Are you 18 years old or above?
Prophecy 60 - Hide Yourselves My Children For Just A Little While Longer "Oh how many times I have repented that I have made man. Yes, I know what is going to happen. That is because I am all knowing. I am omnipresent. I am omniscient. That does not make it easier. Ohhhh, how many times I have repented that I have made man. I look upon this world that is MY footstool. I look into the hearts and the souls of every creature on earth. I look into the secret places of their hearts. I see the evil within, even those that fill the churches, even those that fill the temples. And I look upon their hearts. And Ohhh, how many are so far from ME. How many only have the knowledge of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, but their hearts are far from HIM. How many only know the story of the crucifixion, and how few have crucified their own flesh. How few have laid down their cross and followed after MY Son YAHUSHUA. Again and again I send MY Apostles and Prophets to warn. Oh you hardened generation. You cover your ears. Your ears are full of wax; your hearts are waxed cold. You cover your eyes. And then you dare cover your mouth so you will not even warn anyone. Judgment has come, away with your hypocritical prayers and praise. How few of you have bowed your knee to ME to repent for this, for the sins, the sins of the countries you live in. I speak to the world, not just to America, but to the farthest corners and the recesses of this earth. Sin is no respecter of a person. The sin is in all the nations, from the smallest country, providences, cities and towns. Some so small they don't even have names and yet the sin remains the same. I am the one that hears the silent cries of MY Babies, those that never had a chance to breathe their first breath. You don't just kill them, you murderous butchers, you torture them. I shall put sinkholes under the abortion clinics. The fault lines are already there. It is invisible to the eye, but in MY timing it will be as if a giant hand reaches up from the earth and truly, as MY servant has said, they shall be drawn down into the very bowels of hell and the earth shall cover them over and all the wicked shall be in them. Your buildings that promote the evil life-style that you know that I abhor. You want to know what it is. Then read MY Scriptures. I shall do the same thing for you. The earthquake fault lines are already there, but think not when this happens to a region that any of the wicked will escape for they shall go down, and it shall be I, the Great God "I AM" that tramples them underground. But the righteous ones that stand forth in MY Name, the ones who are not ashamed of the NameS of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, the ones that honor MY Sabbath days and keep them holy, the ones that know to love ME is to obey ME, the ones that love MY Scriptures and hide the word in their heart. These are the ones that have built their homes on the solid rock and they will not sink deep into the sand. For I am shaking this world in MY rage, and in the days coming, you will see earthquakes unprecedented as any time before, for they will be shaking in a greater magnitude as a parent that has lost it's temper and shakes that child. This is how I will shake this earth and say, "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"
Prophecy 59 - I AM Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride "How dare New York, after I poured forth MY mercy and MY love. I spared untold uncounted souls from Sept. 11, 2001 from many days hence. As they unburied those that they thought were dead. As I had MY angels chase them out before the buildings collapsed and now they dare to defy what is holy, they dare to profane the name 'marriage,' that which I have given as a symbol for the Bride and the Bridegroom. It is not man-man. It is not Adam and Steve, it is Adam and Eve. MY anger and MY rage will burn New York if they continue on. I have warned them and I have warned them that Sept. 11 was only a sample. How dare them and every state including Canada and the providences that follow who dare to do the same. I remind you what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their fate shall be the same. Dare not say that the hedge of protection is around America for this is a lie straight from satan's prophets' mouths. The hedge of protection is around MY People, those that call out in MY Name. Those that worship YAHUSHUA and those that honor MY true Sabbaths, those that repent and humble themselves, those that look up and know that redemption draweth nigh. MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, these are the ones the hedge of protection are around. I have torn down the hedge of protection around America and you shall see that flag burn. Be not angry at MY apostles and prophets that I send to warn the doom will come. Instead thank ME that I care so much to warn.... ......So this is MY message this day, as you see the name 'GOD' struck out of the Pledge of Allegiance. As you see the word 'GOD' struck off your currency. The vision I have given MY Daughter this day, you will see the American flag burn and the merchants shall cry from afar off and the world shall weep and lament but will they learn a lesson from her? Oh how few listen. Their ears are full of wax. Their eyes are blind, they only want to see from their own eyes and they don't want to see through MINE. America, you will reap what you are sowing. Again I repeat, the hedge of protection is not around America. The hedge of protection is around MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. Look up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Deny not the Name of YAHUVEH. Deny not the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. Deny not MY commandments and MY laws and MY statutes, and the Word that was made flesh. Look up MY Children, for truly your redemption draweth nigh." YAHUVEH gave a vision of a burning american flag to His humble vessel of clay Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) . He warns in this Prophetic Message to anoint your homes so that the angel of death will pass over when it comes through. He said that hedge of protection is not around america but around His Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, & Elect. He is coming back for a Holy & Obediant Bride without spot or wrinkle. If you wonder if you are a part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA please read Prophecy 82 - Last call for the Bride of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH.
Prophecy 58 - America Repent or Perish Before It s Too Late "...I weep for America; Oh I don't want to hurt you. You are like a wayward child that has gone astray to a life of sin. You are like the prodigal son that took the inheritance of his father and squandered the wealth away, on foolishness. "I AM" that Holy Father, there is no other. All you have I have given you. I have been patient with you. Allowing you to make your choices, but now I warn you, come back out of the stinking pigpens of this world. Stop eating the swine food of this world. Come back to ME and I will put MY Son YAHUSHUA's robes of righteousness on you. I will put MY own promise ring upon you that makes you one with MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, for you will be married to truth, righteousness, and holiness, if you will but obey ME. Get back to Holiness. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA do not wink at sin. I am not amused as you test ME further and further. Now even blasphemy is to be on your airwaves in prime time where the babes will be led astray. I am YAHUVEH and your Creator. I warned you but would you listen? Come let us reason this together, I am the same yesterday, today, and forever and I, YAHUVEH, do not change. Just because you change your definition of sin, you change MY commandments, you change your definition of Holiness. "I AM" has not changed. What is sin on earth is sin in Heaven and there is no sin allowed in Heaven. Just because you learned to become tolerant of sin, and close your eyes and ears as MY Name is mocked and damned and what I have written in the Holy Scriptures disobeyed, mocked, and twisted to mean what I did not say. Do you think I would go against MY own laws, MY own words that are made flesh? America you were to be an example to this world. You are under MY judgment now and this is only the beginning. America, you must repent and every man, woman, and child, that calls themselves an American, you must repent for the anger you have aroused in your Creator the Great God "I AM." There is no other creator, YAHUSHUA is the only Blood covering I will accept. The RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) is the only Spirit that will break yokes and bondages off of you as you are delivered from the hands of the evil ones. Ninevah repented and I gave her more time. True in time she went back to her sinful ways and angered ME greatly and I destroyed Nineveh....
Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse Again and again I have told this daughter now prophesying "Beware of the Trojan Horse." America you are that Trojan Horse. You come as a blessing to Israel, you come as a helping hand to Israel but behind your back you carry a blood soaked dagger to put into the back of the Israel leaders. America you are as a Trojan Horse, but you shall pay a price for this if you do not repent. Anyone who betrays Israel betrays I, YAHUVEH, and betrays MY Son YAHUSHUA. Anyone who is an enemy of Israel has set themselves up to be an enemy of I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of Israel, also the Creator of America, and I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of the universe. Any leader that puffs themselves up and makes themselves as a god and says "I will destroy Israel" shakes his fist in the face of I, YAHUVEH, the Creator. America you shall surely pay. America you have already begun to burn, you burn with MY rage, you burn with MY anger. You cry out for mercy on America, yet you even want to strike out the Name of God away from the children's memory. (...) I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of America puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA but they cry out to ME, MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath days, they keep MY Jewish feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the Blood of YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the Blood of YAHUSHUA, though they receive it not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, remind you of what happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA now prophesy through MY handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH will strike down that Trojan Horse and when I strike it down it shall never raise again. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horses head. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You America will not be able to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar off, as they will see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18) Oh America, I weep for you as you get ready to celebrate another birthday. You forget it was I, YAHUVEH, that set you apart for MY and YAHUSHUA's glory. Only a tiny infant yet you shake your fists in MY face, you deny the one that created you. This warning is not for MY Children who worship ME in truth and love and try to obey. This warning is for those who set themselves up as MY enemies. Beware America! You are as a Trojan Horse. Israel has been your friend, now you treat her as a despised enemy. Your leaders go to shake one hand and stab a blood soaked dagger in Israel's back with the other hand. You slander Israel. You do not report the truth. You make MY Hebrew people in Israel look like the terrorists. You trample on their backs and on their economy. You send fear among the world and say, "Stay out of Israel, it is too dangerous to visit" and yet the Palestine enemies who despise MY Name, to the world you lift them up as heroes and this you loudly proclaim. Oh America, you make this promise to the Palestine's, you falsely say, "I, America will give back Israel especially Jerusalem to the enemies of I, YAHUVEH." The Palestine's have set themselves up as YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's enemies. The Palestine's have killed MY Hebrew children. The Palestine's are trying to steal the apple of MY eye. So America, for helping them you have incurred MY wrath and America even your name I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA now despise. I have had mercy thus far, for the cries of MY true Children who cry out. But MY true Children must know this, the longer I have held back MY wrath the angrier I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA became and America you will pay for this. (...)
Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM I send MY Prophets forth to warn of MY judgments. I send MY apostles and prophets forth to warn before the doom comes. I warn those now, in America through this handmaiden of MINE once again. I gave her a dream. Now! Urgent! Intercessory prayer warriors in the five states mentioned in the dream [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri] must be raised up. I told her at a time she was the most vulnerable, when her ear was opened, inclined to hear MY words. Two words: Warn Them! Warn them when America is the most vulnerable. As a plane was flying low, like in the dream that will be described below. These five states are most vulnerable. If enough prayer warriors do not rise up and care, an attack will come. I'll not say how, I'll not say when. I warn through MY Prophets. How few will listen. The people take the warnings of the government now, since there has been so many, no longer seriously. But Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, California and Nevada, 'If MY People who are called by MY Name do not humble themselves, fall on their faces and repent for the sins in this land,' these five states will feel the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH's hand. But MY Children who are in the arks, the ark is wherever I have put you to stay as this evil passes by. I tell you this: anoint your houses, anoint your doors, for just as in the days of old, just as when the plagues came, the children of Israel were safe. Those that worship other gods were not. The angel of death passed by and did not touch the children of Israel. But those that worshipped other gods, those that serve no god felt the hand of Almighty God YAHUVEH's wrath. I am allowing this... ...Warn Them! Those that mock you and say, "Oh you've been warning of judgment every day. Warn Them! Just as in the days of Noah, how few paid attention 'til the flood came. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one paid attention 'til it was too late. Warn Them! America, you think you're flying so high. But you don't understand, for only one purpose have I protected you, America, and that is because of those who call out in MY Name and pray, "Spare America, give America more time!" But where is the repentance, America? Where is the covering of your face in shame? For the atrocities still go on and MY Son's Name is damned... ... I'll tell you this, Prayer Intercessors. Those who fervently pray had better get in touch with you from these five states [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri], for those who will be raised up from other places around the world, you know your calling. It is for a Prayer Intercessor. Come forth now! Contact this Apostle before it's too late. For America, you're getting ready to celebrate another birthday and because of MY mercy and love, I have shown you compassion and I now send again an Apostle to warn them. Pray once again MY judgment on America will be delayed. From Prophecy 56 "WARN THEM! HOW FEW WILL LISTEN!"
Prophecy 55 - Warn The People Devastation Is Coming This prophetic warning was spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT. EARTHQUAKES, RADIATION,STARVATION,NUCLEAR WAR,VOLCANOS,STORMS,Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams Tsunamis 8.9 Earthquakes GODS WRATH and LOVE, REVELATIONS PROPHETS EVANGELIST PASTORS Prophecy 55 Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams.
