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Elisheva Eliyah's Testimony My life has not been an easy one, but the LORD YAHUSHUA gave me a word and HE said, "Be not ashamed of your past but use it for YAHUSHUA'S glory to be a witness for HIM, bringing souls to YAHUSHUA." I have never known a mother's or father's love, or that of a sister or brother, aunt or uncle, cousin, or grandma, and grandpa...satan tried so hard to destroy me, but this only produced crushing of the grapes which brought forth NEW WINE in the form of delivering, anointed songs. See? All things do truly work together for good to those who love GOD, and are called according to HIS PURPOSE. YAHUSHUA knew in the end HE would win, thereby proving I am more then a conqueror through YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH my LORD! I believe the only purpose in my life was to be what I am now. An anointed servant, disciple, and child of the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords! YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH. Is there any higher calling than this? I think NOT! A broken vessel of clay but a mighty warrior for YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH, I am called to preach the Gospel to the four corners of the earth; to all races, kindred, and tongues. God has shown me the color of the skin is not important when I see people I only see if they are RED, covered in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH! OUR YAHUSHUA MESSIAH!
Пророчество 134 - Я ЯХУВЕХ Перенесу Вас к Новой Вершине Вашей Веры Теперь, дети МОИ, Я беру вашу веру на новый уровень. Смотрите себя в лифте. Смотрите сами, где вы впервые начали и чем ближе вы к Небесам, я поднимаю вас на новый уровень, новые высоты вашей веры. Я учу каждого из вас. Я ваш индивидуальный Учитель. Каждый из вас имеет МОЕ ухо, МОИ глаза. Всё, что вам нужно сделать, это сдать свою жизнь МНЕ и говорить: “Я не хочу делать это моим путем”. Я знаю каждый из ваших страхов. Нельзя скрыть их от МЕНЯ, так что вы могли бы также признаться в них, так чтобы Я мог облегчить эти страхи. Нет ничего постыдного в страхе, если только это останавливает вас от того, что Я тебе сказал. Нет ничего постыдного в печали, если только это останавливает вас от того, что Я тебе сказал. Я дал вам все ваши рабочие места. Вы называете это “работой”. Я называю это “призвание”. Но Я изложил планы в качестве основы для вашей жизни. Некоторые из вас не могут видеть план ясно пока. Требуется специалист, чтобы прочитать план. Но через вашу веру вы будете читать этот план. Через вашу веру вы будете слышать МОЙ голос. Через вашу веру вы увидите, через МОИ глаза. Ибо не одна жертва, которую вы делаете к славе МОЕЙ, как вы угодны МНЕ, как сладкий аромат в ноздри. Вы будете вознаграждены. Это награда последует за вами на Небеса. Есть те, которые только застанут Небеса с их последнего вздоха. Но, МОЯ Невеста, вы не причислены к ним. У вас есть награды, которые следуют за вами, ибо вы служите МНЕ так преданно. Эта Ханука, ты радуешься, как тебя учили, это МОЁ зачатие. Я не ваш ЯХУШУА, ваш МАШИАХ, ваша путеводная звезда?
Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb Hebrew Salvation Prayer - תפילת הישועה Israeli Prophet and beloved husband of Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, Ezra Caleb, leads Israel into true repentance and into the loving arms of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through this awesomely anointed Salvation Prayer that is now translated into Hebrew! This Salvation Prayer was originally given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 24 years ago and has literally led millions of souls to the Cross of Calvary for salvation, where YAHUSHUA laid HIS life down and died for the sins of the world – for all (both Jew and Gentile) who would receive HIM as their LORD GOD and SAVIOUR. YAHUSHUA did not stay in the grave but rose again on the Third Day! HE is alive and is now calling Israel to repentance. Israel must learn to cry out “blessed is HE WHO comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!” YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) is Israel and the rest of the World's ONE and ONLY SAVIOUR. HE is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of ABBA YAHUVEH the HEAVENLY FATHER. Israel please receive the Gift of eternal life today through YAHUSHUA. HIS shed Blood for the forgiveness of your sins still drenches the soil in Jerusalem, and covers Israel. Israel come to know the ONLY ONE WHO can save your souls from hell/sheol and the lake of fire! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is your ONLY SIN SACRIFICE perfect and spotless, only through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA and turning away from your sins can you come to ABBA YAHUVEH, ADONAI, your LORD GOD. YAHUSHUA is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! Read Isaiah 53 oh Israel, YAHUSHUA was prophesied of in every sentence: The Sin-Bearing Messiah – Isaiah 53 1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him. 3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. 4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken. 9 And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His mouth. 10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. 11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death, And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors. Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH perfectly fulfills the Prophecies contained within this chapter.
