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Proroctví 126 - BOŽÍ Hněv Bude Seslán Na Tento Svět Obsahuje HEBREJSKÁ BOŽÍ JMÉNA. YAH/YAHU je SVATÝM, POSVĚCENÝM JMÉNEM BOHA, tak jako například ve slově “Aleluja” nebo “Haleluja,” což doslovně znamená “CHVÁLA YAH”: YAHUVEH/YAHWEH BŮH OTEC; YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA BOŽÍ JEDNOROZENÝ SYN – HA MASHIACH znamená “MESIÁŠ”; ELOHIM znamená “BŮH”. Zjevení “SHKHINAH SLÁVY” – jako OSOBNÍ JMÉNO RUACH HA KODESH, v češtině “DUCH SVATÝ” – je na těchto stránkách také zmiňováno. (HA SHKHINAH /SHEKINAH/ je hebrejsky BOŽÍ PŘEBÝVAJÍCÍ, BOŽÍ PŘÍTOMNOST.) Dodatečně, ABBA YAH znamená “OTEC YAH” a IMMA YAH znamená “MATKA YAH”.
Prophecy 73 - JUDGMENT JUDGMENT JUDGMENT "JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT! You who will not receive the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I speak to all those who mock ME. I speak to all those who blaspheme ME. I speak to all those who reject MY Son YAHUSHUA, you who will not receive the shed Blood that was shed for you, then I shall pour blood down your throats. I shall gorge you with your own blood. I shall gorge you for the sins that you have done in America alone. Think not the other nations of this world have not displeased ME. Because this prophet is from America, so I say, I speak forth the judgments that shall come to America. If she were from Germany, I would speak forth the Judgment on Germany. If she were from Australia, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Australia. If she were from Canada, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Canada for there is not one nation on the face of this earth that I have not reserved judgment for. Blood shall flow in your streets. Blood shall come to your very shores. Diseases, sicknesses and infirmities that, which you have never even heard of before, shall come upon MY enemies, those who decreed they are MY enemies. So you want to take MY symbols of anything Holy out of your view, off of the seals, out of the pledges, off of the flags. You want to evict ME from your nations, I will show you, I will gorge you with your own blood. (...) Oh, they have there man-made machine they say can control the weather, but I am I and I alone will show what I do to this machine! I will break the very strings of their HAARP ! I will confound those that think themselves wise. For am I not the author of all wisdom and you have created nothing, it is I that am the inventor. I alone am the Creator and I will show you what I do to the weapons of mass destruction, for you shall see destruction from Heaven just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven cities did. So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one. It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall reap MY wrath for I am the God YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one. Because of the mercy of MY Son I have held MY rage back. When you see one nation under God, the last of the seals go, you will have truly evicted even the word, the generic word God from your nation. You let a select few, handpicked by satan to take one freedom after another away. You remain silent yet you come to ME and pray? The enemy does not stay silent, the enemy roars and makes itself known as satan goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So for those who do not have their sins washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, for those who have not made ME and MY Son first in their life and their love, you will see these calamities come. (...) I speak not this warning to MY Children; I threaten not MY Children, those that are MY beloved, those that are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen and Elect. You need not fear the wrath of your Father as long as you're doing what I tell you to do. I will keep you safe, I will keep you hidden under the shelter of MY wings, it is in that anointing that you enter in. (...) So America, I prophesy through this handmaiden for she is from America, open your mouth wide because those who do not accept the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, your own blood I will gorge you with! And there is not one person who will not be able to say, when destruction comes in waves, "That I know this one or that one that died." I warned you America, your prophets warned you. I have spoke forth warning after warning from this handmaiden many years before. (...)
