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Second Book of Maccabees A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
Pentecost = Jewish Shavuot, birth of Judaism + Church This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 - basic overview on the origins and an explanation on this Biblical, Jewish holiday, holy day. Biblical Names of Pentecost/Shavuot: o Chag Shavuot (The Festival of Weeks); Exodus 34:22; Deut. 16:10 o Chag Hakatzir (The festival of the Harvest) Exodus 23:16 o Yom Habikkurim (The Day of First Fruits) Num. 28:26 (not the festival of First Fruits as given in Lev. 23:9-12. Bikkurei Ketzir Chittim (The first fruits of the wheat harvest) Exodus 34:22 o Yom HaKahal (The Day of Assembly) Deut. 18:16 Z'man Mattan Torateinu - The season of the giving of the Torah Giving of the HOLY SPIRIT • Mount Sinai Judaism was born- Mount Zion the church was born when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the followers of the Mashiach Messiah.
The Mark Of The Beast 666 - What Is It In this Powerful video, we present to you an image that will never leave your mind. You will always be able to remember it. Why? Because you MUST know at this point in time, the answer to the question; "What is the Mark of the Beast?" After watching this video, you WILL know what the Mark of the Beast is and you will be prepared with this knowledge for what is going to come. The Great Tribulation is only a breath away. For the sake of souls, SHARE this video with all people you know, that they might be warned also and NOT take the Mark of the Beast in the Great Tribulation. There is a lot of information found on the internet concerning the Mark of the Beast, yet many of that which can be found is either not complete, twisted or meant to subliminally control your mind to have you end up taking the Mark of the Beast in the Great Tribulation anyway. What they DON'T tell you, is that Sunday Worship which will be mandatory in the Great Tribulation is CONNECTED to the Mark of the Beast. Although there are some Sunday churches left at this point in time that are being used for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (Jesus') Glory still, in the Great Tribulation ALL Sunday churches will be used for worship of the Antichrist. It is of great important right now to understand how the devil has set you up through the world goverments and it's religious system of iniquity, to receive the antichrist who will claim to be "Jesus Christ" returned. The antichrist will demand that ALL worship him, on the day he has set aside which is Sunday; the man-made sabbath. It is there where people will receive the physical Mark of the Beast. Learn how YAHUVEH GOD Almighty sets HIS people apart, and how HIS people will be distinquished from those who will worship the beast and receive his Mark. Learn about the True Sabbath Day; friday sundown till saturday sundown and why it is so important to keep this 4th Commandment Holy now. Why it is so important to forsake man-made doctrine and pagan holidays and Sunday, and start obeying YAHUVEH's Ten Commandments. Revelation 12 teaches us that the dragon is wroth with those who keep the Commandments of GOD and have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Please view this video, in which we will show you Prophecy excerpts spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah who is the pastor from AmightyWind Ministry, who takes the heat and the abuse, and persecution from the servants of satan here on YouTube that masquerade themselves as ministers of righteousness. The Prophets pay a great price, to be used as GOD's mouthpiece. When you watch this video, you will understand why the devil and many so-called christians who are no christians at all hate this woman so much and spend their lives trying to destroy her and this Ministry. Yet this is YAHUVEH GOD and YAHUSHUA's Ministry, this Ministry therefore cannot be destroyed and will continue to burn like Holy Fire reaching the 4 corners of this earth with the Gospel, and the Holy Prophecies YAHUVEH has spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for the sake of this End Time generation.
Caleb CRUCIFIXION Plan Urgent Warning! Will you let it happen Ezra, Erez Yotam? Urgent Warning for Ezra Caleb/Erez Yotam: The fallen angels/shapeshifters that are surrounding you plan to crucify you. Don't die in your sin or else you will go to hell James 5:16 Confess ye sins one to another. John 14:6 YAHUSHUA saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: No man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME. Phil 2:12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. This is how much we prove we love you. We warn you of the burning crucifixion cross as I warned you they wanted to kill you all along, I warned you all along do not listen to them. My love and my desire for you is that you will live and not die. You will return to me delivered of the legions of demons as you cry out to YAHUSHUA for forgiveness in a public video. You will return back to your true spiritual children, who trusted you because they could trust me. Minsitry—25 years old online, and I never led anyone to another god and never has or will the kabbalah be taught here. I’ve been given many Prophesies telling him to repent before he dies without repenting, having blasphemed and he will be in hell and the lake of fire. These illusions of people want him dead now and to mock the testimony of YAHUSHUA in every way. YAH is saying this is a final warning to you my beloved husband, Erez Yotam, Ezra Caleb. Because I love you, I warn you and because YAHUSHUA has increased my love and desire not just to save your soul but your life—to be greater than the shame that you brought to me and this Ministry with your black forms of magic, kabbalah, masonic god idolatry and with demons of the antichrist. My love for you had to be greater than the hatred for the words you spewed forth against the wife you promised to never leave or forsake, and to always protect. My love had to be greater than my desire to never forgive you. My love had to be greater to allow the bitterness to be forced out of my heart by YAHUSHUA. My love had to be greater than the ocean and river of tears I have cried remembering what it was first like when you were brought into my life as the two Anointings became one on March 7, 2016. I will not have Ephesians 6:7-30 blood on my hands.
Modlitwa Zbawienia! Przyjmij JAHUSZUA HA MASZIACH do serca już dziś! Zapraszam do wysłuchania tej pięknej modlitwy o zbawienie wypowiedzianej pod namaszczeniem prorok i apostoł Eliszewy Elijahu.
