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Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride
Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride Amightywind Ministries 168 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride

⁣"How dare New York, after I poured forth MY mercy and MY love. I spared
untold uncounted souls from Sept. 11, 2001 from many days hence. As they
unburied those that they thought were dead. As I had MY angels chase
them out before the buildings collapsed and now they dare to defy what
is holy, they dare to profane the name 'marriage,' that which I have
given as a symbol for the Bride and the Bridegroom. It is not man-man.
It is not Adam and Steve, it is Adam and Eve. MY anger and MY rage will
burn New York if they continue on.

I have warned them and I have warned them that Sept. 11 was only a sample.
How dare them and every state including Canada and the providences that
follow who dare to do the same. I remind you what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Their fate shall be the same.

Dare not say that the hedge of protection is
around America for this is a lie straight from satan's prophets' mouths.
The hedge of protection is around MY People, those that call out in MY
Name. Those that worship YAHUSHUA and those that honor MY true Sabbaths,
those that repent and humble themselves, those that look up and know
that redemption draweth nigh.

MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, these are the ones the hedge of
protection are around. I have torn down the hedge of protection around
America and you shall see that flag burn. Be not angry at MY apostles
and prophets that I send to warn the doom will come. Instead thank
ME that I care so much to warn....

......So this is MY message this day, as you see the name 'GOD' struck out of
the Pledge of Allegiance. As you see the word 'GOD' struck off your
currency. The vision I have given MY Daughter this day, you will see the
American flag burn and the merchants shall cry from afar off and the
world shall weep and lament but will they learn a lesson from her? Oh
how few listen.

Their ears are full of wax. Their eyes are blind, they only want to see from
their own eyes and they don't want to see through MINE.

America, you will reap what you are sowing.
Again I repeat, the hedge of protection is not around America. The hedge
of protection is around MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and
Elect. Look up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the Name of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Deny not the Name of YAHUVEH. Deny not the
anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH.

Deny not MY commandments and MY laws and MY statutes, and the Word that
was made flesh. Look up MY Children, for truly your redemption draweth nigh."

YAHUVEH gave a vision of a burning american flag to His humble vessel of clay Prophet
Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) . He warns in this Prophetic Message
to anoint your homes so that the angel of death will pass over when it
comes through. He said that hedge of protection is not around america
but around His Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, & Elect.

He is coming back for a Holy & Obediant Bride without spot or wrinkle. If
you wonder if you are a part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA please read
Prophecy 82 - Last call for the Bride of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH.

Prophecy 98 - The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again
Prophecy 98 - The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 98 - The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again

⁣"You want to know who the Bride is? Do you fulfill these qualifications?
This Ministry is not for everyone. It is either for the enemy's
destruction or it is for the blessings of those whose names are written
in the LAMB'S Book of Life. But not everyone will be blessed. There is a
price to pay to be this Ringmaiden. There is a price to pay to be
called, "The Five Wise". There is a price to pay to be the Bride of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! How many of you are willing to pay that price?!

Oh I listen and I shake MY head and I weep as one rapture date after
another is given and even they, if truth would be said, do not meet
these qualifications. They say, "Grace, grace, all it takes is grace! It
doesn't matter how I sin. It doesn't matter how I offend YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA. We'll do it our way. We'll set the date. Let's see, let's do
math, we'll get it to line up! I awoke at 4:44... no, I awoke at
1:11..." Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! This is not the
qualification for you to be caught to meet ME in the air!!! Where is
this in the Holy Scriptures?

You are in the countdown of the omer and I am in the countdown of MY patience!
The more they try to destroy this Ministry, I have put you on notice again and again,
and two that are only fit for MY Judgment, shortly now this Prophetic Warning will go
forth as I name names and this is just the beginning! I told you 2008
was going to be like a war like none other! I am YAHUVEH and I DO NOT
LIE!!! You cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You can do your sacrifices, your
voodoo, your witchcraft, your hoodoo, you can make your contracts with
satan but you cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You cannot stop the Eternal
Light that shines so bright through the Aleph and the Tav and the
Almightywind RUACH ha KODESH Fire Ministry!"

Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing
Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing

⁣This Prophetic Word applies not only to a certain woman mentioned in this Prophecy, but to all wolves in sheep's clothing.

Explanation by Elisabeth (Elisheva): Woe be unto the wolves in sheep's clothing!
Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Although this
prophecy was given to another who deceived me as a site manager, she
named her ministry after this one. Yet that ministry leads others astray
to materialism, and some false doctrine. The Engle's named their
ministry Holy Ghost Fire, copying what God gave me and is Holy. I am to
share this prophecy for it is meant to encourage other ministers and
ministries where the wolves are devouring or biting you with their
fangs. As God protects me he is no respecter of persons and will cause
your enemies to run in seven different directions!

This woman who calls herself a pastor was my web manager for one night and led
people to Amway not to YAHUSHUA! I have no choice but to leave her name
on it as she has not changed the name of her ministry. She made a profit
off this PROPHET for one night! What is the price of a soul I ask her
and all those that do these things? Ministers beware all who take the
tax exempt status and are bribed by Government to not warn the people
against what is being done in this country. The RUACH ha KODESH told me
truly that tax exempt status will be your only reward! Shortly there
will be no reward from Government, what will you do then? This minister
who is mentioned in the prophecy below I would rather remove her name
but I am NOT allowed to for this is a word of God and warning to all
others who do the same. Remember YAHUSHUA and how he tore up the money
changers' temples! This prophecy is just a small example of how he felt.
I forgive her and only pray she ceases serving the God of Materialism.

I removed this prophecy for the longest of time until I kept getting
requests for it. I don't like having to speak curses of God YAHUVEH and
not blessings. God is a God of Balance in all things. Read Deut. 28 the
curses of God to those that disobey and Blessings of God to those that

Some famous Wolves in sheep's clothing: Oprah Winfrey,
Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce
Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick
Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard and Lindsey Roberts,
Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike
Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Kim Clement.

YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25
YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25 Amightywind Ministries 156 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot not on December 25

⁣Sukkot Video made for the praise honor and glory of YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH. Amightywind made this video because so many people think we
are saying not to honor the birth of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, but this is
not true. We mearly mean to say that we do not believe YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH's birthday was on December 25. For a full explanation why we
believe YAHUSHUA's birthday was during Sukkot please visit the following

There are several clues that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot:

1. Bethleham was "booked solid." This would not have been due census which
would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Jew was
required to come to Jerusalem for Sukkot (Dt. 16:16) this would have
over run Jerusalem as well as Bethleham just five miles away.

2. YAHUSHUA was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah"
(as in Gen. 33:17) so it is likely that YAHUSHUA was born in a

3. If YAHUSHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot
then he would have been circumcised on the "eighth great day" a festival
following Sukkot. This day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing
in the Torah) which is now held the following day in Rabbinic Judaism.
So YAHUSHUA would have entered the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in
the Torah."

4. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they
made a statement which closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy
"...behold, we have come to declare to you glad tidings of great joy."
(Lk. 2:10-11)

5. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body?) with us.

Now in Mt. 2:7-8, Herod kills all the children two and under. The fact that
he killed such a wide range indicates that he did not know quite how
long ago Messiah had been born. YAHUSHUA's parents fled to Egypt until
they heard Herod was dead. They were back in Bethleham in time to
perform Miriam's (Mary's) purification and YAHUSHUA's dedication on the
40th day after YAHUSHUA's birth (as required by Torah) (Luke 2:22-38).

By this time Herod had to be dead or they could not have come to the
Temple in Jerusalem. Herod had to have died during the 40 days between
YAHUSHUA's birth, and his dedication 40 days later. Herod is known to
have died in September of 4 B.C.E. So YAHUSHUA had to have born in the
fall (this rules out that Zechariah could have been serving during
Abijah's second course of the year, since that would place YAHUSHUA's
birth in the Spring and not allow for Herod's death during the 40 days
after his birth in the fall). This also tells us that the year of
YAHUSHUA's birth was 4 B.C.E.

