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Prophecy 106 - I YAHUVEH Say CLEAN YOUR HOUSE Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago


⁣"I'm shaking this entire world. Judgment starts at MY house. (I Peter
4:17) Holiness will only desire Holiness. Sin must be kicked out. A
repentant spirit is not someone who only repents with their mouth, it is
someone that repents with their head and their heart and determined not
to displease ME. I told you, (this world) you are on the verge of a
holocaust. Do you want ME to hide you? Do you want ME to protect you? Do
you want ME to bless you? For no enemy can pluck you out of YAHUVEH's
hand, or do you want ME to SMASH YOU? Do you want ME to CRUSH YOU? Do
you want ME to BREAK YOU? Do you want ME by MY own hand to cast you into
the flames of hell?

But I speak to those now in the year you mark as 2009, CLEAN YOUR HOUSE!
Your house is the Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH (I Corinthians 6:19).
Your house is the physical as well as the spiritual.
Anything that offends ME, throw it out. I speak out of this
Elijah of New and I speak the words Elijah of Old spoke, choose ye this
day which God you shall serve. Repent and fall on your faces before ME,
but I do not want only the words I want to see action behind those
words. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20) I no longer want to
hear excuses. I have had enough of your excuses on why you sin. What
kind of example are you?

If the world of the reprobate would hold a trial today, would there be enough
evidence that you serve ME? That you bring souls to YAHUSHUA.
That you live Holy for ME. Would you have to say, "I plead guilty to all of these things"
because that is what I expect. Are you willing to lay your life down for YAHUSHUA as HE was
willing to lay HIS life down for you?

Why is (are) your eyes on the things of the flesh such as pornography?

Do you not know that it is the proud that is cast down. Pride goeth before
a fall. (Proverbs 16:18) Oh how many of you who will hear this and read
this are so puffed up with pride and say, "Oh I shall not be moved,
when YAH shakes this world in 2009 I shall not be shaken". It is by the
mercy and the Blood of YAHUSHUA alone that you will not be shaken and it
depends on what you've done. (Colossians 1:13-20) Do you have secret
sin? Do you think no one knows? MY eyes go to and fro. I see into your
very heart. I know who is truly Holy. I know who is playing games at
Holiness and I know who doesn't even try and just make excuses for their

Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath
Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath

You will be as Elijah and Enoch of old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will
have bodies that cannot be harmed or die except for MY Two Witnesses at
that scriptural time by a supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit
inspired by satan. But 3 ½ days later, MY Two Witnesses shall live again
in that Glorified Body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
the Bridegroom.

Beloved Children, be not weary in well-doing
and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH, and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you
are the Bride or the Guests. Blessed are all those invited to the
Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As you see, the evil grow by leaps and
bounds. It only hastens YAHUSHUA's return.

As you see, the unholy rich and famous who are mere men and women
who are nothing more than illusions, idols of this world who forget their
bodies are made but of dust in MY hands and in MY timing I will return
their clay bodies back into dust again. Yet their spirit bodies will suffer for eternity
in Hell and then the Lake of Fire for the sins they have committed in
their earthly bodies. So envy them not.

Be not deceived, for there is an eternal price to pay when you mock
YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH. It is like unto trying to stick a needle into I, |
YAHUVEH's eye and I will repay. And I shall ground them under MY feet
making mincemeat out of their lives until their last breath on this earth.
Then these enemies shall feel the consuming fire of MY wrath in Hell and the Lake of Fire.
I, YAHUVEH defend MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride the redeemed sealed ones in a
way I have not done before.

For it is at this appointed end time and hour on January 14, 2006, I awoke
Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah and I told her after a human enemy came at her
while she slept trying to kill her through the spiritual realm, to pray to ME
and ask ME to send her reprobate enemies to MY Winepress of wrath also
called MY Meat Grinder.

Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers
Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers Amightywind Ministries 163 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers

⁣Prophecy Extract: The plants are what the satanists call them. An
occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of
these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH,
am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new
eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands
to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the
arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH
so it shall happen again.

This year some evil pastors, the
plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock
ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the
Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil,
No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan
and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are
evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus
Christ, it is a different 'Savior' they are leading them to, to the feet
of the antichrist!!!

The people then start to worship the leader
and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and
seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and
only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great "I AM!" But instead worry about
offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion,
hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits
and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had.

When they fall
under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at
YAHUSHUA's feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don't even
understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them
finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and
slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are
offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but
it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in
all main line churches.

But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the
only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To
chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it.

נבואה 151 אני שומע את כל תפילתך בשם יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח
נבואה 151 אני שומע את כל תפילתך בשם יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח אמיטיווינד ישראל 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣נבואה 151 אני שומע את כל תפילתך בשם יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח

קטע מהנבואה 151: אבא שלכם לא רוצה שללבותיכם יהיו מוטרדים (יוחנן 27
,1:14). כי אני אוהב אתכם —בדיוק כמו בימים ההם— סיפקתי לכם ניסים, ושום
דבר לא השתנה. אז תחזיקו חזק את שולי הבגדים של יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח. המשיכו
להישטף בדמו הנשפך! עימדו בחלוקי צדקתו ואני מבטיח לכם, כל תפילותיכם
ישמעו בגן עדן שבשמיים. הלכו בקדושה כדי שהשטן לא יוכל להאשים אתכם. הלכו
בקדושה כדי שלא תביאו שום בושה לשמו של יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח, כפרת הדם
היחידה לחטאים (רומאים 3:25)! אוזניי נפתחו בדרך מיוחדת. שוב, אלישבע
אליהו, את דיברת את זה כשהתפללת: זה כאילו את יכולה לשמוע נפילת מחט כשאני
אומר לך את הדברים האלו. כי היה זה יום מיוחד —לכל מי ששומר את יום
הכיפורים— כשראיתי שאתם מתחרטים על כל דבר שלא מצא חן בעיניי, כשכל עתירה
מתפילותיכם הגיעו אליי באותו הזמן, הזעם שלי הרעיד את העולם! בדיוק כמו
בזמנים ההם עם משה, בני ישראל היו מוגנים ואלו שסגדו לבורא אחר, לא; שום
דבר לא השתנה! אברך את אלו שהם ברכה בשבילי, יהוה, לבני היחיד, המשיח,
יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח, לרוח הקודש, השכינה. (אקלל את אלו (דברים 28:15 שהם
קללה עבור אבא יהוה, (יָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח ורוח הקודש (1 קורינתיים 3:17!
וכך דיברתי ביום הזה, אביכם שבשמיים, אבא יהוה. כך זה נאמר, כך זה נכתב,
היא ניתנה לי לראשונה ב-30 בספטמבר, 2009. זה היה יום כיפור [בשעות הסיום
[של היום הזה ויום כיפור הוא יום הכפרה. (וזהו מיניסטריון עם שורשים
יהודיים משיחיים, ולכן אנחנו חוגגים ומכבדים את כל הסעודות היהודיות (שכולם
חוגגים (ויקרא 23. הן אפילו לא צריכות להיקרא חגיגות [רק] "יהודיות".) זהו
הזמן שאנשים ביום כיפור, שבאמת סוגדים לאבא יהוה וליָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח,
יבחנו את עצמם—ויבקשו סליחה על כל חטא שהם אי פעם ביצעו, (אבל לא היה צריך
להיות שם חטא (1 יוחנן 1:7, כי זה היה צריך להיעשות בכל יום.

Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR!
Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR! Amightywind Ministries 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 151 - YAHUSHUA Sayeth, I AM MESSIAH! Repent & live HOLY! DO NOT FEAR! Trust ME!

Prophecy 151 (116 Anew under a New Anointing) Excerpt:

But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY hand
and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell you
this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see
what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear.

But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith
not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are
employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA
YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious
RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I
have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he
could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that
first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to
start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could
walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you.

You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in this
world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for fear.
Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith not
in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the Words I
have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not stop. I
refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.

You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call
yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no
more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest.
You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not
silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout
in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are
not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of
servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word
that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA.

How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.

Remember judgment does start at the House of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17). Why are
not all the churches protesting? How many churches are there? In every
country why are not the churches protesting against these abomination of
laws that are being passed? They just shrug their shoulders. They mind
their own business. So do not be surprised, oh organized churches, when
the government comes after you and takes away your freedom to preach and
hangs a foreclosure sign on your churches. Do not be surprised when
your land is taken. Do not be surprised you who are so smug with all
your millions.

