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Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati
Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrations

⁣Woohoo! This was a time to celebrate during Sukkot, Hag Sameach! And
we're just getting started going through to Hanukkah! Don't take your
sukkah down yet!

We know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah [and born 9 months later at Sukkot]

I love you To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this
video, and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry, clips
from Sukkot 2019. I heard YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually
even spoken to me in my sleep and HE was telling me how honored HE was
during the time of Sukkot. Those who made the videos, HE was so
honored—and HE felt so much love coming from each one of them—ALL of the
KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love. HE just kept
saying how honored HE was and how 'comforted' HE was that it wasn’t just
Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot
is MY birthday on earth." And it’s the first day of Sukkot is HIS

YAH has instructed me to keep our sukkot/sukkas up and
the celebrations going throughout the season into Hanukkah, which during
the time of the Maccabees was originally a late Sukkot celebration.
Hanukkah is also the time of YAHUSHUA'S conception! Then months later,
HE was born at Sukkot.

2 Macc. 10:1-9
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned
by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is,
on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev.
They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths,
remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had
been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They
decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the
Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of
Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!
Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 199 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Празднуйте Вместе С Нами 30-Летие Служения AmightyWind и День Рождения Элишевы Элияху 2024 г. Ч-1!

⁣Мы радуемся вместе с Небесами в этот день 4 Апреля 2024 года за то, что
принесли нам всем AmightyWind Министерство! Мы уже празднуем целый
месяц! 30 лет онлайн и далее для ХВАЛЫ СЛАВЫ и Чести АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА

АББА ЯХУВЭХ выбрал эту дату, которая также является Днём Рождения любимого
Апостола и Пророка Элишевы Элияху. Мы славим АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХА и ДРАГОЦЕННУЮ РУАХА ХА КОДЕШ за тебя, наша любимая Мамма
Элишева! Мы празднуем твой день рождения, а также рождение Министерства
AmightyWind онлайн в течение следующих 30 дней ХАЛЛЕЛУЯХ!!!

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы прочитать и
помолиться вместе со мной Молитву Спасения: • Молитва Спасения от
Пророка Элишевы Э...

Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в своё сердце, очень прошу, напишите мне, чтобы
сообщить об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с вами.

Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises
Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises Amightywind Français 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises

Les taupes sont ce que les satanistes les appellent. Un esprit
d'occultisme s'est levé dans les Eglises prêchant pleinement l'Evangile à
cause de ces taupes. Mais lorsque vous les verrez, vous les connaîtrez
car MOI, YAHUVEH, JE donne à la vraie Eglise de YAHUSHUA ha MASCHIACH
(Jésus Christ) des yeux neufs pour voir, de nouvelles oreilles pour
entendre, une bouche courageuse pour parler et de nouvelles mains pour
les chasser dehors. Car ce sont MES mains, J'ai étendu MON bras droit,
le bras de la Sainteté et tout comme MON Fils a chassé le mal de la
Maison de YAHUVEH, cela se reproduira. Cette année, des pasteurs
maléfiques, les taupes, mourront pendant leurs sermons. Car ils prêchent
MES Ecritures Saintes pour se moquer de MOI. Mais ils ne ME connaissent
pas, la Parole d'Evangile rendue chair. Satan connaît l'Evangile,
détrompez-vous, et la craint-il assez pour cesser le mal qu'il fait,
Non, et les taupes non plus car elles ont vendu leur âme à satan et
elles récolteront la destruction qu'elles ont semé. Certains sont des
Evangélistes, et même s'ils mènent des âmes à Jésus Christ, c'est un
différent Jésus auquel ils les mènent, aux pieds de l'antéchrist !!! Les
personnes commencent à vénérer le chef religieux et c'est votre signe.
Elles arrêtent de se mettre en quête pour MOI et MES règles et MON
Evangile et se mettent en quête pour la parole d'un simple homme. Elles
ne se soucient pas d'offenser le seul et unique YAHUVEH Tout-Puissant le
Grand "JE SUIS", au lieu de cela elles se soucient d'offenser le
pasteur qui est une taupe pour satan, dont le but est d'amener la
confusion, le désespoir, la rébellion, la destruction, la pauvreté, le
mensonge et des esprits trompeurs et de voler le peu de foi que MES
brebis (moutons) avaient auparavant...

Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!
Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out! Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Lying Ezra believes he is God! Ezra we call you out!

Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu – on the Internet for 25 years –
exposed, rebuked and warned lying prophet Ezra from Israel (Erez Yotam)
to repent. Instead his love turned into hatred. He now casts witchcraft
curses & darkest forms of Kabbalah magic, saying she would die on
Passover April 19, 2019 during his 3 days of darkness prediction. He
lied to the world and said hell would open up & demons would
physically kill people all over the world. As you will see in this video
Elisheva is not the only one whose life he threatens, but Erez Yotam
and his group have made violent predictions that many others including
us, the YDS at AmightyWind would die.

