Are you 18 years old or above?
The Elite Order of Death Inside Bohemian Grove documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members: all men, including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to name but a few. For most of the Club's long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men were doing. Now the truth can finally be revealed. Discover the horror of the secret rituals and strange perversions engaged in at Bohemian Grove. Is this where your future and the destiny of the entire planet is decided? Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, is an Introduction Programming Manual that was uncovered accidentally in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. who bought an IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale. Inside that copier were the details of a plan which called for control of the populous utilizing a manipulation of society via traditional pastimes, the educational system and political beliefs. An Operations Research manual that served as a technical declaration of a domestic war upon humanity. It’s origins come from The Harvard Economic Research Project, a creation of World War II Operations Research. Its aim was to control an economy beginning with the American economy, and then the global economy. It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling society. But more efficient computers utilizing analysis and automation correlating massive amounts of constantly changing data were necessary in order to Social engineer the unsuspecting population in order to race ahead of the targeted society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation. At the time relay computers were to slow, but the electronic computer would change everything. A passage from the document reads "Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy." Eventually every individual element of the structural automation comes under computer control by revealing their personal preferences. Meanwhile the silent weapon is applied gradually. The public reaches a point that they can no longer tolerate and the silent weapon is dialed down. And then dialed back up to increase pressure on the "vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses." Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is equally expected from a silent weapon by its creators, different only in its own manner of functioning. Therefore, the silent weapon embedded in our day to day lives is no different than an ordinary weapon. But rather than firing bullets, it unleashes propaganda at a specified moment propelled by data processing under the orders of a Bilderberg attending banking magnate, instead of a military general. The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon that doesn't appear to exist. The gaslighting by those wielding the weapon causes the public to assume that there is no where to turn to for help. The more awareness of this diabolical weapon of social engineering the more likely a revolution will truly begin against the impending NWO.
Bill Gates want to Block the Sun
Project Bluebeam China New year 2022
Kom na YAHUSHUA Jesus Christus Wil jy weet hoekom jy gebore is? Wil jy jou roeping op aarde vervul? As dit jou begeertes is dan is jou eerste stap na n vervullende lewe om hierdie verlossings gebed te bid. Jou doel op aarde is om in verhouding met jou Skepper YAHUVEH/YAHWEH te staan. Jou hemelse Vader verlang dit van jou, maar dit is jou keuse. Neem die eerste stap deur YAHUSHUA/Jesus as jou verlosser aan te neem. HY het jou verlos van jou wetteloosheid/sondes. Sodat wanneer jy HOM met jou mond aangeneem het, dan kan jy met jou dade wys dat HY jou verlosser is deur die VADER se instruksies/ gebooie/ wette te onderhou soos die GEES dit op jou hart skryf, Jer.31:33;Heb.10:16.
חג חנוכה שמח 2020! לשיר! אל שדאי ! סיפור המכבים! פתח את הים סוף! חנוכה שמח! ווהו! הגיע הזמן לחגוג! חג שמח! הו, הו אהובים! אני כל כך מתרגשת! זה חנוכה! ואם אתם לא יודעים מה זה זה הזמן של—לא רק החגיגה של [איך] במאה השניה לפני הספירה טומא המקדש, חילול בית המקדש בירושלים; שהיתה קבוצה של רק 5 אחים שעמדו נגד אנטיוכוס הרשע שהכריז על עצמו כאלוהים ואסר על כל קריאת תורה וכל, כל קיום מצוות והוא לא רק כלא אלא עינה ורצח את היהודים שסירבו להאמין בבורא האחד והיחיד (בזמנו הם ידעו שזה היה אבא יהוה).אז אנחנו גם מוקירים בעודנו מדליקים את הנרות הללו, את נס המכבים ואתם יכולים לקרוא עליו בספר המכבים, שלא תמצאו בתנ"ך KJV. אז, תצרכו לחפשו באינטרנט ובעמוד החנוכה שלנו [ באתר], אני אומרת לכם בדיוק איפה הוא נכתב שסוכות וחנוכה הולכים ביחד ושהם לא יכלו לעשות את סוכות בזמנו אז הם היו צריכים לחכות עד לחנוכה בגלל חילול בית המקדש הם חיכו עד לחנוכה.עכשיו, אנחנו יודעים שיָּהוּשׁוּעַ המשיח נולד בזמן חנוכה והוא האור הנצחי היחידי (יוחנן 3:19, 8:12, 12:35-36,46) והתינוק הקטן הזה, העובר הקטן הזה הוכנס לרחם בתולה, צעירה עברייה על ידי רוח הקודש
Falso Arrebatamiento O Rapto - Haz De Luz Holograma Ovnis Ufo Alien Marciano Estas Palabras son lo que ellos han dicho con respecto al Falso Rapto Haz de Luz. Estas Palabras Proféticas ha sido una compilación de las Profecías habladas y escritas a través de la Apóstol Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. Estas son sólo extracto de las Profecías que menciona el Falso Rapto. Por favor hagan clic al número de la Profecía y el título para leer la Profecía en todo su contexto. Oramos para que escuches la voz de YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA y la RUACH ha KODESH y no seas una victima del Falso Rapto de haz de Luz..
Caleb, you wounded my soul it cries why? - Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 2 Caleb, you wounded my soul it cries why? - Interview Elisheva Eliyahu Part 2 Caleb, you wounded my soul it cries! Just tell me why - Interview Elisheva Eliyahu part 2 Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu reaches out to her husband Ezra Caleb one last final time in this anointed interview.
预言143-结束是全新的开始!——来自圣灵全能风野火事工亚洲分会的预言 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 預言中文網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道 使徒先知以莉莎法. 以利亞呼也是聖靈全能風野火事工亞洲分支/會眾的領導——是由亞呼贖阿我們的瑪西阿克任命的。在與許多寶貴的亞洲人(在這個影片裡所出現的人)——他們從這個事工以及把他們領向各各他山的亞呼贖阿的預言話語和啟示裡得到了祝福——長達15個小時的聚會期間,使徒以莉莎法與他們一起慶祝了神聖的普珥節,教導服事了他們,跟他們一起進行了禱告,並且還收到了來自阿爸亞哈威、亞呼贖阿和伊媽亞的一篇預言話語!這個影片包含普珥節的預言,在這篇預言裡神聖的三位一體真神對祂們親愛的亞洲會眾說了話語,啟示更多關於以斯拉迦勒叛逆的信息,以及他需要悔改之事。在這個時候問題是他會悔改並且轉離他的罪——允許在他裡面的那個好的、神聖的、充滿恩膏的男人(迦勒)上前來並且站在以莉莎法的身旁,覺得能成為協同領導是一種榮幸呢?還是他將會繼續處在叛逆和偶像崇拜之中,亞會在另外一個男人裡面把以莉莎法. 以利亞呼那充滿恩膏的迦勒帶出來呢?時間會證明一切,亞哈威已經知道了。 所有那些祝福了亞的聖靈全能風野火事工的親愛的人們都會得到祝福!聖靈全能風野火事工已經在網上有25年了,其為了亞呼贖阿. 哈. 瑪西阿克接觸到了成百上千萬的靈魂。
Prophecy 143 - An Ending Becomes a New Beginning! | Purim Prophecy Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu is also the leader of the Asian branch / congregation of AmightyWind Ministry - appointed by YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. During a 15 hour long meeting with many precious Asian people (as shown in this video) who are blessed by this Ministry and the Prophetic Words and Revelations that led them to YAHUSHUA of Calvary for salvation, Apostle Elisheva celebrated the Holy Feast of Purim with them, ministered and prayed with them and received a Prophetic Word from ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH! This video contains the Purim Prophecy in which THE HOLY TRINITY speak to THEIR beloved Asian Congregation, and reveals more about Ezra Caleb's rebellion and his need for repentance. The question at this time is, will he repent and turn away from his sins - allowing the good and holy anointed man (Caleb) in him to come forth and stand right by Elisheva's side feeling honored to be a Co-Leader? Or will he continue on in rebellion and idolatry and YAH will bring forth Elisheva Eliyahu's anointed Caleb in another man? Time will tell, and YAHUVEH already knows. Be blessed all beloveds who are a blessing to YAH'S AmightyWind Ministry that has reached millions of souls for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRIST) for 25 years online.
2019 Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu - New Revelations And Teachings "Its been the first time since I put a teaching by myself since my beloved husband Prophet Ezra Caleb from Israel and I got married. We have lovingly agreed to disagree and staying in the love of YAHUSHUA on this Scripture of Genesis 18:8 or Jasher 18:8. In Israel, separation of milk and meat is just accepted, but not even young children are expected to do it—but I only go by the biblical proof. Two Anointings are one—Judah & Ephraim have come together but not even Sha’ul who was a Torah teacher insisted on this being done, especially not to new converts. I have been very convicted as many have said this is just too hard for them, some are underweight, history of eating disorders, or cannot easily afford—and they think they will not go to Heaven because of what they eat, anything with dairy and meat. And I assure you that drinking a glass of milk with your meat dinner or dessert that consists of dairy right after your meal, will never send anyone to hell. There is a much greater meaning to “do not boil a kid in it’s mother’s milk” than just milk and meat (Ex 23:19; 34:26; Dt 14:21). The sin was when it was prepared as an offering to Molech, not that milk and meat can never be eaten. My husband born in Israel only knows what he was taught—what he is taught in Israel. I am also a full blooded Jew and I stand by the Words YAHUSHUA said that its not what goes in our mouth that defiles us, its what comes out of our mouth that defiles us (Mt 15:10-11; 16-20). I did not know that I was going to ever record this. I was having a conversation and the Anointing just hit me. It was like a new mantle of anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH just hit me and YAHUSHUA would no longer let me stay silent. I have to speak up because the main focus has to be YAHUSHUA. Moses can’t save you. In fact those that don’t receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH will stand before Moses without any mercy and he will condemn you. YAHUSHUA is the ONLY LIFE, THE TRUTH, AND THE WAY. Thank you for listening to this teaching and new revelations from heaven, and then you take it to prayer. The other subject I taught on was in regards to the Scripture, “Do not cook a young goat in its mothers milk” (Dt 14:21). This is referring to a heathen/pagan ritual done at that time and era. According to various Bible commentaries, the pagans of that era and of that area had a fertility rite, which involved boiling a kid in its mother's milk and sprinkling the broth as a magic charm on their gardens and fields. They did this in the hope of increasing the yield of their crops. GOD was warning HIS people against following this heathen ritual custom. It wasn't about dietary laws as much as it was about cruelty, abominations of idolatry and strange worship (Is 66:17).
AmightyWind 信仰聲明 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站: 預言中文網站: 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
The Mark Of The Beast 666 - What Is It In this Powerful video, we present to you an image that will never leave your mind. You will always be able to remember it. Why? Because you MUST know at this point in time, the answer to the question; "What is the Mark of the Beast?" After watching this video, you WILL know what the Mark of the Beast is and you will be prepared with this knowledge for what is going to come. The Great Tribulation is only a breath away. For the sake of souls, SHARE this video with all people you know, that they might be warned also and NOT take the Mark of the Beast in the Great Tribulation. There is a lot of information found on the internet concerning the Mark of the Beast, yet many of that which can be found is either not complete, twisted or meant to subliminally control your mind to have you end up taking the Mark of the Beast in the Great Tribulation anyway. What they DON'T tell you, is that Sunday Worship which will be mandatory in the Great Tribulation is CONNECTED to the Mark of the Beast. Although there are some Sunday churches left at this point in time that are being used for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (Jesus') Glory still, in the Great Tribulation ALL Sunday churches will be used for worship of the Antichrist. It is of great important right now to understand how the devil has set you up through the world goverments and it's religious system of iniquity, to receive the antichrist who will claim to be "Jesus Christ" returned. The antichrist will demand that ALL worship him, on the day he has set aside which is Sunday; the man-made sabbath. It is there where people will receive the physical Mark of the Beast. Learn how YAHUVEH GOD Almighty sets HIS people apart, and how HIS people will be distinquished from those who will worship the beast and receive his Mark. Learn about the True Sabbath Day; friday sundown till saturday sundown and why it is so important to keep this 4th Commandment Holy now. Why it is so important to forsake man-made doctrine and pagan holidays and Sunday, and start obeying YAHUVEH's Ten Commandments. Revelation 12 teaches us that the dragon is wroth with those who keep the Commandments of GOD and have the Testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Please view this video, in which we will show you Prophecy excerpts spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah who is the pastor from AmightyWind Ministry, who takes the heat and the abuse, and persecution from the servants of satan here on YouTube that masquerade themselves as ministers of righteousness. The Prophets pay a great price, to be used as GOD's mouthpiece. When you watch this video, you will understand why the devil and many so-called christians who are no christians at all hate this woman so much and spend their lives trying to destroy her and this Ministry. Yet this is YAHUVEH GOD and YAHUSHUA's Ministry, this Ministry therefore cannot be destroyed and will continue to burn like Holy Fire reaching the 4 corners of this earth with the Gospel, and the Holy Prophecies YAHUVEH has spoken through Prophet Elisabeth Elijah for the sake of this End Time generation.
The False BlueBeam Rapture Some Christians have been deceived to believe that they will never see the antichrist, as they would be raptured to Heaven before he appears. The Bible states that he will appear before the Day of the LORD, also known as, the Great Tribulation (2 Thess 2). The purpose of this video is to expose the enemy's plan to counterfeit the event, which is commonly known as the rapture. This False Blue Beam Rapture (among other things) will be used to set the stage for the man of lawlessness, and it will happen before the real rapture of YAHUSHUA's Bride. This video is for the Praise, Honor and Glory of ABBA YAHUVEH, HIS SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT).