I speak to the wealthy now – You put your faith in
your finances, do not be surprised when it’s all nothing but crumbling
dust- ashes in your hands (Matthew 19:24, Luke 16:19-31).

I will show you.

I will show this world.

Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!
Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear! Amightywind Ministries 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 152 - Listen and Be Freed from the Demon of Fear!

⁣This is March 20th, 2020 – remember, the number 20 is the number of
redeemed in Hebrew [Prophecy & Bible]. Remember that’s a double
20—the last time I had the Prophecy on January 20th 2020, which is
[Prophecy] 150.

And I just want you to know, this is the Year of the Redeemed! Do not fear!

Fear is a torment which YAHUVEH has not sent. I’ve taken down the
frontpage—of the information of what’s going on around this world—and
I’ve put it up on our YAHStube [ ] (that you can see where it’s at as you click on the banner or you go to the media [menu on the website]).
But I am now hearing, I have to build your faith up! There’s too much
information all over the Internet now. You don’t know what to believe.

whatever you do—if a prophet says that they’re a “Prophet” and they
claim to have Prophecies, ask them where the proof behind their
“prophecies” is because I’ll tell you this: I have proof behind the
Prophecies, and it will be 26 years on April 4th 2020.

We’re in the year 20, the number of the redeemed! Don’t you want to be in the
Redeemed? That means you’re saved by the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA OUR MASHIACH!
That means you have nothing to fear. For YAHUVEH says HE did not give
us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind!

Oh my AmightyWind congregation—you who call me your Pastor, and the Apostle
and the Prophet. I am going to read to you the Prophecy 52, and you are
going to see, what’s going on right now was already prophesied."

Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH
Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH Amightywind Français 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH

Ces fils vont savoir que ce n'est pas la mère qui parle. C'est MOI YAHUVEH QUI PARLE ! SOYEZ SAINTS COMME JE SUIS SAINT !

MES fils bien-aimés – je parle aux célibataires; je parle à ceux qui se
masturbent derrière le dos de leurs épouses, ceux qui ont utilisés de la
pornographie et ce sont masturbés alors qu’ils ont une charmante épouse
à la maison – marchez dans MA Sainteté !

MES fils bien-aimés, combien d'entre vous se soulagent même dans ce
que vous appelez des «rêves humides » ?2 Combien d'entre vous rêvent
d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec des femmes et se soulagent ?
Ne savez-vous pas que cela ne vient pas du Royaume des Cieux ?

Ecoutez Ezra. Il ne vous égarera pas du droit chemin. Il sait ce qui est juste de ce qui est
mauvais. Il est un homme comme vous.

Lorsque vous êtes submergés par la temptation – et vous vous réveillez
avec des érections – vous pouvez contrôler ceci avec votre pensée.
Prenez les Ecritures Saintes et lisez. Faites en sorte que votre pensée ne
soit pas fixée sur votre corps. Entraînez-la. Ceux d'entre vous qui prient
pour une âme-sœur, ne permettez jamais à ce que ceci entre dans votre pensée.
Ensuite vous vous demandez pourquoi vous luttez avec la luxure de la chair.

Lorsque vous serez unis à une épouse, ne savez-vous pas à quel point JE vais
vous bénir ? Car vous l'avez attendue. Vous avez contrôlé la luxure de
la chair.

Et lorsque vous avez ces rêves vous avez trop honte
pour le dire. Ils ne sont pas envoyés du Royaume des Cieux mais ils sont
envoyés de l'enfer. Et il y a une porte qui a été ouverte et pour
beaucoup d’entre vous c’était la pornographie, peu importe à quel âge.
Et même maintenant vous regardez des images de femmes sur une page
internet, combien d'entre vous s'imaginent avec cette femme? Une jézabel
de l’enfer.

Repentez-vous pour ceci !

Prophecy 109 - I YAHUVEH Say Thank You For Your Faithfulness
Prophecy 109 - I YAHUVEH Say Thank You For Your Faithfulness Amightywind Ministries 162 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 109 - I YAHUVEH Say Thank You For Your Faithfulness

⁣You have thanked ME for MY faithfulness MY Beloved Ones, but I Thank you
for your faithfulness. For all 5 of your faithfulness', for all 5 of
you have given ME your life and said, "Use it as YOU will, use it to
bring YOU Glory, use it to bring YOUR Son YAHUSHUA Glory." All 5 of you
are living sacrifices unto ME. I am constantly in your thoughts. You put
ME in your plans. You say, "What will YOU have me to do Abba," and this
pleases ME. You faithfully, faithfully strive to obey and please ME in
every way and reach souls for the Glory of MY Son. You faithfully
worship and praise. You do not take US for granted.

And now I speak not only to you 5, but I speak to the faithful YDS's (YAHUSHUA'S
demon stompers prayer intercessors) for they do the same. This is the
mark; this is the seal of those who are called the Bride of YAHUSHUA
(Jesus Christ). They are faithful. They are loyal. They will not
compromise. They will not back down. They will stand for what is right.
They will rebuke what is wrong.

What kind of marriage would you two have if you did not know one another were faithful?
Elisabeth, when Niko is not by your side you do not have to worry or fret that his eye
would be upon another woman that he would desire. And the same goes for
you Niko, because you know one another are faithful. I do not have to be
concerned that your eye would go for a false god because I know you are
faithful. So you Thank ME for MY faithfulness. I Thank you for your

I Thank you for all the times that you make your plans and say,
"I will do this or that on this day," and I Thank you for
your faithfulness even when I rip your plans up and say, "No MY
Children, you're going to do it this way." You faithfully still give ME
the praise and say, "Abba YAHUVEH have it YOUR way." You faithfully
strive to please and obey. So then MY Children I ask you this question.
Why would I not want to abundantly bless you in every way? When I ask
you to take the greatest step of faith, why would I not faithfully
protect you, bless you as long as you're doing it MY way?

I speak this message to all, all, all who put I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the
Precious RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH first in your life and your love. I
speak to all the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Thank you for your faithfulness, that you continually rebuke satan. You
will not compromise with sin. Your eyes are ever on heaven. Thank you
for your faithfulness and be assured as you are faithful unto ME, I am
faithful unto you. MY eye is ever on you. MY ear is inclined to every
word you speak.

Just because I don't answer your prayers right away,
in the way that you think that I should, think not that I don't hear
you. I will answer, sometimes it's yes, sometimes the answer is no and
many times the answer is wait it is not MY time yet. But be assured I am
not deaf I, YAHUVEH, am not blind and anything that concerns you
concerns ME. I, YAHUVEH, am your Creator and I know what is best for
you, even when you don't know what's best for yourself. As you
faithfully trust ME, I faithfully will not let you down.

Elisheva Eliyahu les invita a su Janucá_Sucot- Suca
Elisheva Eliyahu les invita a su Janucá_Sucot- Suca Amightywind España 161 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Elisheva Eliyahu les invita a su Janucá_Sucot- Suca

⁣Nombres Sagrados Hebreos de la Divinidad:
2) YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA (Jesucristo) Significa "YAH SALVA".
RUACH HA KODESH (Espíritu Santo) - En las escrituras hebreas su género
es femenino al traducir en griego esta se convierta en neutro y
adoptando el pronombre masculino. Los judíos ya sabían que la RUACH es
género femenino. Es conocida tambíen como SABIDURIA. Lea Proverbios 1

¡Apóstol Profeta Elisheva Eliyahu muestra sus atesorados artículos de su suca. Son bienvenidos a entrar!

¡Son 3 horas de vídeo, y aún más, que viene con la diversión, la risa, la
alegría, el baile, el canto, las canciones originales, la celebración de
algunos de la congregación judía mesiánica internacional AmightyWind!
¡Nueva y alegre Profecía de Janucá! ¡Seria Profecía de Sucot! Gracias
suscriptores, por favor den pulgar arriba. ¡Oro por bendiciones sobre
cada persona y espero encontrarte en el Cielo!

¡Nuevas y viejas revelaciones! "Todo escriba instruido concerniente al Reino de los
Cielos es como un padre de familia que saca de su tesoro cosas nuevas y
viejas" (Mt 13, 52). Mi revelación de YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH con prueba en
las citas del Libro de Macabeos a continuación.