Erez and his cult worship (as they call it) the “QUAD Family”.
They blasphemously added a 4th person to the GODHEAD whom they
claim to be the ‘twin sister’ of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ).
This false goddess comes straight from Greek mythology (Ourea)
– see 5:00 – but they spell it “Uriyah” and dare to put the Holy Name
YAH at the end. Urea is also the major organic component of human
urine (yuck) hence we call it “the queen of urine”.

WARNING because of the spiritual danger to your soul, do
NOT go to Ezra's evil website or channel, this is a Thus Saith
YAHUSHUA. Also if you go to these fallen angels' cyber space, your IP
address will be on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations
they've threatened e.g. threatening everyone who didn't believe their
false prediction so called prophecy of 3 days of darkness on April 19,
2019, they said would be breathing nuke dust! The authorities of the 3
surrounding counties where they live together, their USA ranch compound,
are also watching them because of the personal death threats they've
made and their suspicious activities. There are orders of protection
waiting to be served to this group. Erez Yotam wanted and fought to be
the head of AmightyWind Ministry and shove Elisheva out of the
leadership, so he started his own ministry & gathered with the most
wicked who are now his worshipers – he is now the head of a satanic
sexual cult. Women half his age all over him seen at 04:19, 30:03,
08:47. At 30:37 you can see Rickey Williams and his intimate kiss on Erez' cheek.

Ezra (Erez) wasn't always this way but is like this due to mind control. A
man who was so holy and full of truth is now the most unholy who now
believes he is the king of Jerusalem 39:48 and that is the antichrist.
Erez Yotam who likes to be called "the prophet from Israel" is one toe
away from complete blasphemy.

Amightywind has been in open warfare with them battling for the sanity of Erez back again.

Erez Yotam & his cult also predicted other things for Passover such as
the Yellowstone volcano blowing (19:55), 40 days & 40 nights of
earth flooding, UFO’S and mothership landing in NY, the antichrist
appearing etc. Legions of demons now fill Erez – the fallen angels that
surround him fed him lying Prophecies with visions. Fallen angels are
also called Aliens. Danger came when he opened up his 3rd eye – not
giving heed to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu’s warnings and rebukes.

Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye
Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye Amightywind Ministries 158 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth! Protect Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu in Praye

⁣The intro that is shown in this video will at this time go before every
Prophecy video that was spoken through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
so you will know that Ezra Caleb (Erez Yotam) is no longer associated
with AmightyWind Ministry and no longer the male Co-leader by Elisheva's
side. If you see him included in a Prophecy video it is for one reason
only and that is because the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY
SPIRIT) was at one time on this man when he still humbly walked by
Elisheva Eliyahu's side as male Co-leader, husband and protective prayer
covering. Certain Prophecies came forth when the two anointings were
one as YAH had ordained, and he went before her covering her in
protective prayers. However, that was a then and this is a now. Things
have changed and as Ezra Caleb (Erez Yotam) has refused to repent and
turn away from his rebellion against the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY and being
delivered from the demon of narcissism, arrogance, pride, rebellion,
pharisee, religion, kabbalah, idolatry, self-exaltation, unrepentance -
YAHUVEH GOD will no longer wait for him to come back and walk in his
calling. Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu has got many Prophecies stored up that
will be released. Another anointed male Co-leader will come forth that
will do what Ezra Caleb has refused to do, and that includes reaching
the Hebrew speaking people for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. This Ministry will
shift its focus back onto feeding YAHUSHUA'S Sheep and Lambs, leading
souls to the Kingdom of Heaven in 50 different languages around this

Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch
Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Proof Reptilian Shapeshifter Aliens Exist - Must Watch

⁣Who are Rickey & Tatiana Williams really? Why are they on the run
and what are they trying to hide. In this video you'll see what they
really all stated, falsely prophesied and threatened. They are now
filled with fallen angels and we show how they and others in Erez
Yotam's coven are shapeshifting. What does this mean for you and your
personal relationship with YAHUSHUA (JESUS) that this can happen with
people. Please watch this video to find out.

DO NOT open up your 'third eye' - it leads to insanity to the point that a reptilian/alien
fallen angel can enter in! See the proof of this in this video.

15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting! - Apostle Prophet Elisheva
Eliyahu asked a doctor who is part of this ministry if there is anything
that can cause a forehead to move like that – like a parasite or a
tumour? He said “Absolutely not, this is demonic” – Verified by doctor
who has been a partner of this Ministry for 12 years.

WARNING Do NOT go to Ezra's (Erez Yotam's) evil website or channel, this is a Thus
Saith YAH. Also if you go to their cyber space, your IP address will be
on terrorist list of USA, Israel and other nations they've threatened.