爸爸亞,艾勒沙代(全能神)的隱形保護斗篷抵擋邪惡被棄者 (150) 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
慶祝派對進行中!27週年又一年在亞呼贖阿里的勝利!(27週年歡慶第2部分) 繼續來和我們一起慶祝這個事工在互聯網上#傳福音 27年!全年歡慶! :) #彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工 #27週年 (這個#聖靈全能風事工 網站 #AmightyWind.com的生日4月4日恰巧也是先知以莉莎法的生日) 27年多以來,這個彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工,一直都在傳講亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的#福音 ,並帶領數百萬的靈魂歸向亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克,祂是道路、真理和生命 (約14:6) !亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是唯一的聖名我們可以藉著得救,透過悔改以及轉離我們的罪 (徒4:12)。 以超過52種語言,伴隨著「預言背後的證據」。使徒, 先知以莉莎法.以利亞呼一直都高高屹立,透過亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的權柄和力量。儘管遭到許多來自被棄者仇敵們的無情攻擊,地獄之門無法戰勝亞的事工。反而, 先知以莉莎法.以利亞呼只會變得更强壯、更勇敢,聖靈全能風事工只會變得更繁榮昌盛,單單藉著阿爸亞哈威, 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克和如阿克.哈.古德西的勝利之手。所有的讚美、榮耀和尊榮都歸給亞哈威, 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克和如阿克.哈.古德西,從現在直到永遠,阿門!
Testimony of how my life changed This is my testimony of how my life changed after I watched a Prophecy given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. How Amightywind Ministries have helped me get back to my first love and that is YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH. Thank you ABBA YAHUVEH of giving me another chance! Thank you Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for your boldness and obedience in releasing these Holy Prophecies.
Thousands of Muslims are choosing to follow Jesus Christ. Amid talk of a broader war in the Middle East, there is also news that a Jesus Revolution may be underway. An unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life.
Defending the Hebrew NAME of JESUS YAHUSHUA - Part 1
Пророчество 126 - Божий Гнев на Этот Мир Будет Отправлен Не прикасайтесь к Пророкам МОИМ! Не прикасайтесь к Помазанным МОИМ, и Пророкам МОИМ не делайте никакого зла (1 Паралипоменон 16:22; ПС 104:15)! Он [Павел Хэллэм] разгорится в Ярости МОЕЙ! НЕ ВРЕДИТЕ МОЕЙ НЕВЕСТЕ! — НЕ ЗЛОУПОТРЕБЛЯЙТЕ МОЕЙ НЕВЕСТОЙ! (4) Горе всем, кто прикасается к волосам головы МОЕЙ Невесты! Разве вы не знаете? Это МОЯ Ярость, МОЙ Гнев, МОЯ Ярость, который держит Ад воспламененным! В этот день пламя только выросло горячее! Не вредите МОИМ Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным и Избранным! Горе этому миру! Для того, чтобы называть злом то, что Я называю Святым! ГОРЕ ЭТОМУ МИРУ! Горе! Горе! Горе! Это не собирается(5) [быть] долго. Этот мир собирается почувствовать на себе МОЮ Ярость! И это будет не просто топанье Ножкой АББА ЯХУВЕХ — но это будет и ЯХУШУА и ИММАЯХ! Прекратите испытывать. Прекратите испытывать МОЕ терпение — как далеко вы можете наклониться в Ад и не упасть — ПРЕКРАТИТЕ ИСПЫТЫВАТЬ МЕНЯ! Я не говорю это предупреждение МОИМ драгоценным Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным и Избранным —те, кто омыты в Пролитой Крови, те, кто получил МОЙ дар на Голгофе. Вы! Вы! Вы! Я вас обнимаю! Вам нечего бояться. Я говорю с врагами — отверженными (2 Тимофея 3:8; Титу 1:16),(6) порождению сатаны. Я говорю к “теплым” (Откровение 3:16), кто называет себя “Христианин”, но даже ОСКВЕРНЯЮТ Имя ХРИСТА.
