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Blessed Sukkot 2022!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Amightywind Ministries 153 Views • 4 months ago


Happy Sukkot Beloved Amightywind Congregation and Asa Mikaiyah! This
is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious
Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing
ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world.

Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated
for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy
day of the year. Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in
tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the
children of Israel were wandering in the desert. Sukkahs were built to
commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE
provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. ABBA YAHUVEH
would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood
covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us
and is with us always.

Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies
and this world to us is our temporary home as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity.
This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this
world will not last forever.

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that
where I am you may be also.”

So, during this time of Sukkot,
KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! For this is the time when our
MASHIACH! We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
that no longer is there a separation between us, but now we can openly
dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD
YAHUVEH and HIS people, but that veil was torn in order for us to be
able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of

We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name.
May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the
throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH
lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous
before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a
Holy temple, YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so
we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way.

and for all tear that veil that once separated us from YOU, thank YOU
that we are welcome into YOUR arms as YOUR children through the name and
blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR SON. We Praise YOU for always
providing for us, protecting us, guiding and leading us in YOUR will,
for that is what our hearts desire is, to please YOU and serve YOU and
to follow the will, path and purpose YOU have for us. Praise YAHUSHUA HA


Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry
Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry

⁣YAHUSHUA (Jesus) spoke to my Spirit and said,

"Yes I care and the
reason I am not speaking is because I am weeping with you! Because I
send you to MY People to be a blessing and some have treated you as a
curse." But I, YAHUSHUA, also am sent as a blessing and how many treat
ME as a curse? I weep with you, and for you, and for those that know
better, yet touch MY anointed messengers anyway, though they have been
warned. I weep for what MY Children who call themselves by MY Name do to
each other. The covetness, the jealousy, the mistrust, the accusations,
the unlove and hatred. The lies that are told to one another and they
put MY Name on the lie as if I have spoken it. I weep, for MY heart
breaks, for there is so much immaturity even in the mature Christians.

Prophets have been alone for so long. They have been rejected so many
times, they now only know how to reject and isolate one another, though
MY desire in these end-times is for you all to join together in MY Name,
in one accord. In these end-times this bickering and squabbling must
stop. You, MY Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors must
be in one accord. You are MY end-time army. All five-fold ministries,
you must stop isolating yourselves and come together in MY love. You
must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirit. You must
stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirits and start
binding up the wounds you have caused amongst yourselves. I weep for all
of you, for all of you have been hurt by someone who said they were of
MY Spirit. Yes, you, the majorities have and it's rare if you say you
haven't been deceived by the enemy coming at you disguised as a sheep
but a wolf instead out to devour MY flock. But you cannot continue to
devour one another. I won't allow it.

I am speaking forth again
out of MY handmaiden to tell you I am not only weeping for what is to
become of the enemies of the Gospel, but I am weeping for you MY
Children. For the way you treat one another is not of MY loving Spirit
at all. Does not MY Word say, "By this you shall know them, the love
they have one for another?" Do you realize it is the enemy that comes at
you and says these evil things..."

Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny Come Forth
Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny Come Forth Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny Come Forth

"Beloved Daughters of Destiny, walk not in your own peace, but
YAHUSHUA's peace that passes all understanding. Walk not in your own
strength but in the God you serve strength. Stay not in the boat MY
Daughter but walk out on the water, with ME. What you think is
impossible, I will make a way. What blocks and hinders you, I will
remove. Though the waves will look like they may drown you and the wind
will roar, keep your eyes on your Savior and you will not drown. You are
ordained to be a water walker not a boat sitter.

Run towards
Goliath like a David. David did not run away from Goliath though he
mocked, threatened, though he towered over all men, David ran towards
Goliath. David showed no fear for he put his confidence not in man or a
king, but in the great "I AM" and I did not fail him, nor will I fail
you. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Hear ME. Fear is torment I do not
send. David when he was mocked and threatened did not reply what he
would do but instead what his God would do.

David did not expect
to slay the enemy with the five smooth stones, for they were not even
sharp stones. But David knew his weapons were not going to kill Goliath,
only the wrath of YAHUVEH would kill Goliath. I put MY wrath into those
stones. I slew Goliath by a young shepherd boy that people mocked when
he came against the enemy they said he shall surely die, he shall fail.
How can a mere youth slay a giant? These words they say to MY Daughters

The enemy speaks forth in many ways and says you will fail.
You will die if you go against this enemy. You are weak and not meant
to minister in YAHUVEH's Name. But MY Daughters of Destiny I have chosen
you. I have ordained you. I have strengthened you. Men are right; if
you do this in your strength and power you will fail. You could die, but
you stand not in your might, strength and power. You stand in MY
anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY
shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny
this day. For am I not the beginning and the end? The Great "I AM" is
the God of Prophecy.

The Alpha & Omega is the God of
Prophecy for I have prophesied the beginning and I have prophesied the
end. Who but "I AM" can do this? I will reveal MY secrets to MY
Daughters as well as MY Sons. MY Daughters I have chosen you to do the
same as David. The enemy will mock and taunt, he will use others to
threaten and harm. You will be slandered for MY sake. When these enemies
come against you fear not what to say or do, it will not be your words
you will speak but MY words you speak.

MY beloved Little Ones,
do not think ahead of time what you are going to do. Do not have any
fear when you see the look upon their faces. They think you are to be
controlled by man, and instead you are not controlled by a king of this
earth, you are ruled by the King of Kings. David threw off the armor of
this world and stood instead with the armor, MY armor God Almighty. Thus
you shall do also. Weep not when the enemy falls. I am with you and no
one can do anything I don't allow. I love you MY beloved Daughter...."

Prophecy 39 - Anointed Holy Eagles Come Forth
Prophecy 39 - Anointed Holy Eagles Come Forth Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 39 - Anointed Holy Eagles Come Forth

⁣"Anointed Holy Eagles come forth. This is an Eagle's call. Baby Eagles
come forth. Attention all Hindu's and Buddhists and all other religions,
The God of creation calls you to listen to this prophecy. We stand
together or fall together all our religious freedoms are at risk. We
worship a different god but in this area of religious freedom, when one
is taken, all will be take. Anointed Holy Eagles, arise. Come forth in
YAHUSHUA's Name! Fight against the attacks of the unholy vultures!
Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away from this
world's eyes, away from the church systems. I have hidden you and taught
you how to fly and soar for such a time like this. You have been out of
the nest and are no longer baby Eagles, but you are mature spiritually,
discerning with the eyes of the eagle, and you know MY voice.

Those reading this that are still baby Eagles, don't worry. The more
spiritually mature anointed Holy Eagles shall nourish you, and protect
you, and even teach you how to war in the spiritual realm, in a higher
realm then you have soared before. Anointed Holy Eagles be warned! The
unholy vultures are gathering against you and are going to try and
devour you as prey. But you will not become prey if you will seek MY
face and humble yourself and pray for MY instructions and soar higher
when I tell you to soar and dive bomb the enemy when I tell you to dive.
They will be the prey in MY Holy Name, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Anointed
Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden and taught you for such a time like
this. Seek MY face in a new way. Believe that you have heard MY voice in
the wilderness for I have called and you have known what to do when the
time would come...."

Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER
Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER

Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, now will you at last turn to the
great Elohim "I AM?" If it was good enough for your Father Abraham,
once again will it be good enough for you? No, Abraham was not a god. "I
AM" his Father Elohim. But even then man looked at Abraham like he was a
Elohim. Look not to man any more as a Elohim. Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael,
hear ME, the power, the power, the power is in MY Name! Listen not to
the rabbis and the evil ones that have censured MY Name from your

...MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power
within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have
been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not
have to slay his son. That is where I put MY sacrifice, on your very own
soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Be not
ashamed of the power in that Name. No longer erase it. No longer cover
your mouth. But call on MY Name, the only Name that can save. No longer
deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from
another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It
was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground.
It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised.
It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for
you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call
upon the Name of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the Name of YAHUVEH.

Listen not to the evil rabbis that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning
to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are
filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have
the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why
there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is
in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the
woman at the well. I keep sending MY ministers, MY Prophets and
apostles; they come in MY Son's Name, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the
Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of
Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbis don't want you to
know the power that is in the Name, of the power in the Name, MY Name is
YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's Name is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen
and in that Name would you start learning to pray?

Look around you, oh Yisrael, you see not a friend. Look around Yisrael, what you
depended on once you will never depend on again. Now will you listen as I
speak through this handmaiden this day? Now will you cry out in the
Name of YAHUVEH and accept the gift of YAHUSHUA that I give you and the
Name that I've given you so you will be saved. You should welcome the
Messianic Christians, the ones that are called by MY Name, for this is
your protection, oh Yisrael. Quit casting them away. They cry out to ME,
to the Elohim YAHUVEH. They cry out to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA. Stop
casting them away, listen to MY Prophets, listen to MY apostles, and
listen to those that I send. For they come with MY heart, MY heart of
love for you, oh Yisrael.

Every time you face the Western Wall, look up, for MY Son will come in the eastern sky.
Be deceived no longer by these lies. I have counted every teardrop that
has been shed on that Western Wall.
This is the very place Abraham thought he had to slay
Isaac. This is the very place Jacob saw a ladder to Heaven. This is
truly holy, sanctified ground. For those who cry out in YAHUVEH's Name,
the miracles I did once I will for you Yisrael, do again. Don't do as
the world does. Trust not any weapon or man; instead turn to the great
Elohim YAHUVEH the one that is called the Great Elohim, "I AM." See oh
Yisrael, one day you should behold very soon the weapons of man pointed
at you. But you must fast, and you must weep, and you must wail in the
Name of YAHUVEH, in the Name YAHUSHUA. I will hear and I will deliver
your land.

Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion
Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion

⁣Oh but America, you who are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who
trample the little ones underneath your feet, the rich and the powerful
that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to
these. What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will
work? You think you've been protected from that which you've done? You
think you're going to kill the masses of the poor, and MY wrath will not
touch you? Oh, you foolish scientists. Oh, you foolish physicians, I
will confound you. For those who are truly of ME, YAHUVEH for those who
truly put MY Son YAHUSHUA as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those
who love US and obey and strive to be holy each day. I have put what is a
true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there and
it will be as the children of Israel and these plagues did not come nigh

And now I speak to all the nations of the world, satan
seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments
far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have
but I make the same promises to you. Pray a blessing over that water
each time you drink say, "This represents the Living Water of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH and nothing can harm me." Don't purposely drink that which
you know is tainted. When I give you no other way that is when it is
going to take faith.

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not.
Remember, satan wants to counterfeit everything I
created. He does it through the name of science. But pray over that
food, believe ME, believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put
life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell
you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create
just as he can create, eat my food its better. I can create a chicken
that will not have the bird flu. "

Why you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know
that it is you that manufactured that disease?
It did not come from ME. When they say "You must be
vaccinated, Oh, there's a deadly, deadly virus here. We must round you
up and put you in a stadium if you will not obey. We cannot have you
contaminate the rest."

Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA,
and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your
faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest.
Jam the capitol's lines say, "You will not take away our
provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you
will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies."
Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not
warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the
minority but now you believe the illusions lies.

Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

⁣"Be of Good Cheer MY Little Ones for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the only
Good Shepherd and I am exposing the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps for
the wolves they are! I am beating the wolves away and removing their
fangs from your flesh.

Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her,
by watching her programs or buying her books she
promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's

There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an
author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the
bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name
Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it
is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes
truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns
about when she wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet."

Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to
come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become
infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had
prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do
not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books,
emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you,
into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you, if you depend on her
orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a
woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For
those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you
will see

YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this
Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and
encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva Eliyahu know they
are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them
and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the
Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks
from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle
that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself

Choo Thomas, repent now publicly! The words you have written in a book
describing your so-called trips to heaven, is a trick from satan!
Beloved Children, just because someone says they have been to heaven,
test it with MY Word and see if it lines up with MY description of
Heaven. Every Pastor that has promoted and promotes the lies that Choo
Thomas has written, you also are fit for MY fury if you do not openly
REPENT and rebuke these lies! You have helped lead the Sheep and Lambs
astray! How could you not recognize these lies she has written in her

Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and
to lead by example. These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words
to conform into their own self made comfortable image that strives to
offend no one...."

Profetie 79 IK YAHUVEH YAHWEH zeg Mensen Jullie Missen Het Punt
Profetie 79 IK YAHUVEH YAHWEH zeg Mensen Jullie Missen Het Punt Amightywind Nederland 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 79 IK YAHUVEH YAHWEH zeg Mensen Jullie Missen Het Punt

⁣"Indien jullie MIJ nu niet aan het gehoorzamen zijn, en indien jullie nu
compromis aan het sluiten zijn met de dag die IK apart heb gezet als
MIJN Heilige Sabbat Dag en indien jullie niet denken dat het belangrijk
is om een ieder van MIJN Geboden te onderhouden, wat laat jullie denken
dat jullie zullen gehoorzamen gedurende de spoedig komende Grote
Verdrukking? Waarom is het comfortabeler om te luisteren naar de leer
van de mens, wanneer ze MIJN Woorden verdraaien om het te vervormen naar
het zondige beeld van de mens? Hoewel MIJN Zoon YAHUSHUA jullie rust
is, is HIJ niet een DAG van RUST. MIJN Zoon YAHUSHUA is niet een dag, en
MIJN 4e Gebod verklaart duidelijk om MIJN Sabbat Dag van rust Heilig te
houden. Welk deel hiervan begrijpen jullie niet? JA, rust in YAHUSHUA
want Zijn JUK is zacht en Zijn last is licht maar dit heeft niets te
maken met de Sabbat dag. Onderhield YAHUSHUA de Sabbat niet?

Zond IK Mijn Zoon YAHUSHUA niet om een voorbeeld voor jullie te zijn? Weten
jullie waarom IK een dag van rust apart gezet heb? (Gen. 2:1-3) Weten
jullie niet dat deze Sabbat dag er is om een zegen aan jullie te zijn en
geen vloek? MIJN Vierde gebod zegt duidelijk om MIJN Sabbat dag van
rust Heilig te houden. Zegt de wet die IK geschreven heb met MIJN eigen
vurige vinger op een stenen tablet en aan Mozes op berg Sinai gegeven
heb niet; "Eer Mijn Sabbat Dag en houd het Heilig?" (Exodus 20:8)
Opnieuw vraag IK aan jullie, sinds wanneer is Mijn Zoon YAHUSHUA een
dag? Vraag jezelf af, waarom zou satan de Dag van de Sabbat naar Zondag
veranderen indien het niet voor zijn doel gebruikt zou gaan worden
tijdens de Grote Verdrukking?

Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises
Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises Amightywind Français 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 3 - Prenez garde aux Taupes Sataniques dans les Eglises

Les taupes sont ce que les satanistes les appellent. Un esprit
d'occultisme s'est levé dans les Eglises prêchant pleinement l'Evangile à
cause de ces taupes. Mais lorsque vous les verrez, vous les connaîtrez
car MOI, YAHUVEH, JE donne à la vraie Eglise de YAHUSHUA ha MASCHIACH
(Jésus Christ) des yeux neufs pour voir, de nouvelles oreilles pour
entendre, une bouche courageuse pour parler et de nouvelles mains pour
les chasser dehors. Car ce sont MES mains, J'ai étendu MON bras droit,
le bras de la Sainteté et tout comme MON Fils a chassé le mal de la
Maison de YAHUVEH, cela se reproduira. Cette année, des pasteurs
maléfiques, les taupes, mourront pendant leurs sermons. Car ils prêchent
MES Ecritures Saintes pour se moquer de MOI. Mais ils ne ME connaissent
pas, la Parole d'Evangile rendue chair. Satan connaît l'Evangile,
détrompez-vous, et la craint-il assez pour cesser le mal qu'il fait,
Non, et les taupes non plus car elles ont vendu leur âme à satan et
elles récolteront la destruction qu'elles ont semé. Certains sont des
Evangélistes, et même s'ils mènent des âmes à Jésus Christ, c'est un
différent Jésus auquel ils les mènent, aux pieds de l'antéchrist !!! Les
personnes commencent à vénérer le chef religieux et c'est votre signe.
Elles arrêtent de se mettre en quête pour MOI et MES règles et MON
Evangile et se mettent en quête pour la parole d'un simple homme. Elles
ne se soucient pas d'offenser le seul et unique YAHUVEH Tout-Puissant le
Grand "JE SUIS", au lieu de cela elles se soucient d'offenser le
pasteur qui est une taupe pour satan, dont le but est d'amener la
confusion, le désespoir, la rébellion, la destruction, la pauvreté, le
mensonge et des esprits trompeurs et de voler le peu de foi que MES
brebis (moutons) avaient auparavant...

Prophétie 19 - Retirez Votre Voile Sombre de Douleur MES Enfants MES trésors
Prophétie 19 - Retirez Votre Voile Sombre de Douleur MES Enfants MES trésors Amightywind Français 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 19 - Retirez Votre Voile Sombre de Douleur MES Enfants MES trésors

⁣Ainsi parle YAHUVEH, « MES Biens-Aimés, que JE chéris comme aucun autre
trésor que vous avez sur terre. JE vois votre douleur. C’est une douleur
qui vous accable profondément car vous êtes tellement mécompris.
Comment est-ce que les gens qui ne sont pas de MON Esprit peuvent
ressentir votre douleur ou voir ce que JE vous ai montré ou dit ?
N’auraient-ils pas appelé Jean Baptiste « fou » ? N’auraient-ils pas
cherché à le faire taire à cause de son comportement de même que pour
Elie, Jérémie et tous MES Prophètes ? Pensez : qu’est ce que ce monde
moderne qui rejette la voix du Tout-Puissant YAHUVEH ferait avec ces
Prophètes des Temps Anciens ?

Vous êtes comme Jonas envoyé à Ninive et qu’ils sont peu,
ceux qui ont écouté ou entendu MES avertissements.
Mais ils verront que ce que J’ai prononcé à travers vous
se produira. Ne croyez pas que cela soit étrange dans le cas de ceux
que vous croyez être sauvés, le sont-ils vraiment ? Connaissez-vous
réellement leurs cœurs, ceux qui infligent de grandes blessures béantes à
votre âme ? JE ne les ai pas envoyés pour vous tourmenter car vous êtes
MON trésor bien-aimé.

Ne vous fiez pas à votre entendement,
mais reconnaissez MOI et JE dirigerai vos pas. Ne faites confiance à
personne à part ceux dont vous savez que vous pouvez entendre ma voix à
partir d’eux. Ne faites rien à moins que JE ne vous donne la paix qui
dépasse tout entendement. JE ne vous ai pas abandonné et JE ne le ferai
jamais. JE suis votre premier amour ; tous les autres ont la deuxième
place derrière le Dieu Tout-Puissant YAHUVEH que vous servez. Parlez
toujours de MA miséricorde et MON amour mais prévenez au sujet de MA
colère et MA vengeance et du malheur de la condamnation qui approche
s’ils ne se détournent pas de leurs mauvaises façons d’agir et
appliquent le sang versé pour eux au Calvaire, qui lave toute puanteur
du péché et les fait s’en détourner.

Vous avez utilisé ces vices comme une béquille, mais JE vais vous délivrer
de toute chose que vous sentez que vous avez besoin pour vous donner
la paix et le confort car JE suis tout ce dont vous avez besoin. MOI, YAHUVEH
JE suffis en toute chose. Mais toute chose a un temps et une saison et
JE ne vous donnerai rien qui soit au-delà de ce que vous pouvez supporter. Oui MES
Bien-Aimés, vous avez souffert par égard pour MON Nom. Oui, vous avez
été appelés « malades mentaux » mais ceux qui vous ont appelé par ces
noms sont malades spirituellement. Vous pleurez mais ce sont MES larmes.
Vous soupirez, mais ce sont MES soupirs. Vous êtes attristés, mais
c’est MA tristesse. Ceux qui disent qu’ils vous aiment ne connaissent
pas la signification de l’amour, sinon ils comprendraient cela. NE les
jugez pas sévèrement car ils essaient de faire le meilleur qu’ils
peuvent avec les esprits à l’intérieur d’eux-mêmes.

