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Пророчество 133 - Пророческий Сон О Голодающем Ребенке Пророк видит вещи заранее. ЯХ всегда предупреждает через ЕГО истинных пророков. И мне приснился сон, очень яркий сон, ЯХ говорит мне предупредить [с], и поэтому я делюсь этим, не для того, чтобы вызвать страх, а скорее попросить ваших молитв, чтобы этот сон НЕ СБЫЛСЯ! Во время этого сна [2001]... это было СРОЧНО и казалось, что это должно было произойти в Америке. Мы, кто верит в ЯХУШУА, у нас есть военная мощная защита, которая приходит прямо с Небес и это воинства ангелов, воюющих ангелов. И только AББA ЯХУВЕХ сможет предоставить нам большую милость, потому что когда это случится, то, что в этом сне описывается, - это Ядерная Атака! И в последнем Пророчестве, что мне было дано... это в скором времени будет размещено, предупреждает [об этом]. И также в Пророчестве про Дональда Трампа, предупреждено [об этом]. (Бог поднял Дональда Трампа в этот день и час! [т. е. Пророчество 131, «Бог поднял Дональда Трампа в этот день и час!»] ) Здесь гонка, чтобы увидеть, кто собирается нажать эту кнопку, красную кнопку. Потому что тот, кто нажимает ... Вау! ... это ядерная атака и будет возмездие! Итак, я называю этот сон, “Голодающий ребенок”. Я стояла снаружи, глядя на красивое голубое небо. Все было спокойно. Когда я посмотрела наверх, я увидела 4 круга на небе, рисуется так, как будто Перст Божий ЯХУВЕХ рисовал их очень медленно. Когда 4-й круг был нарисован, я услышала громкий ревущий шум. Я вошла в дом, и ОГРОМНЫЙ УРАГАН пришел, разрушая и убивая. Это был ядерный взрыв, как от ядерной бомбы! Я с ужасом смотрела на смерть и разрушение. Внутри моего дома я увидела женщину с маленьким ребенком на руках. Я посмотрела на ребенка. И ребенок, казалось, вот-вот умрет и такой недокормленный. И я сказала женщине, матери, “Почему ты не кормила ребенка?” И она посмотрела на меня холодно и сказала: “Потому что у ребенка пост”. Затем, прежде чем я смогла забрать у нее ребенка, она открыла окно и выбросила его из окна 2-го этажа. Я выбежала на улицу в радиацию и разрушении ветра и подхватила ребенка на руки, и ребенок снова начал дышать! Пока я стояла там, ко мне подошел человек – и он просто проходил мимо меня – его лицо было так сожжено от излучения ядерного взрыва, и он был красный с 3-й степенью ожогов или хуже. Он не сказал ни слова. Он просто продолжал ходить мимо меня. Я вернулась в мой дом, полностью защищенный от радиации, потому что я знала, что ничто не может причинить мне боль вместе с ребенком и я кормила его молоком из бутылки. Через некоторое время разрушающие ветры прекратились. И все казалось спокойным. Затем я снова посмотрела на небо, и я увидела первый стартовый круг, я начала кричать: “ПОКАЙТЕСЬ и обратите свои сердца к ЯХУШУА! Снова пришел Суд!” Так мало кто слушал. Я увидела еще 3 других круга все в ряд, все 4 из них. А потом звук рева, что я не могу описать. И тогда разрушительные ветры пришли снова. И это был другой ядерный взрыв, что прогремел! Вот что мы имеем. И мы должны молиться, чтобы у нас было больше времени, чтобы достигнуть больше душ. И в этом сне я имела прославленное тело какое-то, потому что радиация, взрывы, ураган - я не боялась. Я была в прославленном теле. А также ..., когда ЯХ дает видения, сны, пророчества, там может быть больше чем одно значение. И еще я также понимаю, что это также может иметь двойное значение. Ведь мы знаем, что ядерная атака произойдет. Это только вопрос времени! Женщина - это религия. И ребенок - это собрание. Организованная религия и организованная церковь морят голодом (духовным) людей; заставляя гоняться их за большими духовными знаниями и пророческими истинами и откровениями. Большинство церквей даже не позволят Пророку пророчествовать. Пастор будет расспрашивать человека раньше времени – прежде, чем вы можете пророчествовать, [он скажет,] – “Я хочу увидеть, ” – они скажут им это – “Я хочу увидеть, что ты собираешься сказать”. Это невозможно для истинного Пророка! Истинный пророк просто открывает рот и AББA ЯХ, ЯХУШУА говорит через него! Только фальшивки могут это делать [уже заранее зная, что они скажут]. И мне приходилось «кормить» людей, что «голодают» – и все же до сих пор ходят в свои церкви – где-то на протяжении 22 лет существования сайта в Интернете, 22 года будет 4 апреля 2017. (...)
