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Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming
Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming Amightywind Ministries 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming

⁣This is a Prophetic End Time Warning Dream given to Prophet Elisabeth
Elijah: October 3, 2011. I've been having many prophetic dreams lately.
(...) I firmly believe, from everything I've heard of people who've had
to be martyred because they love YAHUSHUA, the one called JESUS CHRIST
and I believe with all my heart that they don't suffer, from the
testimonies I have heard, that the devil will not have the satisfaction.
I believe with all my heart and I want to encourage people.

This dream... and they were back to back and they were similar and yet
you'll hear, it was about martyrdom. It's so close now people. If you're
afraid to stand up now and defend YAHUSHUA and defend Holiness and
defend others who are preaching Holiness and you're afraid of just
having a bad word spoken about you or on YouTube to have a sub or a
friend, that you'll never see, drop you, what are going to do?

I'm talking about those calling themselves "born again" Christians. What
are you going to do when they're going to come to you, the governments
of this world, and they're going to say, "This is your new god. I demand
and the law demands that you worship this new god, this leader of the
world, or we're going to chop your head off or we're going to chop your
body parts off or we're going to make you suffer untold agony; you're
not going to have any food anymore; you're going to do when you see your
family starve, your children starve if you don't worship the one that
we call god and give up the one you worship, the one you call
'YAHUSHUA', the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have a new god now
and if you don't accept him and you don't carry the mark and if you
don't gather together and worship on a mandatory Sunday, this is what's
going to happen to you."

What are you going to do people? You're cowards now, ok?
And the Bible says in the book of Revelations thatcowards are not
going to go to Heaven. [Rev. 21:8] Do you know why?
Because they're going to sell YAHUSHUA out!

Prophecy 24 Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of The Pharisees False Doctrine Prosperity Pimps
Prophecy 24 Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of The Pharisees False Doctrine Prosperity Pimps Amightywind Ministries 158 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 24 Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of The Pharisees False Doctrine Prosperity Pimps

⁣YAHUVEH GOD spoke through the Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah
(Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) 11-15-98. I want to remark this. ABBA YAHUVEH
warned us from evil's pastors who only want to lead the people astray
preaching false doctrines (demonic doctrines). These so called pastors
and leaders do not mention the salvation of the souls but prosperity.
They are wolves in sheep clothing's or clones. They only look after the
people's money but they do not care for the salvation of their souls.
Sad to say! All these Churches have no Spirit of God within. They are
churches of the pretenders. Please do not be deceived from all these
Prosperity Pimps! Do not plant your seed on infertile soil. Abba YAHUVEH
will held us accountable for where we sowed the seed. And HE will take
our blessings out from us if we support theses false doctrines teaching
from Prosperity Pimps.

leading millions of people to the worship and feet of the antichrist,
the dark jesus which we THE Holy & Redeemed REBUKE IN

From AMIGHTYWIND Prophecies:
"Be warned it will be the famous TV evangelists that will lead the masses to
the son of satan, whom will come using the name that is trusted, JESUS.
It will be the famous TV evangelists that have sold their souls to
satan for fame and wealth that are teaching false manmade doctrines and
leading the people to this false JESUS. In the Great Tribulation the
name of JESUS will be counterfeited by the son of satan now called the
anti-christ. This anti-christ will defile the name of JESUS and under
the power of satan do signs, wonders and unholy miracles in a name known
by the Christian Church, a name that is now loved and trusted, the name

"The son of satan, will do signs, wonders and false miracles in satan's power for satan's glory."

Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You
Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You

⁣Destruction and weeping is coming. Yet MY Bride that is waiting for ME,
YAHUSHUA will not allow satan to touch. Hang on to your faith, depending
on your faith is how much I your God, will protect you. Hear the
screams. Look over the land and you will see destruction as far as you
can see but not for MY Children, not MY babies, not MY Bride. I shall
hide you under MY wings. You must walk by faith and not by sight. If you
think its hard now to walk by faith and not by sight, how much harder
will it be for those who must taste MY wrath?

Oh MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side.
You shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are ready,
waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home. The ones who are not ready, waiting,
and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day. I send
forth this handmaiden with fresh manna from heaven this day. There will
be others who will digest this manna, for they are already waiting,
living for ME. They have their peace within ME.