Cela aussi va passer, même s’il semble que les rivières de désespoir submergent MES
Bien-Aimés. Cela aussi va passer. Vous vous réjouirez une fois de plus.
Votre vie n’est pas finie. Elle vient juste de commencer. Des miracles
sont au prochain tournant. Pourquoi pensez-vous que satan vous dit
d’abandonner maintenant. Vous avez combattu pendant tout ce temps,
n’abandonnez pas maintenant.

Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant
Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant Amightywind Français 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant

Saints Aigles Oints Venez en avant. Ceci est un appel aux Aigles.
(...) Venez en avant au nom de YAHUSHUA ! Combattez les attaques des
vautours profanes ! MES Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai cachés en
sécurité loin des yeux de ce monde, loin des systèmes ecclésiastiques.
JE vous ai cachés et appris à voler et planer pour un temps comme
celui-ci. Vous avez été hors du nid et n'êtes plus des Aiglons, mais
vous êtes matures spirituellement, discernant avec des yeux d'aigles, et
vous connaissez MA voix. Ceux qui lisent cela et êtes encore des
Aiglons, ne vous inquiétez pas. Les Saints Aigles Oints plus matures
spirituellement vous nourriront, vous protègeront, et vous enseigneront
même comment combattre dans le domaine spirituel, dans un monde plus
haut dans lequel vous n'avez jamais plané. Saints Aigles Oints, soyez
avertis ! Les vautours profanes se rassemblent contre vous et essayent
de vous dévorer en tant que proies. Mais vous ne deviendrez pas leur
proies si vous cherchez MA face et vous rendez humbles et priez pour MES
instructions et planez plus haut lorsque JE vous dis de planer et de
plonger en fonçant dans l'ennemi lorsque JE vous dis de plonger. Ils
seront la proie en MON Saint Nom, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. MES Aigles
Saints Oints, JE vous ai cachés et instruits pour un temps comme
celui-ci. Cherchez MA face d'une nouvelle façon. Croyez que vous avez
entendu MA voix dans les terrains sauvages car JE vous ai appelés et
vous savez quoi faire lorsque le moment viendra.

Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai donnés la vision précise d'un Aigle. Vous pouvez
discerner votre ennemi et votre proie au lointain. JE vous ai donnés des
serres pointues comme un rasoir pour qui portent MON épée à deux
tranchants. Utilisez-la pour MA gloire ! Croyez que rien n'est
impossible lorsque vous invoquez MON Nom YAHUSHUA. Ce qui était
impossible avant ne sera plus impossible désormais, si vous pouvez juste
croire avec vos propres yeux vous verrez. Les vautours profanes se
rassemblent contre vous et cherchent à prendre les nécessités de la vie
loin de vous l'eau, la nourriture, le chauffage, l’abri, retirer les
finances, l'électricité, le pétrole, le carburant, les vêtements et les

Les vautours profanes cherchent à retirer vos
libertés religieuses loin de vous. Ils vous regardent et se moquent du
Dieu que vous servez. Saints Aigles Oints, ils cherchent à détruire vos
nids que J'ai construits avec tellement d'amour. Ils cherchent à dévorer
vos jeunes enfants. Les vautours profanes dévorent à présent vos jeunes
et vous vous êtes tenus là et avez regardé alors que vous avez perdu
plus de liberté chaque année, alors que vos enfants sont enseignés ce
que JE ne leur ai pas enseigné. Pas tout le savoir est profitable pour
les jeunes personnes. (...)

Пророчество 67 - Метеор Уничтожение и предупреждение христианским церквям
Пророчество 67 - Метеор Уничтожение и предупреждение христианским церквям Всемогущий Ветер Россия 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Пророчество 67 - Метеор Уничтожение и предупреждение христианским церквям

⁣Я, ЯХУВЕХ, объявлю войну с Небес с гигантскими метеорами массового
уничтожения. Я, ЯХУВЕХ, сброшу эти метеоры ливнями, подобного вы никогда не
как заявлено в книге Откровения. Ни одно оружие войны не сможет остановить это!
Я, ЯХУВЕХ, объявляю войну земле за ее греховность, придёт обширное
разрушение метеорами ; только Святые молитвы задержат его. Суд не может быть
остановлен, но он может быть отложен. Как вы запускаете свои ракеты из
земли, Я запущу СВОИ ракеты с Небес. Кто может бороться против ЯХУВЕХ и
победить? (...)

Метеорное Разрушение грядёт, точно как Я, ЯХУВЕХ, сказал [молодёжи]. Он не дал
бы предупреждение, так что Я провозглашаю его от МОЕЙ Дочери вновь.
Предупредите людей, что только могущественное молитвенное заступничество
промедлит Суд на Америку и этот мир. Война с Небес, гигантские метеоры будут
выпущены, и никакое оружие войны не будет в состоянии остановить это! Только
молитвенные воины задержат МОЙ Суд, как они взывают к милосердию на эту
землю, которая не заслуживает милосердия. Я изрек Пророчество, что штормы и
землетрясения придут, и они пришли. Что Я должен сделать, прежде чем люди
поймут, что Я предупреждаю Апостолов и Пророков, чтобы они говорили людям
покаяться, прежде чем Я пошлю Суд?

Мои войска, помазанные Небесами, не будут касаться друг друга, ибо они узнают
РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ внутри МОИХ Детей. Они не узнают имя, ни будут даже знать их
прошлое, но они узнают друг друга по Помазанию МОЕЙ РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ. Вы соберетесь
вместе во ИМЯ МОЕ и будете ходить в Святости и Истине по МОИМ качествам
и будете идти бок о бок, путешествуя вместе для одной цели, и это - предупредить
людей, что МОЙ Суд скоро падёт. В 2003, МОИ Помазанные скрытые выйдут
из укрытия и объединятся с МОЕЙ Дочерью, говорящей это, и вместе они будут
молиться о промедлении МОЕГО Суда, и если достаточно людей покаются, Я
воздержусь от Суда до другого раза.

​Вы народы, которые разрабатывают оружие, тонко настраивая их, так что вы можете
сбивать ракеты друг друга, спросите себя: Как вы можете защитить себя от
войны с Небес, когда Я сброшу на землю, включая Америку, Метеоры, которые
сокрушат ваши дома, предприятия, капиталы? И Я говорю вам: "Достаточно вашей
глупости". Я, ЯХУВЕХ, покажу вам войну безразмерных пропорций, если вы не
покаетесь, не отвернетесь от своих злых путей, живите Свято и Будьте Святыми и

призывайте МОЕ ИМЯ во ИМЯ МОЕГО СЫНА ЯХУШУА. Вы можете принять все безбожные
законы, какие вы пожелаете, но Я, ЯХУВЕХ, являюсь единственным
законодателем и существуют жесткие последствия для тех, кто называет себя
законодателями, а на самом деле правонарушители. МЕНЯ, ЯХУВЕХ, это не
забавляет; и вам не будет весело, когда Я, ЯХУВЕХ, и МОЙ СЫН ЯХУШУА покончим с
вами. (...)

Пророчество 83 - Я ЯХУВЕХ ГОВОРЮ ПОДГОТОВЬТЕСЬ КОНЕЦ БЛИЗОК Всемогущий Ветер Россия 152 Views • 4 months ago


⁣Отрывки Пророчества: Я, ЯХУВЕХ, приказываю Невесте ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ сей
день молиться за Двух Свидетелей. Молитесь за Двух Свидетелей. Ибо время

настает, в которое Я посылаю ангелов, о так вскоре, чтобы подтвердить Двум Свидетелям кем они являются во МНЕ. (...)

Прежде чем они покинут эту землю, прежде чем Два Свидетеля будут выкуплены как
первые плоды, они узнают кем они являются во МНЕ. Я приказываю всем
членам НЕВЕСТЫ ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ начать молиться теперь за тех, кого Я называю
Двумя Свидетелями. Созерцайте, Я, ЯХУВЕХ, говорю тайну миру, созерцайте,
Я творю новое, это мужчина и это женщина. Потому что вы, мужчины,
насмехаетесь и дразните; как Я возвысил Девору в качестве Судьи над всем
Израилем [Суд 4:4], также Я возвышаю, также это было
предопределено, те кто придут будут иметь дух подобно Моисею, те кто
придут будут иметь дух подобно Илии. (...)

Я даже простил, что вы покинули МОЙ Истинный Субботний день покоя,
нарушая 4-ю Заповедь снова и снова, но Я не прощу это больше.
Теперь вы несете ответственность за то, что вы знаете.
Вы несете ответственность, чтобы предупредить других. (...)

В Великой Скорби у сына сатаны будет свой собственный день, выделенный
для поклонения, и это будет воскресенье. Когда воскресное богослужение станет
ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНЫМ, и вам прикажут во всем мире пойти в вашу ближайшую местную
воскресную церковь, остерегайтесь, НЕ ИДИТЕ.

Это ловушка сына сатаны. Ибо любой, кто все-таки посетит воскресную церковь
во время Великой Скорби, они войдут в дверь очарованными, плененными
духами иллюзии, манипуляции ума, идолопоклонства и бунта среди
многих других мощных демонических духов. Предупредите их сейчас. Они
примут Знак Зверя и войдут в церковь осквернения и выберут
поклоняться зверю и принять его физический, а также духовный знак.
Предупредите людей сейчас, прежде чем будет слишком поздно.

Это не означает, что все воскресные церкви злые сейчас, но вы так близки
теперь, конец близок, вы должны предупредить людей, где пасторы подводят
это делать. (...)

Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb
Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - Apostles Elisheva Eliyahu & Ezra Caleb

⁣Hebrew Salvation Prayer - תפילת הישועה
Israeli Prophet and beloved husband of Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
Ezra Caleb, leads Israel into true repentance and into the loving arms of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through this awesomely anointed Salvation
Prayer that is now translated into Hebrew! This Salvation Prayer was
originally given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 24 years ago and has literally led
millions of souls to the Cross of Calvary for salvation, where YAHUSHUA laid HIS life down
and died for the sins of the world – for all (both Jew and Gentile) who
would receive HIM as their LORD GOD and SAVIOUR. YAHUSHUA did not stay
in the grave but rose again on the Third Day! HE is alive and is now
calling Israel to repentance. Israel must learn to cry out “blessed is
HE WHO comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!”

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) is Israel and the rest of the World's ONE and

Israel please receive the Gift of eternal life today
through YAHUSHUA. HIS shed Blood for the forgiveness of your sins still
drenches the soil in Jerusalem, and covers Israel.

Israel come to know the ONLY ONE WHO can save your souls from hell/sheol and the
lake of fire! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is your ONLY SIN SACRIFICE perfect
and spotless, only through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA and
turning away from your sins can you come to ABBA YAHUVEH, ADONAI, your

Read Isaiah 53 oh Israel, YAHUSHUA was prophesied of in every sentence:

The Sin-Bearing Messiah – Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a
root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see
Him, There is no [c]beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not
esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one,
to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He
was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers
is silent, So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was
9 And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at
His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to
grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His
seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the Lord shall
prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge
My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide
the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

Only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH perfectly fulfills the Prophecies contained within this chapter.

152 要聽並從恐懼的惡魔中擺脫出來!與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面!
152 要聽並從恐懼的惡魔中擺脫出來!與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面! 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣152 要聽並從恐懼的惡魔中擺脫出來!與使徒以莉莎法 以利亞呼面對面!






Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries
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Proroctwo 151 - JAHUSZUA MÓWI: „ja Jestem Mesjaszem! Nawróćcie Się I Żyjcie W Świętości! Nie Bójcie
Proroctwo 151 - JAHUSZUA MÓWI: „ja Jestem Mesjaszem! Nawróćcie Się I Żyjcie W Świętości! Nie Bójcie Amightywind Polska 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Proroctwo 151 - JAHUSZUA MÓWI: „ja Jestem Mesjaszem! Nawróćcie Się I
Żyjcie W Świętości! Nie Bójcie Się! Ufajcie Mi!”

⁣Modlitwa o Zbawienie:
Przyjmuję Ciebie teraz jako mojego PANA i ZBAWICIELA, Ty jesteś BOGIEM, którego
kocham. Wierzę, że zapłaciłeś cenę za moje grzechy na Kalwarii, umarłeś i
trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstałeś.

Proszę Cię, abyś wstąpił do mojego serca, przebaczył moje grzechy i oczyścił
mnie z wszelkiej nieprawości. Przykro mi, że grzeszyłem i przepraszam,
odwracam się od tych grzechów. Dziękuję, że napełniasz mnie Twoim
DUCHEM ŚWIĘTYM i dajesz mi pragnienie do służenia Tobie poprzez wszystkie
dni mojego życia. Proszę, abyś żył we mnie dla Swojej Chwały.

Dziękuję, że dajesz mi pragnienie czytania Twojej Biblii. Daj mi proszę mądrość, abym mógł ją rozumieć.
Dziękuję, że miłujesz mnie i zbawiasz moją duszę, a moją wiarę wzmacniasz, abym
pewnego dnia mógł być z Tobą w Niebie! Wypełnij mnie teraz Twoim ŚWIĘTYM
DUCHEM i ocal mnie z ręki złego. W Twoim Imieniu JAHUSZUA zanoszę tę

Nie pozwól mi PANIE zapomnieć, iż wszyscy zgrzeszyli i
pozbawieni są Chwały BOŻEJ. Po to właśnie przybyłeś Ty, aby ocalić nas,
grzeszników. Dlatego właśnie nazywamy Cię naszym Zbawicielem!

Przeczytaj tę modlitwę, a następnie wypowiedz ją, nie jedynie słowami, ale całą
duszą i sercem. Przyjmij JAHUSZUA jako swego wyłącznego Pana i
Zbawiciela już dziś, gdyż tylko dzięki Niemu możesz zostać zbawiony.
Pamiętaj, jutro może być za późno!
Pamiętaj, że JAHUSZUA jest nie tylko twoim BOGIEM, ale i najlepszym przyjacielem!
ON troszczy się o ciebie i bardzo miłuje, takiego, jakim jesteś. ON nienawidzi grzechu,
ale miłuje ciebie, grzesznika!

JAHUSZUA zapłacił cenę za twoje grzechy i teraz nie musisz się już dłużej
czuć winnym lub potępionym! Wyznaj swoje grzechy JAHUSZUA, nazywając
je po imieniu, i powiedz jak bardzo jest ci przykro, że je popełniłeś.
Proś, aby wybaczył ci ON wszystkie grzechy, te z przeszłości, jak i te obecne!
Grzechem zaś jest wszystko, co zasmuca lub wprawia w niezadowolenie ŚWIĘTEGO BOGA
JAHWEH. Nikt nie jest doskonały! Pamiętaj o tym!

Czytaj Nowy Testament, poznawaj JAHUSZUA. W Ewangelii Św. Mateusza 10:32 jest
napisane, że do każdego, kto wyzna przed ludźmi, że JAHUSZUA jest jego
Niebie. Nie wstydź się JAHUSZUA! ON nie wstydzi się ciebie. Powiedz
komuś, że tego dnia przyjąłeś JAHUSZUA z Kalwarii i Nazaretu! Wszyscy
aniołowie w Niebie będą się radować, że kolejna Owieczka ze Stada
Dobrego Pasterza została odnaleziona! (Ewangelia Św. Łukasza 15:4-10)

Witamy cię w Rodzinie JAHUSZUA! Pozwól nam cieszyć się z razem z tobą, napisz
do nas i daj nam znać o Darze Życia Wiecznego, który otrzymałeś od
JAHUSZUA. Chcemy tak bardzo spotkać cię w Niebie, o ile nie wcześniej
tutaj, na Ziemi!

Obywatel Piekła
Obywatel Piekła Amightywind Polska 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Obywatel Piekła

⁣Wizja człowieka cierpiącego męki w Piekle dana Apostoł i Prorok
Elisabeth Elijah 9 marca 1992 roku, a następnie opis widzenia milionów
ludzi w Niebie, którzy dostępują Zbawienia wiecznego poprzez ukorzenie
się i przyjęcie Syna Bożego JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH/JEZUSA MESJASZA jako
jedynego Pana i Zbawiciela.

Krwi przelanej za nasze grzechy na Krzyżu Kalwarii, nie jedynie umysłem,
ale całym sercem, duchem, duszą i wszystkimi siłami, jest jedyną drogą
do tego, by dostąpić Życia Wiecznego w Niebie w nieskończonym szczęściu
i radości u boku Pana JAHUSZUA, a także by uniknąć potępienia i męki w Piekle.

W Ew. Jana 14:6 JAHUSZUA/JEZUS powiedział: "Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i
życiem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie."

Przyjmij już dziś Darmowy Dar Życia Wiecznego wykupiony dla ciebie przez
JAHUSZUA/JEZUSA za najwyższą cenę Jego Świętej Krwi przelanej w
Jerozolimie i na Krzyżu Golgoty! JAHUSZUA przyjął mękę ukrzyżowania po
to, abyś nie musiał podzielić losu Obywatela Piekła, ale stać się
Obywatelem Nieba. Nikt nie miłuję cię tak bardzo jak On! Przyjmij Jego
wszechogarniającą Miłość, Łaskę i Miłosierdzie już dziś! Nie czekaj,
jutro może być za późno!

Ostrzeżenia o wiecznym Piekle z Pisma Świętego:

Ewangelia Mateusza
5:22 "A kto by mu rzekł: Bezbożniku, podlega karze Piekła ognistego."
"Jeśli więc prawe twoje oko jest ci powodem do grzechu, wyłup je i
odrzuć od siebie. Lepiej bowiem jest dla ciebie, gdy zginie jeden z
twoich członków, niż żeby całe twoje ciało miało być wrzucone do Piekła.
I jeśli prawa twoja ręka jest ci powodem do grzechu, odetnij ją i
odrzuć od siebie. Lepiej bowiem jest dla ciebie, gdy zginie jeden z
twoich członków, niż żeby całe twoje ciało miało iść do Piekła."
"Nie bójcie się tych, którzy zabijają ciało, lecz duszy zabić nie mogą.
Bójcie się raczej Tego, który duszę i ciało może zatracić w Piekle."
"Tak też będzie i przy końcu świata: zjawią się aniołowie, oddzielą
złych od sprawiedliwych i wrzucą do rozpalonego pieca. Tam będzie płacz i
zgrzytanie zębów."

Ewangelia Łukasza 16:22-26
"Umarł także bogacz i został pogrzebany. Gdy w Otchłani, pogrążony w mękach, podniósł
oczy, ujrzał z daleka Abrahama i Łazarza na jego łonie. I zawołał:
Ojcze Abrahamie, ulituj się nade mną i poślij Łazarza; niech koniec
swego palca umoczy w wodzie i ochłodzi mój język, bo strasznie cierpię w
tym płomieniu. Lecz Abraham odrzekł: Wspomnij, synu, że za życia
otrzymałeś swoje dobra, a Łazarz przeciwnie, niedolę; teraz on tu
doznaje pociechy, a ty męki cierpisz. A prócz tego między nami a wami
zionie ogromna przepaść, tak że nikt, choćby chciał, stąd do was przejść
nie może ani stamtąd do nas się przedostać."