First Book of Adam and Eve The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden (1926) is a collection of 17th-century and 18th-century English translations of some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and New Testament Apocrypha, some of which were assembled in the 1820s, and then republished with the current title in 1926.
需要一个胜利的奇迹吗?我们不是与属肉体和血气的摔跤!学习圣灵全能风YDS 行军歌(主題曲 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
(简)AmightyWind 圣灵全能风原创YDS之歌 使徒先知以莉莎法以莉亚呼 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Celebracja "JAHUSZUA Deptaczy demonów" - 15 lat; Asa Mikajah; AmightyWind, Apostoł Eliszewa Elijahu
Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry YAHUSHUA (Jesus) spoke to my Spirit and said, "Yes I care and the reason I am not speaking is because I am weeping with you! Because I send you to MY People to be a blessing and some have treated you as a curse." But I, YAHUSHUA, also am sent as a blessing and how many treat ME as a curse? I weep with you, and for you, and for those that know better, yet touch MY anointed messengers anyway, though they have been warned. I weep for what MY Children who call themselves by MY Name do to each other. The covetness, the jealousy, the mistrust, the accusations, the unlove and hatred. The lies that are told to one another and they put MY Name on the lie as if I have spoken it. I weep, for MY heart breaks, for there is so much immaturity even in the mature Christians. The Prophets have been alone for so long. They have been rejected so many times, they now only know how to reject and isolate one another, though MY desire in these end-times is for you all to join together in MY Name, in one accord. In these end-times this bickering and squabbling must stop. You, MY Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors must be in one accord. You are MY end-time army. All five-fold ministries, you must stop isolating yourselves and come together in MY love. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirit. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirits and start binding up the wounds you have caused amongst yourselves. I weep for all of you, for all of you have been hurt by someone who said they were of MY Spirit. Yes, you, the majorities have and it's rare if you say you haven't been deceived by the enemy coming at you disguised as a sheep but a wolf instead out to devour MY flock. But you cannot continue to devour one another. I won't allow it. I am speaking forth again out of MY handmaiden to tell you I am not only weeping for what is to become of the enemies of the Gospel, but I am weeping for you MY Children. For the way you treat one another is not of MY loving Spirit at all. Does not MY Word say, "By this you shall know them, the love they have one for another?" Do you realize it is the enemy that comes at you and says these evil things..."
Shema Hear oh Israel Meydad Tasa
以色列,我們為你祈禱!(預言63) 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
2020 光明节_修殿节快乐!节日快乐祝福歌唱!艾勒. 沙代(全能神)
Prophecy 28 - Are You One of MY Hidden Ones "I am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of sacrifice. What I return to you is meant for a blessing, what I remove you were not meant to have, for it will only harm you. I am a good God. I am your Heavenly Father and I watch carefully over those that cry out to ME to speak to them, show them what to do, when to do it, where to go. Don't think for one moment your prayers have not been heard. It merely is not yet the time to speak forth the answers. I am waiting, as you wait, patiently I wait as each day more souls are turning toward YAHUSHUA as their deliverer and redeemer. I cannot wait too much longer for the enemy is planning on launching an attack worldwide at the same time. I will not allow MY Children who listen to MY voice to be deceived. Listen closely to the enemies' voice and you will see when you hear it on all airwaves this is not the voice of your Creator and Savior! Listen close and watch the eyes as they speak, listen not with your physical ears only, but use your spiritual ears, and see not with your physical eyes, but ask the RUACH ha KODESH to show you with your spiritual eyes."
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere. YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN WARNED.