La nueva revelación YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH me dio, Elisheva Eliyahu, como líder del
Ministerio AmightyWind 25 años y las antiguas Escrituras del Segundo
Libro de Macabeos:

Pon tu suca o símbolo de ella en tu hogar por
Janucá para honrar y exaltar a YAHUSHUA durante el Festival de las Luces
durante el tiempo de la re dedicación del Templo donde el milagro de
sólo 1 día de aceite ungido bastó para alumbrar lar Menorá durante 8
días! "Y ahora mirad que guardéis la fiesta de los tabernáculos [Hag
Sukkot] en el mes [de Kislev]" (—Una carta a los judíos en Egipto de los
judíos de Jerusalén y Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV).

2 Macabeos 10:
Macabeo y sus seguidores, guiados por YAHUVEH, reconquistaron el templo y la
ciudad de Jerusalén; destruyeron los altares construidos por los paganos
en la plaza pública, y también sus lugares de culto. Después de
purificar el templo, construyeron otro altar, y golpeando una piedra
contra otra, sacaron fuego y ofrecieron con él un sacrificio. También
quemaron incienso, encendieron las lámparas y presentaron los panes
consagrados. Ya hacía dos años que los sacrificios se habían
interrumpido. Después de esto, inclinados y con la frente en el suelo,
pidieron al Señor que no volviera a dejarlos sufrir tantas calamidades;
que, en caso de pecar, los corrigiera con bondad, pero que no los
entregara en manos de paganos salvajes que injuriaban a Dios. El templo
fue purificado en la misma fecha en que había sido profanado por los
paganos, es decir, el día veinticinco del mes de Kislev. Y celebraron
con alegría ocho días de fiesta, a la manera de la fiesta de las
Enramadas, recordando que poco tiempo antes la habían celebrado en las
montañas y en las cuevas, donde vivían como animales salvajes. Por esto,
llevando limones adornados con hojas, ramas frescas de árboles y hojas
de palmera, cantaban himnos a Dios, que había llevado a buen término la
purificación del santuario. Además, toda la asamblea aprobó y publicó un
decreto en el que se ordenaba que todo el pueblo judío celebrara cada
año estos días de fiesta.

YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH es la LUZ ETERNA y los milagros de Janucá presagiaron
lo que sería en el futuro como Isaías 53 y muchas Escrituras Mesiánicas
de Isaías que él profetizó —lo que los ortodoxos judíos les enseñaron a ignorar
— ¡Describe a YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! ¡Esta Escritura describe a un hombre judío que sería
sacrificado! YAHUSHUA nació de un vientre judía de una mujer judía,
¡Todavía virgen! Todo en la Torá, que son los 5 Libros de Moisés y más,
toda la instrucción de YAHUVEH. La Torá traducida en español
"instrucción", y en la Versión King James a menudo como "ley". ¡YAHUSHUA
CARNE de Génesis a Apocalipsis!

¡YAHStube está en los videos de las Profecías sin censura,
advertencias como la Gran Tribulación se acerca! AmightyWind tiene otra
alternativa a Youtube para los suscriptores. ¡Cuando te digo
que vayas a YAHSTUBE y, por favor sigan viniendo
primero a mis canales de Youtube: YAHSladyinred, además de YAHSladynred
(reconstruido canal 2009 después de que probé a las serpientes réprobos
que mintierón)! ¡En el Cielo, el PADRE CELESTIAL YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI
enviará a todos los malvados a peores torturas del infierno y del lago
de fuego que no podemos comprender, al igual que lo hizo con aquellos
que intentaron aniquilar al pueblo judío en el tiempo Macabeos!

Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away
Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away Amightywind Ministries 161 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 118 - Beware The Great Tribulation Is A Breath Away

⁣It is not enough to say, 'I believe in YAHUSHUA/JESUS. I believe that
there is a GOD in Heaven called YAHUVEH/YAHWEH. I believe there is a
HOLY SPIRIT, the RUACH ha KODESH.' The question is, do you follow US? It
is not enough just to believe!

On this day as it is shouted to the world when one named Elton John has raised
up and proclaimed to all, 'I think JESUS was a compassionate, super intelligent
gay man who understood human problems. On the cross HE forgave the people who
crucified HIM and JESUS wants us to be loving and forgiving. I don't
know what makes people so cruel because the Bible says JESUS was without
sin so that rules out homosexuality, so it cannot be a sin.'

World, for this abomination you shall drink of the Boiling Black Blood Plague!
Get ready world! I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, speak forth, I have had enough!!!

This disease has been incubating in those who are homosexuals and lesbians,
this disease has been waiting for MY timing to come forth. You who make
excuses for the homosexuals, I've given you time to repent...

Yes, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) paid the price for you at Calvary,
but what price have you paid for HIM? Is it too much really to ask you
to obey? When you are truly born again and filled with the RUACH ha
KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT you no longer have an excuse to sin for you have the
RUACH ha KODESH within that convicts you when you sin. You will truly
desire to obey I, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, with every Word I say.

Oh so many say the Salvation Prayer boast and say, 'I believe in Jesus,' but
how few follow what they claim to believe? You hate any Ministry or any
person that convicts you of your sins.

Рош Ха-Шана⧸Праздник Труб! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ Вернется В Рош Ха-Шана
Рош Ха-Шана⧸Праздник Труб! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ Вернется В Рош Ха-Шана Всемогущий Ветер Россия 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Рош Ха-Шана⧸Праздник Труб! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ Вернется В Рош Ха-Шана

⁣Какая невеста не испытывает волнения, когда её жених становится все
ближе? Я отказываюсь верить, что Невеста ЯХУШУА будет избита, что её
свадебное платье будет сорвано и что её лицо будет избито до того, как
ОН придёт! Какая в этом победа для ЯХУШУА?

Я знаю это, наш ЯХУШУА придет за Невестой без единого пятнышка или порока,
и будет только ОДНА Невеста и ОДИН брачный Ужин! Но там будут Гости! Я
верю всем своим сердцем, что десять Дев рассказывают нам историю Вознесения!

ЯХУШУА не говорит, что ОН обязательно придет в один из этих двух Святых Дней.
Я не знаю. Но ОН говорит: "Будьте готовы" и думайте так, как будто ОН придет в любой
момент, независимо от того, когда придет время. Итак, у нас есть это
благословенное обещание, и Всемогущий ЯХУВЭХ не похож на человека,
который лжет. Мы также воскреснем из мертвых и будем иметь Прославленные
Тела. И нам, живым, когда ЯХУШУА придет снова, не придется умирать,
чтобы получить эти Прославленные Тела.

Это наше обещание. Нам не нужно бояться ада, у нас есть Рай, которого мы ждем
с нетерпением из-за цены, которую ЯХУШУА заплатил на Голгофе. Мы не принимаем болезнь.
Мы принимаем исцеление. Из-за ЯХУШУА мы не принимаем смерть, мы принимаем
Воскресение. Теперь у нас тела из плоти, такие слабые, хрупкие и легко
поддающиеся искушению. И все же мы верой знаем, что это всего лишь
панцирь, как у черепахи. Наши истинные тела - это наши духовные тела.

Никому не гарантируется еще одна секунда. Максимально используйте то время,
которое у вас осталось. Пусть это будет для ЯХУШУА, МЕССИИ, ЯХУВЭХ И
РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ, СВЯТОГО ДУХА. Сидя в церквях, где вы просто принимаете и
не отдаете из изобилия получаемых учений, вы становитесь не более чем
согревателем скамей. Скольких душ вы коснулись ради ЯХУШУА, а не ради

Религия создана человеком. Любовные отношения с ЯХУШУА -
это созданное Всемогущим ЯХУВЭХ, . О, какой удивительный Всемогущий
ЯХУШУА, УЧИТЕЛЬ, СПАСИТЕЛЬ и наш скоро грядущий ЖЕНИХ. Мы действительно
Поклоняемся, Служим и любим ставить ЯХУШУА превыше всего и вся в жизни.
Оставайтесь рядом с НИМ, особенно по мере приближения этих Святых Дней.

Евреям 11:5
По вере "Енох был взят, чтобы не видеть смерти, и не был найден, потому
что ЯХУВЭХ перевел его". И до своего вознесения он получил свидетельство
о том, что был угоден ЯХУВЭХ.

Точно так же, как невеста хорошо готовится перед свадьбой и убеждается, что все
в порядке, что её платье хорошо подогнано, чистое и готово к встрече со своим женихом,
Невеста ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ также должна быть уверена, что они подготовлены и их
светильники полны масла и находятся без пятен или порока, преданно и
искренне ожидая встречи с нашим ЖЕНИХОМ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХОМ! Приди,
ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, Приди! ХАЛЛЕЛУЯХ! Каждый день на день ближе к Царствию

Урожай большой, а работников мало! Давайте возьмемся
за руки и соберем урожай до того, как придет наш ЖЕНИХ! Его ЗОВУТ
ЯХУШУА, Наш ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ! Пожалуйста, молитесь, чтобы вы были
признаны достойными быть в этом числе Восхищения!