When YAHUSHUA was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Lk. 2:8)
which could not have been in the Winter. In fact it can be shown that
YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot (Boothes/Tabernacles) in 4 B.C.E..

The key to calculating the date of the birth of YAHUSHUA is Luke 1:5 where
we learn that Zechariah the father of Yochanan was a priest of the course of Abijah.

The priests became to numerous to all serve at the Temple all the time, so
they were divided into 24 courses (1Chron. 24). Each course served for
two weeks each year, once in the former rain (first half of the year)
and once in the latter rain (second half of the year). There were also
three weeks in which all the priests were required to serve, these were
the three pilgrimage festivals (Dt. 16:16). 24 times 2 is 48 plus three
is 51. 51 weeks is 357 days fitting nicely within the 360 day lunar

The course of Abijah is the eighth course (1Chron. 24:10)
which serves the tenth week during the former rain portion of the year
(this is because during Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost) all fo the
priests serve together Dt. 16:16). Zechariah had his vision while
serving in the course of Abijah in the tenth week (It will become
apparent that he was serving his first course not his second as the
timing will show as we progress). Thus Zechariah's vision took place
during the 10th week of the year (The religious year beginning at
Nisan/Abib around 14 days before Passover). We must add two additional
weeks before Yochanon (John) could be conceived, due to the purity laws
(Lev. 12:5; 15:19, 25).

So Yochanon was concieved in the 12th week of the year. He was born about
40 weeks later during the 52nd week of the year (12 + 40 = 52) which brings us to Passover.
Thus Yochanon was born at Passover, the very time that Elijah was, according to Jewish
tradition, supposed to appear.

YAHUSHUA was conceived 6 months (about 25 weeks) after Yochanon's conception.
This means YAHUSHUA was conceived around the 37th week around Chanukah.
This would mean the light of the world was conceived during the festival of lights.

YAHUSHUA was born 40 weeks later (around week 77 that is week 25 of the
following year) this brings us to the time of the fall feasts.

一個地獄裡的公民 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 152 Views • 4 months ago


⁣這異像和這首歌是賜給 猶太使徒和先知 以莉莎法.以利亞呼
這首歌不是一首美麗的歌, 這首歌的歌詞,是你想要忘記的。
警告他們, 唯一能脫逃地獄的方法是
那裡...... 地獄那裡沒有演奏得好的音樂家。
在地獄裡, 現在他們只能演奏走調的音樂。
由一個真實的人, 一個地獄裡的公民唱著。
從來沒有返回到耶穌基督/ 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的救贖恩典。
錄音的結尾處有更多詳述 關於這首歌是怎麼來的。
如果有一天你指責我 把你嚇進了天國,
那麼我不得不說, 主亞哈威的聖名是應當稱頌的。

Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic
Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic Amightywind Ministries 155 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic

⁣Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by
witchdoctors, and shaman spirit mediums alike. Hypnosis has always been a
powerful tool of the occult. Four ways to get in touch with the
spiritual realm quickly is by hypnosis, drugs, meditation, and
visualization. Anytime we interfere and change the normal brain pattern
we bring ourselves into an altered state of consciousness, and if
radical enough in touch with the spiritual realm. A hypnotist may
encourage the participant to enter a light or medium trance, but he
cannot guarantee the hypnotized subject from spontaneously entering the
danger zone. This is where real and permanent damage can occur. One can
experience a sense of being separated from their body, hallucinate, or
go into a mystical state similar to those of mystics and meditators.

Current trends are people being hypnotized who are brought back into memories
of a few days or from the womb and prior to birth, experiencing past
lives. However this is scientifically impossible because of the
scientific fact that the myelin sheathing is too underdeveloped in the
prenatal, natal, and early postnatal brain to reserve such memories.
Some 25,000 cases have been documented by a doctor. It certainly appears
as if familiar spirits were there during these people’s lifetimes to
give a somewhat accurate reading, convincing those involved.