Diamond Cover - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Prophetic Dream - Project Blue Beam False Rapture Warning Dream of Counterfeit Rapture Now I give a new warning to you. For those that believe in the coming of YAHUSHUA again, you use the word rapture, the catching away of MY faithful Women and Men and Children. I warn you now, BEWARE MY CHILDREN of a COUNTERFEIT RAPTURE devised by those you trust. When they say, "Jesus is here," when they say, "Jesus is there, come and meet us there." (Matt 24:23-24) Beware MY Children of the HOLOGRAM in the sky, that will be satan coming in disguise. For new weapons shall mow you down. For those who do not listen, for those who do not know, they will be evaporated, they will be nothing more than smoke. For you need not go anywhere for YAHUSHUA to come, MY Son will come where you are. Beware MY Children of the BLUE BEAM RAPTURE, which is no rapture, for it is evil being caught away, when they thought they were coming to behold the face of Jesus. I allowed them to be deceived, for if you were truly hearing from ME you would know your word, you would know even the very elect would be deceived. This is the plan, this is the plot of the enemy, just to show you what evil is. Not all who gather will be evil, some just haven't heard the warnings, some don't know how to hear MY voice, so I tell you to warn them. For MY Son doth come but the devil tries to go before, so warn them. Test the Spirit that speaks. Yes, it is true that the dead in the MESSIAH shall arise, and you which remain will be caught up in the air to meet MY Son but the devil goes before. Be warned those with ears, listen, those with spiritual eyes, see, so you will not be fooled when this counterfeit tries to appear before thee. When your own politicians around the world look up to the sky and say, "There is a greater GOD coming than I," they will see apparitions; yes they will say they see space ships. It will make your news. An alien will even be interviewed. Remember MY Children whence this comes, satan goes before MY Son. Satan mocks me in all ways, the greatest mockery is trying to steal MY true Babies, Bride, Chosen ones and Elect away.
Prophetic Dream - Beware Antichrist Alien False Prophet Hypnotizes People With TV Elisabeth saw people watching TV and she was in this woman’s house. The woman had a portable TV, meaning it was not on the wall. The woman was staring at the TV and hanging on every word a person on TV was saying. And she didn’t even know Elisabeth was there. Elisabeth had even taken her hand and moved it in front of her face and she saw the woman was in a trance. Elisabeth shouted at her and she didn’t hear her. Elisabeth tried to turn the TV off. It wouldn’t turn off. So she picked up a hammer and she hit the monitor screen. And it went off and of course there was a big hole in it and all the cracks. And the woman started shaking her head, coming out of the hypnotic trance like she didn’t know where she was. She looked at Elisabeth for the first time with a look on her face that said, “What happened?” As Elisabeth was rejoicing that the hold on her was broken, she heard this crackling noise and before her eyes, she saw the TV repairing itself and it came back on. Then the woman’s head went back to watching the TV again.
Prophecy 131 - Donald Trump popping like popcorn God has Raised up Donald Trump for This Time and Hour! (Trump, Popping & Making Noise like Popcorn!) June 29, 2016 [...] (Ps 94:20-23) —but I’ve raised up Donald Trump, who values the sanctity of life. And it is his desire, and I have given him this desire: To wash that blood off the hands! To change... laws...To give the rights back to the states! Elisheva, I changed your heart! You only saw him where curse words filled his mouth. You saw him where he is a man that worships the material things of this world. But then as I showed you in a dream, the Prophecies he would come and he would read—and I Am drawing him even now as you speak! To bow his knee to Me! —I, Yahushua— For although others look at him [negatively] and before you told the prayer intercessors to pray for him, you too—only saw the filth that comes out of his mouth—but I Am raising him up and I Am using a man who doesn’t know righteousness yet. And yet I’ve put the desire in him for righteousness (Mt 5:6)! [...] Pray for Donald Trump! To do all that he can! To wash the blood out of the White House! [...] I’ve changed his heart during all this time—as he went before the people, as he genuinely cares about the people— Yahushua say, I’m washing his heart, I’m cleansing his heart! He hasn’t totally surrendered to Me. But remember the mandate I give this Ministry: Start Praying! If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, will humble themselves and pray and seek MY Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land - 2 Chronicles 7:14 So, everyone who acknowledges ME before men, I also will acknowledge before MY FATHER WHO is in Heaven - Matthew 10:32 He was not afraid to acknowledge YAHUSHUA before thousands of people at his rally as well as the millions watching him from around the world. President Trump is a baby Christian still learning what Holy beliefs are pleasing to YAHUSHUA and what are not. Please continue to keep President Trump in your righteous Holy prayers of protection. Please go in person to vote all red for Trump! For he is being raised and appointed at this time by ABBA YAHUVEH. Voting for anyone else will be like voting for satan.
Prophecy 119 - 2011 A Call To Repent Or Perish YAH has your number 2011 PROPHECY TO WORLD! URGENT CALL TO REPENT from GOD did you hear Supernatural Telephone Ring 8 times in spiritual realm? URGENT REPENT of your Sins or burn in Hell! Watch this and if you don't feel convicted or shed a tear,are you really saved? Faith without works is Dead, stop living unholy! The Great Tribulation is nearer than you think! Bible says we all must work out our salvation with fear and trembling! YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA/JESUS CHRIST did not sacrifice HIS life to be mocked by people who say "sin all you want, no one goes to hell, there is no hell, or hell is not eternal. Another lie enemies of AmightyWind Ministries say; "it is not about what you do it is about what He did" Lies sent from satan! This is the spirit of lawlessness, the same spirit of Anti Christ Oprah Winfrey uses to speak in her gospel of Oprah Winfrey saying "no such thing as sin,devil, theres many paths to Heaven don't worry about sin,just read the book "The Secret" have what you imagine!" Lies! Run from anyone who claims they love GOD teach these lies! All enemies who accuse Apostle/Prophet/Pastor Elisabeth Elijah being evil, verbally insult, humiliate, slander, libel, abuse say she is just a false prophet a woman speaking words of flesh and evil. She replies,"They prove they are evil used of satan on Internet, I could never speak forth such beautiful anointed words, full of Wisdom, conviction, tears poured down my cheeks entire time I listen to this video. No pen or paper used to write GODS message like poetry from Heaven. YAHUSHUA spoke thru me, words flowed forth from my mouth like living water.To all enemies who say "this is only words of your flesh,no one needs Prophets we have Bible, call me false Prophet, are saying in the flesh I am capable of speaking forth words revealing future, See and Proof behind the Prophesies.YAH does shares HIS secrets with Prophets. No words of flesh can change peoples hearts,bring them to repentance and change their lives where they determine to live Holy,love,serve, obey, worship 1st in,their life, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA/JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH HA KODESH. Only anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH HA KODESH draws souls to YAHUSHUA and convicts us of our sins and only People walking Holy filled with the HOLY SPIRIT obeying GOD does this.
Prophecy 87 - Israel O Israel Hear O Israel Jerusalem And The Rest Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, you could not shut the mouth of John the Baptizer until I, YAHUVEH, allowed it and only because his job on earth witnessing was done. Just as you cannot shut the mouth of MY Two Witnesses who will continue to speak with the anointing like unto John the Baptist. MY Two Witnesses will Prophesy MY Judgment; call curses down at their will and speak of what is to come. They will rebuke with messages full of conviction and repentance and with an anointing even greater than John the Baptizer. MY Son cannot come as the Prince of Peace to Israel until many atrocities take place and not until after the counterfeit comes. When you pray for the Prince of Peace to come to Israel now, you know not the horror that must take place first, but it shall take place. It has begun to take place. For a train has been started that will not be stopped. I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide because both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is feeling what is taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of YAHUSHUA is spiritual Israel. Physical Israel you will be blessed with Deut.28 blessings when you return to Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH, and the only way this is done is when you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at Calvary. The blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those who love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those who obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy Name and those who receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. This is why you grieve as you see and you feel what is happening in Israel. Abraham is constantly before MY face and says, "What will you do with the children of Ishmael, do you not love the seed of my other son? Send your messenger to my seed and give them a chance to believe." This is why you weep for Lebanon for are they not the seed of Abraham? I have spiritual Israel that sits in Lebanon that have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Lebanon. I have MY Bride in Iraq and Iran. I have MY Bride in Syria. Remember to pray for the Bride of YAHUSHUA no matter where she is scattered around this world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in China, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Russia, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Hong Kong, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Australia I have MY Bride in America, Canada, Germany, France and Europe, I have them scattered all over the world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in India, Indonesia, Africa, South America and all over the world.
Prophecy 82 - Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH She stands there in sparkling white, Holy and undefiled. This is the Bride that I come for; she is in this world but not of this world. There is a difference between her and others who shun her holiness. Others who are not of MY Spirit, others mock her holiness, for she refuses to take part of the sins in this world. She is faithful, holy to ME, she does not compromise with sin, she does not see how far she can lean over hell before she falls in it. She wants no part of hell. She wants no part of satan, she wants no part of satan's vices. The peace that she longs for, she only turns to ME, the Prince of Peace. Now see this vision. It now changes. Now the enemy of your soul beholds MY Holy Bride and says, 'I must defile her, she cannot stand there without spot or wrinkle.' So he puts a cigarette in her mouth, so she has the stench of smoke. He puts the intoxicating beverages in her hands, so she staggers around like a drunk. Now behold MY Bride, where pornography has been put into her hands, the enemy says, "Don't worry, no one can see this secret, just hide." Now MY Bride, that once was so holy, has been so defiled. So I turn away, for I cannot come for a Bride like this. MY Bride does not have the stench of a cigarette. MY Bride does not stagger like a drunk. MY Bride does not read porn behind the doors. That is a false bride and I only accept the genuine. So I give you a choice, for the only fragrance anyone around you should smell is the fragrance of MY anointing oil, the perfume I have given you. Your garments cannot be without holiness, the garments of MY righteousness clothe you, they cannot have even a spot or a wrinkle. They cannot have any reason for this world to accuse you of sin. Do you not realize, what your eyes behold, MY eyes behold? Do you not realize, your bodies are the Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH? Do not be deceived, for sin can have no part in thee. You wonder if you are MY Bride. You pray all over the world, "Am I your Bride? You want to know, Elisabeth, how some one who tells you a certain date when I am coming for MY Bride and yet the Word given does not line up with MY Holy Scriptures. This is the beginning of the deception that entered in. How many times have I said, if it doesn't line up with MY Holy Word, for I am the Holy Word, I am the living Torah, even if they come from an Angel of light, do not receive that which is not of ME. How many times have I said, "Test the spirit that speaks?" You want to know how your brother was deceived? It does not mean that he doesn't love ME. It does not mean that he doesn't desire to serve ME, but it does mean this is the first step when he walked away, and deception entered in. When satan got a foothold and said to him, "Do not listen to the Holy Word." Instead he started listening to a voice that was not of ME.
Prophecy 55 - Warn The People Devastation Is Coming This prophetic warning was spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT. EARTHQUAKES, RADIATION,STARVATION,NUCLEAR WAR,VOLCANOS,STORMS,Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams Tsunamis 8.9 Earthquakes GODS WRATH and LOVE, REVELATIONS PROPHETS EVANGELIST PASTORS Prophecy 55 Starving Baby dream Aleph Tav Amightywind RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Last Chance Ministry AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND Prophet End Time Prophetic dreams prophetic visions YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT GOD GREAT TRIBULATION TIME of JACOBS TROUBLE Holy Dreams.
Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror Great devastation is coming to the earth sooner than you'll ever believe. YAHUVEH's wrath will be poured out for those who mock, oppress and refuse to repent and turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR, GREAT HORROR such as this world has never seen. But listen, I give these words not for MY Bride, Babies, Chosen Ones and Elect to fear. They are not for those who hear MY voice and fear ME. It is wisdom to fear the Lord. It is wisdom to try to be pure. It is wisdom to keep living Holy and shun unholiness. You take the Word of God and you hold it in the heathen's face. Say, "Thus Sayeth the Lord," Watch and see, your neighbor's house will be flattened; plagues, sickness, death, destruction and poverty will come and watch how I cover those who are MINE. I cover those who entered MY Passover. Those who are MINE, who entered into MY Passover, you will Passover the horror of MY judgment to come. There is coming great devastation. The earth will shake and quake in fear. Can the Sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer to the earth? The lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH anymore. Oh but you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME, you need not fear. Those of you who hear MY voice need not fear when it is time to go you will know. Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then, so I will do it again. Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY children of Israel who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship ME. MY children are the ones I protected. Their enemies were destroyed. I did it then and I will do it again. The Israelites disobeyed and were delayed from entering the Promised Land by MY chastisement. See the destruction come upon the whore of Babylon. Remember Hitler, as I have told MY Prophets, learn from Hitler and you shall see what has been in the past shall be in the future.
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere. YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN WARNED.
Prophecy 24 Part 2 - Beware the Yeast of The Pharisees False Doctrine Prosperity Pimps YAHUVEH GOD spoke through the Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) 11-15-98. I want to remark this. ABBA YAHUVEH warned us from evil's pastors who only want to lead the people astray preaching false doctrines (demonic doctrines). These so called pastors and leaders do not mention the salvation of the souls but prosperity. They are wolves in sheep clothing's or clones. They only look after the people's money but they do not care for the salvation of their souls. Sad to say! All these Churches have no Spirit of God within. They are churches of the pretenders. Please do not be deceived from all these Prosperity Pimps! Do not plant your seed on infertile soil. Abba YAHUVEH will held us accountable for where we sowed the seed. And HE will take our blessings out from us if we support theses false doctrines teaching from Prosperity Pimps. IMPORTANT NOTE OF THE MASS Deception leading millions of people to the worship and feet of the antichrist, the dark jesus which we THE Holy & Redeemed REBUKE IN YAHUSHUA'S/JESUS' NAME. From AMIGHTYWIND Prophecies: "Be warned it will be the famous TV evangelists that will lead the masses to the son of satan, whom will come using the name that is trusted, JESUS. It will be the famous TV evangelists that have sold their souls to satan for fame and wealth that are teaching false manmade doctrines and leading the people to this false JESUS. In the Great Tribulation the name of JESUS will be counterfeited by the son of satan now called the anti-christ. This anti-christ will defile the name of JESUS and under the power of satan do signs, wonders and unholy miracles in a name known by the Christian Church, a name that is now loved and trusted, the name of JESUS CHRIST." "The son of satan, will do signs, wonders and false miracles in satan's power for satan's glory."