2 List Piotra 2:4
"Jeżeli bowiem Bóg aniołom, którzy zgrzeszyli, nie odpuścił, ale wydał ich do
ciemnych lochów Tartaru, aby byli zachowani na sąd;"

List Judy 12-13
"Ci właśnie na waszych agapach są zakałami, bez obawy oddają się
rozpuście... samych siebie pasą... obłoki bez wody wiatrami unoszone...
drzewa jesienne nie mające owocu, dwa razy uschłe, wykorzenione...
rozhukane bałwany morskie wypluwające swoją hańbę... gwiazdy zabłąkane,
dla których nieprzeniknione ciemności na wieki przeznaczone..."

Księga Objawienia

"Jeśli kto wielbi Bestię, i obraz jej, i bierze sobie jej znamię na
czoło lub rękę, ten również będzie pić wino zapalczywości Boga
przygotowane, nie rozcieńczone, w kielichu Jego gniewu; i będzie
katowany ogniem i siarką wobec świętych aniołów i wobec Baranka. A dym
ich katuszy na wieki wieków się wznosi i nie mają spoczynku we dnie i w
nocy czciciele Bestii i jej obrazu, i ten, kto bierze znamię jej
19:20 "I pochwycono Bestię, a z nią Fałszywego Proroka, co
czynił wobec niej znaki, którymi zwiódł tych, co wzięli znamię Bestii i
oddawali pokłon jej obrazowi. Oboje żywcem wrzuceni zostali do ognistego
jeziora, gorejącego siarką."
20:10 "A diabła, który ich zwodzi,
wrzucono do jeziora ognia i siarki, tam gdzie są Bestia i Fałszywy
Prorok. I będą cierpieć katusze we dnie i w nocy na wieki wieków."

Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!
Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn! Amightywind Suomeksi 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn!

⁣Otteita Profetiasta:

Saatanallisella eliitillä, joka täyttää Valkoisen Talon, on niin paljon verta
käsissään (Psalmit 94:20-23)— murhaajan verta, syntymättömien verta
- mutta MINÄ olen nostanut ylös Donald Trumpin, joka arvostaa elämän pyhyyttä.
Ja on hänen toiveensa, ja MINÄ olen antanut hänelle tämän toiveen:
Pestä tuo veri pois käsistä! Muuttaa aborttilait! Antaa oikeudet takaisin osavaltioille!

Elisheva, MINÄ muutin sinun sydämesi!

Sinä ainoastaan näit hänet siinä, missä kirosanat täyttivät hänen
suunsa. Sinä näit hänet siinä, missä hän on mies, joka palvoo tämän
maailman materiaalisia asioita. Mutta sitten, niin kuin MINÄ näytin
sinulle unessa, Profetiat, joiden luokse hän tulisi ja hän lukisi - ja
MINÄ vedän häntä puoleeni jopa nyt kun sinä puhut!



Sillä vaikka muut katsovat häneen [negatiivisesti], ja ennen kuin sinä käskit
esirukoilijoita rukoilemaan hänen puolestaan, sinä myös - ainoastaan
näit saastan, joka tulee esiin hänen suustaan - mutta MINÄ nostan hänet
esille ja MINÄ käytän miestä, joka ei tunne vanhurskautta vielä. Ja
silti MINÄ olen laittanut halun häneen saadakseen vanhurskautta
(Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:6)!

...Hänet on voideltu pitämään meteliä! Te ette voi hiljentää häntä - he ovat yrittäneet...

...He ovat yrittäneet pelotella häntä! He yrittävät tuoda hänelle häpeää! He
ovat pilkanneet häntä! He turmelivat hänen maineensa! He yrittävät saada
hänet näyttämään siltä, kuin hän olisi alempana mielipidekyselyissä.
Todellisuudessa hän on korkeammalla...

...Rukoilkaa Donald Trumpin puolesta! Että hän tekee kaiken, mitä hän voi tehdä! Pestäkseen veren pois Valkoisesta Talosta!...

...Mutta MINÄ, YAHUVEH, sanon, MINÄ olen muuttanut hänen sydäntään koko tämän
ajan - kun hän meni ihmisten eteen, samalla kun hän aidosti välittää
ihmisistä - MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, sanon, MINÄ pesen hänen sydämensä, MINÄ
puhdistan hänen sydämensä! Hän ei ole täysin antautunut MINULLE. Mutta
muistakaa toimeksianto, jonka MINÄ annan tälle Palvelutyölle:

Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati
Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrati Amightywind Ministries 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrations

⁣Woohoo! This was a time to celebrate during Sukkot, Hag Sameach! And
we're just getting started going through to Hanukkah! Don't take your
sukkah down yet!

We know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah [and born 9 months later at Sukkot]

I love you To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this
video, and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry, clips
from Sukkot 2019. I heard YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually
even spoken to me in my sleep and HE was telling me how honored HE was
during the time of Sukkot. Those who made the videos, HE was so
honored—and HE felt so much love coming from each one of them—ALL of the
KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love. HE just kept
saying how honored HE was and how 'comforted' HE was that it wasn’t just
Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot
is MY birthday on earth." And it’s the first day of Sukkot is HIS

YAH has instructed me to keep our sukkot/sukkas up and
the celebrations going throughout the season into Hanukkah, which during
the time of the Maccabees was originally a late Sukkot celebration.
Hanukkah is also the time of YAHUSHUA'S conception! Then months later,
HE was born at Sukkot.

2 Macc. 10:1-9
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned
by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is,
on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev.
They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths,
remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had
been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They
decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the
Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of
Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

2023蒙福的逾越节!亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克是我们的神圣逾越羔羊!祂已复活!-(简) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 152 Views • 4 months ago


⁣来自使徒先知牧师以莉莎法.以利亚呼、YDS和事工团队全体的问候:2023 蒙福的逾越节和除酵节快乐!






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如果今天你希望接受亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克为你的主和救主,请点击下面的链接和我(以莉莎法)一起读并祷告这个救赎祷告。如果你选择把你的生命交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克并接受祂进入你的心,请写信给我让我知道,这样我们就能和你一起欢喜快乐!00:53:12 救赎祷告


2023蒙福的逾越節!亞呼贖阿 哈 瑪西阿克是我們的神聖逾越羔羊!祂已復活!-(繁)
2023蒙福的逾越節!亞呼贖阿 哈 瑪西阿克是我們的神聖逾越羔羊!祂已復活!-(繁) 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣2023蒙福的逾越節!亞呼贖阿 哈 瑪西阿克是我們的神聖逾越羔羊!祂已復活!-(繁)

⁣來自使徒先知牧師以莉莎法.以利亞呼、YDS和事工團隊全體的問候:2023 蒙福的逾越節和除酵節快樂!






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一個地獄裡的公民 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 152 Views • 4 months ago


⁣這異像和這首歌是賜給 猶太使徒和先知 以莉莎法.以利亞呼
這首歌不是一首美麗的歌, 這首歌的歌詞,是你想要忘記的。
警告他們, 唯一能脫逃地獄的方法是
那裡...... 地獄那裡沒有演奏得好的音樂家。
在地獄裡, 現在他們只能演奏走調的音樂。
由一個真實的人, 一個地獄裡的公民唱著。
從來沒有返回到耶穌基督/ 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的救贖恩典。
錄音的結尾處有更多詳述 關於這首歌是怎麼來的。
如果有一天你指責我 把你嚇進了天國,
那麼我不得不說, 主亞哈威的聖名是應當稱頌的。

ЯТД Amightywind анимираванное видео. Я коснулся Крыла Ангела
ЯТД Amightywind анимираванное видео. Я коснулся Крыла Ангела Всемогущий Ветер Россия 152 Views • 4 months ago

⁣ЯТД Amightywind анимираванное видео. Я коснулся Крыла Ангела

⁣24 мая 2005 года Святой Архангел Михаил пришел к пророку Элишеве с еще
двумя Ангелами, встал над ее кроватью, разбудил ее — и Архангел Гавриил
передал ей послание от ЯХУШУА. [...] Она была в очень жестокой битве в
течение трех долгих дней, хотя на самом деле это началось неделями
раньше. Ее пригласили в качестве гостя на радиошоу (всего она
участвовала в 3 других радиошоу), но на этот раз оказалось, что
сатанинские растения пытаются проникнуть, и ЯХ заставил их увидеть, как
ВСЕ их планы и проклятия обернулись против них!

Весной 2005 года партнеры по служению по всему миру продолжали писать
Пророку Элишеве, что они тоже находятся в состоянии крайней духовной войны
— но то, что дьявол имел в виду для зла, ЯХУШУА обернул к добру и ЕГО славе! Вот что
происходит, когда дьявол приходит, чтобы украсть, убить и разрушить —
когда мы служим ЯХУШУА, ОН вместо этого дает нам жизнь в изобилии! В то
время Элишева еще не знала, что это была битва за рождение " ЯХУШУА
Топтунов демон", и все это время Майкл-Михаил прокладывал себе путь
через Небеса. Элишева, измученная после самых серьезных приступов,
которые она когда-либо испытывала, внезапно увидела Святых Ангелов,
стоящих рядом с ней в ее спальне!

Конечно, теперь мы все знаем, что эта битва была родовыми муками нового
отделения Служения 24 мая 2005 года, " ЯХУШУА Топтуны демон"!
А также для того, чтобы предсказанные 500 000 человек вышли и встали на
стену более великим образом! (Ибо в 1997 году пророку Элишеве приснился
повторяющийся сон, в котором ЯХ сказал ей: "Собери войска на Стене", и она
увидела, что все они одеты в белое со всего мира, и их число составляло 500 000.
СВЯТОЙ ДУХ собрал бы их с помощью этого Служения. Когда мы объединимся
в Помазании, вместе восклицая о победе, это будет похоже на то, как снова рушатся стены
Иерихона — и как Давид снова убивает Голиафа! Годы спустя ЯХ также
сказал ей: "Это партнеры, которые поддерживают это Служение, чтобы
помочь выполнить все, что ему было предназначено", имея в виду не только
финансовых партнеров, но и тех помощников, которые верят и поддерживают
Служение на 100%, помогая, как бы ЯХ ни руководил, принять благую весть
о ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ и Пророчества для четырех уголков этой земли! И это
уже началось — с "ЯХУШУА Топтунов демон"!)