Пророчество 64 - Скажи МОИМ Детям Бежать из Церквей Вавилона Отрывок Пророчества: Скажи им, МОЯ дочь, скажи им. Большинство церквей - Вавилон. Они голодают МОИ дети, овцы и МОИ агнцы. Пасторы не что иное как зло в этих Вавилонских Церквях, которые проповедеют МОИ слова, однако нет никакой силы внутри них. Нет молока, нет мяса, те которые кормят - только злые пасторы, с материальной выгодой этого мира. Чтобы сравнить числа друг с другом, пока они хвастаются, у меня есть столько много в моем собрание и у меня есть столько много в моем собрание, О но как мало наполнены МОИМ Духом! О, МОЕ серце скорбит, дети МОИ! Скажи МОИМ Детям Бежать из Церквей Вавилона! Те, которые соблюдают Шаббат, установленный человеком. О, есть такой маленький остаток в МОИХ Церквах. Они говорят, что они МОИ церкви, но даже не принадлежат МНЕ. Я сказал МОЕМУ народу, МОИМ истинным могучим воинам бежать. Не может МОЯ Руах Ха-Кодеш (Святых Дух) войти внутри их, пока они сидят в своих собственных домах? По-настоящему, Я говорю вам это, злые стали более злыми, но МОЕ Помазание стало сильнее в благочестивых людях. (...) Напомните пасторам из Торы и напомните им, Шаббат был создан от создания, как указано в Книге Бытие. Напомните пасторам Шаббат – вечный, это будет во веки веков, это написано в МОЕМ святом Писании. Я не изменю день Шаббата для человека, хотя он был создан, чтобы быть священным покоем для всего человечества. Это освященный день, который приносит больше общения со МНОЙ; день, который приносит восстановление, день, который должен быть свят и отделен от других дней, в который вы служите и поклоняетесь МНЕ. Я ставлю Мою печатью защиты на моих младенцев, невесту, тех единственных которых Я выбрал и избрал, которые делают это в память о их Создателе ЯХУВЕХ и их единственном Спасителе ЯХУШУА. Пасторы вы сейчас привлечены к ответственности за то, что вы теперь знаете. Покайтесь и остановитесь вести овец Моих в заблуждение. Я прощаю вас за то, что вы не знали раньше, но теперь вы больше не можете стоять передо МНОЙ и говорить: "Вы не знали." Я напомню вам, пастыры о днём Я послал МОИХ маленьких агнцев и овец, чтобы предупредить вас учить истине, чтобы МОИ дети были готовы в день своей свадьбы.
Célébration du 28ème Anniversaire du Ministère AmightyWind !
Profetie 3 - Pas op voor satanische planten in de kerken Bekijk, lees en bestudeer alstublieft deze belangrijke Profetieën die u zullen voorbereiden voor de komst van onze HEER en Heiland YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH voor Zijn Bruid, en die waarschuwen over de spoedig komende Grote Verdrukking. GOD's Oordeel begint bij diegenen die zich Christenen en gelovigen noemen. Bent u dagelijks aan het wandelen in een liefdevolle, gehoorzame relatie met GOD de Vader en Zijn Zoon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, onderhoudende HUN Geboden? Of bent u aan het leven in zonde en denkt u dat YAHUSHUA's Bloed het toch wel bedekt? GOD's Oordeel is nabij en deze Profetieën geven u Wijsheid, Kennis en Inzicht in wat komen gaat en wat GOD verwacht van u. Bekeer u van uw zonden en geef uw leven aan YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jezus Christus van Golgotha om eeuwig leven te ontvangen. De Hemel is echt, en zo ook is de Hel echt.
Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrations Woohoo! This was a time to celebrate during Sukkot, Hag Sameach! And we're just getting started going through to Hanukkah! Don't take your sukkah down yet! We know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah [and born 9 months later at Sukkot] I love you To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this video, and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry, clips from Sukkot 2019. I heard YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually even spoken to me in my sleep and HE was telling me how honored HE was during the time of Sukkot. Those who made the videos, HE was so honored—and HE felt so much love coming from each one of them—ALL of the HOLY TRINITY: ABBA YAHUVEH, and of course YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love. HE just kept saying how honored HE was and how 'comforted' HE was that it wasn’t just Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot is MY birthday on earth." And it’s the first day of Sukkot is HIS birthday. YAH has instructed me to keep our sukkot/sukkas up and the celebrations going throughout the season into Hanukkah, which during the time of the Maccabees was originally a late Sukkot celebration. Hanukkah is also the time of YAHUSHUA'S conception! Then months later, HE was born at Sukkot. 2 Macc. 10:1-9 It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev. They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths, remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.
Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence, denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to not only MY enemies, but MY Children for they must realize should their foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of safety from the storms to come. I speak these things now from MY handmaiden who also knows she is held accountable for what she speaks and doesn't speak. These words will convict those reading and listening and where they have been in darkness I will shine MY light of conviction to once again prove "I AM" is an Almighty God who is a God of Mercy and Love but "I AM" is also ALMIGHTY in WAR to MY enemies. Indeed for those that test ME will find "I AM" is a God that will not be mocked for long so be warned this day! The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction, pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on. Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins. When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice. Seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of Israel while I can yet be found. I am speaking not in a loud voice to your Spirits but a still small voice for those that care enough to incline their ears to ME and strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it worth it to you to care enough to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY instructions to you? Is it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to fast, you are to fast to be able to hear ME more clearly?sen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.
Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life YAHUSHUA spoke this Word for a beloved daughter in YAHUSHUA who the devil was trying to divide from her soul mate. Because of past hurts, in the Spirit there was barbed wire around her heart that was preventing her from giving and receiving love, however, she had to be the one to ask YAHUSHUA to remove this spiritual barbed wire. No one else could do it for her. Satan fears when one of you pray, how much more when all that I have gathered there pray together --for every one is anointed. But still I must say this: no one with the spirit of rebellion can remain. For rebellion is like a form of witchcraft and if anyone says, "I demand to have it my way" then I will have to send them on their way for it is like a leprosy. So, MY darling daughter you have fought the spirit of rebellion. All of you fight the spirit of rebellion and only know through MY NAME, MY BLOOD can you win that battle against the spirit of rebellion. For satan is the first to have rebelled; lucifer said he would have it his way. Now he tries to corrupt those who are MY children with the foul stench of the spirit of rebellion wherewith that one spirit, a legion can come of demons to torment, to possess, to oppress. Test the spirit that speaks means hold every thought captive! Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would speak forth these words? Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would give you these thoughts? You will see MY treasures how many times you will have to admit it is either your flesh or it was satan. But either way if I would not speak this, do not receive it. Oh how I love you, I have given you so much and I have so much more to give you if you will but trust ME. No one is MY bride if they can't get this part right. If they cannot lay their flesh down then how can they walk in the Spirit? How can they hear the precious HOLY SPIRIT that lives within you? If you cover your ears and you cover your eyes and you say, "I don't want to hear what YOU have to say and I don't want to see what YOU want to show me. I don't want to speak what YOU want me to speak, I don't want to go where you want me to go. I don't want to do what YOU are telling me to do" ... THEN DEPART FROM ME you are NOT MY Bride! So there! I've said it! How many ways must I say, "Get away from ME you so called disobedient bride!"? The world doesn't want to hear it! The organized churches don't want to hear it! The enemies, they say, "You can't sin away grace". The enemies lie. They test ME again and again, time after time. They say, "Because we can do anything we want to do now! It's all about the cross. You're not allowed to judge me. You're not to tell me that my soul is lost" and they don't even know ME. It is the letter that killeth and the spirit that giveth life. They don't even have the Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is not within. They've read the Word. They've memorized them. They try to claim ME as a SAVIOUR but they say, "Get lost as a LORD"! They say, "I don't want no master over me, this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to! Oh but I love you Jesus. Oh but I praise you! John 3:16! See it says it right here all I have to do is just believe. I don't have to obey! AmightyWind ministry go away! I can sin all I want who are you to say? It's not about what I do - it's what Jesus did. No one can be righteous see it says it right here 'All have sinned and fell short of the righteousness of GOD.' (Rom. 3:23)" I love each of you. Those who make YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, you mean so much to ME! You were named after ME! I've given you your own theme song! ["I'm Going to the Enemy's Camp"] For you're going to the enemies' camp and you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen and this night daughter you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen because satan is UNDER YOUR FEET! And the enemies are defeated! Do not go by what your eyes see! You don't have a clue what I've done to the enemies'camp!
Prophecy 87 - Israel O Israel Hear O Israel Jerusalem And The Rest Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, you could not shut the mouth of John the Baptizer until I, YAHUVEH, allowed it and only because his job on earth witnessing was done. Just as you cannot shut the mouth of MY Two Witnesses who will continue to speak with the anointing like unto John the Baptist. MY Two Witnesses will Prophesy MY Judgment; call curses down at their will and speak of what is to come. They will rebuke with messages full of conviction and repentance and with an anointing even greater than John the Baptizer. MY Son cannot come as the Prince of Peace to Israel until many atrocities take place and not until after the counterfeit comes. When you pray for the Prince of Peace to come to Israel now, you know not the horror that must take place first, but it shall take place. It has begun to take place. For a train has been started that will not be stopped. I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide because both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is feeling what is taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of YAHUSHUA is spiritual Israel. Physical Israel you will be blessed with Deut.28 blessings when you return to Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH, and the only way this is done is when you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at Calvary. The blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those who love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those who obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy Name and those who receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. This is why you grieve as you see and you feel what is happening in Israel. Abraham is constantly before MY face and says, "What will you do with the children of Ishmael, do you not love the seed of my other son? Send your messenger to my seed and give them a chance to believe." This is why you weep for Lebanon for are they not the seed of Abraham? I have spiritual Israel that sits in Lebanon that have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Lebanon. I have MY Bride in Iraq and Iran. I have MY Bride in Syria. Remember to pray for the Bride of YAHUSHUA no matter where she is scattered around this world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in China, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Russia, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Hong Kong, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Australia I have MY Bride in America, Canada, Germany, France and Europe, I have them scattered all over the world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in India, Indonesia, Africa, South America and all over the world.
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Profeti 19 - Fell ditt mørke slør av Smerte, MINE Barn, MINE Skatter!