Blessed Sukkot 2022!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Happy Sukkot Beloved Amightywind Congregation and Asa Mikaiyah! This is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world. Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy day of the year. Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert. Sukkahs were built to commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. ABBA YAHUVEH would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us and is with us always. Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies and this world to us is our temporary home as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity. This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this world will not last forever. John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” So, during this time of Sukkot, invite ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! For this is the time when our Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH that no longer is there a separation between us, but now we can openly dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD YAHUVEH and HIS people, but that veil was torn in order for us to be able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of YOUR Only BEGOTTEN SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name. May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a Holy temple, YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way. Thank YOU for sending YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR Only BEGOTTEN SON to once and for all tear that veil that once separated us from YOU, thank YOU that we are welcome into YOUR arms as YOUR children through the name and blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR SON. We Praise YOU for always providing for us, protecting us, guiding and leading us in YOUR will, for that is what our hearts desire is, to please YOU and serve YOU and to follow the will, path and purpose YOU have for us. Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! HAPPY BLESSED SUKKOT AMIGHTYWIND!
In Their Own Words!!! Trans Hollywood
How Hollywood Stars Stay Looking Young
YAHs paul - 如鹿渴慕溪水(As The Deer) © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Tears Of Abortion - Story of an aborted baby Story of an aborted baby. This video peeks inside the womb to hear what a baby might be feeling and think. It punches hard but at the same time is tastefully done. Have tissue near by, most people cry the last 2 minutes of this video. Life begins at conception and we certainly don't need planned parenthood doing partial birth abortions. Stop abortions now!!
Profeti 5 - Dere er MINE Skjulte Skatter, Dere er MINE Skjulte Våpen!
Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH "Be of Good Cheer MY Little Ones for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the only Good Shepherd and I am exposing the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps for the wolves they are! I am beating the wolves away and removing their fangs from your flesh. Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her, by watching her programs or buying her books she promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's gospel. There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns about when she wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet." Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books, emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you, into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you, if you depend on her orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you will see YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva Eliyahu know they are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself Choo Thomas, repent now publicly! The words you have written in a book describing your so-called trips to heaven, is a trick from satan! Beloved Children, just because someone says they have been to heaven, test it with MY Word and see if it lines up with MY description of Heaven. Every Pastor that has promoted and promotes the lies that Choo Thomas has written, you also are fit for MY fury if you do not openly REPENT and rebuke these lies! You have helped lead the Sheep and Lambs astray! How could you not recognize these lies she has written in her book? Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and to lead by example. These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words to conform into their own self made comfortable image that strives to offend no one...."
Our God song - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
預言 26 聽從我,敬畏我,相信我! 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站: 預言中文網站: 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
YAHS Paul - 德佛札克: 幽默曲 . A Dvorak : Humoresque © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Testimony to ABBA YAH and Amightywind I dedicate this testimony to ABBA YAH first and foremost. This is my testimony of how I turned from my sin and accepted YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as my Lord and savior. I testify of how the Holy Prophecies given to Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia changed my life and rescued me from hell.
Prophétie 136 - La SAINTE TRINITE a besoin d être réconfortée aussi Ceci est votre ABBA YAHUVEH! J'aime lorsque vous M'appelez « PÈRE ». JE SUIS votre PÈRE AIMANT! J'ai donné MON SEUL FILS BIEN AIMÉ pour que vous retournez au Royaume des Cieux à nouveau. Car personne, personne d'entre vous est parfait! Seul YAHUSHUA est parfait, que certains appellent «JÉSUS CHRIST». Mais JE veux que vous L'appelez « YAHUSHUA », par SON NOM HÉBREU. Vous trouverez qu'il y a plus de Pouvoir et d'Onction dans le NOM HÉBREU, mais il y a encore du Pouvoir et de l'Onction dans le Nom de «JÉSUS CHRIST». Juste s'il vous plaît, JE veux apprendre à vous connaître mieux sur ce Shavu’ot qui ils4 appellent le Jour de Pentecôte. Tellement ne font que dire, «c'est juste le jour de Pentecôte»–et cette Prophétie doit être délivrée sur Shavu’ot–c'est pourquoi JE l'appelle Shavu’ot5. Ceci est ma prière6 pour vous MES enfants. Ceci est ce que JE demande de vous MES enfants. MES enfants! MES enfants! MES enfants! MES nourrissons! MES nourrissons! MES nourrissons! JE veux apprendre à mieux vous connaître! JE SUIS votre CRÉATEUR! Il n'y en a pas d'autre! Vous ne combinez jamais les religions ensemble! Ce n'est pas à sujet d'une religion! Ceci est à sujet d'une relation avec votre CRÉATEUR. Ceci est à sujet de votre MESSIE, votre SAUVEUR YAHUSHUA QUI a payé le PRIX au Calvaire—pour que de l'enfer [vous soyez sauvés] vous n'entrez pas , pour que JE puisse entendre vos prières à nouveau, pour que JE puisse vous pardonner vos péchés—IL a versé SON PROPRE SANG! Car SON SANG est parfait! Il est venu du Royaume des Cieux! (...) JE veux une relation avec MES bien-aimés. JE ne veux pas seulement que vous ME craignez—mais la crainte est le début de la Sagesse (Voir Pv 9:10; Ps 111:10) —JE veux que vous M'obéissez. (...) Faites de votre mieux, faites de votre mieux, faites de votre mieux pour vivre en Sainteté! Et lorsque vous échouerez—et tôt ou tard vous allez être comme un enfant désobéissant et vous échouerez mais repentez— demandez le pardon et ne pensez pas que YAHUSHUA est mort sur cette croix juste pour vous donner une excuse pour pécher à nouveau. Vous êtes tenus responsables pour ce que vous savez (Mt 12:36). (...)
The Evidence of The Red Sea Crossing