Элишева была разбужена тремя Святыми Ангелами. Очень большое крыло
Майкла, свисающее над кроватью, она протянула руку, чтобы прикоснуться к нему,
как ребенок, пораженная мягкостью и красивыми, мерцающими, переливающимися
цветами, хотя непосредственно драгоценных камней не видела. В этот самый момент
она сразу же почувствовала, что битва и родовые схватки закончились. Три
дня безостановочной войны закончились, когда она коснулась его
украшенного драгоценными камнями крыла и получила новый духовный дар
исцеления в его крыле для всей Невесты. Хвала #ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, нашему
МЕССИИ, ГОСПОДУ, БОГУ И СПАСИТЕЛЮ! Все Ангелы были так взволнованы!
Затем Архангел Гавриил заговорил, прочитав Элишеве из свитка, перечислив
имена воинов заступнической молитвы и название группы " ЯХУШУА Топтуны
демон", сказав ей, что ЯХУШУА хочет, чтобы она родила эту новую ветвь
Служения, которые будут "Святыми Молитвенными Воинами, как никто
другой!" Он также сказал ей: "Все Небеса радуются и готовятся к Невесте
ЯХУШУА!" и что в следующий раз, когда он придет к ней, это будет частью
объявления о возвращении ЯХУШУА за СВОЕЙ Невестой (1-е Фес 4:16).

Позже все, включая врагов, должны были услышать в ее голосе, что она жива и
процветает — все проклятия отменены — восхваляя ЯХ всем своим сердцем,
разумом, телом, душой и духом, всей своей жизнью и прекрасным здоровьем!
Они должны были слушать, как она свидетельствовала во славу ЯХУШУА ХА
МАШИАХА, что она буквально коснулась крыльев Ангела и как эти Святые
Ангелы передали особое послание, которым она даже поделится позже в
упомянутом ранее радиошоу. Все эти враги скрежетали зубами от ярости,
поскольку на самом деле они никогда не планировали выпускать Пророка
Элишеву в эфир, так как хотели ее смерти, но, конечно, она была БОЛЕЕ

[...] Когда просьба о молитве была отправлена, Элишева почувствовала все молитвы и любовь,
когда люди [...] начали ходатайствовать за нее и других служителей. YDS-ЯТД "
ЯХУШУА Топтуны демон", объявленные Элишеве 24 мая 2005 года, [были]
объявлены онлайн всему миру на следующий день, 25 мая, когда ЯХУШУА
обратился к ней: "Это МОИ Специальные Элитные Силы, которые вернут то,
что украл сатана, потому что во ИМЯ и КРОВЬ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, у вас есть
власть растоптать этих демонов! Вы принесёте МНЕ великую славу, показав
врагу и ленивой, отсталой, вялой Церкви, на что способен МОЙ народ,
когда они идут передо МНОЙ как послушные, зрелые воины, которые любят
МЕНЯ, которые любят друг друга и которые будут исполнять МОЮ Волю - чего
бы это ни стоило"

Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets

YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still
saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for

From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth
(Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a
long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman
even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of
this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from
the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it
had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the
Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of
revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a
finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I
AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God.

Be a fruit inspector
for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like
you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can
identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I
will confirm what is being written now.

Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell

⁣HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have
allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of
these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school
system. MY Name is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY
protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted?

... Games that
started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with
one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one
another. Does not MY Word say when you sin in your heart, you have
sinned against ME? Your imagination is not yours every imagination,
every thought is to be held captive for MY inspection. If it sins
against your brother it is sin. The greatest of all the Ten Commandments
is love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

That also includes
thou shalt not murder. Yet in your children they kill and they kill the
good as well as the evil in games. Beware, like I have asked before out
of this handmaiden, “What is satan feeding your children tonight through
the media, through their peers, through the games or books they read
and through their music?” Beware, satan knows I came into this world as a
innocent child and now he seeks to punish the children, to corrupt
their souls and eventually take them to hell with him.

babies are getting pregnant and told it’s alright, just get an abortion
they are told. Not one thought for the innocent child that was not
taught sexual promiscuity is SIN and leads to corruption of the soul.
Not one thought of the torture of that innocent baby as it lies in the
mother’s womb. Though the mother may be just a youngster herself, she
sins against ME, Almighty God YAHUVEH and she sins against her unborn
baby that only wanted to be born, as she has it executed. There is no
difference between a gun used for murder and a doctor used for murder.
It is all murder in MY eyes. The mother also sins against her body, soul
and Spirit. Her mind will never forget, although I can forgive if she
will ask ME and turn away from this evil.

I prophecy now
something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become
more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will
control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The
states will say ‘they own your children.’ The states will pass laws to
keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental
rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents
will have no rights. Don’t let this continue! Satan can’t take what you
don’t give him. Take back your children in MY Name! Take your children
out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense
of their souls...."

Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay
Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay

⁣Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call
MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME
and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY
scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even
hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and
demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear.
Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films,
books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery,
demonism, satanism and shamanism.

Repent today! Turn away from this evil.
Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We
alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to
be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a
purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional
character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child
in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up
to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will
pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make
you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes
of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of
evil spirit.

Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in
this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the
parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that
children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a
sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children
through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the
advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word
say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they
shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this
is the penalty you shall pay.

Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse
Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse

Again and again I have told this daughter now prophesying "Beware of
the Trojan Horse." America you are that Trojan Horse. You come as a
blessing to Israel, you come as a helping hand to Israel but behind your
back you carry a blood soaked dagger to put into the back of the Israel

America you are as a Trojan Horse, but you shall pay a
price for this if you do not repent. Anyone who betrays Israel betrays
I, YAHUVEH, and betrays MY Son YAHUSHUA. Anyone who is an enemy of
Israel has set themselves up to be an enemy of I, YAHUVEH, the Creator
of Israel, also the Creator of America, and I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of
the universe. Any leader that puffs themselves up and makes themselves
as a god and says "I will destroy Israel" shakes his fist in the face of
I, YAHUVEH, the Creator. America you shall surely pay. America you have
already begun to burn, you burn with MY rage, you burn with MY anger.
You cry out for mercy on America, yet you even want to strike out the
Name of God away from the children's memory. (...)

I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of America
puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY
People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA
but they cry out to ME, MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath days, they
keep MY Jewish feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the Blood of
YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the Blood of YAHUSHUA, though they
receive it not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH,
remind you of what happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA
now prophesy through MY handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH will strike down that
Trojan Horse and when I strike it down it shall never raise again. I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horses head. I, YAHUVEH, and
YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You America will not be able
to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar off, as they will
see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18)

Oh America, I weep for you as you get ready to celebrate another birthday.
You forget it was I, YAHUVEH, that set you apart for MY and YAHUSHUA's glory.
Only a tiny infant yet you shake your fists in MY face, you deny the one that
created you. This warning is not for MY Children who worship ME in truth
and love and try to obey. This warning is for those who set themselves
up as MY enemies. Beware America! You are as a Trojan Horse. Israel has
been your friend, now you treat her as a despised enemy. Your leaders go
to shake one hand and stab a blood soaked dagger in Israel's back with
the other hand. You slander Israel. You do not report the truth. You
make MY Hebrew people in Israel look like the terrorists. You trample on
their backs and on their economy.

You send fear among the world and say, "Stay out of Israel, it is too dangerous
to visit" and yet the Palestine enemies who despise MY Name, to the world you
lift them up as heroes and this you loudly proclaim.
Oh America, you make this promise to the Palestine's, you falsely say,
"I, America will give back Israel especially Jerusalem to the enemies of I,
YAHUVEH." The Palestine's have set themselves up as YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's enemies.
The Palestine's have killed MY Hebrew children. The Palestine's are trying to steal the
apple of MY eye. So America, for helping them you have incurred MY wrath
and America even your name I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA now despise. I have
had mercy thus far, for the cries of MY true Children who cry out. But
MY true Children must know this, the longer I have held back MY wrath
the angrier I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA became and America you will pay for
this. (...)

Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For
Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For

⁣Only those with spiritual eyes and ears will even hear you warning the
troops on the walls I have told you to assemble. Do not concern yourself
with those that have rebelled against the truths I have had you speak
forth. Do not be concerned how many people will stop supporting you
financially for I shall bless those that bless you and curse those that
have cursed you and rise up others to be help to you and not a
hindrance. This ministry is not named after a man or woman but rather
brings YAHUVEH the Glory even in the name.

This ministry has not spoken forth words for itching ears but rather for
Holy ears that want to be pleasing and obedient unto YAHUVEH as Enoch
and Elijah of old walked, so shall those that listen and obey and those
pleasing YAHUVEH and shall be called YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, am
not sending MY Son to catch away the Churches but rather the
Bride of YAHUSHUA who are the first fruits. There are requirements to be
YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, have told you audibly, "YAHUSHUA is not coming
for a disobedient Bride." Remember the 5 wise virgins with oil in their lamps?
Remember the 5 foolish ones disobeyed. Both were warned the Bridegroom cometh.
Both waited. The Bride will receive their glorified bodies and hardly
will the world take notice as she is caught away and prepared with
marching orders how to help the guests and protect the guests who were
not fit to be called the Bride, for the guests did not go the extra
miles it takes in obedience and Holiness forsaking the things of this
world for the sake of the Kingdom of YAHUVEH. celebrating holidays and
that are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days
will find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who
are called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that
they are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on
participating, and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan
holidays, then they shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY
Spirit speak to them, they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I
set MY Children apart...."