Prophecy 24 Part 1 - Beware The Ark Door And Book of the Gentiles is Closing "Get in now, the Ark door and Book of the Gentiles is closing. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms where there is safety. For those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY beloved Bride, MY Children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE. I will rescue you from the wrath that is to come. For those that refuse the BLESSED HOPE, MY coming for MY beloved Bride, eloping with her in the midnight hour. You insult ME to say I will cause her to suffer the Wrath of Almighty God. She is MY beloved, why would I beat MY Bride up? I am not a wife beater." [...]
Prophecy 9 - Preach It Teach It Cause Others To Believe It This is a Prophecy given to Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Hebrew for JESUS CHRIST) under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH tells HIS people to preach the TRUTH. HE speaks about persecution and encourages HIS beloved ones.
Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood. ABBA YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRISTUS) waarsku Israel en die hele wêreld oor die Groot Verdrukking en dat ons op die brink is van die Groot Verdrukking. Die video sluit 'n spesiale stuk in oor Hollywood en YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ryk uit na die wat in Hollywood is wat nog nie punt bereik het om teen die RUACH HA KODESH (HEILIGE GEES) te laster nie, maar 'n kans het om na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te kom en weg te draai van hulle sonde. En dan die res van hulle lewe te gebruik te ontbloot wat in Hollywood aangaan en om mense na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te lei. Dit was 26 jaar gelede dat Apostel en Profeet Elisheva Eliyahu vanuit die Hemel gehoor het dat hierdie Bediening van AmightyWind gebruik sal word om die verlore siele te bereik insluitende akteurs, aktrises, regisseurs, musikante ens. vir die Koninkryk van die Hemel. Wat geprofeteer was is alles gekoppel met gehoorsaamheid. Gehoorsaam hulle die voorwaardes? Is Israel ‘n Heilige land? Waar hulle die grootste van die gay optogte hou! En dit pronk in MY Gesig?! (Elisheva: O goeiste!) O Israel, O Israel, O Israel! Julle maak MY kwaad! Julle vul MY met grimmigheid! Julle lees die Torah gedeelte… Julle het ‘n bly-tuis bevel, selfs onder die bedreiging van dood (was dit nog nooit voorheen so gewees nie, sal nooit weer wees nie), maar julle vul MY met GRIMMIGHEID! Vir julle geheime sonde — wat julle doen in die huise waarin julle ingegrendel is! O julle onthou die shabbatte! Julle onthou die [Toewyding] Hanukkah. Julle onthou Sukkot. Julle het onthou —sommige van julle —selfs Purim MAAR JULLE HET DRONK GEWORD! Julle het partytjie gehou asof dit ‘n Mardi Gras was! Waar was die Aanbidding?! Waar was die Lofprysing ?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL JULLE VUL MY YAHUVEH MET GRIMMIGHEID! RASERNY, TOORN EN GRIMMIGHEID! Wat? Julle dink EK het geen reg nie? Het julle Kora reeds vergeet? D aardie seëninge wat EK gereserveer het vir Israel, was ‘n Israel wat ‘n Heilige land sou wees —wat MY sou Aanbid en Loof en apart gestel sou wees en ‘n voorbeeld sou wees vir die ganse aarde— en nie skaam kry daaroor nie. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle die Torah kan aanhaal, so trots op die feit dat julle selfs die Tanak kan aanhaal. Baie van julle kan. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle julself apart stel… en ‘n kippa opsit, op julle kop wat EK nooit beveel het nie. Dit stel julle apart. Soos swart en wit! O julle kabaal, WEET JULLE HOEVEEL HAAT EK JULLE! Dink julle nie dat EK sien wie agter dit alles is nie? Dink julle nie EK weet nie? EK YAHUVEH, EK, DIE VADER VAN DIE SKEPPING! Dink julle MY Oë het blind geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? Dink julle EK YAHUVEH het doof geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? DINK JULLE MY ARM IS TE KORT— dat EK julle nie kan dissiplineer op ‘n manier wat nooit voorheen gedissiplineer was nie? (Wat die tyd sal wees van ‘Jakob se Benoudheid’.) [Dit is] net soos MY Arm nie te kort is om julle nou te omhels nie, net soos MY Oë nie te dof is dat EK nie nou so bewonderend na julle sal kyk nie. MY Arms SMAG om julle weer vas te hou soos EK Abraham, Isak & Jacob vasgehou het— soos EK MY ABSOLUTE EIE GE [LIEFDE] ENIGSTE VERWEKTE SEUN YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH vasgehou het. EK hou HOM nou vas —terwyl EK hierdie Woord voortspreek uit Elisheva Eliyahu (weereens op ‘n tyd wanneer sy oor ‘n heel ander onderwerp gebid het en nie hierdie Woord verwag het nie .) O Israel hou op om MY te vul met GRIMMIGHEID. Hou op om MY te vra hoekom het die dood gekom— in die huise in —terwyl julle aanspraak maak op Psalm 91. Is julle GEHOORSAAM aan Psalm 91?! Of is julle skaam vir die NAAM VAN YAHUVEH?! Antwoord hierdie vraag! Hoekom kan hulle nie wat beweer om gelowiges van MY te wees en is, en hulself Messiaans Joods noem— ingeënt was op die WYNSTOK YAHUSHUA, WIE die MASHIACH is—hoekom vrees hulle om die NAAM, “YAHUSHUA” (יהושוע) te noem? En waag dit om die Naam “Yes-hua” (ישוע) te sê? EK spel nie SY NAAM, “Y-E–S–H–U-A”(ישוע)nie. EK het dit keer-op-keer gesê deur hierdie Apostel & Profeet. Ek het keer-op-keer gewaarsku en tog sal hulle nie luister nie! Selfs diegene wat beweer “ek ken Hebreeus!” — en hulle sal selfs erken die NAAM beteken “YAH RED” ! Waar is MY NAAM in die naam Y-E-S-H-U-A(ישוע)?! MY SEUN se naam is volgens MY NAAM, YAH! (יה)! Het YAHUSHUA (יהושוע) nie gesê dat HY net die wonderwerke kon doen wat HY SY VADER sien doen het nie? HY het net SY VADER se voorbeeld nagevolg! SEKERLIK dink julle nie dit was Josef nie?! HY het gesê die HEMELSE VADER, EK IS WIE EK IS! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het gesê, “EK IS WIE EK IS!
My testimony for the Glory of YAHUSHUA
(简)2020 异梦黑环瘟疫 - 使徒以莉莎法.以利亚呼 在为时已晚之前今天就來到亞呼赎阿. 哈. 玛西阿克(耶稣基督)的面前。 Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫与塔夫圣灵全能风野火最后机会事工 预言英文网站 亚洲分支网站 电子邮箱
Wybacz Pieśń Naszej Siostry Wybacz każdy grzech mój. Żadne uczynki miłosierdzia czy uczciwe postępowanie NIE SĄ W STANIE utorować nam drogi do Nieba, ani ocalić naszej duszy od Piekła wiecznego! Jak bowiem mówi Pismo: „Wszyscy zgrzeszyli i pozbawieni są Chwały BOŻEJ” (List do Rzymian 3:23) KAŻDY z nas potrzebuje Krwawej Ofiary Zadośćuczynienia („I prawie wszystko oczyszcza się krwią według Prawa, a bez rozlania krwi nie ma odpuszczenia grzechów.” - List do Hebrajczyków 9:22) – wystarczającej, aby pokryć wszystkie nasze grzechy i zapewnić nam ich przebaczenie. Dlatego właśnie BÓG OJCIEC JAHWEH zmiłował się nad nami i posłał nam SWEGO Jednorodzonego, Umiłowanego SYNA za Pośrednika, Orędownika i Zbawiciela, który sam stał się Doskonałą, Bezgrzeszną i Nieskazitelną Ofiarą za grzech, mającą moc zgładzić wszelką naszą nieprawość, oczyścić nas z winy i usprawiedliwić w oczach STWÓRCY! (List do Hebrajczyków, rozdziały 7-10) „Tak bowiem BÓG umiłował świat, że Syna Swego Jednorodzonego dał, aby każdy, kto w Niego uwierzy, nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne.” (Ewangelia Św. Jana 3:16) Amen! Pamiętajmy, że JAHWEH jest absolutnie Doskonały i Święty, dlatego ludzka sprawiedliwość nie może zrobić na NIM żadnego wrażenia. Tylko i wyłącznie przybrani w Prawość i Świętość JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH, za JEGO wstawiennictwem i w JEGO Imieniu, możemy zostać przyjęci przez BOGA OJCA. Codziennie dziękujmy JAHWEH i JAHUSZUA za najwyższą Cenę, którą zapłacił ON za nasze Zbawienie na Krzyżu Kalwarii, a także z wdzięcznością, bojaźnią i czcią przyjmujmy ten niesamowity Dar, godnie zaświadczając o naszej wierze poprzez Święte i bezgrzeszne życie. (List Św. Jakuba, rozdział 2)
My Beloved - StandUpForYAH03 This a video we did for the very special festival rosh ha shannah! We hope and pray that you will be blessed by this video/song and may you draw nearer to HIM during these times. All the Glory Belongs to our precious ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Amen! May you be blessed!
Evidence of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry in Vaccines
Controlling the it Possible?
Juhlintaa ympäri vuoden! 27/28 vuotta verkossa! Kunnia YAHUSHUALLE! Asa Mikaiyah, liity joukkoomme! Otteita videolta: "4. huhtikuuta 1994 ALEPH & TAV AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH HOLY FIRE Last Chance -palvelutyö synnytettiin verkossa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Yli 27 vuoden ajan tämä messiaanis-juutalais-helluntailainen palvelutyö on julistanut YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N evankeliumia ja tuonut miljoonia sieluja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE, JOKA on TIE, TOTUUS ja ELÄMÄ (Joh. 14:6). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on AINOA NIMI, jonka kautta pelastuu – parannuksenteon ja synneistään pois kääntymisen kautta (Ap. t. 4:12). Me emme ole 'kerran pelastunut, aina pelastunut' -tyyppinen palvelutyö. Sillä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH sanoo: 'Miksi te sanotte MINULLE: "HERRA, HERRA!" ettekä tottele MINUA?' (Luuk. 6:46) Ja että jos rakastamme HÄNTÄ, meidän täytyy pitää HÄNEN käskynsä (Joh. 14:15). Antisionismi ei ole antisemitismiä. AmightyWind-palvelutyö opettaa PYHÄN KOLMINAISUUDEN OIKEITA, HEPREANKIELISIÄ NIMIÄ YAHUVEH [JAHVE], YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ja RUACH HA KODESH, PYHÄ HENKI. Ne pyhät Profetiat paljastavat Danielin kirjan sinetöityjä salaisuuksia. Palvelutyö on kertonut todistuksia YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N ITSENSÄ ja pyhien arkkienkelien Mikael ja Gabriel henkilökohtaisista ilmestymisistä, julkaissut yli 150 Taivaasta saatua Profetiaa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta, kääntänyt yli 52 eri kielelle, julkaissut 'Todisteita Profetioiden takana' [Proof Behind the Prophecies]. Yli 27 vuoden ajan AmightyWind-palvelutyö ja apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahu ovat pysyneet pystyssä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N vallan ja voiman kautta huolimatta jatkuvista hyökkäyksistä, joita on tullut kelvottomilta vihollisilta. Helvetin portit eivät pystyneet voittamaan YAH'N palvelutyötä. Sen sijaan profeetta Elisheva Eliyahusta on tullut vain vahvempi ja rohkeampi, AmightyWind- palvelutyö on vain menestynyt ja kukoistanut yksin ABBA YAHUVEH'N [JAHVEN], YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N ja RUACH HA KODESHIN voitokkaiden kätten kautta ja niin, että NÄMÄ ovat puhuneet julki profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Kaikki kiitos, ylistys ja kunnia YAHUVEH'LLE, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE ja RUACH HA KODESHILLE nyt ja ikuisesti. Amen." [...] "YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on sen mysteerin PALJASTUS, salaisuus maailman alusta alkaen (Room. 16:25), jota pahuuden voimat eivät ymmärtäneet. Sillä 'eivät he olisi KIRKKAUDEN HERRAA ristiinnaulinneet' (1. Kor. 2:8)." [...] "Mutta haluan kaikkien tietävän, ettei ole väliä, mistä heimosta joku tulee, olipa se sitten Juudan heimo tai jokin toinen niistä kahdestatoista heimosta (Ef. 2:18-19). Tietäkää tämä: On vain yksi, jolla on merkitystä, ja HÄN on se VIINIPUU, ja me olemme ne oksat (Jes. 11:1-2; Joh. 15; Room. 11; Ilm. 22:16), ja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on kaikkien kuningasten KUNINGAS, HÄN on se HERRA JUMALA KAIKKIVALTIAS. HÄN on ainoa 'SUKULINJA', jolla on merkitystä. Oletko sinä oksastettu (Room. 11)? Onko sinut adoptoitu? Oletko VERELLÄ pesty ja VERELLÄ ostettu YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N NIMEN ja VEREN kautta? Rukoiletko, että sinut katsotaan arvolliseksi tulemaan kutsutuksi YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N Morsiameksi (Luuk. 21:36)? Koska älä usko sitä 'massaylöstempaus'valhetta (Mark. 13:36; Luuk. 12:37; Ilm. 3:3; 16:15 ym.). Sinun täytyy elää pyhästi tullaksesi kutsutuksi YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N Morsiameksi." [...] "Asa Mikaiyah/Mikiyah, sinua valmistellaan. Sinä OLET valmis. Sinä pystyt tähän. Sinä et tule lankeamaan, vaikka se toinen lankesi – minulle on annettu tämä lupaus." [...] "Niiden 27 vuoden aikana, joina AmightyWind-palvelutyö on ollut Internetissä, on ollut kaksi miestä, jotka olivat kanssajohtajia apostoli Elisheva Eliyahun kanssa eri aikoina, kunnes he pettivät luottamuksen, koska eivät pystyneet vaeltamaan pyhinä, ja menettivät uskonsa YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'AAN, ikävä kyllä. Heille oli helpompaa kääntyä okkultismiin. Jälkimmäistä näistä kahdesta miehestä sanottiin Ezra Calebiksi, mutta hänen oikea nimensä on Erez Yotam. Voitte olla varmoja, ettei sitä Ezra Calebia – nimi, jonka JUMALA YAHUVEH hänelle antoi – enää ole." [...] "Jotenkin joku teki tälle miehelle 'MK-Ultra'-tyylisen mielenhallintaoperaation niin, ettei tämä mies pelkästään uskonut moniin 'jumaliin', mikä oppina on suoraan kabbalasta, juutalaisesta mystiikasta, mitä pahimmasta okkultismin muodosta, vaan että loppujen lopuksi hän ja hänen joukkonsa julistivat itse olevansa osa JUMALUUTTA." [...] "Erez Yotam ei koskaan tule takaisin. Hän ei koskaan palaa siihen Ezra Caleb -kutsumukseen. Takaraja hänen paluulleen oli shavu'ot 2020, minkä ABBA YAH antoi Profetiassa 153."