Во ИМЯ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА и с любовью, много благословений всем вам в эти
Высокие Святые Дни, Апостол, Пророк Элишева Элияху.

Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ
сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать молитву
Спасения и помолиться вместе со мной. Если вы все-таки решите отдать
свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста,
напишите мне, чтобы я знала, чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.

Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו)
Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Sukkah!

⁣Let us celebrate YAHUSHUA'S birthday together!

Do you want to see Apostle Elisheva‘s personal sukkah? (You’re invited inside!)
Ani ohevet et Asa Mikaiyah is Hebrew for... I love Asa Mikaiyah! Shalom
AmightyWind congregation! And all those who are visitors who worship
—THREE IN ONE. I want to invite you to my sukkah! All of you—these are
my own personal possessions that are used on Shabbat and on these Holy

And YAHUVEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of
Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month and for
seven days is the Feast of Booths […] On the first day shall be a solemn
rest and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. […] You shall
celebrate it as a feast to YAHUVEH […] It is a statute forever […] You
shall dwell in [sukkot] booths for seven days […] that your generations
may know that I made the people of Israel dwell in booths [temporary
shelters] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I AM YAHUVEH
your GOD.” (Lv 23:33-43)

In the Temple courts, YAHUSHUA kept both Sukkot & #Hanukkah according to the New Testament (Jn 7 & 10).

Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu's own sukkah with her own personal possessions is
publicly shown in this video since she's the leader of AmightyWind
Ministry, sharing it with all of the AmightyWind congregation and all
who are blessed by AmightyWind Ministry, by the Holy Prophecies & by
her and accept them as a blessing from the HOLY TRINITY ABBA YAHUVEH,

Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers

⁣FACE TALK Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu (Prophecy 116)

⁣"Get ready to see the dominoes fall. Remember Psalm 91, though you see
10,000 fall at your side and it will seem that they are all around you
falling, for it is I, YAHUVEH, that knock them down.

I’m shaking this world in MY wrath!

But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY
hand and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell
you this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see
what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear.

But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith
not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are
employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA
YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious
RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I
have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he
could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that
first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to
start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could
walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you.

(Matthew 14… 28: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29: And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30: But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and
said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?)

You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in
this world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for
fear. Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith
not in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the
Words I have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not
stop. I refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.

You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call
yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no
more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest.
You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not
silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout
in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are
not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of
servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word
that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA.

How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.

Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed!
Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed! Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Warning - The False Blue Beam Rapture Revealed!

⁣Exposing satan's false Blue Beam Rapture through which he also seeks to
go before YAHUVEH and counterfeit YAHUSHUA's second coming.

You know Renee Moses aka Renee M. – that false rapture date setter? She
along with all the other false rapture date setters are not only seeking
to destroy your faith in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) – but they
are seeking to take your life. She is not only working together with
satan himself, to cast demons of despair, depression, hopelessness and
suicide, and apostasy to deliver to the final blow to people’s faith
when YAHUSHUA does not come on the dates that they set – but they are
preparing to take your very life.

2015 False Blue Beam Rapture Coming?
You know Renee Moses aka Renee M. – that false rapture date setter? She
along with all the other false rapture date setters are not only seeking
to destroy your faith in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) – but they
are seeking to take your life. She is not only working together with
satan himself, to cast demons of despair, depression, hopelessness and
suicide, and apostasy to deliver to the final blow to people’s faith
when YAHUSHUA does not come on the dates that they set – but they are
preparing to take your very life.

Beware the Blue Beam Rapture, which is a false rapture devised by satan to go
before YAHUSHUA WHO is also called JESUS CHRIST, and counterfeit HIS

Prophet Elisabeth Elijah has received a warning
from YAHUVEH GOD for September this year (2015). We do not know if
YAHUVEH will allow this to happen this soon, but if the enemies will
have their way – it will start this September.

Therefore, be warned and warn others also while you still have the time to do so.
Because when you hear the false rapture date setters like Renee Moses
aka Renee M. cry out their predictions for the rapture: “this date! That
date!” – and specifically their predictions for this September, now you
know the truth. Now you know why.

Because they are preparing you for an illusion!

If YAHUVEH were to allow this to happen this September, and you see the
illusion appear in the sky and people think that “Jesus is coming for
them!” – DON’T BELIEVE IT, DON’T GO – Because it is satan in disguise,
with his fallen angels and his demons.

Matthew 24:23-24
Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; BELIEVE IT NOT.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show
great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall
deceive the very elect.

Profecía 136 ¡La Trinidad Santa Necesita Ser Consolada También!
Profecía 136 ¡La Trinidad Santa Necesita Ser Consolada También! Amightywind España 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profecía 136 ¡La Trinidad Santa Necesita Ser Consolada También!

¡Este es tu ABBA YAHUVEH/YAHWEH! Me encanta cuando me llamas "PADRE"
¡SOY TU AMOROSO PADRE! Di a MI UNIGÉNITO HIJO para que pudieras volver
al Cielo de nuevo. ¡Pero ninguno de ustedes, ninguno de ustedes es
perfecto! Sólo YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA es perfecto, a quien algunos llaman
"JESUCRISTO". Pero quiero que lo llamen "YAHUSHUA", por SU NOMBRE

Ustedes encontrará que hay más Poder y Unción en el NOMBRE HEBREO, pero todavía hay poder y unción en el Nombre de 'JESUCRISTO.'

Por favor, quiero conocerte mejor en este Shavu'ot la cual es llamada el
Día de Pentecostés. Muchos sólo dicen: "Es sólo el Día de Pentecostés", y
esta [Profecía] debe ser publicada en Shavu'ot— por eso lo llamo
Shavu'ot. Este es MI oración para ustedes, hijos míos. Esto es lo que
les pido a MIS hijos.

A Caleb - YAHUSHUA quiere que vuelvas como SU Chico Inolvidable De Israel, Caleb
Reformado para ser aún más santo de lo que nunca has sido antes.
¡YAHUSHUA puede y quiere perdonarte! (Isaías 1:18 "Venid ahora, y razonemos juntos",
dice YAHUVEH/YAHWEH, "Aunque tus pecados sean como escarlatas, serán tan
blancos como la nieve; Aunque son rojos como carmesí, serán como lana.)
¡NO creas en las mentiras del diablo, y NO creas las mentiras que estas
serpientes réprobas te están diciendo! Sal de acuerdo con Satán y esas
serpientes réprobas como YAHUSHUA las llama, ¡Sólo quieren arrojar tu
alma al infierno con ellos! ¡Lee el muro de la vergüenza de los

Prophetic Dream - Anointed in Hawaii Locker 827 Dream
Prophetic Dream - Anointed in Hawaii Locker 827 Dream Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - Anointed in Hawaii Locker 827 Dream

⁣"In 1995 I ministered under the greatest Anointing of my life thus far. I
was ministering to people in Hawaii under the power of the Holy Ghost.
People were falling under the Holy Spirit's power. I then went and
touched another prophet, I later learned his name was Mike, and I was
thrown across the room, a large room! I landed on my back, no one caught
me! Those there said that I laid there and prophesied and ministered
under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for two and a half hours! That is
not counting the hour or more of ministering afterwards. The anointing
literally was BURNT into my flesh!

Let me explain. Although I don't claim to understand, I am going by the little I know,
and what others told me that day.

The Holy Spirit said to the men, Mike and John, the two prophets covering
me, that this anointing would have killed this vessel if he had not
poured his strength into me. They were laying hands on my cheek, and
forehead, one at my right side, and the other at the top of my head!
They started praying a DOUBLE portion anointing on me of Elijah, but
when they did, the Holy Spirit said,

'NO, she has that already, pray a TRIPLE portion anointing of ELIJAH!'

So they did! This was what was burnt into my flesh with the White Hot
Anointing of the Holy Ghost! Without it would my flesh have lived? Well,
YAHUSHUA is God so i

Profetie 120 - Geef Niet Op! Stop Niet!
Profetie 120 - Geef Niet Op! Stop Niet! Amightywind Nederland 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 120 - Geef Niet Op! Stop Niet!