Prophecy 73 - JUDGMENT JUDGMENT JUDGMENT Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago


⁣"JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT! You who will not receive the shed Blood
of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I speak to all those who mock ME. I speak to
all those who blaspheme ME. I speak to all those who reject MY Son
YAHUSHUA, you who will not receive the shed Blood that was shed for you,
then I shall pour blood down your throats. I shall gorge you with your
own blood. I shall gorge you for the sins that you have done in America

Think not the other nations of this world have not
displeased ME. Because this prophet is from America, so I say, I speak
forth the judgments that shall come to America. If she were from
Germany, I would speak forth the Judgment on Germany. If she were from
Australia, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Australia. If
she were from Canada, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for
Canada for there is not one nation on the face of this earth that I have
not reserved judgment for.

Blood shall flow in your streets.
Blood shall come to your very shores. Diseases, sicknesses and
infirmities that, which you have never even heard of before, shall come
upon MY enemies, those who decreed they are MY enemies. So you want to
take MY symbols of anything Holy out of your view, off of the seals, out
of the pledges, off of the flags. You want to evict ME from your
nations, I will show you, I will gorge you with your own blood. (...)

Oh, they have there man-made machine they say can control the weather, but I
am I and I alone will show what I do to this machine! I will break the
very strings of their HAARP ! I will confound those that think
themselves wise. For am I not the author of all wisdom and you have
created nothing, it is I that am the inventor. I alone am the Creator
and I will show you what I do to the weapons of mass destruction, for
you shall see destruction from Heaven just as surely as Sodom and
Gomorrah and the seven cities did.

So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the
Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one.
It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of
marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never
seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY
tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same
time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as
satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall
reap MY wrath for I am the God YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one.

Because of the mercy of MY Son I have held MY rage back. When you see one
nation under God, the last of the seals go, you will have truly evicted
even the word, the generic word God from your nation. You let a select
few, handpicked by satan to take one freedom after another away. You
remain silent yet you come to ME and pray? The enemy does not stay
silent, the enemy roars and makes itself known as satan goes about as a
roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So for those who do not have
their sins washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, for those who have not
made ME and MY Son first in their life and their love, you will see
these calamities come. (...)

I speak not this warning to MY Children; I threaten not MY Children, those
that are MY beloved, those that are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen and Elect.
You need not fear the wrath of your Father as long as you're doing what I tell you to do. I will
keep you safe, I will keep you hidden under the shelter of MY wings, it
is in that anointing that you enter in. (...)

So America, I prophesy through this handmaiden for she is from America, open your
mouth wide because those who do not accept the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH, your own blood I will gorge you with! And there is not one
person who will not be able to say, when destruction comes in waves,
"That I know this one or that one that died." I warned you America, your
prophets warned you. I have spoke forth warning after warning from this
handmaiden many years before. (...)

Prophecy 95 - YAHUSHUA Says Pick Up Your Weapon I AM ALIVE
Prophecy 95 - YAHUSHUA Says Pick Up Your Weapon I AM ALIVE Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 95 - YAHUSHUA Says Pick Up Your Weapon I AM ALIVE

Now you're getting it MY Children! Now you're understanding why I
said that this is a weapon like no other weapon when you do communion
unto ME. The words you have spoken Elisabeth (Elisheva ) are not your
own words for MY Words are higher than anything you could ever think.
Every time you do communion, every time you become one with ME, I do
give you MY ears. I do give you MY eyes. I speak forth out of your
mouth. I circumcize your heart as you offer your hands unto ME to do MY
will. And your feet to ME so I can lead you in the footsteps of the

How many organized religions will just put a wafer in their
mouth? A dry wafer that could be nothing more than styrofoam. They
forget the price that I paid. There is no repentence of sin first. They
drink of the wine and they said words of rote repetition. There's no
heart given to ME. And the audacity when another puts the wafer in the
other's mouth and he calls himself a Bishop. And he calls himself the
pope. You cannot do this for another! A communion is one on one.

Beware, MY Sheep and Lambs, of those who try to put all the religions together
as one! Of the One World Religion! There is but one YAH. You have but
ONE CREATOR. YAHUVEH is HIS Name. Others pronounce it YAHWEH. But there
is but ONE. There is but ONE MASHIACH. MY Name is YAHUSHUA. Call ME
YAHSHUA. But don't take the Name YAH out and think you're hearing from

You who call yourself Messianic Jews, so many things
you got right but where you compromise and you no longer have MY light,
you have taken the Name YAH out of MY Name to pacify the Orthodox Jews
for they know the CREATOR'S Name. They believe the Rabbis' lies. But
read your own Torah. Read the Bible. How many times is it written, "In
MY Name, you shall cast out devils. In MY Name, you shall lay hands on
the sick," only in MY Name. Does not the Bible say this?

And in the Torah, in the Tanakh how many times does it say, "In YAHUVEH'S
Name"? What will you do with Psalm 91 you Orthodox Jews? You read so
faithfully the Torah and the Tanakh but you take away the power when you
do not say your CREATOR, your PROTECTOR'S Name. And you have no
protection when you do not receive MY Body and MY Blood for I am the
only begotten Son of ABBA YAHUVEH.

You Holy ones who sit in America and you say for the first time there's no one to vote for, I
already gave you the only candidate that stood for morality and Ron Paul
is his name. So even though, your vote won't be counted, cast your vote
in Heaven. Obama is an abomination unto ME. I've said it once, I'll say
it again.

Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth
Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth

⁣For the Words I will speak will be of FIRE. Just know that you do
sparkle before ME, all of those who walk in MY holiness and MY truth,
who truly know what Purim represents, what it is about. Just know this,
you sparkle before ME, you wear the finest garments for there can be no
finer garment than the Robe of Righteousness that MY Son YAHUSHUA puts
around you. Just know this, as the enemies plot the destruction of the
holy, so I also know how I will destroy the unholy.

Now is not yet the time to speak forth Words of FIRE MY daughter. Be patient. I
just give these few words of encouragement to you. That I your Abba
YAHUVEH am pleased. I am pleased with MY spiritual Israel, those who
walk in the footsteps that I ordain for them as holy, those whose ears
are inclined to every word I speak. MY Children, MY Babies, MY Bride, MY
Chosen Ones and MY Elect, you who take no pride in who you are or what
you can accomplish but your pride is in what I, YAHUVEH, do, what I,
YAHUVEH, accomplish through MY Son YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.

Just continue to pray as I gave Mordecia the discernment to know where the
enemies were and what plans they had made to destroy the holy. Pray for
discernment that I always show you where the enemy is hidden even if it
is amongst you. Just know this, anyone that seeks to infiltrate and
betray the leadership of this ministry and those who are part of this
ministry, those who plot to destroy this ministry, those who lie on this
ministry, I with MY own hand saith YAHUVEH will destroy them just as
surely as I destroyed Haman and his 10 sons and all those that rose
against those that I ordained beforehand to keep safe. You see in these
end times I already know no matter what the enemy does I've already
preordained who I shall keep safe in the palm of MY hand where no man
can pluck them out. Just as in the days of old I'd already preordained
that I would keep Mordecia and Ester safe.

Nothing has changed, but be prepared Elisabeth for another word is
yet to come and it will be full of MY FIRE but again this is not the time for
it to be released. Just know this, I, YAHUVEH, will never apologize for
what I did to Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities that followed
their example and I, YAHUVEH, promise this, I'M about to loose the
spirit of destruction on this earth and I'M about to allow things to take place
that has not happened before to the magnitude it shall take place.

But know this, I do not tell you this to cause you fear but to reassure you,
those who truly belong to YAHUSHUA, those who are covered by MY Son
YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH's shed Blood, who truly submit their will and
their life to HIM and strive to obey every order from Heaven above, I'M
going to keep you safe. Just hang on to your faith for satan wants your
faith more than he wants your life. So hang on tight to your faith and
watch what I do to the enemy. Watch what I do to those who want to
destroy all that is holy. Watch what I, YAHUVEH, will do, for their fate
will be far worse than Haman and his 10 son's fate.

Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers

⁣In this Prophecy, YAHUVEH GOD warns believers in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH to
prepare for the days ahead. HE tells them to use their faith and that in
2010 many will start to get the message. This message is for 2010 and
beyond. YAHUVEH has already started to shake this world in HIS Wrath and
it will only intensify. HE is angry at the sinners who refuse to
repent. To be safe from HIS Wrath, you must turn from your sins and
follow YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. HE is a HOLY and JUST GOD and must punish this
world for its wickedness. Come unto YAHUSHUA MASHIACH and follow HIS
commands and you will be saved. Do not allow the riches of this world to
seduce you into a false sense of security. The only True Peace and
Safety is found in the Shed BLOOD of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. Do not trust in
the things of this world or any person but YAHUSHUA to save you (John
14:6). Those who are friends of this world have set themselves as
enemies of GOD YAHUVEH whether they realize it or not (James 4:4).

In the Prophecy, YAHUVEH says, "And this Word is different than the others
for I have already proved it as I shake this world in MY wrath on this
day of Judgment!... I'm shaking this world in MY wrath!... My ears have
been opened in a special way, again Elisabeth you have spoken this when
you have prayed. It is as if you could hear a needle drop, for this has
been a special day for all those who observe Yom Kippur as I saw you
repent of anything that did not please ME. As every petition of your
prayers was taken to ME at the same time MY rage shook the earth." HIS
rage truly shook the earth on the day (9-30-09) this Prophecy was given
to Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva).

Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life
Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life

YAHUSHUA spoke this Word for a beloved daughter in YAHUSHUA who the
devil was trying to divide from her soul mate. Because of past hurts, in
the Spirit there was barbed wire around her heart that was preventing
her from giving and receiving love, however, she had to be the one to
ask YAHUSHUA to remove this spiritual barbed wire. No one else could do
it for her.

Satan fears when one of you pray, how much more when
all that I have gathered there pray together --for every one is
anointed. But still I must say this: no one with the spirit of rebellion
can remain. For rebellion is like a form of witchcraft and if anyone
says, "I demand to have it my way" then I will have to send them on
their way for it is like a leprosy. So, MY darling daughter you have
fought the spirit of rebellion. All of you fight the spirit of rebellion
and only know through MY NAME, MY BLOOD can you win that battle against
the spirit of rebellion. For satan is the first to have rebelled;
lucifer said he would have it his way. Now he tries to corrupt those who
are MY children with the foul stench of the spirit of rebellion
wherewith that one spirit, a legion can come of demons to torment, to
possess, to oppress.