Beware those of you who mock and say I will not come.
There are those who think America will always win.
This country America is not pleasing to ME. Victory for
you will not be seen. Your country and your leadership, I hold MY nose.
The stench rises to Heaven. The stench of your immorality. The stench
of your politics. The stench of your greed. The stench of hypocrisy. The
stench of your religious system. America, you say "IN GOD WE TRUST,"
but you don't serve a God. At least, the Heathens serve a god, though it
be FALSE, they know they must have a god!

Though the primitives carve a tree and call it a god, at least they know
they need to honor a Creator, though it be false.
They only know they must have a god to answer to for what is right and wrong.
To acknowledge creation you must have a Creator.
Whether it be Mohammed, Buddha, Allah, the list goes on,
at least the heathen countries acknowledge and serve a god, even though
it be FALSE! I will have more mercy on them, than America.

America, you curse MY Name! You ban it from your schools and government.
Your Political leaders use it for sympathy, but not for Power. Your Political
leaders use it for manipulation, but not to worship and they do not
teach to obey the God of all Creation! You only call upon ME when it
serves your purposes. You disrespect the Holy Days and do abominations
on these Holy Days.Your stench America, reaches Heaven and I hold MY
nose and you make ME ashamed, for once you were MINE, now you belong to
satan and play his hellish games.

You have sold your birthright that which was holy and your forefathers
did acknowledge ME and even they sinned against ME. Yet, I had mercy
on this country that was set apart for MY glory, and yet how long ago
did the Star Spangled Banner bring ME Glory?
America, you are a STENCH in MY nostrils. You have betrayed your Creator
I, YAHUVEH, look upon you and sneer for you think you are a god.

You think you need no other god! You have set
yourself up to worship yourself. Your top political leaders, and yeah I
say, even the top spiritual leaders, say they need not obey MY
commandments. Your President rewrites MY commandments. Your political
leaders are like Sodom and Gomorrah in the White House a place that is
supposed to stand for leadership in this land.

America, you think you are god! But not MY babies, not MY Bride, you are MY babies,
you are MY betrothed. These words warm your heart, where the enemy's
heart is cold. America, I will take you like a wad of paper and I'm
setting you aflame for all to see. The merchants shall weep around the
world for all your evil deeds.

You have dared to shake your fist at Almighty God YAHUVEH and I shall wad you,
and those that are not ready for MY coming, up. You shall walk a path that
I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in
faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the
horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall
encompass thee.

Prophecy 131 - Donald Trump popping like popcorn
Prophecy 131 - Donald Trump popping like popcorn Amightywind Ministries 158 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 131 - Donald Trump popping like popcorn

God has Raised up Donald Trump for This Time and Hour! (Trump, Popping & Making Noise like Popcorn!) June 29, 2016

(Ps 94:20-23) —but I’ve raised up Donald Trump, who values the sanctity
of life. And it is his desire, and I have given him this desire: To
wash that blood off the hands! To change... laws...To give the rights
back to the states!

Elisheva, I changed your heart!

You only saw him where curse words filled his mouth. You saw him where he is
a man that worships the material things of this world. But then as I
showed you in a dream, the Prophecies he would come and he would
read—and I Am drawing him even now as you speak!

To bow his knee to Me!

—I, Yahushua—

For although others look at him [negatively] and before you told the prayer
intercessors to pray for him, you too—only saw the filth that comes out
of his mouth—but I Am raising him up and I Am using a man who doesn’t
know righteousness yet. And yet I’ve put the desire in him for
righteousness (Mt 5:6)!


Pray for Donald Trump! To do all that he can! To wash the blood out of the White House!


I’ve changed his heart during all this time—as he went before the people, as
he genuinely cares about the people— Yahushua say, I’m washing his
heart, I’m cleansing his heart! He hasn’t totally surrendered to Me. But
remember the mandate I give this Ministry: Start Praying!

If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, will humble themselves and pray and
seek MY Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land - 2

Chronicles 7:14

So, everyone who acknowledges ME before men, I also will acknowledge before MY FATHER WHO is in Heaven - Matthew 10:32

He was not afraid to acknowledge YAHUSHUA before thousands of people at
his rally as well as the millions watching him from around the world.
President Trump is a baby Christian still learning what Holy beliefs are
pleasing to YAHUSHUA and what are not. Please continue to keep
President Trump in your righteous Holy prayers of protection. Please go
in person to vote all red for Trump! For he is being raised and
appointed at this time by ABBA YAHUVEH. Voting for anyone else will be
like voting for satan.