预言143-结束是全新的开始!——来自圣灵全能风野火事工亚洲分会的预言 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 預言中文網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道 使徒先知以莉莎法. 以利亞呼也是聖靈全能風野火事工亞洲分支/會眾的領導——是由亞呼贖阿我們的瑪西阿克任命的。在與許多寶貴的亞洲人(在這個影片裡所出現的人)——他們從這個事工以及把他們領向各各他山的亞呼贖阿的預言話語和啟示裡得到了祝福——長達15個小時的聚會期間,使徒以莉莎法與他們一起慶祝了神聖的普珥節,教導服事了他們,跟他們一起進行了禱告,並且還收到了來自阿爸亞哈威、亞呼贖阿和伊媽亞的一篇預言話語!這個影片包含普珥節的預言,在這篇預言裡神聖的三位一體真神對祂們親愛的亞洲會眾說了話語,啟示更多關於以斯拉迦勒叛逆的信息,以及他需要悔改之事。在這個時候問題是他會悔改並且轉離他的罪——允許在他裡面的那個好的、神聖的、充滿恩膏的男人(迦勒)上前來並且站在以莉莎法的身旁,覺得能成為協同領導是一種榮幸呢?還是他將會繼續處在叛逆和偶像崇拜之中,亞會在另外一個男人裡面把以莉莎法. 以利亞呼那充滿恩膏的迦勒帶出來呢?時間會證明一切,亞哈威已經知道了。 所有那些祝福了亞的聖靈全能風野火事工的親愛的人們都會得到祝福!聖靈全能風野火事工已經在網上有25年了,其為了亞呼贖阿. 哈. 瑪西阿克接觸到了成百上千萬的靈魂。
Profetia 137 – IMMAYAH'N tuutulaulu
不要害怕,不要退缩!红海奇迹的信心! 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Archangel Michael Appears To Elisheva In South Africa! This is an amazing history about Rev. Elisabeth Elijah who saw Archangel Michael along with her husband at a seaside restaurant in Camps Bay South Africa Capetown four years ago.
Profetiske Drømmer - Befolkningkontroll Drøm gitt til Apostel Elisheva
Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny Come Forth "Beloved Daughters of Destiny, walk not in your own peace, but YAHUSHUA's peace that passes all understanding. Walk not in your own strength but in the God you serve strength. Stay not in the boat MY Daughter but walk out on the water, with ME. What you think is impossible, I will make a way. What blocks and hinders you, I will remove. Though the waves will look like they may drown you and the wind will roar, keep your eyes on your Savior and you will not drown. You are ordained to be a water walker not a boat sitter. Run towards Goliath like a David. David did not run away from Goliath though he mocked, threatened, though he towered over all men, David ran towards Goliath. David showed no fear for he put his confidence not in man or a king, but in the great "I AM" and I did not fail him, nor will I fail you. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Hear ME. Fear is torment I do not send. David when he was mocked and threatened did not reply what he would do but instead what his God would do. David did not expect to slay the enemy with the five smooth stones, for they were not even sharp stones. But David knew his weapons were not going to kill Goliath, only the wrath of YAHUVEH would kill Goliath. I put MY wrath into those stones. I slew Goliath by a young shepherd boy that people mocked when he came against the enemy they said he shall surely die, he shall fail. How can a mere youth slay a giant? These words they say to MY Daughters now. The enemy speaks forth in many ways and says you will fail. You will die if you go against this enemy. You are weak and not meant to minister in YAHUVEH's Name. But MY Daughters of Destiny I have chosen you. I have ordained you. I have strengthened you. Men are right; if you do this in your strength and power you will fail. You could die, but you stand not in your might, strength and power. You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day. For am I not the beginning and the end? The Great "I AM" is the God of Prophecy. The Alpha & Omega is the God of Prophecy for I have prophesied the beginning and I have prophesied the end. Who but "I AM" can do this? I will reveal MY secrets to MY Daughters as well as MY Sons. MY Daughters I have chosen you to do the same as David. The enemy will mock and taunt, he will use others to threaten and harm. You will be slandered for MY sake. When these enemies come against you fear not what to say or do, it will not be your words you will speak but MY words you speak. MY beloved Little Ones, do not think ahead of time what you are going to do. Do not have any fear when you see the look upon their faces. They think you are to be controlled by man, and instead you are not controlled by a king of this earth, you are ruled by the King of Kings. David threw off the armor of this world and stood instead with the armor, MY armor God Almighty. Thus you shall do also. Weep not when the enemy falls. I am with you and no one can do anything I don't allow. I love you MY beloved Daughter...."
