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Prophecy 15 - It s One Minute Until Midnight
Prophecy 15 - It s One Minute Until Midnight Amightywind Ministries 150 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 15 - It s One Minute Until Midnight

⁣"It's One Minute Until Midnight!
YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour!"

is a vision of Heaven where YAHUSHUA intercedes for the lost sheep.
Gabriel is blowing the shofar horn and Michael has his sword drawn,
ready to lead the angelic troops into battle. YAHUVEH, the Father, no
one alive can see His face. The holographic crosses behind the throne
too many to number it represents everyone who has accepted YAHUSHUA's
gift at Calvary, because He took the place on the cross for each one of

"This vision was given to Rev. Apostle Sherrie Elijah
(Elisheva Eliyahu) during prayer with another sister. This picture has a
special anointing. Show it to a loved one or a friend if you want to
know if their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, their spirit
is being drawn to Heaven if they don't have anything negative to say
about it. "

This Holy Anointed Prophecy also talks about many other things such this important ending excerpt:

Get ready! The onslaught of demonic inspired laws is coming forth. But
those that are MINE, you will know what to say and you will do it this
time. The President and leaders of this country are about to feel MY all
consuming wrath for leading this nation astray. Be not deceived, I am a
jealous God! Vengeance is mine saith YAHUVEH! REPENT, it's one minute
until midnight. Then as in the days of old, Exodus 11:4, so it shall be
again. Because I sent MY Son to save you as I sent Moses to warn
Pharaoh, so I am sending forth this prophet to warn you, to encourage
the Bride. Its one minute til midnight. What are you going to do? I have
spoken this forth through this handmaiden, Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie
Elijah, to warn you.

I am speaking forth this warning to the
ones who claim they are leaders of this country. LET MY PEOPLE GO to
live holy before ME. Let them worship ME and all I stand for. Leave MY
Children alone. Stop persecuting them. Deuteronomy 28 curses are
reserved for the disobedient. Exodus 11:4 will be your judgment once
again. Turn back to the God of your forefathers once again. Turn back
leaders of this nation and become RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) filled
leaders of this nation. Rebuke sin and punish unholiness or Pharaoh's
fate shall be yours. LET MY PEOPLE GO, thus saith YAHUVEH!

I am
going to prove once again I am not a God to be mocked or ignored.
America get ready! World get ready! Enemies of the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH get ready. Those that are not MINE will again see a separation
between those that worship ME, those that hate ME and all that is holy.
You shall see how I will punish the heathen and see with your eyes the
way I protect the holy and punish the unholy and all those condoning
sin. All your riches will not be able to stop what Almighty God YAHUVEH
is going to do.

Remember the plague of rats that descended on
the White House? Because I sent MY Prophets and you wouldn't listen. I
sent MY prophecies and you burned them. MOCKING! It shall even be
greater than before. Repent before it's too late. Its one minute until
midnight. There is yet time before I take MY Children home with ME and
this nation will gnash their teeth in pain for they dared mock the great
God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! At Midnight MY wrath will fall. You know not
which midnight I send YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. Get ready Bride; your
blessings are yet to come."

Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once
Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once Amightywind Ministries 148 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once

⁣Oh Barbara (also all lukewarm Christians and all enemies of MY true
apostles and prophets), although you mock MY Apostles and Prophets, I
send you this prophecy; it is your choice what you do with the words.
You will be held accountable for calling this a cult for what calling
what is good evil and calling what is evil good. For this is not the
work of a person's hands, this is a work of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy
. . .
You have a spirit of religion and not a loving,
obedient, relationship, with the one you call your savior, but I don't
even know you as MY child anymore. You have gone so far astray. You are
likened to the Prodigal son and the world is your pigpen although you
attend church. The church you attend is only a formality and you and
others use it as idolatry. That pastor is not the good shepherd. I,
YAHUSHUA, am the only Good Shepherd and Savior.
. . .
I exhort, encourage as well as rebuke and warn to repent only those whose hearts
are not as cold as the evil pharaoh will have ears to hear. When people
look at you do you really think they see YAHUSHUA? You are grieving me,
for attendance in church is not going to get you into Heaven and neither
how much you tithe, I am not impressed with your pew warming, your
fashion shows, or your cliques.
. . .
I raised up MY handmaiden Sherrie, and although the color of her skin is
different than yours, both of them share MY RUACH ha KODESH with a
desire to love and bless others and lead them to Heaven.
This is not about a denomination but about a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA.
What kind of relationship do you really have with ME?
What kind of faith do you really have in ME?
. . .