2019 以莉莎法 以利亞呼邀請你看她的蘇克棚 神聖的物件以及緊急警告
2019 以莉莎法 以利亞呼邀請你看她的蘇克棚 神聖的物件以及緊急警告 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2019 以莉莎法 以利亞呼邀請你看她的蘇克棚 神聖的物件以及緊急警告

⁣使徒先知以莉莎法. 以利亞呼展示了她的蘇克棚珍藏之物。你被邀請觀看其裡面!



亞呼贖阿. 哈. 瑪西阿克賜給了我,以莉莎法. 以利亞呼,聖靈全能風事工25年以來的領導,新的啟示以及來自馬加比二書的古老經文:


1 現在馬加比和與他一起的人,亞哈威引導著他們,恢復了聖殿和這城。

2 但外邦人在公共街道上所築的祭壇,以及廟宇,他們都拆毀了。

3 既已潔淨了聖殿,他們就又築了另一座壇,然後打石取火,獻上中斷了兩年的祭,又燒香,點燈,安放陳設餅。

4 他們做完這些事後,就俯伏祈求主, 不要再讓他們陷入如此災難;但如果他們再犯罪,就當受他寬容的教誨,卻不要交 給褻瀆和野蠻的民族。

5 現在,就在外邦人玷污聖殿的同一天,也就是同一個基斯流月的第二十五日,聖殿又被潔淨了。

6 他們就歡歡喜喜地守這八日,如同在住棚節一樣,紀念他們不久前守住棚節時,那時他們在山上和洞穴裡如野獸般的漂流。

7 因此,他們拿着有籐葉纏繞的杖、美麗的樹枝和棕樹枝,唱詩讚美那位曾使他們大大成功地潔淨祂自己地方的主。

8 他們又頒佈共同的法令和法規,規定整個猶太民族每年都應當把那幾天守為節日。

哈. 瑪西阿克!這段經文描述了一個猶太男人會被獻為祭物!亞呼贖阿從一個還是處女的猶太女人的猶太子宮而生!
哈. 瑪西阿克,亦被稱為耶穌基督就是那從創世記到啟示錄的律法,成肉身的道!

在聖靈全能風網站 (

YAHSladyinred 和 YAHSladynred

Juhlintaa ympäri vuoden! 27/28 vuotta verkossa! Kunnia YAHUSHUALLE! Asa Mikaiyah, liity joukkoomme!
Juhlintaa ympäri vuoden! 27/28 vuotta verkossa! Kunnia YAHUSHUALLE! Asa Mikaiyah, liity joukkoomme! Amightywind Suomeksi 157 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Juhlintaa ympäri vuoden! 27/28 vuotta verkossa! Kunnia YAHUSHUALLE! Asa Mikaiyah, liity joukkoomme!

⁣Otteita videolta:

-palvelutyö synnytettiin verkossa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Yli
27 vuoden ajan tämä messiaanis-juutalais-helluntailainen palvelutyö on
julistanut YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N evankeliumia ja tuonut miljoonia
JOKA on TIE, TOTUUS ja ELÄMÄ (Joh. 14:6).

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on AINOA NIMI, jonka kautta pelastuu – parannuksenteon ja
synneistään pois kääntymisen kautta (Ap. t. 4:12). Me emme ole 'kerran
pelastunut, aina pelastunut' -tyyppinen palvelutyö. Sillä YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH sanoo: 'Miksi te sanotte MINULLE: "HERRA, HERRA!" ettekä
tottele MINUA?' (Luuk. 6:46) Ja että jos rakastamme HÄNTÄ, meidän täytyy
pitää HÄNEN käskynsä (Joh. 14:15).

Antisionismi ei ole antisemitismiä.


Ne pyhät Profetiat paljastavat Danielin kirjan sinetöityjä salaisuuksia.

Palvelutyö on kertonut todistuksia YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N ITSENSÄ ja pyhien
arkkienkelien Mikael ja Gabriel henkilökohtaisista ilmestymisistä,
julkaissut yli 150 Taivaasta saatua Profetiaa apostoli, profeetta
Elisheva Eliyahun kautta, kääntänyt yli 52 eri kielelle, julkaissut
'Todisteita Profetioiden takana' [Proof Behind the Prophecies].

