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2022 Счастливой Хануки! Ожидайте чудес! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет Мира!
2022 Счастливой Хануки! Ожидайте чудес! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет Мира! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2022 Счастливой Хануки! Ожидайте чудес! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет Мира!

Счастливой благословенной Хануки! Мы молимся, чтобы ваша Ханука была
благословенной и наполненной многими чудесами ИМЕНЕМ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА,
и всё по воле СВЯТОЙ ТРОИЦЫ на Небесах, Амэн! И ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет
миру, и во время Хануки мы также празднуем ЕГО зачатие, и не могло быть
рождения ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА без ЕГО зачатия. ХаллелуЯХ!

Пророчество 42:
Наступает праздник Хануки, и для всех, кто отмечает этот праздник, снова ожидайте
чудес, и Я - СВЕТ, который осветит ваш путь во тьме!

Пророчество 134:
В эту Хануку радуйтесь, как вас учили, что это МОЕ Зачатие. Разве не Я ваш ЯХУШУА,

Пророчество 149
Не было бы чудесного Дня Рождения на земле, если бы не беременность МОЕЙ
девственной матери. Позвольте НАМ - позволь МНЕ увидеть празднование в
течение 8 дней на Хануку и снова быть в сукке! Продолжайте почитать
КОДЕШ, КОТОРЫЕ ПОСЛАЛИ МЕНЯ заменить Ветхую Кровь Завета (Евр. 8:13).
Это было предзнаменование того, что должно было прийти. И когда Я
пришел, настало время сказать: "Совершилось!" (Ин. 19:28-30).

2 Макк. 1:944
Соблюдайте праздник Кущей в месяце Кислеве

2 Макк. 10:1-9
Случилось, что в тот самый день, в который святилище было осквернено
иноземцами-язычниками, совершилось очищение святилища, то есть в
двадцать пятый день того же месяца, который был Кислев. Они праздновали
его восемь дней с ликованием, по примеру праздника Кущей, помня, как
незадолго до этого, во время праздника Кущей, они бродили по горам и
пещерам, как дикие звери... Они постановили общим решением и приговором
определили, чтобы весь народ иудейский соблюдал эти дни каждый год. Так
закончилась жизнь Антиоха, которого называли Епифаном".

Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me
Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me Amightywind Ministries 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me

⁣MY Bride will honor MY Commandments, including one that has been
overlooked by multitudes. It has been misunderstood, mocked, or the
spirit of rebellion that has entered and hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride
now will be held accountable as some of you will hang your heads in
shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not keeping MY
Sabbath Day Holy.

Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying
"Not I, surely you speak to another, for I attend church services
on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast. "Oh but MY darling little
read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,
Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths
ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your
generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.

Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone
that defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any
work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days
may work be done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to
the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely
be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the
Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a
perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children of Israel
forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the
seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he
had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of
testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH."

Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest,
Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to
set these days apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY
voice, be encouraged, refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected
against your enemies. Did I not say I am the great God, "I AM?" and I
and MY Word change not, for no man nor woman, or time nor season.

Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from
this evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I
say, MY ways are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders
refusing to teach MY Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee.
It is far better to learn the truth from this handmaiden than die in
that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath day holy. The hard times are
approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You
no longer have any excuses.

Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any
other gods before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's Holy.
Say not which Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday.
My elect have known it all along.
Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the
Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of
ME, for I jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I
call MY Sabbath.

The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work;
instead MY People will refuse to work and party.
Proving that the days of men are foolishness and telling MY
People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and
satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that day.

I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY
TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath
keeper alone will not save you. It must be combined with accepting
YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you live in continues to teach
rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of
Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.

Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time
Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time Amightywind Ministries 186 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 102 - YAHUSHUA says It s Only A Matter of Time

YAHUSHUA speaks through His Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Yahsladynred
on Youtube) on Sukkot/feast of tabernacles (YAHUSHUA'S birthday). He
warns of the plans of the enemy and how He will deliever and protect His
Bride who lives Holy and obediant unto Him. He warns of whats coming
such as the dangers of sunday churchs in the Great Tribulation and the
Mark of the Beast. He warns that the antichrist will come in the name
Jesus Christ, and why its important to know and use His hebrew Name
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When the antichrist starts using the Name of Jesus
Christ no prayers will be heard in that name at that time.

He warns the dangers of being unequally yoked in the Great Tribulation. He
explains the reason He brings division, it is for the safety of His
Bride and even the Guests at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. YAHUSHUA
warns of the coming giants/nephillim who will come to earth disguised as
aliens/ufos who will really be satan and his fallen angels spoken of in
genesis 6. He warns those who presecute His Prophet and Ministry and
what will happen if they dont repent. He also warns the Pastors who take
the bribe of the goverment 'tax exempt statues' and what will happen if
they dont repent.

Excerpt from Prophecy 102:

"For those of you who say, "It's too tough, too hard to live, to be Holy, I'll get
it right by the Great Tribulation." I'll tell you this, if you cannot do
it now and there's no sacrifice thus far you've had to make, you've not
been told to lay down your life, to put your head in a guillotine, what
makes you think that you can do it then when you cannot even do it now?
What makes you think you'll have more faith then when starvation and
death and devastation, when horrors uncomprehendable you shall see all
around you? When the roads, you will have to wade through the blood!
What makes you think you'll have more faith then? Now it costs you
nothing other than to be called a "Bible thumper".

And I do not speak to the lands now that it costs you so much more, I speak for the
majority of this earth where they have said, "Oh, it's too hard for me
to live Holy! Oh, the devil tempts me so with porn! Oh, I cannot lay the
cigarettes down on the altar! Oh, I cannot lay the booze down! Oh, it's
too hard to live Holy! I cannot stop the cursing coming from my lips! I
cannot live Holy! Pray for me, I cannot live Holy!" What makes you
think it's going to be any easier then?!"

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