Don't criticize what you don't understand it is better to cover your mouth
and be humble. I have given Shandra a spiritual mother because you were
not loving, nurturing, teaching, encouraging her in the ways of the
Lord. I Almighty God YAHUVEH warn you that you are lukewarm and I know
your heart and motivations when you attend church and it is for one
reason, and that is because you are puffed up with pride and want
everyone to think you are more holy than what you are.
. . .
Listen where your next home will be IF you continue in your evil lukewarm ways
(See Citizen in Hell). I will vomit you out of MY mouth and hell shall
be your next abode. Repent, enemies of MINE, you know not the apostolic
handmaiden you are touching nor the Holy Liquid Fire Anointing that is
upon her and this ministry. But you shall know as I cut holes in your
pockets, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. Appliances that
should not need replacing, you shall be forced to replace. Your vehicles
will need costly repairs.
. . .
MY apostle is only is doing MY will and loving MY daughter Shandra and others,
with a love I have given her and teaching them MY holy ways in the bible,
she does Shandra or them, no harm. But you call yourself a mother and yet
are no mother at all. It takes more than birthing a child to deserve the word mother.
Because you mocked MY apostolic handmaiden when she went through times
of testing now you shall know the sorrow she suffered and you shall cry
the tears she shed, for I have lifted the burdens off MY Daughter but
now you shall carry the full load. Even the dividing sword shall come
upon your household and your own husband shall look at you with disgust
and disgrace. Repent!

Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells
Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells Amightywind Ministries 150 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells

I have this against you America! Your leader is not only a whore
monger but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion
and enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The unborn
you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to death for
food! You take more regard and compassion on the creatures than you do
the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily.

I have this against you America. You were a nation set apart by MY divine hand
to glorify the Lord God Almighty whose Name is "I AM." You who once
stood for Godliness are nothing more than an empty shell. You pour your
wrath out on a nation you have no right to pour forth your judgments on.
"I AM" the only one that has this right for vengeance is MINE saith the
Lord. How can you pull splinters out of their eyes when you have a
plank in your own eyes? First get the plank out of your own eyes then
help someone with a splinter.

How can you cry dictator when you have your own dictators?
America I have decreed this from Heaven unless
you fall on your knees and acknowledge your sins as I have cried out the
warning before through this handmaiden I will speak it again through
her as well as through other prophets." America REPENT for you shall
never win another war again!" You shall reap what you are sowing. The
measure of destruction you are pouring out and the measure of death you
are pouring out you shall drink from MY cup of wrath until there is no
more. America, you once were a nation that was trusted and respected but
now you're a mockery of all that is Holy. Your people once stood for
morality and your leaders also, but now your people and your leaders are
known around the world as immoral and untrustworthy. You defend the
wrong and you seek to silence the right.

You bomb a country that at least worships a God.
Even a heathen God is better then none. For even a heathen nation
acknowledges they are not supreme. America I have
this against you. You serve no God! You bow your knee to no God although
your currency says, "In God we Trust" you trust in no God. You America,
have a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. America you shall
reap what you're sowing.

You who send missionaries to other countries and I bless these missionaries
with MY anointing and heathen lands come to know YAHUSHUA as Lord and Savior.
Yet your own country mocks the same message. Not all do this for I do have a people.
I have a remnant that will not be moved. They will not bow their knee to satan
and the doctrines of the anti-christ but oh so few. Oh I weep, so many
are going astray. Multitudes listening to strange fire teachings,
demonstating strange fire in their churches and even praying strange
fire prayers. Come out from among them. Listen to the voice of MY RUACH
ha KODESH you know the voice of your Good Shepherd. Test every action
with the word of YAHUVEH. Test the Spirit that speaks. In this time and
season the false prophets look so good. They speak words saying all is
well and only blessings are ahead.

Yes for MY Children I will protect. But remember Moses and learn the lesson of the children of
Israel. The plagues did not come nigh those that had their faith in ME,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But they did see the plagues that
came upon the others. I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, your MESSIAH
to come and catch MY Bride away. Didn't I give you signs in the Holy
Scriptures of what to wait and watch for? Haven't you seen these things
come to pass? Didn't I say truly this generation would not pass away
that see these things without the Son of God, YAHUSHUA coming again. Why
do you doubt ME? Why then do only 50 percent of you who claim to love
and serve ME believe I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to rescue
those who are not appointed to MY wrath that is to come? For those of
you who refuse to use your faith to believe in this Blessed Hope I have
news for you HE is not coming for you.

Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh
Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh

⁣The job of the Two Witnesses will be unlike any other job given. I weep
for them under the anointing, for the job they will have to do is not to
be envied. They will see more horror than has ever been seen on this
earth. Please do as YAHUVEH has said and pray for the Two Witnesses.
Please pray blessings on them in all ways. While they are in this mortal
body, pray the Holy Ones will give them loving support and
encouragement. Please pray that they believe and receive the anointing
that has been given to them and obey and do all they are to do. Pray for
protection of The Holy Wall of fire that will surround them on all
sides so no man, woman, demon, devil, can harm them while in that mortal

Beware Boasting Pretenders!