Пророчество 152. Слушайте и освободитесь от демона страха. Лицом к лицу с Апостолом Элишева Элияху.
PEDOGATE - Be the VOICE of the Tortured Children Worldwide! Be there at DCMP to protest on 21st of April from 1-4 PM. Key evidence was handed over to the DC Police Department that proves Comet Ping Pong is distributing child porn. What have they done with that evidence over the last 5 months, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Still no investigation, no one is being prosecuted, and the man who handed over the evidence to the police who was supposed to remain anonymous now has his life endangered and is harassed from every angle! We all MUST BE A VOICE and protest this one way or the other. For those who can be there at the DCMPD, please BE THERE to protest. We demand a proper investigation to be done!
Profetia 131 – Donald Trump, poksahteleva kuin popcorn! Otteita Profetiasta: Saatanallisella eliitillä, joka täyttää Valkoisen Talon, on niin paljon verta käsissään (Psalmit 94:20-23)— murhaajan verta, syntymättömien verta - mutta MINÄ olen nostanut ylös Donald Trumpin, joka arvostaa elämän pyhyyttä. Ja on hänen toiveensa, ja MINÄ olen antanut hänelle tämän toiveen: Pestä tuo veri pois käsistä! Muuttaa aborttilait! Antaa oikeudet takaisin osavaltioille! Elisheva, MINÄ muutin sinun sydämesi! Sinä ainoastaan näit hänet siinä, missä kirosanat täyttivät hänen suunsa. Sinä näit hänet siinä, missä hän on mies, joka palvoo tämän maailman materiaalisia asioita. Mutta sitten, niin kuin MINÄ näytin sinulle unessa, Profetiat, joiden luokse hän tulisi ja hän lukisi - ja MINÄ vedän häntä puoleeni jopa nyt kun sinä puhut! TAIVUTTAMAAN POLVENSA MINULLE! – MINULLE, YAHUSHUA'lle - Sillä vaikka muut katsovat häneen [negatiivisesti], ja ennen kuin sinä käskit esirukoilijoita rukoilemaan hänen puolestaan, sinä myös - ainoastaan näit saastan, joka tulee esiin hänen suustaan - mutta MINÄ nostan hänet esille ja MINÄ käytän miestä, joka ei tunne vanhurskautta vielä. Ja silti MINÄ olen laittanut halun häneen saadakseen vanhurskautta (Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 5:6)! ...Hänet on voideltu pitämään meteliä! Te ette voi hiljentää häntä - he ovat yrittäneet... ...He ovat yrittäneet pelotella häntä! He yrittävät tuoda hänelle häpeää! He ovat pilkanneet häntä! He turmelivat hänen maineensa! He yrittävät saada hänet näyttämään siltä, kuin hän olisi alempana mielipidekyselyissä. Todellisuudessa hän on korkeammalla... ...Rukoilkaa Donald Trumpin puolesta! Että hän tekee kaiken, mitä hän voi tehdä! Pestäkseen veren pois Valkoisesta Talosta!... ...Mutta MINÄ, YAHUVEH, sanon, MINÄ olen muuttanut hänen sydäntään koko tämän ajan - kun hän meni ihmisten eteen, samalla kun hän aidosti välittää ihmisistä - MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, sanon, MINÄ pesen hänen sydämensä, MINÄ puhdistan hänen sydämensä! Hän ei ole täysin antautunut MINULLE. Mutta muistakaa toimeksianto, jonka MINÄ annan tälle Palvelutyölle: ALKAKAA RUKOILLA!...
Rosh HaShanah Yom Teruah Feast of Trumpets Teaching Time of YAHUSHUA S return Messianic Jewish • Yom Teruah (the Day of Sounding [Feast of Trumpets) Numbers 29:1 • Zicaron Teruah & Yom HaZikkaron (the Day of Remembrance or memorial) Lev 23:24 - • Teshuvah (repentance) • Yamim Nora'im (Days of Awe) • Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year) • Yom Harat Olam (Conception/Birthday of the World/Cosmos) • Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgment) • Yom HaKiseh (the Day of the Seat) • Yom HaKeseh (the hidden day) 1 Cor 15: 51-52 51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. The "official" date for 2011 on the pre-set calendar, which most of the Jewish World observes, is Sep 28 sundown to 30th sundown. If you go by the NEW MOON sighting this year, 2011: It will start on 29th sundown if the New Moon IS sighted Thursday evening. BUT if it IS NOT seen in Israel on Thursday it will automatically start Sep 30 at sundown. The Jewish custom is to celebrate 2 days. I personally will be celebrating Sep 30 sundown to Oct 1st sundown. This will automatically cover the correct day whether the moon is sighted or not!! It is like an insurance policy ;) As far as how to keep/celebrate Yom Teruah - the command is that we hear the shofar! And the other traditions are to wear white, have a nice dinner with sweet foods, like dipping apple in honey etc. That is apart from it being a time of introspection, repentance, prayer and worship and looking forward to YAHUSHUA's coming whether it be now or in the future! Just keep it simple and don't get too caught up in rituals/traditions :)
2019 Elisheva Eliyahu Live Heart Talk to Ezra Caleb - Part 1 Ezra Caleb must repent for what he has done, leading people to another god, especially with his false word setting a false date for the 3 days of darkness. There's been many videos now directed at you Ezra from Elisheva, YAH speaking through her to you, but this one is coming from straight from her to you. Aldric Marshell & Arlington Williamson, both of Florida, are also trying to reach you to get you to repent.
Пророчество 126 - Божий Гнев на Этот Мир Будет Отправлен Не прикасайтесь к Пророкам МОИМ! Не прикасайтесь к Помазанным МОИМ, и Пророкам МОИМ не делайте никакого зла (1 Паралипоменон 16:22; ПС 104:15)! Он [Павел Хэллэм] разгорится в Ярости МОЕЙ! НЕ ВРЕДИТЕ МОЕЙ НЕВЕСТЕ! — НЕ ЗЛОУПОТРЕБЛЯЙТЕ МОЕЙ НЕВЕСТОЙ! (4) Горе всем, кто прикасается к волосам головы МОЕЙ Невесты! Разве вы не знаете? Это МОЯ Ярость, МОЙ Гнев, МОЯ Ярость, который держит Ад воспламененным! В этот день пламя только выросло горячее! Не вредите МОИМ Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным и Избранным! Горе этому миру! Для того, чтобы называть злом то, что Я называю Святым! ГОРЕ ЭТОМУ МИРУ! Горе! Горе! Горе! Это не собирается(5) [быть] долго. Этот мир собирается почувствовать на себе МОЮ Ярость! И это будет не просто топанье Ножкой АББА ЯХУВЕХ — но это будет и ЯХУШУА и ИММАЯХ! Прекратите испытывать. Прекратите испытывать МОЕ терпение — как далеко вы можете наклониться в Ад и не упасть — ПРЕКРАТИТЕ ИСПЫТЫВАТЬ МЕНЯ! Я не говорю это предупреждение МОИМ драгоценным Младенцам, Невесте, Выбранным и Избранным —те, кто омыты в Пролитой Крови, те, кто получил МОЙ дар на Голгофе. Вы! Вы! Вы! Я вас обнимаю! Вам нечего бояться. Я говорю с врагами — отверженными (2 Тимофея 3:8; Титу 1:16),(6) порождению сатаны. Я говорю к “теплым” (Откровение 3:16), кто называет себя “Христианин”, но даже ОСКВЕРНЯЮТ Имя ХРИСТА.
Prophétie 45 - Levez vous Mes Fils Comme Un Esprit Du Roi David Conaissez-vous YAHUSHUA en tant que votre Sauveur, Messie et unique chemin au Royaume des Cieux? Si non, lisez cette prière et recevez YAHUSHUA dans votre cœur. Cher YAHUSHUA, Je te reçois comme Seigneur et Sauveur, Tu es le Dieu que j'aime. Je crois que tu as payé le prix de mes pêchés sur la montagne du Calvaire, que tu es mort et ressuscité d'entre les morts le troisième jour. Je te demande de venir dans mon coeur, de me pardonner les pêchés que j'ai commis, de me laver de toute mon iniquité. Je regrette d'avoir pêché et je me détourne de ces pêchés. Merci de m'avoir rempli de l'Esprit Saint et de m'avoir donné le désir de te servir tous les jours de ma vie. Vis en moi, YAHUSHUA, pour que tu sois aussi glorifié ! Merci de m'avoir donné le désir de lire ta Bible, et donnes-moi la sagesse de la comprendre, Merci pour ton amour pour moi et d'avoir sauvé mon âme en faisant grandir ma foi pour que je sois un jour avec toi au Ciel. Remplis-moi maintenant de l'Esprit Saint et délivre-moi du Diable, en ton nom, YAHUSHUA, je prie cela ! Aide-moi YAHUSHUA à me souvenir que tous ont pêché et sont privés de la gloire de YAHUVEH et que tu es venu NOUS sauver, NOUS les pêcheurs, c'est pourquoi TU es appelé notre SAUVEUR. Amen. Lisez cette prière et lisez-la encore, cette fois pas avec votre connaissance de tête, croyez-la avec foi et souvenez-vous que YAHUSHUA n'est pas seulement Dieu mais aussi votre meilleur ami ! IL se préoccupe tant de vous, IL vous aime tant comme vous êtes. IL déteste le pêché mais IL vous aime, vous le pêcheur ! YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX, SI PAS SUR TERRE !
First Book of Maccabees A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
First Book of Adam and Eve The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden (1926) is a collection of 17th-century and 18th-century English translations of some Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and New Testament Apocrypha, some of which were assembled in the 1820s, and then republished with the current title in 1926.
Ablewaterwalker - Gospel Songs 1 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Silent Night - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Profetie 121 - YAHUSHUA Jezus is beide REDDER de HEERE GOD ALMACHTIG Bekijk, lees en bestudeer alstublieft deze belangrijke Profetieën die u zullen voorbereiden voor de komst van onze HEER en Heiland YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH voor Zijn Bruid, en die waarschuwen over de spoedig komende Grote Verdrukking. GOD's Oordeel begint bij diegenen die zich Christenen en gelovigen noemen. Bent u dagelijks aan het wandelen in een liefdevolle, gehoorzame relatie met GOD de Vader en Zijn Zoon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, onderhoudende HUN Geboden? Of bent u aan het leven in zonde en denkt u dat YAHUSHUA's Bloed het toch wel bedekt? GOD's Oordeel is nabij en deze Profetieën geven u Wijsheid, Kennis en Inzicht in wat komen gaat en wat GOD verwacht van u. Bekeer u van uw zonden en geef uw leven aan YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jezus Christus van Golgotha om eeuwig leven te ontvangen. De Hemel is echt, en zo ook is de Hel echt.
Prophetic Dream - The UFOs are coming What will you do I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the Blue Beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
Prophetic Dream - Martyrdom Is Coming This is a Prophetic End Time Warning Dream given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah: October 3, 2011. I've been having many prophetic dreams lately. (...) I firmly believe, from everything I've heard of people who've had to be martyred because they love YAHUSHUA, the one called JESUS CHRIST and I believe with all my heart that they don't suffer, from the testimonies I have heard, that the devil will not have the satisfaction. I believe with all my heart and I want to encourage people. This dream... and they were back to back and they were similar and yet you'll hear, it was about martyrdom. It's so close now people. If you're afraid to stand up now and defend YAHUSHUA and defend Holiness and defend others who are preaching Holiness and you're afraid of just having a bad word spoken about you or on YouTube to have a sub or a friend, that you'll never see, drop you, what are going to do? I'm talking about those calling themselves "born again" Christians. What are you going to do when they're going to come to you, the governments of this world, and they're going to say, "This is your new god. I demand and the law demands that you worship this new god, this leader of the world, or we're going to chop your head off or we're going to chop your body parts off or we're going to make you suffer untold agony; you're not going to have any food anymore; you're going to do when you see your family starve, your children starve if you don't worship the one that we call god and give up the one you worship, the one you call 'YAHUSHUA', the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have a new god now and if you don't accept him and you don't carry the mark and if you don't gather together and worship on a mandatory Sunday, this is what's going to happen to you." What are you going to do people? You're cowards now, ok? And the Bible says in the book of Revelations thatcowards are not going to go to Heaven. [Rev. 21:8] Do you know why? Because they're going to sell YAHUSHUA out!