Prophecy 54 - Now Is The Time Stay Focused Obey Your General It contains the HEBREW NAMES of GOD: YAH / YAHUVEH is GOD’S HOLY, SACRED NAME as in “Alleluia” or “Hallelu YAH” Which literally means “Praise YAH”: YAHUVEH / YAHWEH GOD THE FATHER; YAHUSHUA / YAHSHUA GOD’S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON— (HA MASHIACH means “THE MESSIAH”; ELOHIM means “GOD.”) The Revelation of “SH’KHINYAH GLORY” —as the PERSONAL NAME of RUACH HA KODESH, (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”) —is also on this site. (HA SH’KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for GOD’S ABIDING, DIVINE PRESENCE.) Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH means “MOTHER YAH.” Scripture quotes are KJV or NKJV unless otherwise indicated. Right click footnote numbers to open a second tab. ALPHA & OMEGA ALMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH WILDFIRE LAST CHANCE MINISTRY
Prophecy 53 - I Have Given You The Victory A Prophecy given to Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Hebrew for JESUS CHRIST) under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). In this Prophecy, GOD YAHUVEH tells HIS children to keep their eyes on HIS SON YAHUSHUA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ). HE alone is our Deliverer. HIS children must keep the Passover seder and celebrate this holy time as HE commands in the Bible.
Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again Dearest Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with wails and tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your friends, yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You come to us with tear stained faces in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA saying, "What do we do now? Where do we go?" Darlings of MINE, oh I am not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just like in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, seeking to beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win without worldly knowledge. Your Father I, YAHUVEH, is all knowledge and when you seek I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you are seeking truth and knowledge. Be assured as long as you are seeking you will find the answers when the time comes. If you do not know what to do, then be assured, it is not yet the time for you to know where to go, nor what to do. I, YAHUVEH, will not give you the ticket to ride until it is the time to leave. I, YAHUVEH, am never too early or too late, but I am always there right on time. Not a second to spare at times. But I, YAHUVEH, will never leave you nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator of all mankind. You need not fear what the evil ones will do for I, YAHUVEH, am using the simple things like your prayers to confound the so-called wise of this world. I, YAHUVEH, am even able to change your DNA. Did you know that? Yes, if I so choose. I, YAHUVEH, can even change the color of your skin and your eyes. Marvel not. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator remember? I, YAHUVEH, am able to make you invisible if I, YAHUVEH, so choose. You have no idea what standard I shall raise up against the evil ones. The very bondages, diseases, and plagues that the evil ones, who are called satan's children, seek to loose upon you, shall confound them. Multitudes of MY children will not be harmed. Instead, the evil one's own families shall come down with the diseases and the plagues, and they will have no answer as to the reason why. All they will have to admit is that I, YAHUVEH, did it. The evil ones strive to protect themselves, and they think themselves wise to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection. To the degree that the evil ones, the pretenders, seek to harm MY children, that is the degree that the harm will come back upon themselves. Start praying for this now. There is great power in prayers said to I, YAHUVEH, in the Name of your MESSIAH, MY only begotten son YAHUSHUA. Pray that I, YAHUVEH, will give you greater spiritual weapons to use against the carnal ones who raise up against MY beloved ones who seek MY face and will daily. Pray that as Elisha saw the mantle fall from Elijah of Old, so you shall behold it again, and you shall be endued with even more of the RUACH ha KODESH's anointing power. When this happens, you will not need to be concerned how you will get to a certain nation. When I, YAHUVEH, send you, you will just appear. Do you think this is strange?
Prophecy 51 - Clarion Call Of The 144 000 The Encarta World Dictionary defines a clarion call as a call to action: an urgent or inspiring appeal to people to do something. [From the use of the clarion as a signal in war] The meaning of the Shofar In the Psalms (98:6) it is stated "With trumpets and the sound of the shofar make a call out before the King, God". With the sound of the shofar we show that we accept God as our king. It is also meant to make our souls repent. In biblical times the shofar was used to call for war, to announce peace as well as the New Moon. When we received the Torah from Mount Sinai, the strong sound of the shofar could be heard: "And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the Shofar extremely loud; so that all the people that were in the camp trembled." (Exodus 19:16). The shofar today reminds us of that extraordinary event to make us strengthen our commitment to the Torah. A further interpretation for the meaning of the shofar is to remember the binding of Isaac by Abraham as the ultimate sacrifice and that in the end a ram was sacrifices instead. YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then. If you believe you are the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH/Jesus Christ contact yahsladynred, we need more to stand with us against the evil here on YT and this world.
Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, now will you at last turn to the great Elohim "I AM?" If it was good enough for your Father Abraham, once again will it be good enough for you? No, Abraham was not a god. "I AM" his Father Elohim. But even then man looked at Abraham like he was a Elohim. Look not to man any more as a Elohim. Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, hear ME, the power, the power, the power is in MY Name! Listen not to the rabbis and the evil ones that have censured MY Name from your lips... ...MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not have to slay his son. That is where I put MY sacrifice, on your very own soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Be not ashamed of the power in that Name. No longer erase it. No longer cover your mouth. But call on MY Name, the only Name that can save. No longer deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground. It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised. It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Listen not to the evil rabbis that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the woman at the well. I keep sending MY ministers, MY Prophets and apostles; they come in MY Son's Name, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbis don't want you to know the power that is in the Name, of the power in the Name, MY Name is YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's Name is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen and in that Name would you start learning to pray? Look around you, oh Yisrael, you see not a friend. Look around Yisrael, what you depended on once you will never depend on again. Now will you listen as I speak through this handmaiden this day? Now will you cry out in the Name of YAHUVEH and accept the gift of YAHUSHUA that I give you and the Name that I've given you so you will be saved. You should welcome the Messianic Christians, the ones that are called by MY Name, for this is your protection, oh Yisrael. Quit casting them away. They cry out to ME, to the Elohim YAHUVEH. They cry out to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA. Stop casting them away, listen to MY Prophets, listen to MY apostles, and listen to those that I send. For they come with MY heart, MY heart of love for you, oh Yisrael. Every time you face the Western Wall, look up, for MY Son will come in the eastern sky. Be deceived no longer by these lies. I have counted every teardrop that has been shed on that Western Wall. This is the very place Abraham thought he had to slay Isaac. This is the very place Jacob saw a ladder to Heaven. This is truly holy, sanctified ground. For those who cry out in YAHUVEH's Name, the miracles I did once I will for you Yisrael, do again. Don't do as the world does. Trust not any weapon or man; instead turn to the great Elohim YAHUVEH the one that is called the Great Elohim, "I AM." See oh Yisrael, one day you should behold very soon the weapons of man pointed at you. But you must fast, and you must weep, and you must wail in the Name of YAHUVEH, in the Name YAHUSHUA. I will hear and I will deliver your land.
Prophecy 49 - Beware You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter YAHUVEH GOD Warning America about coming World War III [...] America, you are being deceived. Wake up MY People and speak up against this, encourage your President to find more peaceful ways than war that will even include biological, and germ warfare. This is no longer a war with mere bullets. This will be a war of a magnitude that will shake this world and truly the words World War III will never be forgotten, nor will any nation remain the same. You have been warned! [...] America, stop testing ME. Woe be unto an infant that shakes their fist in the face of the Almighty Living GOD YAHUVEH [...] America, if you don't stop waving that red, white, and blue flag in "I AM's" face and start living Godly, raising up the Bible, obeying the Torah, which is a Godly standard against the evil in this world, as well as the evil that comes against your nation. "I AM" is going to release MY hold again on you and allow satan to give you a beating, where the tears will not stop, nor the wails of this nation that will be heard around the world. A satanic nation will beat you and make your bodies look like they were whipped red, white, and blue. [...] If the truth be known America you have no friends. They are all enemies in disguise and if possible would plunder all you have. "I AM" is your only true Friend and "I AM" is your Creator and FATHER. Why are you ashamed of who "I AM" is and what "I AM" stands for and that is Holiness, and what "I AM" stands against and that is all that is unholy. Repent America before it is too late. [...] Beware America, for the next World War III will be the beginning of the end for you and many other nations shall fall when you do, like dominoes in a row. Like a house of cards. Beware and think hard on this, for how can I bless you to win a war when this nation no longer stands for Holiness. [...] Your White House has been defiled and never cleansed of spirits of divination, adultery, murder, suicide, whoredom, fornication, greed, jealousy, antichrist spirits, abortion, homosexuality, pride, atheism, unlove, hatred, selfishness, bribery, lying and deceiving spirits, satanism, insanity, treason, necromancy, need I go on? What spirit is in your White House now where your leaders make decisions? Where is the Blood of YAHUSHUA that should be used to cleanse your houses of government? Where is the repentance like I called for in Washington DC? From your leaders that are responsible for passing laws of unholiness? [...]
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat "Warning to ISRAEL and all those that love Israel and the Jewish People with a love not our own but from Elohim, please do as commanded in the scriptures and pray for Jerusalem. Please pray and agree that Father Elohim YAHUVEH, HaShem Adonai, will spare those that cry out to HIM, even those that don't yet know YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Please pray the laborers will reach them very quickly that labor in Israel. Something is so urgent in my spirit. The below word came unexpectedly as I wrote the site manager, prophecy started flowing forth and it is not the one that is like fire in my bones, I am waiting for the right time to release. I do not understand something, if anyone has the answer please let me know, but although I have the date for Pentecost, Shavot, for May 27, I do not feel peace that May 27, or May 28, is the correct date. Something is wrong. It should be on the Sabbath for one thing. Not on a Sunday or Monday. No something is very wrong, and I don't know the correct date, if anyone can confirm this please let me know. It is like I am still waiting for Pentecost or Shavot to come and celebrate it for something big is meant to happen on this day in the spiritual realm if not the physical realm. I have an uneasy feeling something was changed as to the Calendar date. Anyone else feel this way? Please drop me a line. I don't claim to be a scholar of dates. [Note: We have learned that the Day of Pentecost, Shavot, is June 2, 2001.] Beloved Jewish People you need to realize I am not out to convert you to Christianity, but rather to introduce you to YAHUSHUA! You who Love HaShem Adonai the giver of the laws to Moses, we just want to introduce you to the Son of HaShem Adonai HIS Name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH some call him by a Greek name (Jesus) he redeems us when we break the laws of HaShem Adonai. He covers our sins with the shed Blood at Calvary, he is the sacrificial unblemished lamb, just as surely as the blood of the lamb was put over the door posts in the time of Moses, so the angel of death would pass over those houses and they would be spared the curses for the Egyptians and those meant for the evil pharaoh. This doesn't mean Egyptians are not accepting YAHUSHUA, or that all Egyptians are going to Hell, for YAHUSHUA, saves all who will accept him as MESSIAH and turn from their wicked ways. Loving Elohim the Father YAHUVEH, his son as MESSIAH and Lord YAHUSHUA, (Jesus Christ) and allowing the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to lead and guide you to bring glory to YAHUVEH our Elohim HaShem Adonai. I am sent to both the Jews and those that don't realize when they accept YAHUSHUA, as Lord and MESSIAH, they are grafted in the branch of the olive tree and become a Jew. The Blood line to the King of Jews and Lord of Lords is what gets us into Heaven. There is one intercessor before Elohim the Father and it is not Mary, nor the saints, not Mohammed, or Buddha. None of them are the MESSIAH, only YAHUSHUA was perfect, sinless, and laid HIS life down for us, spilling HIS Blood to wash away our sins. Because YAHUSHUA, is HaShem ADONAI's Son, that was with him in Heaven at the beginning of time."
Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! YES the temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal heat from hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Mankind is about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Only the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) can help you to walk Holy and only the life and Blood given by YAHUSHUA at Calvary for your sins, can wash away your sins. Only by believing YAHUSHUA resurrected on the 3rd day can you have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA, is Almighty God and SAVIOUR. MY only begotten Son Conceived from a virgin named Miryam (Mary). Where is your faith? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Volcanoes are the entrances to Hell but the souls in Hell cannot escape nor can anyone live to see Hell in physical form. I have given others a glimpse of Hell as stated with the rich man and Lazarus, and no it is not symbolism nor a parable. Hell was not originally created for Human kind but instead for satan and his fallen angels, but I have given Human kind a choice where they want to spend eternity. What will you do with that choice? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Those who mock those who warn of Hell, the Lake of FIRE awaits them. For those that can believe that I created a Heaven that is so beautiful that words cannot describe it and know the only door to Heaven is through the gift I gave Mankind through Calvary, YAHUSHUA is MY Beloved Son's Name, YAHUSHUA is the only door, there is no other door to Heaven. No other way to MY throne of grace, No not Buddha, nor Mohammed, for these were just men that died and did not arise again. These were just men that could not be the only perfect unblemished Lamb of God to make atonement for sins. YAHUSHUA is the only perfect sacrifice and that is because HE is the Son of YAHUVEH and MY only begotten son. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places (...)