Anyone who is boasting they are one of the Two Witnesses such as the one who calls
himself Elijah the Tishbite, or the man Hawkins who wrote blasphemy in
the Book of YAHWEH is not one of them even when the Two Witnesses lay in
the street he said they lay there for 3 1/2 years instead of 3 1/2
days, I read this with my own eyes, these men and others who do this in

The real Two Witnesses don't even want to acknowledge
that calling on their lives. They are humble and don't believe they are
worthy of this high of a calling and keep saying, "Surely you have
someone better." This is what YAHUVEH has shown me, that is why the
scriptures say they are dressed in sackcloth and ashes. It is symbolic
of being humble and in mourning for the horror and sin they will see and
what they see now.

I have known ever since I was given a Spiritual Rod, and my then 6-year-old-son
Jonathan, one of my identical twin sons saw it in the Spiritual realm and
described it and I felt the weight of it 19 years ago, and each time it was used in the spiritual
realm it only got heavier to where now it takes my husband to hold up my
arms when it is used under direction of YAHUVEH.

This Ministry has something to do with finding the Ark of the Covenant, the 144,000 as
in Rev. 14 and the Two Witnesses. Only as the years have progressed
have I understood and been given more revelations through the prophetic
words given to me. There is a book being written now by another member
of the Bride of YAHUSHUA [Rev:14] who is paying and donating all her
time to get all the prophecies, visions, dreams, and audible words of
YAHUVEH published. Please pray for her, for this is a huge job. Pray for
the right publisher also. We are trying to get the prophecies
translated in different languages so they can be in book form also. When
we are no longer on the internet, at least the books will still be here
during the Great Tribulation.

Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words
Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words Amightywind Ministries 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 101 - I YAHUVEH Say Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

⁣Thus saith I, YAHUVEH, do not wait to repent of your sins, do it
immediately. Do not have a form of godliness, but have godliness within.
Let every thought be held captive to I, YAHUVEH. Do not pre-meditate
sin, turn away from evil, and do not make excuses for sin. Stop blaming
the devil for your thoughts and actions, for he can not do anything you
do not allow him to do through you. I speak these words to those of you
who say they belong to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who say they are washed in
the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who pray in the name of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH and yet I, YAHUVEH, warn you now to those who proclaim
their love for ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA, I know your hearts and your
actions speak louder than your words!

Stop testing the RUACH ha KODESH, stop grieving MY Spirit.
This world now stands at the edge of a cliff, the cliff is the Great Tribulation.
Call upon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH now while there is yet time.
On Yom Kippur during these 10 Days of Awe remember, I only hear the prayer
of the humble at heart. Do not be smug in your own salvation.

In times of old the children of Israel sinned greatly against ME.
They took their gold and silver that I gave them as a blessing and made a
golden calf to worship and bow down to, it is no different now.
This world takes the gold and silver and bows down to the wealthy and
worships them, but I am showing you as I shake this world as if you were
cooking popcorn on a stove and those who are so puffed up in pride the
very wealthy who have said they are god, they need no other god, they scorn
MY Holy Words, they scorn MY Holy Commandments, they defile all that is holy,
and as overcooked popcorn you shall smell the stench as you see them scorched and burn.

Woe be unto the evil, evil men who call themselves pastors. You who have
taken the name church and use the spiritually hungry people to build
your own financial empires. You shall scorch and you shall burn and your
financial empires I, YAHUVEH, shall tear down with MY own hand and you
shall be exposed for the evil that you are. I will not apologize to
Sodom and Gommorah, woe be unto the world who are following in their
footsteps! You are at the edge of a cliff and only those who truly have a
loving and obedient relationship with I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH will be rescued. Repent today for tomorrow may be to late.

The plans that the enemies have, both in the government and in satans
kingdom are for evil, to steal, kill and destroy. To starve, to poison
the very air that you breathe. To experiment with the water you drink,
where all manners of various poisons already pollute your water. The
wealthy want to de-populate the earth, to save all the resources for
them, but I, YAHUVEH, say, I will have the last word. I will not be
mocked. I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons
shall consume them.

Now is the time to stand up and take a stand
for Holiness while you still can. Stop compromising with the devil and
with the servants of satan. Fear offending I, YAHUVEH, more than
offending mere mortal men.

Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!
Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn! Amightywind Suomeksi 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!

⁣Otteita Profetiasta:

Saatanallisella eliitillä, joka täyttää Valkoisen Talon, on niin paljon verta
käsissään (Psalmit 94:20-23)— murhaajan verta, syntymättömien verta
- mutta MINÄ olen nostanut ylös Donald Trumpin, joka arvostaa elämän pyhyyttä.
Ja on hänen toiveensa, ja MINÄ olen antanut hänelle tämän toiveen:
Pestä tuo veri pois käsistä! Muuttaa aborttilait! Antaa oikeudet takaisin osavaltioille!