Prophecy 68 - Mock ME If You Dare MY beloved Children, I'm not angry with you. I am grieving at the pain this world causes ME. First I get silent and I grieve then you're going to see MY wrath unleashed. A word of warning to MY enemies, so you dare to mock ME (YAHUVEH), so you dare to mock the 2nd coming of YAHUSHUA? Go ahead and mock and you shall see MY wrath come down in such a way it will be like a torrent, a storm, a gust of wind and truly it shall sweep the chaff away. I shall bring forth waves as the waves of ungodliness has reached Heaven, the waves of the ocean and seas shall roar, the storms from Heaven unlike anything that anyone has seen. Hail and brimstone once again shall fall just like I showed you in your dream, for when the meteors start to fall, they shall explode in fire. Just like in the dream that I gave you this night, hail shall come like never seen before combined with winds. It shall shatter windows. The iciness that those have shown against ME the Creator against MY Son YAHUSHUA I shall pour forth that same ice back upon them. Ice shall fall from Heaven. Fire shall fall from Heaven. The earth shall quake and shake. Blindness shall strike man as they have been spiritually blinded, as they have been blinded to the truth and refused it, as they have been blinded to Holiness. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah once again brimstone and hail and blindness shall come upon them. So go ahead I dare you to mock. I speak to MY enemies now; you're only digging to your own level, to the pit of the fire to hell that is waiting for you, to the level into which you will descend. With every word that proceeds out of your mouth that mocks and scoffs, that rejects MY mercy and MY love that rejects MY Son YAHUSHUA. Go ahead and mock, you enemies of MINE that defile MY Shabbat. You that mock the Shabbat, you that mock the Jewish people, you that hates Israel, those that betray Israel, those that betray MY own chosen ones, MY Babies, MY Bride and MY Elect. Go ahead and mock. It is I, YAHUVEH, I will have the last laugh. You have aroused MY ire, you have aroused MY wrath. You say I will play God with the knowledge I have given you. You create man in man's own image, when MY Word says you were created in MY image. You play your games with the weather. Now I shall show you the creator of that weather. Your own clones shall turn against you. Your own inventions shall turn against you. Any weapon that you try and use against MY Children shall boomerang back upon you. For I am judging Sodom and Gomorrah again, I am looking over the face of this world. I know which ones MY angels have sealed and these things shall not befall them. Woe be unto the rest of you. You better fall on your knees now and repent while there is yet time. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA MY Beloved Son, cry out for mercy for the evil that you have done. Oh but you hardened generation, you reprobates, you who think you're so rich and you're full of pomp, fame and glory. You glorify yourself in your own image. Only in the mirror your own beauty you behold. I shall take away your beauty. I shall take away your fame and fortune. I am the only one that promotes and I am the only one that disposes. I am YAHUVEH and I am the beginning and the end. I have no beginning and I have no end.
Prophecy 64 - Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon "Tell them MY Daughter, tell them. The majority of the churches are Babylon. They starve MY baby sheep and MY lambs. The pastors are nothing but evil in these churches of Babylon that speak forth MY Words and yet no power is within them. No milk, no meat the only ones that get fed is the evil shepherds with the material gain of this world to build onto their buildings already built. To compare the numbers with one another as they boast, I have this many in my congregation and I have that many in my congregation but oh how few are filled with MY SPIRIT. Oh MY heart grieves, MY Children! TELL MY Children TO FLEE THE CHURCHES OF BABYLON! The ones that have the man made Sabbath. Oh so few of a remnant are in MY churches. They say they are MY churches and they don't even belong to ME. I have told MY People MY true mighty warriors to flee. Is not MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) able to come into them as they sit in their own homes? Truly I tell you this the evil has gotten more evil but MY anointing has grown stronger in the GODLY. For demons have been unleashed and where is the first place they go? They fill the pews and they stand behind the altars, behind the podiums. They stand there puffed up in their pride. They say I have millions that follow me. They boast of themselves on TV but I tell you the truth MY Spirit is not in them. Run children, run, run, run, for MY judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH. The churches that once belonged to ME now I give the instructions to MY Children flee. Oh the little ones they go to these churches just for a sip of the milk of MY Word. They realize not behind the pulpit in so many of these churches stand a man or a woman filled with satan's spirit. The youth pastors, the worship leaders oh how many are full of satan's spirit. Oh I grieve and I cry for those that once started following ME and worshipped YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who cried out to Jesus Christ, who started out on the right road but when trouble comes and testing comes and they need more of MY anointing they turn to the organized church where MY anointing can not be found, for it is the anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages that sets the captives free. But they turn instead to a organized church, they turn instead to a religion, they look for ME in dead places like a cemetery that is what I call these seminary's they are cemeteries. But MY mightiest warriors are not found there and I send MY mightiest warriors to go after the little lambs and to lead them to ME. (...)"
Prophecy 38 - Red Plague Dream YAHUVEH speaks and warns through visions, dreams, revelations among other ways. I saw in the sky a dark red mist coming as I looked up and as it got closer and the wind blew it fell on the people! The skin was covered in RED dusty mist (deep red) and the people became VERY sick and there was a policeman who was guarding me and he had this red misty dust come on him and he jumped into a cement swimming pool outside as I stood there I knew the pool would be contaminated but he wanted to get the red dusty mist off of him. This policeman was someone I cared very much for. I grieved for it was NOT enough the minute this RED MIST dust touches the skin it COVERS it and great sickness comes and the skin starts to suffocate. I watched my beloved policeman who was my guard helpless to help him! Then I saw it come in the sky for some reason I didn't fear it but I could see it coming from afar off. It started like a dark fog only far away up in the sky then as it got closer it became RED in color ! people tried to run from this but could NOT out run it ! People tried to wash it off but it was too late once it touches the skin! This is why Satan is trying to silence my voice anyway he can. Let the MOCKERS mock I am responsible for what I say and I don't say! Ezk. 3 17:21 Here is what another Prophet Gary, said as I called him and asked for discernment on dream. I know why I was protected and why the bride of YAHUSHUA will be also!
Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me MY Bride will honor MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy. Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying "Not I, surely you speak to another, for I attend church services on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast. "Oh but MY darling little ones IT IS YOU, WHO HAVE GRIEVED MY RUACH ha KODESH. For did you not read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH." Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged, refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not say I am the great God, "I AM?" and I and MY Word change not, for no man nor woman, or time nor season. Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, MY ways are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee. It is far better to learn the truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath day holy. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You no longer have any excuses. Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any other gods before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's Holy. Say not which Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday. My elect have known it all along. Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath. The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work; instead MY People will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that day. I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath keeper alone will not save you. It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.
BEWARE The Spirit Of Doubt From The Enemies Of AMIGHTYWIND Beware, do not receive the evil spirit of doubt from the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry. Do you know that satan calls himself "doubt"? Our enemies are "agents of doubt". Watch this video to learn more about the dangers of the evil spirit of doubt and how our enemies strategically target YAHUSHUA'S / Jesus Christ's Sheep and Lambs with doubt to try to destroy the Truth that YAHUVEH GOD previously had already established and confirmed in their lives. People, don't be deceived by the enemies of AmightyWind and their slanderous lies and propaganda from the pits of Hell against this Ministry that YAH is using to reach souls all over the world in close to 30+ different languages with the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Prophetic Words that were given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah(Elisheva Eliyahu) to prepare the Bride and the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Anyone attacking AmightyWind Ministry and trying to discredit the good fruit of this Ministry is only proving who their true father is and it's the devil. What AmightyWind Ministry is accomplishing, Only the Precious Ruach ha Kodesh / Holy Spirit can accomplish through a Ministry! Don't dare to grieve and blaspheme the Holy Spirit by attributing what the Holy Spirit is doing to the devil! Don't call this Ministry evil or of the devil! Beware for this is blasphemy of the Ruach ha Kodesh! Everyone Repent who has believed our enemies lies and been tricked by them to harm this Ministry in any way, whether through words or deeds. Repent and turn away from this evil and Redeem the evil you have done! All who have attacked this Holy Ministry of AmightyWind and who refuse to repent, there is No Holy Spirit in you and Hell and the Lake of Fire will be your next abode just like our main core enemies. In obedience to the Holy mandate in Ezekiel 3:17-21 to be a Watchman for Yahuveh/God, we make these videos to warn you of the ridiculous lies of our enemies and their diabolical activities to recruit souls for satan. There is no excuse left for anyone to believe lies and the people's blood will not be on our hands! We present the Truth in Yahushua ha Mashiach's AlmightyWind Name and continue to battle the slanderous lies of our enemies, who are servants of satan seeking to destroy this Holy Ministry of AmightyWind that belongs to the Holy Trinity: Yahuveh God, Yahushua ha Mashiach and Immayah, the Ruach ha Kodesh!
GOD ordained soulmates representing AMightyWind Ministry For the cause of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the Truth we are battling a network of satanists disguised as Christians on YouTube. In the Anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit we expose, rebuke and reprove the enemies of GOD who have targeted AmightyWind Ministry and our Pastor Elisabeth Elijah for harassment, character assassination and defamation. In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name we battle the bride of satan who are planted in the midst of the Christian community to sow lies, confuse and deceive the people. They are mainly targeting lukewarm Christians and new converts for recruitment, teaching them by example to twist the Word of GOD and use it as a weapon against AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah who is "yahsladynred" on YouTube and to provoke GOD Almighty through blaspheming what they don't even understand.
My Amightywind Testimony Thank you AMW I just had to thank AMW :) Excuse my broken English x,x I read, write, and understand English very well but speaking is another story lol. I made subtitles so you can understand better. I want to say "AMW I support you!" I've learned a whole lot from YAHUSHUA from reading the Holy Prophecies. Now, I'm keeping the true Sabbath though I'm the only one who's doing it here right now but maybe ONE day, one day my family will also keep this 4th Commandment.
VictoryInYAHUSHUA777 testimony Amightywind Ministry changed my life and is such a blessing to me.
Prophezeiung 153 - Hör, O Israel, die Zeit der Drangsal für Jakob hat begonnen! Was prophezeit worden ist, ist alles mit Gehorsam verbunden. Gehorchen sie den Bedingungen? Ist Israel ein heiliges Land? Wo sie die größte der Homosexuellenparaden veranstalten und sie vor MEINEM Angesicht zur Schau stellen? (Elisheva: Oh je.) Oh Israel, oh Israel, oh Israel, ihr ärgert MICH! Ihr erfüllt MICH mit Zorn! Ihr lest die Thora-Teile, ihr habt eine 'zu Hause bleiben'-Ordnung, auch unter Todesdrohung (war noch nie so, wird nie wieder so sein), aber ihr erfüllt MICH mit Zorn! Für eure geheime Sünde, die ihr in den Häusern tut, in denen ihr eingesperrt seid! Oh, ihr erinnert euch an den Schabbat! Ihr erinnert Euch an Chanukka, Ihr erinnert Euch an Sukkot. Ihr erinnert euch, einige von euch, an Purim, aber ihr habt euch betrunken! Ihr habt gefeiert, als wäre es ein Mardi Gras! Wo war die Anbetung?! Wo war die Lobpreisung?! OH ISRAEL, OH ISRAEL, OH ISRAEL, IHR ERFÜLLT MICH MIT ZORN! WUT UND ZORN UND GRIMM! Was? Glaubt ihr, ICH habe kein Recht dazu? Habt ihr Kora schon vergessen? Diese Segnungen, die ICH für Israel reserviert habe, war ein Israel, das ein heiliges Land sein würde, das MICH verehrt und lobt, das sich abhebt und ein Beispiel für die ganze Erde sein würde und sich nicht dafür schämen müsste.
2023 圣灵全能风事工29周年庆祝 第 2 部分 !又一年的祝福奇迹和胜利!!! (繁)
Happy 18th Anniversary Beloved YAHUSHUA'S demon STOMPERS! Here is to another Year of Victory! Happy 18th Anniversary Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S demon Stompers!! Thank you all so very much for your anointed Prayers and always covering this Ministry daily in prayers for the Glory of ABBA YAHVUEH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Never Give Up, Don't Quit and Keep Fighting the Good Fight in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name AMEN!! Here is to another Year of Victory!!
AmightyWind Around the World – Happy 29 Years Online & Happy Birthday Apostle Elisheva
Savior of the World - StandUpForYAH03 This is a song that the precious RUACH ha KODESH had us StandUpForYAH03 write all for the praise, honor and glory of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the precious RUACH HA KODESH!! We pray that this song will bless you in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's name!
The words I would say - StandUpForYAH03 YAH Bless and shabbat shalom beloveds of YAH!!
The Great Reset - You ll own nothing and you ll be Happy
Zombie Demon Possession Drugs
Alles Wat Versteek Was In Die Donkerte Sal Openbaar Word In Die Lig Staan asb saam met ons en bid en tree tussenbeide vir President Donald J Trump en vir die Verkiesings Resultate om regverdig te wees en vir hom om weer eens hierdie Verkiesing te wen. In 2016 het ek geprofeseer aan die wêreld, 5 maande voordat hy die Verkiesing vir President gewen het. Ons bid vir hoë en ongewone guns vir Donald J Trump, spesiaal gedurende hierdie tyd, waar daar baie korrupsie en oneerlikheid is tydens die telling van die stemming en ons bid dat alle stemme vir Trump getel sal word. Laat YAH se wil gedoen word, in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH se Naam, Amen.