Prophecy 46 - Warn The Enemies Once Oh Barbara (also all lukewarm Christians and all enemies of MY true apostles and prophets), although you mock MY Apostles and Prophets, I send you this prophecy; it is your choice what you do with the words. You will be held accountable for calling this a cult for what calling what is good evil and calling what is evil good. For this is not the work of a person's hands, this is a work of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit). . . . You have a spirit of religion and not a loving, obedient, relationship, with the one you call your savior, but I don't even know you as MY child anymore. You have gone so far astray. You are likened to the Prodigal son and the world is your pigpen although you attend church. The church you attend is only a formality and you and others use it as idolatry. That pastor is not the good shepherd. I, YAHUSHUA, am the only Good Shepherd and Savior. . . . I exhort, encourage as well as rebuke and warn to repent only those whose hearts are not as cold as the evil pharaoh will have ears to hear. When people look at you do you really think they see YAHUSHUA? You are grieving me, for attendance in church is not going to get you into Heaven and neither how much you tithe, I am not impressed with your pew warming, your fashion shows, or your cliques. . . . I raised up MY handmaiden Sherrie, and although the color of her skin is different than yours, both of them share MY RUACH ha KODESH with a desire to love and bless others and lead them to Heaven. This is not about a denomination but about a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA. What kind of relationship do you really have with ME? What kind of faith do you really have in ME? . . . Don't criticize what you don't understand it is better to cover your mouth and be humble. I have given Shandra a spiritual mother because you were not loving, nurturing, teaching, encouraging her in the ways of the Lord. I Almighty God YAHUVEH warn you that you are lukewarm and I know your heart and motivations when you attend church and it is for one reason, and that is because you are puffed up with pride and want everyone to think you are more holy than what you are. . . . Listen where your next home will be IF you continue in your evil lukewarm ways (See Citizen in Hell). I will vomit you out of MY mouth and hell shall be your next abode. Repent, enemies of MINE, you know not the apostolic handmaiden you are touching nor the Holy Liquid Fire Anointing that is upon her and this ministry. But you shall know as I cut holes in your pockets, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. Appliances that should not need replacing, you shall be forced to replace. Your vehicles will need costly repairs. . . . MY apostle is only is doing MY will and loving MY daughter Shandra and others, with a love I have given her and teaching them MY holy ways in the bible, she does Shandra or them, no harm. But you call yourself a mother and yet are no mother at all. It takes more than birthing a child to deserve the word mother. Because you mocked MY apostolic handmaiden when she went through times of testing now you shall know the sorrow she suffered and you shall cry the tears she shed, for I have lifted the burdens off MY Daughter but now you shall carry the full load. Even the dividing sword shall come upon your household and your own husband shall look at you with disgust and disgrace. Repent!
Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David "Rise up, you with a Spirit 'Likened' to a King David." What a blessing you are to ME, oh MY Son with the Spirit like unto a King David and yet without the sin he committed. You have a heart after YAHUVEH and I am well pleased with you. You wrestle the roaring lion defeating it and wrestle with the bear defeating it putting the enemy on the run. You are greatly feared in hell. For you do this not in David's name but in the Name of YAHUSHUA and applying MY Blood and Word causing the enemies to Flee in 7 different directions. This word is directed to you who loves, sings, dances, prophecies and serves ME like the heart of King David of old. Like David MY anointed shepherd boy, I will use you to slay the Goliaths that come against you and the prophets, people and ministries I have called you to protect in MY Name YAHUSHUA. You are a true guardian of MY anointing. My Beloved Son, do you know you never have anything to fear, for I have given you the strength of a Samson. In the Spiritual realm you are MY anointed Samson. There is no good thing will I withhold from you MY beloved son. Trust ME and keep your eyes upon ME. As you sow seeds into this ministry that shall be used to not reach thousands as she thought, but as I have brought confirmation upon confirmation and even showed you MY son this truth what the enemy does not want her to know. You have heaped blessings also upon yourself. As you realize it is tens of millions this ministry shall reach. As you obey ME and defend that which is MINE under MY Full Anointing. You are to help this handmaiden that will speak forth MY words that demonstrate manifesting MY full anointing saving, healing, delivering, and resurrection power in MY Name alone will she accomplish that course I have set before her. But this same seed shall also water your ground and the ministry I have ordained and set before you MY Son. Together you shall plow the harvest field. I send MY minstrels before I send MY warriors out to do battle. Lift up your voice and get ready for I shall send you out together in MY full anointing and in MY Spirit to war as David did against Goliath and in the Name of YAHUSHUA you shall both be more than Conquerors....
Prophecy 44 - Arise Watchmen on the Wall "For I am calling many forth now, says YAHUVEH. These are MY yielded vessels, yielded instruments in MY supernatural army that shall bring unity to MY body. They shall bring order. For now is the time, says YAHUVEH, now is the time for MY watchmen. Now is the time for those who have walked the midnight hours. Arise, arise, arise, oh sleeping people. Arise now, arise now, arise now, and proclaim the victory. An army fearsome and strong, an army that will cause the enemy to shake and tremble with fear and terror upon hearing the noise of your assemblage and of your marching through the land. Continue to call out and proclaim and preach the gospel of salvation. Partake of your spiritual nourishment and shake the sleep from your eyelids and hear the voices of MY watchmen. For it is they to whom I have given this, MY Word, for you to arise, arise, arise, says YAHUVEH do that which is precious in MY sight. Do that which will bring ME Glory and that which will bring about a great harvest of souls and I will know that you truly love ME. Arise, arise, arise and awaken to the truth and gird yourselves with the truth and walk in that truth for MY eternal plan has been manifested among you and there is still much preparation to be made and do that which I have created you to do."
Prophecy 43 Part 2 - Who Is Your Potter I YAHUVEH or Harry Potter Parents, do you love your children? To those who say they are born again in the Shed blood of YAHUSHUA/JESUS CHRIST, hasn't HE given you a heart of flesh? Why can't you feel the deep grieving of the RUACH ha KODESH/Holy Spirit? You stab at the heart of Abba YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when you disobey HIM like this, endangering your children's souls! What is the price of a soul!? We are not groups of people, every soul is valuable to the creator and HE loving made each. Every person has their own eye color, their own texture of hair, their own voice pitch, their own color of skin. And Abba YAHUVEH lovingly made it all, each in an individual and personal way. DON'T YOU SEE THAT THIS BREAKS THE HEART OF YAH (God)! Parents, does the thought of your children burning in hell and the lake of fire ever cross your mind? Why lay your children on the altar of Molech? Why do you betray your children, by pushing them off the edge into hell? How can you be so cruel? Don't read this and say "It doesn't matter to God, Jesus Christ paid the price". I guarantee you, you will owe YAHUVEH on Judgment day. A life for a life. A soul for a soul. Lest you repent and turn back to the one who died to save you from this evil of the occult like Harry Potter. How can you indulge in the very thing that YAHUSHUA was crushed for? For you. Love HIM, Care for the heart of the YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA you say you serve. Love and care the children, HE has given you. Stay away from that which you know is evil. Run from it as if it is a plague, but it is worse. Save your children's souls. Warn others! YAH will hold you accountable!
Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear. Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films, books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery, demonism, satanism and shamanism. Repent today! Turn away from this evil. Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it." What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of evil spirit. Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this is the penalty you shall pay.
Prophecy 42 - Surrender Enemies of MINE Drop Your Weapons Oh surrender! Thus saith, YAHUVEH. Oh surrender, surrender, surrender. Again I say to the enemies of MINE, the enemies that circle and surround this anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry, this handmaiden of MINE Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu), the enemies that have surrounded other anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministries I speak it again, all those that surround Israel, all those that surround Jerusalem, drop your weapons both spiritual and carnal before I the Great Elohim "I AM" will cause fire to fall from Heaven and I will totally annihilate and obliterate all of you (Ezekiel 38:23-24). Horror, horror, horror, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries. The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a fist and I will smash you. I the Great Elohim "I AM," in MY mercy, warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue, leave MY beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound lamentations of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY Name called out by those that are slain. What country, what nation have the loyalty, what state, what province, what island, have the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle to keep the land, the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH gave to their forefathers long ago? I speak to the spiritual leaders, remember David and Goliath? David did not run from Goliath, but ran toward Goliath, knowing the battle is MINE. The enemy now brings strange gods into your land Oh Israel, and yet they are no god at all. The women and men of the enemies bring their strange doctrines and would try to entangle the people of Israel in a form of bondage that I have not decreed. Israel, I speak forth out of this handmaiden, remember you are the land of milk and honey, you are the land Abraham blessed, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Precede every battle as it was done in the past with musicians, songs of praise, worship, and prayers. Do you not believe the words in the Torah? Israel, you are the nation the world does not understand, so envied and abused, so hated without cause. For you desire peace and yet you have never known peace. You give away land and homes that I have not told you to give away, merely to keep peace. Do you not know the more you give, the more they will demand? Do you not know, you cannot satisfy the spirit of greed? Look to ME Oh Israel, once again for the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH is your deliverer. The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the celebration, expect miracles once again for I am the Light that will light your path in darkness. Cover your leaders in prayer for they are being sifted by satan like grains of sand. You had been betrayed by leaders you've trusted from the smallest to the greatest for filthy lucre which will not buy their soul. Fast and pray, for MY perfect Will to be done for I am pent up in anger at the murder, lying, deceitfulness that is being done. I command all to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. If you think it is bad now, the killing only just begun, but do not fear for your Father Elohim YAHUVEH sees and hears. My last command is bless those that bless you O' Israel, do not turn away anyone who loves Israel, Jerusalem, or MY chosen people. I will bless all those that bless you O' Israel! I the Great Elohim "I AM" will curse all those who curse you O' Israel. A warning to MY enemies, remember Balaam's Ass. Don't be a Balaam (Num 22-24) I am doing one better, I am speaking from this Apostle and warning you the destruction you mete out will be turned seven-fold. The blessings you give out to Israel and MY Jewish people will return back to you seven-fold. Blessings or curses, you decide, Deut. 28 does not lie. So it is spoken, so it is written December 18, 2000 at 2:53 pm. and surely in MY timing it shall come to pass.
Prophecy 41 - Will MY Real Bride Please Stand Up YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gives the message that HE is quickly coming to take HIS Bride (Rev 3:7-13) to Heaven. HIS Bride is made up of those who follow HIS Commands and show their love for HIM through their obedience. YAHUSHUA is calling HIS Bride to be prepared for HIS Return. Only those completely surrendered to HIM at the time of HIS Return will HE call HIS Bride (Rev 7:1-8, 14:1-5). The lukewarm "Christians" are not part of HIS Bride. They are the church of the pretenders who make excuses for their sin and the sins of others. If they don't repent, YAHUSHUA says HE will spew them out of HIS mouth (Rev 3:14-22). The lukewarm will end up in hell unless they repent. Those who put YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH BRIDEGROOM first in their life and love are HIS True Bride.