⁣Oh hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang heb IK
gewacht om MIJN Bruid te kunnen omhelzen! Maar het zal niet veel langer
zijn! Het zal niet veel langer zijn! Jullie zullen in MIJN armen zijn!
Jullie zullen MIJN stem horen! Geef gewoon niet op! Stop niet! Want je
bent zo ver gekomen! Geef niet op! Stop niet! Sluit geen compromissen
met de leugens van de wereld! Hoe meer dat de wereld jou vertelt dat je
onheilig bent, weet dat je Heilig bent! Hoe meer dat zij bespotten en
lachen omdat je de Tora Wetten volgt, weet dat je van MIJ bent!

Hoe meer je de Sabbat verdedigt, de Shabbat, en zegt, 'Het is niet een
Zondag', weet gewoon dat je van MIJ bent! Geef niet op. Stop niet.
Hoewel de vervolging zo zwaar is en hoewel het zwaarder zal worden,
herinner voor wiens Naam je vervolgd wordt! Herinner om wie je gehaat

Oh zij zullen jouw naam gebruiken en jouw naam zullen zij
ontheiligen en allerlei soorten kwaad ertegen spreken, maar het is niet
echt jouw naam die zij haten. Het is wie je vertegenwoordigt. Het is wie
je bent in MIJ. Het zijn de Boodschappen die je geeft die rechtstreeks
vanuit de Hemel komen.

Dus geef niet op jij! Stop niet jij! Want IK zal wraak gaan nemen op deze vijanden!
En zij zullen bidden voor de bergen om hen te verbergen—
van HIJ die op de Troon zit! (Open.6:15-17)
En het Heilige LAM dat geslacht, gekruisigd was en wederom opstond!
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is MIJN Naam! En IK vertel je geef niet op! En stop
niet want IK BEN met jou!

Bereik MIJN mensen. Bereik MIJN mensen. IK spreek niet alleen tot de
mensen in Israël maar IK spreek tot de mensen van de wereld.
Bereik MIJN mensen. Ga door met MIJN Schapen
en Lammeren te voeden. Ga door met niet beschaamd te zijn voor jouw
getuigenis want jouw getuigenis is niet wie jij bent, jouw getuigenis is
wie IK BEN -- in jou! Dat is wat de duivel haat! Dat is wat jouw
vijanden haten!

Maar datzelfde getuigenis bewijst wie IK BEN --
want IK verander levens! En groot, groot, groot, groot, groot, groot,
groot zijn de beloningen in de Hemel voor degenen die bereid zijn
geweest, bereid om hun reputaties neer te leggen, hun namen neer te
leggen, bereid zijn geweest om vervolgd te worden omwille van MIJN Naam!

Prophetic Dream - No More Kids In The Future
Prophetic Dream - No More Kids In The Future Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophetic Dream - No More Kids In The Future

⁣The government was passing new laws so fast and they didn't care what
the people wanted (kinda what is happening now but much, much worse).
There was no one protesting because it was against the law to protest

I (Elisabeth) was looking at America but I knew this
new law that was quickly passed was worldwide. Women were only allowed
to have one child because the government said there were too many people
now, but they really didn't want any more children born, they wanted
zero population growth or negative population growth. The women were
treated so horrible when they were pregnant, there were actually
birthing stables -not nice clean hospitals- but birthing stables. All
women when they were ready to give birth were all put in one room
together. It was horrible, I saw no bed and I saw the women when they
were ready to give birth they would just squat and give birth. There was
such pain and anguish in that room. The women were in a big room that
looked like stables, each woman had a little room with 2 walls and it
was open in the front like a stable.

The world governments did not encourage women to get pregnant,
in fact, women had to get permission from the government to get pregnant.
I don't know how far in the future this dream was but it was really bad.
If any woman got pregnant without the governments permission they were immediately
arrested as soon as the pregnancy was found out and the pregnancy was

I saw a woman and her husband and she was very
pregnant and she had been trying to hide her pregnancy and she was
caught and it appeared to be in something like an airport. She was
hiding her pregnancy really good with her clothing but the government
was doing x-ray machines on everyone and saw she was pregnant and they
arrested her. Her husband was taken in to a room and there was a doctor
there and he put a long needle in the husbands back and the doctor said
he was doing a spinal tap and this was part of the consequences for
trying to hide his pregnant wife.

Then I saw an apartment and I remember everyone was so full of fear,
they were all afraid of the government.
The people had no privacy, the government's would tell the
people, "We know everything that you do, everything that you say,
everything you watch, everything your read, we know everyone you talk to
and everywhere you go."

There was just so much fear and pet's were outlawed because the
government's said it had to do with environmental issues, like this
global warming garbage. Instead of real live pet's it looked like people
had robot pet's, it looked like a cross between a dog and a cat and the
government would tell the people that they did not need live pet's because
they had feces and it contributed to the danger of the planet.
For the young people in the apartment it looked like this was a normal
thing and they didn't even know or remember what a real dog or a cat was.
Only the older people could remember what a real pet was.

I just remember so clear there was so much fear.
Hardly no one tried to break the laws because they knew
they would be caught. The government had the technology and the
equipment to watch everyone all the time.

Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree
Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree

⁣Beloved Son (or Daughter), as I see you compare your marriage to a woman
(or man) marking off time as a prisoner in jail on death row. You
grieve me more than you know. You fear breaking your wedding vows, and
think divorce is not allowed, but this marriage was not ordained by ME,
rather it was ordained by both of thee.

You chose this woman (orman) and asked me to bless what I did not join together.
It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices and realize
this illusion of a marriage is like the fate of the titanic boat, it
turned out to be another one of satan's cruel jokes.

Rejoice MY Son (or Daughter) and this know, I AM YAHUSHUA MASHIACH,
I am your ROCK of AGES, your anchor and I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I will never let you go!

A man (or woman) on death row can be released
by the signing of a pardon, by a figure of authority. There is no higher
power than "I AM" so by the Authority of Heaven with MY Holy shed Blood
I sign this divorce decree, I,YAHUSHUA, your LORD/GOD/MASHIACH now
pardon thee! Remember, I promised you life more abundantly and full of
MY Glory and I came to set the captives free!

Now, all I ask you to do is put legal action behind MY words. Make it so in the world's
eyes legally and repent of this sin, let it not happen again. Continue
to keep your eyes on ME and be a faith water walker and remember what
happens if you keep your eyes on the troubled stormy waters in a sea of
depression, and hopelessness. It will drown thee if you don't keep your
eyes upon ME.

I have now removed the scales off of your eyes, and
undeafened your ears so you can plainly see and hear that the woman (or
man) your unhappily married to was by your own lustful hand. You are
unequally yoked spiritually in various ways. Your spirit's and
personalities do not compliment one another no matter how hard you try.
It is all a sham a lie. It is like trying to get vinegar and oil to mix,
no matter how hard you try, it always will separate in the end. Do not
look upon this as another failure, instead realize I am blessing you
with another new holy beginning.

The main thing you both have in common are broken pieces of shattered hearts,
turmoil and pain. For both of you had an illusion this would be a happy marriage
and you would never fail again. You both thought you knew one another, and now neither
of you like what spirit you behold in the other. This marriage hasn't
turned out what either thought it should be, that is because Son or
Daughter it wasn't ordained in Heaven and decreed a blessing by the HOLY
SAVIOR, I now take MY blood and apply it to that manmade marriage
certificate and say to whom I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, has set free is
free indeed. I now grant you this HOLY Divorce decree!

Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME
Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME Amightywind Ministries 160 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME

⁣Prophecy Extract: Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to
your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim
their love for ME. But by feeding, warning MY sheep you will be proving
your love for ME. By willing to suffer persecution, hatred, rejection
for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for ME. By holding on tight
to your faith though with your eyes you can't see the answer to your
prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say, "YAHUSHUA even
if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are, for
what you did for me at Calvary."

This will prove your love for
ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down for ME and if need be
to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This will prove your
love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly confessing and
worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME.

By exposing the
wolves in the sheep's den that come to devour the sheep, by picking up
MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove
your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for
holiness and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and
not that of the world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with
one question, "Will you prove your love for ME"?

I am watching
and you're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of your
soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one
another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will
you prove your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your
hands to them in prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know
MY voice; they will come to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice
this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love
for you at Calvary. Now will you prove your love for ME?

נבואה 132 ישראל אני אוהב אותך, אני נוזף בך!
נבואה 132 ישראל אני אוהב אותך, אני נוזף בך! אמיטיווינד ישראל 159 Views • 4 months ago

נבואה 132 ישראל אני אוהב אותך, אני נוזף בך!