Past life regression is done to help subjects overcome some type of phobia
or fear such as swimming (which usually means they drowned in their past
life). Most everyone is a somebody in the past, even though they may
not be now.

The fact is no one knows exactly how hypnosis
actually “works,” and though they may have intentions of using it for
good it is still an unexplored area that affects the mind. Some use it
for self-healing. The Occultist Edgar Cayce also used self-hypnosis to
enter a trance state and diagnose disease and prescribe treatment to
patients he never saw, some from far away places. Self-hypnosis can be
occultic and just as dangerous as a trance induced by a hypnotist. This
is the same state mediums go into to contact the “dead,” or when
clairvoyants receive information of events they could not know by
natural means.

Just because hypnotists use scientific terminology
does not mean their abilities are mental or from natural phenomena.
Most hypnotists do not believe in the occult and are neither open to
considering this phenomena being from a spiritual (demonic) source. They
feel it is either latent human power or something undiscovered as yet.
As one surrenders himself to a doorway into the occult, under the
disguise of “science” or “medicine,” he has open himself to the powers
outside himself, and probable deception.

We are warned by God not to practice sorcery, divination, or enchantment. we are not to follow
after mediums, wizards, enchanters, charmers, and those who have a
familiar spirit (Deut. 18:9-14).

Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell Amightywind Ministries 154 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell

⁣HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have
allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of
these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school
system. MY Name is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY
protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted?

... Games that
started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with
one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one
another. Does not MY Word say when you sin in your heart, you have
sinned against ME? Your imagination is not yours every imagination,
every thought is to be held captive for MY inspection. If it sins
against your brother it is sin. The greatest of all the Ten Commandments
is love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

That also includes
thou shalt not murder. Yet in your children they kill and they kill the
good as well as the evil in games. Beware, like I have asked before out
of this handmaiden, “What is satan feeding your children tonight through
the media, through their peers, through the games or books they read
and through their music?” Beware, satan knows I came into this world as a
innocent child and now he seeks to punish the children, to corrupt
their souls and eventually take them to hell with him.

babies are getting pregnant and told it’s alright, just get an abortion
they are told. Not one thought for the innocent child that was not
taught sexual promiscuity is SIN and leads to corruption of the soul.
Not one thought of the torture of that innocent baby as it lies in the
mother’s womb. Though the mother may be just a youngster herself, she
sins against ME, Almighty God YAHUVEH and she sins against her unborn
baby that only wanted to be born, as she has it executed. There is no
difference between a gun used for murder and a doctor used for murder.
It is all murder in MY eyes. The mother also sins against her body, soul
and Spirit. Her mind will never forget, although I can forgive if she
will ask ME and turn away from this evil.

I prophecy now
something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become
more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will
control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The
states will say ‘they own your children.’ The states will pass laws to
keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental
rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents
will have no rights. Don’t let this continue! Satan can’t take what you
don’t give him. Take back your children in MY Name! Take your children
out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense
of their souls...."

YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an!
YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an! Amightywind Deutschland 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an!

⁣Gebet um Rettung:
YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen HERRN
und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube, dass DU
den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha.
DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten.

Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich
rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe
und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden.

Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir das Verlangen gibst, DIR an
jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA,
damit DU verherrlicht wirst!

Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangen gibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel,
zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen.

Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen
Glauben wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde.
Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen,
ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA!

YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt
Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer
3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU
unser RETTER genannt. Amen.

Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem
Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen.
Glaube es und erinnere dich, dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT
sondern auch dein bester Freund ist! Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er
liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist. Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt
dich, den Sünder.

YAHUSHUA hat den Preis für deine Sünden bezahlt, so
dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder verdammt fühlen musst.
Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim Namen, dann sag IHM, dass
es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für alle deine vergangenen
und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das, was du getan hast oder
tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt. Niemand ist perfekt!
Erinnere dich daran!

Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 GebotenGOTTES zu gehorchen durch
die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off
12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft

Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die
Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird
ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den
Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im
Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben
bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht
YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du
YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast!
Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor
brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von

Showing 28 out of 54