Cannibal Shengya Pu aka Hannah knows all about human sacrifice, in
detail describes how to do it 1:18:29. She knows how to murder a man.
This is what they plan to do to Erez Yotam.

4:53 Rickey Williams Reptilian eyes

5:50 The way Rickey Williams used to be before reprobate
8:21 The way Tatiana Harvey Williams used to be before reprobate
10:35 Tatiana Harvey Williams shapeshifting (snake on face)
11:06 Don’t open your third eye!
11:45 Erez Yotam’s coven worship at least 22 “gods”!
15:20 Christina Gunther’s third eye manifesting!
15:30 Rickey Williams’ third eye manifesting!
18:56 Rickey Williams and Tatiana Williams kissed Erez Yotam’s wedding ring to be “purified”
27:25 Tatiana blackmails Erez Yotam
31:25 Tatiana Harvey Williams escort service photos still online!
39:05 Rickey Williams threatens Elisheva w/ death
42:10 Rickey calls Elisheva a jezebel & for her removal.
42:27 Rickey calls Erez Yotam a Grand MASTER (mason)
42:49 Rickey Williams makes Erez equal with YAHUSHUA.
43:35 Rickey calls Erez ancient (of days)
43:47 Rickey claims Erez is omnipresent
44:25 Rickey claims Erez is the saviour
44:46 Rickey claims Erez has a testimony like unto YAHUSHUA (GOD)
45:04 Rickey is a New Ager - "holy vibrations"
45:27 Rickey believes he is a God
45:51 Rickey claims to be a God and Elisheva had to be removed
48:26 Rickey worships the false goddess of urine
50:00 Rickey threatens Elisheva with a cold, lonely death - with destruction.

Tatiana Harvey Williams

54:13 Tatiana falsely prophesied 3 Days of Darkness Passover 2019
54:39 Tatiana says it would be better if people hadn't been born if they don't believe her false prophecy
56:15 Tatiana claims God tells them to do calf raises to stay awake
58:43 Tatiana calls Elisheva great whore of babylon Threatens w/ death
1:01:10 Tatiana calls Elisheva voodoo queen
1:01:24 Tatiana puts thigh over Erez Yotam
1:04:04 Tatiana in midst of Passover week guaranteed 3 days darkness
1:04:32 Tatiana claims Elisheva has the blood on her hands for warning people about their false prophecy
1:04:02 Tatiana claims Elisheva has to "repent" before Erez
1:10:02 Tatiana says Elisheva & all of us will die
1:12:29 Tatiana guarantees the 3 days of darkness
1:12:04 Tatiana's voodoo dance
1:12:00 Tatiana claims they "leave their minds on the shelf"
1:12:02 Tatiana predicted we would all die
1:12:03 Tatiana claims YAHUVEH has special whip for Elisheva
1:22:35 Tatiana threatens Elisheva's tongue will be torn out.
1:22:41 Tatiana's false goddess of urine guaranteeing 3 days of darkness

Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!
Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 191 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Празднование 28 - й Годовщины AmightyWind!!!

⁣Мы прославляем ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА уже 28 лет. С Днём Рождения
Министерство AmightyWind и с Днём Рождения любимой Мамы Элишевы, и мы
продолжаем вместе распространять Евангелие, приводя души к ЯХУШУА ХА

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего
ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, просим вас, нажмите на ссылку ниже, чтобы
прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной молитвой спасения. Если вы решите
отдать свою жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, прошу
вас, напишите мне, чтобы я знала об этом, и мы сможем радоваться вместе с

- 2021 Элишева Элияху ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

Полная песня гимна YDS-ЯТД, "No Sin No Compromise, 'YAHUSHUA'S demons stompers
Ни Греха ни ЯХУШУА оптуны демонов" - просим вас, посмотрите это видео,
чтобы узнать, кто такие молитвенные заступники ЯТД, и историю, стоящую
за песней -...

- Я коснулась крыла ...

• I Touched the Wing of an Angel - Anim...

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Proroctví 52 - JÁ, OTEC YAHUVEH, Vás Opět Vysvobodím
Proroctví 52 - JÁ, OTEC YAHUVEH, Vás Opět Vysvobodím Amightywind Československo 20 Views • 3 months ago

⁣Proroctví 52 - JÁ, OTEC YAHUVEH, Vás Opět Vysvobodím

⁣Nebe nám odhaluje Svatá Hebrejská Boží Jména: OTCE, SYNA a DUCHA SVATÉHO a pověřuje nás, jak je používat s úctou. V Proroctví 81 obdrženém v r. 2006, BŮH praví: „Opět vzývejte MÉ Jméno YAHUVEH a používejte Jméno YAHUSHUA, aby jste měli přístup k MÉMU Trůnu a JÁ vyslyším a odpovím na vaše modlitby“. To samé BŮH učí SVÉ děti na stránkách Svaté Bible. Exodus 3/14-15: I řekl Bůh Mojžíšovi: JSEM, KTERÝ JSEM. Řekl dále: Takto díš synům Izraelským: JSEM (יהוה), poslal mne k vám. Řekl ještě Bůh Mojžíšovi: Takto díš synům Izraelským: Hospodin, Bůh otců vašich, Bůh Abrahamův, Bůh Izákův a Bůh Jákobův poslal mne k vám; to je jméno mé na věčnost, a to je ta památka má po všechny věky.