בואו אליי! בתשובה! עם חרטה ודמעות! את אלו אני אציל, אושיע! אתם! אתם
אלו שאשמור עליהם! הפסיקו להתפשר! העולם הזה תמיד ישנא אתכם, אבל אני, הו
ישראל, אני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ —אני אוהב אתכם! אבא יה שלכם אוהב אתכם! הפסיקו
לפחד משמו של אביכם שבשמיים! [לא קראתם את תהילים 91 [פסוקים 14-16? אני
שומע את זה! ועדין אתם מעזים לָשֵׂאת אֶת-שֵׁמי, לַשָּׁוְא (שמות 20:7) Ex
20:7 על ידי כך שאינכם מאפשרים להשתמש בו. אתם חושבים שזה מכבד אותי כשאני
אומר שוב ושוב— אבא יה, אומר לכם שוב ושוב, “!בשמי!” “בשמי!” “בשמי”
(תהילים 89:24; שמואל א' 17:45; ישעיהו 50:10). “!קראו בשם” (יואל 2:32).
אל תפחדו מהשם של יהוה! אל תפחדו מהשם של יָּהוּשׁוּעַ! "יה" נמצא בתוך
השם! הו ישראל, הו ישראל! אני בוכה עליכם! אני עמל במעמקי התפילה בשבילכם!
דמעות של דם נשפכו למענכם (המולקריה, המטוהידרוזיס, לוק 22:44). היכן השטן
ינסה אותי (מתיה 4: 1-11; מארק 1:12-13; לוק 4:1-13)—אם לא בישראל? אז ביום
הזה אני לוקח את הזמן ואומר לכם הו ישראל, בואו אליי. בואו אליי! כי תקופת
הצער והיגון של יעקב, "עֵֽת־צָרָ֥ה לְיַֽעֲקֹ֔ב" בפתח, הולכת ומתקרבת
אליכם! בואו אליי! לימדו עליי! והיזהרו— אפילו מהמילים שנאמרות אליכם
עכשיו. אשר יגיעו כמשיח שקר (זכריה 11:17; דניאל 7:7-8, 24-25; 8:23-24;
9:27) שמאוד, מאוד קרוב! אל תוטעו! בואו אליי עכשיו! בואו אליי,
יָּהוּשׁוּעַ! ואעטוף את ידיי סביבכם! החטאים שלכם יהיו רחוקים כמזרח מן
המערב (תהילים 103: 12)!

No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!
No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith! Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!

⁣Please join us in prayer as we intercede for President Donald J Trump
and for the #ElectionResults to be fair and for him to once again win
this Presidential election. In 2016 I prophesied to the world 5 months
prior to him winning the Presidential election in 2016. We pray for high
and uncommon favor for Donald J Trump especially during this time where
there is alot of corruption and dishonesty in the counting of the
ballots and we pray that all those who voted for Trump will be counted
for. YAHs will be done in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen.

Shalom. This is Elisheva Eliyahu. This is your—well, you know who I am: Apostle,
Prophet, Pastor and to some I'm so honored to be called "Momma." I have
been in deepest intercession [more] than anyone can believe. If you
think I’ve been quiet, it’s because I’ve had the ear [of HEAVEN] and
I'm—there is not one time that I am not praying for cards-trump —I’m
telling you not 75 million, not 80 million, but YAH told me there was
100 million, 100 million who wanted the cards trump to continue, our
cards trump! He confessed before the whole world the name of JESUS
CHRIST. He doesn’t know the HEBREW NAME. It’s okay. We’re only held
accountable for what we know! He told the birth [story of YAHUSHUA], and
you heard me say that this is his favorite book, that Bible. He’s
relying in faith that the ONE HE calls JESUS CHRIST will not let him
down! It’s the prayers of the righteous that avails much (Jms 5:16).
Please hear me. I’m full of emotion—what’s going on in wash. and how
they even try to stop millions from coming and protesting and standing
up for the cards trump of the United States. You’re going to have to
take interest in this! No matter where you are in this world! If you can
get there, then go there on January 6th and back our cards trump up.
Please Please help me I'm calling out to AmightyWind congregation please
help me We're in a battle in the house-white. We need the millions and
millions of people to show up in wash. on January 6th. If I could be
there I would But instead all my prayers go there nearly [Laughs] so
close to 24 hours a day. The reason he is HATED is because he truly,
truly is a last stand [against tyranny]. Don't judge him for who he used
to be. Judge him as a born again HOLY SPIRIT filled [man], doing the
best he knows how to be, for lack of better words, a Christian, for him.
For he doesn't understand a "Messianic Judaism." He confessed HIM. He
confessed JESUS CHRIST before the whole world. He's never called anyone a
boss before but he confesses WHO GOD is. And to put your faith in HIM!

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל
נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל אמיטיווינד ישראל 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל

⁣"?הו ישראל, איפה קורבן הדם שלך"
קמתי עם מילים אלו ב-16 בספטמבר 2002
ואדוני אמר לי לכתוב אותם

ישעיהו פרק נג
מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ; וּזְרוֹעַ יַהֲוֶה עַל־מִי נִגְלָתָה׃ 2
וַיַּעַל כַּיּוֹנֵק לְפָנָיו, וְכַשּׁרֶשׁ מֵאֶרֶץ צִיָּה, לֹא־תֹאַר לוֹ
וְלֹא הָדָר; וְנִרְאֵהוּ וְלֹא־מַרְאֶה וְנֶחְמְדֵהוּ׃ 3 נִבְזֶה וַחֲדַל
אִישִׁים, אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת וִידוּעַ חֹלִי; וּכְמַסְתֵּר פָּנִים
מִמֶּנּוּ, נִבְזֶה וְלֹא חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ׃ 4 אָכֵן חֳלָיֵנוּ הוּא נָשָׂא,
וּמַכְאֹבֵינוּ סְבָלָם; וַאֲנַחְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ, נָגוּעַ מֻכֵּה
אֱלֹהִים וּמְעֻנֶּה׃ 5 וְהוּא מְחֹלָל מִפְּשָׁעֵנוּ, מְדֻכָּא
מֵעֲוֹנֹתֵינוּ; מוּסַר שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ עָלָיו, וּבַחֲבֻרָתוֹ נִרְפָּא־לָנוּ׃
6 כֻּלָּנוּ כַּצֹּאן תָּעִינוּ, אִישׁ לְדַרְכּוֹ פָּנִינוּ; ויַהֲוֶה
הִפְגִּיעַ בּוֹ, אֵת עֲוֹן כֻּלָּנוּ׃ 7 נִגַּשׂ וְהוּא נַעֲנֶה וְלֹא
יִפְתַּח־פִּיו, כַּשּׂה לַטֶּבַח יוּבָל, וּכְרָחֵל לִפְנֵי גֹזְזֶיהָ
נֶאֱלָמָה; וְלֹא יִפְתַּח פִּיו׃ 8 מֵעֹצֶר וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט לֻקָּח,
וְאֶת־דּוֹרוֹ מִי יְשׂוֹחֵחַ; כִּי נִגְזַר מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים, מִפֶּשַׁע
עַמִּי נֶגַע לָמוֹ׃ 9 וַיִּתֵּן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים קִבְרוֹ, וְאֶת־עָשִׁיר
בְּמֹתָיו; עַל לֹא־חָמָס עָשָׂה, וְלֹא מִרְמָה בְּפִיו׃ 10 ויַהֲוֶה
חָפֵץ דַּכְּאוֹ הֶחֱלִי, אִם־תָּשִׂים אָשָׁם נַפְשׁוֹ, יִרְאֶה זֶרַע
יַאֲרִיךְ יָמִים; וְחֵפֶץ יְהוָה בְּיָדוֹ יִצְלָח׃ 11 מֵעֲמַל נַפְשׁוֹ
יִרְאֶה יִשְׂבָּע, בְּדַעְתּוֹ, יַצְדִּיק צַדִּיק עַבְדִּי לָרַבִּים;
וַעֲוֹנֹתָם הוּא יִסְבֹּל׃ 12 לָכֵן אֲחַלֶּק־לוֹ בָרַבִּים,
וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים יְחַלֵּק שָׁלָל, תַּחַת, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱרָה לַמָּוֶת
נַפְשׁוֹ, וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִים נִמְנָה; וְהוּא חֵטְא־רַבִּים נָשָׂא,
וְלַפֹּשְׁעִים יַפְגִּיעַ׃

Profetie 126 - GODS Toorn Spoedig Naar Deze Wereld Gezonden
Profetie 126 - GODS Toorn Spoedig Naar Deze Wereld Gezonden Amightywind Nederland 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Profetie 126 - GODS Toorn Spoedig Naar Deze Wereld Gezonden

⁣Nu, Profetie 126 zoals het live voort kwam – met beide Profeten, Ezra
& Elisheva, die in "Heilige Tongen" spreken, zoals GODS GEEST hen
geeft uit te spreken (Hand. 2:3-4) in hemelse of aardse talen (1 Kor.
13:1). Ezra begint gebed met bemiddelende tongen (Rom. 8:26-27; 1 Kor.
14:15). Elisheva spreekt voort in tongen die Profetie brengen (1 Kor.
14:6). YAHUVEH GOD zalft hem krachtig om haar te beschermen en te
bedekken, en de Zalving om te Profeteren aan te wakkeren.
Het volgende omvat hun gezegende, gezalfde gesprek op 12 april 2016, in de
aanloop naar vurige Heilige tongen tegen YAH'S vijanden, en het
voortkomen van Profetie 126.