Prophecy 40 - Don t Be Part of the Counterfeit Bride If you are "Prepare to go home. Go home. Your Homecoming is waiting. My Bride must be ready to go home. Tell MY Bride to prepare to go home. I am preparing MY Bride to go home to be caught up by MY side while you are yet alive. Tell them far and wide; warn them by land, by air, and by sea. Prepare to go home with ME. I'm coming for MY Bride. Prepare to go home, to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb. I can't wait for MY Bride to come home to Heaven for I have waited so long. Tell them I am coming for MY Bride. I'm coming, tell them far and wide. Spare no expense. Lay down your pride, give the message, and tell MY Bride to get ready to prepare to go home. What Bride doesn't know when the wedding day approaches. What Bride doesn't know when to put on her wedding gown. Immerse yourself, cleanse yourself, bathe yourself, and plunge yourself in MY Blood shed for you at Calvary. Prepare to go home. What Bride doesn't want her odor to be perfumed like a fragrance of the beautiful flowers and spices? MY Bride's fragrance is not man made or found in a bottle. MY Bride's beautiful fragrance is heaven sent. It is the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that perfumes you. It is not man made. It is not found in a bottle, MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing that perfumes you. Those found without the anointing are a stench to MY nostrils and will not be going home to Heaven with ME. The fragrance of MY anointing is Holy. There are some who call themselves MY Bride, but they are not MY Bride. They are the Church of the Pretenders who claim to know ME and yet don't know ME. Their fragrance is an imitation and is a stench to MY nostrils. The counterfeit bride wears off white. Her jewels are just cut glass. Her tiara is made of tin. She claims to love ME, and no love is there. Why does this counterfeit bride say they love ME but won't obey? They say they do miracles in MY Name, but their strange fire brings ME shame. They are the five foolish virgins found with no oil in their lamps. The lamp wick is not trimmed. They slice and they dice MY Word, even MY Commandments to transform in their own image in who "I AM" is. They condone sin even though I call it sin. They even go so far to call themselves a god. They rewrite MY Commandments. They rewrite the Word of "I AM." Their spiritual leader even sits on a throne. He issues edicts in his name. He mocks MY rod of iron and calls it a scepter. He mocks MY robe of righteousness and wears a robe with the finest gems embedded in it. He mocks that MY train that fills the Temple and his robe has a long train on it. He even mocks MY Word Holy and have MY People call him his holiness. He, this spiritual leader is worldwide known. There are other spiritual leaders in other church organizations that are taught to worship a man merely born from a woman and not of a virgin birth. The counterfeit spiritual leaders force the people to bow at their feet, mocking MY Word that says every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is Lord."
Prophecy 39 - Anointed Holy Eagles Come Forth "Anointed Holy Eagles come forth. This is an Eagle's call. Baby Eagles come forth. Attention all Hindu's and Buddhists and all other religions, The God of creation calls you to listen to this prophecy. We stand together or fall together all our religious freedoms are at risk. We worship a different god but in this area of religious freedom, when one is taken, all will be take. Anointed Holy Eagles, arise. Come forth in YAHUSHUA's Name! Fight against the attacks of the unholy vultures! Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away from this world's eyes, away from the church systems. I have hidden you and taught you how to fly and soar for such a time like this. You have been out of the nest and are no longer baby Eagles, but you are mature spiritually, discerning with the eyes of the eagle, and you know MY voice. Those reading this that are still baby Eagles, don't worry. The more spiritually mature anointed Holy Eagles shall nourish you, and protect you, and even teach you how to war in the spiritual realm, in a higher realm then you have soared before. Anointed Holy Eagles be warned! The unholy vultures are gathering against you and are going to try and devour you as prey. But you will not become prey if you will seek MY face and humble yourself and pray for MY instructions and soar higher when I tell you to soar and dive bomb the enemy when I tell you to dive. They will be the prey in MY Holy Name, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden and taught you for such a time like this. Seek MY face in a new way. Believe that you have heard MY voice in the wilderness for I have called and you have known what to do when the time would come...."
Prophecy 38 - Red Plague Dream YAHUVEH speaks and warns through visions, dreams, revelations among other ways. I saw in the sky a dark red mist coming as I looked up and as it got closer and the wind blew it fell on the people! The skin was covered in RED dusty mist (deep red) and the people became VERY sick and there was a policeman who was guarding me and he had this red misty dust come on him and he jumped into a cement swimming pool outside as I stood there I knew the pool would be contaminated but he wanted to get the red dusty mist off of him. This policeman was someone I cared very much for. I grieved for it was NOT enough the minute this RED MIST dust touches the skin it COVERS it and great sickness comes and the skin starts to suffocate. I watched my beloved policeman who was my guard helpless to help him! Then I saw it come in the sky for some reason I didn't fear it but I could see it coming from afar off. It started like a dark fog only far away up in the sky then as it got closer it became RED in color ! people tried to run from this but could NOT out run it ! People tried to wash it off but it was too late once it touches the skin! This is why Satan is trying to silence my voice anyway he can. Let the MOCKERS mock I am responsible for what I say and I don't say! Ezk. 3 17:21 Here is what another Prophet Gary, said as I called him and asked for discernment on dream. I know why I was protected and why the bride of YAHUSHUA will be also!
Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem I Will Bless those that Bless Jerusalem, I will curse those that curse Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem! MY beloved Daughter Jerusalem, you tiny envied, abused nation called Israel. I send MY handmaiden to bring forth a message of Hope for you. You know the laws but now I use her to bring you MY Promise. I, YAHUVEH, have blessed you and spared you because of YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. I alone chose the Savior of all mankind to be born, minister with signs, wonders and miracles and give you MY love. For you HE died, was resurrected to Glory, defeated the adversary of your souls and taking back what satan stole. YAHUSHUA now sits at MY right hand as your only intercessor. YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son's Holy Blood was spilled into the soil of Jerusalem so that this world would be saved. Only by accepting this pure Holy Blood covering as a Blood Covenant will you be saved. There is no other way into MY presence. Away with your feast, sacrifices, fasting, repetitious prayers and special days set apart to glorify "I AM" if you are NOT accepting MY Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA then all you speak and do is done in Vain! I gave MY gift of YAHUSHUA not only to this world, but first I gave HIM to you. Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out in the soil now and speaks "I did this for you, will you forever reject ME? Will you forever curse MY Name? When will you see I am your only sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again?" When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame?" Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence MY HOLY Name! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal sacrifices appease MY Father's anger or MINE only by accepting ME, YAHUVEH's Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalem's soil for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA, sit at the right hand of YAHUVEH as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, will you be saved. Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short of YAHUVEH's Glory! I and MY Father alone are Holy and perfect. Because of the fall of Adam and Eve no human created is without need of a Savior and of MY Blood sacrifice! Jerusalem is so blessed for it was on this soil the only pure Holy, healing resurrecting, delivering, Blood of YAHUSHUA was poured forth on this ground in Jerusalem. Why do you think satan hates this land so much? Why do you think this land is fighting for survival since it was birthed? Why do you think it is war torn and every nation on the face of this earth wants to control it?
Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence, denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to not only MY enemies, but MY Children for they must realize should their foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of safety from the storms to come. I speak these things now from MY handmaiden who also knows she is held accountable for what she speaks and doesn't speak. These words will convict those reading and listening and where they have been in darkness I will shine MY light of conviction to once again prove "I AM" is an Almighty God who is a God of Mercy and Love but "I AM" is also ALMIGHTY in WAR to MY enemies. Indeed for those that test ME will find "I AM" is a God that will not be mocked for long so be warned this day! The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction, pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on. Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins. When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice. Seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of Israel while I can yet be found. I am speaking not in a loud voice to your Spirits but a still small voice for those that care enough to incline their ears to ME and strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it worth it to you to care enough to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY instructions to you? Is it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to fast, you are to fast to be able to hear ME more clearly?sen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.
Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss To MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, I AM' says, "Blessed I call you and will prove I reward those that diligently seek after ME and strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are those who strive to be Holy as "I AM" is Holy. Blessed are those who store up their treasures in Heaven and not on Earth. Who run towards the mark of the high calling. To become MY Bride is the highest calling of all." This is the greatest treasure of all. There are guests and there is MY Bride. Strive to become MY Bride. I do not call all, MY Bride, only those set apart for MY Glory will be called MY Bride. MY Bride knows one another, a stranger they know not. This is a ministry sent to minister and prepare MY Bride. Those who scoff beware, for your scoffing and rebuke shall return unto your own ears. Who are you to say what "I AM" can do and not do? I send MY Prophets to warn of doom before it comes. Does not MY Word say, "If MY people which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and forgive them of their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND." (2 Chronicles 7:14) OH REPENT you wicked generation for I spared you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you scoff and mock MY Son's coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time of tribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and the catastrophe doesn't come, you then label that prophet false. There are many false prophets but if that Prophet or Apostle lead you towards Salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they be false? If a Prophet or Apostle leads you away from Heaven and toward Hell then they are indeed a false prophet. If they lead you to another god or false sign, wonder, or miracle then they are indeed a false prophet or apostle or teacher. If an Apostle or Prophet, or teacher leads you to discard MY old Laws and Books they are indeed a false prophet or apostle. (Psalm 1:2) You are to meditate on MY laws both day and night. Even if an angel comes preaching another way to Heaven or tells you not to listen to the Old Book and only read the New Book, BEWARE for "I AM" is the OLD BOOK that was made FLESH in MY Son YAHSUHUA for not only was the old book read but was SEEN. MY WORD was seen in WORD and DEED and now MY true Children, so too should the world see MY WORD both the NEW and OLD Testament should be seen in YOU! Be concerned for your very souls for discouraging MY true apostles and prophets that speak forth words of warning and you have hung yourselves by your own words just as surely as Judas hung himself. What is the price of your soul? Don't you yet see? MY enemies are seeking to find where your strength is. Your enemies seek to take your strength your desire to serve ME, to destroy you and yes even to kill you if possible. Your enemies seek to confuse you and cause you doubt like Peter did when I told him to walk upon the water. Did Delilah betray Samson with a sword? No, but with a KISS in the name of love she betrayed him after finding his source of strength. Did Judas betray MY Son with a sword? No, but with a KISS. So to your enemies that live within your own homes and families will say I just want to help you and then betray you with a KISS of DEATH to your freedom and your lives if I so allow. The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM" is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM" is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats for those that have stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times "I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old "I AM" will deliver those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.
Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again "As in the times of old I will once again destroy like I did the walls of Jericho. Nations and economies shall tumble. It has already begun. Nations and people that say I will not do what I say will feel MY wrath in ways they have never experienced before. For I am mocked on even the faces of the ones who call themselves set apart for ME and yet they turn to golden idols and declare I am speaking forth from and manifesting from these golden idols. Man made and demon made idols. The houses of worship once worshipped ME and now although they call upon MY Name and sing songs of worship to ME and pray in MY Name, where the manifestation of gold is appearing in mouths and on bodies I am not found there. The souls they think they are leading to ME are really led to another. They shall see what happens as they offer up this incense of prayers that is an offense to MY nostrils as they offer up to me this strange fire. I have warned through this prophetic handmaiden as I told Elijah of Old to speak forth and confront the prophets of Baal so I now use MY 'Elijah of New' to do the same. Reader take note if this has not come to your churches yet to tempt you it shall for satan wants to set apart and MARK those who belong to him and without them knowing they have already begun to be MARKED! Not the MARK that leads to any redemption, but it is the beginning of the deceit that will lead to the MARK of the Beast! The Mark of the Beast will be just as readily accepted as this golden MARK is now. (Gold teeth fillings or gold teeth or gold dust) When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing when they in truth have damned their very souls to eternal fire and brimstone. Because MY Elijah of New speaks forth MY Words she is shunned and slandered by others who only want to hear MY blessings that edify and not hear what MY curses are for those who refuse to listen to the words I speak."
Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror Great devastation is coming to the earth sooner than you'll ever believe. YAHUVEH's wrath will be poured out for those who mock, oppress and refuse to repent and turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR such as this world has never seen. But listen, I give these words not for MY Bride, Babies, Chosen Ones and Elect to fear. They are not for those who hear MY voice and fear ME. It is wisdom to fear the Lord. It is wisdom to try to be pure. It is wisdom to keep living Holy and shun unholiness. You take the Word of God and you hold it in the heathen's face. Say, "Thus Sayeth the Lord," Watch and see, your neighbor's house will be flattened; plagues, sickness, death, destruction and poverty will come and watch how I cover those who are MINE. I cover those who entered MY Passover. Those who are MINE, who entered into MY Passover, you will Passover the horror of MY judgment to come. There is coming great devastation. The earth will shake and quake in fear. Can the Sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer to the earth? The lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH anymore. Oh but you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME, you need not fear. Those of you who hear MY voice need not fear when it is time to go you will know. Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then, so I will do it again. Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY children of Israel who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship ME. MY children are the ones I protected. Their enemies were destroyed. I did it then and I will do it again. The Israelites disobeyed and were delayed from entering the Promised Land by MY chastisement. See the destruction come upon the whore of Babylon. Remember Hitler, as I have told MY Prophets, learn from Hitler and you shall see what has been in the past shall be in the future.
Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival 'I AM', and MY Son YAHUSHUA, are not glorified dentists. WE are the GOD of Creation. We do not copy man's ways. Prayerfully seek the truth for there are those who seek to deceive you. This is nothing more than sorcery, wizardry, alchemy and enchantment, the magic of turning metal into gold. Beware spiritual leaders and the people who supernaturally get these gold fillings (although some claim it by trickery) in their mouths pick up messages from satan like a radio transmitter they will not be able to discern the true voice of the RUACH ha KODESH ever again. They have sold their soul for a mouthful of gold if they do not REPENT and get it removed. Study and show thyself approved. Where is this in the Holy Scriptures I have given you? They call this a 'revival' but the fires of Hell are licking at their feet. Know ye, MY ways are not the world's ways. You go running to and fro and even the heathen do so for the sake of gold and you chase after signs, wonders, and miracles and know not this is what the anti-christ will use to deceive so many? Know ye not that signs, wonders and miracles follow them that believe, not you following after the signs, wonders and miracles. MY most trusted servants are being led away like a pig with a gold ring in his snout. You who are doing these things are showing your true fruit, beware for you will be held accountable. How dare you insult MY True Servants who warn you and remind you even the very elect will be deceived if possible. This is only possible if no one is willing to warn and speak out. You should not hate them but be grateful for their boldness. No, but in these times good is spoken as evil and evil is spoken as good. I do not need to change metal fillings in teeth into gold to save souls or sprinkle gold dust over you. It takes the Blood of YAHUSHUA to cover you not gold dust. If this is all it took I would not have given MY Son YAHUSHUA, for a sacrifice at Calvary. You spiritual leaders I charge you with this folly REPENT TODAY! Have no part in this gold fever revival. Find out who the sorcerers are in the churches who bring this into the churches and temples and chase them out. You are the blind leading the blind. Both shall fall into the bowels of Hell as you lead the people to signs, wonders, miracles and not to redemption, YAHUSHUA is HIS NAME! MY People flee from such places you see this. Rebuke satan and flee. You bring shame upon yourselves as you hunger and thirst after signs and satan gives you what you desire. What will you do when satan says bring me your pennies and I shall turn the metal into a pile of gold? Don't you yet understand your greed is blinding your eyes? Don't you discern the churches that have opened themselves up to this also have the laughing, mocking spirit of chaos in their churches? Can't you see that this is another form of deception to keep you from being without spot or wrinkle? This is another deception to get your eyes away from MY coming? You who have been deceived and not repented, you are not MY Bride. I call upon MY Lost Sheep that have called themselves MINE and yet run to another shepherd's arms. A 'false shepherd', one that will lead those once called MY Lambs unto slaughter. These that come to ME and call ME Savior, do so only because of the signs of turning metal into gold or seeing gold dust. Do you not realize only love, true love for ME will save your souls? Do you not realize repentance; true repentance will save your souls? Do you not remember that I did miracles signs, wonders and miracles with Moses and the evil pharaoh had his magicians, sorcerers and enchanters counterfeit the same?
Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells I have this against you America! Your leader is not only a whore monger but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion and enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The unborn you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to death for food! You take more regard and compassion on the creatures than you do the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily. I have this against you America. You were a nation set apart by MY divine hand to glorify the Lord God Almighty whose Name is "I AM." You who once stood for Godliness are nothing more than an empty shell. You pour your wrath out on a nation you have no right to pour forth your judgments on. "I AM" the only one that has this right for vengeance is MINE saith the Lord. How can you pull splinters out of their eyes when you have a plank in your own eyes? First get the plank out of your own eyes then help someone with a splinter. How can you cry dictator when you have your own dictators? America I have decreed this from Heaven unless you fall on your knees and acknowledge your sins as I have cried out the warning before through this handmaiden I will speak it again through her as well as through other prophets." America REPENT for you shall never win another war again!" You shall reap what you are sowing. The measure of destruction you are pouring out and the measure of death you are pouring out you shall drink from MY cup of wrath until there is no more. America, you once were a nation that was trusted and respected but now you're a mockery of all that is Holy. Your people once stood for morality and your leaders also, but now your people and your leaders are known around the world as immoral and untrustworthy. You defend the wrong and you seek to silence the right. You bomb a country that at least worships a God. Even a heathen God is better then none. For even a heathen nation acknowledges they are not supreme. America I have this against you. You serve no God! You bow your knee to no God although your currency says, "In God we Trust" you trust in no God. You America, have a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. America you shall reap what you're sowing. You who send missionaries to other countries and I bless these missionaries with MY anointing and heathen lands come to know YAHUSHUA as Lord and Savior. Yet your own country mocks the same message. Not all do this for I do have a people. I have a remnant that will not be moved. They will not bow their knee to satan and the doctrines of the anti-christ but oh so few. Oh I weep, so many are going astray. Multitudes listening to strange fire teachings, demonstating strange fire in their churches and even praying strange fire prayers. Come out from among them. Listen to the voice of MY RUACH ha KODESH you know the voice of your Good Shepherd. Test every action with the word of YAHUVEH. Test the Spirit that speaks. In this time and season the false prophets look so good. They speak words saying all is well and only blessings are ahead. Yes for MY Children I will protect. But remember Moses and learn the lesson of the children of Israel. The plagues did not come nigh those that had their faith in ME, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But they did see the plagues that came upon the others. I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, your MESSIAH to come and catch MY Bride away. Didn't I give you signs in the Holy Scriptures of what to wait and watch for? Haven't you seen these things come to pass? Didn't I say truly this generation would not pass away that see these things without the Son of God, YAHUSHUA coming again. Why do you doubt ME? Why then do only 50 percent of you who claim to love and serve ME believe I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to rescue those who are not appointed to MY wrath that is to come? For those of you who refuse to use your faith to believe in this Blessed Hope I have news for you HE is not coming for you.
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere. YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN WARNED.
Prophecy 29 - Woe Be Unto The Wolves In Sheep s Clothing This Prophetic Word applies not only to a certain woman mentioned in this Prophecy, but to all wolves in sheep's clothing. Explanation by Elisabeth (Elisheva): Woe be unto the wolves in sheep's clothing! Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Although this prophecy was given to another who deceived me as a site manager, she named her ministry after this one. Yet that ministry leads others astray to materialism, and some false doctrine. The Engle's named their ministry Holy Ghost Fire, copying what God gave me and is Holy. I am to share this prophecy for it is meant to encourage other ministers and ministries where the wolves are devouring or biting you with their fangs. As God protects me he is no respecter of persons and will cause your enemies to run in seven different directions! This woman who calls herself a pastor was my web manager for one night and led people to Amway not to YAHUSHUA! I have no choice but to leave her name on it as she has not changed the name of her ministry. She made a profit off this PROPHET for one night! What is the price of a soul I ask her and all those that do these things? Ministers beware all who take the tax exempt status and are bribed by Government to not warn the people against what is being done in this country. The RUACH ha KODESH told me truly that tax exempt status will be your only reward! Shortly there will be no reward from Government, what will you do then? This minister who is mentioned in the prophecy below I would rather remove her name but I am NOT allowed to for this is a word of God and warning to all others who do the same. Remember YAHUSHUA and how he tore up the money changers' temples! This prophecy is just a small example of how he felt. I forgive her and only pray she ceases serving the God of Materialism. I removed this prophecy for the longest of time until I kept getting requests for it. I don't like having to speak curses of God YAHUVEH and not blessings. God is a God of Balance in all things. Read Deut. 28 the curses of God to those that disobey and Blessings of God to those that Obey! Some famous Wolves in sheep's clothing: Oprah Winfrey, Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard and Lindsey Roberts, Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Kim Clement.
Prophecy 28 - Are You One of MY Hidden Ones "I am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of sacrifice. What I return to you is meant for a blessing, what I remove you were not meant to have, for it will only harm you. I am a good God. I am your Heavenly Father and I watch carefully over those that cry out to ME to speak to them, show them what to do, when to do it, where to go. Don't think for one moment your prayers have not been heard. It merely is not yet the time to speak forth the answers. I am waiting, as you wait, patiently I wait as each day more souls are turning toward YAHUSHUA as their deliverer and redeemer. I cannot wait too much longer for the enemy is planning on launching an attack worldwide at the same time. I will not allow MY Children who listen to MY voice to be deceived. Listen closely to the enemies' voice and you will see when you hear it on all airwaves this is not the voice of your Creator and Savior! Listen close and watch the eyes as they speak, listen not with your physical ears only, but use your spiritual ears, and see not with your physical eyes, but ask the RUACH ha KODESH to show you with your spiritual eyes."
Prophecy 27 - YAHUSHUA Will Return On A Sabbath Arise Women Prophecy Extracts: "I, YAHUSHUA, am returning on a Sabbath, you know not which one. Come forth MY Women Apostles and Prophets! Arise NOW! No longer let anyone tell you I have not called you to be Prophets and Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists or Pastors! I am the Potter you are the Clay. Why will you listen to man or those with the spirit of Pharisees?" (...) You shall join with the men with the same calling. Yet, those that refuse to acknowledge you leave them to ME. Argue not with those with deaf ears that mean well, and yet have done much harm to those women who are told they cannot have a calling of apostle, even the one writing was discouraged and told this. She said, "Oh well, I shall continue doing what I am called to do, by whatever name you call it". Yet the man that tells her this was deceived by another voice, not MY voice. He must REPENT for doing so. Will you be ready? YAHUSHUA IS COMING BACK ON A SABBATH! Tell all who will hear, expect them all not to believe. This is not your problem, but their problem. You are but to obey. (...) MY Apostle that men reject as an Apostle, knows MY voice and writes what she hears. Other women I have called Apostles and they have been told they cannot be used in this office, but I say unto you as I told this apostle, this is not for men to determine, how I use MY handmaidens is MY business alone. They are MY clay and I alone mold them and try them through the fire of their trials the way I so choose. Who is a man to say what I, YAHUVEH, can do and cannot do. Many men have been deceived as they underestimate the Spirits like David's, I have put inside MY handmaidens. (...) You MY Children say you want MY perfect will? Do you really? Will you really give ME one day a week? The Sabbath, Friday sunset until Saturday sunset you are to rest in ME, rejoice in ME, learn of ME. Lay aside your work and instead do only MY work, if any work is to be done. Pray and I will show you what to do and what not to do. I am a God of perfect balance. I abhor anything unbalanced. Even the Sabbath must be kept in balance! This is a day of rejoicing in ME, not a curse; this is a day to be a blessing unto you a day not to be dreaded but to be looked forward to. The Sabbath is not a day of bondage but a day of liberty in I, YAHUSHUA! MY disciples and I are an example of what to do on the Sabbath. Learn this not from the Pharisee's that say this is a day to be in bondage. That say this is a day to suffer. Yea, I say great will be your blessings for observing MY Sabbath day and keeping it Holy. THIS IS THE DAY I WILL COME AGAIN! Yes, I said keep the Sabbath from this day forward for those who claim to be MY Bride! Get ready for your Bridegroom doth come and will arrive on a Sabbath. You know not which one. But those not waiting for me on the SABBATH will MISS ME. Yea, I say again, as MY coming to earth draws closer, on this day let ME be in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Enjoy this day with ME. Can you not forsake your pleasures of the world for ME one day a week? Practice this now. The time is coming when the evil ones will take note who is really MINE and who is not really MINE. They will know by the MARK of whether you observe and keep MY laws. They will forbid you to gather on the Sabbath or acknowledge this day is the Sabbath. Remember Friday Sunset until Saturday sunset. This is the SABBATH. Keep it HOLY and a day for you and I to cuddle and get to know one another. You are MY beloved. Those who do this will know blessings unlike any you have known before." (...)
Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me MY Bride will honor MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy. Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying "Not I, surely you speak to another, for I attend church services on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast. "Oh but MY darling little ones IT IS YOU, WHO HAVE GRIEVED MY RUACH ha KODESH. For did you not read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH." Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged, refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not say I am the great God, "I AM?" and I and MY Word change not, for no man nor woman, or time nor season. Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, MY ways are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee. It is far better to learn the truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath day holy. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You no longer have any excuses. Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any other gods before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's Holy. Say not which Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday. My elect have known it all along. Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath. The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work; instead MY People will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that day. I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath keeper alone will not save you. It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.
Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You Destruction and weeping is coming. Yet MY Bride that is waiting for ME, YAHUSHUA will not allow satan to touch. Hang on to your faith, depending on your faith is how much I your God, will protect you. Hear the screams. Look over the land and you will see destruction as far as you can see but not for MY Children, not MY babies, not MY Bride. I shall hide you under MY wings. You must walk by faith and not by sight. If you think its hard now to walk by faith and not by sight, how much harder will it be for those who must taste MY wrath? Oh MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side. You shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are ready, waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home. The ones who are not ready, waiting, and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day. I send forth this handmaiden with fresh manna from heaven this day. There will be others who will digest this manna, for they are already waiting, living for ME. They have their peace within ME. Beware those of you who mock and say I will not come. There are those who think America will always win. This country America is not pleasing to ME. Victory for you will not be seen. Your country and your leadership, I hold MY nose. The stench rises to Heaven. The stench of your immorality. The stench of your politics. The stench of your greed. The stench of hypocrisy. The stench of your religious system. America, you say "IN GOD WE TRUST," but you don't serve a God. At least, the Heathens serve a god, though it be FALSE, they know they must have a god! Though the primitives carve a tree and call it a god, at least they know they need to honor a Creator, though it be false. They only know they must have a god to answer to for what is right and wrong. To acknowledge creation you must have a Creator. Whether it be Mohammed, Buddha, Allah, the list goes on, at least the heathen countries acknowledge and serve a god, even though it be FALSE! I will have more mercy on them, than America. America, you curse MY Name! You ban it from your schools and government. Your Political leaders use it for sympathy, but not for Power. Your Political leaders use it for manipulation, but not to worship and they do not teach to obey the God of all Creation! You only call upon ME when it serves your purposes. You disrespect the Holy Days and do abominations on these Holy Days.Your stench America, reaches Heaven and I hold MY nose and you make ME ashamed, for once you were MINE, now you belong to satan and play his hellish games. You have sold your birthright that which was holy and your forefathers did acknowledge ME and even they sinned against ME. Yet, I had mercy on this country that was set apart for MY glory, and yet how long ago did the Star Spangled Banner bring ME Glory? America, you are a STENCH in MY nostrils. You have betrayed your Creator I, YAHUVEH, look upon you and sneer for you think you are a god. You think you need no other god! You have set yourself up to worship yourself. Your top political leaders, and yeah I say, even the top spiritual leaders, say they need not obey MY commandments. Your President rewrites MY commandments. Your political leaders are like Sodom and Gomorrah in the White House a place that is supposed to stand for leadership in this land. America, you think you are god! But not MY babies, not MY Bride, you are MY babies, you are MY betrothed. These words warm your heart, where the enemy's heart is cold. America, I will take you like a wad of paper and I'm setting you aflame for all to see. The merchants shall weep around the world for all your evil deeds. You have dared to shake your fist at Almighty God YAHUVEH and I shall wad you, and those that are not ready for MY coming, up. You shall walk a path that I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee.
Prophecy 24 Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of The Pharisees False Doctrine Prosperity Pimps YAHUVEH GOD spoke through the Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) 11-15-98. I want to remark this. ABBA YAHUVEH warned us from evil's pastors who only want to lead the people astray preaching false doctrines (demonic doctrines). These so called pastors and leaders do not mention the salvation of the souls but prosperity. They are wolves in sheep clothing's or clones. They only look after the people's money but they do not care for the salvation of their souls. Sad to say! All these Churches have no Spirit of God within. They are churches of the pretenders. Please do not be deceived from all these Prosperity Pimps! Do not plant your seed on infertile soil. Abba YAHUVEH will held us accountable for where we sowed the seed. And HE will take our blessings out from us if we support theses false doctrines teaching from Prosperity Pimps. IMPORTANT NOTE OF THE MASS Deception leading millions of people to the worship and feet of the antichrist, the dark jesus which we THE Holy & Redeemed REBUKE IN YAHUSHUA'S/JESUS' NAME. From AMIGHTYWIND Prophecies: "Be warned it will be the famous TV evangelists that will lead the masses to the son of satan, whom will come using the name that is trusted, JESUS. It will be the famous TV evangelists that have sold their souls to satan for fame and wealth that are teaching false manmade doctrines and leading the people to this false JESUS. In the Great Tribulation the name of JESUS will be counterfeited by the son of satan now called the anti-christ. This anti-christ will defile the name of JESUS and under the power of satan do signs, wonders and unholy miracles in a name known by the Christian Church, a name that is now loved and trusted, the name of JESUS CHRIST." "The son of satan, will do signs, wonders and false miracles in satan's power for satan's glory."
Prophecy 24 Part 1 - Beware The Ark Door And Book of the Gentiles is Closing "Get in now, the Ark door and Book of the Gentiles is closing. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms where there is safety. For those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY beloved Bride, MY Children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE. I will rescue you from the wrath that is to come. For those that refuse the BLESSED HOPE, MY coming for MY beloved Bride, eloping with her in the midnight hour. You insult ME to say I will cause her to suffer the Wrath of Almighty God. She is MY beloved, why would I beat MY Bride up? I am not a wife beater." [...]
Prophecy 23 - Church Of The Pretenders Let MY People Go "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" A new prophecy is coming forth this day. A warning to the wolves in sheep's clothing that stand in the office of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher that are out to devour MY sheep to abuse, kill or to maim them, control, deceive, or chase them away. "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" As in the days of Moses, when I spoke to the Evil Pharaoh and I said, "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" So I say unto you this day, to the wolves who pretend to be MINE, but do not even know who I am! Those that pretend to love ME and serve ME and quote MY words, and yet do not even know who I am! I say unto you this day "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" There are many wolves in sheep's clothing, they are doing miracles and signs and wonders. They are saying they are doing these miracles in MY Name. They are on your television and radio stations and yet I tell you this, it is not by the power of MY RUACH ha KODESH that they do these things. It is by the Power of hell itself. Do not be deceived. Do not be led astray. For the antichrist is going to do this and so much more. Beware MY innocent children. There are those reading this now that won't listen, but later you will remember these words I have spoken. Not all who do signs, wonders and miracles are of ME. There is always a counterfeit, remember that. Satan only counterfeits the genuine anointing and gifts of MY RUACH ha KODESH. But I command these wolves this day who deceive MY sheep and lead them astray with false doctrines, mind control, mind deception, mind manipulation, lying and deceiving spirits. "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" I am a God that will not be MOCKED any longer. You have stolen their tithes and offerings. That which is meant to be holy and I tell you this now, you will be held accountable for all that you have done. For you have done this in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. You have pretended to be MINE and yet your heart is far from ME. So I tell you this day, "Wolves in sheep's clothing, judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH, even for the church of the pretenders. One last time "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" You have abused MY sheep and MY lambs you wicked, evil shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing and wolves in a sheep's mask. You have beaten them unmercifully. You have made them think you are a god to be worshipped and adored and only you can hear from ME. You have lied to them and told them even they are a god, they are a little messiah. You twist MY scriptures and lead them astray. The spirit of the pastor is the spirit of the church. You evil shepherds, you take MY holy tithes and offerings and you make the people think it is to go for redecorating or a new building and you line your pockets with their gold and you think they have no right to know what it is really going for. You have fleeced MY flock. You evil shepherds don't teach right from wrong...."
Prophecy 22 - Beloved Dont Become Your Own Worst Enemy excerpts from Prophecy 22 below MY Sons and Daughters you have become your own worst enemy! Judging yourselves is not your job but your Heavenly Father's job! Stop telling ME what I have forgiven and what I cannot forgive, repent of the past, yet those sins have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. MY Blood washed those sins away long ago. They are as far away as the east is from the west. As for your recent thoughts and transgressions the greatest has been the beating you have given someone that I love far more than you can dare dream or understand. Someone I shed MY Blood for and gave MY Life for and would have if that someone would have only been you alone. Someone I was beaten beyond recognition for. That someone is you. Now stop trying to tell ME I made a mistake when I chose you. Are you trying to tell ME MY business? Are you trying to tell ME I make junk? Are you trying to tell ME you know more than ALMIGHTY God your Lord and Savior? Are you trying to tell ME I make mistakes? Are you trying to tell ME the Blood I shed isn't sufficient to wash you completely clean. Why would you take your life when it's not yours to take? Why would you even consider robbing ME of the joy of proving it's not the proud I chose to speak for ME in this world, it's the humble. It's those that feel unworthy that make themselves worthy by knowing this. You know this; I am only reminding you of what you know. I choose not those filled with their own strength, but the weakest for then the weak are made strong through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH alone. You can do anything in YAHUSHUA's name. I did not make a mistake when I chose you to speak in MY Name, I am ALMIGHTY God and I don't make mistakes. How long must I say this to you? When will you listen to ME? I chose you and I knew what material you were made of and yes what transgressions would tempt you before you were even born. I knew what demons you would wrestle even before satan sent them. I also know MY grace is sufficient in all things. I also know, as Shaul (Paul) said, "The harder MY son you try and please ME the more satan sends his demons to attack." But be on guard against these attacks. Don't put yourself in position to succumb to these attacks. Use the wisdom of the Lord that I have given you. You know what I am speaking of, if not ask ME, for this prophet speaking to you has felt all of these things in different ways. All MY true Prophets, even in biblical times, felt unworthy. If you didn't, then I would deem you unusable if you think you're sufficient without ME. Hear ME MY beloved Sons and Daughters. Stop trying to kill what I have given life and life more abundantly. Stop receiving the spirit of insanity. Those that judge you insane understand not what I have spoken and shown you. For MY purpose I chose you. This is not a tug of war. I WILL WIN and you will lose if you continue on doubting that which you know to be true. You have been warned because I LOVE YOU! I have called you and there are those that think you're insane for believing I speak to you and show you things that others don't see. The only thing insane about you, is believing that I am punishing you for sins that have been long forgotten and forgiven. Only satan and you go fishing there, not your Savior. Stop trying to wash clothes that are already clean. Don't you think MY Blood is sufficient? You preach it, now BELIEVE IT! I have many more things to say to you and I shall, but for now digest what I have spoken for it is truth. I have given you MY armor to stand, MY Word to stand, MY Blood to cleanse and MY Name and Blood to heal and chase the demons away that torment your mind and body and Spirit. Now satan fears this power for I have given you the anointing to pray. Why aren't you believing what you are praying? Do you think I am deaf? Do you think MY arms are too short to deliver you? Do you think MY Blood, Name, Word and armor is NOT sufficient? You, MY darling beloved, have angered ME for not believing what I have spoken.
Prophecy 21 Are You Ready For A Shock? Gabriel Has Blown His Horn! Flesh eating demons that will enter and take over the corpses of the heathen. This coming horror which will take place on this earth during the Great Tribulation will result in these Zombies seeking to bite and eat the flesh of human beings. Those that are not saved and covered with the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at that time, and have received the Mark of the Beast and worship the Beast and his image, when they will be bitten these demons will enter them and take them over also, thus they will become Zombies themselves. YAHUSHUA speaks to HIS own in this Prophecy, that those that are HIS and covered with HIS Blood CANNOT be affected by this. HE speaks to HIS Children and speaks of the Only Weapon we have against these Zombies, and that is the Power of the Cross. The Cross of Calvary where YAHUSHUA shed HIS Innocent Precious Blood for our sins. YAHUSHUA tells us in this Prophecy, that the ones who will be on this earth to see this and to fight the kingdom of darkness, must take a wooden stick which stands symbolic for the Cross of Calvary, and anoint that wooden stick which represents the Anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) and the Blood of YAHUSHUA, and to hit the Zombies with that anointed stick in their necks in the Name and Authority of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. This is the only way to stand against and destroy the flesh eating demons from the bottomless pit, through the Power in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at Calvary's Cross. Satan knows what is going to happen, and what he plans on doing. What this earth deems mere science fiction and horror movies is what satan really plans on doing. And all the while he mocks this generation, for that which we were used to laughing at and being entertained by is what satan will do for real. If you love the truth, please watch this video and the upcoming parts and feed yourself on the Truth, Revelations and Knowledge that you NEED TO KNOW.