来自使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼的紧急讯息——2021年1月3日 加入我,使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼一起!我一直在最深的代祷中,超过任何人所能相信的。 如果你认为我,使徒以莉莎法,一直都很安静,那是因为我有着[天国的]耳朵,并且我正在用我的嘴说出话,从早上……无论是我醒着,还是我在熟睡中,没有一个时候我不在为正在发生的事祷告。 如果你愿意今天接受亚呼赎阿哈玛西阿克作为你的主和救主,请点击下面的链接或者观看本影片的后半部分,与使徒先知以莉莎法一起读出并祈祷这个救赎祷告。如果你选择把你的生命交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,并接受祂进入你的心,请给以莉莎法写信,让她知道,这样我们就能和你一起欢喜快乐了!。 奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,爱并祝平安,使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼
Momma Hanukkah blessings
Пророчество 53. Я дал вам Победу. (Пасхальное Пророчество)
We wrestle not against flesh and blood - Learn YDS Amightywind March YDS (YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers) March Song Lyrics: “Left, left Left right, left, Left, left Left, right, left We are the YDS We are the YDS AmightyWind AmightyWind YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers Stomping on demons Stomping on demons We take no prisoners We take no prisoners We have no mercy We have no mercy Crushing the reprobate Crushing the reprobate Enemieeees Enemieeees Under our feet Under our feet Through the Name & Blood Through the Name & Blood Of YAHUSHUA Of YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH! Ha MASHIACH! [Left, left Left right, left, Left, left Left right, left] We are the YDS We are the YDS Marching into battle Marching into battle In our spiritual armor In our spiritual armor Of Ephesians Six Of Ephesians Six We are the YDS We are the YDS And five hundred thousand And five hundred thousand Mighty, spiritual warriors Mighty, spiritual warriors Watchmen on the Wall Watchmen on the Wall We are the YDS! We are the YDS! YAHUSHUA’S Mighty Army! YAHUSHUA’S Mighty Army! Praise the HOLY TRINITY! Praise the HOLY TRINITY! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH!” All YDS in Unison: "We stand on Luke 10:19 YAHUSHUA has given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm us in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS name!"
Profetia 128 – Shavu'ot-Profetia 2016 Taivas iloitsee AmightyWindin uudesta johtajuudesta Otteita Profetiasta: ...Taistelu on ollut raivoamassa! Tämä ei ole vain tavanomainen palvelutyö! Ettekö luule, että saatana tietää tämän? – hän on menettänyt joitakuita ylimmistä kenraaleistaan – hän on menettänyt joitakuita ylimmistä ylipäälliköistään!... ...Ja tänään on Voiton päivä! Tänä shavu’otina (helluntaina) on Voiton päivä! Sillä ”goljatti” tulee kaatumaan! Ja MINÄ puhun useammasta kuin yhdestä goljatista... ...Tulette antamaan MINULLE kunniaa ja ylistystä! Ja kaikkia, jotka pitävät tätä palvelutyötä siunauksena, ja kaikkia, jotka siunaavat avioliittoa jonka MINÄ olen asettanut yhteen tänä päivänä – julkisen yleisön edessä, maailman edessä – MINÄ tulen siunaamaan heitä yltäkylläisesti! Teidän kummankin päällä oleva Voitelu tulee vuotamaan yli jokaiseen palvelijaan, jokaiseen tukijaan, jokaiseen, joka sanoo: ”Tämä palvelutyö on siunaus, ja minä tulen puolustamaan sitä puolustaen sitä jopa rukouksessa” – MINUN korvani on kallistettu kuulemaan! MINÄ kerron teille tämän! Taivas iloitsee! Enkelit iloitsevat! Koska kun olette tehneet tämän – tänä päivänä – te olette nopeuttaneet sitä aikaa, jona YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on tuleva Morsiamelleen. Ja lohikäärme kiristelee hampaitaan raivoissaan (Ilm. 12:7-9, 12), koska hän ei kyennyt estämään sitä, mikä on tapahtunut tänään!... ...Älkää surko häntä, jota aikoinaan kutsuttiin ”Nikomiaksi”! Vihastukaa häneen, jota aikoinaan kutsuttiin ”Nikomiaksi”! Suritteko te Juudasta? Älkää sitten surko tätä ”Juudasta”. Sen sijaan iloitkaa! Sillä MINÄ olen antanut teille enemmän! En vain yhtä apostolia, kaksi apostolia! En vain yhtä profeettaa, kaksi profeettaa! En vain yhtä! En vain yhtä pastoria, vaan kaksi vanhempaa pastoria! En vain yhtä opettajaa, vaan kaksi opettajaa! En vain yhtä evankelistaa, vaan kaksi evankelistaa!... ...Te tunnette MINUN ääneni – ne, jotka ovat kuunnelleet Profetioita ja uskoneet – joten te tiedätte, että se on MINÄ, YAHUVEH, nyt, joka puhuu! Iloitkaa! Iloitkaa, sillä kaikki tämä on yhtä tarkoitusta varten: tuoda YAHUSHUALLE kaikki kiitos, kunnia ja ylistys, kun HÄN vetää sieluja ja näyttää heille kuinka paljon HÄN rakastaa heitä! HÄN oli halukas maksamaan sen HINNAN Golgatalla, koska HÄN rakastaa tavalla, jota kukaan ei voi käsittää, ja HÄN antaa anteeksi niin kauas kuin itä on lännestä (Psalmi 103:12)! Tehkää vain parannus. Tämä palvelutyö korottaa YAHUSHUAN NIMEÄ, ja se vetää miehiä ja naisia lähelle (Joh. 12:32). ..
Ostrzeżenie od Prorok Eliszewy Elijahu, Amightywind
2019 Pouczenia i Objawienia od Prorok Eliszewy Elijahu
Пророчество 137 - Пророчество СВЯТОЙ ДУХА о КОЛЫБЕЛЬНОЙ Эзра, он знает, что Я дал оружие, как никакое другое, и Я сказала вам - это была любовь! Но когда вы объединились со словами муж и жена, НИКАКОЕ ОРУЖИЕ В АДУ НЕ МОЖЕТ ПРОТИВОСТОЯТЬ ЭТОМУ! Этот день был искуплен! Неважно, есть ли у вас интернет! Я просто хочу, чтобы вы увидели, как, Эзра, Я помазала тебя ещё тогда даже играть песни в том порядке, что Я сказала тебе, и любовь, Эзра, как ты сидел такой беспомощный, ты просто хотел держать её на руках и успокаивать её и, если вы увидите это видео, вы увидите это на твоём лице, и вместо этого Я просто тебе говорила, сначала спой эту Колыбельную, это Колыбельная прямо с Небес. Знаете ли вы, что ИММАЯХ даёт каждому собственные колыбельные? Вы не всегда можете услышать это. Редко вы услышите это и редко вы знаете колыбельные друг друга, но, Эзра, Я пользуюсь этой возможностью, так как дьявол взялся в интернете говорить Слово вам обоим. Эзра, Я дала тебе колыбельную для Элишевы. Бывают моменты, когда вы молитесь и так растеряны, и вы можете плакать, и вдруг наступает мир, и вы даже не знаете, откуда это взялось – это просто как “тише МОЙ ребенок” и любящий мир наступает над тобой. Это ваша ИММАЯХ и ОНА поёт тебе колыбельную, и ОНА качает тебя на руках. Вы видите, в эти последние времена дьявол пытается подделать любым способом. Потому что злые имеют свою “царицу небесную”, но Я скажу вам, есть только ОДНА и ОНА ваша Небесная МАМА. Вот почему Я раскрываю вам эти секреты сейчас, чтобы другие поняли. Поэтому Я добавляю даже сейчас, в 89 и 90 больше откровений о том, кто РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ для тех, кто примет ЕЁ, сладкую СВЯТУЮ ДУХ, как МАМУ, это будет благословением и теперь Я пользуюсь этой возможностью, Я ЯХУВЕХ, чтобы дать новое Пророчество, новое Откровение с Небес для Эзра, вы собираетесь поделиться этой колыбельной, и это то, чего сатана боится. Никто не может это дублировать. Это просто ещё одно доказательство, когда Я называю родственную душу родственной, человеку кто является Святым, и Я имею в виду Святых, послушных, которые имеют свои приоритеты передо МНОЙ, ЯХУВЕХ и ЯХУШУА и ИММАЯХ. Я делюсь секретами, особенно с теми, кого Я называю МОИМИ лучшими друзьями, ты и Элишева, знаете вещи, которые приходят прямо с Небес. И поэтому, Эзра, когда ей нужно было успокоиться, в то время, когда она думала, что это было худшее в её жизни, но 7 марта оказалось самым лучшим в её жизни, и это Я вам дала в мае, как ты прошёл через всё это с ней, и Я выгнала худшее в её жизни и принесла самое лучшее в её жизни. Это ты Эзра, и Я показала вам то, чего никто никогда не знал, и ты просто начал петь и это была Колыбельная для Элишевы. Когда она плакала, ты успокаивал её. И каждый, кто принадлежит ЯХУШУА, следует за ЯХУШУА, кто имеет СВЯТУЮ ДУХ внутри, вашу ИММАЯХ, имеет свою собственную Колыбельную. Это то, чем Я хочу поделиться с вами, так что вы можете вдохновлять других. Это насколько ваша МАМА любит тебя. Это насколько ваш Небесный ОТЕЦ любит вас. Разве земная мать не делится колыбельными? Поёт колыбельные? Любящая мать? Тогда почему вы думаете, что ваша НЕБЕСНАЯ МАМА не имеет колыбельную для вас? О, но Эзра, ты особенный, как ты сказал, ты даже не знаешь, откуда слова пришли. Я рада поделиться секретами с МОИМИ друзьями! Разве Я не говорю, Я ничего не делаю, не разделяя МОИ тайны с пророками? (Амос 3:7)
Пророчество 73 - СУД СУД СУД СУД, СУД, СУД! Вы, кто не примит пролитой Крови ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ. Я обращаюсь ко всем тем, кто насмехается надо МНОЙ. Я обращаюсь ко всем тем, кто богохульствует против МЕНЯ. Я обращаюсь ко всем тем, кто отвергает МОЕГО Сына ЯХУШУА, вы, кто не примит пролитой Крови, пролитой за вас, тогда Я волью кровь в ваши горла. Я насыщу вас вашей собственной кровью. Я насыщу вас за грехи, которые вы сделали в одной лишь Америке. (...) Кровь потечет по вашим улицам. Кровь дойдет до самых ваших берегов. Болезни, недуги и немощи, о которых вы никогда даже не слышали раньше, придут на МОИХ врагов, тех, кто постановил, что они - МОИ враги. Итак, вы хотите убрать МОИ символы чего-либо Святого прочь из вашего поля зрения, прочь из печатей, прочь из заявлений, прочь из флагов. Вы хотите выселить МЕНЯ из своих стран, Я покажу вам, Я насыщу вас вашей собственной кровью. Поскольку вы думаете, что нет ничего неправильно в убийстве младенца, пока он находятся еще в утробе матери, то ваших собственных младенев Я убью, Я убью их перед вами. Рукой Всемогущего Живущего ЯХУВЕХ, Я покажу вам, Я - Бог, не буду поругаем. Потому что вы дразнили МЕНЯ из-за МОЕГО милосердия, очень вскоре теперь вы увидите, что больше нет пощады. Я не буду извиняться перед Содомом и Гоморрой и другими городами вдобавок. Я не извенюсь перед Ниневой, ибо ваши грехи еще более того, чем все они вместе взятые! Зловоние ваших грехов достигает МОИХ ноздрей. Как мало смиряются и падают на свое лицо. Ах, если бы не Кровь ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ, Я истребил бы вас всех из человеческого рода.
Пророчество 133 - Пророческий Сон О Голодающем Ребенке Пророк видит вещи заранее. ЯХ всегда предупреждает через ЕГО истинных пророков. И мне приснился сон, очень яркий сон, ЯХ говорит мне предупредить [с], и поэтому я делюсь этим, не для того, чтобы вызвать страх, а скорее попросить ваших молитв, чтобы этот сон НЕ СБЫЛСЯ! Во время этого сна [2001]... это было СРОЧНО и казалось, что это должно было произойти в Америке. Мы, кто верит в ЯХУШУА, у нас есть военная мощная защита, которая приходит прямо с Небес и это воинства ангелов, воюющих ангелов. И только AББA ЯХУВЕХ сможет предоставить нам большую милость, потому что когда это случится, то, что в этом сне описывается, - это Ядерная Атака! И в последнем Пророчестве, что мне было дано... это в скором времени будет размещено, предупреждает [об этом]. И также в Пророчестве про Дональда Трампа, предупреждено [об этом]. (Бог поднял Дональда Трампа в этот день и час! [т. е. Пророчество 131, «Бог поднял Дональда Трампа в этот день и час!»] ) Здесь гонка, чтобы увидеть, кто собирается нажать эту кнопку, красную кнопку. Потому что тот, кто нажимает ... Вау! ... это ядерная атака и будет возмездие! Итак, я называю этот сон, “Голодающий ребенок”. Я стояла снаружи, глядя на красивое голубое небо. Все было спокойно. Когда я посмотрела наверх, я увидела 4 круга на небе, рисуется так, как будто Перст Божий ЯХУВЕХ рисовал их очень медленно. Когда 4-й круг был нарисован, я услышала громкий ревущий шум. Я вошла в дом, и ОГРОМНЫЙ УРАГАН пришел, разрушая и убивая. Это был ядерный взрыв, как от ядерной бомбы! Я с ужасом смотрела на смерть и разрушение. Внутри моего дома я увидела женщину с маленьким ребенком на руках. Я посмотрела на ребенка. И ребенок, казалось, вот-вот умрет и такой недокормленный. И я сказала женщине, матери, “Почему ты не кормила ребенка?” И она посмотрела на меня холодно и сказала: “Потому что у ребенка пост”. Затем, прежде чем я смогла забрать у нее ребенка, она открыла окно и выбросила его из окна 2-го этажа. Я выбежала на улицу в радиацию и разрушении ветра и подхватила ребенка на руки, и ребенок снова начал дышать! Пока я стояла там, ко мне подошел человек – и он просто проходил мимо меня – его лицо было так сожжено от излучения ядерного взрыва, и он был красный с 3-й степенью ожогов или хуже. Он не сказал ни слова. Он просто продолжал ходить мимо меня. Я вернулась в мой дом, полностью защищенный от радиации, потому что я знала, что ничто не может причинить мне боль вместе с ребенком и я кормила его молоком из бутылки. Через некоторое время разрушающие ветры прекратились. И все казалось спокойным. Затем я снова посмотрела на небо, и я увидела первый стартовый круг, я начала кричать: “ПОКАЙТЕСЬ и обратите свои сердца к ЯХУШУА! Снова пришел Суд!” Так мало кто слушал. Я увидела еще 3 других круга все в ряд, все 4 из них. А потом звук рева, что я не могу описать. И тогда разрушительные ветры пришли снова. И это был другой ядерный взрыв, что прогремел! Вот что мы имеем. И мы должны молиться, чтобы у нас было больше времени, чтобы достигнуть больше душ. И в этом сне я имела прославленное тело какое-то, потому что радиация, взрывы, ураган - я не боялась. Я была в прославленном теле. А также ..., когда ЯХ дает видения, сны, пророчества, там может быть больше чем одно значение. И еще я также понимаю, что это также может иметь двойное значение. Ведь мы знаем, что ядерная атака произойдет. Это только вопрос времени! Женщина - это религия. И ребенок - это собрание. Организованная религия и организованная церковь морят голодом (духовным) людей; заставляя гоняться их за большими духовными знаниями и пророческими истинами и откровениями. Большинство церквей даже не позволят Пророку пророчествовать. Пастор будет расспрашивать человека раньше времени – прежде, чем вы можете пророчествовать, [он скажет,] – “Я хочу увидеть, ” – они скажут им это – “Я хочу увидеть, что ты собираешься сказать”. Это невозможно для истинного Пророка! Истинный пророк просто открывает рот и AББA ЯХ, ЯХУШУА говорит через него! Только фальшивки могут это делать [уже заранее зная, что они скажут]. И мне приходилось «кормить» людей, что «голодают» – и все же до сих пор ходят в свои церкви – где-то на протяжении 22 лет существования сайта в Интернете, 22 года будет 4 апреля 2017. (...)
Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique (...) Rappelles à chaque fils que YAH est content avec d'eux car ils prouvent leur amour d’une manière différente alors qu’ils entrent sous une nouvelle Alliance, une nouvelle Alliance car ils ont déjà l’Alliance de Sang de YAHUSHUA. (...) Et Ezra lorsque tu fais la vidéo sur la circoncision, fais savoir ceci à tous ceux qui écoutent, qui ne pouvaient pas être là lorsque tu as posé tes mains sur eux et leur a donné cette bénédiction spéciale. Alors qu’ils M’obéissent et entrent dans cette Alliance Abrahamique c’est comme s’ils se tenaient là. Encourage les à écrire à ce Ministère, car tous ceux qui sont circoncis dans le cœur et circoncis dans la chair, sous la nouvelle Alliance de Sang de YAHUSHUA et l’Alliance Abrahamique de MOI, YAHUVEH, c’est une double bénédiction ! Pour ceux qui recevront, c’est une double Onction ! Vous ne dites pas que la circoncision sauve quiconque, pour ceux qui attaqueront. Vous enseignerez toujours que seuls le Nom et le Sang de YAHUSHUA sont le rémission pour les péchés. Mais l’Alliance Abrahamique, c’est d'aller une étape plus loin, c’est de dire, « je veux faire tout ce que TU m’as commandé de faire ABBA YAH », comme disent les jeunes hommes et les hommes plus âgés, qui M’appartiennent. (...) Tu ME contente Ezra et lorsque tu reviendras tu enseigneras sur la circoncision (Genèse 17 :1-27) et un par un les enfants qui ne sont pas vraiment des enfants mais des jeunes hommes car ce sont les autres jeunes hommes qui suivront leur exemple lorsqu’ils seront guéris et qu'ils expliqueront la raison pour laquelle ils voulaient aussi être sous l’Alliance Abrahamique et toi Ezra tu feras un enseignement sur cela comme JE l’ai dit et la vidéo d’Adam sera là car les gens ne comprennent tout simplement pas pourquoi c’est nécessaire alors qu’ils sont sous le Sang de YAHUSHUA.
Prophétie 102 - YAHUSHUA dit, Ce n est qu une question de temps ...Et maintenant, JE ne parle pas à MA Mariée. JE parle à ceux qui seront des Invités au Dîner Nuptial d'AGNEAU. Vous devez être prêts à sacrifier vos vies pour MOI. En toute circonstance. Vous serez dans la Grande Détresse. Pour ceux qui disent, "C'est trop dur, trop difficile d'être saint, je parviendrai à faire le bon choix d'ici à la Grande Détresse," JE vous dirai ceci, si vous ne le pouvez pas faire maintenant et que vous n'avez pas eu de sacrifice jusqu'ici que vous avez dû faire, on ne vous a pas dit de mettre à bas votre vie, de mettre votre tête dans une guillotine, qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire, que vous pourrez le faire à ce moment-là, alors que vous ne pouvez même pas le faire maintenant ? Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser, que vous aurez plus de la foi à ce moment-là, quand vous verrez autour de vous la famine, la mort et dévastation, et des horreurs incompréhensibles partout autour de vous? Lorsque, en marchant sur les routes, vous devrez patauger dans le sang! Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser, que vous ayez plus de la foi à ce moment-là? Maintenant, ca ne vous coûte pas autre chose qu'être appelés des "Marteleurs (Fanatiques) de la Bible". Et JE ne parle pas des propriétés terriennes maintenant qu'elles vous coûtent tellement plus cher, JE parle à la majorité des personnes de cette terre qui ont dit, "Ah, c'est trop dur pour moi de vivre en Sainteté! Ah, le diable me tente tellement avec le porno! Ah, je n'arrive pas à déposer les cigarettes sur l'autel! Ah, je ne peux pas déposer la boisson! Ah, c'est trop dur pour moi de mener une vie sainte! Je ne peux pas empêcher les jurons de venir sur mes lèvres! Priez pour moi, je ne n'arrive pas à vivre en Sainteté. Je ne peux pas mener une vie sainte ! Priez pour moi, je ne peux pas vivre en Sainteté!" Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que ce sera plus facile à ce moment-là?... ...Ce n'est qu'une question de temps. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps.... Ce n'est qu'une question de temps, avant que les géants tombent des cieux. (YAHUSHUA pleure par Elisabeth tout au cours de cette partie finale) Oh, satan se moque et il dit, «Cette date-là, le vaisseau spatial viendra ». Il se moque en sachant, que c'est MON moment choisi et pas le sien. Et les géants tomberont des cieux... ...Les agneaux sont menés à l'abattoir. Les églises dominicales seront des abattoirs. Durant la Grande Détresse ce seront des abattoirs. Les martyrs seront mangés comme le pain de la communion. Le vin dans leurs coupes sera le sang des martyrs. JE vous ai prévenu de ce qu'est la Marque de la Bête. La Vérité est ici. Combien de vous se boucheront les oreilles? Combien de vous se couvriront les yeux? Combien de vous diront, "Je ne veux pas entendre?"...
Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone "Dis-leur, MA Fille, dites-leur. La majorité de ces Eglises sont Babylone. Ils font mourir de faim MES petits moutons et MES agneaux. Les pasteurs sont seulement maléfiques dans ces Eglises de Babylone qui déclarent MES Ecritures Saintes et pourtant il n'y a pas de pouvoir en eux. Il n'y a pas de lait, pas de viande, les seuls qui sont nourris sont les pasteurs maléfiques avec le gain de ce monde pour construire des bâtiments pour les ajouter à leurs bâtiments déjà construits. Pour comparer les chiffres entre eux, alors qu'ils se vantent, j'ai tant ce nombre ci dans cette congrégation et ce nombre là dans cette autre mais oh qu'ils sont peu remplis de MON Esprit ! Oh MON cœur est triste, MES enfants ! DITES A MES ENFANTS DE FUIR LES EGLISES DE BABYLONE ! Ceux qui ont un Sabbat fait par l'homme. Oh qu'ils sont peu nombreux, les rares personnes dans MES Eglises. Ils disent qu'ils sont MES Eglises et ils ne M'appartiennent même pas. J'ai dit à ceux qui M'appartiennent, MES véritables guerriers puissants de fuir. MA RUACH HA KODESH n'est elle pas capable d'entrer en eux qui sont assis dans leurs propres maisons? En vérité JE vous dis cela: les impies sont devenus plus impies mais MON onction est devenue plus forte dans les pieux. Car des démons ont été relâchés et dans quels lieux vont-ils en premier ? Ils remplissent les bancs d'Eglise et se tiennent derrière les autels, derrière les podiums. Ils se tiennent là, gonflés d'orgueil. Ils disent que des millions (des MIENS) les suivent. Ils se vantent sur la télévision mais en vérité JE vous le dis MON Esprit n'est pas en eux. Courez, enfants, courez, courez, courez car MON jugement commence à la Maison de YAHUVEH. Pour les Eglises qui M'appartenaient dans le passé, maintenant JE donne des instructions pour MES enfants de fuir. Oh, les petits ils ne vont qu'à ces Eglises pour une petite gorgée du lait de MES Ecritures Saintes. Ils ne se rendent pas compte que derrière les chaires de tant de ces Eglises se tient un homme ou une femme remplis par l'esprit de satan. Les jeunes pasteurs, les chefs de culte oh qu'ils sont nombreux à être remplis de l'esprit de satan. Oh JE suis attristé et JE pleure pour ceux qui ont commencé à ME suivre et louaient YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH, qui ont crié vers Jésus Christ, qui ont commencé sur le bon chemin mais lorsque les ennuis et les épreuves viennent et ils ont besoin de plus de MON onction ils se tournent vers l'Eglise confessionnelle où MON onction ne peut être trouvée, car c'est l'onction qui brise les fardeaux et les attelages qui libère les captifs. Mais au lieu de faire cela ils se tournent vers une Eglise confessionnelle, ils se tournent vers la religion, ils ME cherchent dans un lieu mort comme un cimetière, c'est ainsi que J'appelle ces séminaires ce sont des cimetières. Mais MES guerriers les plus puissants ne sont pas trouvés là-bas et J'envoie MES guerriers les plus puissants pour trouver les petits agneaux et les mener à MOI. (...)"
Proroctwo 8 - Czy MI udowodnisz że MNIE miłujesz
Prophezeiung 77 - Siehe, ICH, YAHUVEH, sende dich mit einer neuen Salbung aus! Während der letzten Jahre haben wir Prophetische Worte empfangen, daß der anti-christ in der Zeit der Großen Trübsal den Namen Jesus Christus für sich beanspruchen wird. Sobald der anti-christ offenbart ist und den Namen Jesus benutzt, wird YAHUVEH KEINE Gebete erhören, die im Namen Jesu gesprochen sind. Wie könnte ER es, wenn der anti-christ diesen Namen benutzt und Milliarden täuscht. Ihr müßt die Heiligen Namen YAHUSHUAs und YAHUVEHs in der Großen Trübsal benutzen, sonst werden eure Gebete NICHT erhört. Wir stellen die Auszüge aus den Prophezeiungen zusammen, die sich auf die Heiligen Namen beziehen, und insbesondere darüber, warum ihr den Namen Jesu Christi in der Großen Trübsal nicht verwenden solltet. Diese Texte mußt du gelesen haben. Dies ist äußerst wichtig für die kommenden schwierigen Zeiten.
The Book of Esther A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities. Some believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed, that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible. Revelation 22: 18 19, The word apocrypha means hidden. The English language King James Bible contain books of the Apocrypha as follows. Enoch, One Ezras two Ezras Tobit Judith, additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, prayer of Azariah, Susanna, Bell and the dragon prayer of Manasseh one Maccabees two Maccabees.
Ablewaterwalker - Hes Coming Soon © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission
Prophecy 115 - Beware of the Totalitarian Dictatorship Coming to America & World! Obama then and it’s Biden now. This Prophecy was given in September 30, 2009 and released October 12, 2009. Now everyone can see it come to pass in the year of 2020. Never forget that this video would be banned on YouTube, so therefore I’m grateful to have a Rumble account with no censorship where we have a place to show our love and appreciation for Trump on social media. Everyone, please pray for Rumble & also Telegram, the only other social media we have at this time. Though the whole Prophecy came a month later, on September 5, 2009 YAHUVEH spoke to me in my slept and HE said— Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Elisheva warn them. The one who calls himself "President of the United States" [2009] wants America to be ruled by a totalitarian dictatorship. The best health care, [like for example under "Obama care"], will only be for the rich. There will only be two classes of people: the wealthy and those who are now considered the middle class. The middle class will serve the wealthy. And the poor will slowly be killed off through forced vaccinations, forced abortions and denial of medical care. The government will rule everything. And they will decide who will live and who will die. End of Word
Prophecy 107 - Hang On Do Not Lose Your Blessed Hope You spawn of satan, who are you to call that which I call human, nothing more than garbage. Do you not know these that pass these laws and now America you compound your sins and say you will pay for the abortions of other nations. Is there not enough blood on your hands of the aborted babies in your own land?! Do you not know that these children are put on an altar of sacrifice to Molech?! (Psalm 106:38, Lev. 20:2) It is no different (than) in the biblical times of old and the same warning again I speak forth. Woe be unto those who sacrifice the babies to the false god Molech! Woe be unto those who do not protest against this, who wink at this sin! Oh these little ones be assured of this, they are in Heaven now. They shall continue to come to Heaven, but know this; if they had been allowed to be born they would have been such special children. As I prophesied before I'll prophesy again, great sinkholes shall be underneath these places who do these abortions. Doctor's who compromise, in the past you said, I will not have no (any) part of this, but now you have sold ME out. You have sold humanity out and because you are threatened because they say, we will take your license your right to practice away, now you too do these abortions, these atrocities of sin. Be assured of this, I'll accept none of your excuses. The blood is on your hands. Hospitals that once said, I'll have no part of this, we will not abort the babies, but you've compromised. You believe the government's threats and lies. You did not even try to fight back. Nurses, the blood is on your hands! Children now in school are taught, what you don't want just throw it out. Humanity is nothing more than a disposable pan, you use it once, throw it away, never to be seen again. This is what it's boiled down too. This is the new creed the heathen's preach. This is what the President of the United States now stands for and woe be unto any child that survives an abortion, even by MY miraculous hand. I have had some born alive to test them and see what will they do... How long, how long, how long, how long MY rage and fury has been pent up. Just know this, by the time that which you call the Great Tribulation comes this earth will have deserved that Great Tribulation and MY rage and MY fury and the bowls of wrath will be poured out. (Psalm 110:5-6, Rev. 14:10, 16:19) All of you hearing and all of you reading had better start praying now that you are counted worthy in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's eyes that you will escape this time of MY wrath. There are many ways to kill the children now, even poisoning their food, poisoning their toys. Be not deceived, the son's of satan call this population control. It's all part of their plan as even the air you breath is poisoned full of death and destruction and disease. But ask the new world order, those in their secret society and if they were to tell you their secrets they would tell you it's all about population control. Only the rich shall survive. The richest of the rich, but I am confounding the enemy. Those covered in MY Son's shed Blood at Calvary, those who call out to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. That blood is their immunity. Keep praying, keep asking, keep reminding ME to take MY vengeance on those who spread the poison in the sky...