Yli 27 vuoden ajan AmightyWind-palvelutyö ja apostoli, profeetta Elisheva
Eliyahu ovat pysyneet pystyssä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N vallan ja voiman
kautta huolimatta jatkuvista hyökkäyksistä, joita on tullut
kelvottomilta vihollisilta. Helvetin portit eivät pystyneet voittamaan
YAH'N palvelutyötä. Sen sijaan profeetta Elisheva Eliyahusta on tullut
vain vahvempi ja rohkeampi, AmightyWind- palvelutyö on vain menestynyt
RUACH HA KODESHIN voitokkaiden kätten kautta ja niin, että NÄMÄ ovat
puhuneet julki profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta.

Kaikki kiitos, ylistys ja kunnia YAHUVEH'LLE, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE ja RUACH HA KODESHILLE nyt ja ikuisesti. Amen." [...]

"YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on sen mysteerin PALJASTUS, salaisuus maailman alusta
alkaen (Room. 16:25), jota pahuuden voimat eivät ymmärtäneet. Sillä
'eivät he olisi KIRKKAUDEN HERRAA ristiinnaulinneet' (1. Kor. 2:8)."

"Mutta haluan kaikkien tietävän, ettei ole väliä, mistä
heimosta joku tulee, olipa se sitten Juudan heimo tai jokin toinen
niistä kahdestatoista heimosta (Ef. 2:18-19). Tietäkää tämä: On vain
yksi, jolla on merkitystä, ja HÄN on se VIINIPUU, ja me olemme ne oksat
(Jes. 11:1-2; Joh. 15; Room. 11; Ilm. 22:16), ja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on kaikkien kuningasten KUNINGAS, HÄN on se HERRA JUMALA KAIKKIVALTIAS.

HÄN on ainoa 'SUKULINJA', jolla on merkitystä.

Oletko sinä oksastettu (Room. 11)? Onko sinut adoptoitu? Oletko VERELLÄ pesty

Rukoiletko, että sinut katsotaan arvolliseksi tulemaan kutsutuksi YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N
Morsiameksi (Luuk. 21:36)? Koska älä usko sitä 'massaylöstempaus'valhetta (Mark. 13:36; Luuk. 12:37; Ilm. 3:3; 16:15 ym.).

Sinun täytyy elää pyhästi tullaksesi kutsutuksi YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N Morsiameksi." [...]

"Asa Mikaiyah/Mikiyah, sinua valmistellaan. Sinä OLET valmis. Sinä pystyt
tähän. Sinä et tule lankeamaan, vaikka se toinen lankesi – minulle on
annettu tämä lupaus." [...]

"Niiden 27 vuoden aikana, joina AmightyWind-palvelutyö on ollut Internetissä,
on ollut kaksi miestä, jotka olivat kanssajohtajia apostoli Elisheva Eliyahun kanssa eri
aikoina, kunnes he pettivät luottamuksen, koska eivät pystyneet
vaeltamaan pyhinä, ja menettivät uskonsa YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'AAN, ikävä
kyllä. Heille oli helpompaa kääntyä okkultismiin.

Jälkimmäistä näistä kahdesta miehestä sanottiin Ezra Calebiksi, mutta hänen oikea nimensä on
Erez Yotam. Voitte olla varmoja, ettei sitä Ezra Calebia – nimi, jonka JUMALA YAHUVEH hänelle antoi – enää ole." [...]

"Jotenkin joku teki tälle miehelle 'MK-Ultra'-tyylisen mielenhallintaoperaation
niin, ettei tämä mies pelkästään uskonut moniin 'jumaliin', mikä oppina
on suoraan kabbalasta, juutalaisesta mystiikasta, mitä pahimmasta
okkultismin muodosta, vaan että loppujen lopuksi hän ja hänen joukkonsa
julistivat itse olevansa osa JUMALUUTTA." [...]

"Erez Yotam ei koskaan tule takaisin. Hän ei koskaan palaa siihen Ezra Caleb
-kutsumukseen. Takaraja hänen paluulleen oli shavu'ot 2020, minkä ABBA
YAH antoi Profetiassa 153."

Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo
Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vo Amightywind Français 198 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 153 - Ecoute O Israël, le Temps de la Peine de Jacob a
Commencé - Hellywood Hollywood À vous de décider.