Elisheva, MINÄ muutin sinun sydämesi!

Sinä ainoastaan näit hänet siinä, missä kirosanat täyttivät hänen
suunsa. Sinä näit hänet siinä, missä hän on mies, joka palvoo tämän
maailman materiaalisia asioita. Mutta sitten, niin kuin MINÄ näytin
sinulle unessa, Profetiat, joiden luokse hän tulisi ja hän lukisi - ja
MINÄ vedän häntä puoleeni jopa nyt kun sinä puhut!



Sillä vaikka muut katsovat häneen [negatiivisesti], ja ennen kuin sinä käskit
esirukoilijoita rukoilemaan hänen puolestaan, sinä myös - ainoastaan
näit saastan, joka tulee esiin hänen suustaan - mutta MINÄ nostan hänet
esille ja MINÄ käytän miestä, joka ei tunne vanhurskautta vielä. Ja
silti MINÄ olen laittanut halun häneen saadakseen vanhurskautta
(Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:6)!

...Hänet on voideltu pitämään meteliä! Te ette voi hiljentää häntä - he ovat yrittäneet...

...He ovat yrittäneet pelotella häntä! He yrittävät tuoda hänelle häpeää! He
ovat pilkanneet häntä! He turmelivat hänen maineensa! He yrittävät saada
hänet näyttämään siltä, kuin hän olisi alempana mielipidekyselyissä.
Todellisuudessa hän on korkeammalla...

...Rukoilkaa Donald Trumpin puolesta! Että hän tekee kaiken, mitä hän voi tehdä! Pestäkseen veren pois Valkoisesta Talosta!...

...Mutta MINÄ, YAHUVEH, sanon, MINÄ olen muuttanut hänen sydäntään koko tämän
ajan - kun hän meni ihmisten eteen, samalla kun hän aidosti välittää
ihmisistä - MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, sanon, MINÄ pesen hänen sydämensä, MINÄ
puhdistan hänen sydämensä! Hän ei ole täysin antautunut MINULLE. Mutta
muistakaa toimeksianto, jonka MINÄ annan tälle Palvelutyölle:

Prophecy 136 - Holy Trinity Needs Comfort Prophecy
Prophecy 136 - Holy Trinity Needs Comfort Prophecy Amightywind Ministries 153 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 136 - Holy Trinity Needs Comfort Prophecy

This is your ABBA YAHUVEH! I love when you call ME “FATHER”. I AM
your LOVING FATHER! I gave MY ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so you could return to
Heaven again. For none of you, none of you are perfect! Only YAHUSHUA is
perfect, WHOM some call “JESUS CHRIST.” But I want you to call HIM

You will find there is more Power and Anointing in the HEBREW NAME,
but there is still power and anointing in the Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST.’

Just please, I want to get to know you better on this Shavu’ot whom4
they call the Day of Pentecost. So many just say, “It’s just the Day of Pentecost”—
and this [Prophecy] is to be released on Shavu’ot—that is why I’m calling it
Shavu’ot. This is what MY prayer is for you MY children. This is what I
ask of you MY children.

To Caleb -

YAHUSHUA wants you back as HIS Comeback Kid from Israel, Caleb Anew
to be even more holy than you have ever been before.
YAHUSHUA can and wants to forgive you! (Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us
reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.)

Do NOT believe in the lies of the devil, and do NOT believe the lies that these
reprobate serpents are telling you! Come out of agreement with satan
and those reprobate serpents as YAHUSHUA calls them, they only want to
pull your soul down to hell with them! Read the reprobates wall of

Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!
Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht! Amightywind Deutschland 149 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht!

⁣Gebet um Rettung:

YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen
HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube,
dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha.
DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten.
Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich
rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe
und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden.
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir
das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe
DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst!
Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangengibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel,
zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen.

Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben
wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde.
Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen,
ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt
Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer
3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU
unser RETTER genannt. Amen.

Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem
Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen. Glaube es und erinnere dich,
dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT sondern auch dein bester Freund ist!
Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist.
Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt dich, den Sünder. YAHUSHUA hat den Preis
für deine Sünden bezahlt, so dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder
verdammt fühlen musst. Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim
Namen, dann sag IHM, dass es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für
alle deine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das,
was du getan hast oder tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt.
Niemand ist perfekt! Erinnere dich daran!

Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 Geboten
GOTTES zu gehorchen durch die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off
12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft
Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die
Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird
ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den
Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im
Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben
bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht
YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du
YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast!
Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor
brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von
YAHUSHUA! Kontaktiere uns und lasse uns von dem Geschenk des ewigen
Lebens wissen, dass du gerade von unserem kostbaren YAHUSHUA Messias
bekommen hast!

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