YDS 15 Years Anniversary - Short Version
Profetia 72 - Planeetta X YAHUVEH = Jumalan Hepreankielinen Nimi YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH = Jeesus Kristuksen Hepreankielinen Nimi RUACH ha KODESH = Pyhä Henki , Heprean Kieltä Profetia planeetta x:sta, nibirusta, joka aiheuttaa massatuhoa maailmaan.
30 Lecie Amightywind Oraz Urodziny Eliszewy Elijahu 2024 Część 1
The Real Rudy Giuliani We look forward to meeting you in Heaven #RudyGiuliani Everyone who has prayed for Rudy Giuliani and blessings upon him shall meet him in Heaven. Even though he talks about christmas and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS birth, he does not know that YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot he is only held accountable for what he knows. That being said, he still acknowledges the birth of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST and what he considers the real reason for the season. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived on Hanukkah and born on Sukkot. Matthew 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven (KJV) 1 John 4:15 Whosoever shall confess that YAHUSHUA [Jesus] is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God (KJV) John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (KJV) Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (KJV) 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then. From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth (Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8) When they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God. Be a fruit inspector for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I will confirm what is being written now.
Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave Elisabeth and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on all those that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in HIS timing and HIS way when they least expect it. The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those who are outwardly evil but are those claim to be a Christian and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST! They hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for sin or sinners, and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away from sin, do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10 commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that there is a hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH! Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have been praying for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisabeth prayed, "Please prove this fast has not been in vain and that ABBA YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on the enemies." YAHUVEH answered Elisabeth's prayers and put the sign in the sky with fireballs that are very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an hour! Woe be unto the enemies the YDS's fasted and prayed that Judgment from YAHUVEH would come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false Prophets of Baal!
Prophétie 122 - Ne soyez pas des Enfants Bâtards, ainsi parle YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX, SI PAS SUR TERRE !
Sanat, jotka voivat muuttaa elämäsi
Project Bluebeam Seatle new Year 2022
Svaté, hebrejské Jméno YAHUSHUA (Jahušua) Slovník: Nebe nám odhaluje Svatá Hebrejská Boží Jména: OTCE, SYNA a DUCHA SVATÉHO, a pověřuje nás, jak je používat s úctou. V Proroctví 81 obdrženém v r. 2006, BŮH praví: „Opět vzývejte MÉ Jméno YAHUVEH a používejte Jméno YAHUSHUA, aby jste měli přístup k MÉMU Trůnu a JÁ vyslyším a odpovím na vaše modlitby“. To samé BŮH učí SVÉ děti na stránkách Svaté Bible. Exodus 3/14-15: I řekl Bůh Mojžíšovi: JSEM, KTERÝ JSEM. Řekl dále: Takto díš synům Izraelským: JSEM (יהוה), poslal mne k vám. Řekl ještě Bůh Mojžíšovi: Takto díš synům Izraelským: Hospodin, Bůh otců vašich, Bůh Abrahamův, Bůh Izákův a Bůh Jákobův poslal mne k vám; to je jméno mé na věčnost, a to je ta památka má po všechny věky. Žalm 91/14: Poněvadž mne, dí Bůh, zamiloval, vysvobodím jej, a vyvýším; nebo poznal jméno mé. Exodus 20/7: Nevezmeš jména Hospodina Boha svého nadarmo; neboť nenechá bez pomsty Hospodin toho, kdo by bral jméno jeho nadarmo. Mat. 6/9: A proto vy se takto modlete: Otče náš, který jsi v nebesích, posvěť se jméno tvé. Řím. 10/13: Každý zajisté, kdokoliv by vzýval jméno Páně, spasen bude. Nicméně vůdčí náboženské organizace a církve toto skrývají, neboť jsou si vědomy Svatých Božích Jmen, které mizí z církevních textů a nyní také z nových překladů Bible. Jméno OTCE YAHUVEH se nahrazuje slovy „Pán“, „Bůh“ nebo „Pán Bůh“, a Jméno Spasitele YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH – řecky „Ježíš Kristus“, neznámým za časů Mesiáše a prvních Apoštolů. Boží Jméno bylo a je vypouštěno z většiny překladů Bible, jak zahraničních, tak českých. YAHUVEH (v češtině výslovnost podobná JAHVE) - pravé Svaté Jméno BOHA OTCE. Hebrejsky: יהוה [YHVH] Yod-He-Vav-He. Zkráceně se vyskytuje jako „YAH“ nebo „JAH“ záležící na jazyku nebo i preferenci překladatele. BŮH OTEC YAHUVEH je také ve Svaté Bibli nazvaný „OTCEM“ (Mat. 23:9) a „SVATÝM OTCEM“ (Jan 17:11), „JSEM KTERÝ JSEM“, „BOHEM Abrahama, BOHEM Izáka a BOHEM Jákoba“ (Exodus 3:14-15), EL ELYON/BOHEM Nejvyšším (Gen. 14:18-22) a také EL ŠADDAY/BOHEM Všemohoucím (Gen. 17:1; Exodus 6:3). YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/YAHUSHUA MESIÁŠ (Vyslovuje se JAHUŠUA) – Svaté Jméno BOŽÍHO SYNA a našeho MESIÁŠE. Jméno YAHUSHUA znamená: „YAH zachraňuje“ - Takové Jméno dali Marie (hebrejsky Miriam) a Josef BOŽÍMU SYNOVI na příkaz BOHA. (Mat. 1:21) Toto Svaté Jméno zůstalo, ačkoliv bylo zaměněno, různými Biblickými překladateli, za řecké jméno „Ježíš Kristus“. RUACH ha KODESH – DUCH SVATÝ v hebrejštině, čili v původním jazyce ve většině knih Svaté Bible. Dalšími Jmény Ducha Svatého jsou rovněž: MATKA SHKHINYAH (Přísloví 90), SHKHINYAH SLÁVY, IMMAYAH (doslova „MÁMA YAH“), MOUDROST. (Protože slovo „Duch Svatý“ se nedá přeložit do ženského rodu v češtině, aniž by to úplně pozměnilo význam, necháváme ho tedy v mužském rodě). ELOHIM - Podstatné jméno v množném čísle, označující PÁNA BOHA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUU MESIÁŠE a RUACH ha KODESH (Svatá Trojice).
Prophecy 67 - Meteor Destruction Coming Pray For Delay Of Judgment "I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction. I, YAHUVEH, will release these Meteors in showers like you have never seen. As stated in the book of Revelation. No weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! I, YAHUVEH, declare war on earth for its sinfulness, vast Meteor destruction will come; only Holy prayers will delay it. Judgment cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. As you fire your missiles from earth I shall fire MY missiles from Heaven. Who can fight against YAHUVEH and win? (...) Meteor Destruction is coming forth just as I, YAHUVEH, told MY Daughter Elisabeth's son who is called Prophet Boy Elijah. He wouldn't give the warning, so I am speaking it forth from MY Daughter again. Warn the people that only mighty prayer intercession will delay Judgment to America and this world. War from Heaven, giant Meteors, will be released and no weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! Only prayer warriors will delay MY Judgment as they cry out for mercy on this land that deserves no mercy. I prophesied the storms and earthquakes would come and they did. What do I have to do before people will realize I am warning the Apostles and Prophets to tell the people to repent before I send Judgment? MY troops anointed by Heaven will not be concerned with one another's name, for they will recognize the RUACH ha KODESH within MY Children. They will not recognize the name, nor even know their past, but they will recognize one another by the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. You shall gather together in MY Name and walk in Holiness and Truth to MY statures and walk side by side, traveling together for one purpose and that is to warn people MY Judgment is soon to fall. The year 2003, MY anointed hidden ones will come out of hiding and join together with MY Daughter speaking this and together they shall pray for delay of MY Judgment and if enough people repent, I shall stay MY hand of Judgment another time. You nations that develop weapons, fine tuning them, so you can shoot down one another's missiles, ask yourself this, "How can you defend yourself against a war from Heaven as I throw upon earth, including America , Meteors that will crush your homes, businesses, capitals and tell you enough of your foolishness." I, YAHUVEH, will show you a war of unmagnitude proportions if you don't repent, turn away from your wicked ways, live Holy and Be Holy and call upon MY Name in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA. You can pass all the ungodly laws you want but I, YAHUVEH, am the only lawgiver and there are stiff consequences for those who call themselves lawmakers and are really Lawbreakers. I, YAHUVEH, am not amused; neither shall you be when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are through with you. For those that dare to mock the messages I, YAHUVEH, send forth such as this one, put up your hands and defend yourself against the everlasting Creator, the one called the Ancient of Days, for I have no beginning and no end, I am the ALEPH and TAV. (...)"
