this anointing would have killed this vessel if he had not poured his strength into me. They were laying hands on my cheek, and forehead, one at my right side, and the other at the top of my head! They started praying a DOUBLE portion anointing on me of Elijah, but when they did, the Holy Spirit said, 'NO, she has that already, pray a TRIPLE portion anointing of ELIJAH!' So they did! This was what was burnt into my flesh with the White Hot Anointing of the Holy Ghost! Without it would my flesh have lived? Well, YAHUSHUA is God so i
Psalms 23 - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Happy Sukkot 2022! Błogosławionego Święta Namiotów! Sukkot/Święto Namiotów/Święto Zbiorów w Biblii. 33 Po czym JAHWEH powiedział do Mojżesza: 34 «Powiedz Izraelitom: Piętnastego dnia tego siódmego miesiąca jest Święto Namiotów przez siedem dni dla JAHWEH. 35 Pierwszego dnia jest zwołanie święte: nie będziecie wykonywać żadnej pracy. 36 Przez siedem dni będziecie składać ofiary spalane dla JAHWEH. Ósmego dnia będzie dla was zwołanie święte i złożycie ofiarę spalaną dla JAHWEH. To jest uroczyste zgromadzenie. Nie będziecie wykonywać [w tym dniu] żadnej pracy. 37 To są czasy święte dla JAHWEH, na które będziecie dokonywać świętego zwołania, aby składać ofiarę spalaną dla JAHWEH: ofiarę całopalną, ofiarę pokarmową, ofiarę krwawą i ofiarę płynną, każdego dnia to, co jest na ten dzień przeznaczone, 38 niezależnie od Szabatów JAHWEH, niezależnie od waszych darów, niezależnie od wszystkich ślubów waszych i niezależnie od wszystkich dobrowolnych ofiar, które będziecie składać dla JAHWEH. 39 Tak, więc piętnastego dnia siódmego miesiąca, kiedy zbierzecie plony ziemi, będziecie obchodzić Święto JAHWEH przez siedem dni. Pierwszego dnia jest uroczysty Szabat. Ósmego dnia także uroczysty Szabat. 40 Weźcie sobie pierwszego dnia owoce pięknych drzew, liście palmowe, gałązki gęstych drzew i wierzb nadrzecznych. Będziecie się weselić przed JAHWEH, Bogiem waszym, przez siedem dni. 41 Będziecie obchodzić to Święto dla JAHWEH, co roku przez siedem dni. To jest ustawa wieczysta dla waszych pokoleń. W siódmym miesiącu będziecie je obchodzić. 42 Przez siedem dni będziecie mieszkać w szałasach. Wszyscy tubylcy Izraela będą mieszkali w szałasach, 43 aby pokolenia wasze wiedziały, że kazałem Izraelitom mieszkać w szałasach, kiedy wyprowadziłem ich z ziemi egipskiej. Ja jestem JAHWEH, Bóg wasz!» 44 Mojżesz ogłosił Izraelitom o czasach Świętych dla JAHWEH. – Księga Kapłańska 23, BT Będziesz obchodził Święto Namiotów przez siedem dni, po zebraniu plonów z twego klepiska i tłoczni. 14 W to święto będziesz się radował ty, syn twój i córka, sługa twój i niewolnica, a także lewita, obcy, sierota i wdowa, którzy żyją w twoich murach. 15 Przez siedem dni będziesz świętować ku czci JAHWEH, Boga swego, w miejscu, które sobie obierze JAHWEH, za to, że ci błogosławi JAHWEH, Bóg twój, we wszystkich twoich zbiorach, w każdej pracy twych rąk, i abyś był pełen radości. – Księga Powtórzonego Prawa 16, BT
Proroctví 137 - Ukolébavka DUCHA SVATÉHO
Renee Moses has a legion of demons!
Milken Institute 2019 - We need to change the way people look at the Flue!
Prophecy 55 - Warn The People Devastation Is Coming This prophetic warning was spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT. EARTHQUAKES, RADIATION,STARVATION,NUCLEAR WAR,VOLCANOS,STORMS,Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams Tsunamis 8.9 Earthquakes GODS WRATH and LOVE, REVELATIONS PROPHETS EVANGELIST PASTORS Prophecy 55 Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams.
讓我們慶祝!2022普珥節快樂!來自天國對你的應許!(Amightywind Happy Purim 2022) Happy #Purim #普珥節快樂,願阿爸亞哈威,亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克和寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西, 讓你在各方面都取得勝利,願你擁有迄今為止最好的普珥節!普瑞姆! 持守普珥節的純潔和神聖! - 非常愛你, 使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亞呼 第80篇預言摘錄: 從今天開始,我命令亞呼贖阿的新娘,我的新以斯帖,要守普珥節[15]並盡情歡樂。要因我拯救了以斯帖而慶祝並讚美我。因為若沒有她,亞呼贖阿的血緣要怎麼出來呢?如果哈曼得逞了,這個地球的表面早就沒有一個希伯來人留下了。哈曼曾經企圖做的事情將來會以同樣的方式被再次嘗試。懸賞將被放在所有的猶太人和在亞呼贖阿裡的信徒頭上。那同一個的靈透過希特勒的靈再次來過了,當那沉淪之子,也就是撒但之子到來的時候,這將會再次發生。亞呼贖阿的新娘,你們要學習以斯帖記。亞呼贖阿的新娘,要歡喜快樂,再一次我,亞哈威說,要歡喜快樂。 第108篇預言摘錄 只要知道:你們真的在我面前閃耀發光──所有那些行在我的聖潔和我的真理中、真正明白普珥節代表什麼的人,只要知道這事:你們在我面前閃耀發光,你們穿著最好的外袍,因為沒有其他外袍能比我兒子亞呼贖阿給你們披上的公義長袍更好。只要知道這事:就像仇敵設法毀滅聖潔之人,我也同樣知道我要如何毀滅邪惡之人。 若你們像以斯帖那樣接近我的寶座,這就榮耀了我,而我要伸出我的權杖──祂的聖名是亞呼贖阿、我唯一的獨生子,我接受你們以及你們的敬拜。你們的讚美已經作為一股馨香來到我的面前。所以,你們要在地球的這糞堆中繼續為我閃耀發光,我從天國觀看,我看見你們閃耀發光,我就得著榮耀了。 第83篇預言摘錄 這就是為什麼新娘必須要在這個普珥節來到我面前,並要在我面前、在我眼前保持聖潔。這就是為什麼我說:「亞呼贖阿要把你的新娘預備得無斑點、無褶痕!」。因邪惡變得更加邪惡,聖潔變得更加聖潔!就在我眼前!我的眼往返觀看,特別在普珥節的這個時刻。在所謂的基督教會中,這聖日甚至都沒被提到過,若真有提到也只是一帶而過。 正是我經妳所生的這事工,教導了人們「末底改的血緣」和「以斯帖的順服」的重要性。 我,亞哈威已被大大地取悅了,因為亞呼贖阿新娘的禱告在普珥節這一天已達到了我面前──達到我面前的禱告猶如甜美的芬芳,猶如甜美的香氣──天使打開了它們,我已被大大地取悅了。
My Beloved - StandUpForYAH03 This a video we did for the very special festival rosh ha shannah! We hope and pray that you will be blessed by this video/song and may you draw nearer to HIM during these times. All the Glory Belongs to our precious ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Amen! May you be blessed!
Pożywienie w Misji Amightywind