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Happy Birthday Love Songs For My Darling Wife Elisheva
Pride, Insight, Thanks , Amightwind Ministry Sorry the audio doesn't match my lips. Just want to thank every one who preaches the truth about Yahweh God and Yahushua Jesus especially AMW.
Prophecy 134 - I YAHUSHUA Take You to a New Elevation of Your Faith Now MY children I take your faith to a new level. See yourself on an elevator. See yourself where you first began. And the closer you get to Heaven, I take you to a new floor, a new elevation of your faith. I AM teaching each of you. I AM YOUR INDIVIDUAL TEACHER. Each one of you have MY Ear, have MY Eye. All you have to do is surrender your lives to ME and say, “I do not want to do this my way.” I know each one of your fears. You cannot hide them from ME, so you might as well confess them so I can alleviate those fears. There is no shame in fear unless it stops you from doing what I have told you to do. There is no shame in grief, unless it stops you from doing what I have told you to do. I have given you all your jobs. You call it a “job.” I call it a “calling.” But I’ve laid out the plans as a blueprint for your life. Some of you cannot see the blueprint clearly yet. It takes an expert to read a blueprint. But through your faith you will read that blueprint. Through your faith you will hear MY voice. Through your faith you will see through MY eyes. For there is not one sacrifice that you do unto MY Glory―[that] as it is found pleasing unto ME as a sweet fragrance to MY Nostrils, you will be rewarded. This reward shall follow you to Heaven. There are those that will only make Heaven with their last dying breath. But MY Bride you are not counted amongst those. You have rewards that follow you, for you serve ME so faithfully. This Hanukkah you rejoice as you have been taught that it is MY conception. Am I not your YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, your GUIDING LIGHT?
StandUpForYAH03 - Road To Redemption Concert © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant Saints Aigles Oints Venez en avant. Ceci est un appel aux Aigles. (...) Venez en avant au nom de YAHUSHUA ! Combattez les attaques des vautours profanes ! MES Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai cachés en sécurité loin des yeux de ce monde, loin des systèmes ecclésiastiques. JE vous ai cachés et appris à voler et planer pour un temps comme celui-ci. Vous avez été hors du nid et n'êtes plus des Aiglons, mais vous êtes matures spirituellement, discernant avec des yeux d'aigles, et vous connaissez MA voix. Ceux qui lisent cela et êtes encore des Aiglons, ne vous inquiétez pas. Les Saints Aigles Oints plus matures spirituellement vous nourriront, vous protègeront, et vous enseigneront même comment combattre dans le domaine spirituel, dans un monde plus haut dans lequel vous n'avez jamais plané. Saints Aigles Oints, soyez avertis ! Les vautours profanes se rassemblent contre vous et essayent de vous dévorer en tant que proies. Mais vous ne deviendrez pas leur proies si vous cherchez MA face et vous rendez humbles et priez pour MES instructions et planez plus haut lorsque JE vous dis de planer et de plonger en fonçant dans l'ennemi lorsque JE vous dis de plonger. Ils seront la proie en MON Saint Nom, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. MES Aigles Saints Oints, JE vous ai cachés et instruits pour un temps comme celui-ci. Cherchez MA face d'une nouvelle façon. Croyez que vous avez entendu MA voix dans les terrains sauvages car JE vous ai appelés et vous savez quoi faire lorsque le moment viendra. Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai donnés la vision précise d'un Aigle. Vous pouvez discerner votre ennemi et votre proie au lointain. JE vous ai donnés des serres pointues comme un rasoir pour qui portent MON épée à deux tranchants. Utilisez-la pour MA gloire ! Croyez que rien n'est impossible lorsque vous invoquez MON Nom YAHUSHUA. Ce qui était impossible avant ne sera plus impossible désormais, si vous pouvez juste croire avec vos propres yeux vous verrez. Les vautours profanes se rassemblent contre vous et cherchent à prendre les nécessités de la vie loin de vous l'eau, la nourriture, le chauffage, l’abri, retirer les finances, l'électricité, le pétrole, le carburant, les vêtements et les communications. Les vautours profanes cherchent à retirer vos libertés religieuses loin de vous. Ils vous regardent et se moquent du Dieu que vous servez. Saints Aigles Oints, ils cherchent à détruire vos nids que J'ai construits avec tellement d'amour. Ils cherchent à dévorer vos jeunes enfants. Les vautours profanes dévorent à présent vos jeunes et vous vous êtes tenus là et avez regardé alors que vous avez perdu plus de liberté chaque année, alors que vos enfants sont enseignés ce que JE ne leur ai pas enseigné. Pas tout le savoir est profitable pour les jeunes personnes. (...)
Prophezeiung 131 - Donald Trump knallt, wie Popcorn!
Died Suddenly (after vaccination) Billions vaccinated worldwide, and many are dying suddenly. Is this the greatest orchestrated die-off in the history of the world? Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water”, and “These Little Ones” travels around the world to find answers, and tell the stories, of those who Died Suddenly.
Profeti 118 - Vær klar over at den Store Trengsel er nærme som et ånderpust!
Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For Only those with spiritual eyes and ears will even hear you warning the troops on the walls I have told you to assemble. Do not concern yourself with those that have rebelled against the truths I have had you speak forth. Do not be concerned how many people will stop supporting you financially for I shall bless those that bless you and curse those that have cursed you and rise up others to be help to you and not a hindrance. This ministry is not named after a man or woman but rather brings YAHUVEH the Glory even in the name. This ministry has not spoken forth words for itching ears but rather for Holy ears that want to be pleasing and obedient unto YAHUVEH as Enoch and Elijah of old walked, so shall those that listen and obey and those pleasing YAHUVEH and shall be called YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, am not sending MY Son to catch away the Churches but rather the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are the first fruits. There are requirements to be YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, have told you audibly, "YAHUSHUA is not coming for a disobedient Bride." Remember the 5 wise virgins with oil in their lamps? Remember the 5 foolish ones disobeyed. Both were warned the Bridegroom cometh. Both waited. The Bride will receive their glorified bodies and hardly will the world take notice as she is caught away and prepared with marching orders how to help the guests and protect the guests who were not fit to be called the Bride, for the guests did not go the extra miles it takes in obedience and Holiness forsaking the things of this world for the sake of the Kingdom of YAHUVEH. celebrating holidays and that are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days will find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that they are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on participating, and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them, they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I set MY Children apart...."
Prophecy 141 - Heaven’s Courtroom: How Do You Plead? Ezra must repent and confess his sins before YAHUSHUA and me, Elisheva, repenting with great sorrow and doing a public video repenting before the people for the harm he has done to me and the ministry and all those who refuse to betray me. He must have a break down of the demonic spirits of arrogance and pride and cry out to YAHUSHUA for forgiveness and ask him to deliver him of the demons and all the sins he's done as those in the occult now rule him with mind control. He stopped walking in the calling and obeying YAHUSHUA, and insisted on dividing the ministry and saying he is the head. I urgently need holy spiritual warriors to pray he repents and ask YAHUSHUA to deliver him, especially from mind control of those around him. From the video: oh my ABBA YAHUVEH I come before the very courts of Heaven right now. I come before YOUR very Throne. I come before the Counsel of the Prophets right now through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I don't come in my own name Elisheva Eliyahu for I'm nobody. But I tell you this, I'm blood-washed and I'm blood bought and YOU made me somebody the day that I accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD GOD and SAVIOUR and acknowledged HIM as your only begotten SON. I became somebody in YOUR eyes. Now YOU know every hair on my head. Now I have HOLY legions of Angels that surround and protect me. Now I can call YOU FATHER and now my prayers can be heard. And yet a man who is a husband, who refuses to acknowledge and respect and who mistreats a Holy wife who is a Bride of YAHUSHUA especially. There is a scripture that says in 1 Peter and it warns that that husband's prayers won't even be heard. YOU won't even hear them until he repents and accepts the Blood of YAHUSHUA and he repents and confesses of all that he's done not just to YAHUSHUA but to the one he's offended the worst next to YAHUSHUA and ABBA YAH and IMMAYAH. So ABBA YAH we bring all this to YOU right now. All of this.
(Amightywind 預言115) 當心極權獨裁專政將臨到美國和全世界! Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Doen Dit Vinnig Voor Jy Sterf, Dit Is Jou Laaste Kans - Apostel Elisheva Eliyahu Dit is 'n emosionele Gebed en 'n gebed wat nie weer oorgedoen was nie in 25 jaar. Ek het 'n ope visioen gehad en ek het drie mans gesien, en ek het hulle persoonlik geken en daar was 'n skare mense agter hulle. Een van hulle is die ex-mede werker (Ezra/Caleb) wie in hierdie video is, en dit is die manier hoe hy moet bid. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het my hierdie woorde gegee om te wys wat dit is om waarlik te berou. Dit wor gedoen met trane en sorge. Dit is jou laaste kans en dit is 'n laaste kans Bediening. Die Groot Verdrukking is amper hier, en wat gaan jy doen? Vandag is jou dag van redding, more kan dalk te laat wees. (2 Kor 6:2)
The Wisdom of Solomon A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
Profetia 133 – Profetaalinen "Nälkiintynyt vauva -uni"
The Illusion of Freedom
Profeti 28 - Er du en av MINE Skjulte?
Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, now will you at last turn to the great Elohim "I AM?" If it was good enough for your Father Abraham, once again will it be good enough for you? No, Abraham was not a god. "I AM" his Father Elohim. But even then man looked at Abraham like he was a Elohim. Look not to man any more as a Elohim. Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, hear ME, the power, the power, the power is in MY Name! Listen not to the rabbis and the evil ones that have censured MY Name from your lips... ...MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not have to slay his son. That is where I put MY sacrifice, on your very own soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Be not ashamed of the power in that Name. No longer erase it. No longer cover your mouth. But call on MY Name, the only Name that can save. No longer deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground. It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised. It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Listen not to the evil rabbis that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the woman at the well. I keep sending MY ministers, MY Prophets and apostles; they come in MY Son's Name, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbis don't want you to know the power that is in the Name, of the power in the Name, MY Name is YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's Name is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen and in that Name would you start learning to pray? Look around you, oh Yisrael, you see not a friend. Look around Yisrael, what you depended on once you will never depend on again. Now will you listen as I speak through this handmaiden this day? Now will you cry out in the Name of YAHUVEH and accept the gift of YAHUSHUA that I give you and the Name that I've given you so you will be saved. You should welcome the Messianic Christians, the ones that are called by MY Name, for this is your protection, oh Yisrael. Quit casting them away. They cry out to ME, to the Elohim YAHUVEH. They cry out to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA. Stop casting them away, listen to MY Prophets, listen to MY apostles, and listen to those that I send. For they come with MY heart, MY heart of love for you, oh Yisrael. Every time you face the Western Wall, look up, for MY Son will come in the eastern sky. Be deceived no longer by these lies. I have counted every teardrop that has been shed on that Western Wall. This is the very place Abraham thought he had to slay Isaac. This is the very place Jacob saw a ladder to Heaven. This is truly holy, sanctified ground. For those who cry out in YAHUVEH's Name, the miracles I did once I will for you Yisrael, do again. Don't do as the world does. Trust not any weapon or man; instead turn to the great Elohim YAHUVEH the one that is called the Great Elohim, "I AM." See oh Yisrael, one day you should behold very soon the weapons of man pointed at you. But you must fast, and you must weep, and you must wail in the Name of YAHUVEH, in the Name YAHUSHUA. I will hear and I will deliver your land.
Prophetic Dream - The UFOs are coming What will you do I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the Blue Beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
Пророчество 67 - Метеор Уничтожение и предупреждение христианским церквям Я, ЯХУВЕХ, объявлю войну с Небес с гигантскими метеорами массового уничтожения. Я, ЯХУВЕХ, сброшу эти метеоры ливнями, подобного вы никогда не видели, как заявлено в книге Откровения. Ни одно оружие войны не сможет остановить это! Я, ЯХУВЕХ, объявляю войну земле за ее греховность, придёт обширное разрушение метеорами ; только Святые молитвы задержат его. Суд не может быть остановлен, но он может быть отложен. Как вы запускаете свои ракеты из земли, Я запущу СВОИ ракеты с Небес. Кто может бороться против ЯХУВЕХ и победить? (...) Метеорное Разрушение грядёт, точно как Я, ЯХУВЕХ, сказал [молодёжи]. Он не дал бы предупреждение, так что Я провозглашаю его от МОЕЙ Дочери вновь. Предупредите людей, что только могущественное молитвенное заступничество промедлит Суд на Америку и этот мир. Война с Небес, гигантские метеоры будут выпущены, и никакое оружие войны не будет в состоянии остановить это! Только молитвенные воины задержат МОЙ Суд, как они взывают к милосердию на эту землю, которая не заслуживает милосердия. Я изрек Пророчество, что штормы и землетрясения придут, и они пришли. Что Я должен сделать, прежде чем люди поймут, что Я предупреждаю Апостолов и Пророков, чтобы они говорили людям покаяться, прежде чем Я пошлю Суд? Мои войска, помазанные Небесами, не будут касаться друг друга, ибо они узнают РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ внутри МОИХ Детей. Они не узнают имя, ни будут даже знать их прошлое, но они узнают друг друга по Помазанию МОЕЙ РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ. Вы соберетесь вместе во ИМЯ МОЕ и будете ходить в Святости и Истине по МОИМ качествам и будете идти бок о бок, путешествуя вместе для одной цели, и это - предупредить людей, что МОЙ Суд скоро падёт. В 2003, МОИ Помазанные скрытые выйдут из укрытия и объединятся с МОЕЙ Дочерью, говорящей это, и вместе они будут молиться о промедлении МОЕГО Суда, и если достаточно людей покаются, Я воздержусь от Суда до другого раза. Вы народы, которые разрабатывают оружие, тонко настраивая их, так что вы можете сбивать ракеты друг друга, спросите себя: Как вы можете защитить себя от войны с Небес, когда Я сброшу на землю, включая Америку, Метеоры, которые сокрушат ваши дома, предприятия, капиталы? И Я говорю вам: "Достаточно вашей глупости". Я, ЯХУВЕХ, покажу вам войну безразмерных пропорций, если вы не покаетесь, не отвернетесь от своих злых путей, живите Свято и Будьте Святыми и призывайте МОЕ ИМЯ во ИМЯ МОЕГО СЫНА ЯХУШУА. Вы можете принять все безбожные законы, какие вы пожелаете, но Я, ЯХУВЕХ, являюсь единственным законодателем и существуют жесткие последствия для тех, кто называет себя законодателями, а на самом деле правонарушители. МЕНЯ, ЯХУВЕХ, это не забавляет; и вам не будет весело, когда Я, ЯХУВЕХ, и МОЙ СЫН ЯХУШУА покончим с вами. (...)