Пророчество 137 - Пророчество СВЯТОЙ ДУХА о КОЛЫБЕЛЬНОЙ Эзра, он знает, что Я дал оружие, как никакое другое, и Я сказала вам - это была любовь! Но когда вы объединились со словами муж и жена, НИКАКОЕ ОРУЖИЕ В АДУ НЕ МОЖЕТ ПРОТИВОСТОЯТЬ ЭТОМУ! Этот день был искуплен! Неважно, есть ли у вас интернет! Я просто хочу, чтобы вы увидели, как, Эзра, Я помазала тебя ещё тогда даже играть песни в том порядке, что Я сказала тебе, и любовь, Эзра, как ты сидел такой беспомощный, ты просто хотел держать её на руках и успокаивать её и, если вы увидите это видео, вы увидите это на твоём лице, и вместо этого Я просто тебе говорила, сначала спой эту Колыбельную, это Колыбельная прямо с Небес. Знаете ли вы, что ИММАЯХ даёт каждому собственные колыбельные? Вы не всегда можете услышать это. Редко вы услышите это и редко вы знаете колыбельные друг друга, но, Эзра, Я пользуюсь этой возможностью, так как дьявол взялся в интернете говорить Слово вам обоим. Эзра, Я дала тебе колыбельную для Элишевы. Бывают моменты, когда вы молитесь и так растеряны, и вы можете плакать, и вдруг наступает мир, и вы даже не знаете, откуда это взялось – это просто как “тише МОЙ ребенок” и любящий мир наступает над тобой. Это ваша ИММАЯХ и ОНА поёт тебе колыбельную, и ОНА качает тебя на руках. Вы видите, в эти последние времена дьявол пытается подделать любым способом. Потому что злые имеют свою “царицу небесную”, но Я скажу вам, есть только ОДНА и ОНА ваша Небесная МАМА. Вот почему Я раскрываю вам эти секреты сейчас, чтобы другие поняли. Поэтому Я добавляю даже сейчас, в 89 и 90 больше откровений о том, кто РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ для тех, кто примет ЕЁ, сладкую СВЯТУЮ ДУХ, как МАМУ, это будет благословением и теперь Я пользуюсь этой возможностью, Я ЯХУВЕХ, чтобы дать новое Пророчество, новое Откровение с Небес для Эзра, вы собираетесь поделиться этой колыбельной, и это то, чего сатана боится. Никто не может это дублировать. Это просто ещё одно доказательство, когда Я называю родственную душу родственной, человеку кто является Святым, и Я имею в виду Святых, послушных, которые имеют свои приоритеты передо МНОЙ, ЯХУВЕХ и ЯХУШУА и ИММАЯХ. Я делюсь секретами, особенно с теми, кого Я называю МОИМИ лучшими друзьями, ты и Элишева, знаете вещи, которые приходят прямо с Небес. И поэтому, Эзра, когда ей нужно было успокоиться, в то время, когда она думала, что это было худшее в её жизни, но 7 марта оказалось самым лучшим в её жизни, и это Я вам дала в мае, как ты прошёл через всё это с ней, и Я выгнала худшее в её жизни и принесла самое лучшее в её жизни. Это ты Эзра, и Я показала вам то, чего никто никогда не знал, и ты просто начал петь и это была Колыбельная для Элишевы. Когда она плакала, ты успокаивал её. И каждый, кто принадлежит ЯХУШУА, следует за ЯХУШУА, кто имеет СВЯТУЮ ДУХ внутри, вашу ИММАЯХ, имеет свою собственную Колыбельную. Это то, чем Я хочу поделиться с вами, так что вы можете вдохновлять других. Это насколько ваша МАМА любит тебя. Это насколько ваш Небесный ОТЕЦ любит вас. Разве земная мать не делится колыбельными? Поёт колыбельные? Любящая мать? Тогда почему вы думаете, что ваша НЕБЕСНАЯ МАМА не имеет колыбельную для вас? О, но Эзра, ты особенный, как ты сказал, ты даже не знаешь, откуда слова пришли. Я рада поделиться секретами с МОИМИ друзьями! Разве Я не говорю, Я ничего не делаю, не разделяя МОИ тайны с пророками? (Амос 3:7)
Happy Hanukkah Hag Sameach Blessings Sang! Happy Hanukkah! Woohoo! This is a time to celebrate Hag Sameach! Oh, oh beloved ones! I am so excited! This is Hanukkah! And if you don't know what that is this is the time of the— of not only the celebration of—in the second century [BC] when the temple was destroyed and defiled in Jerusalem that there was only a group of 5 brothers who went against the evil Antiochus who proclaimed himself as GOD and forbid any Torah reading any, any commandment keeping and he actually not only imprisoned but tortured and murdered the Jews who refused to stop their belief in the ONLY HOLY CREATOR At that time they knew that was ABBA YAHUVEH So we also acknowledge as we light these candles of the miracle of the Maccabees and you can read about it in the Book of Maccabees which you will not find in the KJV Bible So, you'll have to look it up online and on our Hanukkah page I tell you exactly where is it written that Sukkot and Hanukkah go together and they could not do their Sukkot at that time so they had to wait until Hanukkah. Because of the desecration of the Temple, they waited until Hanukkah Now, we know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah and HE is THE ONLY ETERNAL LIGHT and that LITTLE BABY, THAT LITTLE FETUS was put in the womb of a virgin, young Hebrew woman by the Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH.