Elisheva was onder zulke geestelijke aanval, vervolging en mishandeling
geweest dat ze niet eens wist of ze ooit weer zou profeteren.
Er was deze gezalfde Profeet uit Israël die door YAHUVEH GOD opgewekt
is voor nodig, om de verbrijzelde vleugels van deze vlinder Elisheva te
herstellen en te genezen en haar in het geestelijke rijk los te laten
– allemaal in de Naam van YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Aanschouw hoe YAHUVEH deze 2 Zalvingen alreeds als één had
samengevoegd. Aanschouw hoe de Zalving tussen hen vloeit. Aanschouw de
liefde die YAHUSHUA hen voor elkaar heeft gegeven. Wij bieden onze
excuses aan voor enige moeilijkheid om Elisheva's stem te horen. De
Profetie begint na 7 minuten.

Prophecy 122 - You Can t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven thus saith YAHUSHUA
Prophecy 122 - You Can t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven thus saith YAHUSHUA Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 122 - You Can t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven thus saith YAHUSHUA

⁣This is a Word of comfort and encouragement from Him to His Faithful
Children, and a Word of Rebuke to those who are HIS enemies, the enemies
of Amightywind Ministry, who are the "illegitimate" children.

You cannot tear down the gates of Heaven! You cannot knock I YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH off Our Thrones! I laugh at you! Oh you
puny men and women! You are but dust, chaff in the wind that I can
choose to blow away. Oh you enemies of AmightyWind ministry, so many of
you I shake MY head in disgust for you shall be there when you call out
and you want an avalanche of a rock to hide you from the wrath of HE who
sits on the Throne and the Lamb of YAH. You only think you know what
suffering is. You do not even begin to comprehend. If you are an enemy
of this Ministry that only preaches MY Word and Holiness, that has a
Message of John the Baptist, and Elijah of Old, you are an enemy of

You who say, "I will destroy this ministry", no it is I that shall destroy you just as I
cursed that fig tree so too I curse the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
for this ministry is not of a man or a woman! This Ministry is made by
My own hand, it is only the Anointing of the precious RUACH HA KODESH
that draws men and women to Me for their souls to be saved but I use
this Ministry also in a way to destroy the reprobates.

So, MY darling ones who consider this Ministry a blessing for you can search
the world over and you'll not find any like it, I give you these words
of encouragement. (...)

And very, very shortly the enemies shall see it's you, it's you how much I love and it's them how much I despise.

So, you keep on laboring in this harvest field. There's so many more blessings I have waiting for you. (...)

Prophecy 70 - What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door
Prophecy 70 - What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 70 - What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door

⁣I, YAHUVEH, have been taking note of who is blessing this ministry and
sowing financial seed now and who is hindering you by only watching to
see if and when I perform this financial miracle for the miracle bus. I,
YAHUVEH, tell you this, I have used this as a test to the people who
know that I, YAHUVEH, speak forth from you as my anointed vessel. This
ministry has been there to comfort and encourage and warn the children
who call themselves mine and now when this ministry needs encouragement
and blessings I am taking note who is blessing you and who is not. How
few have even joined you in this prayer and anointed fast when it is for
their sakes also you do this, as well as standing in the gap for the
nations and for MY mercy to delay MY wrath. I have watched those who are
watching and not helping this ministry financially or even offered up a
prayer in your behalf.

The time is coming oh so quickly when those that sat back and watched
and did nothing will see I, YAHUVEH, sit back and watch and do nothing as
calamity comes knocking on their doors. For those that help this ministry
and have helped it when calamity comes knocking at your door, I shall have
MY angels guard and protect and cover you with MY anointed dome where
evil shall not touch you. I have said many times I use this ministry as a
barometer how well people are listening to MY RUACH ha KODESH MY HOLY SPIRIT.

Some reading this think they are wealthy, have no need of anything but I tell
you that you are wretched and naked before I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA's
eyes. Some reading this say, "I have my treasures here on earth,
possessions, real estate and bank accounts," but I tell you that you are
bankrupt in Heaven. Some build up there credit here on earth, but I
tell you that you have no credit when it comes to the evil times ahead
and MY ears shall not hear you call out to ME, it shall be in vain.

I have anointed this handmaiden to call forth the assembly to fast and
pray for a greater anointing and protection for the evil times that are
not far off..."

Prophecy 60 - Hide Yourselves My Children For Just A Little While Longer
Prophecy 60 - Hide Yourselves My Children For Just A Little While Longer Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 60 - Hide Yourselves My Children For Just A Little While Longer

⁣"Oh how many times I have repented that I have made man. Yes, I know
what is going to happen. That is because I am all knowing. I am
omnipresent. I am omniscient. That does not make it easier. Ohhhh, how
many times I have repented that I have made man. I look upon this world
that is MY footstool. I look into the hearts and the souls of every
creature on earth. I look into the secret places of their hearts. I see
the evil within, even those that fill the churches, even those that fill
the temples.

And I look upon their hearts. And Ohhh, how many
are so far from ME. How many only have the knowledge of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH, but their hearts are far from HIM. How many only know the
story of the crucifixion, and how few have crucified their own flesh.
How few have laid down their cross and followed after MY Son YAHUSHUA.
Again and again I send MY Apostles and Prophets to warn. Oh you hardened
generation. You cover your ears. Your ears are full of wax; your hearts
are waxed cold. You cover your eyes. And then you dare cover your mouth
so you will not even warn anyone.

Judgment has come, away with your hypocritical prayers and praise.
How few of you have bowed your knee to ME to repent for this, for the sins,
the sins of the countries you live in. I speak to the world, not just to America, but to the
farthest corners and the recesses of this earth. Sin is no respecter of a
person. The sin is in all the nations, from the smallest country,
providences, cities and towns. Some so small they don't even have names
and yet the sin remains the same.

I am the one that hears the silent cries of MY Babies, those that never had a
chance to breathe their first breath. You don't just kill them, you murderous butchers,
you torture them. I shall put sinkholes under the abortion clinics. The
fault lines are already there. It is invisible to the eye, but in MY
timing it will be as if a giant hand reaches up from the earth and
truly, as MY servant has said, they shall be drawn down into the very
bowels of hell and the earth shall cover them over and all the wicked
shall be in them. Your buildings that promote the evil life-style that
you know that I abhor. You want to know what it is. Then read MY
Scriptures. I shall do the same thing for you.

The earthquake fault lines are already there, but think not when this happens to a
region that any of the wicked will escape for they shall go down, and it
shall be I, the Great God "I AM" that tramples them underground. But
the righteous ones that stand forth in MY Name, the ones who are not
ashamed of the NameS of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, the ones that honor MY
Sabbath days and keep them holy, the ones that know to love ME is to
obey ME, the ones that love MY Scriptures and hide the word in their
heart. These are the ones that have built their homes on the solid rock
and they will not sink deep into the sand. For I am shaking this world
in MY rage, and in the days coming, you will see earthquakes
unprecedented as any time before, for they will be shaking in a greater
magnitude as a parent that has lost it's temper and shakes that child.
This is how I will shake this earth and say, "Wake up, wake up, wake

Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM
Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM

⁣I send MY Prophets forth to warn of MY judgments. I send MY apostles and
prophets forth to warn before the doom comes. I warn those now, in
America through this handmaiden of MINE once again. I gave her a dream.
Now! Urgent! Intercessory prayer warriors in the five states mentioned
in the dream [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri] must be
raised up. I told her at a time she was the most vulnerable, when her
ear was opened, inclined to hear MY words. Two words: Warn Them! Warn
them when America is the most vulnerable. As a plane was flying low,
like in the dream that will be described below. These five states are
most vulnerable. If enough prayer warriors do not rise up and care, an
attack will come. I'll not say how, I'll not say when. I warn through MY
Prophets. How few will listen.