Prophecy 20 - Beware Of Horror Of New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come
Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures Thus saith YAHUVEH; MY beloved whom I treasure like no other treasure you have on earth. I see your pain. It is deep wracking pain for you are so misunderstood. How can people not of MY Spirit feel your pain or see what I have shown you or told you? Would they not have also called John the Baptist insane? Would they not have also sought to tranquilize him for his behavior and Elijah, Jeremiah and all MY Prophets? Think what would this modern day world that shuts out the voice of Almighty YAHUVEH do with these prophets of old? You are like a Jonah being sent to Ninevah and how few have listened or heard MY warnings. But they shall see as what I have spoken through you will come to pass. Think not it strange for those you think are saved, are they truly? Do you really know their hearts, those that inflict great gaping wounds in your soul? I have not sent them to torment you for you are MY beloved treasure. Lean not unto thy own understanding but acknowledge ME and I will direct thy paths. Trust not anyone except those you know you can hear MY voice from. Do nothing unless I give you perfect peace that passes all understanding. I have not forsaken you nor will I ever. I am your first love; all others are second to the Almighty God YAHUVEH you serve. Keep telling of MY mercies and love but warn of MY wrath and vengeance and coming doom if they don't turn from their wicked ways and apply the Blood shed for them at Calvary, washing away every stench of sin and turning away from them. These vices you have used as a crutch but I am going to deliver you from anything you feel you need to bring you peace and comfort for I am all you need. I, YAHUVEH, am sufficient in all things. But everything has a time and a season and I will not put on you more than you can bear. Yes MY beloved you have suffered for MY Namesake. Yes you have been called mentally ill but those that call you these names are spiritually ill! You weep but they are MY tears. You sigh but it is MY sighing. You grieve but it is MY grief. Those that say they love you know not the true meaning of love or they would understand this. Do not judge them harshly for they are doing the best they can do with the spirits inside of them. This too shall pass though it seems the rivers of despair are overflowing MY Beloved. This too shall pass. You shall rejoice once again. Your life is not over. It has just begun. Miracles are just around the corner. Why do you think satan tells you to give up now. You have fought this long don't give up now.
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school system. MY Name is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted? ... Games that started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one another. Does not MY Word say when you sin in your heart, you have sinned against ME? Your imagination is not yours every imagination, every thought is to be held captive for MY inspection. If it sins against your brother it is sin. The greatest of all the Ten Commandments is love thy neighbor as you love yourself. That also includes thou shalt not murder. Yet in your children they kill and they kill the good as well as the evil in games. Beware, like I have asked before out of this handmaiden, “What is satan feeding your children tonight through the media, through their peers, through the games or books they read and through their music?” Beware, satan knows I came into this world as a innocent child and now he seeks to punish the children, to corrupt their souls and eventually take them to hell with him. Your babies are getting pregnant and told it’s alright, just get an abortion they are told. Not one thought for the innocent child that was not taught sexual promiscuity is SIN and leads to corruption of the soul. Not one thought of the torture of that innocent baby as it lies in the mother’s womb. Though the mother may be just a youngster herself, she sins against ME, Almighty God YAHUVEH and she sins against her unborn baby that only wanted to be born, as she has it executed. There is no difference between a gun used for murder and a doctor used for murder. It is all murder in MY eyes. The mother also sins against her body, soul and Spirit. Her mind will never forget, although I can forgive if she will ask ME and turn away from this evil. I prophecy now something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The states will say ‘they own your children.’ The states will pass laws to keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents will have no rights. Don’t let this continue! Satan can’t take what you don’t give him. Take back your children in MY Name! Take your children out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense of their souls...."
Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know .... Where is the servant I once gave the anointing to teach MY Children to pray? Why is MY Name used as advertisement to promote man and not the kingdom of Heaven? Not for the sake of the salvation of souls. Beware anyone that is put upon a pedestal by man. I, YAHUVEH, will be the one that knocks you off that pedestal proving you can do nothing without MY anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Benny Hinn oh MY precious son, where have you gone? Why do you use MY Name for your own purposes, for your own glory and build buildings that I have not told you to build. I have told MY true Prophets like this sister speaking these words to you now; it is one minute until Midnight! I am coming in the midnight hour! Why are the shepherds leading the sheep astray? Why are the shepherds leading them to the wolves to devour them? Why are the shepherds only interested in fattening themselves and not MY sheep? Why do the shepherds care only about their homes and whether they have food, whether they have clothes and the finest in life, yet they see the flocks in their churches and they are homeless, hungry, naked and poor?.... The following people are the ones that YAHUVEH GOD mentioned in this prophecy on March 4, 1998. This is the current status of these pastors. Benny Hinn - Currently head of Benny Hinn Ministries, traveling and hosting "healing" events. Kenneth Copeland - Currently still head over KCM, Kenneth Copeland Ministries Nora Lam - Deceased February 2, 2004 Paul and Jan Crouch - Paul Crouch deceased as of Nov 30, 2013. Jan Crouch is still currently on TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and is in a legal battle against her granddaughter, who blew the whistle on Jan's using ministry funds to support her lavish lifestyle. Larry Lea - Still currently traveling and hosting seminars Pam Clark - Still currently leading "Trumpet Wind Ministries" a supposed prophetic ministry Craig Martin - unknown Andrew Strom - Founder of "Revival School" which he is still currently leading
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then. From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth (Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8) When they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God. Be a fruit inspector for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I will confirm what is being written now.
Prophecy 15 - It s One Minute Until Midnight "It's One Minute Until Midnight! YAHUSHUA Comes in the Midnight Hour!" "This is a vision of Heaven where YAHUSHUA intercedes for the lost sheep. Gabriel is blowing the shofar horn and Michael has his sword drawn, ready to lead the angelic troops into battle. YAHUVEH, the Father, no one alive can see His face. The holographic crosses behind the throne too many to number it represents everyone who has accepted YAHUSHUA's gift at Calvary, because He took the place on the cross for each one of us." "This vision was given to Rev. Apostle Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) during prayer with another sister. This picture has a special anointing. Show it to a loved one or a friend if you want to know if their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, their spirit is being drawn to Heaven if they don't have anything negative to say about it. " This Holy Anointed Prophecy also talks about many other things such this important ending excerpt: "... Get ready! The onslaught of demonic inspired laws is coming forth. But those that are MINE, you will know what to say and you will do it this time. The President and leaders of this country are about to feel MY all consuming wrath for leading this nation astray. Be not deceived, I am a jealous God! Vengeance is mine saith YAHUVEH! REPENT, it's one minute until midnight. Then as in the days of old, Exodus 11:4, so it shall be again. Because I sent MY Son to save you as I sent Moses to warn Pharaoh, so I am sending forth this prophet to warn you, to encourage the Bride. Its one minute til midnight. What are you going to do? I have spoken this forth through this handmaiden, Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, to warn you. I am speaking forth this warning to the ones who claim they are leaders of this country. LET MY PEOPLE GO to live holy before ME. Let them worship ME and all I stand for. Leave MY Children alone. Stop persecuting them. Deuteronomy 28 curses are reserved for the disobedient. Exodus 11:4 will be your judgment once again. Turn back to the God of your forefathers once again. Turn back leaders of this nation and become RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) filled leaders of this nation. Rebuke sin and punish unholiness or Pharaoh's fate shall be yours. LET MY PEOPLE GO, thus saith YAHUVEH! I am going to prove once again I am not a God to be mocked or ignored. America get ready! World get ready! Enemies of the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH get ready. Those that are not MINE will again see a separation between those that worship ME, those that hate ME and all that is holy. You shall see how I will punish the heathen and see with your eyes the way I protect the holy and punish the unholy and all those condoning sin. All your riches will not be able to stop what Almighty God YAHUVEH is going to do. Remember the plague of rats that descended on the White House? Because I sent MY Prophets and you wouldn't listen. I sent MY prophecies and you burned them. MOCKING! It shall even be greater than before. Repent before it's too late. Its one minute until midnight. There is yet time before I take MY Children home with ME and this nation will gnash their teeth in pain for they dared mock the great God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! At Midnight MY wrath will fall. You know not which midnight I send YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. Get ready Bride; your blessings are yet to come."
Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands YAHUVEH GOD says: Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid abortions. All those who have ears to listen -- hear, all others remain Deaf. You who would never murder your babies will be committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to use your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper you. This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY people will have angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a God of love, but I am a God of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting now. Let you voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right, now before it's too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed services. He wants you to support this sinful lifestyle. You MY Children, you the taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their salaries, and by doing this I will no longer bless America. America will never win another world war again, it has only been by MY grace, you have not lost this country thus far. All those who have ears to hear, listen, all others remain deaf. You who are called by MY Name (Christians) have done little to nothing, to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray to your God to stop this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay their reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY Children I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven. Does not MY Word say, greater love hath no man than one who lays their life down for another? These are the ones who will have no abortion blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put action behind their protests. "Faith without works is dead!" When MY Children come home to heaven, do you want all the unborn babies to come to you and ask why your money paid for their deaths? Why didn't you try harder to stop the abortions, to tell the government no? YAHUVEH's people have more power in YAHUSHUA (Jesus) than the heathens and their false gods! Prove it, by rising up in MY Name. Let the government know enough is enough. MY Children, see this vision of clean hands, now see the hands blood soaked, now see the hands flinging the blood off. Homosexuality is in the minority now but will not continue to be, if this is taught as an acceptable lifestyle in schools, beware again. Taxpayers, you pay for these schools and this sin will again be on your hands if you don't rise up now and put action behind your prayers. America was given to MY People; take back what the heathen have stolen before it's too late. (Genesis 19:1-28) "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world....
Prophecy 13 - Tell Them MY Child Tell Them for ME Entertainers and the rich give to all manners of charities thinking this will appease MY anger, yet it does not. For many do these things, give little out of their abundance for their praise, honor and glory not for MINE in their names not in MY NameS. Truly this is their only reward. Money cannot fill the void that I was meant to fill. Everyone has a void; it is a vacuum that was placed inside each human being made in MY image to love ME and desire to love their creator. Tell them MY child; tell them for ME, is this really worth the price of hell for all eternity?
Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny Come Forth "Beloved Daughters of Destiny, walk not in your own peace, but YAHUSHUA's peace that passes all understanding. Walk not in your own strength but in the God you serve strength. Stay not in the boat MY Daughter but walk out on the water, with ME. What you think is impossible, I will make a way. What blocks and hinders you, I will remove. Though the waves will look like they may drown you and the wind will roar, keep your eyes on your Savior and you will not drown. You are ordained to be a water walker not a boat sitter. Run towards Goliath like a David. David did not run away from Goliath though he mocked, threatened, though he towered over all men, David ran towards Goliath. David showed no fear for he put his confidence not in man or a king, but in the great "I AM" and I did not fail him, nor will I fail you. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Hear ME. Fear is torment I do not send. David when he was mocked and threatened did not reply what he would do but instead what his God would do. David did not expect to slay the enemy with the five smooth stones, for they were not even sharp stones. But David knew his weapons were not going to kill Goliath, only the wrath of YAHUVEH would kill Goliath. I put MY wrath into those stones. I slew Goliath by a young shepherd boy that people mocked when he came against the enemy they said he shall surely die, he shall fail. How can a mere youth slay a giant? These words they say to MY Daughters now. The enemy speaks forth in many ways and says you will fail. You will die if you go against this enemy. You are weak and not meant to minister in YAHUVEH's Name. But MY Daughters of Destiny I have chosen you. I have ordained you. I have strengthened you. Men are right; if you do this in your strength and power you will fail. You could die, but you stand not in your might, strength and power. You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day. For am I not the beginning and the end? The Great "I AM" is the God of Prophecy. The Alpha & Omega is the God of Prophecy for I have prophesied the beginning and I have prophesied the end. Who but "I AM" can do this? I will reveal MY secrets to MY Daughters as well as MY Sons. MY Daughters I have chosen you to do the same as David. The enemy will mock and taunt, he will use others to threaten and harm. You will be slandered for MY sake. When these enemies come against you fear not what to say or do, it will not be your words you will speak but MY words you speak. MY beloved Little Ones, do not think ahead of time what you are going to do. Do not have any fear when you see the look upon their faces. They think you are to be controlled by man, and instead you are not controlled by a king of this earth, you are ruled by the King of Kings. David threw off the armor of this world and stood instead with the armor, MY armor God Almighty. Thus you shall do also. Weep not when the enemy falls. I am with you and no one can do anything I don't allow. I love you MY beloved Daughter...."
Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name Prophecy excerpts ================================= Those that have done these abortions and not confessed and asked for forgiveness and turned away from this sin, for all eternity you will hear the screams of all those babies. As one of your punishments you have waiting for you in hell and never a break from the cries of the murdered babies, or the screams. Do you know how a crying baby gets on your nerves? Imagine millions in your ears for eternity. .....That's why I said, "Many are called and few are chosen." Which will you choose to be? I already know what you have chosen. Does not MY Word say those that put their hand to the plow and look back, are not worthy? Put your hand to the plow; leave your past at the foot of the cross of Calvary. I allowed the things that happened to make you stronger for ME, not weaker. For you have a testimony that is made of gold not brass. Use it to bring souls to ME, use it to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory. I your Master YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am returning sooner than you think. As the evil gets more rampant in this world, and evil ones flaunt the sin in MY face saying, "What you 'gonna' do about it YAHUSHUA? I will show them what I am going to do about it. As I show MY Children when I spank them, I will punish those flaunting MY commandments, homosexuality, immorality, and Bible in MY face and daring to mock ME. It's coming, MY wrath is coming to this earth undiluted. As they teach the babes to sin and that MY words are no longer for today, they are going to pay in a mighty way. I was only the sacrificial Lamb once; I come back as a mighty warrior next time. But first I gather MY Children home. MY wrath is reserved for MY enemies not MY Children. MY Children those loving and serving ME whose sins are washed in the shed Blood of Calvary have nothing to fear.....
Prophecy 10 - Take Back What Satan Has Stolen "Oh Mighty Warriors, one day ye shall hear, "Thou good and faithful child enter now in and rest but for a little while longer and your Bridegroom doth come." Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment. Hold on tight and don't let go. Though you get worn and weary, it's for MY sake you suffer. For this is not your work, your ministry, but MINE. It's for YAHUSHUA's (Jesus') sake you toil and you labor not in vain. For Dearest Beloved, hear the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) telling you? There is not one luxury you have forfeited that you will not get back pressed down, shaken together and running over. Will I not give unto your bosom and cause man to give and support that which is of ME and not of you? For your riches are not of this world, but for the world to come, thus saith YAHUVEH."
Prophecy 9 - Preach It Teach It Cause Others To Believe It This is a Prophecy given to Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Hebrew for JESUS CHRIST) under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH tells HIS people to preach the TRUTH. HE speaks about persecution and encourages HIS beloved ones.
Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME Prophecy Extract: Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim their love for ME. But by feeding, warning MY sheep you will be proving your love for ME. By willing to suffer persecution, hatred, rejection for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for ME. By holding on tight to your faith though with your eyes you can't see the answer to your prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say, "YAHUSHUA even if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are, for what you did for me at Calvary." This will prove your love for ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down for ME and if need be to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This will prove your love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly confessing and worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME. By exposing the wolves in the sheep's den that come to devour the sheep, by picking up MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for holiness and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and not that of the world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with one question, "Will you prove your love for ME"? I am watching and you're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of your soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will you prove your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your hands to them in prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know MY voice; they will come to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary. Now will you prove your love for ME?
This is Prophecy 7 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu). In this Prophecy, YAHUSHUA, also called Jesus Christ by some, is encouraging us to persevere in prayer and to never give up when bringing a prayer request. HE is reminding us of the example of the Canaanite woman who persevered in her prayer, and obtained what she asked for. (Matthew 15:20-28) Although HE did not answer right away, YAHUSHUA eventually granted her what she was asking in prayer. Sometimes we are to wrestle for our prayer request or blessing like Jacob did (Genesis 32:22-25). We are not to waver, as this scripture says: "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." (James 1:6-7). We are to have faith, for "without faith it is impossible to please YAHUVEH" (Hebrews 11:6).
Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry YAHUSHUA (Jesus) spoke to my Spirit and said, "Yes I care and the reason I am not speaking is because I am weeping with you! Because I send you to MY People to be a blessing and some have treated you as a curse." But I, YAHUSHUA, also am sent as a blessing and how many treat ME as a curse? I weep with you, and for you, and for those that know better, yet touch MY anointed messengers anyway, though they have been warned. I weep for what MY Children who call themselves by MY Name do to each other. The covetness, the jealousy, the mistrust, the accusations, the unlove and hatred. The lies that are told to one another and they put MY Name on the lie as if I have spoken it. I weep, for MY heart breaks, for there is so much immaturity even in the mature Christians. The Prophets have been alone for so long. They have been rejected so many times, they now only know how to reject and isolate one another, though MY desire in these end-times is for you all to join together in MY Name, in one accord. In these end-times this bickering and squabbling must stop. You, MY Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors must be in one accord. You are MY end-time army. All five-fold ministries, you must stop isolating yourselves and come together in MY love. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirit. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirits and start binding up the wounds you have caused amongst yourselves. I weep for all of you, for all of you have been hurt by someone who said they were of MY Spirit. Yes, you, the majorities have and it's rare if you say you haven't been deceived by the enemy coming at you disguised as a sheep but a wolf instead out to devour MY flock. But you cannot continue to devour one another. I won't allow it. I am speaking forth again out of MY handmaiden to tell you I am not only weeping for what is to become of the enemies of the Gospel, but I am weeping for you MY Children. For the way you treat one another is not of MY loving Spirit at all. Does not MY Word say, "By this you shall know them, the love they have one for another?" Do you realize it is the enemy that comes at you and says these evil things..."
Prophecy 5 You Are MY Hidden Treasure MY Hidden Weapon
Prophecy 4 - Dont Despair When You Cant Feel Me By Your Side excerpts from Prophecy 4 I will not only send the volcano's that will erupt in a chain reaction, but I will shake the earth as a parent shakes a disobedient child. I am going to shake not one section of the earth at a time, but many sections of the earth at a time. I am going to send forth MY feet that will stomp the ground in rage. For MY anger is great toward the rebellious who have shaken their fist in MY face, and said they refuse to obey a book and rules written so many thousands of years ago. For those who use MY Name as a curse word. For those who mock MY Son's Blood that was shed for them at Calvary. I am going to send forth the hurricanes to demonstrate the tears I have shed over my unrepentant children. Over those that I created that should have been MY Children but refused to acknowledge ME as Father. Who turned to unholiness, and did not even attempt to please ME or seek ME. Floods will come and will cover many sections of the earth at one time. These will symbolize MY tears, as so many have Hell over Heaven. Those that chose satan over YAHUSHUA! I will send forth the tornadoes and it will be MY fist sending forth the flying wind. I will demonstrate this not in one place, when you see many come together you will know I am speaking and I am angry and MY anger is not easily appeased. There have always been earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes here and there but when you see them like a chain reaction, many at the same time then you will know this is the time I have warned you about. REPENT NOW before it's too late! I have been holding back MY anger far too long now! For the sake of MY Son and his prayers for you, the people I have held back MY wrath. But satan mocks ME and taunts ME because I have not punished you. He uses MY own creation to mock and taunt ME. The mouths I created! The mouths I anointed at one time. Yes, even in MY own churches I am mocked as the Holy Word is twisted to conform into man's image. Not a Holy Gods image. They are teaching homosexuality is of ME, it's not sin, it's YAHUVEH's fault, it's a birth defect. The lying and deceiving spirits are going forth out of those that have a form of godliness, but no godliness within. I will personally deal with these evil shepherds in ways that will show the people I am not a God to be mocked. I am not a God to be easily angered. I will deal harshly and you will see them drop dead in the pulpits, those that encourage these things and abortion. I knew each of you before you were in your mother's wombs. I created and fashioned and planned what I wanted your lives to be. It was your choice whether you became what I intended. Don't blame ME, for I only wanted the best for you. Even those of you who have suffered, and led a life that has not seemed blessed, I will and have used you for MY glory, in your suffering you have Glorified ME as others see you will still praise ME, serve ME and worship ME. MY anointing pours forth in your lives, even greater than those who have led a life that has few problems. Your life has not been given the blessings of others, but it was not because I do not love you like the others, it is because like YAHUSHUA was put on this earth to suffer for the sake of others, so to were you, and great will your rewards be in heaven if you remain faithful to the end
Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers Prophecy Extract: The plants are what the satanists call them. An occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH, am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH so it shall happen again. This year some evil pastors, the plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil, No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus Christ, it is a different 'Savior' they are leading them to, to the feet of the antichrist!!! The people then start to worship the leader and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great "I AM!" But instead worry about offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion, hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had. When they fall under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at YAHUSHUA's feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don't even understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in all main line churches. But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it.
Prophecy 2 Given to apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) on January 8, 1997 From Almighty YAHUVEH. Please pause from time to time if the video is going to fast. YAHUVEH is a god of great love as well as a god of great wrath. Unfortunately the organized churches does not teach this as well as many other things. YAHUSHUA is returning soon flee from the false doctrines of the sunday churches and ask the RUACH HA KODESH ( Holy Spirit ) to guide you to the truths of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. abba YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH IMMAYAH RUACH KODESH SHKHINYAH GLORY Holy Spirit YAH God jesus truth Life yeshua bible torah tanakh Messianic Judaism Jewish End times ministry Prophecy Prophecies Prophet Elijah Elisabeth (Elisheva Eliyahu) YAHWEH YAHSHUA salvation MY Wrath Is As Great Love!
Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord This is Prophecy 1 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah. Prophetic Warning Extracts: It's a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. MY wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this. In the year of 1997, I will reveal MYSELF as not only a God of love, but for those who mock and deny MY power, or refuse MY love, and seek to lead MY sheep astray...they shall taste the days of Ananias and Sapphira once again. Wisdom is Fear of YAHUVEH. Many of MY own sheep take ME for granted. They do things and think it is covered by grace. They do things knowing that it is unholy and it offends ME. But they think I am blind and deaf. The year of 1997, I will prove I am a God of fire and that which stands in MY ministers' ways shall be consumed in MY anger. They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer the worst. I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and again I say unto you, warn the church. The church is not the pastor, it is not the building. The church is the people, MY sheep. I have had enough of men naming ministries after themselves; they have no right to do this abomination. They did not pay the ultimate price; they are not holy enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, paid this price at Calvary. Unless they are sinless and perfect, they have no right to name a ministry after themselves. I alone AM perfect and sinless, not man, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of YAHUVEH!" You are sinless in MY sight because MY Blood washes your sins away. It is not because you are sinless for your perfection. You are a sinner saved by MY Grace and mercy. The Blood of Calvary washes away your sins, true, but a ministry represents ME and your Father YAHUVEH and the ministry must be named for holiness, not man. For again, I prophesy through you and say, "Beware." Warn them, for when the imperfect man falls (and he will), the ministry that bears his name falls and the sheep scatter to the enemy's camp. Tell them MY Handmaiden, warn them. Do not do this abomination before MY eyes anymore. For I said, "Be Holy as I am Holy." Even the top prophets and ministers who carry MY anointing are in foolish pride and they are naming that which is not theirs...the anointed ministries after themselves. For this, they will fall but I will be there to pick them up after they have been chastised. (...) I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. What is holding ME back is the very thing that should be bringing ME back, MY church, MY People, MY pastors, MY ministers. I hate pride. It's one of the 7 deadly sins, yet MY own pastors who carry MY anointing think they build the church, they own the church and they have to control the sheep. I alone am the only Good Shepherd. Yours is to be the finger that points the way to ME, YAHUSHUA. Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have poured MY anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most money? This sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and covetousness are in MY own temples. This sickens ME. You say, "When is YAHUSHUA coming again?" I say, "I have been waiting for the church, the temples, to clean themselves up." Stop bickering amongst yourselves. Expose the wolves that have been devouring MY sheep. They are behind the pulpits and everyone is so concerned with their own churches, no one cares about the sheep. Who can build bigger temples? Who can get the most media attention? Who is the number one evangelist, prophet, pastor, church? I am telling you through this prophetess, listen to her. Judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH! Then I will deal with the heathen. (...) You did not build these successful ministries. It was by the power and anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that it was a success. Stop taking MY Glory. You're not the healer, deliverer; it is Almighty YAHUVEH alone that delivers. The message to the church of 1997 is get humble before YAHUVEH. This message is for the prophets, evangelists and pastors. You have no power without MY anointing. I am a jealous God. Get man's name off of MY ministries. You have been warned! Give the praise, recognition to the only one who has a right to name a ministry after himself, your Master and Savior, the one you proclaim to serve and worship. I share MY glory with no man. (...)