Purim Celebration The Book of Esther Esther obeyed YAHS orders spoken through Mordechai. The weapon formed against Esther & all Jews did not succeed! Instead because of Esther's obedience, her 3 day fast combined with her prayers she was able to approach the King without permission. The King sign of permission to speak to him, he had a royal scepter he held out to the person who wanted to ask a request. The kings heart felt love he recognized Esther he favored her because of her beauty & personality. The King held out the Jeweled Royal scepter so she could speak. Esther set a trap for Haman & caused the King to demand Haman, his wife, Sons all be publicly hung strangled with a noose on highest gallows. All who Worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Jews even if not biological you were adopted grafted into YAHUSHUA symbolized as a olive vine. YAHUSHUA calls us HIS Branch grafted in to be part of the only Vine it does not matter whether biological Jew or not! HIS Command is if the Branch does not produce good fruit, HE will cut off the Branch and burn with Hells fire! You must confess you are a sinner & confess with sorrow the sins to HIM, ask HIM to forgive your sins, to have your sins remembered no more. You must humble yourself ask HIM become LORD means ruler of your life. You must desire to obey HIM & hate sin, turn away from sins accept the only way, to Heaven & live for HIM is to say please come into my soul and fill me with the RUACH ha KODESH HOLY SPIRIT to live inside of me teaching me how to be obedient & pleasing to YAH. ABBA YAH is HEAVENLY FATHER of Creation with no beginning or end. YAHUVEH is CREATOR of TIME! YAHUSHUA is only name anyone can be saved. In Hebrew name means YAH Saves. Psalm 91 says there is protection from disease, pestilences, to those who call upon YAHS Name ! The scepter is YAHUSHUA! No prayers are answered before the FATHER of Creation without praying in the Name & sins washed in the Perfect blood of YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH! Ask forgiveness when you sin, run back into YAHUSHUA loving arms again! Do not give up! The way we prove our love for YAHUSHUA is obeying HIM! YAHUSHUA said “Why do you call HIM LORD & not obey HIM? HE knows no one is perfect just continue to not give up & do not purposely sin ask HIM to help you to defeat the sin where you are weak! Humble yourself do not become like the unrepented Haman, wife, 10 sons even the youngest son so he could not become another Haman. The King wanted to introduce at his banquet his beautiful wife, but she refused to come. Vashti the king’s disobedient rebellious wife was cast out of his kingdom! Vashti are selfish narcissists who refuse with great sorrow & tears they are called repented sinners, no fear of YAH or YAHUSHUA Judgement of hell & lake of fire! Jeremiah 6: 27-30 full of rebellion & say they will live their lives with no respect for 10 commandments!
Proroctwo 150 - Niewidzialna Ochronna Osłona Tatusia JAH, El Szadaj, Przed Nikczemnymi Potępieńcami.
Take Me To The King - StandUpForYAH03 Here is a dance that we were led to do. Its something different to what we usually do. We pray you be blessed by this vid. All PRAISE honour and glory to YAH ALONE! May YAHUSHUA bless you. THE SONG USED IS NOT OURS. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. Rate, subscribe, share and favourite.