Israël et le reste du monde au sujet du Temps de la Peine de Jacob et du
fait que nous sommes à l'aube de la Grande Tribulation. Cette vidéo
comprend un exposé spécial sur Hollywood et une sensibilisation de
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH auprès de ceux qui, à Hollywood, n'ont pas encore
franchi la ligne de blasphème de la RUACH HA KODESH (SAINT-ESPRIT) mais
ont une chance de venir à YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ( JÉSUS CHRIST) et de se
détourner de leurs péchés - en utilisant le reste de leur vie pour
exposer ce qui se passe à Hollywood et conduire les gens à YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. Il y a 26 ans, l'Apôtre et Prophète Elisheva Eliyahu a entendu
du Ciel que ce Ministère AmightyWind serait utilisé pour atteindre ceux
qui sont égarés, y compris les acteurs, actrices, producteurs,
musiciens etc. pour le Royaume des Cieux.

Extrait de la Prophétie 153: -
Tout ce qui a été prophétisé est lié à l'obéissance. Obéissent-ils aux conditions ?
Israël est-elle une terre sainte ? Où se tient la plus grande des parades gay qu'ils exhibent dans MON visage ?!
(Elisheva : Oh là là.)

Oh Israël, oh Israël, oh Israël, vous ME metyez en colère ! Vous ME
remplissez de fureur ! Vous lisez les portions de la Torah... Vous avez
reçu l'ordre de rester à la maison, même sous la menace de la mort (cela
n'a jamais été comme ça avant, et ne le sera plus jamais), mais vous ME
remplissez de FUREUR ! Pour votre péché - que vous faites en secret
dans les maisons où vous êtes enfermés !
Oh, vous vous souvenez des shabbats ! Vous vous souvenez de Hanoukkah
[Consécration], vous vous souvenez de Souccot. Certains d'entre vous, vous
vous êtes même souvenus de Pourim MAIS VOUS VOUS ÊTES ENIVRÉS !
Vous avez fait la fête comme si c'était un mardi gras !

Où était l'adoration ?! Où était la louange?! Ô ISRAËL, Ô ISRAËL, VOUS ME REMPLISSEZ,
Quoi ? Vous pensez que JE n'ai pas le droit ? Avez-vous déjà oublié Kora ?
Ces bénédictions que J'ai réservées pour Israël, c'était un Israël qui serait
une terre Sainte - qui M'adorerait et ME louerait et qui serait mis à part et
serait un exemple pour la terre entière - et n'en aurait pas honte.

Vous êtes si fiers du fait que vous pouvez citer la Torah, si fiers du fait que vous
pouvez citer la Tanakh. Beaucoup d'entre vous le peuvent. Vous êtes si
fiers du fait que vous vous mettez à part... et vous mettez sur votre
tête une kippa que JE n'ai jamais commandée. Cela vous met à part.
Comme le noir et le blanc ! Oh, vous la cabale, VOUS SAVEZ À QUEL POINT JE VOUS DÉTESTE ?
Ne croyez-vous pas que JE vois qui est derrière tout ça ? Vous ne croyez
Croyez-vous que MES Yeux sont devenus aveugles parce que cela fait tant de milliers
d'années ? Pensez-vous que MOI, YAHUVEH, JE suis devenu sourd parce que
cela fait tant de milliers d'années ? PENSEZ-VOUS QUE MON BRAS EST TROP
COURT ?! - que JE ne peux pas vous discipliner d'une manière que vous
n'avez jamais été disciplinés auparavant ? (Ce qui sera le 'Temps de la
Peine de Jacob.)

[C'est] tout comme MON bras n'est pas trop court
pour vous étreindre maintenant, tout comme MA Vue ne s'est point
affaiblie, que JE ne vous regarderai pas avec autant d'amour maintenant.
MES Bras LANGUISSENT de vous serrer à nouveau comme J'ai serré Abraham,
Isaac et Jacob dans mes bras - comme J'ai tenu MON PROPRE FILS UNIQUE
BIEN-AIMÉ, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. JE LE tiens maintenant - alors que JE
prononce cette Parole à travers Elisheva Eliyahu (encore une fois à un
moment où elle prie sur un tout autre sujet et ne s'attendait pas à
cette Parole). Oh, Israël, arrêtez de ME remplir de FUREUR. Arrêtez
de ME demander pourquoi la mort est venue - dans les maisons - alors que
vous avez revendiqué le Psaume 91. Êtes-vous OBÉISSANTS au Psaume 91 ? !
Ou avez-vous honte du NOM DE YAHUVEH ?!
Répondez à cette question !

Prière du Salut émotionnelle spéciale vue à la fin de la vidéo, qui a été
donnée à l'Apôtre Elisheva Eliyahu il y a 25 ans de cela.

Showing 20 out of 53