Prophecy 36 - I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday Today But Tomorrow Even In The Darkest Hour Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence, denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to not only MY enemies, but MY Children for they must realize should their foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of safety from the storms to come. I speak these things now from MY handmaiden who also knows she is held accountable for what she speaks and doesn't speak. These words will convict those reading and listening and where they have been in darkness I will shine MY light of conviction to once again prove "I AM" is an Almighty God who is a God of Mercy and Love but "I AM" is also ALMIGHTY in WAR to MY enemies. Indeed for those that test ME will find "I AM" is a God that will not be mocked for long so be warned this day! The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction, pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on. Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins. When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice. Seek the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of Israel while I can yet be found. I am speaking not in a loud voice to your Spirits but a still small voice for those that care enough to incline their ears to ME and strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it worth it to you to care enough to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY instructions to you? Is it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to fast, you are to fast to be able to hear ME more clearly?sen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.
Prophecy 21 Are You Ready For A Shock? Gabriel Has Blown His Horn! Flesh eating demons that will enter and take over the corpses of the heathen. This coming horror which will take place on this earth during the Great Tribulation will result in these Zombies seeking to bite and eat the flesh of human beings. Those that are not saved and covered with the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at that time, and have received the Mark of the Beast and worship the Beast and his image, when they will be bitten these demons will enter them and take them over also, thus they will become Zombies themselves. YAHUSHUA speaks to HIS own in this Prophecy, that those that are HIS and covered with HIS Blood CANNOT be affected by this. HE speaks to HIS Children and speaks of the Only Weapon we have against these Zombies, and that is the Power of the Cross. The Cross of Calvary where YAHUSHUA shed HIS Innocent Precious Blood for our sins. YAHUSHUA tells us in this Prophecy, that the ones who will be on this earth to see this and to fight the kingdom of darkness, must take a wooden stick which stands symbolic for the Cross of Calvary, and anoint that wooden stick which represents the Anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) and the Blood of YAHUSHUA, and to hit the Zombies with that anointed stick in their necks in the Name and Authority of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. This is the only way to stand against and destroy the flesh eating demons from the bottomless pit, through the Power in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH at Calvary's Cross. Satan knows what is going to happen, and what he plans on doing. What this earth deems mere science fiction and horror movies is what satan really plans on doing. And all the while he mocks this generation, for that which we were used to laughing at and being entertained by is what satan will do for real. If you love the truth, please watch this video and the upcoming parts and feed yourself on the Truth, Revelations and Knowledge that you NEED TO KNOW.
How to Steer Hurricanes and Flood Homes The lithium rich mines in North Carolina and the thieves who occupy government We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades. On October 13, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane heading out to sea. Approximately 180 pounds of dry ice was dropped into the clouds. The crew then reported a "pronounced modification of the cloud deck". And the hurricane abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the government. After a short delay, the project officially continued. And in 1965, Project Stormfury had targeted Hurricane Betsy for seeding. On that day the storm immediately changed direction and made landfall in Southern Florida. Congress blamed it on Project Stormfury but the government claimed that the hurricane changed direction before they ever had a chance to seed it. And after two months of Congressional hearings, the project was allowed to continue.” In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted we have the technology to control the weather, including earthquakes and volcanoes. The U.S. government has placed gag orders on employees of the national weather service. The push towards alternative energy demands more lithium. And according to the U.S. Geological Survey, the United States has over 6 million tons of identified lithium resources. The majority of this lithium has been identified in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Kings Mountain is believed to have one of the largest resources in the world. But the biggest problem is that people live there. And they don’t want their quiet towns turned into lithium mines. Last year, the Department of Defense entered a ninety-million- dollar agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation's battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina starting by 2025. This is the same area experiencing what is being described as biblical floods. While the Federal government spends billions on foreign wars and illegal immigrants, they simply can not be bothered with the health and well-being of the American people. Especially those living on coveted mineral rich land.
Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by witchdoctors, and shaman spirit mediums alike. Hypnosis has always been a powerful tool of the occult. Four ways to get in touch with the spiritual realm quickly is by hypnosis, drugs, meditation, and visualization. Anytime we interfere and change the normal brain pattern we bring ourselves into an altered state of consciousness, and if radical enough in touch with the spiritual realm. A hypnotist may encourage the participant to enter a light or medium trance, but he cannot guarantee the hypnotized subject from spontaneously entering the danger zone. This is where real and permanent damage can occur. One can experience a sense of being separated from their body, hallucinate, or go into a mystical state similar to those of mystics and meditators. Current trends are people being hypnotized who are brought back into memories of a few days or from the womb and prior to birth, experiencing past lives. However this is scientifically impossible because of the scientific fact that the myelin sheathing is too underdeveloped in the prenatal, natal, and early postnatal brain to reserve such memories. Some 25,000 cases have been documented by a doctor. It certainly appears as if familiar spirits were there during these people’s lifetimes to give a somewhat accurate reading, convincing those involved. Past life regression is done to help subjects overcome some type of phobia or fear such as swimming (which usually means they drowned in their past life). Most everyone is a somebody in the past, even though they may not be now. The fact is no one knows exactly how hypnosis actually “works,” and though they may have intentions of using it for good it is still an unexplored area that affects the mind. Some use it for self-healing. The Occultist Edgar Cayce also used self-hypnosis to enter a trance state and diagnose disease and prescribe treatment to patients he never saw, some from far away places. Self-hypnosis can be occultic and just as dangerous as a trance induced by a hypnotist. This is the same state mediums go into to contact the “dead,” or when clairvoyants receive information of events they could not know by natural means. Just because hypnotists use scientific terminology does not mean their abilities are mental or from natural phenomena. Most hypnotists do not believe in the occult and are neither open to considering this phenomena being from a spiritual (demonic) source. They feel it is either latent human power or something undiscovered as yet. As one surrenders himself to a doorway into the occult, under the disguise of “science” or “medicine,” he has open himself to the powers outside himself, and probable deception. We are warned by God not to practice sorcery, divination, or enchantment. we are not to follow after mediums, wizards, enchanters, charmers, and those who have a familiar spirit (Deut. 18:9-14).
My testimony of Amightywind Ministry My testimony about Amightywind Ministry, The Holy Prophecies and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah. How I returned back into ABBA YAHUVEH's and our beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH arms and how the Holy Prophecies helped me to get the truth about SABBATH and most important of all is how the Holy Prophecies called me to live more HOLY for our ABBA YAHUVEH is HOLY! I give all the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE to ABBA YAH and our beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.
Pentecost = Jewish Shavuot, birth of Judaism + Church This is a video on Pentecost/Shavuot 101 - basic overview on the origins and an explanation on this Biblical, Jewish holiday, holy day. Biblical Names of Pentecost/Shavuot: o Chag Shavuot (The Festival of Weeks); Exodus 34:22; Deut. 16:10 o Chag Hakatzir (The festival of the Harvest) Exodus 23:16 o Yom Habikkurim (The Day of First Fruits) Num. 28:26 (not the festival of First Fruits as given in Lev. 23:9-12. Bikkurei Ketzir Chittim (The first fruits of the wheat harvest) Exodus 34:22 o Yom HaKahal (The Day of Assembly) Deut. 18:16 Z'man Mattan Torateinu - The season of the giving of the Torah Giving of the HOLY SPIRIT • Mount Sinai Judaism was born- Mount Zion the church was born when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the followers of the Mashiach Messiah.
Nie Uciszajcie MOICH Proroków Nowa Piosenka AmightyWind Ta piosenka powstała, ponieważ 2 grudnia 2018 r. [Pierwszy dzień Chanuki] zebraliśmy się na czacie, aby inne kraje mogły dołączyć do nas podczas pierwszej nocy zapalenia świec Hanuki. RUACH HA KODESZ doprowadził mnie do przeczytania Proroctwa 16 „Nie Zakładajcie Kagańców MOIM prorokom”. Kiedy to czytałam, ABBA JAHWEH zaczął zmieniać słowa i teraz jest poprawiona wersja Proroctwa 16 i nazywa się Nie Zakładajcie Kagańców MOIM prorokom, ponieważ JAHWEH ukazuje Cud Chanuki po przeczytaniu proroctwa. Proroctwo zostanie opublikowane później, a kobieta, która doświadczyła tego cudu, będzie w filmie. Ezra, słuchał, jak czytam proroctwo, inni zauważyli, że połowa jego twarzy była pełna ciemności i wściekłości. JAHWEH wybrał to proroctwo, aby ostrzec Ezrę, aby nie próbował zakładać kagańca na tego proroka. Ta piosenka wydarzyła się, gdy rozmawiałam przez telefon z moimi synami, którzy śpiewają pieśń, i powiedziałam im o cudzie, który wydarzył się w Chanukę, który JAHWEH uczynił, aby udowodnić, że to gniewa GO, gdy próbujesz uciszyć prawdziwego proroka. Zaczęłam otrzymywać teksty do tej piosenki, kiedy JAHWEH powiedział mi, że moi synowie napiszą piosenkę Dont muzzle MY Prophet i imię Ezry. W tekstach widać, dlaczego nie jest już częścią tej Misji.
2022 Счастливой Хануки! Ожидайте чудес! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет Мира! Счастливой благословенной Хануки! Мы молимся, чтобы ваша Ханука была благословенной и наполненной многими чудесами ИМЕНЕМ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА, и всё по воле СВЯТОЙ ТРОИЦЫ на Небесах, Амэн! И ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - Свет миру, и во время Хануки мы также празднуем ЕГО зачатие, и не могло быть рождения ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА без ЕГО зачатия. ХаллелуЯХ! Пророчество 42: Наступает праздник Хануки, и для всех, кто отмечает этот праздник, снова ожидайте чудес, и Я - СВЕТ, который осветит ваш путь во тьме! Пророчество 134: В эту Хануку радуйтесь, как вас учили, что это МОЕ Зачатие. Разве не Я ваш ЯХУШУА, ваш МАШИАХ, ваш ПУТЕВОДНЫЙ СВЕТ? Пророчество 149 Не было бы чудесного Дня Рождения на земле, если бы не беременность МОЕЙ девственной матери. Позвольте НАМ - позволь МНЕ увидеть празднование в течение 8 дней на Хануку и снова быть в сукке! Продолжайте почитать вашего МЕССИЮ и МОЕГО НЕБЕСНОГО ОТЦА ЯХУВЭХ и ДРАГОЦЕННУЮ РУАХА ХА КОДЕШ, КОТОРЫЕ ПОСЛАЛИ МЕНЯ заменить Ветхую Кровь Завета (Евр. 8:13). Это было предзнаменование того, что должно было прийти. И когда Я пришел, настало время сказать: "Совершилось!" (Ин. 19:28-30). 2 Макк. 1:944 Соблюдайте праздник Кущей в месяце Кислеве 2 Макк. 10:1-9 Случилось, что в тот самый день, в который святилище было осквернено иноземцами-язычниками, совершилось очищение святилища, то есть в двадцать пятый день того же месяца, который был Кислев. Они праздновали его восемь дней с ликованием, по примеру праздника Кущей, помня, как незадолго до этого, во время праздника Кущей, они бродили по горам и пещерам, как дикие звери... Они постановили общим решением и приговором определили, чтобы весь народ иудейский соблюдал эти дни каждый год. Так закончилась жизнь Антиоха, которого называли Епифаном".
Why do mRNA vaccines alter your DNA? To make you their Legal Property! In this video you can see Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg admit that the covid vaccines modify the human DNA. You will also hear form Dr. Carrie Madej how this is part of the transhumanist agenda to create a new breed of people, Human 2.0 When you scroll down, you will learn how genetically edited people become property of the patent holder of the technology used to edit their genome...
This Generation Has Become Even Worse Than Sodom & Gomorrah
A.I. to write Books, Code and Draw Paintings
WEF's Great Reset
Depopulation through Vaccines
Prophétie 132 - Israël JE t'aime, JE te réprimande !
Archangel Michael Appears To Elisheva In South Africa! This is an amazing history about Rev. Elisabeth Elijah who saw Archangel Michael along with her husband at a seaside restaurant in Camps Bay South Africa Capetown four years ago.