Žalm 91/14: Poněvadž mne, dí Bůh, zamiloval, vysvobodím jej, a vyvýším; nebo poznal jméno mé.

Exodus 20/7: Nevezmeš jména Hospodina Boha svého nadarmo; neboť nenechá bez pomsty Hospodin toho, kdo by bral jméno jeho nadarmo.

Mat. 6/9: A proto vy se takto modlete: Otče náš, který jsi v nebesích, posvěť se jméno tvé.

Řím. 10/13: Každý zajisté, kdokoliv by vzýval jméno Páně, spasen bude.

Nicméně vůdčí náboženské organizace a církve toto skrývají, neboť jsou si vědomy Svatých Božích Jmen, které mizí z církevních textů a nyní také z nových překladů Bible. Jméno OTCE YAHUVEH se nahrazuje slovy „Pán“, „Bůh“ nebo „Pán Bůh“, a Jméno Spasitele YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH – řecky „Ježíš Kristus“, neznámým za časů Mesiáše a prvních Apoštolů. Boží Jméno bylo a je vypouštěno z většiny překladů Bible, jak zahraničních, tak českých.

YAHUVEH (v češtině výslovnost podobná JAHVE) - pravé Svaté Jméno BOHA OTCE. Hebrejsky: יהוה [YHVH] Yod-He-Vav-He. Zkráceně se vyskytuje jako „YAH“ nebo „JAH“ záležící na jazyku nebo i preferenci překladatele. BŮH OTEC YAHUVEH je také ve Svaté Bibli nazvaný „OTCEM“ (Mat. 23:9) a „SVATÝM OTCEM“ (Jan 17:11), „JSEM KTERÝ JSEM“, „BOHEM Abrahama, BOHEM Izáka a BOHEM Jákoba“ (Exodus 3:14-15), EL ELYON/BOHEM Nejvyšším (Gen. 14:18-22) a také EL ŠADDAY/BOHEM Všemohoucím (Gen. 17:1; Exodus 6:3).

YAHUSHUA ha MACHIACH/YAHUSHUA MESIÁŠ (Vyslovuje se JAHUŠUA) – Svaté Jméno BOŽÍHO SYNA a našeho MESIÁŠE. Jméno YAHUSHUA znamená: „YAH zachraňuje“ - Takové Jméno dali Marie (hebrejsky Miriam) a Josef BOŽÍMU SYNOVI na příkaz BOHA. (Mat. 1:21) Toto Svaté Jméno zůstalo, ačkoliv bylo zaměněno, různými Biblickými překladateli, za řecké jméno „Ježíš Kristus“.

Pozor! V počátečních Proroctvích Duchovního úřadu Amightywing, obdrženými před rokem 2000, byl YAHUSHUA MESIÁŠ prezentován a také po celém světě mezi křesťany rozšířen, pod jménem „Ježíš Kristus“. V průběhu dalších let, Jméno „YAHUSHUA MESIÁŠ“ bylo odhaleno světu, skrze našeho SVATÉHO BOHA, jako skutečné Jméno našeho SPASITELE a je používáno ve všech dnešních Proroctvích v Amightywind. BŮH YAHUVEH v nich SVÝM dětem ukazuje, jak je velice důležité, přijmout a používat skutečné Jméno JEHO Jednorozeného SYNA, které je obsaženo v prvotním hebrejském a aramejském Písmu. Jsme na pokraji doby Velkého Soužení, kdy pouze v tomto Jménu budou vyslyšeny modlitby naším SVATÝM BOHEM YAHUVEH.

RUACH ha KODESH – DUCH SVATÝ v hebrejštině, čili v původním jazyce ve většině knih Svaté Bible. Dalšími Jmény Ducha Svatého jsou rovněž: MATKA SHKHINYAH (Přísloví 90), SHKHINYAH SLÁVY, IMMAYAH (doslova „MÁMA YAH“), MOUDROST. (Protože slovo „Duch Svatý“ se nedá přeložit do ženského rodu v češtině, aniž by to úplně pozměnilo význam, necháváme ho tedy v mužském rodě).

Showing 14 out of 33