Test the spirit that speaks means hold every thought captive! Is it I,
YAHUSHUA, that would speak forth these words? Is it I,
YAHUSHUA, that would give you these thoughts? You will
see MY treasures how many times you will have to admit it is either your
flesh or it was satan. But either way if I would not speak this, do not
receive it. Oh how I love you, I have given you so much and I have so
much more to give you if you will but trust ME.

No one is MY bride if they can't get this part right. If they cannot lay their flesh
down then how can they walk in the Spirit? How can they hear the
precious HOLY SPIRIT that lives within you? If you cover your ears and
you cover your eyes and you say, "I don't want to hear what YOU have to
say and I don't want to see what YOU want to show me. I don't want to
speak what YOU want me to speak, I don't want to go where you want me to
go. I don't want to do what YOU are telling me to do" ... THEN DEPART
FROM ME you are NOT MY Bride! So there! I've said it! How many ways must
I say, "Get away from ME you so called disobedient bride!"? The world
doesn't want to hear it! The organized churches don't want to hear it!

The enemies, they say, "You can't sin away grace". The enemies lie. They
test ME again and again, time after time. They say, "Because we can do
anything we want to do now! It's all about the cross. You're not allowed
to judge me. You're not to tell me that my soul is lost" and they don't
even know ME. It is the letter that killeth and the spirit that giveth
life. They don't even have the Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is not within.
They've read the Word. They've memorized them. They try to claim ME as a
SAVIOUR but they say, "Get lost as a LORD"! They say, "I don't want no
master over me, this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want
to! Oh but I love you Jesus. Oh but I praise you! John 3:16! See it says
it right here all I have to do is just believe. I don't have to obey!
AmightyWind ministry go away! I can sin all I want who are you to say?
It's not about what I do - it's what Jesus did. No one can be righteous
see it says it right here 'All have sinned and fell short of the
righteousness of GOD.' (Rom. 3:23)"

I love each of you. Those who make YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers,
you mean so much to ME! You were named after ME!
I've given you your own theme song! ["I'm Going to the Enemy's
Camp"] For you're going to the enemies' camp and you're taking back
everything that the devil has stolen and this night daughter you're
taking back everything that the devil has stolen because satan is UNDER
YOUR FEET! And the enemies are defeated! Do not go by what your eyes
see! You don't have a clue what I've done to the enemies'camp!

Profetie 102 - Het Is Slechts Een Kwestie Van Tijd
Profetie 102 - Het Is Slechts Een Kwestie Van Tijd Amightywind Nederland 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 102 - Het Is Slechts Een Kwestie Van Tijd

⁣Ben aangemoedigd MIJN kostbare Bruid. Jullie zullen deze vijanden zien
vallen. IK waarschuw jullie MIJN kostbare Bruid, jullie ergste vijanden
zullen gevonden worden in jullie eigen huishouden. Diegenen die niet hun
leven hebben overgegeven en niet hun liefde hebben overgegeven aan MIJ,
diegenen die MIJ niet op de eerste plek zetten in hun leven en hun
liefde, diegenen die weigeren de Waarheden in de Heilige Geschriften te
geloven, diegenen die weigeren te erkennen dat er slechts één weg is
naar de Hemel, door MIJN Naam en vergoten Bloed, diegenen die weigeren
te geloven dat er een Hel te betalen is voor de consequenties van
onbekeerde zonde.

Jullie ergste vijand zal gevonden worden in jullie eigen huishouden want deze
zijn degenen die de meeste pijn toe kunnen brengen.
Dat is waarom IK MIJN scheidend zwaard aan het brengen
ben! Het is niets nieuws. Lees het Woord. IK ben jullie aan het
beschermen want er komt een dag aan en het is slechts een kwestie van
tijd, dat diegenen waar jullie naar kijken als jullie geliefden jullie
zullen verraden, jullie zullen opofferen aan het gerechtshof van de wet
van het land, dat zij zullen antwoorden aan de beloningen op jullie
hoofd wanneer zij vragen, "Waar zijn zij?"

Het is slechts een kwestie van tijd.

Dat is waarom IK jullie nu vertel, ben voorbereid want Bruid voordat IK jou
meeneem naar huis, naar de Hemel, voordat met MIJ weggenomen wordt, zal
IK jou moeten gaan leren hoe je moet rennen en je moet verbergen, hoe
je jezelf moet verbergen voor de ogen van de vijand, maar het is goed
MIJN schatten want het is slechts een kwestie van tijd.

Prophetic Dream - The Holy Spirit Is Furious
Prophetic Dream - The Holy Spirit Is Furious Amightywind Ministries 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - The Holy Spirit Is Furious

⁣The HOLY SPIRIT has a message in this video that will give you godly
fear towards the Holy Trinity, if you do not have this then you better
question if you are even walking in true biblical repentance and
salvation. This video expounds in secrets of the Holy Spirit, and warns
with the same message that our Messiah YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus
Christ) spoke in Mark 3:29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation"—

Beware of the deceptions that the enemies of this Ministry fabricate, that the
Holy Spirit we speak of is "the spirit of Jezebel" or "The Whore of
Babylon". This is a lie from satan himself. The anointing/Holy Spirit
that is spoken of in this Ministry is the same ONE that YAHUSHUA
MASHIACH said is the Comforter, and that will convict us of sin,
righteousness and Judgment (John 16:8), NOT "the spirit of Jezebel" or
"the whore of Babylon". These spirits would never convict you of sin

Beware of FALSE prophet Linda Newkirk who believes she is the "Queen of Heaven".
The lies are getting more and more ridiculous in these end-times. Some believe they
are Jesus Christ or GOD YAHWEH, and even the Holy Spirit. This is insane
and impossible! No human being can be GOD, we are only the created,
THEY are the CREATOR. Many are subtly bringing in many false doctrines
and some how they are sliding through..WHY? because the so called
Christians, who believe they are walking in salvation, are not doing
anything to stop these New Age Doctrines of devils from coming forth.
Amightywind Ministries warns the sheep and lambs where the wolves are,
and expose the agenda of satan in these last days.

May YAHUVEH GOD bless the truthseekers in YAHUSHUA's Holy Name!

Prophétie 83 - MOI YAHUVEH, JE vous le dis préparez vous, la fin est proche
Prophétie 83 - MOI YAHUVEH, JE vous le dis préparez vous, la fin est proche Amightywind Français 151 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 83 - MOI YAHUVEH, JE vous le dis préparez vous, la fin est proche

⁣Extraits de Prophétie: MOI, YAHUVEH, J’ordonne à ce jour à la Mariée de
prier pour les deux témoins. Priez pour les deux témoins. Car le temps
vient, oh dans si peu de temps que J’envoie les anges, oh dans si peu de
temps pour confirmer aux deux témoins qui ils sont en MOI. (...)

J’ordonne à tous les membres de la MARIEE de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, commencez à
prier maintenant pour ceux que J’appelle les deux témoins. Regardez,
MOI, YAHUVEH, JE dis un secret au monde, regardez, JE fais quelque chose
de nouveau chose, c’est un homme et une femme.

Parce que vous les hommes vous raillez et vous vous moquez, tout comme J’ai levé
D’vorah (Deborah) en tant que juge de tout Israël (Juges 4:4), aussi
c’était ordonné en avance, ceux qui viennent auront un esprit comme
Moïse, ceux qui viendront auront un esprit comme Elie. Mais ces deux
sont encore dans la chair mortelle, les attaques sont venues à eux. MOI,
YAHUVEH, J’ordonne à toute la Mariée de YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, que
chaque prière que vous dites désormais les couvre. (...)

JE vous ai même pardonnés pour avoir abandonné MON vrai jour de repos du Sabbat,
de briser le 4ème commandement à plusieurs reprises mais JE ne le
pardonnerai plus. Maintenant vous êtes responsables pour ce que vous
savez. Vous êtes tenus responsables pour prévenir les autres. (...)

Dans la Grande Détresse le fils de satan aura son propre jour consacré sur
lequel être vénéré et ce jour sera le dimanche. Lorsque vénérer sur le
jour du dimanche devient obligatoire et que vous êtes recevez l’ordre
partout dans le monde d’aller à votre église dominicale locale la plus
proche, méfiez-vous, N’Y ALLEZ PAS! (...)

Ceci est un piège du fils de satan. Car pour toute personne qui ira dans une église
dominicale le dimanche pendant la Grande Détresse, ils entreront la
porte hypnotisés, emprisonnés par les esprits d’illusion, de
manipulation de l’esprit, d’idolâtrie, et de rébellion parmi plusieurs
autres esprits diaboliques puissants. Avertissez-les maintenant. Ils
auront pris la Marque de la Bête et entré dans une église de profanation
et choisi de vénérer la bête et d’accepter sa marque physique ainsi que
spirituelle. Prévenez les gens maintenant avant qu’il ne soit trop
tard. Cela ne signifie pas que toutes les églises dominicales sont
maléfiques à présent, mais vous êtes si proches maintenant, la fin est
proche, vous devez prévenir les gens là où les pasteurs omettent de le
faire. (...)

Apprenez quel jour est MON vrai Sabbat parce que MOI, YAHUVEH,
JE bénirai et protégerai en particulier ceux qui M’honorent sur le jour que MOI,
le Roi de toute de la Création, ai consacré comme le jour de Sabbat de repos.
Tout comme lorsque YAHUSHUA a marché sur la terre et fait des signes,
merveilles et miracles sur le Sabbat, même dans la Grande Détresse,
surtout sur MON Sabbat, MES jours saints, la même chose sera faite dans le
Nom de YAHUSHUA sous l’onction de la RUACH ha KODESH (Saint Esprit). (...)

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