Prophecy 97 - Year Of Jubilee YAHUVEH Says Cast Your Dead Weight Off "This is what I think of these credit card companies. This is what I think of these debt collectors. Hospitals who raise their prices so high that even when a person lives, because of the crushing debt each day they die. Leeches! Vultures! Vampires, these financial institutions are. Mortgage companies shall come down! They shall lay in ruins for foreclosing on homes without any mercy. MY Wrath they shall feel and they themselves shall be homeless! For they shall reap what they have sown. I love you MY son. Oh please listen this day. It was no accident I sent this Prophet this way. I do not give this Ringmaiden a Word for everyone. For she would not have the physical strength to do so, but because you asked for nothing, I bless you this day. You asked to see MY face. Instead I give you forth this Word for you cannot look on the face of YAHUVEH and live but you can look upon the face that is MY Son. Ask to see the face of YAHUSHUA. One day and it is not afar off, you will behold MY face, and your rewards shall follow you to Heaven."
Profetia 138 – Miesten itsetyydytys – Tehkää parannus YAH'N edessä! Otteita Profetiasta: ...Nyt muistakaa MINUN poikani, ennen te [pystyitte] sanomaan, että te ette tienneet, mutta nyt teillä ei ole tekosyytä. Kun näin tapahtuu ja te olette kotona, pitäkää se Raamattu lähistöllä, kun teidän kehonne yrittää hallita teidän mieltänne, ja pyytäkää MINULTA Kirjoitusta. Nuhdelkaa saatanaa! Muista, ja tämä olen MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, jos sinä olet yhä tämän maailman päällä tänä aikana, MINULLA on hyvin erityinen nainen odottamassa sinua. Joten älä nyt anna periksi lihan himolle. Opi mitä Isä Ezra ja Elisheva ovat oppimassa: MINÄ yhä annoin heille ohjeet, että keho on aina viimeisenä. Kahden kohtaaminen ja kehon yhtyminen eivät tarkoita, että avioliitto tulee kestämään. Joten keskity siihen, mikä on hengellistä, sillä henki on altis, mutta liha on heikko. (Matteus 26:41; Markus 14:38). MINUN poikani, MINÄ lupaan teille, että siitä tulee helpompaa, jos te vain otatte ensimmäisen tottelevaisuuden askeleen. Ja teillä on Isä Ezra, joka ymmärtää ja rukoilee teidän puolestanne...
聖靈全能風28週年慶祝(2022 )!(繁) 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Ablewaterwalker - Gospel Songs 6 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
真正的魯迪 朱利安尼 我们期待在天国与你相见#RudyGiuliani,鲁迪.朱利安尼,每一个为鲁迪.朱利安尼祈祷并祝福他的人都将在天国与他相见。尽管他谈到的是圣诞节和亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的出生,但他并不知道亚呼赎阿出生在住棚节,他只对自己知道的事情负责。尽管如此,他仍然承认耶酥基督的诞生,并承认他认为这个季节的真正原因。 太10:32凡在人面前認我的,我在我天上的父面前也必認他 约一4:15凡認亚呼赎阿為神兒子的,神就住在他裏面,他也住在神裏面。 约3:16神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不致滅亡,反得永生。 以赛亚书1:18亚哈威說:你們來,我們彼此辯論。你們的罪雖像硃紅,必變成雪白;雖紅如丹顏,必白如羊毛。 代下7:14這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。
Amightywind Full Shabbat Service Hey beloveds, we pray that this will bless you in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's name and love!! This would be the first amightywind full service.