The people take the warnings of the government now, since there has
been so many, no longer seriously. But Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, California
and Nevada, 'If MY People who are called by MY Name do not humble themselves,
fall on their faces and repent for the sins in this land,' these five states will feel
the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH's hand.

But MY Children who are in the arks, the ark is wherever I have put you to
stay as this evil passes by. I tell you this: anoint your houses, anoint your doors,
for just as in the days of old, just as when the plagues came, the children of Israel
were safe. Those that worship other gods were not. The angel of death
passed by and did not touch the children of Israel. But those that
worshipped other gods, those that serve no god felt the hand of Almighty
God YAHUVEH's wrath. I am allowing this...

...Warn Them! Those that mock you and say, "Oh you've been warning of judgment every day.
Warn Them! Just as in the days of Noah, how few paid attention 'til the
flood came. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one paid
attention 'til it was too late. Warn Them! America, you think you're
flying so high. But you don't understand, for only one purpose have I
protected you, America, and that is because of those who call out in MY
Name and pray, "Spare America, give America more time!" But where is the
repentance, America? Where is the covering of your face in shame? For
the atrocities still go on and MY Son's Name is damned...

I'll tell you this, Prayer Intercessors. Those who fervently pray had
better get in touch with you from these five states [California, Nevada,
Texas, Arkansas, Missouri], for those who will be raised up from other
places around the world, you know your calling. It is for a Prayer
Intercessor. Come forth now! Contact this Apostle before it's too late.
For America, you're getting ready to celebrate another birthday and
because of MY mercy and love, I have shown you compassion and I now send
again an Apostle to warn them. Pray once again MY judgment on America
will be delayed. From Prophecy 56 "WARN THEM! HOW FEW WILL LISTEN!"

Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat

⁣"Warning to ISRAEL and all those that love Israel and the Jewish People
with a love not our own but from Elohim, please do as commanded in the
scriptures and pray for Jerusalem. Please pray and agree that Father
Elohim YAHUVEH, HaShem Adonai, will spare those that cry out to HIM,
even those that don't yet know YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Please pray the
laborers will reach them very quickly that labor in Israel. Something is
so urgent in my spirit. The below word came unexpectedly as I wrote the
site manager, prophecy started flowing forth and it is not the one that
is like fire in my bones, I am waiting for the right time to release. I
do not understand something, if anyone has the answer please let me
know, but although I have the date for Pentecost, Shavot, for May 27, I
do not feel peace that May 27, or May 28, is the correct date.

Something is wrong. It should be on the Sabbath for one thing. Not on a Sunday or
Monday. No something is very wrong, and I don't know the correct date,
if anyone can confirm this please let me know. It is like I am still
waiting for Pentecost or Shavot to come and celebrate it for something
big is meant to happen on this day in the spiritual realm if not the
physical realm. I have an uneasy feeling something was changed as to the
Calendar date. Anyone else feel this way? Please drop me a line. I
don't claim to be a scholar of dates. [Note: We have learned that the
Day of Pentecost, Shavot, is June 2, 2001.]

Beloved Jewish People you need to realize I am not out to convert you to Christianity,
but rather to introduce you to YAHUSHUA! You who Love HaShem Adonai the
giver of the laws to Moses, we just want to introduce you to the Son of
HaShem Adonai HIS Name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH some call him by a Greek
name (Jesus) he redeems us when we break the laws of HaShem Adonai. He
covers our sins with the shed Blood at Calvary, he is the sacrificial
unblemished lamb, just as surely as the blood of the lamb was put over
the door posts in the time of Moses, so the angel of death would pass
over those houses and they would be spared the curses for the Egyptians
and those meant for the evil pharaoh.

This doesn't mean Egyptians are not accepting YAHUSHUA, or that all Egyptians are going to
Hell, for YAHUSHUA, saves all who will accept him as MESSIAH and turn
from their wicked ways. Loving Elohim the Father YAHUVEH, his son as
MESSIAH and Lord YAHUSHUA, (Jesus Christ) and allowing the RUACH ha
KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to lead and guide you to bring glory to YAHUVEH our
Elohim HaShem Adonai. I am sent to both the Jews and those that don't
realize when they accept YAHUSHUA, as Lord and MESSIAH, they are grafted
in the branch of the olive tree and become a Jew. The Blood line to the
King of Jews and Lord of Lords is what gets us into Heaven. There is
one intercessor before Elohim the Father and it is not Mary, nor the
saints, not Mohammed, or Buddha. None of them are the MESSIAH, only
YAHUSHUA was perfect, sinless, and laid HIS life down for us, spilling
HIS Blood to wash away our sins. Because YAHUSHUA, is HaShem ADONAI's
Son, that was with him in Heaven at the beginning of time."

Prophecy 27 - YAHUSHUA Will Return On A Sabbath Arise Women
Prophecy 27 - YAHUSHUA Will Return On A Sabbath Arise Women Amightywind Ministries 159 Views • 4 months ago

⁣Prophecy 27 - YAHUSHUA Will Return On A Sabbath Arise Women

⁣Prophecy Extracts: "I, YAHUSHUA, am returning on a Sabbath, you know not
which one. Come forth MY Women Apostles and Prophets! Arise NOW! No
longer let anyone tell you I have not called you to be Prophets and
Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists or Pastors! I am the Potter you are the
Clay. Why will you listen to man or those with the spirit of Pharisees?"

You shall join with the men with the same calling.
Yet, those that refuse to acknowledge you leave them to ME. Argue not with
those with deaf ears that mean well, and yet have done much harm to
those women who are told they cannot have a calling of apostle, even the
one writing was discouraged and told this. She said, "Oh well, I shall
continue doing what I am called to do, by whatever name you call it".
Yet the man that tells her this was deceived by another voice, not MY
voice. He must REPENT for doing so. Will you be ready? YAHUSHUA IS
COMING BACK ON A SABBATH! Tell all who will hear, expect them all not to
believe. This is not your problem, but their problem. You are but to
obey. (...)

MY Apostle that men reject as an Apostle, knows MY
voice and writes what she hears. Other women I have called Apostles and
they have been told they cannot be used in this office, but I say unto
you as I told this apostle, this is not for men to determine, how I use
MY handmaidens is MY business alone. They are MY clay and I alone mold
them and try them through the fire of their trials the way I so choose.
Who is a man to say what I, YAHUVEH, can do and cannot do. Many men have
been deceived as they underestimate the Spirits like David's, I have
put inside MY handmaidens. (...)

You MY Children say you want MY perfect will? Do you really?
Will you really give ME one day a week? The Sabbath, Friday sunset
until Saturday sunset you are to rest in ME, rejoice in ME, learn of ME.
Lay aside your work and instead do only MY work, if any work is to be done.
Pray and I will show you what to do and what not to do.
I am a God of perfect balance. I abhor anything
unbalanced. Even the Sabbath must be kept in balance! This is a day of
rejoicing in ME, not a curse; this is a day to be a blessing unto you a
day not to be dreaded but to be looked forward to. The Sabbath is not a
day of bondage but a day of liberty in I, YAHUSHUA! MY disciples and I
are an example of what to do on the Sabbath. Learn this not from the
Pharisee's that say this is a day to be in bondage. That say this is a
day to suffer. Yea, I say great will be your blessings for observing MY
Sabbath day and keeping it Holy.

THIS IS THE DAY I WILL COME AGAIN! Yes, I said keep the Sabbath from
this day forward for those who claim to be MY Bride!
Get ready for your Bridegroom doth come and will
arrive on a Sabbath. You know not which one. But those not waiting for
me on the SABBATH will MISS ME. Yea, I say again, as MY coming to earth
draws closer, on this day let ME be in your thoughts, words, and deeds.
Enjoy this day with ME. Can you not forsake your pleasures of the world
for ME one day a week? Practice this now. The time is coming when the
evil ones will take note who is really MINE and who is not really MINE.
They will know by the MARK of whether you observe and keep MY laws. They
will forbid you to gather on the Sabbath or acknowledge this day is the
Sabbath. Remember Friday Sunset until Saturday sunset. This is the
SABBATH. Keep it HOLY and a day for you and I to cuddle and get to know
one another. You are MY beloved. Those who do this will know blessings
unlike any you have known before." (...)

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